What glasses fit a rectangular face. Triangular face type. Glasses for a round face: getting rid of roundness


Representatives of absolutely all types of faces can be advised to choose glasses from world famous brands and masters of their craft. Pay attention to glasses Ray Ban, Versace, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana. Such glasses will differ not only in a stylish frame, but also in the quality of the lenses, they will emphasize your status and will last for many years. Otherwise, it is better to choose a frame based on the features of the face, since the shape of glasses that would ideally suit everyone simply does not exist.

The easiest way to choose a frame for glasses is for owners of an oval face type. Almost all models of glasses go to these lucky women. If this is your type, you can safely choose any glasses according to your mood or outfit, experiment with style, try on extravagant ones, or opt for elegant models. The only constructive advice that can be given to you is to try to avoid deliberately large, or vice versa, very small frames. They can greatly distort the features of your face, of course, if you do not set yourself such a goal.

If you are the owner of a square face type, with a massive jaw, forehead and pronounced cheekbones, try to choose glasses of the exact opposite shape. Avoid models with a pronounced square or rectangular shape. Such models will emphasize your little imperfection. Choose models of round or oval shape, absolutely any colors and textures. Aviators are perfect. They smoothly smooth out the angularities and emphasize the cheekbones. The main thing is to correctly guess with the optimal size of points. Too small or too big will not accentuate the shape of your face.

Girls with a round face type should also carefully consider the choice of the shape of the glasses. A face is considered round if its width is not much less than its length. In people with this type of face, cheekbones are usually almost invisible, but there are very noticeable cheeks and dimples. Their faces sometimes seem childish, open and a little naive. If this is your face type, you should opt for square or rectangular glasses. They will create an advantageous contrast on your face. Try on some retro butterfly glasses. They perfectly visually stretch the face, making it almost oval.

Those with a triangular face, with a wide forehead and a narrow chin area, should be very careful when choosing glasses. You are contraindicated in any form of glasses of strict geometric shapes, especially with sharp corners. Avoid explicit square, rectangular, round shapes. These models will further emphasize the excessive contrast in the size of your lower and upper face. You should be especially careful when choosing the size of glasses, avoid models that are too large and massive. The shape of the glasses that you should give preference to should be sufficiently streamlined and, as it were, smooth out the difference in proportions, forming a smooth transition from the forehead to the chin. "Aviators" are perfect for this purpose.

Whether your goal is to improve your eyesight or shield your eyes from the sun, glasses should definitely beautify your face. And along with makeup, eyebrow shape or hairstyle, glasses change dramatically appearance and even face shape. And in order not to play a minus, let's look at some points.

Golden Rule. The upper border of the frame should not be higher than the eyebrow line, and the lower one should rest against the cheeks, even when you smile.

The easiest way is to choose glasses according to the shape of your face, or rather go against the shape of your face.

What does it mean? If you have hard, sharp features, choose frames that are round and dainty. And vice versa, the face is rounded - the frame is square and massive. More on this later.


An oval face is suitable for almost all types of frames. Here it is worth paying attention only to the fact that your glasses and face are in balance. Not too big or small, narrow or wide. It is better that the width of the frame coincides with the widest part of the face.

Your forms: b butterflies, aviators, cats, rectangular, round and oval.


Roundness is best shaded with geometric, rigid and massive frames.Try to choose frames that are wider than your face.Opt for angular and more geometric silhouettes.A bright colored frame, perhaps with some kind of decoration or print, is also your option. Another option: a narrow jumper, thin high temples, but the glasses themselves are large, in the upper wide part.

Your forms: Square, cats, butterflies elongated on the sides, trapeze, sports.

Not your forms: Round.


The opposite of a round shape. Choose soft, smooth shapes.

Your forms: Round, oval, droplets, cats, butterflies, rimless glasses, aviators.

Not your forms: square, small and narrow.

Inverted triangle (heart)

Often, the girls "hearts" have a very elegant little face. And the glasses must be appropriate. The wide part of the glasses should fall on their lower part. Frames and bridges are narrow. Also, light-colored glasses are very fitting.

Your forms: round, trapezium, aviators, rimless glasses.
Not your forms: kitties, square, sharp, large and bulky frames.


The main task is to divert attention from the chin. Therefore, we choose glasses in the upper wide part. And the lower part of the glasses should in no case be sharp and square.

Your forms: kitties, trapezes, rimless glasses.
Not your forms: square, rectangular, narrow and small.


With a rectangle, everything is simple, we should visually expand the face. We choose large and massive glasses.

Your forms: round, aviator, square, oval and rectangular.

Not your forms: small, narrow, rimless glasses.


For a rhombus, it is important to narrow the cheekbones and widen the forehead. We also smooth out the sharp chin with soft and rounded shapes.

Your forms: square, oval, aviators, trapezoid, rimless glasses.

Not your forms: angular, wide and miniature frames.

Choose glasses for women round face not so difficult. The most important thing is to know the basic rules for constructing geometric shapes and skillfully use them.

Definition of face type

Properly selected glasses are the same full-fledged attribute of style as, for example, wrist watch or a handbag. But even the most trendy models can reduce the ideal image to zero if they absolutely do not suit you.

To understand what shape of face you have, you can take your own photo, where you are depicted in front, and circle it along the contour (this can also be done mentally). If there is no photo at hand, pin up your hair so that it does not interfere, go to the mirror, lean against it and circle your face with a soft pencil.

  • oval: considered a reference, the lines are smooth, the chin is only slightly wider than the forehead and narrowed down, the cheekbones are not too highlighted;

  • round: has smooth transitions and soft lines; the width and height of the face are almost the same;

  • square: the face is more angular, the jaw protrudes significantly, the forehead is wide, the line of the forehead, cheeks and cheekbones are approximately equal in size;

  • rectangular: the type of face is similar to the previous one, but the face is more elongated;
  • triangular (heart): the forehead is much wider than the chin;
  • pear-shaped: the line of the forehead is narrower than the line of the cheekbones;
  • diamond-shaped: the jaw and forehead are of equal width, but the forehead, like the chin, is slightly narrowed.

Advice. Any glasses should be comfortable to wear. Frames, nose pads and temples should not be too tight or overly rigid. In high-quality glasses, all the screws that secure the temples are twisted quite tightly and do not come loose even with prolonged wear.

Basic selection rules

To correct the shape of the face, when choosing glasses, use the following tips:

  • Never buy a frame that completely repeats its contour. That is, with a round face, stop at glasses that are rectangular, square or even triangular, but by no means round.
  • Small glasses or glasses with thin frames on a round face will also look ridiculous. Only voluminous rectangular models with a fairly thick frame are suitable for you. Moreover, the larger the features, the larger, more massive should be the frame.
  • Glasses should be slightly wider or almost equal to the widest part of the face. Too pressed against the temples, they will only make the cheeks more visible.
  • So that the glasses do not look like a foreign object on the face, but create the effect of integrity, their lower part must completely follow the contour of the eye socket.
  • They should be exactly the right size, not press behind the ears and not move off the bridge of the nose.
  • If you want to visually shorten the nose, you should not choose glasses that sit too high on the bridge of the nose; their jumper should be located closer to the middle.
  • The color of the frame should be combined not only with the chosen style, but also with the type of skin and the color of hair and eyes.

Important! In order not to spoil your eyesight, you should not buy glasses from dubious sellers. It's great if they have the CE mark - the European quality standard.

Frame shape

As we already mentioned, when choosing glasses, you should give preference to square, rectangular or triangular frames, that is, models that have a minimum number of roundings: only straight lines and sharp corners. The frame should be large enough, but not massive. Otherwise, the face will be too rough.

Since we need to visually stretch the face, too narrow products are strictly contraindicated. As well as lenons (tishaydy) with completely round glasses. Be careful with models like:

  • aviator: teardrop-shaped with slightly convex lenses;
  • half-moon glasses: too narrow, they will only visually expand the face;
  • panto: with almost round lenses, slightly elongated at the corners;
  • a la chanterelles: with small pointed corners;
  • dragonfly: with round lenses, tapered at the temple.

Advice.Buying multiple frames different models, you can completely change your image at any time - from an energetic lady to a sophisticated elegant lady.

You can balance proportions and veil round lines when wearing the following types of frames:

  • completely square or rectangular;
  • made in the form of a trapezoid or a softly pronounced triangle;
  • you can also take a closer look at the frames, slightly raised to the temples (“cat-like”), they will give the face a special piquancy;
  • in the form of butterfly wings;
  • firefarer type in a plastic trapezoidal frame;
  • clubmaster: with dark arcuate lines at the top;
  • frames with bright large decor, preferably with an accent in the upper part.

Advice. Glasses in a metal frame are more combined with a strict classic clothes. Plain or colored plastic with the most different types inserts can be easily combined with any other style.

frame material

For the manufacture of frames can be used most different materials: from traditional single or multilayer plastic and metal to bone and leather. As we have already decided, thin frames categorically do not suit us. Therefore, if we are not satisfied with plastic or wood, you can choose models made of silver or non-ferrous metal with fairly large decorative plastic or leather overlays. Plastic models with metal inserts also look original.

A significant part of plastic products is made from a mixture of cellulose acetate - a mixture of cotton and wool, processed in a special way. These glasses are quite plastic, pleasant to the touch and are available in a wide variety of colors.

Kevlad has also proven itself well - a very durable type of plastic, from which not only glasses for vision correction are often made, but also sunscreen models. If you saw on the counter products with various inclusions - pieces of fabric or metal - this means that the glasses are made of optyl, a material based on epoxy resins.

Metal frames are most often made from alloys of copper (non-silver or monel metal), nickel, light aluminum, and stainless silver titanium. To protect the skin, they are varnished or inert metals.

Advice. In the presence of allergies, it is better to stay on a frame made on the basis of nylon. It is not difficult to recognize such products - they have increased flexibility. Even nose pads can cause allergies. It is desirable that they be made of medical grade silicone.

Choice of frame color

To look bright, spectacular and give the face originality, you should carefully consider not only the choice of the shape of the frame, but also its color. After all, the “wrong” shade can spoil the whole impression: make the skin dull, and the eyes completely inexpressive.

The biggest difficulty is the choice of frames for fair-skinned blondes. Too light colors will turn even the most spectacular woman into a colorless mouse, and dark ones will make the face unnecessarily rude and aggressive. Moreover, light colors “fill up” even the face, so they are simply contraindicated for owners of round shapes.

Ideally, glasses for a round face should be as dark as possible. But in the presence of delicate porcelain skin, it is better to dwell on dark beige, purple, burgundy or grayish brown colors. Autumn skin (yellowish gold) pairs perfectly with warm reddish, reddish yellow or cognac hues.

Dark silver, blue, purple or plum tones are ideal for owners of a cold color type: girls or women with beige-olive skin. Dark-skinned women can afford brighter colors: black or dark brown, intense blue.

The shade of the frame should be in perfect harmony with the style of clothing. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to choose color-to-color glasses with a dress, blouson, shirt or jacket. It is enough that it does not contrast too sharply with them.

Advice. With close-set eyes, too large frames should be avoided. Against their background, this shortcoming will only be more evident.

Glass type

When choosing lenses, you should focus not only on their color and design, but also on the material of manufacture. Glass (mineral) have a lower refractive index than plastic, which is especially important with a large loss of vision. Indeed, even with serious vision problems, they will look much thinner, neater and more elegant on the face. However, glass also has a serious drawback - it is very easy to break, so you should handle such glasses as carefully as possible.

Plastic lenses are more practical and safer. They do not fight, are very light and almost not felt on the eyes. In addition, they are much easier to form, so lenses of almost any geometric shape can be made from them. True, models made of this material are recommended to be changed more often - after all, plastic is quickly covered with scratches even with the most careful handling. Plastic lenses with a special hardening coating are more durable and less likely to scratch.

Advice. Glasses with tinted gradient, multi-colored or photochromic (darkens only in bright light) glasses can only be purchased if they will be used occasionally. For permanent wear, it is better to choose a product with completely transparent or slightly tinted glasses. This option is more practical and goes well with any style.


When choosing women's sunglasses for a round face, you should follow the same rules as when buying regular corrective glasses. The frames for them may be larger than usual and have a more intense color.

According to the type of protection, sunglasses can be made:

  • with glasses of gray, brown and green colors; grey colour it is able to absorb almost all light waves, therefore it is the most comfortable for the eyes;
  • brown and green soothe the eyes and relieve tension from them;
  • yellow improves contrast, so they are ideal for motorists; but fashionable pink or purple glasses are more decoration than serious sun protection;
  • anti-reflective coating;
  • mirror coating that protects against UV rays (marking from UV380-400);
  • hardening or hydrophobic coating;
  • mirror protective coating.

Celebrities with a similar type of face

Most owners of this type of face consider it a serious drawback. However, among the chubby ones there are many famous beauties who have conquered even Hollywood: remember at least the sophisticated Cameron Diaz, the cheerful Drew Barrymore or the perky Emma Stone. Agree, cheeks even suit them.

However, among the chubby ones there are many famous beauties who have conquered even Hollywood: remember at least the sophisticated Cameron Diaz, the resilient Drew Barrymore or the perky Emma Stone
Agree, cheeks even suit them

Have you ever noticed that model Miranda Kerr, representing the most famous sales company lingerie Victoria's Secret, never part with enough massive sunglasses? With the help of a large frame of a clear geometric shape, she quite successfully corrects her very pretty rounded face.

The ideal face-shaped glasses are designed not so much to protect your eyes from the sun, but to hide imperfections and become a logical conclusion to the overall style. And in order not to spoil the appearance, they must match the shape of the face.

Playing with contrasts is a general rule when choosing sunglasses. If the face has soft features and curved lines, choose a rectangular shape with sharp corners. If the features are angular, pay attention to curly models.

Remember: large glasses will look ridiculous on a small face, and vice versa.

Inaccurate selection of shape and size leads to an imbalance in proportions, which is exposed to the public.

Glasses for a round face: getting rid of roundness

A round face and the same shape of glasses will create an enlargement effect: your cheeks will appear large, and your face will be especially plump. To avoid this mistake, look for rectangular shapes that can distract the eyes of others from rounded lines.

Geometric, sporty and also known as “hipster goggles” will be possible options.

Glasses for a square face: no rudeness

A square face is characterized by sharp features. They will appear rough if the angularity is emphasized by the irregular shape of the glasses. Choose models with round or oval glasses.

Glasses for an oval face: a variety of shapes

For owners oval face lucky because you can experiment with different shapes. It is desirable that these be models with a frame, not wider than the face itself.

In any case, there are practically no restrictions for you.

A wide forehead, a refined chin and bulging cheekbones - which model to choose? For a sexy and cute look, try cat eyes. “Butterflies” will also suit your face.

Also, don't forget to try on wide bezel models, you'll love it.

Glasses for a triangular face: a return to the classics

Here, unlike the heart-shaped form, the cheekbones are not so noticeable, and the cheeks almost do not stand out. We rely on the classic options - "Aviators" (droplets) with thin frames and mirrored glasses.

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Recently, the majority of people believe that glasses are not only an optical product, but also fashion accessory, which emphasizes the individuality of a person and is an addition to his image.

The most important criterion for solving this problem is the selection of glasses, taking into account the individual parameters of the shape and configuration of the face. It depends on this how elegant this or that model of glasses will look.

How to determine the shape of the face?

First way

It involves determining the shape by visual observation.

For this you need:

Second way

It is also not difficult, but it has its own nuances (it is necessary to make measurements).

The first thing to do is to measure:

After that, comparing the obtained dimensions, the shape of the face is determined:

  • In the event that the data of the second size, in relation to the fourth is 55-90%, we can say that the face has the shape of an oval, rhombus, or triangle.
  • Slight difference between 2 and 4 distances, indicates that the face has a round or square outline.
  • If the second measurement does not exceed 50% of the fourth, then the shape of the face has an elongated, rectangular appearance.
  • With relatively equal parameters 1, 2 and 3 measurements, we can say that the shape of the face has a square, elongated or rectangular appearance.
  • Large length of the second size gives face configuration the shape of a rhombus, circle, or oval.
  • Trapezoidal face shape, is observed at small sizes of segments 1 and 2, in relation to 3.

How to choose glasses according to the shape of the face for women?

Oddly enough, but women, even with visual dysfunction, treat glasses as a fashion accessory.

They, first of all, focus on the beauty of the frame, paying increased attention to its design, and the decorative appearance of optical lenses.

The ability to select the right glasses is sometimes associated with the appearance of certain difficulties that arise due to the configuration of the outlines of the face.

For women whose face resembles an oval shape, it is not difficult to choose the right shape of glasses.

However, representatives of the weaker sex, with a different type of face, should not worry about this, as there are many various forms of this optical product, which are fashionable and in demand.

Point selection rules

There are basic provisions that should be followed when purchasing glasses:

Common female face shapes

Basically in the form female face a certain geometric figure is guessed:

Selection of glasses according to the shape of the face

When selecting glasses, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical features of the shape of the face, which outwardly resemble geometric shapes.

Glasses for a face shape resembling a triangle

This type of face is not a standard of appearance, and as a result, this must be taken into account when choosing a frame. The wide forehead area is a significant drawback, which can be visually reduced with the help of a thin frame, preferably in light colors.

Spectacle frames should have a wide top with a gradual narrowing towards the bottom. It is best not to use square or round models.

The best solution in this case would be:

  • Rounded glass.
  • Frame with narrow bridge and low-rise temples.
  • Frameless options.

Square face type

Rigidity is inherent in this type of face, and sometimes, due to excessive angularity, rudeness can be outwardly expressed.

This is due to the fact that the horizontal line in the frontal, zygomatic and jaw parts are almost the same size.

To visually soften the flaws of this type of face, it is best to use a round or oval-shaped glasses frame.

For this purpose, well suited:

  • "Cat" frames or "butterfly" glasses.
  • Big glasses.
  • Frames with a patterned frame along the top edge or on the arms of the glasses.
  • Rimless glasses.

With this configuration, the width of the optical model should be comparable to the parameters of the face.

Points should not be chosen:

  • Reminiscent of geometric shapes (square, rectangle).
  • You should not give preference to miniature models, as against their background the face is enlarged.
  • It is better not to use a frame that protrudes beyond the face.

Oval face

This type is characterized by the absence of straight lines. The width of the frontal line slightly exceeds the width of the jaw area, the chin has a rounded shape, the cheekbones are wide. This type is compared with an inverted chicken egg.

When choosing glasses, you need to choose a frame that will emphasize and maintain the perfect lines of this shape.

To do this, do not use too large and massive models of glasses, and do not resort to miniature products.

The best solution would be:

  • Glasses in retro style.
  • Medium, round optical products.
  • Non-standard models (hearts or stars).
  • Glasses "butterflies" or " cat eye».

Pear-shaped or trapezoid-shaped face

This shape is often called an inverted triangle.

It occurs infrequently and is characterized by a massive chin, an extended jaw area, and a narrow frontal part.

To achieve an effective appearance with such an asymmetric appearance, it is necessary to switch attention from its lower part.

For this you need:

  • Choose wide frames, giving preference to a thickened top.
  • You can use glasses without rims, different color range.
  • Use cat-eye frames.

Models that have the correct geometric shape (square, rectangle), or narrow miniature forms, can give facial expressions sharp or rough features.

Round face

This form sometimes makes a woman look fat and gives a childish expression. To avoid this, it is necessary to visually achieve the effect of an oval face.

You should not use:

  • Round glasses, especially if they have narrow frames.
  • Wide jumper.
  • Low set temples.

To do this, you must refuse to wear light-colored frames with a rounded shape. It is best to use dark color scheme frames. The shape should have straight lines and sharp corners (rectangular, triangular, square).

It is also a good solution to wear cat-eye glasses, or in the shape of a butterfly. Try to use glasses with a narrow bridge and thin temples.

Rectangular face

In this face shape, the length exceeds the width, it is characterized by angularity and a wide chin.

Such signs are the main disadvantage of this type.

In order to externally change the configuration and smooth out the difference in the ratio of length and width, miniature rectangular models should not be used.

It is best to opt for products with a round and large frame, or use aviator glasses.

Diamond shaped face

The appearance of the facial area resembles a diamond. The forehead and chin have a pointed shape, the zygomatic region has a wide line.

When choosing glasses, you need to achieve visual reduction zygomatic part, and make the forehead wider and more open.

That's why the best option will use:

  • Oval or square frames.
  • Models of glasses that have an extension to the bottom, or without a rim.

The width of the optical product should not protrude beyond the contours of the face. Points with sharp corners that protrude beyond the face do not correspond to this type.

Selection of glasses for men

There are basic rules that must be followed when choosing glasses for the male half of the population:

Both women and men have types of faces that resemble one or another geometric figure. According to this, the frame is selected.

Oval male face

Given the anatomical characteristics, the owners of such indicators have an ideal appearance. And to emphasize this, it is necessary to give preference to frames with wide edges, which will protrude slightly in the widest area of ​​the face.

To avoid the visual effect of a high forehead, you should not choose models with low temples.

Round face shape in men

For this appearance, you can use a large number of various models. The only limitation is that you should not opt ​​for the round shape of the eyepieces. It can fill a person.

It is good when the product in the horizontal plane seems wider. Compared to vertical

Square face

Unlike women, a man with such facial parameters has a courageous and strong-willed appearance. To emphasize charisma and style, it is better to give preference to massive frames, not a rectangular shape.

oval and round form on such a face will look perfect.

Triangular face and glasses shape

This shape of the face requires switching attention from the lower, narrowest part of the face (the absence of a strong-willed, courageous chin does not adorn a man). Aviator glasses, or any large frame, will visually eliminate this defect.


Wearing massive or too small models is not recommended. In this case, it is better to use optical products. medium size, square shape, which has a rounding at the bottom.

Rectangular face and choice of glasses

With this shape of the face, the cheeks and nose have an elongated appearance, and therefore it becomes necessary to use a high frame with round features. It should have low-cut temples.

inverted triangle

This appearance combines a small forehead and a high, prominent chin. An extended frame, in which the temples have a high fit, will help to visually eliminate this problem.

If poor eyesight?

When a person has visual dysfunction, it must be corrected, and this must be done as soon as possible. Since it does not tend to self-recovery.

For this you can use:

Tips for choosing glasses: