Men's hairstyles. Soviet men's hairstyles: USSR style Men's haircut 50 years

The articles offer a wide variety of ways to find your own style depending on the characteristics of character, figure, interests, etc. But, at times, it is quite difficult to follow such advice, because you need to take into account many factors - both time, and means, and opportunities.

And, in addition, modern women are so emancipated that a huge load falls on their shoulders during a whole working week, and on weekends they just want to relax and not think about anything, let alone style and attractiveness.

However, you can always look stylish and attractive, on any day of the week, you only need to know small secrets.

In order for others to like you, you need to please yourself, first of all. A good mood will help you with this.

After all, only in Hollywood films on actresses both evening dresses and tracksuits and jeans, and in everyday life a woman does not always have enough time for the gym, visiting which helps to maintain good shape.

Few people know the history of men's haircuts. This decoration was invented by stylists back in 1900. Many modern haircuts are refinements of past looks. Since Soviet men's hairstyles have contributed to the history of fashion, you need to get to know them better.

Today we will look at how fashion in the Soviet Union changed every ten years. We will see the features of such images and, most importantly, we will find out where modern haircut options came from.

The men's hairstyles of the USSR were not the same as in our time. They differed in that they emphasized masculinity and did not attract special attention... Now the man is trying to stand out from society by making an original haircut.

In the Soviet Union, men liked to have short haircuts so that they did not interfere in the summer, it was not hot with them. The stronger sex could declare its personality only by actions or character, appearance did not play a special role. Only in the early 90s did the opinion appear that a hairstyle is a sign of self-expression. Men believed that long hair should be worn only by girls, so rarely did anyone grow hair at this time.

However, at all times, thick and curly curls were appreciated. With this hair structure, guys could do any hairstyle and always looked beautiful. Only actors and singers allowed themselves to wear unusual or defiant haircuts. Let's see what haircuts men have worn in the past. We will take a look at each decade of the twentieth century in turn.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

V Soviet time the hair was done in order to look well-groomed, it did not serve as a symbol of self-expression.

In the style of the 20s

Hairstyles from the 1920s were worn with a center parting. As you can see, stylists have long understood that this style looks very beautiful. In the modern world, partings are shaved to make them look brighter. Men loved to grow sideburns. Of course, everyone looked to see what would suit him, so it cannot be said that everyone looked the same.

Haircuts in the 30s

Display the fashion of the 30s can the main character film "Gone with the Wind". The haircuts weren't very short. A small volume was made on the sides. Decorated the image with a mustache. Basically, men looked after their mustaches and liked to make them thin.

Some men cut their bangs and smoothed them to the side. The hair was combed back. For those guys who had curly hair, there was no need to devote time to styling. It is important to note that the hairstyles of the 30s had clear contours, especially at the temples.

40s hairstyles

The images of the 40s did not differ much from the 30s, so there were no special changes in fashion. While styling their hair, the guys licked it back. Since there were no special styling products before, experts used beer or a sugar solution to fix the hairstyle.

Although the mustache began to go out of style at the time, some complemented the look with a thin mustache. Actors loved to wear this jewelry.

Fashion in the 50s

50s hairstyles differed in that they were very short. This was due to the fact that the short hair did not interfere and did not go into the eyes. Thanks to this, in the summer, the men were not hot. The haircut was very unusual, on the sides and on the back of the head, the hair was cut to zero, and there were long curls on the top of the head. This style is similar to modern or. As you can see, many of the images were created a long time ago.

Although the haircut was very comfortable, it needed to be well looked after. If the men had straight and Thin hair, then they needed to regularly wash their hair and shape their hair. The hair was laid on one side or the strands were combed back. Some loved to create volume. Men's hairstyles from the 50s looked stylish and elegant.


Haircuts from the 60s and 70s were very similar. Young people grew their hair. Only the officers shaved the back of their heads very briefly, showing how it should have looked a real man... Due to the fact that long hair became fashionable, many hairdressers suffered severe losses, as the number of clients dwindled.

Hairstyles of the 60s were distinguished by their special splendor. Men who had beautiful hair looked very pretty. Lush hair attracted the attention of others. If the hair was curly, then stronger sex there was no need to do styling.

Also, Komsomol members or activists wore short haircuts, so young people who did not adhere to such views tried not to shave their hair. However, by the age of 70, everything had changed, short hairstyles came into fashion.


The 90s are remembered by everyone with a variety of hairstyles. Lush haircuts and long hair were popular. Young people loved to fit retro style and grew long hair. This period is remembered by the fact that fashion has stepped forward significantly and turned the thinking of the whole society. The stronger sex began to experiment with their hair by doing different haircuts, which were made by representatives of other countries.

Do you like 90s haircuts?


The guys wanted to really stand out from society, so they were even ready to change their hair color. 2000 men's hairstyles were heavily combed. The guys began to cut different patterns on the temples and loved to have a bright contrast on their heads. Already at that time, men were shaving their hair on the sides and at the back of their heads, and the strands were longer at the crown. in the nineties, was a real trend.

For reference! The rapper Eminem made a special contribution to the fashion of the 90s.

The meaning of the modern image

Nowadays, men's hairstyles are a symbol of self-expression. Now you can tell a lot about a man by looking at his head. Some images help to change the appearance, they hide flaws, and emphasize the merits. Also, a haircut can give masculinity, courage, or vice versa, romance and softness.

To improve your appearance, you need to know the shape of your face and choose those hairstyles that suit your hair structure. Hair, like clothing, either adorns a person, or makes a gray mouse out of him.

Let's talk about the basic men's wardrobe and its features after 50.

Appearance, whoever says what, plays important role in our life. The way we look is sometimes crucial both in personal relationships and in work. Agree, it is always nice to see a person next to you who looks after himself and his clothes. And men, sometimes, find it difficult to understand the issues of style. Because there is less information and more prejudice.

Dear men, especially for you, this small memo on the basic rules of style.

  1. Wardrobe preferences and base

A wardrobe with the necessary capsules is optimal and convenient. A capsule is things that make up the "backbone" of your image for a specific situation and are well combined with each other.

Wardrobe capsules are different, and the set of things in them depends on the lifestyle that you lead. Analyze your life: where you mostly go, how you spend your time. Let's say your main areas of life are office work, fishing or hunting, home.

This means that your wardrobe should consist of:

From business and casual wear,

Specialized clothing (for a fisherman or hunter),

Clothes for the home.

Business wardrobe capsule example

Having several well-chosen wardrobe capsules, you can easily make daily sets according to the situation, replacing only worn-out things in them. Remember that a successful style is basically the right outfit for the situation.

  1. The size

Know your size. And only wear your own size. The opinion that clothing hides the fullness bigger size, and slimness is given by clothes of a smaller size, mistakenly. Only in “your size” will you look dignified and stylish.

Finding out your clothing size is quite simple:

To buy a top (shirts, jumpers, jackets, outerwear) the main measurement is the girth of the chest. The neck circumference will come in handy when buying a shirt.

To buy a bottom (trousers, jeans, shorts), you need to know the circumference of the waist and hips.

Let's say your chest circumference is 104 cm, which means that you clothes fit 52 sizes (Russian size). The correspondence of Russian sizes to international designations can be found in the tables below.

Dimension tables

An important nuance: in order not to look ridiculous, match your age and status in clothes. Wardrobe young man and a respectable middle-aged man should be different. Consider this when choosing clothes, shoes and men's accessories.

  1. Suit and shirt

Even if you are not a fan of office wear, one suit and a couple of shirts should be in your closet. Well-chosen, from quality materials, they will help you out in any situation and add points to your image.

How to choose the right suit?

    Buy a suit in a neutral or dark color (e.g. navy blue, gray).

    Try on the suit with shoes and a belt so that the pants are not too short or too long.

    Pay attention to the following main nuances:

    the legs of the trousers should fall over the shoes and have a slight crease, but should not drag along the ground;

    the shoulders of the jacket should not be wider than your own and should not hinder you in movement;

    when choosing a suit, take into account the morphology of your body, make sure that the suit is not too narrow or too spacious.

And by the way, important for fans elegant style: It is customary to wear a suit vest under a single-breasted jacket, but not under a double-breasted one.

    Colour. If you only need shirts for a suit, get two plain shirts: a neutral color and a bright one.

    sleeve length... Ideally, sleeves or cuffs should hide the wrist and reach the base thumb hands.

    shirt collar. It must match your size (see size chart).

4. Details

Unkempt hair or frayed shoes can kill the most expensive suit. Therefore, carefully monitor exactly these details of your image:

    Hairstyle and beard

Accuracy is your trump card! With regard to hairstyles the best option for a middle-aged man, there will be a short haircut. Especially if you don't know which hairstyle is right for you. If you wear a beard, follow the golden saying of famous fashion designer Paul Smith: “Light two-day stubble on young guy looks cool, on an adult - careless, especially gray-haired. Wear a neat, well-groomed beard. "


It is recommended to have two pairs of shoes: black and brown. Shoes should be worn alternately, so they will be ventilated and last longer. Beveled heels can compromise you, so get your heels on in time. And, of course, keep your shoes clean so as not to negate the thoughtfulness of your image with unkempt boots.


A watch is a must-have accessory for a respectable person and an element of style that should never be economized on. This is the same accessory that is an indicator of male status. Therefore, in order to create a successful image, I recommend that you spare no money and buy a quality watch that will look great both with a casual set and with the best suit.

In conclusion, I want to say that a well-dressed man is not someone who is subject to all fashion trends and not someone who spends a lot of money on things. Stylish image- it is, first of all, grooming, modernity and mutual harmony of your clothes with your character and lifestyle.

P.S. Would you like to know about masculine style more and what topics are you interested in? Please write in the comments to the article!

Good luck!

Image stylist Irina Ergina

In the modern world, in a couple of minutes, you can easily move back 100 years and find out how fashionable men's hairstyles have changed over the decades. In our review of photos and videos that will help you see what men have done with their hair from 1910 to the present day.

Recently, a video appeared on the Internet demonstrating the changes in haircuts and hairstyles over the past 100 years. Finally, a man has become the hero of a video about fashion trends. In a minute and a half, model Samuel Orson "tried on" 11 looks that reflect changes in the appearance of men over the past century.

1910th year

In the first decade of the twentieth century, men preferred to smoothly comb their hair to the side. Also among the representatives of the stronger sex it was fashionable to wear a mustache.

1920-th year

In the twenties of the last century, most men wore a straight part.

1930th year

In the thirties of the twentieth century, men tried to be like Clark Gable and did the same hairstyles as Rhett Butler, the protagonist of the cult film "Gone with the Wind".

1940th year

In the forties of the last century, men stopped combing their hair and fixing it with gel.

1950th year

In the middle of the twentieth century, the popular singer Elvis Presley had a great influence on fashion. His hairstyle became iconic, and all fashionistas tried to imitate their idol.

1960th year

In the sixties of the last century, men grow their hair and wear voluminous hairstyles.

1970th year

The hippie culture had a great influence on fashion in the seventies of the twentieth century. At this time, representatives of the stronger sex begin to wear long hair. These hairstyles symbolized relaxedness and freedom.

1980th year

In the eighties, it became fashionable for men to comb their hair back and use various styling products. If women wanted to be like Barbie, then most men took the image of her friend, Ken, as a basis.

1990th year

In the nineties, the grunge style was popular, which came into vogue from rock music. Young people let go of their hair and wanted to be like Kurt Cobain - the leader of the famous musical group"Nirvana".

2000th year

At the beginning of the second millennium, most fashionistas wanted to look glamorous. Men spent a lot of time grooming themselves and styling their hair diligently.

2010-th year

Today, a sloppy bun and, of course, a beard are in vogue.

And in order to find out, it will take only two minutes.

Everything new is well forgotten old. New trends in fashion are most often based on this simple truth. The collections of many famous designers have flooded with hairstyles based on the classic elements of hairdressing, from the 20s to the 80s. In each of these periods, unique hairstyles arose, which today immediately evoke an association with the past.

20s hairstyles

The most characteristic element of this period is the cold wave. In the early 20s, it was believed that the waves should act as much as possible on the temples and the frontal part of the face.

Today, the cold wave is as popular as it was in the distant 20s. Modern fashion lovers are ready to sell their souls for real outfits of that time and a retro hairstyle. Today it is called "retro glamor" and is considered a squeak of fashion.

Accessories can be quite varied: a wide ribbon, hair ornaments, large flower hairpins, brooches or pearls. It all depends on your preference.

The right wave will make your hairstyle irresistible

The classic of the 20s looks very impressive on a short haircut and blonde hair

Evening hairstyle with curls at the back of the head reflects the fashion of the 20s

Short haircut with a retro wave looks very stylish

20s style

The '20s hairstyle goes well with themed makeup and outfits of the era

30s hairstyles

The hairstyles of the next decade are still short, but the way they are styled is fundamentally changing. Hairstyles, in contrast to the 20s, become more natural, there is a neat bangs with a side parting, revealing the face.

The most popular hairstyle of the 30s is neatly trimmed hair to the earlobes with side bangs and light curls. The accessory was often a turban (a piece of cloth wrapped around the head).

A bob with bangs in a retro style is still very popular.

A neat and smooth bob up to the earlobes was very popular in the 30s

The turban perfectly reflects the fashion trend of the 30s

Chicago style 30s

Wavy light square on blond hair does not clearly reflect the history of fashion, but is an integral part of it

A bob, rolled down, complemented by a hat with brim - a fashion standard of the 30s

40s hairstyles

Recognizable trait fashion trends 40s - style femme fatale". This image was an integral part appearance Hollywood stars of those times. The desired effect was achieved by carefully winding the curls from the middle of the hair length to the ends.

Also in the 40s, the classic bun, assembled from long, smooth hair, was popular.

Curled hair from the middle - 40s fashion classic

Romantic curls from the 40s look very natural.

A bob with curled (from the middle to the ends) hair looks equally beneficial on light and dark hair

Hair rolled into a roller in the front is now heavily used in catwalk shows.

50s hairstyles

50s - the peak of popularity of the famous actress Marilyn Monroe and her image. This is the hair middle length with flirty curls that give women sexuality and femininity. The hair was curled mainly on curlers and carefully fixed with varnish.

The use of hairpieces was widespread. At the same time, thick bangs, long tails and fleeces gained popularity. Ribbons were often used as decoration. A huge amount of varnish was used in creating the hairstyle.

A long, bushy, straight tail was quite popular in the 50s.

Dark curls under a wide-brimmed hat look mysterious and spectacular

Light romantic feminine curls look very airy on blonde hair

The image of Marilyn Monroe

White curls look light and natural, complemented by makeup from the 50s

A hairstyle with slicked-back hair on top and curled at the back of the head was often seen in 50s fashion magazines.

Thick bangs and fleece characterize the 50s as well as possible.

Curled bangs on dark hair look very harmonious with slicked back hair

60s hairstyles

In the 60s, women preferred volume, density and height in their hairstyles. Combs and false hair have gained popularity. I especially remember the babette hairstyle. Long bleached hair was also common.

In addition, short geometric haircuts of various shapes have become popular.

Twiggy's haircut


The girls were crazy about babette, fashionable at that time

Lush curls of that time

The volume of hair in this hairstyle is visually supported by a considerable neckline.

Hyper-volume hairstyles

Long, almost white hair was very popular back then.

"Babette" is very fond of using designers in the shows of their collections.

70s hairstyles

In the 70s, there was no fashion for something definite. Haircuts "page" and "gavroche" were considered widespread at that time. They were loved for their dynamism and convenience.

An interesting high hairstyle with bangs looks individual and effective on dark hair

The big fleece on the top of the head was in vogue

Straight white hair and pinned back bangs are common.

Side ponytail and thick bangs were common among the youth of the seventies.

The page haircut was very common then and is still popular today.

The hippie image was ubiquitous

80s hairstyles

The 80s are famous for their eccentricity in the fashion world. Hairstyles were simply amazing with a variety of colors and shapes.

The bob haircut, laid down and twisted inward, has gained particular popularity.

Short voluminous hair at the top and elongated at the bottom - this is the standard haircut for fashionistas of the 80s