Hand strengthening medicine. The best nail polish. Video: Strengthening nails at home

Strong and healthy nail plates will always look very attractive with proper home care, even if you do not like experimenting with different options for fashionable nail designs, but limit yourself to a laconic French manicure with an oval or almond-shaped free edge. Unfortunately, not every modern woman can boast of the impeccable appearance of her marigolds, since over time they can become brittle, exfoliated, very dull and even slightly yellowish.

Complex nail strengthening will help restore health to your nail plates and stop their further destruction. In this material, we have collected the most effective ways restoration of the structure of problematic nail plates, as well as procedures to quickly improve their strength under gel polish. You will learn how to gradually strengthen your nails with homemade baths, medicated masks and oils, simple gel and biogel, acrylic powder and modern hardeners such as smart gel or diamond polish.

- on the picture: appearance nails before and after the course of application of the strengthening biogel

- on the photo: the condition of the nails before and after the regular use of wellness baths and masks

First of all, we need to eliminate all the reasons that, day after day, worsen the condition, even very healthy nails... For example, modern dishwashing detergents, washing powders, and cleansing gels contain many chemicals that can cause delamination and thinning of the nail plate. Be sure to wear special household gloves before using hard tap water or detergents. If the condition of the skin of the hands and nail plates has noticeably worsened after constant household chores, we highly recommend doing paraffin therapy at home every week, which helps to strengthen and grow nails, improves blood microcirculation, and returns velvety and elasticity to the skin of the hands.

But not only external factors negatively affect the condition of the nail plates. An insufficient supply of nutrients to the root of the nail or a lack of certain elements involved in the formation of onychoblast cells can cause a disruption in the development of the horny plate. For example, a lack of the amino acid cysteine ​​reduces the density of the structural protein keratin and the nails lose their elasticity and become brittle. Insufficient amounts of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, or copper can also make nails softer, as well as brittle and flaky nails. What foods should we add to our diet to restore the balance of substances that affect the formation of keratin protein? A high content of cysteine ​​and other substances useful for strengthening nails is present in foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, garlic, bell peppers, and sunflower seeds. It is helpful to take L-Cysteine ​​capsules every day to quickly strengthen weak nails.

The appearance of white spots on the nails indicates that the body lacks calcium, magnesium, sodium. To prevent the nail plates from becoming dull, brittle and growing well, add foods such as beans, pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, sprouted wheat seeds, wheat bran, lettuce, spinach, and parsley to the diet.


We want to note right away that this method does not have a therapeutic or restorative effect on weak nail plates. Gel strengthening will help smooth out long, thin nails that are slightly bunched into a tube and make them harder for applying layers of gel polish. If you have a thin, but even nail plate, it is enough to apply a protective layer of base coat under the gel polish and cure with a UV lamp. After the procedure, your manicure will be sufficiently resistant to chips, cracks and other mechanical damage.


Unlike gel, biogel not only protects natural nail plates from mechanical damage, but also improves the condition of brittle, weakened nails after extension procedures with gel or acrylic (often removing extended nails, we gradually break the structure of natural ones). Biogel perfectly evens and strengthens the nail, nourishes the plate with useful substances that make up its composition, and also moisturizes the cuticle. Under the biogel layer, the marigolds freely develop a natural protective layer and "breathe".

- click on the photo and expand step by step instructions


Recently, acrylic reinforcement for brittle, thin nail plates is gradually replacing gel coat for protection from external influences. Acrylic powder can be sprayed with a thin layer on the base coat under the gel polish or directly on the last gel polish coat, followed by the application of the finishing layer. Especially well this finely dispersed polymer powder strengthens the nail plate in tandem with shellac after polymerization in a UV lamp, without increasing the thickness of the nail.

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And now let's move on from methods of mechanical strengthening of nails to directly therapeutic procedures with a long-term effect to improve their condition. Using at home baths with nourishing, moisturizing, and restoring the marigold stratum corneum components will help you achieve noticeable results in about a month. It is important that the temperature of the water in the bath with the components dissolved in it is kept at about 40 ° C, so that the active substances penetrate faster into the root of the nail and the plate. The most effective ingredients for medicinal baths include: sea salt, lemon juice, dried chamomile flowers, olive oil, iodine. After the procedure, do not forget to massage the nourishing cream onto your hands. It is enough to perform the procedures several times a week.

- click on the photo and expand best recipes bath products


The composition of the masks contains many active ingredients that quickly penetrate the periungual skin and plate, strengthening the structure and accelerating the growth of strong, elastic marigolds. It is useful to combine the use of home masks with therapeutic baths, the recipes for which we have posted above. The consistency of masks for strengthening and growing nails is such that they are not quickly absorbed and you can rub the mass in for 15-20 minutes (for example, while watching TV).

- click on the photo and expand the recipes for masks


The composition of essential oils includes active substances with an increased ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and horny plates. Essential oils can be used as an effective addition to a wide variety of nail strengthening treatments. In addition, these components not only improve the condition of the nail plates, but also restore the rough skin of the hands, return skin tone and elasticity. Add essential oils to healing baths, compresses for hands and nails, night and day creams, and include in homemade lotions and masks. The most effective cosmetic oils include ylang-ylang, bergamot, rosemary, tea tree, grapefruit, eucalyptus, myrrh.

- click on the photo and expand the recipes for strengthening nails with oils in the composition


Even if your marigolds do not break or exfoliate, but look dull, thinned and weak, then surely your body does not receive enough nutrients along with food intake. Add vegetables, fruits, herbs to your diet and the condition of your marigolds will noticeably improve within a few months. Your nails will not only become strong and even, but also.

- click on the photo and expand the list of vitamins for the growth and strengthening of nail plates


Many well-known cosmetic brands offer innovative nail strengthening products. For example, "Smart Gel" restores the natural elasticity and strength of nails, improves them healthy growth during a 4-week course. The balanced combination of such components of the "Smart Gel" as collagen, vitamin B5, silk protein has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the structure of weakened nail plates and helps to improve their protective functions.

Another well-established product is diamond nail hardener. It contains microscopic diamond particles that enhance the strength of the marigold. Structural microfibers of the reinforcement make the plates smoother and denser. If you have very weak and thin nail plates that are prone to delamination and brittleness, then try using diamond polish for a month according to the instructions.

- click on the photo and expand the tips for choosing nail hardeners


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Nail hardeners

CND RescueRXx Keratin Nail Mask

Keratin mask from CND is the best helper for strengthening nails at home. We checked it ourselves - after two or three days of use, the result is really noticeable! It contains jojoba oil and keratin - the main "builder" of our nail plate. Just apply the mask to clean nails, leave it on for a while, and then rub in the rest of the drug with light movements. If you go through a two-week course, you can recover even the most "killed" nails.

ORLY Calcium Shield Varnish


Often main reason the fact that the nail is weak - a lack of calcium. You, of course, have to monitor this and drink the appropriate vitamins, but you can act on the nail plate directly. Calcium Shield nail polish strengthens nails, saturates them with calcium, and also creates a protective shield. No more flaking!

Revitalizing oil from Belweder

Another effective product for the restoration and strengthening of nails is Belweder oil, which contains vitamin E and vitamin B5, which accelerates the regeneration processes. If you are already sad to look at your peeling nails, then use this tool for at least a week, rubbing oil into your nails every day. You will see that they will become stronger and start growing faster!

Nail Tek Intensive Therapy II Coating

This product is specially formulated for thin, soft and damaged nails. For a week, you need to coat your nails daily, and soon you will see the result - the product really works! It is interesting that you can use this one of the best means for strengthening nails even on top of varnish - the main thing is that it falls on the cuticle area, because it is from there that a renewed healthy nail grows.

OPI Nail Envy

This is perhaps the only colored nail polish that really heals nails. It contains a formula with calcium and wheat protein, as well as a vitamin complex that strengthens the nail plate and prevents brittleness. At the same time, the varnish is presented in four shades of pink, so you can do a beautiful manicure and heal your nails at the same time.

ORLY Nail Armor

This tool perfectly strengthens the nail plate due to the silk and kevlar fibers contained in it (a fiber that has a strength five times higher than that of steel), which, sticking to the nail, form a mesh and prevent it from breaking. It is necessary to apply a coating on a degreased nail (just rub it with alcohol before use) in 1-2 layers. The resulting mesh can be safely painted with colored varnish.

Famous Names coverage from IBX System

A product specially developed for intensive restoration of nails, makes them less brittle and solves the problem of flaking. Interestingly, the coating is not removed with regular nail polish remover - it only grows with a healthy nail, so it will take time. Be that as it may, the result will delight you: this is a truly effective way to get your nails in order.

Mineral paste Ni by Masura

This paste is usually used for Japanese manicure, but you can just buy the coveted jar and do it yourself at home. If after shellac it is scary to look at your nails, the paste will come to the rescue: it seals exfoliated scales and microcracks, makes the nail smooth and shiny. The product just needs to be rubbed into clean nails, and then lightly polished with a special buff.

Sally Hansen Diamond Strength

This express finish promises to make your nails as hard as diamonds. The tool is quite popular and proven - it is suitable for those who want to give their nails a break from permanent manicure and make the plate more dense. The coating serves as protection against external influences, and also retains moisture. Dryness is the most common cause of brittle nails, so give this product a try if you are familiar with this problem.

Bend Don’t Break varnish by Jessica

Another salvation for brittle nails is Jessica's Bend Don't Break coating, which contains plasticizers, polymers and a vitamin complex to create a kind of shield on your nails. Under this varnish, they grow quickly and are not subject to negative influences. Of course, this does not mean that you can now use detergents without gloves, but the coating will definitely save from chips and scratches.

Damaged, flaking and thin nails are a brutal reality that shouldn't be tolerated. There are a huge number of tools that can eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, and most of them are available to absolutely everyone.

Beautiful well-groomed nails - this is an important component female image... But sometimes it happens that the nails begin to break, become fragile and vulnerable... What to do in this case?

Nail - the industry does not stand still, so today there are many various strengthening agents... They not only do an excellent job of strengthening the nail plate, but also nourish and smooth it. Moreover, such the products are very easy to use... So, you will not even notice how your nails will become healthy and strong in just a few sessions.

Drugs for strengthening and growing nails from the pharmacy: use at home

So that your the marigolds were strong and healthy people do not have to use expensive special products. You can buy a lot at the pharmacy all familiar means, which will perfectly cope with this task, and will cost you much less.

Sea salt

This wonderful drug can be found not only in a pharmacy, but in any market. You can purchase both pure salt and with various useful additives... A clay additive is considered very useful. She does a great job with improvement of the nail plate... And if you choose salt with lavender, then calming effect Your skin will be provided.

Surely you noticed that after sea bathing, the nails became healthier and stronger... This is exactly the effect that sea ​​salt... Plus to this, iodine contained in salt also affects nail restoration.

To prepare bath with miraculous salt, you need half a liter of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt... Literally 10 minutes, and your pens will not be recognized. The nails will receive the necessary useful elements, and the skin of the hands will become smooth and elastic.


An affordable and inexpensive tool does an excellent job of strengthening nails. Iodine is vital the human body, it plays a large role in metabolic processes.

To strengthen your marigolds just apply a little iodine with a cotton swab on your nails... This solution will be completely absorbed in a few hours.

Important: in this case it is necessary to apply to nails and hands nutritious cream, since the iodine tincture is made on an alcohol basis.

Paraffin or wax

These available funds Great moisturize and nourish the skin... And if your marigolds do not have enough moisture, and they began to crumble and break, then this is the surest remedy. Nails, especially long ones, should be firm.

But, by no means, do not use candle wax or wax... These funds must be special, which can only be bought at a pharmacy.

In addition, in winter it is a pleasure to do procedures using paraffin or wax, since they have a warming effect.

For the bath, the paraffin must be gently melted, then add a few drops of any essential oil... Before applying the composition, hands must be lubricated any nourishing cream... Then hands need to be clothed in gloves made of polyethylene and dip the brushes in paraffin. Wrap your hands with a terry towel and hold it for 20 minutes.

Burr oil

Thanks to its moisturizing properties the oil perfectly nourishes and restores the moisture balance of the skin and nail plate. And in combination with other ingredients Burr oil capable of performing real miracles.

Add to burdock sea ​​buckthorn oil, which is rich in vitamins... Also add vitamins C, E and A, which capsules can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mixture apply regularly to hands and nails.

Almond oil

Three times a week it is necessary to lubricate the cuticles with this oil and gently push it back. After a while, you may notice that cuticle growth stops. Thus, it is possible to carry out unedged manicure .


It contains a huge amount useful microelements ... At the same time, it has the property dry the skin... Therefore, when using it, it is imperative to use additionally fatty and nourishing creams... Clay lotions are enough to do twice a month.

And do not forget that along with cosmetics for strengthening nails, you must take any vitamin complexes.

Video: Folk remedy for strengthening and whitening nails

Professional nail strengthening products

The cosmetic market is literally dazzling various nail care products... Such funds can be divided into preventive and therapeutic. Now almost any problem with nails can be easily solved... Some preparations regenerate tissues, others strengthen nails, and others nourish and moisturize.

If you want to purchase professional remedy for treatment Your marigolds, it is better to purchase it in the pharmacy... Be sure to carefully read its composition. If available in the product calcium, Your nails will be strong. At delamination of nails A remedy will help you, which contains fruit acids.

Smart enamel gel for thickening nails: how to use, reviews

Due to the fact that this enamel contains provitamin B5, high-quality hydration and nutrition for your nails will be provided. The edge of the nail is fixed thanks to this tool, and accordingly, the nail stops flaking.

Availability calcium leads to strengthening the nail plate, aligning it as well as the production of natural keratin.

It is advisable to apply enamel daily... It is perfectly absorbed and dries. Immediately after application, you can feel like a nail plate thickens and acquires firmness and elasticity... In addition, regular use of smart enamel leads to correct growth of nails and the preservation of their healthy appearance.

Opi - nail hardener: how to use

Various environmental factors, constant stress and poor ecology clearly affect the condition of the nails. Therefore, they can become brittle, soft and flaky... To avoid such consequences and make your nails truly healthy and strong, pay attention to special tool O.P.I., which is designed to strengthen the nail plate. Its unique formula nourishes your nails and protects the nail plate from various damages.

Keratinic acids and other useful substances cover the nail with a thin layer and give it strength... You can use this amazing tool both in the salon and at home. The full course is about two weeks.

It is necessary to apply the drug every other day. You can even alternate it with a manicure. The surface of the nail plate after the first applications leveled, smoothed and strengthened... Good looking nails can last for quite a long time.

In addition, the O.P.I. protects nails from external influences and mechanical damage... It is especially good that the product dries almost instantly.

The maximum usage time is about two weeks. The surface of the nails must be carefully clean and degrease... Then apply the product. After two weeks of use every other day, you can use it as a base coat.

Mavala - nail hardener: how to use

Mavala Scientifique Is a specially developed tool that perfectly strengthens, nourishes and maintains the nail plate in good condition. Using this tool, you can forget about the problem for a long time. flaking or brittle nails.

The nutrients and useful substances that are part of this unique preparation will make your strong, beautiful and healthy nails.

Here's how to use this miracle remedy:

  1. Necessary good clean your nails, remove varnish and rub with a fat-dissolving agent
  2. Special brush apply Mavala Scientifique on the edge of the nail plate
  3. Good dry your nails to fix the product

Make sure that the product did not get on the skin or cuticles... It must be used twice a week.

Video: Strengthening nails at home

Evelyn - a remedy for strengthening nails: how to use

If you have weak marigolds by nature, or they have suffered as a result of build-up, then you cannot do without a firming agent from Evelyn. It allows the nails accelerate regeneration, nourishes and strengthens them, makes them healthier. As the manufacturers say, their remedy is the solution of the whole eight nail problems:

  • prevents delamination
  • makes the nail harder
  • relieves fragility
  • makes the surface of the nail smooth
  • strengthens weakened marigolds
  • removes dullness
  • makes the nail plate thicker
  • gives the nails a matte finish

Evelyn's remedy eliminates 8 main problems that the nail plate is susceptible to

Also, Evelyn's remedy makes the nail grow faster, which means that long and strong nails will be provided for you.

A strengthening agent is applied everyday... In order for its application to give a more effective result, the remedy do not wash the first three days... Those. there should be three layers of the product on your nails. On the third day, you can wash it off and proceed according to the previous scheme again.

Before using this varnish, you must treat the cuticle either cream or special oil. Thus, you can protect the skin from drying out. If you use varnish as a base, then do not forget that its haze can change the color of the base varnish.

Sally Hansen - nail hardener: how to use

According to the manufacturers, varnish

used to treat brittle, weak and flaking marigolds. This remedy gives firmness to the nail plate, strengthens it and prevents delamination. The special composition of Sally Hansen seals and, as it were, "seals" the edges of the nails. Long-term protection and excellent growth You will be provided.

Before applying the product, nails must be carefully clean from varnish and grease... The product is applied like a regular varnish. Pay special attention to attention to the edges of the marigold... After applying one layer, let the varnish dry and then repeat the procedure. Used by Sally Hansen either as an independent means, or as a base coat for any varnish.

IBX - nail hardener: how to use

The difference between the IBX complex and similar products is that this varnish penetrates deep into the structure of the nail and heals him from the inside out. It nourishes and moisturizes every layer of the nail plate. You can compare the effect of this varnish with professional procedure in the salon.

The varnish is so eats into the structure of the nail plate that it cannot be removed by any means. It only grows back with a fingernail.

Usage procedure:

  1. Prep your nails, give them shape and length, degrease and let them dry well
  2. Apply the drug on the entire surface of the nail and dry with a lamp or hairdryer
  3. Remove the sticky layer special sponge
  4. Dry in a special lamp
  5. Cover the nail with a second coat of IBX and repeat the drying and tacky removal procedure
  6. This procedure must be repeated three times and then varnish can be applied

Be sure to check that the drug did not come into contact with the skin.

Phytocosmetic - a means for strengthening nails and a growth activator: how to use

The beauty of this drug is that it is practically made on natural basis ... It contains various oils. His creamy texture makes it easy to apply to the area of ​​the nail plate and cuticles. Means perfectly absorbed, activates the growth of the nail plate and softens the cuticle. Thanks to him, we get healthy and strong marigolds.

You need to apply the product massage movements on the entire nail plate and cuticle, hold a little and remove excess with a napkin... This complex is completely replenishes the lack of vitamins and elements therefore, its use is recommended by many experts.

Means for strengthening nails Marigold: application

This domestic company is still remembered by our mothers and grandmothers. But the assortment of this company is constantly being updated. And strengthening nail polish has already received a lot of positive feedback.

It strengthens perfectly nail plate, protects it from external influences and mechanical damage. We can even say that this tool completely replaces varnish, since has several shades, from almost transparent to saturated color.

Very easy to apply like a regular varnish. Due to its correct texture does not spread and dries quickly... Can be used like basic coverage, or as base varnish... On the sites you can find a lot of reviews about this tool.

Many are surprised by him low price and enough good quality ... Its constituent vitamins and minerals make nails strong, healthy, and accumulate them. good growth... With this tool, your marigold will always look well-groomed, and you will spend relatively little effort, time and money.

Strengthening nails with gel polish

If your marigolds become brittle and dull, try the procedure. strengthening gel polish... This preparation consists mostly of proteins, so it can be called identical to natural nail plates. That's why he does not do any harm on the contrary, it protects the nails from damage and strengthens their structure.

Mode of application:

  1. For a couple of hours before the procedure, try to refrain from water procedures and applying cream on hands
  2. We disinfect our hands and gently push back the cuticle with a stick
  3. Now you need remove the glossy surface of the nail with a special sanding file
  4. Everything marigolds are defatted special means
  5. Then brush applied gel polish on the surface of the nail plate
  6. Drying in progress under ultraviolet lamp

It is very important that in addition to the strengthening properties, gel polish has good breathability, which means that your marigolds will be able to "breathe".

Strengthening nails with vitamins

It is impossible to imagine our life without vitamins. They play a huge role and in strengthening our marigolds... So what vitamins we need to keep your nails healthy and strong? And what are the essential vitamins?

Vitamin A

It is kind barrier against various fungal diseases... And also - this is the basis of the strength of the nail plate. You can find it in liver, carrots, various vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin C

The well-known ascorbic acid will protect nails from aging and prevent the plate from turning yellow... If this vitamin is not enough in the body, then the marigolds can exfoliate and break. V black currants, onions and citrus fruits You will find this wonderful vitamin.

Vitamin E

Plays an important role in growth stimulation our marigolds and prevents fungal infections from affecting the nail plate. Lean on nuts, legumes and vegetable oils.

B vitamins

Thanks to this group in our body better absorbed calcium... Vitamin B8 or H is very important for marigolds. It synthesizes in our body collagen and keratin, which in turn give firmness to the nail plate. Consume as much as possible greens, eggs and milk.

As you can see, it is possible to improve and strengthen nails both with special means, and changing your daily diet... What to choose from all this is up to you, but in no case should you leave your marigolds in trouble.

Video: Means for strengthening thin nails

To keep your nails beautiful and healthy, you need to properly care for them. In this article we will tell you about strengthening varnishes, as well as the intricacies of their choice.

Operating principle

Healing varnishes are designed to eliminate damage to the nail plate, and not mask them. Their impact can be complex or narrowly focused. The substance will penetrate into the structure of the nail plate to provide effective nutrition, hydration, and protection from harmful external influences.

To improve the effect of the strengthening varnish, it is worth additionally using special vitamins that will eliminate negative factors from the inside. Try to contact less with household chemicals. Do your homework with gloves. You can also enhance the effect of such a varnish with the help of herbal hand baths.


Reinforcing nail polish must be selected correctly based on the cause of the lesion. It would be a good idea to first consult with a specialist to choose the right remedy. There are several types of such varnish.

  • Strengthener. It is used as a base. With its help, you can align nails, heal them, protect them from external harmful influences. The substance is applied under decorative varnish in several layers.
  • For nail regeneration. This coating contains medicinal oils and vitamins that can have a beneficial effect on nails.
  • With complex action. This option was created to strengthen nails, it includes numerous vitamins and minerals. The main purpose of the coating is to restore the structure of the nail plate. Such varnish will protect against brittleness, prevent delamination, pigmentation. The active substances will penetrate deeply into the plate.
  • There are calcium options for nail growth. They strengthen the nail plate, protect against brittleness.
  • For soft nails that bend easily, a regenerating conditioner should be used. It is carefully applied under a decorative varnish.
  • Conditioning varnish with healing effect. He is responsible for the strength of the nails and their hydration. You can use it as an independent tool.
  • Antifungal. Such options are prescribed only by a doctor. Nails can become brittle and flakey due to infection with pathogens. The substance should be applied strictly according to the instructions. For effective treatment only this coating is used, without the use of decorative varnish.

How to choose?

To choose the right varnish, you should focus on individual characteristics organism, as well as the effect that you want to get. You can buy a suitable quality product at a pharmacy. Be sure to look at the expiration date and do not use expired cosmetics. They can not only fail to give a positive result, but also harm the nails.

Be sure to read the instructions for the selected varnish, as well as the information on the label, composition. If you want to make your nails strong, then you should give preference to preparations with calcium. However, such products should not be used too often.

Camphor, wheat extracts, calendula will help with exfoliating nails. Vitamins E, A, C, B will be able to eliminate brittleness and tarnishing of the plate. If the nails are uneven, then make sure that the composition of the varnish includes talc and silk proteins. Antifungal medications should be prescribed by an experienced professional.

How to use?

The strengthening varnish should be applied in a special way.

  • First, hands should be prepared, washed thoroughly with soap and water. After they dry, apply the cream. After it has been absorbed, you can proceed to the application of varnish.
  • Using a brush, apply the substance with a gentle and precise movement starting from the middle of the nail plate. After that, work on the side areas.
  • Wait until the first layer dries and then apply the second one. When doing this, do not use too much varnish.
  • The layer should be of medium thickness. Be sure to follow the instructions. So, some options need to be applied without interruption for at least 30 days.

Rating of the best

In modern stores, you can find a variety of options for strengthening nail polish. Let's consider the most popular ones.

  • Frenchi "Smart Enamel". This medicinal product is designed to actively moisturize the nails and restore their structure. With regular use, nails will grow. Among the positive aspects, it can be noted the elimination of dryness, giving the nail elasticity. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy. There are also some disadvantages. For example, varnish quickly becomes thick and should be renewed frequently when used as a stand alone coating.
  • Sally Hansen. The cosmetics of this company are designed to gently strengthen the nail plate. The product is created on the basis of water and includes special components to give strength to the nail plates. Among the positive aspects, it is possible to note the long term of use. There are different shades of hardening varnish that are suitable for decorative coatings.

The cosmetic product has an acceptable cost. As for the disadvantages, this is a loss of gloss of the coating and the possibility of cracking or chips.

  • IQ Beauty. These cosmetic products are used for nail growth. They make the weakened nail plates strong thanks to the special formula included in the composition. This product can be used under decorative varnish. The advantages of the substance include the fact that it covers the nail plate, hiding flaws. Such varnish will dry quickly and hold for a long time. Among the minuses is the formaldehyde content.
  • Zinger. This company has developed a varnish that allows nails to actively grow, be strong and healthy. With its help, you can give the coating smoothness, make it even. Thanks to the vitamins included in the composition, the nail plate will be denser and thicker. Among the positive aspects, the presence of natural ingredients can be noted.
  • Trind. Funds of this brand are very popular in the market today. With the help of varnish, you can get rid of the delamination of nails, eliminate pigmentation. Special natural oils and elements will actively affect the nails. Varnish is also used for decorative coating. The negative aspects include the presence of formaldehyde. This cosmetic product is rarely found in pharmacies.

  • Orly. The restorative varnish of this brand will help to find strong and smooth nails. Among the positive characteristics are the ease of application of the cosmetic product and the excellent healing effect. This coating will serve you for a long time. Among the disadvantages is the possible feeling of dryness.
  • Eveline 8 in 1. This cosmetic product has already fallen in love with many ladies. The composition includes vitamins, argan oils, sunflower oils. With regular use, the varnish will help restore brittle nails, protect them from external influences, and prolong the durability of colored manicure. This option is an excellent combination of affordable price and high quality.
  • Lambre. With the help of the strengthening varnish of this company, you can give the nail plates firmness and elasticity. The composition includes natural elements that gently and efficiently affect the nail. Effective regeneration is an important advantage of the product. The varnish will help to forget about exfoliating nails, it will actively nourish the plate.

  • Lotseril. This agent belongs to the antifungal, it helps to actively cope with the infection. The positive aspects include the duration of exposure up to 10 days. It is important to consult a doctor before use. You can not use the product if you have an individual intolerance to certain components. The negative aspects include possible side effects and not cheap price.
  • "Oflomil varnish". It will help to quickly cure the fungus. Visible results appear after 1 application of the substance. The healing coating is able to quickly penetrate deep into the nail and change its structure. Among the advantages is the relatively low price of the product. The tool is quite economical, it does not need to be applied many times. It is used as a preventive measure. The disadvantages include possible side effects.
  • "Horsepower". It has a powerful healing effect. With regular use, it thickens the nails, makes them smooth and accelerates growth.