Calendar with gifts for children. New Year's advent calendar for children. Advent calendar made of paper and cardboard

New Year's Eve is the most fabulous time of the year. Only during this period is the atmosphere of expectation of miracles, magic, childish delight and the fulfillment of all secret desires felt everywhere. And we have the power to make the holiday even brighter and turn the painful anticipation into an exciting game, both for children and for our other halves. We propose to produce this year original advent calendar, with which you can count down the days until the long-awaited December 31st.

What is an advent calendar?

The word Advent itself (translated from the Latin “adventus” - “coming”) means the very time before Christmas. Namely, four weeks before the Birth of Christ among Catholics. We call Advent the days when the countdown begins New Year's Eve.

But such an unusual calendar came into use at the end of the 19th century in Germany. Of course, it could not have happened without children. One sweet lady, Frau Lang, was simply tormented by her 8-year-old son Grahard with questions about when the long-awaited Christmas would finally come. The woman came up with a little trick. She cut out a calendar with windows from cardboard. The number of windows corresponded to the number of days before the great holiday. And behind each of them there was a carrot hidden. Moreover, the boy could only open one window per day.

Many years later, Grehard, whose mother made a similar toy every year, patented the invention and began producing the world's first advent calendars. True, he replaced cookies with sweets.

Now Frau Lang's know-how is popular all over the world. After all, what could be more convenient than such a calendar? Instead of a thousand questions “How soon?” And how wonderful it is, long before the New Year, to create that same magical mood in anticipation of the holiday, when Santa Claus receives letters, and gifts appear in his pockets every day.

Contents for the calendar

There are many options for filling Advent. It all depends on your desire, imagination, as well as free time during these hectic holidays. We offer you the three most popular types of gifts for your household.

1. Edible surprises

Both adults and little New Year lovers associate this holiday primarily with sweets. Candies, tangerines, Christmas gingerbreads, chocolate Santa Clauses, and so on and so forth. The main thing is to make sure that our New Year's elves' butts don't stick together.

2. Pleasant little things

To keep your teeth intact until the holiday night, we suggest alternating sweets with small pleasant gifts that will delight your little one every day. Here are several options: stickers, books, balls, stationery, New Year's figurines and all the paraphernalia of the upcoming event.

3. Tasks

Well, if you have more than enough time, try preparing tasks that you can do every day with the whole family. Of course, we leave the topic the same. Well, for example: draw a snowman, cut out snowflakes, make a postcard for your grandparents, bake fragrant gingerbread cookies and write a letter to Grandfather Frost.

15 original DIY New Year calendar ideas

We are still in favor of turning the creation of an advent calendar into a tradition of fun time for the whole family. After all, make one like this New Year's decor for your home couldn't be easier. We have prepared for you 15 simple and original ideas to help. So, let's begin:

1. Gifts

One of the most simple options calendar All you have to do is wrap all your surprises in wrapping paper and figure out what to hang them on. As a pendant, both a simple wall and a Christmas tree cut out of fabric or paper are suitable. To make Advent look as stylish as possible, try to stick to one color range in gift wrapping.

2. Bags

Gifts can also be replaced with bags made from any material with a festive print. Try hanging the bags on a regular wooden stick or displaying them beautifully on a cabinet. One thing: for such calendars, all gifts must be prepared in advance.

3. Christmas stockings

One of the most popular options is Christmas socks. Traditionally, they are hung in the form of a garland on fireplaces, windows, and shelves. To be even more convincing, stick or embroider countdown numbers on them until that very day X.

4. Envelopes

Advent calendars made from envelopes are especially popular. They can be hung on the wall in the shape of a Christmas tree or hung by threads even on a regular hanger.

By the way, it’s also easy to make envelopes with your own gold pens.

5. Matchboxes

When we were kids, we kept cockchafers in them and built robots, and today we offer a great idea for an advent calendar. There are plenty of options for using matchboxes in our products:

6. Cardboard houses

If you get a little more involved, you can build an entire Advent city with 20 or more cute cardboard houses. Imagine how great it is to lift up one of these huts every frosty morning and find a surprise.

And here it is very simple circuit folding:

7. Jars

To create a stylish advent calendar, any container available in the house is suitable. Leftover cardboard cups from your birthday party? Lots of empty cans from canning? Do gouache jars take up an entire shelf? Let's put everything into action!

8. Buckets

Small iron buckets, which look extremely stylish in any interior, can also be an original solution.

9. Rolls

Rolls are an option for lazy moms. We roll up the multi-colored wrapping paper into rolls and the calendar is ready. I think you guessed that this type is best suited for a calendar with interesting tasks.

10. Felt Christmas tree

For those who are friends with sewing machine, we suggest sewing a felt Christmas tree with attached felt toys, behind which you can hide little surprises. Toys can be replaced with pockets.

11. Christmas tree-pyramid

You can make a Christmas tree from boxes painted red or green. The downside of this idea would be quite a lot of occupied space.

12. Sweet

Remember the calendar that mom made for Grahard? The cookie version will be just as beautiful and so useful for little ones with a sweet tooth. Gingerbread the best remedy boosting immunity in cold winter.

13. Cake

Paper calendar cake - you've never seen anything like it. Behind each piece of delicacy there is a filling of gifts for every day.

Have you decided to make just such a calendar? Here's the diagram:

14. Canvas with pockets

When it’s not possible to buy gifts in advance, but it’s more convenient to hide them every morning, an Advent card made of canvas with pockets will come to your aid:

15. Postcards

Well, we propose to make the last option not for small gift lovers, but for big ones. Make a cute calendar for your partner, where every day he will find words of love, wishes for the next year, or ridiculous tasks that you can do together.

Ready-made advent calendar

Of course, you can buy everything now. The Advent calendar is no exception. The mass market offers many options. Particularly popular are ready-made calendars with sweet filling for every day.

Well, large furniture companies, such as Ikea, offer designer wooden and plastic calendars that are ready for use for many years to come.

And even cosmetics manufacturers have come up with their own version of this miracle for women:

One item of preparation for the holiday is ready! We don't know about you, but we've already armed ourselves with scissors and glue and are starting to create some holiday cheer!

New Year's advent calendar. Master class with step-by-step photos

Nomination name– master class on handicrafts (felt sewing)

Master class title"New Year's Advent Calendar"

The master class is aimed at educators, teachers and parents, schoolchildren and simply creative people.

Purpose: advent calendar, New Year's decoration, making gifts for friends and family, group decor kindergarten, children's room, teaching aid, educational toy.
Target: making a Christmas tree - advent calendar.
Tasks: introduce the technology of making a Christmas tree from felt, introduce the technology of sewing toys from felt.

What is an advent calendar?
The anticipation of the holiday is no less pleasant than the holiday itself. Advent - (from Latin adventus - arrival) - the time of waiting for Christmas (a special period, four weeks of fasting in the Catholic Church.) In our country there is a time of waiting - not only for Christmas, but also for the New Year.
The calendar was invented not so long ago, at the end of the 19th century, in Germany. And it couldn’t have happened without a child-why. Frau Lang was simply tormented by her son Gerhard, who asked his mother every day when Christmas would come?! She couldn’t stand it and made him a calendar out of cardboard with windows - according to the number of days before Christmas. Gerhard could only open one window a day, and a small cookie was hidden behind it. So he saw for himself how many cookies still needed to be eaten before the main holiday, how many days were left. By the way, when the boy grew up, his mother’s invention began to bring him profit - he began to produce the world’s first advent calendars - boxes with windows behind which were no longer cookies, but candies.
Why does a child need such a calendar? (Parents, of course, need to avoid answering the same question all December.) Time is such a vague concept, so elusive... Three days, a week, a month - than younger child, the more difficult it is for him to understand whether this is a lot or not? The calendar helps you feel the passage of time. And it helps you learn to count!
In my version of the advent calendar, I suggest hanging one toy every day, starting from December 1st. And when the whole Christmas tree is hung with toys, it means the New Year is coming! Such a Christmas tree will not only be interesting to decorate at home, but also in kindergarten groups, and every day, after hanging the toy, the teacher can give prepared tasks on winter and New Year themes.
So, let's start making the New Year tree-calendar and toys.

We will need:

- felt 3-4 mm thick, green, size 50x110 cm,
- multi-colored felt 1-2 mm thick (for toys and the trunk of the Christmas tree),
- threads of floss or irises,
- multi-colored buttons,
- multi-colored ribbons,
- sequins, beads,
- glue gun (you can do without it),
- needle,
- fabric scissors,
- filler – ball holofiber,
- fabric marker (disappearing) or tailor's chalk,
- templates,
- sewing machine.
Our Christmas tree will be 100 cm high. There will be 31 toys according to the number of days in December.
Let's draw a pattern.

Cut it out.

We place it on green felt.

We pin it with pins. We outline with a disappearing felt-tip pen (or a fine tailor's pen).

Cut it out.

We sew the resulting parts together using a zigzag seam.

From brown felt, cut out a rectangle measuring 7 cm wide and 20 cm long. We machine sew the rectangle to the tree using the same stitch.

From the remaining green thick felt, cut out numbers according to the templates.

We sew all the numbers with an overcast stitch.

We will hang toys on pompoms. Using a glue gun, glue the pompoms (you can also sew them) to the tree.
We also glue the numbers to the tree in the same way.

Let's start making toys.
Draw or print ready-made templates.

Using the templates, we cut out blanks from felt - future toys.

Let's take a closer look at making one toy. We will sew a Christmas tree.
We will need:

- scissors,
- colored felt,
- holofiber filler,
- needle,
- iris threads,
- tailor's chalk or felt-tip pen.
So, we take the templates and pin them to the felt. For a larger Christmas tree template, fold the felt in half.

We trace the template with a felt-tip pen (tailor's chalk) and cut it out along the contour.

Cut out a smaller Christmas tree using zigzag scissors.

Take one piece of the Christmas tree bigger size and sew a smaller piece to it using a “forward needle” seam.

Sew on the button.

Now we sew the two resulting parts together with a “forward needle” seam, and sew on a loop of ribbon.

We do not sew the toy completely, leaving space to fill the toy with holofiber.

This is the Christmas tree toy we got!

Using the same principle, you can sew toys, various balls, bells, snowmen, hearts and others.

The tradition of making Advent calendars came to us, of course, from Europe. And first of all, this is a Christmas tradition, and the name is this because the month before Christmas is called Advent. The Advent calendar does not have any strict form; it can be boxes suspended on ropes, boxes or bags on a cardboard base, or figurines glued together from boxes. In the store you can most often buy a calendar that looks like a large box of chocolates with 31 windows. But the most important thing that should be in any New Year’s advent calendar is treats, such as candies, dragees, chocolate figures, etc.

We decided to make our own advent calendar. And here are many simple ways.

DIY Advent Calendar Ideas

The simplest option is New Year's calendar made from matchboxes. We cover the boxes with colored paper and glue them together, and on top - a star made of cardboard or colored paper.

If you don't like the idea of ​​gluing boxes, you can simply put them in a beautiful box or vase.

The option with pockets is the fastest. They can be hung on lace or tinsel. And if you want to make it more complicated, you can make your own Advent calendar in the form of a wire Christmas tree.

A New Year calendar can be made from fabric in the form of a panel. To sew one, you will need 1-1.5 times, depending on how well you use a sewing machine.

Traditional advent calendar consists of cells, as we have already said, making it with your own hands is a labor-intensive task, since you will have to cut and glue 31 boxes. The operating technique is as follows:

1. Cut out a square or rectangle from cardboard, this will be the base.

2. Fold the boxes according to the pattern, paint them yourself, or print out a large drawing according to the size of your square, cut it into small squares according to the size of the cell and glue it on top (like a mosaic).

3. Glue the finished boxes onto the base.

Scheme for folding boxes. In addition to this method, boxes can be made using the origami technique, but it takes longer.


Print on colored or white A4 paper and fold.

You can show a little imagination and make an Advent calendar with your own hands from scrap materials, for example from an egg container and round shoe cover packages(You can use plastic eggs from Kinder Surprise instead).

Rolls from under toilet paper, oddly enough, is one of the most popular materials for children's crafts. Well, you can also make a calendar from them. It is especially convenient to hide long lollipops or lollipops in such cells. You can glue the rolls in the form of a house, a Christmas tree, just a circle or a snowflake.

Advent calendar for the new year from paper boxes

An Advent calendar garland can be hung on a window or decorated with a wall, it always looks cute and festive. To make this with your own hands, you will need to fold the boxes again, only this time in a triangular shape.

Good day!

Today I took on a rather unusual topic for analysis. Some people may not even know about something like this and what they eat it with, ahaha))). Honestly, I myself learned about such a craft a couple of years ago and was immediately interested in the idea. Now I’ll tell you in more detail, if literally translated, the advent calendar is some kind of little cheat sheet or reminder that something very, very important will happen soon. For example, the most important event (date) in your life, Birthday or New Year.

Usually these things are done for children, and they play with them and wait for the right moments. But, I’ve even seen options for husbands, can you imagine?

We all don’t really like to wait, it just happens that way, don’t you agree? It’s precisely this little thing like Advent that will help us have more fun and count the moments. I suggest not buying it in a store, as many do, but making it yourself, using various available tools.

Well, let's figure it out together, choose the stencils and templates you need and like, then run to print and surprise your little children. I hope everyone, without exception, will like the selection, learn with me.

It turns out that such a number was invented in Catholic families, the children eagerly tore off the piece of paper and, having completed the task, received a pleasant surprise, such as fruits or sweets. Therefore, I propose to celebrate the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays with mysterious anticipation. Follow all the recommendations and you will definitely succeed.

After all, nothing is impossible, especially when children are already familiar with such calendars and ask for them again and again every year.

We will need:

  • wrapping paper or scrap paper 6 by 10 cm (there will be a hem for the envelope on one side and the other 2 cm and 3 cm)
  • scrapbooking paper, size 30 by 30 cm
  • scissors
  • rhinestones and decorations
  • stationery knife
  • glue or double-sided tape
  • thread or ribbon
  • felt-tip pen or marker


1. First, you need to cut the required number of rectangles from wrapping paper, measuring 6 by 10 cm (determine the number yourself, prepare as many as you want to have envelopes).

3. Tie each envelope with thread or ribbon and glue it to scrap paper.

4. Decorate with rhinestones and sign the numbers on the envelopes, they will indicate dates.

Place tasks inside each paper bag, here is a sample, or come up with your own.

The next product is also incredibly beautiful and the author decided to create a calendar from ordinary bags. Which are also made by hand. There you are step-by-step instruction in pictures.

Such bags will also decorate your home and give a certain mysterious look to the walls (you will see this later). They will need to be made from scrap paper in the amount of 31 pieces.

Then glue chips onto each copy. They need to be cut, want some samples?

Then use it for your health.

All that remains is the final touch, hang everything on tinsel and decorate it in some other stylish way.

And if suddenly for some reason it was not clear to you how and what is glued where, then please refer to this video.

Master class on how to make an advent calendar for children from paper (templates inside)

Well, we’ve come to some more work, the simplest and not the most difficult. Even schoolchildren can handle them. Well, and you, as parents or teachers, even more so.

Well, let's start with the craft, it will be in the form of paper ribbons, which you must thread on a string.

I have presented the templates below, but if you want, I can send them by email in PDF format.

No less interesting template in the form of a children's game with windows, cut out carefully stationery knife outline along the dotted lines, and attach a sheet with tasks.

Here’s another idea in the form of an adventure map; at the bottom you’ll have to make a chest or box for surprises.

Do you want it enlarged? Keep it up, some of you really asked, and dreams should come true))).

Here are ready-made samples.

Beautiful advent calendar for a child for the New Year 2020

The most long-awaited holiday that comes to us in winter and which all children look forward to. This is, of course, New Year or Christmas. So let's make the expectations even brighter.

To do this, you will need notes containing tasks. You can take absolutely any from this article, or take these.

Or these cards.

Some may find the empty ones boring so they can come up with the right games themselves.

So, fold the tasks into a tube and tie them with ribbon or thread. Place them in a jar and pull out one note every day.

After completing the task, glue cotton wool onto Santa Claus, or you can use cotton pads or crumpled napkins directly onto his beard in the form of a ball.

Here are a lot of templates in the New Year theme (Father Frost, Santa). Download any picture to your computer, paste it into Word and print. This one below is in large size, it will need to be printed on several A4 sheets.

Toddlers and slightly older children really like this activity, I assure you. After all, they are exploring the world!

If you have more than one child at home, then make two calendars at once so that there are no fights and insults.

Here are a couple more ideas, this is a wonderful Elf and a fawn.

The simplest thing is Adventik, when you need to paint over the desired date with a felt-tip pen. Catch the Christmas tree.

Or winter composition you like it better.

Friends, but that’s not all, I managed to find one cool option that will be of interest to children of preparatory or high school kindergarten or students primary school. Here are the instructions.

If you still don’t understand who makes such a calendar, then now you’ll figure it out when you see this picture. It turns out that you need to print grandfather and a tear-off beard, request the text for the beard from me through the comments, I will send it to everyone for free by email.

  • The beard will be made of two parts that need to be glued together, I show one part here (as you can see, the text is difficult to see, so ask, everything looks clear in the document, for some reason it shows here).

For very young children, such countdowns will be difficult, so I suggest shortening the days and waiting a week before the upcoming day.

Or you can even make a Christmas tree on which you glue one paper ball every day.

As soon as the balloons run out, the New Year will begin.

Advent with tasks for schoolchildren

In a rather original way, you can imagine Advent in the form of houses. And it’s not at all difficult to complete them, especially if your child is in school and is 6-7 years old.

I have all the samples in the archive, unfortunately I can’t put them all in the article, they are in this form.

Or these little ones, I also have them in my archive, I found them in one group on VKontakte.

There is also a superb work in the form of cubes from which you can lay out a mosaic in the form of a Christmas tree.

And here are the tasks themselves, download and print them out. They are not difficult, and are suitable for absolutely all age categories (5-6 years), and even kids (3-4 years).

A pretty cool idea to create an advent calendar was published on the YouTube channel. Moreover, the creator shared his author’s work. I want you to watch this story too. Bravo!

Advent calendar made from matchboxes

You have no idea, but it's really cool! Such a thing is unlikely to stand on its own; as soon as children see it, they will immediately begin to question and play. In addition, the advantage of such a craft is that it will last you more than one year. That's for sure!

To begin with, I suggest you master the simplest option, click on the view button.

Now, as for more complicated work, you can design it in the form of a box or a funny house. Use your imagination, glue, scissors and scrap paper.

And now the master class, all the description will be immediately in the photo. So, what a job, friends!

By the way, you (if you are a teacher or teacher) can involve your parents in this matter so that they can later use such a miracle in kindergarten.

So how did you like it? I really like this, such a good idea, respect to the author. And here is another picture from the Internet.

Advent calendar ideas for kids

Well, we got to something even more amazing unusual options, I want to show you everything, but the note is not rubber). I collected everything that I haven’t talked to you about yet, so let’s go.

A wonderful and creative calendar would be an option using plastic cups. It will turn out quite voluminous. Look, you can take cups from under Rastishka.

Here is a set in the form of a locker.

For amateurs felt toys you need to make something like this in the form of stars.

Use any available means.

If you like this method of decoration, write to me and I will send you templates for the pockets.

The pockets will be in this format:

They even used clothespins, and it looked like a snowflake.

Or hang bags with surprise moments on them.

In the West, it is customary to make such calendars from socks or knitted mittens.

And if it’s a child’s birthday, then make his expectations brighter, for example, create a flower like this from lollipops. And pull out one every day, when they end, the long-awaited day will come. Great idea, isn't it?

And here is another option from kinder surprises (that is, their plastic cases).

Would you like another idea, wow, it’s light and at the same time cool, made from balloons.

This is the post for today, from which you learned about how to make an advent calendar and what it is actually needed for. Take note, because there are many holidays throughout the year.

I wish you all good luck, inspiration and patience. Press the buttons social networks, share your finds and write reviews and comments at the bottom of the note. Thank you all for your attention, and see you again! Goodbye.

In Catholic families, a special calendar was invented that counted down the days until the approaching Christmas. From December 1 to December 24, children daily opened a packaged surprise from the advent calendar, in which, in addition to quotes from scripture or small tasks, sweets awaited them - apples, candies and others small gifts. They appeared in our culture relatively recently and managed to gain popularity. You can buy an advent calendar, but making it yourself is much more interesting. And, instead of the classic Christmas one, you can make a New Year's calendar. It is about creating such joy for children that we will talk.

How to make an advent calendar with your own hands

Where to begin? Of course, from an idea. There are many beautiful advent calendars for children and adults online. Man-made masterpieces amaze with their beauty and abundance of interesting details. If you have free time and you know how to sew, love to create - then go ahead, everything is in your hands. We choose the idea we like and adapt it to suit our family. Here are some ideas for DIY moms.

Simple Advent Calendar Ideas

If time is short, but you still have a desire to create a New Year’s calendar, then we choose easy-to-make but beautiful samples and get to work.

  1. Single-color gift bags are evenly secured with double-sided tape on the panel. Numbers made of felt or on plates attached to the same double-sided tape, they tell us which package we are opening today.
  2. Simple plain envelopes, a felt-tip pen for writing numbers and a base for placing the envelopes (paper or cardboard) is all you need to make this option. Place the printed tasks for the advent calendar inside, just like the gifts. Cool Mom's tip: you can glue the envelopes themselves to the base, or you can only glue the holders for them (clothespins). Then opening the envelope will become a separate holiday.
  3. For such an advent calendar you need little - the same type of bags, clothespins or stationery holders (binders, paper clips), and the basis for placement - lace, satin ribbon, strong thread. We write the numbers with a marker, or, after printing them out, cut them out and glue them onto the envelopes. It’s easy to make the bags yourself—you just need paper, scissors, glue, and a template you like from the internet.
  4. This is also a simple advent calendar. Let's take opaque paper bags and a variety of decor - Christmas trees cut out of cardboard, balls, stars. You can seal using clothespins, paper clips, ribbons and even tape. The packages can simply be placed on a shelf in the nursery, or you can make an entire installation using pine cones, branches and other New Year’s decor.
  5. Glasses, cups, with a lid, without a lid, yogurt containers - everything will be used. We need the same type of packaging and everything that will help them become more festive and New Year’s - small toys, pine cones, nuts. We heavily decorate it all with ribbons, figures cut out of cardboard and fill it. If the container does not have a lid, then there are two options for resolving the issue: pack what you put in the glass or seal the hole with easily tearable paper.

What to put in an advent calendar

  • Sweets
  • Small gifts
  • Poems and songs about winter
  • Tasks for children (see examples of such tasks below)

It is best to put sweets and delicacies that children love in the pockets of the advent calendar. You don’t need a huge chocolate bar every evening - one is enough candy, cookies or treats. If you are making an advent calendar for one child, everything is simple - you bought 31 different sweets and laid them out. If there are more children, then give everyone the same sweets for one day. This rule applies regardless of whether you made your own calendar for each child or one for the whole family.

Sweets can be replaced with small gifts, which can also become assistants in completing tasks. These can be pencils, felt-tip pens, plasticine, art kits, brushes and paints, stamps, stickers, sets of cardboard and colored paper, air balloons, bubble .

You can also put it in your calendar poems about winter and holidays, songs. But the most interesting option it turns out if you put a small task-entertainment in each cell of the advent calendar. The children are looking forward to what surprise task will be in the next cell, and doing them together will definitely bring fun and joy.

For adult children, all evenings in December will be spent completing tasks from the Advent calendar. For kids (3-5 years old), you don’t need so many tasks - 10 is enough. Choose by age and arrange them after 2-3 days.

Advent calendar tasks

The order of the tasks is conditional, you yourself will choose which pocket to put which task in. Set complex tasks for the advent calendar on the weekend so that you have time to help complete them. Assignments can be addressed not only to children, but to all family members. After all, it’s more fun to cut out snowflakes and watch movies together.

  1. Write a letter to Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas.
  2. Make Christmas toys from them.
  3. Make your own cards for grandparents.
  4. Draw winter.
  5. Make a Snowman out of snow and paint with watercolors.
  6. Cut out snowflakes from paper.
  7. Decorate the windows in the room.
  8. Find out how they celebrated New Year your grandparents.
  9. Learn about celebration traditions in countries that border yours.
  10. Find New Year's poem and learn it.
  11. View a cartoon on a New Year's theme.
  12. Make a bird feeder and hang it near the windows of your house.
  13. Make a garland to decorate the Christmas tree (whether in the yard near the house or for your homely beauty is up to you).
  14. Help mom bake cookies for the holidays.
  15. Make decorations for the yard out of ice (freeze water poured into inflatable balls, and then lay out paths or figures with ice balls. Decorations can be painted).
  16. Blowing soap bubbles in the cold.
  17. Draw what you remember most of all in the past year.
  18. Help decorate the Christmas tree.
  19. Help in spring cleaning before the holidays.
  20. Decorate your room before the holidays.
  21. Read the New Year's story.
  22. Make a New Year's themed applique.
  23. Pack gifts for those closest to you.
  24. Learning a song or poem about winter will please Santa Claus.
  25. Prepare small gifts for friends.
  26. Make it from scrap materials (plasticine, cardboard, Legos).
  27. Draw an angel in the snow.
  28. Play in the snow.
  29. Write a story about a New Year's miracle.
  30. Watch a movie about Christmas.
  31. Let's celebrate the New Year!

5 Tips for Making Your Own Advent Calendar

  1. Choose the option that suits your needs. Get this one and want it next year improve, alter, re-glue - please. Now do what you have time and energy for.
  2. There must be a secret. If there are sweets sticking out of your pockets, where is the interest and anticipation of a surprise? Be sure to pack both the assignment and sweets. The unfolding process will definitely bring pleasure to children.
  3. Desire works wonders. Don’t say that you don’t have imagination, talent and ability to make such a product as an advent calendar. You have a desire - and that’s the main thing. It is not necessary to print complex patterns, cut, glue, or sew. Take plain white envelopes, secure them to the base using ribbons or holders and that’s it. Write the numbers with a felt-tip pen to match the color of the ribbons. You see, everything ingenious is simple.
  4. Come up with a place. Let the calendar be visible and remind you that the holiday is approaching. Whether you put it on the chest of drawers at the entrance to the house, or place it on shelves in the nursery, or hang it on the wall of the refrigerator - it doesn’t matter.
  5. Do it for the family. The calendar was originally invented for children. By placing tasks for joint execution in it, you will teach sharing. Sharing not only sweets, but also the joy of doing joint affairs. Just put in the appropriate amount of sweets.

You see: what seemed complex and fantastic is actually real. All you need is a desire to make the holiday closer and great love for your family. Well, a little patience and perseverance, not without it. With the New Year's advent calendar, December will become 100% more interesting, so cast aside all doubts and start making. You will enjoy your own creation, and your children will enjoy the fun and interesting tasks and delicious sweets.