Corporate day for a construction company. Enterprise anniversary scenario. Construction is life

Date in 2019: August 11th, Sunday.

When you enter any metropolis or just a large city or town, you are amazed at the splendor of the modern buildings being erected. It’s as if designers and architects held a competition for the most creative object. But literally some 40–50 years ago, it was not the beauty of residential and public buildings that was valued, but the speed of construction. It was at this time that the professional holiday Builder's Day appeared.

Development construction industry always directly depended on the economic well-being of the state and the development of technology. And if the first builders used primitive tools to build elementary huts, modern workers have access to unique materials, multifunctional equipment and even electronic programming. But, despite the complexity of the profession, it remains in demand, since construction did not stop even in the most difficult years for the country.

History of the industry and holiday

The beginning of the construction industry can be considered the 10th century, when the first buildings made of stone began to be erected in Rus'. And even though the speed of construction of temples, princely palaces, and apartment buildings was minimal, they were able to survive to amaze contemporaries with their sophistication and monumentality.

Construction in Rus'

During the Stalin era, the first communist and youth construction projects appeared. Attention was paid not only to the construction of housing stock, but also industrial construction. However, engineers still preserved the pre-revolutionary traditions of decorating facades, erecting buildings with high ceilings, spacious halls, and wide staircases.

Everything changed dramatically after the war. The country was destroyed, and the primary goal was to provide housing for the people. This is how the idea of ​​building high-rise buildings without frills appeared. “Khrushchev buildings” were erected in the shortest possible time, and citizens were incredibly happy to “have their own corner,” even if it was a minimal area.

It was at this time that builders and foremen, plasterers and painters, estimators and masons, and project managers became especially in demand. A simple man in a helmet from all the posters called on young people to take part in the nationwide construction project.

The construction boom of the late 50s inevitably affected holiday calendar. On the initiative of Khrushchev, who was amazed by the scale and speed of construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station, the official holiday builders, which was celebrated in the summer in August. In fact, in those years, just over 10% of Russia's housing stock was built. Therefore, the holiday itself can be safely considered a tribute to the builders of the 50s.

Despite the collapse of the Union, the date of the celebration, when it is customary to celebrate, has been preserved. It is floating and always falls on the second Sunday in August.

Who's celebrating

To celebrate Builder's Day in 2017 on August 13th, first of all, people who are directly related to construction will gather. But the construction itself is only part of the complex, painstaking work. Therefore, they will definitely be celebrated in all offices of design organizations, in companies that are involved in the production and sale of building materials.

Leaders and employees of relevant ministerial departments will not forget to celebrate.

Amateur construction teams will also gather in close company, as well as those for whom construction is a serious hobby.

Students will also accept congratulations. Considering the demand for professions, in Russia educational establishments profile nature exist in almost all major cities. But the Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg, and Kazan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering are especially popular.

How to organize a corporate party for Builder's Day

If the holiday will take place in your family, think over the format and scenario of the celebration. Moreover, it is not necessary to resort to the help of professionals; colleagues will be happy to take on some of the responsibilities. What can be included in the holiday program?

During the ceremonial part, give the floor to the boss. Let the director not only congratulate the employees, but also present gifts and souvenirs for Builder’s Day to business partners if they are invited to the celebration. You can give them original stationery with the company logo, as well as congratulation cards. This musical greeting card looks original:

Start the entertainment part with a concert where everyone can show off their talents. After all, in every team there are gifted individuals who can perform cool tricks and dance. In any case, you can choose theme songs or funny toasts.

After concert program arrange a viewing of humorous videos. Many people will like this joke. During the video break, men will be able to take a smoke break and women will be able to touch up their makeup.

Breakfast at its best – May on! - Ural dumplings

Construction site music – May on! - Ural dumplings

Ural dumplings at a construction site

Our Russia. Dzhamshuts are building a castle

To make the banquet fun, include comic competitions in the program:

  • Contest ;
  • Entertainment for men;
  • Contest ;
  • Team game;
  • Outdoor game;
  • Table competition.

Let the culmination of the banquet be a cake, which will be made in a themed design.

Postcards for Builder's Day

To congratulate your husband, make it together with your child for dad beautiful postcard. For this you will need thematic pictures. The photo can be enlarged, printed and pasted on thick paper.

"The idea: to celebrate the birth of the company in an official setting with guests of honor."

This scenario will be of interest to large companies that want to pompously celebrate their anniversary in an official setting and invite honored guests. The budget for this holiday will not be cheap, taking into account the costs of the host, creative teams and musicians.

  • Write a list of guests invited to your event; these may be honorary veterans of the organization, officials of state administrations, as well as officials of partner enterprises.
  • Send them invitations indicating the reason for the invitation, the location of the celebration and the time of the event.
  • Work to find talented entertainers, musicians, creative groups, and florists.
  • Conduct an interview with each team or look at their numbers, so that five minutes before the start of the holiday, it is excruciatingly painful to see that you made a mistake in your choice.
  • Prizes for competitions: Sets for creativity up to 100 rubles, orders, medals

    Games for the company: Family, Educational for children, Memory development

  • Let the florists deal with the decoration of the hall and build a unified concept in which the decoration of the hall will be combined with the proposed buffet table. Give clear instructions to waiters.
  • At the appointed time, gather in the hall much earlier than the set time to check the preparedness on the ground.
  • When guests arrive, they are greeted by the main persons of the company. They are located in the center of the hall. It is necessary to consider that there are employees everywhere in the hall who greet guests at the entrance and tell them where to go. Those guests who have already been congratulated must be escorted to their tables.
  • All this time, while the guests are being met, musicians are playing.
  • The host solemnly opens the event. He speaks about the occasion that brought together all the guests present and gives the first word of honor to the main persons of the company.
  • After the speeches of the top officials, the presenter draws attention to the screen, where a presentation about the work of the company, its employees and achievements will be shown.
  • After the film, it is most appropriate to invite guests to watch a performance by one of the creative teams.
  • The host gives the floor to the guests of honor.
  • During the celebration, it will be possible to offer several competitions, but they will be related in one way or another to the activities of the company. Under no circumstances movable. for such events, you can look in the “Competitions” section.

Wishes to business partners in honor of the campaign anniversary.

Let this anniversary become a new starting point for your business. Let your income increase, and let your employees always remain a single friendly team of professionals. Let them do their work competently and responsibly, with full dedication. And then, simply, competitors will have nowhere to go, and they will recognize you as a market leader and take off their hat to you.

Wishes of the company of the hero of the day to its business partners.

You have been and remain throughout the years of progressive development of the company ____, our stable partners. Thank you for your choice. Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, ____ company continues to be a leader. We have ambitious plans ahead to conquer new business heights, and you are an integral part of our success.

You can see other text options in the “Wishes” section

Prizes for competitions: Candles up to 100 rubles, Inexpensive mugs, Towels up to 100 rubles.

Games for the company: To the office after work, Simple, To a party

Company anniversary script

A corporate party dedicated to the Company’s anniversary will help not only to celebrate work successes, to cheer up and entertain employees, but also to unite the team through communication in an informal setting.

Toastmaster: Hello, dear gentlemen, sirs and madams! Today is a wonderful day, as we have gathered here to celebrate the (number)-year anniversary of your Company (name), which has been able to achieve a lot over so many years of its existence. Do I need to remind you of what you yourself have achieved?!

Friends! You worked hard for many days

And many nights we pondered the matter,

And often at lunch you didn’t drink, didn’t eat,

But you only cared about your work.

And the work is conscientious, creative, important

Now it has been a huge success - the Anniversary!

Not everyone will be able to work and create in the same way.

Years are not a hindrance to you!

Let's raise a glass to your

The company, for its (digit) anniversary!

(Low music plays. After the toast, the participants of the feast begin their meal.)

Toastmaster: Gentlemen! Everyone present here knows firsthand that (number of) years is not a period of time that has sunk into the irrevocable past. This is the number of days, hours, minutes of hard work of all employees - from management to the janitor. The floor is given to the person who is probably aware of the contribution of each employee to the common cause, the director of the Company (full name of the director). (Congratulations from the director, toast, music.) Toastmaster: Friends! No one can challenge Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s knowledge in the field of psychology. He said that “happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.” I suggest we raise a glass to your happiness in doing what you love, to your success!

(Party participants drink and eat.)

Toastmaster: Dear employees of the Company, staff and guests! You so warmly supported my toast to the success and happiness of working in your Company that I became incredibly interested in what exactly makes each of you happy. I want to conduct a small sociological survey. This will not be tiresome for you: I do not forget that you deserve good rest and entertainment. Therefore, your task is only to take a card from the hat (from the tray), from which we will find out what (who) makes your work a real pleasure. My dears, relax and trust your intuition - it will not let you down. Just draw any card without choosing.

(The toastmaster brings each employee a hat (tray) with cards folded in half or turned upside down so that the inscription is not visible. Suggested inscription options: the wisdom of the director; the smile of the secretary; the intelligence of the accountant; the skill of the cleaner; the professionalism of the security guard; the parker pen; goldfish on the screen of my work computer; the kind conductors of the tram that I use to get to work; the perfume of my office neighbor; the generosity of my husband (wife), who only trampled on the documents three times that I took home in preparation for the annual report; the janitor’s brooch; a warm radiator in my office; my new business suit, in which I look impressive; the kindness of the plumber, who responded to the request with lightning speed and already on the third day shut off the gushing water supply in my apartment; the typist's scarf, the department head's broken heel, wonderful coffee in our canteen; the topic of my new development. Guests sort out the cards and read them out to everyone, thus answering the question of what makes working at the Firm their happiness.)

Toastmaster: So, friends, whatever the reasons for your happiness and Have a good mood at work, probably, each of you could advise a newcomer in the words of Kozma Prutkov: “If you want to be happy, be happy,” and remembering the same L.N. Tolstoy, you can also add that “happiness is pleasure without remorse.” In my opinion, none of those present here yet repents of having the good fortune to celebrate the Company’s anniversary. Let's raise our glasses to the pure - without remorse - happiness of working in this wonderful team and to those very little things that, as you said, make your life happy!

Anniversary is a serious matter for the 50th anniversary of the plant » - author's holidays


to the 50th anniversary of the plant

(concert prepared by factory amateur performances)

It is desirable that all roles be played by people well-known at the plant, whom everyone knows, perhaps they will even be managers. This makes the atmosphere more intimate, warmer, more unusual and more fun.


Nikolai Nikolaevich – head of the labor and wages department (plays a role somewhat similar to the hero from the film “Carnival Night” by Ogurtsov).

Marina Vladimirovna is the head of the HR department, she supports the head of O&T Z in everything.

They create formality, strictness in everything and compliance with generally accepted rules and norms. They must bring their roles as close as possible to the reality of their production life at the plant, preferably using as many of their personal words and expressions as possible that are known to the team.

Lenochka was appointed one of those responsible for writing the script.

Volodya is a screenwriter, on the same team with Lenochka

Their task is to conduct in a sincere, light, almost family atmosphere, captivating the audience with simplicity, naturalness, humor and a warm, friendly form of communication.


During the entrance of the presenters, a light solemn melody plays (waltz from the film “Carnival Night”)

Lenochka and Volodya come out at the beginning.

Helen (emotionally): Everything is great! Our concert, prepared by the factory's amateur performances, is almost ready... Volodya, do you think we will be able to surprise and entertain our people? I’m so worried, it’s such a responsibility to perform on such a significant day, when the impossible is expected of you and... all this pre-holiday fuss... I’m so stressed.

Volodya (confidently reassures): Lenochka, don’t worry, we’ll break through. Our people are wonderful, everyone is our own. Imagine that you are celebrating our common birthday in your family, where everything is close, everything is familiar and everything is in your biography.

Lenochka (sighing a little sadly, continues): Volodya, that’s all, of course, this is so, well, you know that the head of O&Z Nikolai Nikolaevich has been appointed as the main inspector of our amateur performances! And his assistant is the head of the personnel department, Marina Vladimirovna. And Nikolai Nikolaevich is a man of very strict rules, irreconcilable to all innovations and experiments and so unpredictable! Here he is, easy to find. Now you'll see!

Nikolai Nikolaevich and Marina Vladimirovna come out

Nikolai Nikolaevich: So, as I see, you are already here, good! Let's get to the heart of the matter, comrades! There is a plan to have fun celebrating the anniversary of our plant. It imposes this on us, so to speak, and at the same time demands it from us. We must hold our concert in such a way that no one can say anything. It is necessary to use our imagination in order to hold our event according to the estimate, so to speak, on high level and most importantly, you know, seriously!

What do you think, Elena Viktorovna?

Lenochka: Preparing a good concert is no joke.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: Don’t worry, Elena Viktorovna, I don’t like to joke and I won’t let people do it! You write down, Marina Vladimirovna, write everything down!

Marina Vladimirovna (taking notes with a clipboard): Yes, yes, Nikolai Nikolaevich, I’m recording everything.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: So, Vladimir Ivanovich, as far as I know, you and Elena Viktorovna were instructed to prepare the script for the anniversary concert of the factory amateur performances?

Volodya: The script is ready! I think the concert should be held in a light festive mood, original numbers, bright costumes, songs about the life of the plant...

Nikolai Nikolaevich (interrupts): This is not typical for our people. I personally thought about this issue and I think that our concert should start like this: put a podium on the stage, fanfare plays, the speaker comes out and so briefly, for about forty minutes, I think no more, gives his speech.

Volodya and Lenochka look at each other in bewilderment.

Marina Vladimirovna (with admiration): You really thought of everything, Nikolai Nikolaevich!

Nikolai Nikolaevich: We are trying! So, you prepare the artists for viewing. And, here’s another thing I want to note: our discipline, comrades, is still lame. Young people, you know, have become completely bolder! Their speech is incomprehensible. I recently went into our computer center and didn’t understand anything! Some users, screenshots, lamers, you know. Either they need to be banned, then they need to download or leak something, then they hang. Our people don't talk like that! I'm afraid that behind these servers, cracks and glitches they don't even know our Chief Specialists by sight.

Marina Vladimirovna: But these, Nikolai Nikolaevich, are such people! The solution to all technical problems at the plant depends on them. These are the Chief Engineer, the Chief Technologist, the Chief Designer and the Chief Controller, the Chief Power Engineer and the Chief Mechanic, the Chief Metrologist, Chief Accountant! I'm not even talking about the Director and his deputies, as well as the deputies of the Chief Engineer, whose work is so important at our plant.

Lenochka: Don’t worry so much! Those who need to communicate with the Chiefs will achieve their goal!

Volodya: At least they probably heard about their existence! But how to recognize the boss by sight, more experienced workers will always help them with this! Listen here!

The song “We recognize all the main ones by their gait” is played (to the melody of “And I recognize my dear one by his gait”). If there are screens in the hall, then make a silent film with this music about the main specialists: how they go to the headquarters, how this headquarters passes, how they talk to people in the workshops, etc. etc. It is desirable that the expression of their emotions coincide with the lyrics of the song.

When everyone goes to headquarters at ten o'clock, uh-oh!

And if the plan is thwarted, then we know clearly

It's better not to meet them on the way.

And if they have a smile on their face,

This means that the plan was completed at the plant on time.

But still, the hurricane passed us by. (someone into the microphone behind the stage: “We’ll see!”)

And our happiness, although it is unsteady,

But still, the hurricane passed us by.

You are experts in everything,

Tech savvy for a reason!

And you make decisions.

You look at everything like realists

And you make decisions.

We wish our main inspiration

And fulfillment of all your plans on time.

The mood will always be great,

Everything depends on you, God bless you!

(loss, during which the singer or one of the singers dances, kicking out the fraction with his feet, and others egg him on: “Come on, come on!”

We recognize all the main ones by their gait,

When everyone goes to headquarters at ten. Eh!

Imagine an elegant ball where gentlemen spin their ladies around to the rhythms of dance, a disco-style party in bright acid outfits to the music of ABBA, or a modern open-air with fluorescent decorations, an ultra-modern show and special effects... Do you want attend one of these evenings? No problem! We will write exclusively for you scenario for the company's anniversary, and we will take you to any era, to any country, giving you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Arabic dances, Indian adventures - in Persian tents we will arrange for you a luxurious evening in oriental style. Cabaret, jazz and poker - we invite you to a retro party. Dozens of scenarios, hundreds of ideas - we are ready to make your fantasies come true and your dreams come true.

A team of professionals from the event agency ARTNONSTOP will write scenario for the company anniversary, having thought through every little detail. Thanks to this, the evening will flow harmoniously. Bursts of vigorous activity will be replaced by lyrical moments, laughter by dancing, show programs by competitions, songs by toasts.

In addition, we take care of all the arrangements for the celebration itself. We'll choose a venue for the holiday and decorate it with flowers in the style of the evening, balloons, sculptures and original decor.

No matter how old your company is, and how many guests are invited, be it 10th anniversary anniversary script, or the scenario of the plant’s centenary anniversary - the ARTNOSTOP event agency will bring it to life down to the smallest detail.

We focus on your taste and budget, our creativity and craftsmanship, and fashion trends in the entertainment industry. You will like it with us!

tag: scenario for the anniversary of the enterprise, scenario for the anniversary of the company, scenario for the 10th anniversary of the organization

Corporate company anniversary script.

The scenario is intended for a corporate event with a small number of people present 20-30 people.

Guests enter the pre-decorated banquet hall. They take their seats.

The host begins the celebration with the words:

There is an anniversary for one,

But today, the anniversary of many,

Let's celebrate this celebration,

So that without dress codes, without strict suits!

Today you can sing and dance,

And have fun with everyone from the heart,

Joyfully splash wine into glasses,

And we can only be proud of this date!

Your team knows a lot about their work,

And your success is proof of this,

And you must pay him your debt -

Celebrate this birthday!

The floor is given to the administration(director, boss, founder, etc.) The director congratulates the team, thanks for their work, touches a little on statistics, a little on plans for the future.

The company gives present to all employees of the company (enterprise)

Workers congratulate the administration On the anniversary of the enterprise, souvenirs and gifts are given to managers.

Made in poetic form with poetry, jokes invented skits, will be a great surprise for managers.

A funny scene with dressing up from Babok Ezhek.

Details, attributes: buckets, wooden spoons, pot lids, ladles (as musical instruments). On the head there are scarves tied back to front, wigs made of bast, long colored skirts, bright sweaters.

Grandmothers Hedgehogs come running in disguise, shouting “IIIIIIIIIIII...” Jingling the instruments to the beat, they dance and sing the verses in turn, and the chorus all together.

They sing ditties:

Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate the company holiday brightly

Drink wine and have fun.

I walked along the forest side

I see a competitor behind me

Incident will not be tolerated

This will be our dividend.

Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate the company holiday brightly

Drink wine and have fun.

My soul became lighter,

The company's anniversary is coming soon

Oh I don’t believe myself

My career will grow.

Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate the company holiday brightly

Drink wine and have fun.

Our boss will become kinder

Like in a barber's fairy tale

He will give us all the prize

And he will give you a smile.

Stretch the bellows accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate the company holiday brightly

Drink wine and have fun.

Grandmas Yozhki leave to the music.

Next comic skit- congratulations will come from a Pediatrician.

This scene can be performed impromptu. A doctor dressed in a robe and with a stethoscope, a hammer for tapping the knees, the head, depending on what the comic doctor is talking about. It’s better to take a child’s hammer with a squeaker.

I'm here for your glorious holiday

Everyone is invited to check it out.

And of course I will give you instructions

I will appreciate your health and will not be a hypocrite

I will inspect your entire staff

Ear, throat, nose, I'll check...

And of course I’ll give you appointments

Check the pressure first.

So let's see how your mood is? (Listen with a stethoscope in the chest area)

And you would like to check

Heart, lungs are fine..... Cover your chest (Lady with a large neckline)

And you can’t trust someone with a shot glass (Someone who is already drunk or usually abuses it)

I concluded this

That everyone in the gym is healthy today

Eat, have fun, drink wine like a river

Let there be an exemplary holiday!

The doctor leaves and the celebration continues.

The next scene - you can arrange some kind music group. For example, blacks. "Boney Em"

Details, attributes: black stockings on the head (cut a hole for the mouth), wear glasses on the eyes. Black gloves, Bright shiny sweaters, and leggings for the girls.

Bright shiny or black wigs.

Three girls and one guy participate in the congratulation sketch. The effect is always positive.

The foursome run out to the music of Bonnie Em and dance for a while. Then the congratulations are read in a Negro accent:

Let your cherished dreams come true!

Let your fabulous dreams come true!

Love will warm you in cold and bad weather,

And may happiness never leave your home!

On a rainy evening or on a bright day

Let no shadow of sadness touch you.

May your days be filled with dreams and joy,

And let what is planned come true.

And just like that they leave to the music

After congratulations, it's time to play and compete.

Competitions for a fun corporate event. It is better to hold team competitions that will allow teams to compete with each other.

Competition for the anniversary of the company "With balloons"

Props, attributes: for this fun competition you will need inflated balloons, children's playpens (or you can use

The players are called, divided into two teams, the balls are behind the players’ backs.

Assignment: you need to take a ball and blow it into the arena by blowing on it, you can help the whole team, but without stepping over the line (2-3 meters).

Blow out as much as possible within a certain time more balls.

Competition for a fun corporate event.

Another one with balls: "Losharik"

Details, attributes: a lot of balls, a T-shirt for each player.

Several players are called (how many T-shirts are eaten). The players put on their T-shirts.

Task: put as many balls under the T-shirt as possible. Naturally, what is interesting is not the result, but the process itself, how the players stuff the next ball, no longer

fits within the confines of a T-shirt.

The winner is the player who still stuffed the most balls under his T-shirt.

Competition for the anniversary of the Sladky Company

Details, attributes: candy on a stick for each player, ring - bracelet for each team.

The task is to unwrap the candies in advance and, taking them into your mouth, wait for the signal. At the signal, the first player takes the bracelet and puts his candy on the stick, then

You must pass the bracelet to the next player on your team. The last player to receive the bracelet runs to the designated place, goes around it and returns to

The team that passed the bracelet and did not drop it, got there first, becomes the winner.

Be sure to prepare music, different, for all ages. Merry for dancing. You can dance before drinking tea.

The celebration ends with the words of the presenter:

Let the holiday come to an end,

But they stayed

A smile here suits you all,

You all laughed sincerely here!

Let me tell you one more thing,

A few words in closing:

Work so that it goes to “5”,

And to be inspired!

To bypass competitors

Success has always been with you everywhere,

So that the best can be found in everything,

And so that everyone can be friends!

There are a lot of people from different specialties who participate in the construction process. Therefore, Builder's Day is usually celebrated on a fairly large scale. Contractor companies with many employees often try to organize corporate party. This event will help show people how much they are valued by the company's management, as well as the need for their profession.

Preparation and start

If you want to make a corporate event on the occasion of the professional holiday of builders not just a party, but a holiday that will be remembered for a long time, worth it in advance prepare carefully.

You will also need to purchase and prepare props for congratulations and competitions. These are all kinds small items, which are, one way or another, related to construction: rulers, brushes, trowels, helmets and so on. Be sure to have handles on the number of people invited. In the hall where the celebration will take place, one wall is completely cleared and a sheet of fiberboard is installed on it. It symbolizes a real wall, which employees build together. The corporate party begins with this wall. Everyone who comes receives a “personal” congratulation, which is presented either by the director of the enterprise or the presenter. Then the director can also contribute to the collective building process. The congratulation is a small rectangular piece of paper with words talking about the importance of construction professions. Words should not be repeated. Those who receive this congratulation are informed that it is a “brick” for the foundation. The leaf must be attached with a button at the bottom of the fiberboard, following the “masonry technology”. When all the guests have gathered, the foundation and part of the wall will be built. During the celebration, everyone making a toast is invited to write it down briefly on a small piece of paper and also attach it to the wall, continuing construction. This “wall” of congratulations and toasts will initially create festive atmosphere and will make everyone relax.

The progress of the holiday

Word to the presenter

After all the workers are seated, the presenter comes out to the center of the hall. He talks briefly history the holiday itself. For the first time in the country, Builder's Day was celebrated in the middle of the 20th century, back in 1956. And the decree establishing the calendar date (August, second Sunday) was issued almost a year earlier - in September 1955. Then the presenter suggests toast “To the most peaceful profession”.

Director's speech

After the first toast and snacks, the floor should be given to the director. If he did not initially prepare the speech, the presenter helps by asking questions and providing guidance.

The speech sounds short story founding and development of the company. It talks about what has been achieved, the consequences of these achievements, that is, completed projects, an increase in the number of full-time employees, and so on. It must also be said about development plans and possible prospects. The director also makes a toast. By the way, the host constantly reminds those present to write down toasts and congratulations in order to attach them to a common wall.

Awarding the best builders

A professional holiday is a good occasion to celebrate honored workers and truly initiate young people into true builders. First the presenter hands over comic rewards for all the “most”. The guests themselves choose the nominees. For example, the tallest one, who receives a ruler, the most silent one, for whom a whistle is prepared, and so on. There may be about 5–10 such people - it all depends on the size of the team. Each of those named thanks for the trust and says a few words about their colleagues. What happens next presentation of real certificates and diplomas, perhaps even medals. All this time, toasts and invitations to treat themselves are periodically heard. Now you can take a break and hold several thematic competitions. They can be both active and table-like, when all or almost all guests are sitting in their places.

What should we glue the house together?

The competition is a combined competition, that is, only two players participate. You can first divide everyone present into two teams and invite each to choose one representative. He will achieve victory for everyone. Props for everyone:

  • about 50 empty matchboxes,
  • cardboard,
  • PVA glue,
  • scissors.

Time: 7 minutes. The task is that participants must build a house from the given items, which has the main components: a foundation, walls, doors with windows, a roof with a chimney. If you have enough brick boxes, you can even make internal ceilings and a second floor. The winner must receive a symbolic prize. A variation of this competition, which can be held in parallel, is “ Plasticine construction site" Here participants receive a large number of plasticine and a spatula. The task may be the same as in the previous version, or it may change slightly. For example, along with plasticine, you are given a meter-long square of plywood or fiberboard, and on it you need to depict the same house in the form of a bas-relief, but with a yard, a fence, and so on. The result is a plasticine drawing.

Around the same time, the presenter’s assistant, deliberately dressed as a builder, or one of the guests, who had previously quietly left the common room and changed clothes, quickly runs into the room. He shows in every possible way how excited he is. His words: “Guys, how can this be?” Everything was finished, the object was handed over, but the wiring was completely forgotten! The presenter makes a calming gesture and takes out a box from under the table. It contains a cable rolled into a ring with a vodka bottle on which there is a new label with the inscription “Wiring”. This means that vodka is well remembered here, and becomes a signal to continue the feast. By this time, the previous competition ends and its winner is chosen. Then the presenter asks one of the oldest present at the holiday to tell a few funny or funny stories that happened during the construction or preparation phase.

Fedya the dancer

You will need 3 teams of 3 people. If there are not too many people, you can leave only two teams, because each competition requires a sufficient number of spectators. The props here will be cheap wallpaper and wide packing tape.. The teams’ task is to choose “Fedya” among themselves and wrap it in wallpaper, just like in everyone’s favorite movie. After this, he must dance some cheerful dance to a well-known melody. The winner is the team that was able to wrap “Fedya” correctly, make the right holes in the right places on the wallpaper, and the wrapped participant, in turn, danced better than others. All further competitions take place one after another, as they are a logical continuation of the previous event.


Each one is given a large package. balloons And Double-sided tape. The teams' task is to inflate the balloons and make a three-dimensional house project out of them. The strongest and most visually attractive architectural project wins.


Some players may sit down at the tables again. For now they will be simple spectators and at the same time members of the jury. There can be any number of participants in each team. The props are also selected to match this quantity. It will be the same Balloons and one shovel for the team. At a distance of about 5 meters from the start, one ordinary gymnastic hoop is placed on the floor, playing the role of formwork. The “concrete” is the balls. Each participant should have two balls, if there are many participants - from 8 people - you can leave one at a time. At the signal from the leading player, first standing, takes one ball on a shovel and carries it into the ring, without helping with his hands. He runs back to the team and passes the shovel to the next one. The most dexterous and fastest team wins.

Construction of walls

The competition is held for a limited time. Instead of counting down the minutes and seconds, you can simply play a theme song, for example, “Not the Stokers...” or any other. Here the building material is plastic cubes. If there are matchboxes left, then those will do. But there should be a lot of these “building blocks”. In the form of a relay race, participants will build a tower. The first one runs forward with the cube, places it on the marked area, returns, passes the baton to another, and so on until the song ends. Practice has shown that haste forces participants to make careless movements, and this leads to the destruction of the tower. If this happens, the guilty player must rebuild everything again. The group with the tallest tower wins.

Roofing pie

The competition is individual. Several people can play. At the preparation stage, small festive caps are hung at a height of average height or slightly lower. There should be as many of them as there are people playing. Participants receive a large cap and put it on, after which they are tightly blindfolded. Then they spin you around and force you to squat. When standing up, the player must hit the one that is suspended with his cap. The winner will be the most accurate. It is imperative to involve young people and recent company employees in competitions. After each, the presenter names the winners and separately notes the new and young ones. This will be a smooth transition to the next part of the event.

Dedication and ending

When the active part is over and the guests are seated, the host asks several of the youngest workers to remain in front of the table, especially those who have worked in the company less than a year or did not take part in previous holidays. They must undergo a ritual after which they will become real builders. It consists of several sequential actions:

  • Break off a piece of bread from the loaf and eat it with salt.
  • Drink hot tea from a metal mug as a symbol of hot and difficult work.
  • Put on a helmet and courageously endure a blow to it with a brick. Certainly, the blow should not be strong.

After the initiation ceremony, several more toasts are made (don’t forget to write them down), and the feast continues without a leader. You can take the paperboard sheet, which was “built up” with congratulations, with you to the office - it will be something to remember later.

This year, many companies are abandoning traditional large-scale corporate events, so I decided to collect a few ideas to make your professional holiday memorable.

Noticeable congratulations on Builder's Day

from 6000 rub.


Design always helps to create festive mood, so it's worth spending a little to give your office a makeover. Even an ordinary tea party in such an environment will immediately become special.

Of course, I always suggest “inflating” the holiday with the help of beautiful thematic compositions. It could just be cute fountains, bouquets and garlands. If you wish, you can order the decorator a figure made of balloons: a builder, a house, construction tools and equipment.

Often they decorate the hall where the ceremonial part is supposed to be held, office rooms, construction sites of popular objects in the city, a tent in which a banquet is planned, etc.

25,000 rub. (15 minutes)

Sand and light show

I have already written about beautiful living postcards many times. The artist paints real masterpieces with sand on a light table - sand animation. On Builder's Day it will be a 15-minute thematic composition about the difficulties and victories of builders. .

Light show similar in meaning. This is also a postcard to congratulate the entire team, only the artist will draw with flashlights on a special screen. Some images will melt, others will appear. .

from 5000 rub.

Builder's Day Cake

I'm talking about those cakes that, first of all, are decorations themselves. They are certainly delicious, and such masterpieces are an excellent prop for a holiday photo shoot.

Instead of a cake, you can order small cakes - popcakes and cupcakes, which are also always decorated in the desired style. At least bricks with helmets.

from 15,000 rub.


If on a holiday your team is greeted at the office entrance by a small orchestra playing construction hits, the smiles of your colleagues are guaranteed. You can invite bards, a saxophonist, a cover band. Let it be fun from the very morning! This is especially appropriate if no further events are planned.

Personalized gifts for Builder's Day

Often given as a gift for professional holidays personalized gifts with congratulations or humorous phrases. These are flash drives, mugs, diaries, thermoses, calendars, etc. - pleasant little things that your colleagues will be happy to use at work and at home.

You can order such gifts in almost every city in Russia, production from 1 piece, 2-3 days. What could it be? Sets of sweets in personalized boxes, beer mugs, personalized diaries, Oscar figurines, flash drives with an individual signature, calendars, etc.

Programs for corporate events and team building

from 35,000 rub. (if up to 24 people)

Fun mind games

I have a detailed article about each program, for your convenience, be sure to check it out. I would like to add that in any scenario you can add questions related to construction professions. Even if it is “KinoQuiz” (a quiz on the topic of cinema with music, quotes and video clips), the presenter will prepare material that will definitely have a construction topic.

Let me remind you that “Crystal Owl”, “Brain Ring”, “Guess the Melody”, “Mix”, “Mafia” and “KinoQuiz” can be held in a cafe, in a tent, outdoors and right in the office.

from 15,000 rub. for every 10 participants


A popular form of leisure for modern people. There are quite a lot of types of games.

This great way take a break from everyday work and communicate with colleagues in an unusual format. Emotions always run high during games. There are quests that can easily incorporate a construction theme into them.

from 50,000 rubles


Filming a comic film or video can be combined with outdoor recreation and a picnic. It will be a short, fun film with acting, costumes, props and sets. The manager will send you details and a presentation, write.

from 2800 rub. per person (minimum order - 15 participants)

Corporate bike ride

Don’t worry that your employees will have a difficult route, the participants of which need to be in excellent sports shape. There are simple and comfortable routes through Moscow parks. Try it, you haven’t celebrated Builder’s Day like this before!

from 75,000 rub. per person

Jeep tour

Another cool idea for a summer corporate party. It’s convenient that the organizers offer a turnkey event. There will be cool off-road vehicles, a jeepper breakfast, instructors in each car, photographers along the route, barbecue, a cool 8-hour journey around beautiful places Moscow region...!

from 3000 rubles per person

Team building programs in nature

These are unusual tasks with special props in which your employees will need their collective intelligence with collective strength and dexterity. Only the team that quickly identified the leader and managed to complete the team test the fastest will be able to complete the leader’s task. Such team building events are always bright and emotional. .

Master classes

An interesting scenario for Builder's Day, fun competitions, scenario for a holiday with colleagues, holding a corporate party for Builder's Day

Preparation for Builder's Day: Initially, we clear one wall, it should be empty. We put a large sheet of chipboard on it. Purchase construction-themed souvenirs or construction tools in advance for the winners of competitions.

Each person who enters is given a piece of paper. A large sheet of chipboard is the foundation. We write congratulations on pieces of paper, everyone reads their own congratulation and attaches it to the bottom of the sheet, building the foundation.

Everyone sits down at the table. The feast begins. We write each toast on a brick, read it and build a house. Oh, and I can imagine in what handwriting the last toast will be written! But builders are strong people, they can do anything.

But we don’t have to give toasts all the time,

We'll break the window.

Everyone is divided into two teams, each team is given an equal number of planks and nails. Hammer included. The presenter turns on the music, cheerful and catchy. The builders' anthem is good. And while this song is being sung, each team makes its own window.

Beauty, the house is almost ready.

It's time to make the roof. You can't go anywhere without a roof these days.

But to earn this roof, you need to do a little maintenance and, most importantly, apply water.

Fun competitions for Builder's Day

The chief builder sits against the wall, with two buckets placed on either side. We turn on music from chanson and begin to wash the roof. While the song is playing, each team carries glasses of water into its own bucket.

We wait until the participant in front returns back with an empty glass, passes it to someone from his team, and the relay continues. The one who fills his bucket the most wins.

Now our roof is ready, now we are attaching a roof to the top of our house.

It turned out to be a nice roof.

We continue to sit at the table, not forgetting to write and make toasts, and build bricks. We rested, now our house is missing a pipe. We stick a paper pipe on the roof, and we need to check how well it can smoke. For this, we need soap bubbles. The host turns on the music, while the music is playing, the bottle is passed around the table from hand to hand. The presenter stops the music, and whoever the bubble is on starts blowing soap bubbles.

And so the next one. Whoever has bigger and bigger bubbles means he flooded the stove.

Well, what is a house without doors, but all the guests will help install the door. And it is established with the help of songs and poems on a construction theme.

Everyone takes turns reciting a poem or singing a song, and if they still have the strength, then say a toast with a glass on a construction theme.

Well, what kind new house no guests. They should always be in the house. And you are builders, you meet them to show them what kind of house you have built.

We divide into two teams. Each team member has a piece of paper and a pen. We sit down so that no one can see what he is writing. And you need to write what they give as a housewarming gift.

We turn on catchy music, while the verse of the music is being sung, everyone is writing.

The music turns off and the game ends.

Each team takes turns shouting out their written words. Words that are repeated by everyone are crossed out. Now we count how many free words are left. Whoever has more, that team wins.

The house is built, guests are gathered, gifts are received. The roof is in place, now it’s time to start dancing. What is a construction site without dancing?

But at the exit we check the most sober builder. We draw a line on the floor with chalk and everyone walks along it. The most sober is the one who has not gone astray. A sober and strong builder.

Happy holiday, dear builders. Thank you for our homes in which we live.

Scenario for Builder's Day, competitions, scenario for holding a corporate event for Builder's Day