What documents are needed for calculation. Documents on accounting and payroll. Lawyers answer all questions when applying for an old-age pension


Maternity leave is time away from work due to the need to care for a child. People go on vacation based on their own application addressed to the head of the organization. The legislation provides for the duration maternity leave until the child reaches 3 years of age.

In current legislation Russian Federation concept is not used "maternity leave". This expression is only a common slang name in our country for two types of leave, following each other, usually without interruption, and issued separately from each other: maternity leave - issued in the form of a period of incapacity for work (sick leave) of a set duration, and parental leave - provided for a longer period (up to the child reaching the age of 3 years) without interruption length of service and work experience in the specialty.

General information

The right to receive maternity leave recorded in Labor Code Russian Federation in Art. 255, . This right is reserved for all working women, including military women, the unemployed, students officially recognized as unemployed or registered at the labor exchange, as well as women who work in military departments as civilian personnel.


Paid for the period of maternity leave social security benefit, the size of which is equal to 100% of average earnings expectant mother for the previous 2 full years.

Sample application for maternity leave during pregnancy and childbirth

An application regarding the need to go on maternity leave is absolutely no different from any other application, and also has a standard structure:

  • “header” (upper right corner of the sheet), which indicates the name of the organization, surname, first name, and patronymic of its leader, and in the same corner below the surname, initials, and position of the applicant must be indicated;
  • the name of the document, namely, “statement”, which is written without quotation marks in the middle of the sheet below the “header”;
  • main text, which can be presented in any format; the main thing is that the applicant is able to write down a request for the vacation she needs, its temporary boundaries and state a request for the appointment of one or another benefit;
  • All are listed below additional documents attached to the application (as a rule, this is the original sick leave, issued by a medical institution, and the original certificate issued in antenatal clinic, which confirms the state of pregnancy);
  • in the lower right corner the applicant puts the date of filing the document, as well as her own signature.

After submitting the application and all necessary documents employer publishes order for maternity leave, a sample of which is given below.

Having finally reached the age limit that allows you to stop labor activity, not every future pensioner knows where to start applying for a pension and what documents are needed for this.

Read about this in detail in the article.

So, let's look at what you need to apply for a pension. 2-2.5 months before retirement you should pay a visit to your Pension Fund branch for advice. It should be understood that until the specialist sees all the papers in front of him, he may not pay attention to some nuance; this will become clear later, when the entire set is submitted.

If a person has temporary registration, then he can also apply for a pension at his place of non-permanent registration. You should make a list of questions for a specialist and not keep it in your memory, but rather write it down.

The Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 “On approval of the List...” approved the list of documents required for obtaining an old-age pension.

You need to start collecting documents 30 days before significant date– offensive retirement age, which in 2017 is still 55 years for women and 60 for men.

You will have to confirm your overall and continuous work experience, as well as your level of earnings. For the last 8 years before the pension, issued in 2017, a potential pensioner must work, even if his length of service is off the charts.

In 2017 includes:

  • work book;
  • passport;
  • a certificate of income for any 5 consecutive years before 2002;
  • SNILS (PFR insurance certificate - green card);
  • a certificate from the place of residence confirming registration;
  • diploma, certificate or other documents certifying education;
  • birth certificates of children (for a parent who was on parental leave);
  • military ID (for those liable for military service).

All movements in the work book - dismissals, hiring, transfers, etc. require entering information about the details of the order for the enterprise; if this data is missing, then you need to find and attach a copy of the document that served as the basis for the entry in the book. If your last name has changed, you must attach a marriage certificate.

For example, if an employee immediately after school entered a university for full-time study, then his experience will include the entire period of study, but having a diploma is not enough for this: you need to request a certificate from the university confirming the fact of study and receipt of a diploma with specific details.

This has become necessary since any documents appeared on the underground market - of course, fake ones.

It is important to calmly, slowly, compare the correct spelling of the last name, first name and patronymic, as well as dates in all the papers, and if discrepancies are identified, obtain other papers where all the information is entered correctly. Sometimes you have to turn to the help of the court to restore the correctness in the papers, and this sometimes drags on for a long time. You should also check the stamp impressions; if the stamp is unclear, it is better to replace the certificate while there is time.

If somewhere in the documents there were blots or errors that were corrected with the inscription “believe the corrected one,” then you should make sure that the signature of the person who made the correction has a clear stamp. In each specific case, the essence of the questions for a person submitting papers for an old-age pension is different, but it is worth taking with you all available documents, including a certificate of a disabled person (if available), as well as a certificate stating that there are dependents in the family.

Having grabbed a folder with all your papers, you need to pay a visit to the inspector of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assigned to the site to which the pensioner’s residential address belongs.

Here the employee will check whether all the papers are in order, their completeness, and estimate the sum of the coefficients, which should be 11.4 points in 2017.

It often turns out that some papers are missing and you need to rush around to get the required document.

You will need to fill out an application, which has a special form issued by the Pension Fund. A specialist may report some not very good news - a certificate is required from some enterprise where the current almost pensioner worked, but what to do if this enterprise has long ceased to exist? This means that the certificate should be ordered from the archives, and this takes time.

It happens that requests need to be made to other regions of the Russian Federation or to CIS countries.

But don’t panic, the missing papers can be submitted, and for those that are accepted, the Pension Fund employee will issue a receipt: copies will not be accepted here, only originals are suitable, the specialist will make the necessary copies himself or inform the applicant about this.

Procedure for applying for a pension

It is important to decide what, after the anniversary of 55-60 years, when you can receive a pension, a person intends to do - continue working or relax.

If you put an end to your working life, then you can immediately after your birthday at 55 years old for women and at 60 years old for the male part of the population, the maximum that you can still stay at work is 1 month.

You can submit papers to the Pension Fund before the red date, but they will begin to be considered only after the age threshold has been reached.

As Article 19, paragraph 4 of the Pension Code of the Russian Federation states, receipt of pension payments can be scheduled from the day following the date of dismissal from work (if the application with a package of papers was received within 30 days after settlement). If you delay the receipt of documents for any reason, you need to know that in this case, payments will be received only from the date of submission of the application.

Since 2015, a new legislative act has come into force - Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”, and it is this that is the basis for calculating the insurance pension, including old age. According to Appendix 3 to Law No. 400-FZ, the insurance length of an employee retiring in 2017 must be 8 years.

Previously, old-age pension was called labor pension, but now it consists of two components: old-age pension and funded pension. The first part is regulated by the Pension Code - the Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ, and the second - by Law No. 400-FZ.

The sum of these two separate pensions will be the figure that will be indicated on the statement or transferred to the card.

Receiving payment

In Art. 23 of the Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ states that the payment of old-age pension is provided for the current month.

For the first time, it may happen that payments will be received not in one, but in two months - if bureaucratic delays do not allow you to immediately enter into the given schedule, but this is not scary: the pensioner will receive all his accruals to the penny, and from the next month everything will go according to plan. schedule, on certain dates.

Even at the stage of filling out the application form, the recipient of pension payments must indicate exactly how he wants to receive them:

  • to a pension card;
  • home delivery;
  • at the cash desk of the institution issuing pensions.

At home, at the cash desk of a bank or post office, you must present your passport. The applicant himself, now the recipient, can issue a power of attorney for the right to receive his payments to his legal representative; such a power of attorney is issued for a period of 1 year.

If a person was unable to attend and collect his money on the dates established for receiving payments, then these funds will not be lost, and a double amount will be received next month.

The money transferred to the card can be withdrawn partially, and then interest charges will appear on the cardholder’s account.

Assistance in obtaining a pension

It seems that the question is not particularly difficult, but very important: how not to be late with submitting papers, what certificates will still be needed, and how to estimate your points, what number to multiply them by, etc.

The first and main assistants are the PF employees at the place of residence, they are the ones who are obliged to be attentive and answer all questions and provide assistance.

But there is always a queue at the Pension Fund, and it is not always possible to pay enough attention to each applicant.

It’s not bad if a person knows how to find answers in Internet sources, this can also find answers to at least some of the questions.

If the case is truly complex and ambiguous, then it makes sense to consult with a social legal center, where consultations are provided free of charge.

If the case really has a lot of nuances - the presence of several factors other than the age threshold, then there is a reason to contact a lawyer specializing in the pension sector.

Dear readers, the information in the article may be out of date, take advantage of a free consultation by calling: Moscow Hello. What documents need to be copied, and can an employee refuse to make copies?

A citizen can start applying for an old-age pension 1 month before his birthday, the deadline for the pension specified in the law, or at any other time after his birthday. Today, for women and men, retirement is provided for in at different ages. Women become entitled to a labor pension upon reaching 55 years of age, and men upon reaching 60 years of age. The retirement procedure is regulated by Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions” and Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”. Law No. 173-FZ has not been in force since January 1, 2015, but its provisions are still applied in terms of the appointment of pensions and retirement age.

In addition to the old age pension, there are several other types of pension:

  • on disability;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner.
This is stated in Art. 5 of Law No. 173-FZ.

A future pensioner is always interested in how to apply for a pension and what documents are needed to apply for a pension.

How to start applying for a pension

Registration of a pension must begin by visiting the territorial department of the Pension Fund. When to start registration? You can apply either 1 month before the right to a pension arises, or after this right arises.

There are no restrictions on the period of application after the right has arisen. Don’t be afraid that the later you apply, the less pension you will receive. The state is obliged to pay a citizen who already has the right to receive a pension, it in full size, starting from the day when such right arose. That is, according to general rules, from the day when a woman turns 55 years old and a man turns 60 years old. This is stated in Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ.

After the department Pension Fund of Russia will be visited, the future pensioner begins to collect the necessary documents. The procedure for registering a pension is specified in Laws No. 173-FZ and No. 400-FZ.

What documents are needed for a pension?

A citizen who has the right to a pension must submit the following documents for a pension to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia:

  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the applicant is entitled to receive a pension. This could be a certificate of disability, a medical and social examination report, or a death certificate of the breadwinner. If we are talking about granting a survivor's pension, then the applicant must provide documents that confirm family ties with the deceased;
  • bank account agreement if the pensioner decides to receive his pension in this way.

A pensioner can receive a pension by mail. To do this, he must indicate in the application how he wants to receive his pension. There is still a home delivery service for pensions. To do this, you need to find out which area the future pensioner’s place of residence belongs to. At the local Pension Fund branch you can find out the site number and the schedule for distributing pensions to houses.

A complete list of documents for a pension can be seen at the information desk at the Pension Fund branch or obtained from a specialist who deals with the registration of pensions.

An application for a pension will be issued by an employee of the pension department. It will already contain some necessary information. For example, the full name of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. But, anyone can download the application form on the official website of the Pension Fund, fill it out independently, and submit it with all the documents to a specialist in the pension department.

The sample application posted on the Pension Fund website contains the following items:

  • full name of the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia;
  • Full name of the applicant;
  • number of the applicant's insurance certificate;
  • information about his citizenship;
  • address of permanent registration or place of residence;
  • applicant's contact details;
  • details of the identity document. Since in the Russian Federation this is a passport, you must indicate its series, number, date and place of issue;
  • employment information;
  • the number of persons dependent on the applicant;
  • If a citizen entitled to a pension cannot personally present all the documents, then a representative can do this for him using a notarized power of attorney. In this case, the application will need to indicate the details of the power of attorney, as well as the data of the representative himself;
  • the applicant’s request for a pension;
  • if the applicant has previously been prescribed any pension payments, then you must provide information about this;
  • date of application;
  • applicant's signature and transcript.

Registration of an old-age pension

Men and women retire at different ages. Women have the right to a pension when they reach 55 years of age, and men - 60 years of age, with 15 years of compulsory insurance period. This is stated in Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ.

But there are conditions under which a citizen has the right to retire at a different age:

  • 5 years earlier for both sexes, if a woman has 20 years of experience in heavy production, and a man has 25 years of experience;
  • a woman is 45 years old, and a man is 50 years old, when working in hazardous industries and underground work, with a work experience of 15 and 20 years, respectively;
  • a woman has the right to retire at the age of 50 if she has worked in the textile industry for at least 20 years;
  • Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police officers, military personnel and employees of other law enforcement agencies retire earlier, depending on their length of service in the departments.

Documents for old age pension

A future pensioner should know how an old-age pension is drawn up. The procedure for applying is exactly the same as for any other pension. First of all, you need to contact the Pension Fund branch at your place of residence or place of permanent registration.
You must bring the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • application for a pension;
  • passport;
  • employment history. It happens that there are “gaps” in the work book, that is, this or that place of work is reflected in the book. Then the employees of the Pension Fund of the Fund can accept for consideration a document that confirms the applicant’s insurance experience. This document must be certified by the employer’s signature and seal;
  • if there is an insert in the work book, then it must fully correspond to the work book, have the signature of the responsible person and the employer’s seal;
  • if the future pensioner has dependent family members who are recognized as disabled, then it is necessary to submit a certificate about this;
  • certificate of the applicant’s average monthly earnings for 60 months continuous experience with any employer before 01/01/2002;
  • a document confirming that the applicant has permanent or temporary registration in the service region of this department pension fund;
  • documents confirming the change of surname, if such a fact took place;
  • an agreement with the bank to open a bank account if the pensioner decides to receive his pension in this way.

It is recommended that approximately six months before the age at which the employee can retire, check whether the work book is filled out correctly and whether there are any corrections or incorrect entries in it. To do this, you need to contact your employer's HR department. If inaccuracies and corrections are identified after submitting all documents for granting a pension, then the applicant is given 3 months to clarify and correct them.

Documents for applying for an old-age pension

Every citizen of our country has the right to receive an old-age pension when working age ends. Men retire at 60 years old, and women at 55 years old. If they have 15 years of insurance experience, these categories of citizens are entitled to an insurance pension, which is assigned and calculated in accordance with Law No. 400-FZ.

If a citizen has not accumulated this length of service, the pension will be assigned and calculated according to different rules. If a person does not have insurance experience, he will receive a social pension. It is prescribed when women reach the age of 60 years, and men - 65 years. Until 01/01/2016, size social pension equal to 4,769.09 rubles per month. In addition to the lack of insurance experience, the citizen must be recognized as disabled. As a rule, these are citizens who have lost their ability to work due to illness or disability.

To apply for an old-age pension, you must contact the territorial department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or place of registration of the applicant. This must be done no earlier than 1 month before the age at which a pension is assigned. The following documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund department:

  • application for a pension;
  • passport;
  • a document confirming that the applicant is entitled to receive a pension. Such a document is a passport, as well as a document confirming the applicant’s incapacity for work. As a rule, these are extracts from medical documents or a court decision declaring the applicant incompetent or partially capable;
  • if the future pensioner is dependent on family members who are recognized as disabled or minor children, then it is necessary to submit a certificate about this;
  • a document confirming that the applicant has permanent or temporary registration in the region served by this branch of the pension fund;
  • if the applicant has a disability, then it is necessary to provide a certificate about this;
  • documents that confirm the change of last name, first name or patronymic, if such a fact took place;
  • an agreement with a bank to open a bank account into which the pensioner will receive a pension if he makes such a decision.

If the applicant cannot personally submit the necessary documents to the Pension Fund, he can send his representative in his place. The representative must have a notarized power of attorney from the future pensioner. A copy of the power of attorney is attached to the documents and handed over to the Pension Fund specialist. Details of the power of attorney must be indicated in the pension application.

When to start applying for a pension

Future pensioners are interested in the question: when to submit documents to apply for a pension? You can start preparing documents for applying for a pension in advance. It is necessary to make a copy of the passport - from the pages with the photograph and registration information. It is also necessary to prepare a certificate of disability, if any, and of dependents.

An application for receiving a pension can be written no earlier than 1 month before the date when a citizen can receive a labor or social pension. All documents are attached to the application. If any documents are missing, they must be submitted no later than 3 months from the date of submission of the application.

Pension documents can also be submitted after the date when a citizen becomes entitled to a labor or social pension. The application period is not limited.
You should not think that if a pensioner is “late” in submitting documents, he will “lose” his earned pension. This is wrong!

All citizens of our country have the right to a pension upon reaching a certain age or certain circumstances. Therefore, the pension will be paid precisely from the moment the grounds for it arise.
If a citizen applies for a pension slightly later than the date the grounds arose, then all funds from the moment they arise until the moment the documents are accepted will be paid in a lump sum.

Difference in design for women and men

There are no differences in the registration of pensions for men and women. All citizens of our country provide the same documents. The only difference is that women retire a little earlier than men.

According to Art. 8 of Law No. 400-FZ, a woman has the right to receive an insurance pension when she reaches the age of 55 years, and to receive a social pension - the age of 60 years. Men, under the same circumstances, can retire at 60 and 65 years old, respectively.

Law No. 173-FZ contains a list of grounds for retiring before the required age. For example, a teacher can retire early if he has 25 years of experience pedagogical activity, regardless of the age of the children being taught.

Preferential retirement depends on the applicant's insurance record. The insurance period includes the following periods, according to Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ:

  • periods of compulsory military service in the ranks Russian Army;
  • periods of illness when the applicant received disability benefits;
  • periods of caring for a child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years. Since 2015, mothers with 4 or more children are counted for 6 years of insurance experience;
  • periods when the applicant was registered with the Employment Center and received unemployment benefits;
  • detention of persons unjustifiably brought to criminal liability;
  • other periods listed in Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ.

To retire at 55 years old, a woman and a man at 60 years old must have 15 years of insurance experience.

(or, as it is often called, “maternity leave”) is one of the types insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance. Let’s figure out who is entitled to maternity pay and in what amount, what the duration is and the specifics of receiving it.

Payment of maternity benefits

It is important to understand that only women can count on maternity benefits (as opposed to child care benefits). All categories of recipients of maternity benefits in 2019 are listed in No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “On state benefits for citizens with children.” These include women:


    unemployed (dismissed due to the liquidation of organizations during the 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed)

    full-time students

    passing military service by contract

    who have adopted a child and belong to the above categories

If a woman simultaneously becomes entitled to child care benefits and maternity benefits, she can choose only one of these benefits

Note: Maternity benefits in 2019 are paid only for the period of leave of the same name. This means that if a woman does not take advantage of the right to the specified leave and continues to work (and, accordingly, receive wages), then she is not entitled to benefits. In this situation, the employer does not have the right to provide the woman with two types of payments at once: both salary and benefits. Therefore, wages will be paid for days worked. As soon as a woman decides to exercise the right to maternity leave and it is issued, the payment of wages will stop and the employer will accrue benefits.

Maternity benefit paid at the place of work, service or other activity. For women dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization, benefits are paid by social security authorities at their place of residence (place of actual stay or actual residence).

Note: if the employee is a part-time worker and has worked for the same employers for the two previous years, then both employers pay her maternity benefits in 2019.

Maternity benefit is paid .

Documents for receiving maternity benefits

The list of required documents is given in No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.” You will need:

    application for granting benefits (drawn up in free form)

    Maternity benefit is paid to the insured woman in total for the entire vacation period.

    Amount of maternity benefit

    Size maternity payments depends on the status of the recipient:

    • Working women receive benefits in the amount of 100% of average earnings

      Those dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles

      Female students - in the amount of the scholarship

      Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

    If an insured woman’s work experience is less than six months, she can count on benefits in an amount not higher than the minimum wage (from January 1, 2019 - 11,280 rubles)

    Calculation of maternity benefits

    Since 2013, women have not been given the right to choose the procedure for calculating benefits

    Maternity benefit is calculated based on average earnings and does not depend on the employee’s length of service (unlike temporary disability benefits). For convenience, the calculation of benefits can be presented in the following diagram:

    Maternity benefit in 2019

    income for 2 calendar years
    (preceding the year of maternity leave)
    divide by
    number of days in this period
    multiply by
    number of maternity days

    Now about the nuances.

    Firstly, average earnings for each of two calendar years should not exceed a certain maximum. This maximum is established - the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the corresponding year. In 2017, this amount was 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles. That is, when calculating for each year, you need to use the amount that is smaller.

    Secondly, the amount of average daily earnings (that is, the quotient from dividing income for two years by the number of days) is now legislative. The permissible maximum is determined as follows: we take the maximum bases for calculating contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the two years preceding the decree, add them up and divide the resulting amount by 730.

    Third, from the total calendar days in a two-year period the following should be excluded:

      Periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave

      The period of release of an employee from work with full or partial retention of wages, if insurance premiums were NOT charged on the retained wages for this period

    Fourth, if during the two years preceding the maternity leave the employee took maternity or child care leave, then these periods, as we see, will be excluded from the calculations. However, in this case, the woman is given the right to such periods (one year or both) of the previous year (two years), so that this leads to an increase in the amount of maternity payments.

    Related documents"Maternity benefit in 2019"

    • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 N 182n “On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remunerations for the two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work (service, other activities) or the year of applying for a certificate of the amount of wages , other payments and rewards, and current calendar year, for which insurance premiums were calculated, and the number of calendar days falling in the specified period for periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave, the period of release of the employee from work with full or partial retention of wages in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation, if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not accrued for the retained wages for this period"

Upon reaching the retirement age specified by law, a citizen has the right to receive a legally deserved pension. Making a payment to the Pension Fund is not difficult, but you will still need to comply with some formalities.

  • When assigning a pension, an extract from the medical and social examination report (MSE) of a person recognized as disabled will be required.
  • When applying for a pension, documents are required that confirm family relations with the deceased breadwinner (birth (adoption) certificate, marriage or divorce certificate, etc.).

Deadlines for submitting documentation to the Pension Fund

A citizen can begin collecting documents even if he has not yet reached the established retirement age, but he can submit an application in advance no earlier than a month before reaching a certain age (obtaining the right to pension provision). This is necessary for timely appointment due pension, that is, by the time the right to it is acquired, since in practice, there is the possibility of unforeseen situations that may delay the appointment process.

However, if a citizen applies for a pension within a month from the date of dismissal from work, it can be accrued earlier than the day of application, in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 22 of Law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ.

The application itself submitted by the pensioner is considered throughout 10 days from the date of his application to the PFR specialist (subject to the availability of a full package of necessary documentation) or from the date of submission of the required documents, if the applicant did not meet the three-month deadline given by the specialist for collecting them. In case of refusal to satisfy the application, specialists notify the citizen within 5 working days about your decision, and if satisfied - insurance pension according to old age everyone is appointed indefinitely and is paid every month.

Russian citizen Ivanova began collecting documents a month in advance, and submitted her application a week before retirement age. During the inspection, PFR specialists discovered that Ivanova had changed her last name due to marriage, and explained to the citizen the need to provide them with a marriage certificate, giving a period of 3 months to complete the package of documents, but the application was still accepted.

Since Ivanova did not have a marriage certificate, she contacted the registry office, where she registered the marriage, receiving a duplicate document. Within a month, the citizen brought the document and the day of application was counted as the day when the application was accepted.

The procedure for assigning and paying pensions

The insurance pension is produced by the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ “On compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation” at the place of residence of the pensioner. When the recipient moves to another place of residence, the payment is made in a new place based on pension file and registration.

Payment of the insurance pension is carried out upon presentation of a passport or other identification document.

The pensioner independently chooses the method of receiving the pension and the organization that delivers the pension. You can receive a pension in several ways:

  • at home or independently at Russian Post;
  • to a bank account or card;
  • through organizing pension delivery: independently or at home.

Having chosen the method of receipt, the citizen should inform the Pension Fund department of his decision: in writing or in in electronic format.

If a pensioner, for any reason, cannot receive a pension, this can be done for him legal representative(by proxy). If the term of the power of attorney exceeds 1 year, then the pension payment will be extended the entire period of validity of the power of attorney, however, the pensioner will have to confirm every year the fact of registration at the place of receipt of the payment.


Some categories of citizens have the right to receive an insurance pension earlier due to certain reasons or the type of work performed. The list of works, industries, professions and organizations, taking into account which it is necessary, is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.