New Year's greetings at a children's party. Poems about the New Year for children and adults. Cool Happy New Year greetings to parents - from kindergarten teachers

It's time for children New Year trees, and parents and their children are busy learning suitable poems to “appease” Santa Claus. After all, as you know, in order to receive such long-awaited things from the hands of this magical old man, according to tradition, you need to tell him a poem about the New Year, poems about Winter, the Christmas tree, and even about Santa Claus himself.

We publish funny and easy-to-learn poems about Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, Winter and New Year. Both children and parents will find them useful, and Santa Claus will love them even more! Checked! :)

“Father Frost APPEARED TO US...”

Santa Claus came to us,
Festive dressed.
He brought gifts to everyone,
Gingerbread cookies, sweets.

Old man with a white beard
With a lush mustache,
Like a young boy,
Dancing with us.

Let any dreams be yours
They will come true, they will come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
Light up brightly.

There is noise and laughter in our hall,
The singing doesn't stop.
Our Christmas tree is the best!
There is no doubt about it.

Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello, New Year!
You are so good!

(poems by T. Melnikova)


Hello Dedushka Moroz
With a white beard!
What did you bring under the tree?
are you in the bag with you?

We looked into the bag -
There are toys and books.
Let them celebrate the New Year
joyful kids!


Paper Santa Claus -
He is gray-haired and important,
With a beard and a bag,
With a wooden staff.
A whole year on the mezzanine
He lay in the dust, in captivity.
And now he's standing on a chair
He is under the tree on guard -
New Year awaits.
- Quiet! Do you hear?..
- It’s coming!!!

(poems by S. Pshenichnykh)


Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
We don't know you.
And you, Santa Claus,
We welcome you with joy.

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
Let's sing a song
And you in a round dance
We invite children.

Oh, Frost, Red Nose,
Hit your palms harder
And we have more fun
The legs will dance.

(poems by E. Boguslavskaya)


- Who is wearing a smart, warm fur coat?
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

(poems by I. Chernitskaya)


We won't see him in the spring,
He won't come even in the summer,
But in winter to our children
He comes every year.
He has a bright blush,
Beard like white fur
Interesting gifts
He will cook for everyone.
Happy New Year,
He will light a lush Christmas tree,
Amusing the kids
He will join us in a round dance.
We meet him together
We are great friends with him...
But drink hot tea
This is not allowed as a guest!

(poems by N. Naydenova)


We would be at the Christmas tree
She would run
Along the path.

She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock

Spin around the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multi-colored lanterns,

Let's spin around the Christmas tree
From crimson, from silver

We'd laugh at the Christmas tree
Matryoshka dolls.
And they would clap for joy
In the palms.

Because tonight
At the gate
The cheerful one knocked
New Year!

New, new,
With a golden beard!

(poems by K. Chukovsky)


The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
There are blue shadows underneath,
Spiny needles
It's like there's frost in the white.
She thawed in the warmth,
Straightened the needles
And with merry songs
We arrived at our Christmas tree.
Multi-colored toys
They hung it on it for us,
And we look at the Christmas tree,
And we have fun today.
The lights on the Christmas tree are bright
Lights up everywhere
In all the houses, all over the country
The guys are smiling.

(poems by L. Nekrasova)


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
Slim in winter and summer,
It was green.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:
“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”
Frost covered with snow:
“Make sure you don’t freeze!”

Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,
I ran at a trot.

Chu! Snow in the dense forest
It creaks under the runner.
Hairy horse
He's in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying wood,
And there’s a man in the wood.
He cut down our Christmas tree
Right down to the spine.

And here she is, dressed up
She came to us for the holiday.
And lots and lots of joy
I brought it for the kids!


Finally New Year
Our favorite holiday!
Let him bring with him
We have different toys,
Let him give us some sweets,
Joy and fun!
Let this happiness be for everyone
New Year will share!
And let the light bulbs light up
Christmas tree with needles,
And we will dance in a round dance
Together around the Christmas tree!


They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.

Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.

They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.

How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.

(poems by S. Mikhalkov)


The children will go to bed early
On the last day of December,
And they’ll wake up a year older
On the first day of the calendar.

The year will begin with silence,
Unfamiliar with last winters:
Noise behind the double frame
Barely perceptible.

But the guys are calling outside
Winter day through ice glass -
Into the refreshing cold
Of cozy warmth.

We will remember you with a kind word
Years old care,
Starting early in the morning
New Day and New Year!

(poems by S. Marshak)

Scenario for the New Year’s party “Magic New Year”

The date of the: 12/27/2013

Location: school hall.




Snow Maiden

Father Frost

Cheerful New Year's music sounds, to the applause of their parents, the pupils of the mini-center enter the festive hall and sit down in their seats.

Leading: Let's start, let's start

Christmas tree holiday! IN good hour!

There will be fairy tales, there will be dancing

And gifts for all of us.

We invited guests here,

We got into a friendly round dance,

So that in this bright hall

Celebrate the New Year together!

Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents, and also our dear children! Well, it's coming very soon New Year- the most beloved, the most cheerful, the most best holiday for all! And this means that in these last days This year we will have fun, play, dance and rejoice, because the New Year 2014 will bring happiness to all of us in every home, in every heart!

Winter brought us a wonderful holiday,

The green tree came to the children.

She was dressed up, toys were hung up,

Everyone will have a lot of fun at the Christmas tree!

We give the floor for congratulations to the director _______________

Leading: The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries.

Time for good news, time for fabulous guests.

The music sounds quietly, the first guest is in a hurry.

Music sounds and the Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year,

Let the fun come to you!

I wish you happiness and joy

All the guys and guests!

I am the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost

I bring joy to everyone.

I came to your holiday

I will invite you all to a fairy tale.

- We will greet the Snow Maiden and greet her with a winter song!

Children sing the song “White Snowflakes”.

1White snowflakes are spinning in the morning,
Snowdrifts grew in the middle of the yard.
The street became brighter from the snowflakes,
Just need to dress warmly.
2It’s simply impossible not to love winter,
Soon we will sculpt a snow woman.
If we fall while walking in the snow,
Let's get up, dust ourselves off and go again.
3They will bring a Christmas tree from the forest to the kindergarten,
Santa Claus will congratulate the children on the holiday.
Ten times a week we count the days
So that the bright lights come on quickly.

The guests all came to the celebration,

The tree is here, but here's a question:

Where does our merry wander?

Daring Santa Claus?

The music sounds again

This means someone is rushing towards us.

Maybe Grandpa is coming

And brings us gifts?

Music sounds, Fox comes into the hall and looks at everyone.

Fox: I was in a hurry from the forest to the Christmas tree,

Look at me - how I dressed up!

The fox is looking at the Christmas tree.

Fox: What kind of tree? Just a shame!

Look - toys here and there!

Everything sparkles with lights!

Ugh, what bad taste!

Snow Maiden: Well, did you come to the Christmas tree?

If she herself is too evil?

Fox: I'm not at all evil

People say it in vain.

Even on holiday I dress up

By latest fashion.

I'm the kindest in the world

Don't be afraid of me, children.

I'll sit here with you,

I'll take a look at your holiday!

Snow Maiden: Oh, it makes me cry!

Where is Grandfather Frost?

He should have come a long time ago

He can't find us

Guys, let's shout to Santa Claus "Ay, ay"

Children: Aw, aw!

Snow Maiden: No…. We scream rather weakly. Come on, let's all come together, guys! Let's call him seriously, Let's shout: “Grandfather Frost!”

Children: Santa Claus!

Music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost: Finally I got there!

Hello my friends!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the children!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year

Congratulations to all guests!

How many familiar faces are there around?

How many of my friends are here?

I feel good here, like at home,

Among the forest fir trees.

Our Christmas tree sparkled -

Here is the beginning of the holiday!

Leading: Santa Claus walked for a long time,

Farther away.

Sit by our Christmas tree

Get some rest!

And the guys will show you their numbers!

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Under the beautiful Christmas tree,

We are doing a round dance

A joyful holiday has come to us,

Happy New Year! Victoria

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

Lights were lit on it

And the needles shine on it

And there's snow on the branches! Yaroslav

Why are we visiting?
Christmas tree with bright lights.
Because he's coming to us
Winter holiday New Year. Arseny

U Christmas tree,

Green needles.

And from bottom to top,

Beautiful toys Ahmed

Bright in the gold of lights,

The balls sparkle.

Happy New Year to all guests

Children congratulate. Stas M

The round dance began to spin,

The songs flow loudly.

This means New Year!

This means a Christmas tree! Sasha

New Year, New Year,

New Years is soon

Father Frost, Father Frost

He will come to visit us. Samira

New Year, New Year,

New Years is soon

We are about him, we are about him

Let's sing a song! Ksenia

Happy new year, happy new year.
Hello Dedushka Moroz.
He came from the forest in passing
He already brought us the Christmas tree. Alina

The Christmas tree is dressed up for the holiday,
It lit up with lights.
How they burn and sparkle,
Everyone is invited to the celebration. Julia

Father Frost, Father Frost

Santa Claus

Show me, show me

What did you bring us? Azat

Happy holiday for us

Winter has brought

Green Christmas tree to us

I came to visit. Eve

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, what a wonder!
How beautifully decorated.
Lots of cones and lanterns.
Santa Claus sits under it. Ulyana

Much joy today
The New Year has brought us all,
Dancing on New Year's Day,
Santa Claus is with us. Darina

It's snowing, it's snowing

It means New Year is coming soon!

Santa Claus will come to us

He will bring gifts to everyone. Stas G

We you, smartly dressed,

Let's take you into our circle,

About you funny

Let's sing a song. Zhanik

Everyone's New Year

And we have a New Year!

Near the green Christmas tree

Round dance, round dance! Nikita

Christmas tree, Christmas tree,
That's what she is like
Slender, beautiful,
Bright, big. Margarita

Leading: Santa Claus, but we can not only recite poetry, but also sing and dance!

Children sing a song: “Festive round dance”

1. White, white in December, in December,

Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard,

2. Slippery, slippery in December, in December,

Pots, pots in the yard, in the yard,

Spins and spins and sings and sings,

Festive, festive round dance, round dance.

3. Voiced, voiced in December, in December.

Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard,

Spins and spins and sings and sings,

Festive, festive round dance, round dance.

Dance “Waltz of Snowflakes”

Fox: You sang songs well, read poems and danced beautifully!

So the evil is gone!

I became kind, and now

I will do a lot of good

For everyone: both adults and children.

Now let's play snowballs together?

Game: “Snowballs”

4 people play, 2 boys, 2 girls. Girls collect snowballs and give them to Snow Maiden, boys collect snowballs and give them to Santa Claus. Whoever collected the most wins!

Children sing the song “Snow-Snowball”

1. Snow-snowball, snow-snowball

It creeps along the path,

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball

White blizzard.


Snow-snowball, snow-snowball,

The paths are covered with snow,

Snow-snowball, snow-snowball

Melts on the palm.

2. We are warm outside,

Ears are not frozen.

We'll make snow

Into a huge white ball

3. We will make snowballs,

Let's play together.

And snowballs into each other

Have fun throwing!

Father Frost: Now you can light the lights on the Christmas tree.
Presenter: And we guys will help!
Repeat the words after Santa Claus.
Father Frost: Come on, Christmas tree, one-two-three!
Shine with the light of joy!

(The Christmas tree doesn't light up)

Leading: Something won't light up!
Let's shout together again:
One two Three! Shine Christmas tree!

(Everyone is screaming. The Christmas tree is on fire)

Leading: It was not in vain that we tried with you,
The Christmas tree lit up!

Children sing the song: “To the Little Christmas Tree”

1. Small Christmas tree, cold in winter,

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest,

2. They hung the beads, stood in a round dance,

Have fun, have fun, let's celebrate the new year!

3. How many colored balls are there on the Christmas tree?

Pink gingerbread, golden cones.

4. Small Christmas tree, cold in winter,

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest

Children dance dance Jingle Bells »

Father Frost: And now I, friends,
I invite you to a round dance.
To have fun and friendship,
Celebrate the New Year!

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost: Before we say goodbye
I have to confess to you guys:
I have a surprise for you!
Find out where now
Turn around: one - two - three! -
Take every surprise!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden hand out gifts to the sounds of cheerful music.

Father Frost:
Here are gifts for you, friends!
Well, it’s time for us to hit the road!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let us celebrate the New Year together,
Both adults and kids.

Snow Maiden: I wish you success in the New Year!
More cheerful ringing laughter!
Happy New Year,
We wish everyone to have fun!

Leading: Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm, for ringing laughter.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
We say to you: "Goodbye!
See you happy next time!"

On New Year's party
We invite you
Meet with us
We wish you a New Year.

We will tell you poems,
Let's dance and sing
Come to visit
We are looking forward to seeing you.

We wish you to be with us
You've returned to your childhood
To the New Year's fairy tale
We were touched.

Santa Claus came to visit us,
I brought the invitation,
And I asked you to tell me,
Be in place, don't get bored!

We invite you to the holiday,
We celebrate New Year there
Don't forget your mood
Arrive at our place strictly on time!

Dear Parents! We invite you to our New Year's celebration. To plunge into a charming fairy tale with your children. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of magic and gifts. Meet with fairy-tale characters, dance at the beautiful Christmas tree. Congratulations on magical holiday and we are waiting for you to visit!

You guys to the matinee
The whole crowd is invited,
Loud claps, smiles
You need to take it with you.

Let's all celebrate the New Year together,
We'll have fun
We'll make an appointment for you all,
In the right place, at the right time.

We invite you on _______ (date) to a New Year's party, where adults and children will be able to plunge into the wonderful world of fairy tales and joy. We are waiting for you at ______________________________, and magical moments, happy smiles of your children and good congratulations from Santa Claus.

We invite you to come to the matinee,
After all, the New Year is almost upon us.
Of course, we congratulate you on the upcoming holiday,
We want everyone to find a little time,

To watch the New Year's fun,
To your glorious, wonderful babies.
To make your mood better and more beautiful,
So that even the whole world becomes a little brighter.

Songs, dances, round dance,
We're having a matinee soon!
The New Year is rushing towards us,
We want to invite you!

Come to our holiday,
Just bring positivity
We expect applause from you
AND nice compliments!

New Year is the most fairy tale when even adults begin to believe in miracles. We invite you to our matinee, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of childhood, tangerines, fluffy Christmas tree, meet the beloved grandfather of all the children and feel at least a little small, which means infinitely happy.

A merry party for you
We invite you with a smile.
And remind about smiles
Let's not forget about you either.

Capture a lot of them
They will all come in handy
Together we will light up the Christmas tree
New Year's lights.

Come have fun
Rejoice, dance.
A miracle will happen soon:
We will celebrate the New Year.

To make the holiday successful,
It would be fun
We are waiting for you here, of course.
Let us celebrate together!


Scenario "New Year's Tree Celebration in Kindergarten"

Probably one of the most mysterious, beautiful and long-awaited holidays is the New Year or, as it is very often called in kindergarten, the New Year Tree Festival. Therefore, it is very important to organize a beautiful, exciting event for kids that they will remember for the whole year.


  1. Leading
  2. Storyteller
  3. Snow Maiden
  4. Kikimora
  5. Father Frost


  1. Snowflakes
  2. Snow White
  3. Dwarfs - 2

♫ Children run into the elegantly decorated hall accompanied by cheerful music and stand around the Christmas tree in two circles.

We ran into the elegant hall,
It was a miracle we saw a Christmas tree.
We will sing songs, dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year.

♫ Children dance in a circle. The ringing of bells is heard.

Hear, on our Christmas tree
The needles suddenly began to ring.
Maybe they are ringing
So we can turn on the lights?
Move a little further away
Say it all in unison:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up
And light up the lights!"

The children repeat the request several times, and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

3rd child:
You came to the joy of the children,
We will celebrate the New Year with you!
Let's start a song together,
Let's dance merrily!

6th child:
Multi-colored toys
She hung it up for us.
And everyone is looking at the Christmas tree,
And everyone is having fun today.

7th child:
Well decorated, well dressed
The Christmas tree is resinous, slender, fragrant!
We will become a round dance, we will all start singing
Choral, loud, dancing, ringing!

♫ Round dance song
Then the children sit on the chairsmagical music sounds, the Storyteller appears.


I didn't just come here
I came here for a reason.
Happy New Year to you
I really want friends.
There's nothing more interesting
How wonderful is a day like this,
During the winter holiday season,
Meet the kids.

The storyteller walks around the tree and sees a beautiful snowy house with a bell.

What kind of house is it by the path?
He is somewhat unfamiliar to me.
Well, I'm out the window now
I'll take a look.
(looks in )
This house is interesting
This house is not easy.
I'll call once
Whose voice will I hear?

The storyteller rings the bell.

♫ The Snow Maiden comes out of the house to gentle music.

Snow Maiden:
In this little house
My grandfather and I live together.
And we are not afraid of the cold,
We are glad for frosty days.
There is no stove in our house,
Grandfather is afraid of the fire.
I'm afraid of the fire too
After all, my name is Snegurochka.
I, Snow Maiden, will sing
Play your song loudly.
And hearing my voice,
A swarm of snowflakes will arrive.

♫ Music plays and snowflakes appear from behind the Christmas tree.

1st snowflake:
There's a breeze blowing
It smelled cold.
Like a winter grandmother
She waved her sleeve.

4th snowflake:
We dance over the fields
We lead our own round dance,
Where we don’t know ourselves,
The wind will carry us.

♫ Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden:
Congratulations to all my girlfriends,
Congratulations to all my friends.
And with all my heart I wish
I wish you the brightest days.

The children all came to the Christmas tree.
Guests are here, but here's a question:
"Where does our merry wander,
Good grandfather Freezing?"

Snow Maiden:
It's time for him to come,
He was delayed on the way!
"Santa Claus - AU, AU-U-U!" –
Do you hear me calling you!

Oh guys, look.
There is a letter hanging on the Christmas tree.
I wonder who it's from?
(Reads the letter).

Look under the tree,
Find the bell there.
Don't twist, don't twist,
And shake it quietly.
The bell will sing
And he will invite guests to you.
I'm loading a cartload of gifts.
I'll be there soon. (Father Frost).

Where is the magic bell?

The storyteller invites you to look for several helpers.

Snow Maiden:
To make it more fun
Let's invite guests over.

♫ Song ___________________________________________________.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, guys, quiet down.
I hear something strange!
Someone is running towards us here,
Someone is rushing to get here!

♫ Runs into the hall to the intriguing music Kikimora.

Finally, I have arrived.
Finally, I found you!
Wow! There are a lot of people in the hall!
I know you were all waiting for me!

What kind of miracle is this?
Sorry, where are you from?
Snow Maiden:
I'm looking at you for some reason
And I have no way of knowing.

Why am I going to fix it?
And now I'll introduce myself
I am the forest Kikimora,
I'm a naughty girl.
I love to joke, laugh,
Have fun in all sorts of ways!
I am harmless, kindly,
I'm a girl - just a treasure!
I'm both smart and beautiful,
Everyone is talking about it! Wow!
I dressed up today
I came to your party for the holiday!


Oh, brothers,

What a big Broom

Storyteller: Yes, this is our beautiful Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
Kikimora will never understand.
That the New Year will come to us very soon.

No, I understood everything
And I even brought you gifts.
(pulls out a bag from under the tree).
Here I have gifts,
That you can't take your eyes off.
I'll show them to you now.
(He takes the dress out of the bag, all full of holes.)

Kikimora: Here is the dress, almost new. I wore it in my youth when I was a beauty. Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she has lost weight, but she is still good. Or here's a frying pan to fry the guys(He comes to his senses and waves his arms.)No, no, I wanted to say something else. Now, if you clean it, you can look like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?

Children: No.

Kikimora (offended): No? Once I wanted to be kind and didn’t please. (Getting ready to leave).

Snow Maiden:
No, Kikimora stay,
Don't rush to your home.
Be a dear guest.

The Snow Maiden rings the bell, and Snow White appears with the dwarfs.
Snow White:
They immediately appeared at your call.
Do you friends recognize me?
Seven dwarfs have come here to you,
And Snow White is me!

1st Dwarf:
We are gnomes, gnomes, gnomes.
We always joke
And we do not lose heart
Nowhere and never.

2nd Dwarf:
We sing a cheerful song
Let's celebrate the New Year.
We are the gnomes, gnomes, gnomes
We are a cheerful people.

♫ Song

Snow Maiden:
All guests are welcome today,
We are ready to accept everyone,
And at our wonderful Christmas tree
Sing and dance with them.

So that you don’t get bored at the Christmas tree,
Let's dance together.
They gave each other hands,
They stood in pairs in a circle.

Pair dance

Snow Maiden:
We were looking forward to all the guests,
They were gathered into a single circle.
One thing is missing
Santa Claus himself.

Let's sing a song
And we'll call Santa Claus.

♫ Children sing a song about Santa Claus.
During the song, Santa Claus enters and walks in the center of the circle.

♫ Children dance in a circle and sing a song.

Snow Maiden:
Oh, guys, hush, hush,
I hear something strange!
There's someone sleeping under the tree here,
Oh, and he snores loudly.

Father Frost:
We will all clap our hands,
We'll wake Sonya up now.

♫ (Music sounds, children and adults clap their hands.)

(Kikimora wakes up and comes out from behind the tree.)

What kind of animals walk here?
They don't let me sleep peacefully.

Kikimora (coming out from behind the tree and rubbing his eyes): Oh, Santa Claus. What is this, I slept through everything? Have you already received gifts? I want too.

Father Frost: Well, Kikimora, you will receive a gift from me, but first, have fun with the guys, play with them.

Kikimora: With great pleasure. By the way, while I was sleeping under the Christmas tree, I found these painted bags. Let's play with them.

Game "Who can sit on the chair faster"

Father Frost:
Oh, they played great
I see you’re not even tired!
So we won't rest,
And we will continue to play!

Game "Tug of War".

Father Frost:
I, cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought you gifts!
Where is my bag? Here's the secret...
No on the right... And no on the left...
And not on the tree?

Children: No!

Father Frost: And not under the tree?
Children: No!

Father Frost: Isn’t it on the stump?
Children: No!

Father Frost: Isn’t it behind the stump?
Children: No!

Santa Claus, perhaps
Will music help you?
If it sounds loud -
Your bag is lying next to it.

Father Frost:
Well, let's try to search with music!

♫ (The music plays quietly, and Santa Claus is looking for his bag.)

Father Frost: Isn't it on the window?
Children: No!
Father Frost: Isn't it on the chair?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: Doesn't mom have one?
Children: No!
Santa Claus: Doesn't dad have one?
Children: No!

♫ (At this time, Kikimora quietly pulls out a bag from behind the door.
The music is louder.)

Father Frost! Hooray!
I found your bag.
The music sounds loud
Your bag is lying next to it.

(Santa Claus tries to untie the bag.)

Father Frost:
That's a knot! Huh-huh!
I can't untie it!

Snow Maiden:
Come on, let's all clap together!
(Everyone clap) .
Let's stomp our feet.
(Everyone stomps).

Father Frost (Pulls the bow):
The knots are all untied,
And we got gifts!
Hurry up to your places
And I will give out gifts!

(Santa Claus gives gifts to everyone, including fairy-tale characters.)

Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Much joy today
I wish you the best, kids!
May you grow big.

Storyteller: So that you don't have any worries.

Snow Maiden:
And me and Grandfather Frost
We'll come back to you in a year!
All together: Goodbye!

♫ (Music sounds. Guests say goodbye and leave.)

On New Year's Eve, traditionally, matinees are held in kindergartens and schools. To make them interesting, we first need an exciting scenario that takes into account the age of the children.

A variety of fairy tale and cartoon characters and, of course, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come to visit the children. Good congratulations on the New Year sound.

What should these congratulations be like? Bright, cheerful, so that they are well perceived by ear. As a rule, children perceive poetry better than prose, and these poems should contain short lines.

For example:

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
The bells are ringing,
Happy New Year,
“Happy holiday to you!” - They say.
May the year bring you joy,
More naughty games
Slides, sleds, two weeks
Happy New Year's weekend!
Everything is spinning and spinning
In the rigors of idle days,
I wish everyone in the world
Lots of happiness and friends!

There is a good poem by Sergei Mikhalkov - “They say on New Year’s Eve...”. Most people know and use only the first quatrain, while the entire poem is great for congratulating schoolchildren on the New Year:

They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
Even guys can
All wishes come true
It is only necessary, they say,
Make an effort.
Don't be lazy, don't yawn
And have patience
And don’t count your studies
For your torment.
They say on New Year's Eve
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true.
How can we not make a wish?
A modest wish -
Execute "excellently"
School assignments.

Let Happy New Year greetings in kindergartens be even more accessible and understandable, because often the children themselves pronounce them according to the script. For example:

Red-cheeked and broad-shouldered
Good Grandfather Frost!
Everything was decorated in fluffy snow
And he brought gifts!
Let the lights burn on the branches,
There are round dances!
Let about all obedient children
Happiness will be taken care of!

Children perceive any interactive moments well. For example, the Snow Maiden can start poems about the New Year, and they will continue them. The main thing here is that the lines are recognizable or the word is easily guessed by the rhyme.

While preparing the script, do not forget to also choose Happy New Year greetings for your parents - warm and sincere. For example, these:

Dear mom and dad!
Happy New Year - from the bottom of my heart,
Happy holiday to the best
We hasten to congratulate you.

And we wish you good health
It was strong for a hundred years,
Happiness, peace and love
To keep your home warm.

To fulfill all your wishes
Dear Grandfather Frost,
And problems in the early morning
He took him away on his sleigh!

And, of course, you need to prepare New Year's greetings educators and teachers: health, success, good students:

New Year's greetings
Today we want to tell you:
Be young, successful,
And lucky, of course.

From now on let them be alright
Your students' notebooks,
Let the children know a lot
And get straight A's!

Scenarios with New Year wishes you can find on the websites of schools, extracurricular educational institutions, as well as on various portals dedicated to the development of children. In addition, create your own - surely each of us has something to wish on the eve of such a lovely holiday! Do it!

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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