My friend is what he is. Essay on the topic my friend. Essay “My Beloved Friend”

Topic (essay) in English on the topic “My friend / My friend”

Andrey is my best friend!

I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.

Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, especially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home.

Andrey has short, light hair and gray eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. He is not a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks - sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humor and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together - watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my classmates. My best friend named Andrey. He's fourteen. He lives with his parents near the school.

Andrey has many hobbies: he likes to play on the computer, read detective stories, and collect butterflies. He loves animals, especially cats. He has a cat at home, Eraser.

Andrey has short blonde hair And grey eyes. He is quite short and quite thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrey is very popular. He is a sympathetic person and tries his best to help someone every time when someone has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some flaws - sometimes he is a dubious boy, a little stubborn. But I still like it good feeling humorous and pleasant to deal with.

We spend a lot of time together - watching videos or listening to music, walking or going to a cafe, discussing anything. Our friendship helps me feel strong and confident.

My best friend Sasha, whom we met back in kindergarten, is the complete opposite of me. He has an athletic build, huge, thoughtful greenish-gray eyes, Sasha is always neatly and tastefully dressed. I think he likes to read a lot and knows everything. I was always interested in him. He has very good feature: he shares with me everything he has learned himself, tries to teach it to me. Friendship with him fills my life with happiness. We like to rejoice together more than to complain about failures. He loves to listen to stories about my sporting achievements, he can leave all his worries and go with me to the stadium to watch a football match. It's easier and more fun for me to live next to my friend!

We study in different schools, each of us has friends who are classmates, but for many years I have felt that my first friend is the real one, only with him I always feel good. Firstly, he never let me down, never betrayed my trust. Secondly, Sasha, like no one else, understands me and always tells me how to act correctly in a given situation. We never get tired of each other.

Life has not yet tested our friendship to its full potential. But I believe that after so many years of friendship it is already possible to draw some conclusions. We always have a good time with Sasha, we are never bored, Sasha is always ready to give me a helping hand in difficult times, he will always give important advice if necessary. It seems to me that this is what true and strong friendship looks like!

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “My Best Friend”:

My beloved friend is an essay that every student at school should write, because there is nothing more important and more valuable, more valuable and warmer in the world than friendship. How can a boy and a girl, a neighbor with a neighbor, a country with a country live without friendship and harmony? After all, without friendship there is no mischievous play, no good communication of help, and finally there would be no peace in the world.

My friend - essay for grades 5–7

Option 1

My friend, whose portrait I decided to describe, is called Pavel. I have known this man since early childhood because he is my neighbor. Pavel is a year older than me, but he is already in the ninth grade, since he started school at the age of six.

Pavel is a tall guy. He has already grown to 180 centimeters and continues to grow. His parents wonder who he is like

tall - after all, he is already taller than his dad, and what can we say about his mother - she is very short. Maybe the fact that he has been playing basketball for a long time and loves to do pull-ups on the crossbar affected Pavel’s growth?

Apart from the fact that Pavel is tall, his appearance is nothing special. Oval face; the nose is straight, rather narrow; the eyes are brown and large; eyebrows are not wide, thick; eyelashes middle length; hair is dark brown, slightly curly; cheekbones are slightly wide; The ears are regular in shape with large, girl-like lobes. But the most important thing in Pavel’s face is not the external features, but the expression of his eyes and lips, when he is happy or sad - these feelings appear in his face so clearly, so attractively that after just a minute of communicating with Pavel I very clearly imagine that he feels, experiences at one time or another.

Pavel's arms are long, like those of a real basketball player, and his fingers are long and thin, like those of a pianist. By the way, as a child, he briefly attended music school, learned to play the violin, but then quit because he took up sports.

Pavel dresses simply, but always respects his sport style: most often seen on it sports suit,

ski cap, sneakers. He goes to school in a beautiful black suit, always carefully ironed and clean. In the summer Pavel often wears sunglasses.

It is interesting to watch my friend when he is busy with some mental work - reading a book or watching a movie. He acutely empathizes with the heroes, all his feelings are reflected on his face, in his eyes. If there are funny parts in a film or book, Pavel laughs very contagiously. And when something sad happens, he almost cries.

Description of a friend from a boy’s perspective (for 7th grade)

Option 1

I want to tell you about my friend, his name is Sasha. We are familiar with early age. We went to kindergarten together, and now we study in the same class and attend the football section.

Each person looks special. My friend is no exception. Sasha is quite tall and fit. Of course, he is a future athlete! He has dark, slightly curly, short hair. The nose is straight and pointed. The eyebrows are wide, and the eyes are brown and very expressive. Sasha’s look is serious, and sometimes even stern. But at the same time, the smile is charming and kind, and the laughter is very contagious. When it comes to clothes, Sasha prefers a sporty style, but, of course, she wears a uniform to school.

Alexander is a very friendly and open person. It's always fun and interesting to be with him. In addition to training, we walk, play, and come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink and play hockey.

Sometimes, of course, we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Sasha is the first to rush to the rescue. He a true friend.

Option 2

I have a lot of friends in my class. I treat all the guys well. But there is one boy among them - Alexey. This is my best friend. He and I have been sitting at the same desk since first grade. We knew each other before school, so we decided to enroll in the same class.

Alexey has a pleasant appearance. Sometimes, watching the girls in our class, I see how they stare at my best friend. And this is not without reason. He has beautiful, blond hair. He always likes to wear fashionable hairstyles, which are done by a hairdresser he knows.

Lesha has an oval face with soft contours. The eyes are blue, like the clear sky. The nose is small. Lips gently pressed against each other. There are freckles on his face. But there are not many of them at all. You can only take a closer look at them if you come close to my friend.

Leshka has an athletic build. He loves playing sports and besides school lessons He also attends additional football sections. Therefore, he is always in shape, easily copes with the standards and helps the rest of the children in our class.

The success of his efforts is visible in other subjects. He always confidently and stately comes to the board and solves any problems.

Leshka is tall, probably taller than all the boys in the class, so he always helps the teacher, getting some books from high racks and shelves. Alexey loves to wear beautiful, stylish suits. Parents help him with his choice school uniform Therefore, he always comes to class dressed tastefully.

No, he does not stand out from the crowd with any special accents. It’s just that my friend is always neat and tidy. Both our classmates and teachers love him very much. He has a subtle sense of humor, so he can joke always and everywhere. This quality also helps him in situations where he needs to defuse tense situations and change the topic of communication between the guys.

It’s so good that I have such a wonderful friend who will always help and never leave me in trouble.

Essay describing a friend from a girl’s point of view (for 7th grade)

I want to tell you about my friend, her name is Olya. We have known each other for a long time. Were in the same group kindergarten. And now we are classmates and we are dancing together.

Every person has their own distinctive features. My friend is no exception. Olya has very long and beautiful blonde hair. And when he blooms them, everyone is simply delighted. She is short, but slim and athletic, thanks to her love of dancing. Olga's eyes are gray-blue, thin eyebrows, fair skin, and rosy cheeks. Facial features are soft and smooth. Her smile is very perky and her laugh is contagious. She dresses well and loves to wear dresses. But, of course, he goes to school in uniform.

Olya is a very friendly and open person. It's always fun and interesting to be with her. In addition to dancing, we walk, play, and come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink.

Sometimes, of course, we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Olya is the first to rush to the rescue. She is a true friend.

Characteristics of a classmate

I would like to introduce my close friend and classmate Vanya Samarova. He and I have been on friendly terms from a very early age. When we went to kindergarten with him, we constantly fought, but the next brawl suddenly escalated into strong friendship. Since then we have not parted. We went to study at the same school and ended up in the same class. And the more we are in excellent relations with him, the more good things I learn about Van.

If you look at him appearance, then he can be mistaken for a kindergartener. In fact, this is not so. Vanya is a very physically strong and resilient boy. In physical education classes, he runs the fastest and can do 10 pull-ups without special effort. And he plays football very well, as he attends a football school. He has curly ash color hair and big Blue eyes that girls really like it, and that’s why they often flirt with him. However, my classmate is indifferent to the female sex, although he does not refuse to help them, and sometimes protects them from hooligans. Vanya loves to read, and he taught me to read literature too. He reads everywhere: during breaks, on the street, in public transport. His passion for reading helps him in his studies, because he is a drummer.

Ivan is a devoted comrade and a man of his word. Somehow I didn't succeed at all English language. I couldn't understand some of the rules and naturally do the corresponding exercises. My mother wanted to hire a tutor, but Vanya happily agreed to help me. Every day he came and explained the topics to me and helped me do my homework. Suddenly Vanya got sick, and I was already thinking about how I was going to cope with all this. But then his mother called and invited me to join them. Vanya decided to continue his studies in this position. I felt ashamed that I was bothering a sick friend, and began to delve into the topics on my own. Vanya, having recovered, began to help me again, and two months later I received the first five.

My classmate is also hardworking and respects his family. He constantly helps his mother buy groceries and clean the house. Ivan also goes to his sick grandmother twice a week and takes care of her. And, despite the fact that he succeeds everywhere, both in school and in additional classes hobbies and spending free time outside. I am proud that there is such a boy in my class, who is also a good friend.

“My friend” - essay for grades 8 and 9

My desk neighbor's name is Amalia, and I really like this name. The rest of the class and I often affectionately call her Alka. At first she was angry about it, but now she seems to have gotten used to it. Alya and I became friends in the fifth grade, when the class teacher put us at the same desk. Now we are already in the ninth, but we continue to communicate just as well.

My friend is a real Armenian, despite the fact that she was born in Russia and visits her homeland only during the holidays. Her origin is revealed by her appearance, because Amalia looks like everyone else oriental beauties. She has dark ones Thick hair which she always braids in a ponytail, Brown eyes, dark skin and luxurious long eyelashes. Alya loves to laugh, a smile undoubtedly brightens the face of my classmate, and even braces do not spoil it.

Amalya prefers pencil skirts to trousers, complementing them with neat ballet flats and lace blouses. Her style is very feminine and graceful. For accessories, she always chooses massive earrings. Over her fifteen years, Alya has collected a fairly large collection of these jewelry: it contains earrings of almost all colors and sizes.

Amalia is the friendliest and most sociable person I know. My friend maintains warm, friendly relations with the guys from the class; she always agrees to help everyone. In addition, Alya is very smart, she only gets excellent grades in her studies. But her classmates do not consider her boring or arrogant, but on the contrary, they respect her and follow an example.

Alka has not yet decided who she will become in the future, but she knows for sure that her profession will have to benefit society. Amalia chose two faculties and is choosing between medical and economics. I think she will make an excellent doctor! My classmate has everything for this necessary qualities, such as responsibility and patience. Perhaps she should become a children's pediatrician, because she loves children. She especially often deals with her younger brother. He is in the sixth grade and is fond of sports, so he and his sister like to play football or other outdoor games.

I really appreciate my friend for her character; if necessary, she is ready to listen and give useful advice. I am sure that our friendship with Amalia will last for many more years!

Essay “My Beloved Friend”

In grades 5–7, students are often asked to write an essay about a friend in French. For this purpose, you can use the resource, essay section.

Option 1

My friend is very good man. I know I can rely on him. He will always help me and support me in difficult times. I, of course, answer him the same. My friend will never betray me, will not plot behind my back. And this is the most important thing.

Friends don't appear by chance. To make friends, you must be similar in some ways and different in others. You need to be similar in that friends should have common views on life, the same understanding of honor and decency, justice and responsibility. Similar interests are desirable, but not required, because it is very interesting when people can teach each other something new.

For example, I go swimming. And my friend does it too. We go to the pool together, and in our free time from training we have fun there, swimming and diving. It's so fun to jump into the water together with a bomb! This results in a big splash and splashes fly in all directions! You can swim in a race, and it’s even more interesting to do it underwater.

But our other interests do not coincide. I play chess well, and my friend plays the guitar. And we are slowly teaching each other this.

My friend and I like to walk in the field near our houses. On weekends we sometimes go away for half a day. We take sandwiches, matches, water with us. We find firewood along the way - there is plenty of it lying around. Sometimes there is even enough wood to build a hut.

We are never bored together. And sometimes we can protect each other.

One day a dog attacked me. She was guarding a garage with trucks, and for some reason that day she was let loose. The dog rushed at me and began to bite me. I fell to the ground, covering my face and hands. My friend was not taken aback, he found a stick and drove the dog away, and then called the adults from the garage to lock it again.

I am happy that I have such a reliable friend.

Option 2

I have a very good friend. His (her) name is... Friends are very important in our lives. I think that no one can live without friends. The most important thing is that good friends, in my opinion, should be ready to help each other in any situation, however, how difficult it is to support each other and solve all problems together. And it’s okay that friends can have different interests and hobbies, different likes and dislikes. They say that each other is in each other's need indeed. I think this is true.

My friend and I always do our best to help each other. We discuss all our troubles and try to find the best solution in any situation. My friend is a very good, kind and smart boy (girl). We often conduct free time together. It's not very easy now because we're both very busy - we're about to introduce institutions and there's a lot of work to do.

My friend is going to become a doctor (teacher, engineer, lawyer). Our future professions are different (same thing) and the questions we have to study are different (same thing), but (and) we like to work together and help each other in our research.

When we have some free time, we go for a walk, read and discuss books, watch films, go to discos or play computer games. Playing computer games is our hobby. We both love sports. We go for a swim (tennis) and often go to the pool (tennis court) together. We are football fans and we like to watch and discuss football matches on TV or go to the stadium. I love my friend very much. I think he (she) is a true friend. Our friendship is very dear to me and I try to do my best to be a good friend too.

Option 3

Friendship, like the sun, “is released to everyone a drop at a time, more precisely, in fairness, more precisely, as much as anyone can take” (V. Soloukhin).

In all ages and times, poets sing about the holy brotherhood of close souls, the sacred bonds of friendship. Friendship is a great gift to man, a symbol of eternal harmony.

In the name of friendship - that means in the name of everything holy on earth. My first friends are my classmates. When I grow up and become big and mature, I will always remember my school friends and always smile and cry. Only once in a lifetime can we experience something that we begin to understand, begin to be able to, begin to live. And the beginning is youth, this “ school years wonderful." Only then, in my old age, will I be able to truly appreciate my school friends.

And now.. . We are all so different, we are all not yet capable of a real, great and deep feeling. We often cannot, sometimes we do not want, to understand each other, we quarrel. Everything seems big and serious to us, the reasons for the quarrels are weighty, but all this will pass like smoke, and memories dear to our hearts will remain.

I had many friends, I have no enemies and, I hope, there will not be, there are simply people who have lost the value of a friend for me, which means they have died in my soul.

Man has a strange structure: he takes everything good for granted, as a matter of course (I don’t want to say that he doesn’t appreciate everything good), but he meets any pathology with hostility, it suddenly catches the eye and comes to the fore.

The worst thing I have encountered in my acquaintances is insincerity, lies, envy and spiritual weakness. It is impossible for me to communicate closely with such people, they always do not understand me, they accuse me of many things.

My school friends are not only my classmates. My school friends are also my favorite teachers.

My first teacher... The first is not by count, but by how much she did for me and how much she gave. She came into my life so naturally and completely occupied my soul. I can’t speak to my beloved teacher in words, I don’t know how and I’m afraid, I can only write about her and I’m glad that she will find at least a small piece of my feeling in this essay. This is my only opportunity to express everything I feel for my spiritual mother. Until the end of my days I will remember you with great gratitude. How wonderful and what a pity that such people meet only once in life!

My friends! How many there have been and how many more there will be in life! I want to write about the person who helped me become myself, who I really am. This is “my first friend, my priceless friend.” Why exactly she, I don’t know, but only she is the one I trust always and in everything, only she can I trust with all my big and small secrets. She always understands and is never afraid to speak her mind. And very often we judge the same thing differently, we often disagree, but this is natural and so it should be.

What a pity that I can’t write about all my school friends. They are all very different, I love them all very much. I love our good 8‑A, I’m happy that most of us will not part and will live together, alone big family, three more years of school. To my friends who transfer from our school to others educational establishments, I wish only happiness and great achievements in life, I want no one of us to ever betray our old school friendship, to forget our cheerful, stormy life, our class; Yes, there are no such people among us and there cannot be.

Childhood is ending, our school years will pass, we will become adults, serious people. But none of us will ever forget our school, each of us will keep in our hearts our friends and the most precious memories - about school friendship.

“My best friend” - essay with a plan for grades 2, 3, 4

Option 1

  1. Friend's description
  2. Mutual interests
  3. Life events.

My name is Lena. I'm in second grade. I have best friend- Olya. We sit at the same desk. Olya is kind, sweet and very beautiful. She has blond hair, blue eyes and fluffy eyelashes. We have been friends since childhood.

We love to walk in the park and play games. We go to the dance studio and do painting. It's great that we have common interests.

We try to help each other. And for her birthday I will give her a dog, our pug puppy. She dreams about him, and her parents allowed it. I want our friendship to last for many years.

Option 2

  1. Friend's description
  2. Mutual interests
  3. Show of friendship

I have many friends, but Artem is my best friend. We live in the same yard and sit at the same desk. My friend has brown eyes and dark hair. He is cheerful, smart and kind.

Artem loves mathematics and solves problems with straight A's. I also love solving problems. Sometimes we do homework together and help each other. We play football and play video games. I especially love going to the river with his parents in the summer. We play volleyball, swim and build sand forts.

My friend is honest and brave. He is always ready to help. Artem will not leave me in trouble. I won't leave him either. We have many common interests, and this also helps our friendship. We will always be friends.

Option 3

  1. The value of friendship
  2. Friend's description
  3. Common interests
  4. Life stories

I have a best friend Roman. He is a brave and strong boy. Tall, slender, slightly stooped. He has brown eyes and black hair. He's always in good mood, sympathetic, knows how to stand up for himself and his comrades. Romka has a good sense of humor and can joke.

We have been friends since the first grade. Until the fifth grade, we sat at the same desk, but then we were seated because we often talked and laughed. We also attend a basketball sports section. If we end up on the same team, we almost always win. And if it’s different, then we compete strongly and want to beat each other. But this does not affect our friendship. Sometimes we argue. But this doesn't happen often. We also love to play computer games online. True, our parents forbid us.

Ruslan is an excellent problem solver, especially in mathematics and physics. He often helps me with my lessons if I don't understand. But I am more comfortable with the Russian language and history. That's why I help Ruslan with his essays. We often laugh at something. We even have a hobby - we record funny sayings of ourselves and the guys from the class. And at the end of each school year, at tea party we read it. Nobody is offended, everyone laughs. Over the years, many things are forgotten, the more valuable our records are.

A friend is always ready to come to my aid, and I am always ready to come to his aid. We are there for each other. Even when the high school boys bully, they know they'll have to deal with us. My friend is respected in class because he is smart, responsible, funny and athletic. He is also respected by teachers for his intelligence, knowledge, desire to learn, and first places at the mathematics Olympiad.

He's also a good brother. He often goes for walks and takes care of his younger brother. I think I'm lucky to have such a friend. I appreciate it and hope that we will be friends for many years to come. After all, when male friendship must be strong and permanent.

Essays on the topic, or summer holidays, are traditionally written by schoolchildren in all classes at the beginning of the school year. And essays about summer are my favorite time of year, usually in the spring, before the long-awaited summer holidays.

Essay on the topic “My friends” - 4th grade

Option 1

I have many friends. I met some of them in kindergarten, others live on the same street with me. When I went to school, I made new friends with whom I study in the same class. I enjoy spending time with them - going for walks, playing games, watching movies and even doing homework together.

Among all the guys I talk to, there are two whom I consider my best friends. One of them is Vadik. We met on the first of September, when I came to school for the first time. I was very worried and worried then, but Vadik, on the contrary, was cheerful and smiling. We stood next to each other on the line, and he began to encourage me with all sorts of jokes. Since then we have been friends. It’s always interesting with Vadik, because he is brave and not afraid of anything, and also laughs a lot. Some may think that he is not serious, but this is not so. Vadik is a very reliable friend, he never deceived me and always helped.

Tanya is my best friend. She is the daughter of my mother's friend. We met her when we were very young. Tanya is like my sister. She lives on the other side of the city, and we see each other when our mothers go to visit each other. When we meet, Tanya and I share what happened during this time. I try to help her and explain what she doesn’t understand at school. Tanya and her mother usually prepare all sorts of goodies for our arrival, and we sit at the table for a long time, listening to music and talking.

I love all my friends because I enjoy communicating with them.

Option 2

Friends are important in every person's life. These are the closest people who will come to the rescue in difficult times, who can be trusted with any secret. Friends spend joyful moments with us; they make the holiday even brighter and more cheerful. I'm glad that I have friends in my life too.

You can't just choose a person to be your friend. You get closer to some gradually because they are nearby, for example, at school or in the yard. You meet others where you have common interests, for example, in clubs or sports sections. And every time one day you realize that this person has become especially close and dear to you, and that you want to talk with him on different topics or even just be close.

It's great to see your friends every day. But even if this does not happen, the friendship still does not disappear. Some of my friends we don’t see each other for months, but we still remain family to each other. It is important that there are people in the world who are so dear to you who will not forget or betray you, even if you are away or move to another city forever.

A person can only have one, the most close friend. Or it may be that he has many friends, and he is never alone. There is no telling how many friends one person should have, and this allows us to choose and decide for ourselves.

Friends are the best support in any situation, even if friends are just nearby. But to maintain friendship, you need to try very hard. Don't forget about your friends, oh important events in their lives. You can't just spend time with them happy Days, leaving them when they are in trouble or distress.

I have some very good friends whom I love very much. I treasure them because they have the same hobbies and tastes. I like spending time with them because we love the same music and the same movies. They always have something interesting to say and listen to me if I need it, and I answer them in kind. I want to believe that we will be able to maintain this friendship for life. I also hope that in the future I will make new friends with whom I will be just as interested.

Everyone in childhood had their most beloved and very dear toy. Therefore, it will be very easy to write.

“My school friends” (essay-reasoning)

Our class... We studied together for almost eight years, only a few moved to other schools, and some came to us and joined our large, diverse team. Forty pairs of curious eyes and ears. Forty pairs of fast legs. Forty pairs of hands always busy with something. Forty questions, forty answers.

We are so similar and at the same time so different from each other. We know who is better to study with, and who to relax with, who to admire, and who to tease. All together we form a large, irrepressible, loud creature - grade 8-B. It has its own habits and even traditions, and teachers will never be mistaken that it is us, even if they enter the classroom with their eyes closed. Teachers and parents tell us that school years are not forgotten. And when you see with what joy mom meets her school friend on the street, and dad talks about his school fun and pranks, you believe that they are right.

We will spend ten years together within the walls of our school. We will read the same books, answer the same questions. Is it possible to forget a period that takes up more than half of your life?

Now it seems to me that there are still more differences in us than similarities. I can’t call all of my classmates friends or even comrades. There are guys whose behavior I do not approve of, whose company I find unpleasant. It seems that I will really be interested in the fate of this person after graduation? But often bad behavior is just a defensive reaction, and when you talk to a person alone, it turns out that he is completely different than he seemed before: kind, smart, capable of empathy. He's just different, not like you.

There are children in our class who arouse interest and respect with their seriousness, development, and versatility of hobbies. Many of them are leaders of our class. Sometimes you wonder how they manage to know, be able to, and do so much? Everyone loves these guys, their “sins” are often forgiven, and the teachers treat them not the same as others, but more loyal and tolerant. These guys are different too.

There are several children in our class whom I single out among all the people in the world. They are my friends. We not only study together (in the broad sense of the word), but also relax together, attend clubs and sports sections. We even live nearby. Our friendship is honest, faithful and time-tested. I can always rely on my friends and I know that after graduation our connection will not become weaker, even if we enter different educational institutions.

This is how they are, my school friends. People whom meeting many years after graduating from school will bring me a happy smile and a flood of memories and questions: “Do you remember how we were?... And where is Luda now? What does Sasha do? You know, I haven’t heard from Vadim for so long - how is he now?”

Now we are ordinary boys and girls, loud, restless, touchy, sometimes cruel, but still the best, the most cheerful, the most friendly. After all, our class now is our life and our memory.

My friend's name is Vanya, he is a year older than me, but we study in the same class, because Vanya went to school later. Vanya and I knew each other before school, so we have known each other for a very long time. Vanya is a very good and kind person, he will always come to the rescue in difficult times, he will always support with words. I really value our friendship, because real friendship- that's great rarity. I think we can already say that our friendship has stood the test of time.

Vanya is a creative person, he draws beautifully because he studies at an art school. His drawings became the best in almost all school competitions. I'm very happy for my friend!

Vanya jokes very often. Therefore, during breaks during free time from school, you can often hear our cheerful laughter in the school corridors. Sometimes we come up with funny things and act out little skits that we perform in the school theater group.

My friend's appearance is quite interesting. He has jet black hair, blue eyes and long black eyelashes. Many girls are jealous of the color of his eyes and his luxurious eyelashes. His build is quite normal; my friend is a little taller than me.

Vanya and I live not far from each other, so we often see each other on weekends and in the evenings. We walk, talk a lot on different topics, play computer games, make plans for the future. We are never bored!

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teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Kovran Secondary School"

Kyzyngasheva Irina Vladimirovna,

Contact tel. 89617433100 (cellular)

My best friend

(portrait sketch)

His name is Vladimir, but I call him Vovka. We have been friends with him for a long time, from an early age. Before meeting him, I had never met such kind “guys.” Whatever you ask him for, and whoever asks him, he is always ready to help. He often helped me out - and in different situations. He never wanted anything in return, he probably never even had such thoughts.

He was funny, cheerful and very witty. He joked a lot. Any conversation, any story, when Vovka told it, became funny and interesting. Vovka was a very interesting conversationalist. I think he was a cheerful person, or, as they say now, he was an optimist.

Another great thing about my friend was that he was a jack of all trades. Whatever he undertook, he succeeded. He could easily fix his scooter without the help of adults, was well versed in computers, and could provide tasty and satisfying food by preparing the dish himself.

He and I often went together wherever we wanted, and I always felt confident with him that nothing would happen, and if something did happen, Vovka would definitely find a way out.

My friend’s eyes are brown and often light up with a cheerful sparkle, apparently when he has another idea. The haircut is short, not even a bang. Clothes are most often sports style: sneakers, jeans - these are his favorite clothes. His sporty style of dressing matches his athletic physique. The voice is rough, but lately he has been developing sharp or squeaky syllables, notes, what can you do - transitional age.

Vova is interested in many things: he is interested in and has a good understanding of technology, likes to assemble or disassemble equipment, and can repair it; loves listening to music, often wears headphones, says that music inspires him and keeps him in good shape; He is a little interested in sports, like everyone else in Kovran, he goes skiing, he went to the volleyball section while he lived here; loves nature, hunts, fishes, often takes us friends to just relax in nature, listen to the sounds of nature.

His gait is normal, like all boys, with a little sway. During a conversation, he gestures a lot with his hands, more often than everyone else, and this catches the eye of many who meet him for the first time, although I simply don’t notice it anymore.

He does any work around the house and helps his parents. If Vova gets down to business, you won’t drag him away by the ears until he finishes what he started. I often think: I wish he had this trait. But I quit if it doesn’t work out, although I try to follow my friend’s example. We can say that Vova loves work, a workaholic, in general.

But, alas, my friend Vova flew away from Kovran and moved. This happens in life. Of course, I miss him now, although I have new friends, very good ones, but I miss something that was in my friend Vladimir. He will forever remain in my heart and memory. We still call each other, but it’s not the same. This is such a wonderful guy - my best friend Vova.