What tights to wear with a blue dress? Tights to match a blue dress Successful color combinations

What tights to wear under blue dress

The incredible richness of shades of blue makes a dress of this color absolutely indispensable in the wardrobe of every self-respecting fashionista. However, in order for the outfit to fully “open up”, you need correctly selected tights. Known fact- in any outfit there should be only one bright accent, and therefore, under a dress of cornflower blue, azure or another rich color, you should wear matte tights in neutral tones - smoky gray, nude, tan.

If your favorite blue dress is made of wool or thick knitwear, then medium or black tights will go perfectly with it. high density. But under short outfit ultramarine colors just beg for elegant tights or stockings with a lace pattern. The look will be especially stylish if such a pattern echoes the shape of the earrings or pendant.

A blue dress in combination with tights of the same shade, as well as a handbag, shoes or belt of a contrasting color will create a real sensation. But for a fun party, you can easily wear leggings or tights in bright colors - pink, orange, green or red - under such a dress. It also doesn't hurt to experiment with chocolate color, just don’t forget to choose matching shoes.

Blue color is very popular in clothing today. More and more often you can see a woman wearing a blue dress. This choice is understandable; this color suits any type of appearance, and women can wear it, regardless of their age. Of course, the outfit is most often worn for a celebration or cocktail party. But if you choose the right accessories, a blue dress will become an excellent basis for your everyday look. In addition to shoes and jewelry, you should not overlook such an element as tights. So what tights to wear with a blue dress? Let's figure it out.

How to choose tights to match a blue dress

At first glance, it may seem that choosing tights for blue decoration is not so difficult. But this opinion is erroneous, since the laconicism and completeness of the image will depend on the correctly selected color and density of stockings.

In order not to spoil the ensemble being created, you need to follow the following simple recommendations when choosing a blue dress:

  1. If your shoes have an open front, then you should not wear black tights. In this case, flesh-colored stockings should not have a padded toe.
  2. When choosing a model for battalions or boots with a short toe, the same rule of no compacted toe applies. Thick stockings are already allowed here.
  3. When creating an office style, it is forbidden to use a model with a mesh or print.
  4. Stockings should match the tone of your hands. For example, if you want to get tanned legs, then you should not wear stockings with a tanning effect when the skin of your arms is pale.
  5. If the blue dress is plain, then the tights should be plain. If the outfit has a certain pattern or print, then, accordingly, the stockings can also have such a decorative element.
  6. Dress of blue color, obtained from dense and heavy material, then dense ones, no more than 50 denier, look great with it. And we sat down light dress and flying, then the stockings should be no thicker than 20-40 den.

If you pair a blue dress with bright shoes, for example, pink, yellow and green, but they should be in a flesh tone. You can also choose products that match the tone of your shoes and accessories.

In the video, what tights to wear under a blue dress:

Today you can see in stores a wide range of tights that are decorated different patterns and drawings. It is this detail that will give the image some zest. It is worth considering that different geometric patterns will not make your legs look slender, so you need to be careful with this. It is important to understand one more thing when choosing tights.

The brighter the outfit, the more modest the stockings should be. Otherwise, the image will turn out to be too colorful, which will cause ridicule, rather than admiration, from others. The same rule is similar for tights that are decorated with rhinestones. They look bright and original, but then you should choose a dress and shoes in a restrained blue shade.

Which to wear with a navy blue dress

A rich dark blue shade looks great with tights and shoes in a milk chocolate shade. This look looks elegant and can be used in the office or on a walk. Black stockings will look great with a dark blue dress knitted from knitted or woolen yarn.

For dark color

Moreover, the mating should be large. It is fashionable to choose blue tights, but this must be done extremely carefully so that the image does not look flashy. You can dilute the color with black shoes. But get it unusual image mono using gray shoes.

Which ones go well with a velvet outfit?

Velvet is the fabric option that everyone associates with luxury. With this blue outfit you can create an incredibly chic and sophisticated look. Those who want to impress others should choose a blue velvet dress. The velvet blue dress itself looks amazingly beautiful, so don’t go overboard with accessories.

For velvet model

Otherwise, the image will turn out to be clumsy and ridiculous. It is worth choosing tights very carefully. They are the main element of style. Thin stockings with glitter go perfectly with a velvet outfit. But what it looks like and who it is suitable for will help you understand the photo in this article.

It will also be interesting to know what a floor-length blue velvet dress looks like:

Which ones will go with the bright blue model?

If you are going to go for a walk with friends or to a fun party, then you can wear a bright blue dress. In this case, it can be blue, turquoise. For such a dress, shoes should be identical in color. As for tights, red, pink, green and yellow work well. In the photo - tights for a bright blue dress:

For a bright model

But the image will be unfinished, rather than choosing jewelry. They should match the outfit. For example, you can use a belt to match the color of tights or a scarf. By wearing such a bold outfit, it is fashionable to get a bright and original look. But you can see what it looks like in the photo in this article.

What color to wear for a casual model

You can wear a blue dress for everyday wear. But the choice of tights for such an outfit will completely depend on the style of the outfit and its shade. In addition, it is important to take into account the event to which you need to come in the chosen image. Shoes are not in the last position.

For everyday use

You can combine this set with black shoes. This will add elegance to your look. In this case, tights can match tone or differ in shade from the dress. If the shoes have a gray or bright shade, then accessories of a similar shade as the shoes will help complete the look. This should include a bracelet, handbag or scarf. In this case, the handbag should be medium in size, but a clutch does not fit here. But the information from the article will help you understand what they look like and how to choose it.

You can create an ensemble entirely in one color if you choose a dress and shoes of the same color. If shoes and stockings are the same... color scheme, then this will make your legs longer.

But at the same time, make sure that the image does not turn out too bright. It is fashionable to avoid this by using an element such as a brooch or scarf in a contrasting shade. It is the choice of accessories that plays important role to create a stylish and finished look.

You will also see what a floor-length blue prom dress looks like and how to choose it correctly.

Or blue - these are unique products with which you can get a stylish and luxurious look. But it is impossible to get such a result if the accessories were selected incorrectly. In one ensemble, everything should look harmonious: tights, shoes, dress, handbag. Moreover, their similarity should be not only in the color of the material, but also in the finishing and style in general.

All shades of blue are perfect for evening, business and casual dresses. The brightness and richness of the blue color that is fashionable today sometimes makes it difficult to choose accessories for dresses, especially the tone of tights.

Classic colors of tights for a blue dress

The most reliable option is thin, transparent tights. flesh-colored to a blue dress. This combination is appropriate both in the office and in casual attire. You should also wear thin nude tights under a light evening dress or with bare shoulders. Beige tights are chosen to match a blue dress and beige shoes.

Deep dark blue color The dress goes well with tights and shoes the color of milk chocolate. This look looks elegant and is appropriate both in the office and on a walk.

Black tights are more suitable for a knitted or woolen blue dress with a chunky knit. A blue dress made of thick, heavy material looks good with thick black tights. It is better to choose shoes, a belt, and a handbag in black. The blue color of tights under a blue dress looks quite catchy. You can wear blue or black shoes. Gray shoes look very unusual in this case.

Bright colors and patterns for a blue dress

If you are planning a walk with friends or a fun party, you can choose red or pink, green or yellow tights for a bright blue dress. In this case, it is advisable to choose accessories to match. For example, a belt in the color of tights or a scarf. Such a bold experiment will make the image bright and unusual.

What other tights can be paired with a blue dress? Fashion models with drawings, floral geometric patterns, rhinestones are perfect for a blue dress. Do not forget that the dress and shoes should be modest, and the number of accessories should be minimal.

Which tights to wear with black dress? Black is universal, it will suit most different shades- from neutral to very bright. You can wear tights with it in the following colors:

  • white;
  • transparent black;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • green;
  • yellow and many others.


You need to be a little careful with shoes. You should choose the following shades:

  • black;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • brown.

When choosing shoes, be sure to focus on the color of tights and accessories.

Shoes are the final part of the image. To create the proper image appropriate for a specific occasion, it must have a certain tone. Black shoes are a classic option with which you can create a business image. Red shoes will look more harmonious with an evening, weekend look or on a romantic date.


It is better to dilute a bright, passionate color with something neutral. The bottom should not contrast with the clothes, so as not to create a feeling of tackiness. Under a red dress you can wear tights in the following shades:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • dark;
  • translucent red or pink are the brightest and most extreme option.

Choose accessories to match your tights. Shoe color:

  • dark-black;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • brown.

Please note that red is a solo shade; it should be the only bright detail of the image.

When wearing red shoes, you shouldn’t overload your look with a handbag of the same tone - it’s better to choose something neutral.


Which tights to wear with a blue or dark blue dress? Blue is very strict and demanding, so you should take into account the shade, length and style of clothing. Suitable colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • beige;
  • grey.

It is better to choose shoes in the following colors:

  • black;
  • beige;
  • red;
  • blue.

Pumps are not the only shoe model that will suit such a dress. Sneakers, ankle boots, boots, sneakers will look modern. A classic choice is beige shoes.


This noble color requires very careful treatment. Choosing the color of tights that harmonizes with a burgundy dress is not easy, because you want to emphasize the advantages of the burgundy shade. The following shades will look good with this outfit:

  • black;
  • burgundy transparent one shade lighter;
  • bodily;
  • light brown.

To look great in a burgundy dress, choose shoes in the following colors:

  • black;
  • beige;
  • dark grey;
  • wine.

This shade is very deep and luxurious; such a dress can be not only everyday. It can be worn to a birthday, corporate event, restaurant party and any other celebration.


A rare color that is usually worn to a club or some party. This outfit should dominate everything else. Choosing shades of tights that will look good with a silver dress is quite simple, because there are only a few of them:

  • bodily;
  • black;
  • dark grey;
  • light grey.

For silver items, you should choose appropriate shoes. The following tones are most appropriate:

  • black;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • white with glitter.

In this look you will be the center of attention at any party.

Silver does not tolerate gold, so it is better to avoid such things in your image.

Poll: What is your favorite color of tights?


A lot of tights will go with a gray dress. Tones such as black, yellow, blue green, purple, beige and even gray itself would be appropriate here. Under a gray knitted dress, choose a material of any density.

It is better to choose shoes that match the tights or black, beige, or light gray.


Very bright, but still allows for contrasts. Under a green dress wear tights in these colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • Navy blue;
  • beige;
  • violet;
  • orange;
  • burgundy.


Shoes in neutral colors that will highlight the depth of the shade will look good:

  • black;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • beige.

Accessories can be contrasting - then you get a very unusual image that will attract all eyes.

Green goes well with other bright colors; you can choose no more than 3 contrasting tones for it so that it doesn’t turn out too tacky.


Very soft shade. The following colors of tights are suitable for a beige dress:

  • white;
  • black;
  • beige;
  • brown.

The style of the outfit plays a big role in what color tights to choose. Under lace dress Flesh tones are definitely suitable, thin material is preferable. You can choose both translucent and thicker bottoms for knitwear.

Photo images

With shoes everything is quite simple. Best tones:

  • beige;
  • black.

Sometimes you can experiment and choose bright shoes, for example red, but then this should be the only one bright detail image.

Advice! Avoid too bright and dark tones.


Neutral shade, but quite demanding. Bright tights will not go well with a brown dress. Optimal colors:

  • black;
  • bodily;
  • beige.

Choose shoes in neutral tones.


Delicate, “girlish” shade. Under a pink dress, choose tights of the same light colors, thanks to them you will maintain an airy, feminine image:

  • white;
  • soft pink;
  • bodily