National character: how women from different countries actually dress. Marianna Eliseeva's advice for building a wardrobe How to dress fashionably clean what you have

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Probably, any young woman over 30 who strives to dress fashionably and up-to-date has at least once worried: “Am I dressed too teenagely today, isn’t that funny?” After all, everyone remembers how sad pink checkered skirts or tight T-shirts look on 50-year-old ladies.

Female half website I studied how famous fashionistas dress to look young, but not girlish. We share our findings with you. And let’s say right away: there is no advice to forget about minis forever and switch exclusively to pencil skirts and refreshing colors. In the end, only we can decide how and what to wear.

Bag and backpack: strict outlines instead of shapelessness

A shapeless large backpack or sack bag simplifies the look and gives it teenage features. If you need to carry a lot of things with you, it is better to choose a roomy bag with clear outlines, like this one Miranda Kerr. Or a geometric backpack - and without owls and rivets - like Kate Bosworth's.

Crop Tops: With High Waist Skirt

Crop tops are stylish, yes. And I want to wear it. But most of us had a belly like a board only in our early youth. “Girls over 30” should wear a short top with a skirt at the waist, so that only the narrow strip skin and the navel was covered - so the stomach looks flatter. By the way, this combination creates the correct proportions of the body: it balances the top and bottom and makes the legs longer.

Skinny: with chunky shoes or heels

Skinny jeans have a bad habit of making your butt and thighs heavier and presenting your figure in an unfavorable light. Therefore, it is better to choose a looser top and not combine them with ballet flats or other minimalist shoes. It is worth wearing high heels, ankle boots, heavy boots or sports shoes.

Tight dresses vs. dresses to fit your figure

A tight knitted dress - only a young girl can afford this if she has the perfect body. It is worth choosing a seductively figure-hugging dress, but not tight. And if there are voluminous details in the upper part, for example a puffy sleeve, this will give that very desired balance of top and bottom and will decorate the figure.

Sports shoes with a dress or coat: simple cut

Light floral dress sport shoes- definitely not. This combination would look ridiculous on someone over 20 years old. It is better to choose a dress with a clean and simple cut, perhaps a sporty silhouette. In addition, you should prefer shoes in sporty style, and not sneakers designed specifically for sports, and not classic sneakers. If you still decide on sneakers or sports sneakers, you should choose something very calm, like a straight coat without unnecessary details, like Alexa Chung (below).

Shorts: loose fit, closed top, good shoes

Choose loose models made of thick fabric that hold their shape well and do not wrinkle. Shorts made of lace and other thin fabrics, more reminiscent of panties, increase the butt and actually suit only a few. Of course, the top should be loose and not too open. Another good way- wearing shorts is chic. Not with flip-flops, like on the beach, but with good shoes and a bag, like Olivia Palermo (the “correct” photo on the right).

Aggressive sexy style vs. intelligent sexuality

30-something is the time of intelligent sexuality. Neckline, lacing, high slit, Short skirt- this should all be performed solo. Victoria Beckham knows a lot about restrained but effective sexuality, and you can safely take an example from her.

Fitted fluffy dresses vs. A-line dresses

Light dresses with an elasticated waist are associated exclusively with young girls. And, hand on heart, let’s say that they decorate few people, even Jennifer Aniston. It is worth choosing A-line dresses, fitted and not so fitted. They draw attention to slender legs and create a feeling of fragility of the figure.

Miniskirt: thick fabric and loose top

If you read online about how to dress for girls over 30, you can repeatedly come across advice to throw the mini in the trash. And we categorically disagree. What if someone has just discovered this miracle? In our youth, when we were dissatisfied with ourselves, we were shy, but now, on the contrary, we have gained confidence. We believe that you can and should wear a mini. You just have to apply the well-known rule: the top must be closed. Let's also add: it is better to choose a slightly loose top, do not expose your stomach and no knitted skirts - only models that keep their shape (like Miranda Kerr in the “correct” photo).

Every woman wants to look chic and wear latest news famous designers. But is the cost of clothing really the basis of a luxurious image? Stylist of the beloved TV program “ Fashionable verdict» Marianna Eliseeva and fashion expert Alexander Rogov are confident that you can look expensive in things from the most ordinary stores. The main thing is to choose the right clothes, guided by certain principles.

They have already transformed more than one woman and know exactly how to create the perfect image. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you how to look expensive and well-groomed, living within your means.

How to dress beautifully and stylishly

In fact, modern fashion has no clear rules. There are trends and different directions. You just need to be able to combine things harmoniously and wear them appropriately. Good taste, and even more so individual style, takes years to develop. If you are now having difficulties with how to combine things, then pay attention to how the mannequins are dressed. Marianna Eliseeva has long been recommending using this little life hack.

The stylist also often shows how to dress stylishly on a budget. In this video, she and Alexander Rogov discuss the topic.

Typically, such articles are titled slightly differently, for example, “How to develop taste?” or “How to find your style?”, however, such capacious and time-consuming skills are extremely difficult to explain effectively, so I decided to limit myself to the title “How to learn to dress modernly?” and talk about your experience in creating the optimal wardrobe.

Why modern?
When a woman thinks about the relevance of the contents of her closet, she most often uses the terms “taste” and “style,” which is greatly facilitated by the formulations of critics. Well, who hasn’t heard the statement “you have no taste!” addressed to you? But taste, although an evaluative category, is very fickle and depends on many indicators, but in modern times it’s a completely different story. Modern is not yet “fashionable”, because fashion is not accessible to everyone, both informationally and financially, it is not yet style, personal style is serious work, but it is no longer old-fashioned and definitely not “in any way”. Modern is the golden mean between “fashionable” and “old-fashioned”, which becomes especially important with age.
A young girl who does not know how to dress will be perceived by others as a young girl, but over the years, a woman who does not know how to dress herself always becomes an aunt!
After reading many articles and materials on the topic “what is an aunt, and how not to become an aunt?”, I came to the conclusion that an aunt is a woman who has never learned to dress modernly! Yes, “aunt” is a collection of clothes, hairstyle and shoes, but to generalize, an aunt always has old-fashioned hair and makeup (when she has them at all) and old-fashioned clothes. If you are over 30-35 years old, and you still dye your hair felt-tip red or red, wear long spade nails and think that a pencil skirt goes only with feminine shoes, it’s time for you to think about the question “do I want Should I become an aunt?”

But let's return to our topic: how to learn to dress modernly?

The first and most important thing in this matter is time. Soon cats will be born and fairy tales will be told. There are many stylists who claim that in record time they will teach their clients to dress well, buy the right things and even save on their wardrobe! And yes, this is possible, but there is no guarantee that the image chosen by the stylist will fall into the feelings and perceptions of the client, suitable things will most likely change over the course of fashion, and saving on the wardrobe... However, this is also possible, but come to rational purchases Clothes can only be obtained through trial, error and waste. No other way.

A makeover competition was held on a well-known website. The participating girls, under the guidance of stylists, learned how to select clothes, do makeup and take effective photographs. Many transformations were successful, but can you really believe that the participant in the photo on the left, wrapped up to the ears and above, and the somehow covered girl on the right are the same person? By the will of the stylist, the “frozen” salad is “walrus”? Is it true?

Time is necessary not only as a segment from the point “I can’t” to the point “I learned”, but also for regular activities: reading books, looking at collections and blogs, shopping and fittings. Usually everything takes about 2 years. Some have a little less, some have more.

Next point - finance. First time spending on new clothes, shoes, bags and accessories (it all depends on your appetite) will be considerable. Some stylists, when attracting clients, claim that they will teach them to spend less on clothes, but as practice shows, it is impossible to short term understand and feel your styles, colors, prints, fit and other nuances! There will be a lot of waste and returns, mistakes and adjustments in the studio (fitting), unwise purchases and disappointments. This is a certain stage, a period that must be passed through, otherwise nothing will work out.

Women who do needlework, sew or knit, often console themselves with the thought that they will keep expenses to a minimum through self-tailoring and self-knitting, but here too lies great danger be a hostage to your old taste and perception! In addition, there are very few truly talented and professional seamstresses.

I know one woman who, in search of a personal style, sews for herself. For several years now, it has been producing dozens of identical dresses, skirts and tops, the styles of which can be summarized in two words: “robe” and “bag”. A poorly fitted robe is a bag and, accordingly, a bag that fits more or less is always a robe, even if it is not wrapped, but is a seamlessly sewn product. Working with ready-made patterns, she manages to reduce them to a bag with slits for the arms and head, and all because the desire to make it easier for herself in cutting and sewing pushes her to make the same style over and over again. And this is a dead end. Stores in this sense, although more time- and money-consuming, are more effective.

- you can try it on different models clothes
- try on different sizes and finally understand what is a good fit and what is a bad one
- an item that doesn’t fit can be returned in the end, which cannot be done with a poorly sewn dress yourself

Next, before you start analyzing your wardrobe and going for new things, you need to prepare theoretically. This kind of knowledge can be gleaned from the blogs of stylists, who often publish intelligent articles and analyzes of finished looks, from fashion magazines and style books, and, of course, from the clothing collections of popular fashion designers. The last one is the most effective method, which, especially if these collections are not just considered, but also analyzed, bears fruit within six months to a year.

As Kamila Galiullina said, “there is no need to focus on bloggers and ready-made looks, all this is a secondary product, you need to learn from the primary source - the fashion designers who create fashion.”

Analysis of a clothing collection implies a kind of free analysis, which allows you to assess what style the clothes presented belong to? What era can be read in its silhouettes, styles and details? Which character traits distinguish it from the work of other fashion designers?
Having looked at several collections, we can bring most of them to a common denominator, for example, The spring-summer 2015 season is characterized by the following trends:

- 70s fashion
- cropped trousers
- denim and denim total look
- leather
- suede
- transparency and translucency
- military style

and others.

- neckerchiefs tied like a collar
- bow belts
- light cardigans worn over one shoulder

It is not a fact that all of the listed trends and characteristic details will be picked up and taken root among the people, but it does not hurt to know about them. By the way, the combination of “sandals + socks”, demonstrated for several seasons in a row, did not go further than the catwalks and fashionable parties, but the duo “sneakers + coat” or “sneakers + dress/skirt” was, in general, well received, although after many years of dominance of the rethought on new way New look style shocked many at first.

Rose Ball in Monaco. Princess Caroline in sneakers

In parallel with studying the theory, you can begin to wardrobe clearance. Despite many stories about things “out of time,” in fact, such things simply do not exist.
Well, maybe straight dark blue jeans and a black turtleneck. Otherwise, clothes and shoes become outdated, and this always happens. If things are about 10 years old, they are most likely hopelessly outdated and should not be worn. Numerous articles with the headlines “take it out of grandma’s chest and become super fashionable” have nothing to do with reality! Fashion, even if it comes back, is never repeated verbatim. In the 70s it was fashionable to wear trapezoidal silhouettes: flared jeans and flared tunics. Today, the return of the 70s, in no way quotes hippie fashion, but only builds on it, and this is extremely important to understand.

When sorting out your wardrobe, you need, first of all, to discard not those things that don’t seem to match in color, length or style, but those that you don’t like. As strange as it may sound, buying clothes not because they fit/liked them, but because they are inexpensive or seem like a village is not at all uncommon! Such things lie like dead weight, taking up space in the closet and upsetting their owner. Vain attempts to combine them are, as a rule, fruitless, and the daily contemplation of inappropriate or ugly clothes only spoils the taste that is so difficult to form. If you don’t feel like throwing away such things, you can simply put them in a box and push it away.

And the last point: a modern image is impossible without fashionable shoes , hairstyles and makeup. And if in makeup there is actual naturalness, in manicure short nails, and in easy hairstyles negligence, you will have to master these trends. However, you can wear spade nails and dye-burnt hair and claim that this is an element of personal style, but in this case you should not be surprised if you are compared to Tatyana Mikhalkova or Anastasia Volochkova, although they certainly have a personal style.

/ 02/12/2016 at 00:05

Greetings, dear readers and guests of my blog!

This article is intended for those who care about how they look, and those who strive to always be stylish, regardless of their life status and circumstances. In other words, let’s touch on the topic of how to dress cheaply and stylishly (I’ll say right away: by the word “cheap” in this article I mean reasonable, rational use budget).

I think that during a crisis, and at all times, this topic is relevant for many. Indeed, not everyone can afford the services of stylists and image makers, and not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive branded items. But absolutely everyone has the opportunity to be stylish! Don't believe me? Well, let's begin.

Surely everyone knows the situation - a full closet, but nothing to wear. But this “closet full” once cost money. Meanwhile, if you organize your wardrobe wisely, you can get by with a small number of things and always find something to wear.

You just need to determine which style what is most preferable for you, determine your color type, figure type and select things accordingly. But we must start by drawing up the so-called basic wardrobe.

That is, from a set of universal things in a neutral color scheme, corresponding to your color type, which can be easily combined with all other things in your wardrobe.

Neutral colors usually include white, black, gray and beige. By choosing accessories for basic items (handbags, scarves, scarves, belts, jewelry, shoes), you can greatly diversify your sets and always look new.

Lyrical digression. For some reason, I remembered how in my distant childhood I loved to leaf through my mother’s old and very thick book, most likely published in the 50s and early 60s of the last century. It was called "Conversations about Housekeeping."

In addition to all the other sections and tips on housekeeping, handicraft lessons, there was a section devoted to the art of making a wardrobe. And I remember pictures where a woman was drawn in the same classic dress, but dressed differently for different occasions with the help of accessories that were successfully matched to this dress.

That is, this was taught, it was an integral part of the general culture. And really, let’s remember our mothers and grandmothers - they lived in the difficult post-war times and were not rich, but they knew how to dress and look! Many had familiar milliners who sewed for them to order, many knew how to sew and knit themselves. But more on that later.

However, let's continue. In fact, correctly putting together your wardrobe in accordance with your body type and color type is almost a whole science, with certain rules and patterns. It’s simply impossible to cover everything in one article, and it’s better to talk about it specialists. Therefore, I will only touch on the basics.

All items in your basic wardrobe should be combined with each other, fit perfectly on your figure and match your style. So what should be included in your basic wardrobe? Stylists recommend a minimum set of 5 ideal classic items that are suitable for any body type and can be combined with any shoes. This:

  1. plain pencil skirt just below the knee;
  2. knitted plain cardigan good quality, simple cut, without decorative trim, mid-thigh length;
  3. white shirt (blouse) by type men's shirts from the lung natural material;
  4. plain pipe trousers - slightly tapered or straight from the knee, length just below the ankle;
  5. small black dress with or without sleeves, A-shaped silhouette, with a boat neckline. The length is slightly below or above the knee.

But of course, there is no need to think. that the basic wardrobe is limited only to these things. Naturally, it can be expanded. After all, there is also a seasonal basic wardrobe (outer winter, off-season and summer clothes), shoes, jeans, basic accessories.

In addition, based on the type of occupation or profession, everyone’s basic wardrobe may differ. But the general rule for his things is unchanged - they must be universal and ideally combined with each other for all occasions.

So, having decided which things should be basic in your wardrobe, when shopping, we focus on buying exactly these things. And here we can remember and apply the common phrase: “We are not rich enough to buy cheap things.”

That is, you need to buy things for a basic wardrobe that are of very high quality, since they will most often have to be used - worn, wrinkled, washed. Therefore, they must be made of high-quality natural material, impeccably sewn, so that they look good even after many washes.

By the way, about prices. Price does not always correspond to quality. You can buy inexpensive ones, but quality item. Or you can pay a lot of money and then be disappointed. So here you need to trust your sixth sense - is it worth buying or not.

And I don’t think it’s necessary to chase brands. Does anyone ever look at your labels? It is enough that you wear good, tasteful clothes. And brands are simply a matter of prestige for many. But if you can afford a branded item, then why not? Sometimes you need to pamper yourself.

And then we must not forget that there are such things as sales, pre-holiday and seasonal discounts.

At these moments, you can have a great time shopping and buy yourself really cool things inexpensively (if you’re lucky with the model and size). And there are discount stores where goods are constantly sold at discounts.

So, we seem to have decided on the basic wardrobe. What about other things? Well, I want to have new things, but money, sorry, is tight. Well, just try NOT to buy UNNECESSARY things.

After all, this often happens - you liked some thing in the store, and the discount on it is crazy - how can you not take it? Take it. Just first think carefully about WHAT you will wear it with and WHERE you will wear it. Will it be possible to combine this item with items you already have?

And if you have nothing to wear it with, and nowhere to put it on, then either this thing will just gather dust in the closet, or you will then have to buy some other things so that you can make a set with this thing.

Another tip about unnecessary things. When trying on clothes, look very carefully and meticulously at yourself in the mirror. If there’s anything that bothers you: it doesn’t seem to fit right, the color would be different, and there’s nothing to wear with it – just don’t buy it!

Another question is that we cannot always adequately and objectively evaluate ourselves. Each of us has our own complexes and our own “cockroaches in the head,” what can I say. In this case, sometimes more experienced advisers and assistants are needed. But sometimes they can get in the way - after all, they say, “there is no friend according to taste.”

We are not talking about professional stylists and image makers; you need to listen to their advice. But if there are no such people near you, then what? Then just trust your intuition. You felt: “this is definitely mine!”, you liked yourself and something inside you jumped joyfully - buy it!

Tip 3: Buy where you can buy good things cheaper

Many people believe that in order to be stylish and elegant, you need to have a lot of money and buy the latest fashion trends. This is actually a misconception. Having money cannot guarantee a person having taste. And this can be seen in the example of some Hollywood stars.

You need to buy clothes from the point of view of reasonable savings. The same Parisian women, for example, do not spend a lot of money on their wardrobe. They always wait for sales, where they can buy very high-quality and branded items at good discounts.

Let these not be the latest hits fashion collections. But you can always find things from the category of those that are out of fashion and out of time (that is, just suitable for a basic wardrobe). Therefore, as we said before, we are heading for discounts, sales and discount stores!

You can say that all this is good if you live in a big city where all this is available. And in small villages, towns, villages? IN best cases small private shops, or a market where “businessmen” sell their simple goods, such as “consumer goods”, and pay dearly for it. Although, I’ll be fair, sometimes you can buy something sensible here too. But, you must admit, the choice is not the same, and the assortment is not the same, and the conditions are not the same...

I remembered a joke from the Internet, read on someone’s VKontakte wall: “You don’t know anything about life if you haven’t tried on jeans at the market in winter, standing on cardboard!” Ah yes, the harsh truth of life.

What's the solution then? And everything is very simple. If you can’t go somewhere for shopping, then let shopping “come” to you. After all, we live in the 21st century! And this is the century of what? That's right - information technology!

Statistics show that recently an increasing percentage of the population buys goods via the Internet. And in times of crisis, they buy even more in online stores, since prices there are much lower than in regular stores. For example, I was simply shocked by the abundance and variety of goods, and even more so by the reasonable prices for them in this online store. However, you can see this for yourself.

Simply order the products you like from the catalog, receive and pay for them by mail. And by the way, you can buy very high-quality and branded items in online stores. You just need to determine your size correctly.

Some people still don’t trust online stores and are afraid to buy there. I think old habits and stereotypes come into play here: they are afraid to buy a pig in a poke, the product needs to be touched and tried on, and so on. But I assure you, you just have to try!

For example, I know people who only buy from online stores. And in cities where delivery is available, you don’t have to go anywhere: you choose, order, and they bring it to your home. I tried it on, it fit, I paid, and that was it.

If you still haven’t learned how to do needlework - sewing, knitting, then learn! It’s so cool - you are your own designer and... a wizard. Yes Yes! For example, I wanted some cool blouse, or jumper, or dress that would perfectly match the chosen style. And this is exactly what you won’t find during the day with fire, in any store! And you, oh boy! - took it and created it. And also the only thing of its kind that no one has.

Do you know how? Most girls will say no, because I don’t have the means to answer yes. Other girls will answer - my husband earns little. There may be such answers - how can I dress with such a figure.

True, dressing stylishly does not mean wearing expensive things and jewelry. Expensive clothes will not automatically make a girl stylishly dressed.

You can and should learn to correct your figure flaws. No, no, don’t be alarmed, we won’t be talking about a fitness club, but only about clothes. Yes, it is clothes that can help us fix what even exhausting people cannot do. physical exercise. How? Yes, very simple.

First, you need to stand in front of a mirror in your room and alone, so you will better see your flaws if you are completely naked.

Look at yourself critically and write down your shortcomings in one column and your strengths in another (we all have strengths). Now you know what you need to emphasize and what to hide. And remember, one way or another, we are all imperfect.

First of all, accuracy. Dressing casually, even in the most expensive clothes, will never make you stylishly dressed.

When choosing for yourself, be sure to consider who you are meeting and where you are going.

Pay attention to how your clothes fit your figure. If the butt is too large, then a short jacket or too-tight trousers will increase the volume. Who doesn't like to show off their belly with a crop top and low-waist pants? But remember, most of us look unattractive in such clothes. - ABOUT! What short legs this girl has! – you may hear yourself following. And this is not the worst remark yet.

Now you need to think about what colors suit you. The choice here can be huge. Sometimes you get very interesting finds. Let’s say beige color doesn’t suit me at all, but it’s so noble. Take a closer look at him, he's with different shades(pink, olive, raspberry, etc.). Choose either a color that is present in the shades, or a vest, if this is a dress. There are a lot of interesting combinations.

If it’s difficult to choose clothes for yourself, pay attention to how women who have a figure similar to you are dressed. But be careful! The outfit that makes your friend look beautiful may not suit you at all.

Shoes. If you feel uncomfortable wearing shoes high heels, they will not give you confidence. You will feel tired and it will show on your face. Choose your shoes very carefully.

Don't forget what kind of underwear you are wearing - this also gives you a chance to look stylish. Pay special attention if your trousers or skirt are made of thin fabric, through which the laundry will be visible.

Pick up matching accessories: be it a hat, scarf, scarf or gloves.

No one will admire you if you wear all your jewelry. We must strive not for the “golden mean”, but for the fact that the less, the better. Sometimes in simple dress, decorated with a string of pearls, you will look irresistible.
(“To decorate the morning roses, only dew is enough.” Lope de Vega)

For a girl they should be of paramount importance. The right hairstyle for the clothes you are wearing today will make you appearance flawless. When hairdressers say new hairstyle can change your life, it's true.

You also need to be able to present the clothes. What is it about? How you carry yourself, how you communicate, how you smile, how you speak. Do you bite your nails, bite your lips, etc.

Just like clothes, makeup will help you correct some flaws or highlight your strengths. Just don't overdo it. Excessive makeup at work will leave a bad impression on you. best experience. Start with a clean face.

When you are dressed correctly, it will give you confidence.

There are girls who, without being supermodels, achieve success by demonstrating a good appearance despite their shortcomings.

Sometimes your friends may criticize your appearance... out of envy. Keep this in mind too.

For Militta Magazine