The variety of types of theatrical and festive performances: the essence of the concept of "theatrical performance", "holiday", "spectacle", "show program". Musical and theatrical show "Casting Theatrical show program

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The most complete picture of the diversity of the mass holiday is given by the richness of the forms of its artistic embodiment and organization today. This richness and diversity of forms is determined primarily by the richness and diversity of content, palette means of expression, sites of celebratory action.

Basic forms:

    Mass festive procession (it was common in ancient times);

    The procession provides an opportunity for each person to express their personal attitude to solemn events, to demonstrate their activity.

    Theatrical carnival processions and cavalcades on holidays;

    Theatrical rallies;

    Theatrical mass performance (indoor and outdoor stage);

    Theatrical themed evening (documentary and artistic performance indoors);

    Mass submissions on outdoors(park, stadium);

    Theatrical concert;

So, mass processions, theatrical rallies, mass performances and theatrical concert are the leading forms of modern mass celebration. The significance of a mass holiday as a means of communication between people is extremely high.

The holiday corresponds to a variety of street, stadium, water, park bulk actions: carnivals, processions, rallies, demonstrations, festivals.

Holiday is the sum of the events taking place at the same time. This is a special multilateral social phenomenon that reflects the life of each person and society as a whole.

Arising on the basis labor activity, holidays artistically comprehend a person's life. The holiday is concentrated on a vast territory and provides for not one, but several sites and has no boundaries (the whole village, the whole city).

Holiday classification:

3. Labor holidays of professions (doctor's day, teacher's day);

4. Labor holidays of the village (harvesting, the day of the first furrow);

5. Holidays of the seasons, folk calendar rituals and holidays (Shrovetide, Ivan Kupala);

6. Household holidays and ceremonies (wedding, farewell to the army, birthday).

Holiday functions:

1. Psychological and pedagogical, educational;

2. Contact-active (in contact with various public organizations, school, DDT ...);

3. Communicative;

4. Recreative (restoration of strength and emotions of people);

5. Hedonistic (rest for the benefit of oneself, pleasure);

Festive comprehension and design of labor are the general line of development of a mass holiday.

The celebration arises and results in a certain, emotionally colored action based on the content of the holiday. As a kind of festive action, the celebration is distinguished precisely by this universal, public moment of unity, which finds its expression in rallies, processions, demonstrations, appropriately designed by script and director, artistically, musically. Celebration implies a mood of joy and fun, which are caused by the merging of the general and the personal, the unity of each person with the triumphant people.

spectacle– there is always a part of the holiday.

spectacle is an aesthetic phenomenon of the widest range: sports, games, public rituals and ceremonies, festivities and theatrical performances, not to mention the theater, circus, stage, cinema - all this is a spectacle. Spectacle forms themselves are called "synthetic" because they synthesize elements of all kinds of arts; reality and collectivity appear as the two most fundamental signs of spectacle. In any spectacle there is an effect of complicity, empathy and co-creation of the viewer.

- Carnival;

- Balagan;

Theatrical performances are divided into : performances taking place on a certain stage; stadium sports performances; theatrical performances in the open air.

Mass holiday , as a rule, does not provide for a local stage area, while a mass spectacle always fits into a limited stage area. In a mass celebration, the participants themselves choose an object of interest to them, and a mass spectacle focuses the attention of the audience on a given object.

A mass holiday may not have a time frame, a mass spectacle always has a time limit.

A mass celebration presupposes a great initiative and the improvisational nature of the participation of spectators in it, while the spectacle is divided into spectators and actors.

Performance on open stages , and especially on the water, is one of the most attractive forms of mass spectacles. Sometimes the action unfolds not only on the stage, but also on stairs, park cascades around fountains (performances in St. Petersburg, in the Peterhof Palace), leading from the palace to the stage. The spectacle in the open air is greatly helped by nature itself, which “plays” better than decorative design.

All mass theatrical performances in the open air can be roughly divided into two groups:

    Ornamental and decorative spectacles (bright colors are inherent, complex curly rebuilding of large masses of participants; fireworks of light effects; purity of lines, synchronism of movements, harmony of color; all this awakens a bright optimistic worldview in the viewer).

    Story-shaped performances (the essence is to create a journalistic, figurative, allegorical performance in the open air; this includes memorial performances on the ritual sites of large sculptural complexes (“Mamaev Kurgan” in Volgograd, “Piskarevskoye Cemetery” in St. Petersburg, “Sambek Heights” in Taganrog)) .

In such performances, the climax is the obligatory ritual action as the bearer of the main idea of ​​the spectacle itself.

A holiday can include spectacular forms - from a stadium performance to a ritual action.

Show program a special genre of art, modern trends in the development of show programs. Show programs in our country and abroad. The main technological features of show programs. The main specific features of show programs and the specific capabilities of the performer. The performance is like a building material for show programs.

November 7 at the Art Palace (Vladimir, Severnaya St., 2A) Svetlana Svetikova, Ed Shulzhevsky, Alexander Postolenko and other leading artists of the most famous, successful and legendary musicals in a bright and exciting theatrical program of the MUSICAL SHOW.

“I will sell my soul to the devil for a night with you” - and you can say nothing more. This phrase is iconic. It personifies a whole period in the history of modern Russian culture: the era of musical theater, the era of the musical. The musical genre is steadily gaining popularity in Russia. Moscow and St. Petersburg are becoming "Russian Broadway" - about a dozen high-profile projects are now underway in both capitals.

The team of our artists is familiar to viewers in all cities of Russia and neighboring countries on tour of the musicals "Romeo and Juliet", "Cabaret", "The Three Musketeers".

We created concert program"Musical Show" in order for the audience to have a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the vast heritage of the world musical theater, as well as to hear their favorite arias ("Belle", "Kings of Verona at Night" and others) in a magnificent "live" performance by recognized stars of Moscow musicals . A musical show is a bright, dynamic, costumed theatrical program, in which not only arias from famous musicals sound, but excerpts from performances are shown that are interconnected into a single story by an interesting entertainer. Only "live" performance! You will make an exciting journey into the wonderful world of the musical, enjoy the magnificent voices. Our concert show brings together the best of the golden collection of musicals that have gained worldwide fame: Notre Dame de Paris and Romeo and Juliet.

The program includes: Svetlana Svetikova, Ed Shulzhevsky, Alexander Postolenko, Petr Markin (winner of the GOLDEN MASK award), Yulia Artemova (12 chairs, Romeo and Juliet), Olga Vorozhtsova (Romeo and Juliet, Mama Mia), Vyacheslav Gnedak ( Romeo and Juliet, Cabaret, Three Musketeers).

If you consider yourself a theatergoer, a fan of the musical genre, or just love everything bright and beautiful in the music world, you should not miss this wonderful event.

Give away the moorings!

To try on the role of Jack Sparrow or the hero of Treasure Island, boys and girls do not have to gather a team of seasoned sea wolves and surf the expanses of the Caribbean Sea. You can just go to the "Anti-Pirate Quest" from the company "28th Dwarf"!

Andrey Veshkin, General Director of the 28th Gnome company:
“The quest on the boat is a family vacation format where no one will be bored. This is an ideal option for moms and dads who care about new experiences for the child, but do not forget about themselves. While the children are playing, parents can have a leisurely conversation in the restaurant and enjoy the magnificent views of the Moskva River.”

Birthday, release from kindergarten, school break and just a day off are great reasons to board the Notte Bianca. The lapping of waves, fresh wind, incredible adventures and ... pirates are already waiting there. But do not be afraid, they are not formidable at all, but kind, funny and very resourceful. Together with them, the guys will have to overcome all obstacles and get the treasured treasures.

Full speed ahead!

So the treasure hunt begins. The kids will have to put on pirate clothes, find a map that leads to the treasure, solve intricate riddles, take part in exciting games and contests. And even come face to face with the ghost of Captain Henry Morgan!

The situation on the ship, the details of the pirate life and the actors in makeup are so realistic that the children sincerely respond to every turn of the plot. At the same time, the quest is designed so that each participant can show their abilities and bring the team closer to victory. By the way, in the final game all the little heroes are waiting for interesting and useful gifts. And for those who do not want to part with the world of pirates for a long time, the 28th Dwarf company has prepared a continuation of the story. This is the quest "The Secret of the River Devil", the main character of which is the already notorious Henry Morgan. But be on the lookout! The path to the captain's treasure is as cunning and difficult as he is.

  1. Variety of types of theatrical and festive performances; the essence of the concepts "Theatrical performance", "Holiday", "Spectacle", "Show program".

spectacle1) types of art that directly affect the visual and emotional perception of events. The types of performing arts include: theater in all its forms and genres, circus, street theaters, festivities, holidays, sports, etc. 2) a case, an event, an incident visible to the eyes, everything that we consider, what we look at, as well as a theatrical performance, a theater. (Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, vol.

Holiday -

Dmitry.Mikhailovich. Genkin. " The holiday is complex form mass work, which includes several simultaneously occurring events, united by a theme and idea, combining the active action of the participants with their perception of the spectacle. The pedagogical value of the holiday is to satisfy the interests of people with different cultural levels, raising it to a higher level.”

Anatoly. Ivanovich. Chechetin.“A celebration is a complex of cultural and artistic events, usually dispersed over a vast territory, and those present at it act both as spectators and as participants in the actions at the same time.”

  1. a multifaceted social phenomenon that reflects the historical, economic and artistic values ​​of the people. This is a collectivist phenomenon, necessarily requiring the presence and direct participation of a group of people, spiritual ties between them.
  2. a traditional celebration or fun organized by the people, class, this or that social group, collective, family, associated with their achievements in the field of socio-political and labor activities, with achievements in the field of science, culture, art, education, upbringing of youth. It is based on an event, several centers of action on one topic, the viewer as a participant or observer. The most important form. Theatricality itself. The script is written in blocks (episodes in them).
  3. set of measures various kinds and spectacular forms of different genres; a multifunctional phenomenon that reflects the era, the life of society and its culture; the most ancient and most effective means of mass communication. (according to Yu.M. Chernyak).
  4. This is a complex form of mass leisure work, which includes several simultaneously occurring events, united by a theme and idea, combining the active action of the participants with their perception of the spectacle.
  5. This is a complex form, which has the most important social significance and the main purpose of which is human communication.
  6. A special kind of social and cultural life of people, which involves many spectacular forms that operate simultaneously: a carnival procession, a manifestation, a performance or a concert, a rite or ritual, mass celebrations. Big Encyclopedia (under the editorship of Yushakov S.N. etc. - St. Petersburg: Enlightenment 1896
  7. a day set to honor God or a person, or remembrance important events with the suspension of daily activities.

Big Encyclopedia (under the editorship of Yuzhakov S.N.)

Theatricalization - 1) Creation of an artistic image according to the laws of dramaturgy and theater with the most active participation of the majority of the audience.

2) The essence of theatrical creative method is the artistic comprehension of real events in the life of a country, a particular team or even an individual, in which these events are embodied in a vivid figurative form containing their artistic interpretation. Performances built on the basis of the theatrical method are called theatrical.

In etc. the main characters are real personalities directly related to the event around which the figurative solution of the theatrical performance is built. (according to Petrov B.N.)

By theatrical performance we mean a theatrical performance, holiday or ceremony. Theatrical action is a special way of meeting the spiritual needs of people, a special kind of art.
A theatrical performance is always a child of everyday life, life realities, the need for their spiritualization and existence in a different emotional-figurative form.
Thus, a theatrical performance is an organic combination of reality associated with everyday life, social relations, religious beliefs, ideological and political inclinations of people, and artistry contained in the emotional-figurative (artistic) material created by transforming this reality.

It should be noted characteristics theatrical performance, distinguishing it from other types artistic creativity.
1. The scenario of a theatrical performance is always based on documentary material, which we call the documentary object of attention of the screenwriter.
2. Theatrical action does not mean the creation of the psychology of fictional heroes (characters), but the creation of the psychology of situations in which real (documentary) forces operate and develop.
3. Theatrical action is multifunctional and solves the following tasks: didactic (edifying), informational (cognitive), aesthetic, ethical, hedonistic (enjoyment) and communicative.
4. Theatrical action, as a rule, is one-time and exists, as it were, in a single copy.
5. A theatrical performance is distinguished by a variety of forms, spatial and stylistic.

TP forms:

1. Thematic evening is a multi-genre phenomenon in form, giving scope for creativity, initiative, invention. The most common genres of thematic evenings include: evening-story, evening-report, evening-portrait, evening-rally, evening-ritual.
2. Literary and musical. A literary and musical composition has its own "score", which includes separate scores: poetic, musical, light and even color. And the more they are united and purposeful, the more successfully we will lead the viewer.
3. KVN.

4. Ceremony - the established solemn procedure for doing something.
5. Express - theater. (propaganda team or theater of variety journalism).

Show1) bright pop performance, spectacle, display. Synthesis of all kinds of art. 2) a magnificent stage spectacle with the participation of popular pop, circus, ballet performers, etc.