Suit for protection against ultraviolet radiation. What clothes to wear in summer without harming your health. Amazing things about cotton and others

However, the idea that light-colored clothing in summer is best and protects from the sun is wrong. This was proven by scientists from the University of Catalonia.

Color matters

In particular, they believe that wearing such clothing in the summer may expose themselves to the risk of developing it in the future. Meanwhile, according to information World Organization Health Authority (WHO), the number of skin cancer cases is increasing. Every year, specialists around the world register more than 132 thousand new cases and about 2-3 million cases of other types of skin cancer.

The fact is that ultraviolet radiation penetrates very well through it. Especially through the fabric of white and yellow color. What color clothes should you choose? Experts say that better skin protect red and dark blue shades.

Scientists specially dyed pieces of cotton fabric in different colors and then tested its ability to absorb ultraviolet light.

It's about the fabric

The denser the fabric, the more effective it protects, but it also makes it hotter.

White thin pareos are the most unreliable protection.

Humidity also matters - wet cotton offers almost no protection from harmful rays, but silk and bamboo viscose become denser when wet.

How to tell if clothes are safe

If you still want to wear bright clothes, then ask why sports companies produce a bunch of summer clothes in such aggressive colors? It's simple - it can be with ultraviolet protection. Such things appeared in stores relatively recently, but have become especially popular among athletes and outdoor enthusiasts.

The correct name for sun protection clothing is: sun guard. But gradually it merged with another name - rash guard(fabric that protects against abrasions, etc. during sports). Manufacturers call everything sun-protective and quick-drying in one word - rashguard.
The most well-known specialty fabrics for protective clothing are synthetic nylon and cotton.

In addition, the labeling of clothing can determine how it protects from the sun. There is a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) that shows how many “units” of ultraviolet light will pass through the fabric. For example, UPF 40 is one unit in 40 that will reach the skin, and UPF 50 is one in 50. Most are labeled 30-50 UPF.

Bleached cotton has a UPF of 4. But unbleached cotton, naturally dyed - say, brown, beige and green - already has higher values ​​- from 46 to 65 UPF.

In the summer, linen clothing is popular - if the dyes are synthetic, then the indicators are not very good, and natural white linen is UPF 10, dark dyed linen is more than 50. But silk is unlucky - UPF = 0. So if you're going on vacation, forget about silk robes. And on the beach, silk scarves will not save you from sunbathing and other things, no matter how pleasant they are to the body.

But not everything is so sad, technology does not stand still. British scientists from Belfast have developed a bracelet that is designed to help people calmly enjoy the sun and not be afraid of its rays. Many people choose to give up sunbathing out of fear of skin cancer - and are left without important D.

The new bracelet is made of plastic and is inexpensive. It contains ink, and it disappears the moment a person receives his dose of bright rays. So the owner of the bracelet can be sure that he is not tanning more than normal. This will help balance vitamin D in the body. One bracelet is enough for a two-week vacation; they will go on sale in a year. The device will be released in three versions for different types skin.

How does sun clothing work?

The term “sun protective clothing” first appeared in 1996, when Australian companies, concerned about the high incidence of skin cancer on the continent, began developing specialized clothing with an additional level of UPF filters. Its peculiarity is that it should protect against ultraviolet rays groups A and B (unlike conventional cosmetic sunscreens, which resist only UVB radiation), minimizing them Negative influence on the skin. The level of UPF protection of such clothing usually varies from 15 to 50 - this is often achieved by treating the fabric with a special chemical composition(such as titanium dioxide) or ultraviolet block dye, which help absorb or reflect solar radiation. In addition, there are various laundry additives - powders, gels - that promise to turn any item of clothing into sun-protective clothing, giving it an additional UPF level.

Who needs it?

By and large, everyone. Even if you are not prone to an allergic reaction to the sun and do not plan to vacation near the equator, additional skin protection from harmful radiation will not hurt. But for most of us, ordinary clothing is still enough, but specialized clothing, with a UPF factor, is intended more likely for people with hypersensitive skin and for those who will be in the cold for a long time. extreme conditions under the scorching sun. In addition, many experts call for choosing clothes with additional UPF protection for children - the reasons for this are obvious.

Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

What, regular clothes won't do?

As already mentioned, most people really don’t think about clothes with special UPF filters, limiting themselves to ordinary Sunscreens and basic principles like “covering your shoulders on the beach.” For example, the UPF level of a regular cotton T-shirt is on average 5-8, that is, it transmits about one-fifth of UV rays. Let us repeat: if you do not have a critical need for serious measures, it is not necessary to update your wardrobe with items marked UPF block.

Any clothing provides us with additional protection from solar radiation, so it’s enough just to remember a few basic rules. So, the denser the fabric fibers, the higher the level of protection: for example, artificial lycra, polyester, nylon or acrylic cope with this task better than thin natural cotton or weightless linen, but they are also less comfortable for hot weather. A simple test: the more see-through the fabric is, the weaker its UPF function. Therefore, if you are not ready to wear synthetics in the heat (although some of its modern representatives are quite suitable for such conditions), choose unbleached cotton and linen with the most dense thread arrangement.

By the way, one more important point- almost all fabrics lose their UPF properties by an average of 50% when wet (the exception is silk and viscose, here the situation is the opposite). The color of the item - clothing - also plays a role. dark shades absorbs UV radiation more effectively, the same goes for bright, saturated colors in comparison, for example, with pastels. And lastly, the most obvious: the larger the area of ​​​​body coverage with clothing, the higher the degree of protection, so the ideal option for walking under the scorching sun would be, say, a tunic suit with long sleeves and loose-fitting trousers. And a wide-brimmed hat, of course.

Where to buy “sun clothing”?

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High-quality lightweight material resistant to chlorine. Durafast lite fabric can withstand 200+ hours of use without wearing out and retaining its shape.

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Before going on vacation, we usually purchase sunscreen to minimize the harmful effects of solar radiation. But skin care experts are increasingly saying that in a hot country, one cream is not enough. Firstly, few people use it outside the beach, and secondly, not everyone regularly applies the cream after each swim.

The sun's rays burn every unprotected piece of the body, adding risks premature aging or developing skin cancer. Therefore, doctors are increasingly saying that you should literally hide from the sun: in the shade of trees or with the help of clothing.

Alas, most traditional summer clothes do not protect us from the sun. American scientists have created a standard by which the protection factor of clothing is determined, like sunscreen. So, the white thin cotton shirt beloved by many has the lowest degree of protection - only 6. This means that about 90% of ultraviolet radiation reaches the skin even through the fabric. And the best way to absorb ultraviolet radiation and prevent it from penetrating the skin is thick, thick black fabric. It is clear that this is not the best choice for a vacation. What to do?

T-shirts vs. shirts

Australian scientists, concerned about the high percentage of skin cancer in their country, studied the characteristics of tissues and their ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation and came to interesting conclusions.

It turned out that the structure of the fiber is of paramount importance. The more space between the threads, the more access for sunlight. Denim clothing and items made of thick silk do not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Cotton, linen or viscose will protect from the sun only if they are dyed. And the darker the paint, the less ultraviolet radiation it will let through.

In the process of numerous washings, things gradually deteriorate and the structure of the fibers becomes loose and permeable to ultraviolet radiation. But this only applies to old things. If you wash cotton fabric a couple of times, it will “shrink” slightly, that is, the space between the threads will decrease.

Wet things, regardless of the quality of the material, transmit ultraviolet radiation better than dry ones. So even a closed swimsuit, if it is not changed after swimming, will not protect against the harmful effects of solar radiation.

Choice for summer

Skin care experts recommend that in the summer, first of all, make sure that the back of the neck and shoulders, ears, décolleté and lower back are covered from the sun's rays. These are the places that are most often exposed.

To take care of them, it is enough to choose T-shirts with a collar, without a deep neckline. And buy skirts and trousers not with a low waist, but regular ones.

Don't forget about hats. At the same time, wide-brimmed hats are preferable to baseball caps and even more so a bandana, which does not even cover the face from the sun.

Sunglasses are not just a fashion statement. It's also about taking care of your eyes. With age, the eyes become less moisturized, and in the open sun they become completely dry. Hence the unpleasant sensations, pain, redness.

For normal hydration of both eyes and skin, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of regular drinking water a day.

On a note

Who shouldn't sunbathe?

  • People suffering from hypertension, varicose veins, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • women diagnosed with fibroids or endometriosis;
  • people who often suffer from herpes (so-called fever);
  • people taking antibiotics, diuretics, antihistamines and antiarrhythmic drugs.