Crochet rugs patterns for stools. Crochet rug for a chair: learning to knit using simple patterns. Crocheted rugs with patterns and descriptions

It's no secret that the beauty of a room and its convenience mainly consists of various small details. And one of the ways to transform the interior is to fill it with decorative elements: vases, paintings, figurines, blankets, tablecloths and other things. One of these items is a small rug for a chair. You don’t have to buy it, just pick up a hook and knit it yourself. Even an inexperienced needlewoman who is picking up a tool for the first time can cope with the process. By showing your imagination, you can decorate your home, bringing a touch of warmth and comfort to it.

Experienced craftswomen know where to start, but for beginners they need to decide on several preparatory points:

IMPORTANT! The comfort of further work and its final result will depend on how thoroughly the preparatory stage is carried out.

Ideas for knitted rugs for chairs

In order to knit an attractive and unusual item, you need to decide on the knitting method. The rug can be made in one piece or assembled from motifs. In the second option, there are two ways to do the job. The first is to knit the required number of parts and assemble them into a single fabric using a needle or use the continuous knitting method. You can also knit this item from leftover yarn and get a multi-colored item that will add bright colors to the appearance of the room.

We offer you several options various shapes, which you can use as a sample. Or come up with your own version based on their example.

Knitting a square rug

Square is one of the most common shapes for rugs. It is good because it perfectly follows the curves of a classic stool. By extending the knitting on the sides, you can form a removable mat in the form of a cover. This will be an ideal solution for decorating the kitchen. We offer two variations of this item made in different techniques.

Seat connected in one piece

This variation looks very impressive when made from contrasting colors.

To implement you will need:

  • yarn in red, pink and white colors;
  • hook;
  • thick fabric and a little padding;
  • needle and thread.


  1. Knit a fabric of the required size according to the pattern.
  2. Sew a lining for the rug from fabric and filling.
  3. Sew the lining to the base.
  4. Tie the product with five rows of dc.
  5. Tie four leaves according to the pattern and the cuttings to them.
  6. Sew leaves onto the cuttings at the corners of the product.

Multi-element model

This variation is often called “grandmother’s rug.” This name stuck due to the fact that the end result is similar to the ancient products that our ancestors knitted.

At the core this method involves making small squares and sewing them into a single piece. For work, you can use leftover threads. This method is great for liquidating leftover yarn from other projects. Squares can be knitted according to the following patterns.

ATTENTION! Elements do not necessarily have to be connected by a single pattern and in the same color. Experiment and get an interesting and unusual result.

How to knit a round seat

Round stools have taken a strong place in the kitchen. And with intensive use, their surface quickly becomes unusable. By covering the seat with a rug, you will extend the life of the stool. Knitting a round cape is the easiest thing to do. But despite this, the result exceeds expectations.

This product will decorate any room. To begin, dial a chain of 4 v. p. and knit a circle of the required diameter according to the pattern.

If you wish, you can knit a border around the edge that will hold the cape on the seat.

Other options for knitting rugs for chairs

Square and circle are not the only ones suitable forms for seats. They can be made in the form of a hexagon, flower or other variation.

Any option is available to you. It is enough to show your imagination and put a piece of your soul and talent into the product, and a charming, extraordinary decoration will appear in your home.

At all times, attention was paid to the smallest details in the interior. Sometimes, everything in the room looks decent, but the feeling of coziness and comfort is still lacking. Especially when you are sitting in a cold room on an ordinary store chair. It is always more pleasant to deal with something that is made with love and attention to every centimeter of space.

Here are ordinary rugs for chairs crocheted attract the attention of not only the inhabitants of the house, but also all guests. You don’t have to buy anything extra from a specialized yarn store. If you have some material left after knitting something large, then this will do.

Now you can clearly see all the crochet options. It does not matter the size and shape of the chairs in such cases.

Square option

Stools with a square seat are found in all kitchens across the country. That is why crocheting a rug for a chair of a similar shape will be an extremely popular solution in domestic conditions. To complete the task you only need a few colors of yarn of your choice. It could be mixed, light or dark tones.

First, the first row is formed in a circle. You need to create a ring from the thread you are going to work with. Next, a square is superimposed on this whole thing. We won’t talk about the intricacies of the work, but in the end all the rows are connected with a column, and at the end the already elongated loops are knitted.

The work is done from the arch in the corner to the final circle. Everything is repeated the same way in subsequent rows. You need to carefully monitor the elongated loops. Corner groups naturally increase with each new row.

You can always change colors. It is advisable not to tighten the loops too much so that they do not pull towards the central part. These are all specifics that professionals will talk about in more detail. In any case, the strokes should be original.

Round option

Schemes on how to make a rug for a chair are often produced for rounded samples. They can easily be placed on stools with sharp edges. All this will look good in any interior that you want to slightly “domesticate”. There are many types of work, but in every 10 centimeters of width there are about 7 columns with double yarn.

A lush column is created as follows. A slightly under-knitted stitch is knitted (2 loops on the hook). 2 times in 1 loop, resulting in three loops on the hook. All this is knitted through one opening.

Small and large rugs

The photo of the chair rug offers a wide variety of variations not only in appearance, but also in size. There are neat small samples that will not exceed 40 centimeters. They have their own knitting characteristics.

  • We combine four v.p. in a circle, 2nd row ten columns b/n.
  • Then two columns.s/2nak. in 1 loop around the circle.
  • 1 column b/nak., 2 column b/nak. in 1 loop - a whole row.
  • Then a row of two lush pillars. in 1 loop, ch 3, skip two loops.
  • Then 1 column b/nak. x 2 times, 3 columns b/nak. in the arch of the row below - in a circle.
  • Two columns with / 2 nak. in 1 loop, 1 post/2nd. x 4 times – etc.
  • Final row – 1 column b/n., 1 v.p., 1 column b/n. x 3 times, 1 vp, 1 column b/n. x 2 times.

A larger one will have a diameter of about 51 centimeters. It is more difficult to complete all the points, but it is possible. If you read everything clearly and point by point, then the instructions for beginners will not seem like an overly heavy book.

  • Set of four ch. and combine them into a circle, row 2 is knitted with 12 stitches.
  • Next are two columns.s/2nak. in all pillars.
  • After the circle, 1 column b/nak., 2 columns b/k. in 1 loop, 1 st. b/n., 2 st. b/n. in 1 loop.
  • Subsequent circle: 2 columns/2k. in 1 column, 1 column with / 2 nak. x 2 times, 2 columns/2k. in 1 column, 1 column with / 2 nak. x 2 times, etc.
  • After which the circle: 1 column b/nak. x 3 times, 2 columns b / nak. in 1 loop, 1 column b/nac. x 4 times and the process is repeated.
  • Lush column, ch 3, skip three loops, 2 lush. pillar. in 1 column, 3 vp, skip three loops, fluffy. pillar. and further around the entire circle.
  • 1 column b/n., 4 columns b/n. in the arch of the bottom row, 1 column b/nak. x 2 times, 4 columns b/nak. in an arch, 1 column b/nak. - in a circle.
  • Next row - 1 column with / 2 back. x 11 times, 2 columns/2k. in 1 loop.
  • At the end 1 column b/nak. x 6 times, (1 st. b/n., 1 ch., 1 st. b/n.) in 1 loop, 1 st. b/n. x 6 times. etc.

The master class is demonstrated to you in all details. If you learn such a craft, then you can dream up, experiment and do something with your own hands without the help of strangers.

By the way, if we knit rugs for chairs, be sure to remember that the products may settle after washing. This also needs to be taken into account. High-quality chair seats are not that cheap these days. Why not make them by hand.

In addition, you can easily hide all the disadvantages of chairs and armchairs, where scuffs and other roughness are already noticeable. The situation always changes for the better after that. A “lamp” atmosphere is created in the space.

Photo of chair rugs

“Knitted rug” - this combination of words sounds rather dubious at first glance. But after taking a closer look at the finished products, there is a desire to repeat them. Such rugs would look especially appropriate, for example, in a nursery or bathroom. Crochet technology makes it possible to create many useful things, from rugs and blankets to handbags and jewelry. It's easy to crochet a rug for a chair. Even novice needlewomen will be able to do this. There are many options and schemes, varying in complexity of execution. Before starting work, we advise you to read the recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

To knitted product served for many years and pleased its owners, you should take care of the yarn. For work, it is better to choose synthetic yarn, for example, acrylic or cotton with the addition of synthetic fibers. For the crocheting process, it is recommended to use thicker threads. This is necessary to ensure that the rug fabric is dense and warm. Accordingly, you need to choose a hook bigger size. Before starting work, you need to knit a sample, a small square, wash and iron it. This technique will help with determining the size finished product. When the sample has dried, you need to measure it and, using a simple arithmetic proportion, calculate the number of loops that are needed to obtain a rug of the required size.

You can choose any knitting pattern. The main criterion is its attractiveness. You can even use a diagram for a napkin, or any other one you like, as well as use the diagrams and descriptions presented below.

Small scraps of yarn of different colors will make a rather attractive and interesting rug. This technique will allow you to use the accumulated remnants of threads that are a pity to throw away, but you won’t be able to knit anything from them. But it is worth remembering that the thickness of the thread should be the same over the entire surface of the product.

To ensure that the product lasts longer and retains appearance, you need to make a base of thick fabric for the future rug. If the rug is of insufficient size, the situation can be quite easily corrected with the help of a border. The rug needs to be tied around the perimeter required quantity additional rows.

In order not to have to dissolve knitted rug and redo part of it, you need to carefully follow the icons on the diagram.

Rectangular option

Knitting is performed in the following order:

  • first - we knit a chain of double crochets with a length equal to the length of the product, and turn it over to the wrong side;
  • second - we knit a row of single crochets, placing the hook under the front wall of the loop, and turning it over again;
  • third - we make columns, but without double crochets, placing the hook under the walls of the loop;
  • the fourth - knits in the same way as the second;
  • fifth - now we knit double crochets, placing the hook under the back wall of the loop.

To continue, you need to repeat the pattern from the second to the fifth row.

Round bedding

Rug round shape will have beautiful view, even if you make it from rows of columns, placing the hook under the back wall.

The knitting principle is quite simple. In the second row we make two columns of loops connected in the previous row. And in the third row we add loops in every second column, in the fourth row in every third column and so on. By analogy, we knit the remaining rows until we get a product of the required size.

Square seat

A square-shaped rug can be made using the same techniques as when knitting a rectangular one, using reverse rows.

Can you do more interesting option, for example, knit from the middle in a circle. Rows can only be made from single crochets under the front wall. To get a square shape of the carpet, you need to add loops in each ore in all corners. In the second row in the corners, the hook must be brought out from below the air loops. Using this principle, you can make a rectangular or hexagonal rug. You should divide the loops evenly and add loops at the corners when knitting. Focusing on the diagram, it will be easier to knit a rug of the required size and shape.

If you do not follow the pattern, difficulties may arise: the fabric will expand unevenly, bumps or depressions will appear on the surface, and the proportions of the knitted product will not match.






Not long ago on the Internet I saw bright photos crocheted rugs of stunning beauty, apparently from Japanese magazines. I tried to figure out knitting patterns and technology. These new ideas turned out to be very easy to implement and I want to talk about them, and of course show off what kind of rugs I made.

The materials you will need are a few remnants of wool or synthetic yarn of different colors, but of the same thickness, and a hook No. 2 -2.5. The threads must be of the same thickness in order to obtain a high-quality, even product.

To make such rugs, you need to knit four strips of different colors separately according to the pattern:

First, we knit a chain of 60 loops (the result is a rug measuring approximately 30x30 cm, but this also depends on the thickness of the threads), we tie the chain with non-woven stitches.

  • 2nd row: 4 stitches for lifting, 1 double crochet from the first stitch of the previous row, 14 double crochets, 4 double crochets from one loop of the previous row, 14 double crochets, 4 double crochets from one loop of the previous row, 28 double crochets, 2 double crochets from one loop of the previous row. You already get a strip with 4 rounded corners.

From the 3rd to the 6th row, knit with double crochets; in the corners for rounding we make increases as follows:

Upper and lower right corners (at the ends of the strip)

At the beginning of each row, instead of the first stitch, we knit 4 loops for lifting.

  • 3rd row: 2 double crochets in each of the 2 corner stitches of the previous row,
  • 4th row: *2 double crochets from one double crochet from one corner of the previous row, one double crochet*, repeat one more time,
  • 5th row: *two double crochets, 2 double crochets from one double crochet corner of the previous row*, repeat once,
  • 6th row: *2 double crochets from one double crochet stitch from the corner of the previous row, three double crochets*, repeat once.

Upper left corner

  • 3rd row: 2 double crochets in each of the 4 corner stitches of the previous row,
  • 4th row: 4 groups of 2 double crochets from one double crochet from one corner of the previous row, between them one double crochet,
  • 5th row: 4 groups of 2 double crochets from one column of the corner of the previous row, between them there are two double crochets,
  • 6th row: 4 groups of 2 double crochets from one column of the corner of the previous row, between them there are three double crochets.

We knit the lower left corner in a special way, which gives an additional effect to the rug:

  • 3rd row: 2 unfinished double crochets, knitted together, in each of the 4 corner stitches of the previous row and 1 chain stitch (CH) between them,
  • 4th row: 2 unfinished double crochets, knitted together, 1 ch, 2 unfinished double crochets, knitted together, from one group of corner stitches of the previous row, knit 2 more such groups, 1 ch between them,
  • 5th row: we knit 3 groups similarly to the 4th row, between them there are 2 unfinished double crochets, knitted together,
  • 6th row: we knit 3 groups similarly to the 5th row, between them there are two times 2 unfinished double crochets, knitted together.
  • 7th row: we tie all the loops with non-woven stitches.

The finished strips need to be sequentially sewn together: to the long side of one strip we sew the short side of the second and so on.

Now the resulting long colored knitted ribbon needs to be intertwined as follows, as shown in the diagram:

I knitted small colored strips for a sample and will show you how to weave them. I sewed the stripes in the following order: gray, turquoise, burgundy, pink.

Place one strip of the resulting colored tape ( gray) on the table, bring the entire tape up under the gray stripe.

Since the stripes have rounded corners, they themselves turn where they need to. We wind the tape to the left, then down and to the right under the gray and turquoise stripes.

Then we turn up onto the gray stripe, left and down under the turquoise stripe, and bring it out in the middle part of the receiving rug above the gray stripe.

We bring the ribbon under the burgundy stripe down, bring it above the gray stripe and then turn it to the right over the turquoise stripe and up under the burgundy stripe.

If, perhaps, it is not immediately clear from the drawing how to weave a ribbon from strips, then during the manufacturing process this will become more obvious.

We connect the ends of the strips (in my case, gray and pink) and for strength, so that the strips retain their shape and do not move, we grab them from the wrong side with threads.

It turns out to be a wonderful, original, bright rug that can be used for stools, for example.

To make a floor mat, you can knit according to the pattern and sew on the base.

We start knitting from the center and knit a square with double crochets, making increases in the four corners first with two VPs, and then in the same way as when knitting stripes.

Such an insignificant thing as a rug on a chair can greatly change the interior of a room and create a unique feeling of coziness and comfort. And if it was made with your own hands, and a piece of care and love was put into it, then, undoubtedly, it will attract the attention of not only household members, but also guests. It’s not at all difficult to make and there’s no need to buy special yarn for it either, because there’s always at least a little extra thread left after knitting. And now let’s look at a few examples of how to crochet an unusual and warm rug for a chair of various shapes.

Crochet a square rug for a chair with diagrams and descriptions

Square-shaped stools are often found in our everyday life, so such a rug will certainly be useful to many.

For knitting you will need several colors of yarn: from white to dark shades any color and hook.

  1. We form the first circular row. To do this, we make a ring from the working thread and knit three chain stitches. Next we make a square: 2 columns s/neck, 3 v.p., 3 columns s/n., v.p., 3 columns s/n., 3 v.p., 3 columns s/ nak., 3 v.p., into the third lifting loop.
  2. The next row is 3 vp, then from each arch of the bottom row we knit 3 sts/s, 3 chs, 3 sts/s. In the last arch we make 2 pillars. and conn. column in the third point of the rise.
  3. Then again 3 ch, and knit the elongated loops two rows below (now this is the center): yarn over, hook the thread through the center, pull it out and knit a stitch.

Then another 1 column.s/nak.

From the corner 3 columns with / on, 3 v.p., 3 columns with / on.

The next side is from the middle of a group of 3 pillars. we knit 3 stitches, the middle one with an elongated loop. Then we repeat from the corner arch to the end of the circle.

  1. The fourth row repeats the same as in the third, only we make the elongated loop correctly, because the two rows below are now between the first and second rows.
  2. In each subsequent row, the number of column corner groups increases, and on the sides - the number of elongated groups. loops. At the same time, we change the color of the yarn, creating a contrast of elongated loops against a background of a different color.

Another tip: you don’t need to tighten the loops so that the sides don’t pull towards the center.

Having reached the required size, we knit 4 rows without stretching. loops, and in the corners only columns. - these are the sides of the rug.

You get such interesting touches.

Trying to make an unusual round rug in a master class

A round rug can easily be placed on a square chair and this will not spoil it in any way, so this shape is preferable to a square one.

Let's look at two diagrams and descriptions.

Knitting density: 10 cm width = 7 stitches with double yarn.

For lifting the first column.s/nak. replace with v.p., st. s/2nk. – on 4 v.p.

Lush stitch - knit an unknitted stitch.s/2nak. (there are 2 loops on the hook) - twice in one loop, you get 3 loops on the hook, and we knit everything in one pass.

A knitted rug according to this description will measure about 38 cm.

  1. We connect 4 vp in a circle, the second row 10 b/c.
  2. Next 2 columns/2nak. in one loop in a circle.
  3. 1 column b/nak., 2 column b/nak. in one loop - the whole row.
  4. Then a row of 2 lush pillars. in one loop, ch 3, skip 2 loops.
  5. Then 1 column b/nak. x 2 times, 3 columns b/nak. into the arch of the bottom row - in a circle.
  6. 2 columns/2pok. in one loop, 1 post/2nd. x 4 times – and so on.
  7. Last row – 1 column b/n., 1 v.p., 1 column b/n. x 3 times, 1 vp, 1 column b/n. x 2 times.

The knitting pattern can be seen below.

The product according to this scheme will have a diameter of about 51 cm.

  1. We dial 4 v.p. and connect them in a circle, knit the second row 12 stitches.
  2. Then 2 columns/2nak. into each pillar.
  3. Further in a circle, 1 column b/nak., 2 columns b/nak. in one loop, 1 column b/nak., 2 column b/nak. in one loop.
  4. Next circle: 2 columns/2k. in one column., 1 column.s/2nak. x 2 times, 2 columns/2k. in one column., 1 column.s/2nak. x 2 times, etc.
  5. Then circle: 1 column b/nak. x 3 times, 2 columns b / nak. in one loop, 1 column b/nak. x 4 times and repeat further.
  6. Lush column, 3 ch, skip 3 loops, 2 lush columns. in one column, 3 ch, skip 3 loops, fluffy column. and further in a circle.
  7. 1 column b/n., 4 columns b/n. in the arch of the bottom row, 1 column b/nak. x 2 times, 4 columns b/nak. in the arch, 1 column b/nak. - round.
  8. Then row - 1 column with / 2 back. x 11 times, 2 columns/2k. in one loop.
  9. Next 1 column b/nak. x 6 times, (1 st. b/n., 1 v.p., 1 st. b/n.) in one loop, 1 st. b/n. x 6 times. etc.

The products are ready, you can try them on. Of course, sizes may change after washing, so take this factor into account when knitting.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this and, if you follow all the instructions, you will get a nice seat for the chair.

If you have experience in knitting, you can make a chair cover from individual motifs. It looks very nice, but requires a little more effort.

Rugs crocheted or knitted bring not only aesthetic pleasure, they can also hide the shortcomings of chairs or armchairs well. Thus, by replacing old seats with new ones, you can periodically change the decor in the house and update the interior.

Video for beginners on the topic of the article

The video below will help you understand unclear aspects of the work or get new idea for making a rug with your own hands.