New Year's card - Three-dimensional Christmas tree. Volumetric Christmas tree made of paper: diagrams and templates

1. DIY New Year cards (“Christmas tree”)

The New Year tree is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. Therefore, postcards with her image will be especially appropriate. Plus, these cards can be very easy to make.

The New Year's tree applique can be made from plain or multi-colored strips of paper. Even you can make this New Year's craft with your own hands. small child.

Strips of paper can be replaced with colored tape or braid. They also make very beautiful New Year's cards.

A more complicated option is a New Year's card "Christmas tree" made from paper tubes.

It’s very easy to make a Christmas tree applique using store-bought stickers. Even a two-year-old can do this craft for the New Year with his own hands.

Simple and effective - homemade New Year's cards "Christmas tree" from ordinary buttons.

You can also embroider a Christmas tree with threads. Only in this case, the New Year's card should be made of high-density paper or cardboard. The holes must first be carefully made with an awl. For the simplest version of a Christmas tree, see the photo below.

A more complex version of a New Year's card with a Christmas tree made of threads. To make this DIY New Year's craft, you will also need sequins.

By the way, you can embroider not only a Christmas tree with threads, but also something else, New Year’s. For example, this cute deer.

You can make an original DIY New Year's card from a fern leaf or any other plant similar to it. For example, cypress branches. Just take the top of the leaf and glue it onto the card. This will be a Christmas tree. All you have to do is decorate it with sequins or confetti made using a hole punch from colored paper. Instead of confetti, you can glue multi-colored pieces of plasticine to the Christmas tree. This part of the homemade work New Year's cards Even a baby can do it.

I don't know what this weed is called. It grows along the roadsides like a carpet. Very common in central Russia. Snow is depicted with semolina and a little sparkle is added.

The Christmas tree is made of fern, 2-3 branches are glued on top of each other.

There is also a fern here. But I cut off the sharp ends and collected the twig from individual leaves.

2. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year’s cards “Herringbone”

We offer you several ways to make voluminous Christmas tree cards with your own hands.

Option 1.
You can find instructions for making these cute three-dimensional Christmas trees.

In order to make such a voluminous card for the New Year, you need to print and cut out Christmas tree blanks

The technique for making volumetric Christmas trees is similar to the manufacturing method New Year's balls. But you don't have to glue them all together; instead, glue the Christmas trees onto the card.

Option 2.

Very beautiful New Year's craft with your own hands, accessible in complexity to a preschooler - a voluminous New Year's card "Christmas tree". Christmas tree made of strips of paper rectangular shape, folded like an accordion.

Here are two more voluminous cards with a New Year tree made from a triangular-shaped sheet of paper folded like an accordion. Simple and tasteful!

Option 3.

Another voluminous New Year's card. Again, this New Year's craft for children is attractive not only in appearance, but also in its ease of manufacture.

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print the templates on two sheets of cardboard or thick paper and use the detailed instructions from the photographs below. It is better if the sheets of cardboard are of different colors.

Finally, decorate the Christmas tree to your liking. The voluminous New Year's card is ready!

Option 4.

Origami Christmas tree. We invite you to make a three-dimensional New Year's card decorated with a Christmas tree made of paper made using the origami technique. To make the card look more elegant and festive, choose more beautiful paper for your New Year tree. Special paper for scrapbooking is well suited for this DIY New Year's craft. By the way, making such an origami Christmas tree is much easier than it seems at first glance.

Option 5.

There is an easier way to make a Christmas tree using the origami technique. detailed instructions in the photo below.

Option 6.

You can make a voluminous New Year's card with your own hands from corrugated paper.

Option 7.

The elements of the New Year's card in the photo below are made using the quilling technique.

3. DIY New Year cards (" Christmas balls")

Do-it-yourself New Year's cards with images of New Year's balls look good. The New Year's applique "Christmas balls" can be made from bright paper and decorated with ribbons.

Beautiful New Year's balls are made from colored strips of paper. Cut an unnecessary glossy magazine (advertising brochure) into thin strips and stick them on a white sheet of paper. After this, cut out circles of different sizes from the resulting striped paper. Decorate your New Year's card with them.

New Year's balls can be made not only from paper, but also from buttons.

Original three-dimensional New Year cards with the image of Christmas balls

To make such a New Year's card with your own hands, print the following template.

Draw a circle on each square using a compass or a round-bottomed object of suitable size. Cut out all the circles, then use the following instructions to make Christmas balls. Just don't completely glue the balloon together; instead, stick it onto the card.

Another Christmas decoration- a garland of flags will look impressive on a New Year's card. Flags can be made from paper or fabric and then glued or sewn onto the card.

Even very young children can make their own New Year's card with the image of a multi-colored garland of fingerprints.

And from a handprint you can make a New Year's card with Santa Claus.

1. On any surface that does not absorb paint (for example, a regular sheet pan), make a rectangular frame (the size of your card) from tape or tape.

2. Apply paint to the surface in an even layer. Draw cotton swab some drawing on New Year's theme.

3. Attach a piece of paper. Your DIY New Year's card is ready!

4. Do-it-yourself voluminous New Year’s card “Snowman”

Separately, I would like to talk about this original, voluminous postcard for the New Year. Making such a paper snowman is very simple. Even a preschooler can cope with the task. You need to cut out three circles of different sizes from thick white paper. It is advisable to shade the edges of the circles so that they stand out better against each other. This can be done using crushed pencil lead or eye shadow. Also cut out a scarf, pens, a carrot nose, eyes and buttons from colored paper. Glue all the parts of the snowman sequentially onto the blank of your New Year's card.

Here is the original card made by a scrapbooking artist.

And here are the versions of this voluminous New Year's card made by children.

5. DIY voluminous New Year cards

On the page tml On the CREATIVE PARK website from CANON you can download ready-made paper models of three-dimensional New Year's cards. All you need to do is print them out, cut them out and glue them according to the instructions.

You can also find on this site a large number of templates for making ordinary New Year's cards with your own hands.

Another way to make voluminous New Year cards

Craft "New Year's card 2008"

We invite you to make an original and at the same time very easy-to-make New Year's card with your child. She can serve the best gift to my beloved grandmother for the holiday.

You will need:

Dense colored paper or colored cardboard
- glue
- scissors
- a simple pencil, a ruler
- optional: colored markers, glitter for decoration


1. Take two sheets of thick colored paper or cardboard of different colors, for example, red and green. One sheet will be the outside of the card, the other will be the inside. The inner sheet should be slightly smaller than the outer one.

2. Fold both sheets in half.

3. On the inner sheet, make 8 shallow cuts parallel to each other as shown in the figure.

4. Bend some of the resulting flaps inside the sheet (see picture).

5. Glue a second sheet of paper on the outside.

6. Cut out the numbers 2, 0, 0, 8 from colored paper. Before gluing them to the inner flaps, make sure that they are inside the card when it is closed. The craft is ready! You can decorate it with glitter and color it with colored markers if you wish.

6. New Year's crafts for children. New Year's applique

Cards decorated with New Year's applique from grains of rice.

7. DIY New Year cards. New Year cards with snowflakes

Another DIY New Year's card idea is a card decorated with a snowflake cut out of paper.

If you have paper lace doilies at home, you can cut out snowflakes from them.

8. New Year's paper crafts. New Year cards made using the Iris folding technique

The Country of Masters website offers to make original New Year's cards using the Iris folding technique. The name of this technique - iris folding - can be translated as "rainbow folding". The design is filled with thin paper strips, which, overlapping each other at a certain angle, create an interesting twisting spiral effect.

The name of this technique, iris folding, can be translated as “rainbow folding.” The design is filled with thin paper strips, which, overlapping each other at a certain angle, create an interesting twisting spiral effect. To make a Christmas tree you will need a sheet of colored cardboard or thick paper, thin colored paper of three different colors (it can be plain or variegated), iris -a template based on a triangle, which you can build yourself or print a ready-made one. For gluing, use a glue stick.

First, get acquainted with the technique of constructing an iris template. For this work, the template is built on the basis of a triangle with a base of 14 cm and a height of 16 cm. The step is 1 cm. These dimensions can be changed at your discretion.

  1. Cut the strips papers of three colors. The width of the strip should be twice the pitch, plus an allowance of 2-4 mm. For our step, the width of the strip is 22-24 mm. The very first stripes should be a little wider, because they cover the outer contours of the Christmas tree. It is difficult to immediately calculate how many stripes are needed. It is better to cut them while doing the work.
  2. Fold each strip in half lengthwise.
  3. Cut five strips for the trunk different shades size 35x20 mm. Fold them in half.
  4. Draw the silhouette of a Christmas tree on cardboard. Carefully cut it out using a utility knife or scissors. Draw or print an iris template.
  5. Place the cardboard on the template with the wrong side out. The cut silhouette may be slightly larger than the template. Secure the template, for example, with paper clips. All work will be done from the inside out.
  6. Do the barrel first. Apply a little glue to the area of ​​cardboard around the slot on the right side. Glue the first strip. The fold line on the strip should be located along the line on the template. To glue the second strip, you can coat the top, bottom and previous strip of cardboard with glue. To prevent the strips from opening, they can be slightly glued in some places. Sometimes this technique does not use glue, but small pieces of tape that secure the strips along the edges.
  7. Fill the entire trunk with stripes.
  8. Take the longest and widest strip. First, just put it to work. The fold line should be located along the first line of the iris template. If the strip is too long, cut it. Glue the strip by smearing a little glue on the cardboard along the edges of the slot.
  9. Glue a strip of a different color so that it matches the rightmost line of the template.
  10. Glue the third strip below along the bottom border of the template.
  11. Prepare the next strip of the first color. First attach, measure the desired length, cut, then glue. Apply glue not to the strip, but to the gluing areas! Use a little glue, just so that the strip “sticks.”
  12. Glue the second strip of the second color, aligning it with the next line of the template.
  13. Glue a second strip of the third color along the next line. Continue gluing in the same order. Strictly clockwise, strictly alternating the selected colors. Each time the stripes will become shorter and shorter. In the end, small scraps cut off at the very beginning will be used. When there is a small empty triangle left at the end, cover it with a piece of paper in one of three colors.

Now you can turn the work over and admire the result. You can glue garlands and decorate the Christmas tree as you wish. We completed these and other Christmas trees at the master class on December 13, 2007 in about one hour. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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In stores today you can find New Year's cards for every taste. But the editors website believes that homemade ones are much warmer. After all, when we make something for someone with our own hands, we put our love into it.

Below we have collected ideas for beautiful, original and, most importantly, “quick” New Year’s cards, the creation of which does not require any rare materials - beautiful paper, cardboard, and colorful ribbons and buttons lying around the house.

Volumetric Christmas trees

Volumetric Christmas trees made of white and colored paper are so simple to make that you can make them at the last moment. Read more on the Bog&ide blog.

Making 3D Christmas trees even faster. All you need is a ruler, sharp scissors and cardboard. This blog shows you how to cut them.


We really liked this penguin, well thought out. You will need black and white cardstock (or White paper), triangle from orange paper and 2 miniature snowflakes that we all know how to cut out. The eyes are, of course, the highlight of the postcard, and you will have to look for them at a hobby store (or tear them off from an unnecessary children's toy, with the consent of the children, of course).


This cute and simple card requires 2 sheets of cardstock, a ruler, scissors and glue. And also pieces wrapping paper, which you have left over from gift wrapping, ribbon and ribbon. The manufacturing principle is very simple, but for those who want more details, we recommend taking a look at this blog.

Santa Claus

A friendly Father Frost (or Santa Claus) can be made in just half an hour. Red hat and pink face- these are strips of paper pasted onto a postcard or gift bag. The fur of the hat and the beard are obtained like this: you need to take drawing paper and simply tear off strips of the desired shape to get uneven edges. Place on the card over the red and pink stripes. And then draw two squiggles - a mouth and a nose - and two dots - eyes.

Simple drawings

An irresistible idea in its elegance - to draw with a black gel pen Christmas balls with patterns. The main thing here is to draw the correct circles and mark the lines for the patterns. Everything else won't be difficult - stripes and squiggles that you draw when you're bored.

The same principle that underlies the postcard with black and white balloons. Simple silhouettes, painted with simple patterns, this time in color - best done with felt-tip pens. Warm and very cute.

Many, many different Christmas trees

A couple more ideas from the Bog&ide blog. For the first one you will need decorative tape or colored cardboard (with or without glitter - now you can easily buy these at an office supply store or in hobby stores). For the second - elegant straws for drinks and good glue.

This is where patterned paper or cardboard left over from children's crafts or wrapping paper for gifts will come in handy. The Christmas trees are sewn in the center - this is not at all necessary, you can glue them on. But if you really want to, you first need to make holes with a thick needle along a ruler, and then sew with thread in 2 rows - up and down, so that there are no gaps left. Draw a snowball with white gouache.

Laconic and stylish idea- a grove of fir trees, one of which is glued to the foam Double-sided tape(and therefore rises above the rest) and is decorated with a star.

This card requires 4 or 3 layers of cardboard (you can do without the red one). You can use paper rather than cardboard as a color layer. In the top, white one, cut out a Christmas tree (a stationery knife will do this well) and glue it with double-sided tape for volume.

A round dance of Christmas trees made from various leftover cardboard, scrapbooking paper, and wrapping paper, tied with a simple ribbon and decorated with a button. Try playing with colors and textures - here you can find an incredible number of options using different colored ribbons, paper and even fabric.

Wonderful watercolor so in the spirit of New Year and Christmas! A simple watercolor sketch can be done by anyone, even those who last painted in school years. First, you need to outline the patterns with a pencil, color them, and when dry, carefully erase the pencil sketches and complete the patterns with a felt-tip pen.

Winter landscape

For this postcard, it is better to use structured cardboard, but you can get by with regular, smooth cardboard - it will still turn out impressive. Cut out sharp scissors snowy landscape and moon and paste it on a black or dark blue background.

Another, white-green, option for a winter landscape that will take a little more time. If you find velvety cardboard (remember, back in school they made crafts out of this), it will be great; if not, you can simply color the Christmas trees with a felt-tip pen. Snow - polystyrene foam disassembled into peas. You can also use a hole punch to make circles out of cardboard and glue them to the card.

Hugging snowman

The author of the blog My kid craft made this snowman with her children. The snowman throws his arms up in joy when the card is opened. You can write your wishes inside. Children will be interested in making an applique (and painting their hands and hat), but for those who want everything to be done quickly, the blog has ready-made parts that can be printed on a color printer and simply glued together.

More snowmen

Snowmen peering inquisitively into the starry sky will look better if you can find a bright ribbon for a scarf.

For that postcard on the left, You need unpainted cardboard, white drawing paper and foam tape to glue the snowman with. Drifts are made simply: you need to tear off the drawing paper so that you get a ragged wavy edge. Fill it in with a blue pencil and blend it with anything, even with your finger or a piece of paper. Also tint the edges of the snowman for volume. For the second You will need buttons, a piece of fabric, eyes, glue and colored markers.

You will want to keep this card for a long time. All you need are circles made of cardboard, a nose and twigs made of colored paper. All this must be assembled using double-sided bulk tape. Draw eyes and buttons with black paint, and a snowball with white gouache or watercolor.


Balls are one of the main symbols of the New Year and Christmas. These are made from velvety colored paper and ribbon. But balls are such a win-win option that you can allow yourself to fantasize: make balls from patterned paper, wrapping paper, fabric, lace, cut out from newspaper or glossy magazine. And you can simply draw the strings.

Another option is to stick paper with a pattern on the inside of the card, and cut out the outside with a sharp stationery knife circles.

Volumetric balls

For each of these balls you will need 3-4 identical circles of different colors. Fold each one in half and glue the halves to each other, and the two outer halves to the paper. Another option is colored stars or Christmas trees.

Multi-colored balls

Wonderful translucent balls are obtained using a regular eraser on a pencil. It’s worth starting with a pencil to outline the outline of the ball. Then dip the eraser into the paint and leave marks on the paper. Fun and beautiful.

Cards with buttons

Bright buttons will add volume to the cards, and will also evoke subtle associations with childhood.

Master class on making a New Year's card in the form Christmas tree with step by step photos

Description: this master class can be used in working with younger schoolchildren, preparing for the New Year holidays.
Target: development of children's artistic and creative abilities through the creation of an unusual New Year's card.
- develop attention, cultivate interest in creativity;
- develop skills in working with scissors;
- cultivate hard work and accuracy

She looks like a hedgehog
Like a hedgehog, she is covered in needles too,
There are fruits on it - cones.
The girls are waiting for her, the boys,
When it's New Year's Eve
He will come to stand with them for the holiday.
(Christmas tree)
Christmas tree - a Christmas tree or other tree (usually coniferous), decorated especially for the New Year.
Christmas tree
How beautiful the New Year tree is!
How she dressed up - look!
Dress on a green Christmas tree,
Bright beads sparkle on the chest.
Our Christmas tree is tall and slender,
In the evening it will all sparkle
The sparkle of lights, and snowflakes, and stars -
Like a peacock's tail unfolding.
Christmas tree in your gold pockets
Hid a lot of different sweets
And she extended thick branches towards us,
Like a hostess, she greets guests.
You won't find a better tree anywhere!
With a good Christmas tree, the holiday is good!
And I invite you to do it with me Christmas tree postcard, in which you can write your original congratulations.
Materials for work:
-double-sided green paper
- New Year's confetti
- congratulations on 2016.
1. Take a pre-prepared spruce template cut out of white paper.

2. Transfer it to double-sided green paper.

3. Using a simple pencil, make dashes - future folds.

4. Cut out the spruce.

5. Using a ruler, we begin to bend. At first right side, then left.

6. Check if our Christmas tree is standing.

7. Next we will decorate our card with confetti.

8. The Christmas tree is decorated.

9. Now we unbend the Christmas tree and write our congratulations.

10. Bend the spruce back.
Here's ours unusual postcard and ready.

She will not only serve interesting congratulations, but will also decorate any interior and will look original and festive everywhere. Happy New Year!

On the eve of the New Year, we are increasingly thinking about gifts that we can make for our family and loved ones with our own hands. These are the times when handmade is a luxury. This is individuality. It's not like others. This is an opportunity for self-expression in creativity. Present self made are valued higher than store-bought ones. It’s a pity that there are fewer and fewer gold pens in the world, and not everyone can and wants to create a miracle with their own hands. If you want and are able, we will be happy to show you a master class of a very beautiful postcard with a Christmas tree, which can be a great New Year's gift from you to someone.

To make a card, any paper from the scrub set or colored paper or even plain white printing paper and cardboard will do. You also need scissors and glue. Using white paper as an example, we’ll show you how easy it is to make beautiful postcard with a New Year tree.

We cut out 5 squares of different sizes from paper: 12x12 10x10 8x8 6x6 4x4cm. Fold each one in half. Fold the top corners towards the middle. You will get 5 volumetric triangles.

We fold a sheet of cardboard in half - this is the base of the postcard. Glue the triangles from top to bottom on top of each other, starting with the smallest one. Glue a star to the top of the tree.

Improvise, and your handmade card will become one and only!

Ideas for postcards with a three-dimensional Christmas tree

The simplest thing is to make 4 slots different lengths, bend it and voila - the Christmas tree is ready!

If we complicate the design a little, the tree will also turn out to be lace.

Or we’ll make it from rectangles folded like an accordion.

The more branches we make, the taller and fluffier the Christmas tree!

This simple and beautiful card can be made from a triangle of green colored paper and a few buttons.

Today we have for you an original New Year’s Eve, published as part of the campaign - our joint preparation for. Tatyana Batrak, wonderful scrap artist and blog author Inspiration Fair, prepared a master class on creating a New Year’s card especially for the “Mom Blogs” community.

Postcard with voluminous herringbone inside

1. First, cut out the base for the card and select the appropriate decor.

2. Glue on the green backing. I use double sided tape for the paper. Then, using a glue gun, I glue the cardboard cutout, which I covered in advance with two colors of glitter. Then I glue the snowflakes using a glue stick and make an impression with a stamp.

3. Cut three strips of green paper of different widths. This will be our Christmas tree. This part will be especially interesting for children. We fold all three strips like an accordion. First, glue one side of the accordion, then spread glue on its top strip, align the accordion and close the card. The glue-coated strip will stick itself to the right place.

4. Press down on the card so that the paper accordion sticks, but do not rub or move the top sheet so that the accordion does not move to the side.

5. Carefully open the postcard. Happened? Great!

6. Now we glue two more paper accordions. Each subsequent accordion should be thinner and shorter than the previous one.