Boys congratulate girls on March 8th. Options for comic medals for high school girls

International Women's Day is coming - March 8th and men need to prepare gifts for women, and in this case- classmates.

Boys often say that they were congratulated on February 23, and they will congratulate them on Women’s Day. At school, March 8 is often celebrated on a grand scale; boys congratulate their classmates and teachers on International Women's Day. After short lessons they serve sweet table and the whole class feasts.

To make this holiday brighter, young men can learn short poems (quatrains) or beautiful prose for each classmate.. You can also buy postcards and write wishes in it, so that when the girl is congratulated, she will immediately be given a postcard from March 8th. In this section, boys will be able to pick up congratulations on March 8 to their classmates.

You are our classmates and best friends!
You and I have a lot of fun in our free time.
We fight sometimes, but it's out of friendship,

You yourself understand that this is very necessary!
Otherwise, how can we show that we like you?
You don’t believe in actions, but in kind words!

Our dear classmates, girls,
Congratulations on your spring day!
You are excellent students, beauties and champions,
With a sparkle in the eyes, in hearts with fire.

Congratulations to your male team,
Wishing you women's happiness, joy and good luck.
All merit, patience, vigor and glory,
So that all the most difficult tasks can be solved.

Be happy girls -
Never be sad!
Smile, be surprised,
Sing songs until the morning.

There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Your lovely, feminine eyes!
Thank you from us for everything -
Best regards, your class.

I polished my boots. The shirt is white.
And he managed to tie his father’s tie.
The poor boy's heart is thundering.
And who will tell him to shut up!

When it's complete madness:
Everything is melting around, drowsy from the sun,
And in Olya, and in Katya, and in love with Sveta,
It sings roulades.

And on March 8th there is no way to cope with it.
And in the books there is hardly a necessary example,
After all, Olya is an excellent student, Katya is a beauty,
And Svetka...well, in general, size three...

I will kiss you all, my classmates!
And my speech will be ardent for you!
I am great at heart! So there's no point in all of you teasing,
How tall I reach your shoulder...

This holiday is for girls,
After all, you are women from the cradle.
Capricious, timid,
But so cute.

Congratulations to you today,
We don’t offend you all day long,
We open the doors to the classroom and let you in everywhere.

We tell you from the heart:
You girls are good!
We are not too lazy to help you,
The holiday is just a day.

A good girl at the desk next to her,
On March 8th I want to tell you one thing:
Such a sweet smile and magnificent eyes,
I have never seen it either in a fairy tale or in a box office movie.

I wish you to meet the one you dream of,
and be happy forever, don’t lose your smile!
And if you are just creating the image of a prince -
Then I’ll be brief: come with me for a walk!

Let your cherished dreams come true soon! How fun it is to congratulate classmates on March 8

Classmates girls, happy March 8th to you!
Smile and come to class soon!
We dream of congratulating you, honestly, better than anyone.
And in response we only want to hear cheerful laughter.

May smiles bloom on this spring day,
And when the bell rings, let all the legs run merrily!
We wish you health, love and beauty!
Let your cherished dreams come true soon!

Noses powdered, braids undone,
Lips were put on lipstick, eyes were lined.
The cool guy doesn't swear, the director doesn't grumble,
The guys are smiling and their hearts are beating!

Young, beautiful, a little daring.
May your path in life be happy!
Happy Women's Day, my friends!
Let the nightingales sing sweetly under the windows!

Well, girls, we've been waiting!
The eighth of March is knocking on our doors!
It’s not easy to be men on this holiday -
They must bow before us!

Cleaning will fall on men's shoulders on holiday,
You guys have to do some cooking too!
Give us many different gifts -
The path to our heart will be open to you!

Classmate once a year,
Each one gives a write-off,
And he will show and he will tell,
And he will point out mistakes to us.

It’s just that there’s an aggravation in March,
For guys it's a salvation -
For candy, chocolate
A notebook for us with homework

All the girls are happy to give
(I had to wait a year for this).
'Cause we wish
You only get A's in your studies

So we want March 8th,
Girls from the next desk.

We congratulate you on March 8th,
With great enthusiasm and as much fun as possible,
All those who are at their desks every day,
Lets us cheat, saving us from teachers.

Our dear girls, congratulations!
You are so smart and slim. You are so beautiful.
More strength so that we wish to be tolerated,
And in life the best prospects.

Forgive us for constantly bullying us,
In any fight, if anything happens, we’ll fight for you!
There are no better classmates - we know for sure.
Happy International Women's Day!

On this day March 8
Can we go through the desks -
You can even use a wheel
You can even do it without panties.

But, of course, in pants -
Because the holiday - ah...
So awesome -
Well, where without you, why?

Live without you, circle without you,
We don't need half class
(I mean class, but class without you).
Congratulations! In profile, in front
We kiss you a hundred times.

I wish you March 8
I have wonderful days for the girls,
May the sun always shine
And outside the window the nightingale sang!

Boys, don't let them offend you,
By the braids, so as not to be pulled,
Although without this, I know
They wouldn't be able to live!

It's not out of anger at all,
And from boyish love,
After all, how not to pull if the tail,
That’s what he asks himself - pull!

Briefcases to help you
The guys bring it to the house,
And they didn’t forget to please
And they dedicated poems to you!

Every year you become more beautiful
Classmates are like dreams,
You are love, our friends,
Blessings to you with the warmth of spring.

May love be the force of spring,
He carries you all in his arms,
Let each one be sweet,
Live happily in the clouds.

Only this way, and no other way,
Caress, tenderness, warmth,
Live luxuriously - with a villa, cottage,
In a world of light and goodness.

Today we congratulate you on the eighth of March
All those who share desks with us in class!
All those who suffer all our antics!
All those who write off gives us homework!

We wish you easy learning
Laugh more, have more fun
Be the school standard of beauty
And may all your dreams come true!

Brooks gurgle in the spring,
The girls' holiday is coming soon!
Oh, March 8th will come
And the boys will get hot!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
There is leapfrog in our class,
For the boys' gifts
They ran away in all directions!

There are girls in our class -
Smart girls, beauties!
And confess to us boys,
Love this!

You are always beautiful:
"Ponytails", braids.
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

How change comes
We love to play with you:
We run away as much as we can,
So that they can catch up with us!

We promise you today
Give compliments.
And you will grow up a little,
We will give you flowers!

We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
You always, everywhere and everywhere
We will boldly defend!

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you happiness
And they send greetings to spring!

We dressed up today
Shoes are on fire:
Congratulate you on March 8
We gathered as if for a parade!

We iron all shirts
we'll iron our pants
Let's go around the puddles today
And we won't fight.

We no longer walk upside down,
We don't lie on the floor
We don't sit on top of each other
And we don’t smear ourselves in chalk.

Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard,
But more beautiful than our girls
We didn't anyway!

You are beautiful like stars
And the eyes burn with fire,
And your sweet smiles
Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we want to be
Everyone like you!

We wish you only happiness,
And we'll tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
There is simply no one in the whole school!

You haven't rated it yet
Hidden potential.
Got a D again
Instead of certificates and praises.

You're very talented
You're hiding your talent in vain.
In "Bear Cub", by the way
I was second that year.

You read a lot of different books,
Strong in geography...
You shouldn't raise your hand in vain,
What, you don't need an A?

Just don't be lazy,
Complete all tasks...
I wish I could study better
Only get straight A's.

Dear classmates, today is International Women’s Day, so I congratulate you on this holiday of spring, beauty and femininity. I am incredibly lucky that you are my classmates and brighten my every day with your presence, making my studies not so boring and monotonous.

You are the adornment of our class and, although you are not yet independent ladies, you are already quite accomplished beauties. We would like to wish you on March 8th to remain as cheerful and lively, never to lose heart, and not to treat our stupidities and pranks calmly and judiciously.

Our dear girls! We, strong half Our class, together and with all our hearts, congratulate you on March 8th. You are our beautiful fairies, beauties, smart girls. We are confident that you will become the best wives, mothers, and will be able to realize all your dreams and plans. We wish you to create strong family, give birth to healthy children in the future, find your true place in life and do only what brings you joy. We love you very much!


holiday for girls of grade 7a “The most-most”

Teacher : Spring is a bright holiday of the awakening of nature. In spring, everything on earth blooms. And March - the first month of spring - brings warmth, the sun begins to shine brighter, and the first spring flowers appear. It is no coincidence that this month we celebrate the most wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

A video lesson from the Infourok project will help us remember the history of this holiday.

And now, dear girls, tune in to the festive wave! Only for you today will they sound tender, nice words and hearty congratulations.

(boys come out)

    Good afternoon

    Today we want to congratulate our dear ones,











    you girls!

(song sounds to the tune of “Our Neighbor”)


1. How can we not worry?

Don't be embarrassed, don't blush?

Because today, because today

We decided to sing for you!

On a spring day, on a cheerful day

We are happy to congratulate you

With the brightest, kindest -

The best holiday spring!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

2. Congratulations to you today

And gifts from the heart.

And we admit that it is very

You are good today!

We promise to become more mature

Don't lose your friendship.

Well, if someone offends you,

We will protect you!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

3.You are beautiful like stars

And the eyes sparkle with fire.

And your smiles are sweet

Outshine the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us,

You girls are simply awesome!

We wish you only happiness,

Let the flowers bloom for you!

Chorus: dad-dad…..

Student 1 :

Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Loud fun!

Student 2:
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go away!
Let the winter go away
Mimosa sprig!

Student 3:

WITH bright holiday,

Happy holiday,

Happy Women's Day,

Wonderful, wonderful,

Student 4:

Happy holiday of affection,

Love and attention

Happy holiday of feminine charm!

With the beginning of spring!

Student 5:

We also want to congratulate Liliya Mikhailovna on the holiday.


On this spring Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like lilac.

Student 6:

May your life be wonderful

And always be happy!

Let your home be a full cup

Good luck, happiness and goodness!


On this pre-holiday day, I also want to congratulate our girls on the holiday, wish them health, a cheerful spring mood, and success in all your endeavors. I have prepared a festive presentation for you, where the main roles are you, beautiful girls.

(Presentation show)


But today we will not only congratulate the girls, but also relax, play, and have fun. And I again give the floor to the boys.

Student 1 :

We invite you to become participants in the competition, the name of which you will learn by carefully listening to the song performed by us.

(the song “The Most-Most” sounds)

So, a competition is announced for the title “The Best”, in which all the girls in our class will participate. The conditions of the competition are as follows: after each competition, one participant who completed the task last leaves. Before we start, we offer you a warm-up:

    Questions related to number 8:

    Name the eighth month of the year. (August.)

    Which month of the year gets its name from the Latin numeral eight? (October.)

    How many months are there in eight years? (96 months)

    When do elephants have eight legs? (When there are two of them.)

    What has eight legs but is not called an octopus? (Spider.)

    Seven brothers have one sister. How many children are there in total? (Eight.)

    What will a quadrilateral become if all four corners are cut off? (Octagon.)

    What number is on the dial mechanical watch located opposite the number eight? (Number two.)

    Smart girls, and now we want to know how you understand cooking. Let's keep asking questions! Moreover, for each correct answer a token will be issued. Whoever collects the most tokens will have the right to return to the game if he suddenly has to drop out of it.

    What is the name of the document that describes the method of preparing a dish? (Recipe.)

    Which soups are consumed more in Russia: cold or hot? And why? (Hot, since in Russia there are more cold days than warm ones.)

    What soup contains cucumber and barley? (In pickle.)

    What is the name of a salad drenched in kvass? (Okroshka.)

    “Chicken Solarium” is…. What? (Grill.)

    Do chefs make cheesecakes from cheese or cottage cheese? (From cottage cheese.)

    Judging by the name, cook this milk product as easy as pie. What is it called? (Sour milk.)

    What kind of fish is in holidays puts on a “fur coat”? (Herring)

    Which country gave the world its own open pie - pizza? (Italy.)

    Table seasoning has the Slavic root “burns”.(Mustard)

    Without what product is lunch in Rus' impossible? ( Bread)

    Name the most important treat at Maslenitsa.(Pancakes)

Now it’s clear that you’ve “warmed up” andyou can start competitions .

    Competition "Hot" (9 people)

We're starting competitive program from the “hottest” competition. Please stand in a circle and take the pan. As soon as the music starts playing, imagine that the pan is hot and try to get rid of it quickly, i.e. pass it to the player standing next to you. Whoever remains with the pan in his hands when the music has stopped will leave the game after the first competition.

    Competition "Podium" (8 people)

Dear girls, this time we invite you to move from the kitchen to the podium. This competition will allow you to imagine yourself on the catwalk as a fashion model. You just have to walk along a straight drawn line with the book on your head. If only one participant’s book falls, then the competition will be considered over; if several participants lose the book, they will play with each other. So, get ready for the transformation.

    Competition "Cooks" (7 people)

Actions with the pan continue. We want to know if you know how to cook yourself, if you help mothers and grandmothers prepare dishes. In general, the task is not easy, and you are given only a minute and a half to complete it. Take sheets of paper, pens and get ready to write a set of products. You have to continue the sentence: “If I were cooking borscht, I would put it in it...” Music!!!

    Competition "Bouquet" (6 people)

This competition is that you are invited to create a festive bouquet of flowers, the names of which you will have to guess. So, you get a piece of paper, a pen and watch the presentation, there will be a description of the colors on the slides. You need to write their names on a piece of paper. Whoever has fewer correct answers than others will leave the competition.

    Competition "Cinderella" (5 people)

We think that just after hearing the name of the competition, you guessed what you had to do now. There is a glass in front of each of you. Pour its contents onto the table and familiarize yourself: there is rice, buckwheat, peas and noodles. You thought correctly, you need to take this apart. As soon as the music starts, get to work. The last one leaves.

    Competition "Strange People" (4 people)

On one planet in the constellation Orion, all people do work with one hand. Show how people from a distant planet would perform some actions common to earthlings. And to do this, you need to peel the boiled egg with one hand. You start on command; whoever completed the task last is eliminated.

    Competition "Sweet Tooth" (3 persons)

Now you have a competition for speed and it’s very tasty. Please serve the cakes. The one who eats the slowest among you will leave the competition. Get ready, let's start!

    Competition "Monument" (2 people)

Teacher: Dear girls, you have already reached the final. The boys tried so hard organizing competitions that it was time to erect a monument to them. Choose your assistant now. Choose the position in which your monument will stand or sit. Now take a roll toilet paper, and as soon as the music starts, start wrapping them from head to toe. Let's see who can do it faster and more beautifully too.

At the end of each competition, the girl who drops out of the game is given a commemorative medal and congratulations on the holiday (A 4 sheet with a photo and description of the meaning of her name).

Teacher: Our festive competition for the title of “The Best” has come to an end. Based on the results of all competitions, the winner was... She is awarded the largest medal with the inscription “The best!!!” and greet the winner with applause.

The snow is melting outside the window.
It's a March prankster
Made the sun brighter
And made a holiday!

We wish you a happy holiday, girls,
On International Women's Day
We wish you happiness!

Let beauty bloom
Let dreams come true,
And may you be lucky in everything,
You are admired!

Today all male staff
We congratulate you, girls!
Applause to you and “Bravo!”
In spring this holiday is sonorous.

It is inappropriate to wish you beauty -
There’s no need to keep her busy anyway.
We'll say it straight: there are no prettier ones,
What are you! So what can you wish for?

We wish everyone a lot of happiness,
Smiles, laughter, sparkles in the eyes,
So that bad weather avoids you,
Soar as if in heaven.

So that you are warmed every day
Hope, devotion, love,
So that you never leave,
Those feelings that stupefy the blood!

Happy spring holiday
Our beautiful girls
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you only clear days!

Only get A's
Help us a little too
Only radiate joy
And it looks great!

This holiday is all year long
All the people are waiting.
There are flowers in the classroom on this day
Unprecedented beauty.
There's even a map behind the flowers
On this day, March 8th.

We will wipe the board for you,
Let's clean up the classroom better.
Let's write on the board with chalk,
That girls are queens!

We'll try all day
Smile for you today
We will give up our place
If necessary, answer.

We love you, respect you
And we don’t offend you at all.
You need to try really hard
We need to be patient.

Congratulations girls
And we wish them happiness!
Smile more often
And don't argue with us.

Share with us generously
Tasks at the desk,
Please accept congratulations
Today from March 8th!

Let the girls laugh
Impossible chatterboxes,
Everyone is sharp on the tongue,
Everyone is a little arrogant.

We still love you very much,
We will be friendly with you,
Congratulations on the Eighth of March,
We wish you, dear ones:

So that you don't know troubles,
Don't get fat from eating
To give you flowers,
So that everyone can be friends with you.

For all the charming ones,
Beautiful and simple,
Cheerful, charming -
This verse is a gift.

May you always smile
Greeted by everyone around
Flowers and cards
Every friend will congratulate you.

May every day be happier
It is now becoming
And joy is more hasty
Knocking on your door!

Congratulations to you girls
Happy March spring day!
From our hearts we wish you,
May you be “lucky” in everything!

Never get bored
Have fun always
And they didn’t forget about us,
We are true friends.

We will arrange a holiday for you,
We will sing and dance.
Sincerely great happiness
On this day we will wish.

Dear girls,
Kind, beautiful.
Happy Women's Day,
Be happy everyone.

May smiles be like flowers
Bloom brighter
And good words
Let them not be forgotten.

May spring witchcraft
The holiday will envelop you,
And unexpected love
Suddenly all plans are confused!

Be as beautiful as flowers
Bloom with spring,
On these spring days,
Like butterflies, flutter!

Fly high to happiness
So that all dreams and all desires
Came true simply and easily,
After all, you are full of charm!

March 8, 2019 is approaching, and you haven’t yet decided how to congratulate girls on International Women’s Day at school? We'll give you some ideas. Think over the program for the day - from presenting postcards with poems to classmates to a concert and a “sweet” table for the whole class.

How do boys congratulate girls on March 8 at school?

You can design a holiday poster or prepare a wall newspaper, including a general wish to your classmates, a story about their achievements in different fields, or articles about each of them with photographs.

On this day of our girls
There is nothing more beautiful and beautiful!
You put on your outfits -
We wish you happiness sea,
Be the first in every dispute!
Be an exemplary student
And at work as a craftswoman!
And let spring bring
Only joy without worries!

Dear girls, happy spring day to you,
Happy March 8th! Love, mood,
Happiness, smiles, gifts, flowers,
The most pleasant words to you today.
Joy, laughter, great success.
Let your dreams come true again and again!

In our class we are proud
Sometimes not with grades,
And with my girls,
Their intelligence and beauty!

They shine brighter than the sun,
Every year, day after day!
Congratulations on Women's Day
Your school friends.

How to congratulate girls on March 8th at school?

Your classmates will be pleased to hear kind words addressed to them. They probably have interests and hobbies that can be talked about at this holiday. What is the best way for boys to congratulate girls on March 8 at school? You can present your friends with certificates in different categories - “Best Athlete”, “Soul of the Company”, “Succeeding Everywhere and in Everything”, etc.

Congratulations on March 8th
We are our own classmates!
We will read out the congratulations
For dear girls.

I wish you happiness, love, good luck,
Mood, beauty.
Let failures pass
And dreams come true!

Allow us to congratulate
You, girls, on this day!
For beauties like you,
Let the drops always ring!
May your eyes always shine
There will be more luck in life,
And nothing upsets
On Women's Day, March 8th!

You are our classmates,
There is no one sweeter and more beautiful than you,
No more diligent, no smarter
And, of course, more fun!
Congratulations on March 8th,
We wish you happiness ocean
A boundless sea of ​​joy,
A bright, serene life!
More positive, laughter
And success in all matters!

How else can you congratulate girls at school on International Women's Day? On festive concert you can act out funny skits on the theme of school life, sing a remake song dedicated to your friends, and perform a funny dance.

You can organize a “Come on, girls!” talent competition, including tasks such as setting the table, preparing snacks, and decorating dishes. Of course, you need to prepare for the competition in advance - bring dishes, towels, knives, graters, and various products from home. Don’t forget about small prizes for the winners - these could be Stuffed Toys, souvenirs, stationery (pens, notepads, etc.).

Our dear girls, congratulations!
You are so smart, slim and so beautiful.
We wish you more strength to endure us,
And in life the best prospects.

Forgive us for constantly bullying...
If anything happens, we’ll go for you in any fight!
There are no better classmates - we know for sure.
Happy International Women's Day!

We dedicate our poems to you
On Women's Day, March 8th.
And congratulations to the girls,
Who do we sit with at the school desk?

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
Light, joy and happiness.
And of course, we promise
I will forever admire you!

How beautiful, how wonderful
We have classmates!
Let's be honest, let's be clear:
You girls are simply awesome!

What verses should you use to congratulate girls on March 8th?

Congratulations in verse will delight them and lift their spirits on the eve of this wonderful holiday. For boys, there are many options and ways to congratulate classmates on March 8 at school so that they remember this day for a long time and remember it with warmth in their souls. On our website you will find suitable texts for this.

Tails, braids, skirts,
Bows and ribbons...
Happy March 8th
Congratulations, girls.

Sunny bunnies
Let them play with you
But the boys never
You are not being offended.

We wish you in life
To be the best -
Beautiful, happy,
Future mothers.

Congratulations on the Eighth of March,
To the best girls we wish
To be princesses, like in a fairy tale,
And smile more!

Always obey your mom
And study with "Hurray"
After all, the beauty of spring has come
And she brought gifts!

May everything always work out
May the sun smile on you
And spring brings joy
And your favorite sweets!

Our dear girls!
We went through Crimea and Rome with you!
We don't know how to sing, we don't dance
And it’s hard for us to speak now.
Only, sitting at your desk with you,
We can’t take our eyes off you...
In general, happy holiday to you! Happy International Women's Day!
Continue to bloom for us!

We are classmates today
We hasten to congratulate you.
Days of happy, clear,
We want to wish!

So that dreams come true,
Happiness to you, good luck,
So that they dress in fashion,
Let beauty bloom!

So that they don’t remember the grievances
And they studied well
To do homework.
May goodness surround you!

The spring holiday on March 8, 2019 is a great occasion to please those girls with whom you go to school. This can also be done individually. Sign cards with poems for them by name.

You can compose such texts dedicated to classmates yourself, find them in books, magazines or on the Internet. Before presenting such a gift to a girl on March 8, a boy can write poems with congratulations on a postcard and wish the girl something from himself. We assure you that these poems will certainly please those to whom they are addressed!

Congratulations, (NAME), on the spring holiday!
Only in spring do I dream rainbow dreams,
The flowers are blooming again under the window,
The snow will melt soon, you'll see.
I wish you happiness and great love,
All your dreams will soon come true.
You are always beautiful and always sweet,
(NAME), congratulations that spring has come!
On the eighth of March, on this bright day,
They give everyone gifts and the lilacs grow,
The sun is shining happily,
Look out the window, smile at spring!

Today is a girls' holiday,
And I am glad to congratulate you.
I wish you no tears
And never lose heart!
Good health to you,
All the best in fate,
I wish, (NAME), many years
You can live without knowing troubles.
Let your friends be nearby
And I will count myself among them!

The brightest and most memorable day of March 8th for girls at school or kindergarten is always the holiday organized for them by the boys. There are never many ideas for holding an International Women's Festival for classmates and preschoolers - each of them can become a “key” to writing your own script for a gala concert or matinee. For example, you can organize an evening congratulating girls on March 8 . The holiday scenario usually includes funny scenes, dance and musical numbers, reading poems to “beautiful ladies” by name, presentation with music and funny parodies of girls.

Cheerful congratulations from boys to girls classmates on March 8

It is best for boys to start preparing to congratulate the girls of the March 8th class immediately after the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday. It is better to decide which of the guys will participate in the concert and which will draw a cool poster about International Women’s Day during a class hour for boys. High school students can organize congratulations to their classmates themselves, but middle and junior school students, of course, will need the help of a teacher and parents.

Ideas for congratulating girls and classmates from boys on March 8

In order for March 8 to be fun at school, and for the girls to enjoy the boys’ congratulations, 10-12 days before women's day need to organize a general meeting ( Classroom hour) boys and their fathers and grandfathers. Grown men can tell the guys best ideas Congratulations. You need to think through the entire program of the day - from presenting postcards with poems to schoolgirls to a “sweet” table for the whole class and guests of the concert. A great idea to congratulate the heroes of the occasion would be to inflate balloons and put a small comic congratulation in each of them.

It's a holiday for the girls today,
We need to congratulate you somehow.
Again a boy classmate
It will rack your brain.

How many great girls are there?
In our class, no doubt:
Kind, smart, energetic...
Like a festive bouquet.

In the classroom in honor of March 8
We will paint the desks for you.
And you will have to in class
Read the lines for you, girls.
Compliments, wishes
They will drive out your thirst for knowledge,
And for a while let him be smarter
Those who are stronger than you will become

Our dear girls!
We went through Crimea and Rome with you!
We don't know how to sing, we don't dance,
And now we speak with difficulty;
Only, sitting at your desk with you,
We can’t take our eyes off you...
In general, happy holiday to you! Happy International Women's Day!
Continue to bloom for us!

Congratulations to girls on March 8 by name - Postcards with poems

Personal congratulations are always liked more than “general” ones. A few days before March 8 at school, the guys will have to buy cards for each of the girls. You can entrust one of your classmates to sign the postcards with poems by name, but it will be more interesting if each of the boys contributes to the design of the congratulations and writes wishes to their classmates on their own behalf.

How to sign greeting cards with names for girls on March 8 - Ideas for designing wishes

There is probably a student in your class who draws or designs congratulations better than others. Instruct this boy to sign cards with poems by name. Before presenting such gifts, each boy can sign a mini-gift and wish the girl something on his own behalf. Congratulations are original, taking into account the talents of each of the classmates. For example, it will be possible to present an “award” to the strongest, the most dexterous, the most well-read... These could be cool certificates purchased in the store and filled out personally for each schoolgirl, or funny congratulations printed on a printer.

Congratulations, Yana, on the holiday of spring,
Only in spring do I dream rainbow dreams,
The flowers are blooming again under the window,
The snow will melt soon, you'll see
I wish you happiness and great love,
All your dreams will soon come true,
You are always beautiful and always sweet,
Yana, congratulations that spring has come!
On the Eighth of March, on this bright day,
They give everyone gifts and the lilacs grow,
The sun is shining happily,
Look out the window, smile at spring!

The picture became bright
Finally outside the window.
Have you noticed, Karina,
Is everything turning green?

It's March, you prankster,
Everything around is blooming
He brought to us Women's holiday,
Congratulate your friends soon.

Well, I wish you
Only happiness to heaven,
And I will also promise
Many joyful miracles!

The most energetic

You are like a boy in life,
The energy is in full swing,
Jeans, cap, shoes, haircut...
Do you like to play with the ball?

You don't skip physical training,
Even with an injury to class,
And you ski like that,
That the physical education teacher couldn’t catch up.

In volleyball, in basketball
You are one for four...
It's a pity there are so few in our school
Such cool girls.

Successful everywhere and in everything

You can do everything in the world:
Theater, swimming pool, gym
You visit the music room:
Piano plus vocals.

In the morning you do exercises,
Afterwards, take a shower, of course.
And opening your notebook,
Anyone admires...

Neat lines
So beautiful to write?!
Well, crumpled leaves
You don't even have to look.

The best congratulations to girls on March 8 at school - Competitions for classmates

March 8th at school will be fun and girls will remember it for a long time if the boys involve their parents, preferably their dads, in organizing the holiday. They, of course, remember how the female talent competitions “Come on, girls!” were held. The advantage of this competition is the ability to change its script and tasks for girls.

Ideas for competitions for girls to congratulate them on March 8 at school

In the competition program “Come on, girls!” You can include tasks such as setting the table, preparing snacks, and decorating dishes. Girls participating in the impromptu competition “Dance for Everyone” can discover real talents. There will be a funny competition for best suit from bags or paper towels. Of course, boys who choose to celebrate March 8th at school in this way should not forget that all this is organized with one purpose - to congratulate the girls and have fun with their hearts. For each contestant and for all classmates you need to prepare cards with the best wishes.

Never lose heart
You live a very fun life.
If you get a pair,
There's no way you'll cry.

You are a great girlfriend
I won't get bored with you
Mischievous laugh -
Anyone in the class can confirm.

How many jokes do you know?
More than any of us.
You infect with positivity
And our whole class smiles!

If your trousers are suddenly torn,
It definitely won't pass by,
Instantly he will take the needle in his hands,
He will sew up the hole expertly.

Doesn't lose in the evenings
As a gift of time she:
Sculpts, knits, embroiders...
Life is full of fantasy!

McDonald's can't compare to her
And "Blinoff", alas, doesn't count.
Expert in hot dogs,
Bakes buns with cream...

I dream of visiting her
For a hot dog and pancakes.
I don’t know how to ask,
Help, guys!

Musical congratulations on March 8 to girls in kindergarten - Concert and skits

To celebrate March 8th in kindergarten Teachers and parents need to purchase balloons, flowers, and bring toys in advance. With the help of such simple equipment it will be easy to decorate the boys' performance hall. The concert program must include several musical performances by boys, funny skits for girls, dance parodies and poems about ladies. Parents of children almost always come to such events, so congratulations for mothers should also be taken care of in advance.

Ideas for holding a congratulations concert for girls on March 8 in kindergarten

Holding one concert for girls in kindergarten to create festive atmosphere March 8 will not be enough. Let the boys, together with their parents, organize a “delicious” table for the girls and all the guests. Of course, the main dish of the mini-banquet will be cake, but one should not forget about other sweets loved by women of all ages - ice cream, sweets, chocolate, cookies. Treats that are not bought in stores, but prepared yourself, will be enjoyed more! March 8th in kindergarten can be turned into a big surprise for those invited. For example, having started celebrating a holiday at the table with the girls, boys can periodically “take the floor” and congratulate the girls with poetry, a song, or a funny number. The effect of surprise is guaranteed!

Congratulations on March 8th
And I wish you beauty
So that there is happiness in the house,
May flowers always bloom!

So that the sun gives
Warmth always, always,
Joy came to visit,
A dream would come true!

Long live girls
With or without braids!
Let the sun smile
They're from the blue heavens!

Long live the skinny ones,
Long live the fatties
Those with earrings
And there are freckles on my nose.

We congratulate you all
And please don't be angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys!

It’s best to think about which congratulations to girls on March 8th that classmates at school or kindergarten will like most, together with their parents. The most active dads will help their sons organize a “sweet” table at school or kindergarten, come up with competitions for girls, and decorate the hall for boys’ performances. At the end of the holiday, the boys always give the girls flowers and cards with poems and wishes by name.