How to satisfy a man so that he simply loses his mind over his lady? How to satisfy a woman? Best techniques! (2 photos)

It is not difficult to satisfy a man when a relationship with him is just beginning, and the novelty itself excites and intensifies feelings many times over. However, married life makes its own adjustments, and over time, sex can become just a fulfillment of duty, boring and monotonous. The partners’ task is to prevent this from happening.

Psychological preparation for sex

Alas, jokes about how a woman thinks about whitewashing the ceiling in moments of intimacy often turn out to be sadly close to the truth. Men often feel that their wife does not respond to affection as needed, and fulfills her marital duty as if reluctantly. Of course, this does not give them a desire for intimacy, since it extinguishes excitement. Correct the situation: try to think only about your husband in bed. Don’t drag thoughts about problems there, forget about people who offended you, don’t think about worries. Learn to give in to passion, behave correctly in bed, and it will become much easier to satisfy your loved one.

To make it faster and easier to tune in to sex, remember the special moments that you experienced with your husband. If there was no bright lovemaking, quickly begin to correct this oversight

Take it as an axiom that you still don’t know everything about your husband’s body. After all, he himself may not know all his erogenous zones. Carry out “research” regularly, stroking with your hand and gently, lightly biting the earlobes, chest, neck and gradually going lower, using stimulation of different zones. Just remember those places that are unpleasant for a man to touch, and don’t touch them anymore. Passionate caresses and kisses can significantly improve the quality of your intimate life with husband. The main thing is to be ready to make each lovemaking session unique and understand that your partner has so much more to offer. pleasant surprises. Learning new erogenous zones is very pleasant for both partners.

Physiological aspects of lovemaking

Making love can include a very pleasant foreplay, and it is desirable that it consists of more than just caresses. A good option– call your husband at work in the evening and tell him that something special is waiting for him at home in order to “wind up” him from a distance. Prepare a light dinner and be sure to add some natural aphrodisiacs: ginger, artichokes, chocolate or other products with a similar effect. It wouldn’t hurt to pour a little wine – just a little, just to enhance the sensation. This preparation will help a man tune in to pleasant evening, and you - to give him and yourself special pleasure. By the way, you can enhance the effect with additional sensations: for example, buy a fur blanket and offer to make love on it.

Men love with their eyes, so you should pay attention to your appearance. For example, you can buy silk lingerie to look sexier and let your husband take it off for you. This excites, and touching delicate silk will be pleasant. But don’t forget about the power of words: sometimes it’s enough to tell a man in a whisper how you want him to increase his desire. This simple technique will help you satisfy your husband, improve his self-esteem and make lovemaking more sensual.

For both men and women, an important aspect is to enjoy intimate life. But many girls complain about the lack of orgasm and lack of satisfaction. Exists a large number of theories and opinions on how to satisfy a girl in bed. Not every young person, applying them in practice, achieves the desired result. And all because each representative of the fairer sex is individual. Some people start up almost immediately and have no problems in bed. Others require a special approach.

Why does a girl need to have an orgasm?

To learn how to satisfy your wife or girlfriend in bed, you need to know the nature of orgasm. Why does a girl need him anyway? With the male orgasm, everything is clear - it is required for procreation, the successful conception of offspring. Once upon a time, scientists argued that in the process of pleasure, a woman produces specific hormones that provoke ovulation.

Today it has been proven that orgasm and ovulation are in no way related to each other. But the hormone production remained intact. So, in female body There is a surge in the hormones prolactin, oxytocin, and endorphin. They are necessary to normalize the psycho-emotional background and prepare the body for future gestation.

So, from an evolutionary point of view, the female orgasm has no benefit. But, from a psychological point of view, complete satisfaction in bed is the key to a stable psyche and mutual understanding between partners. The following goals of female pleasure can be distinguished:

  • Increased mood;
  • Elimination of stress;
  • Analgesic effect;
  • Elimination of headaches;
  • Increased ability to work;
  • Normalization of hormonal levels;
  • Restoring the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

How to satisfy a woman: general provisions

To please your beloved and give her pleasure, you should not neglect foreplay. This is especially true for those couples who have been married for many years. Whatever one may say, passion, animal instinct fades away. You can warm up your relationship with the following preludes:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Bath in aromatic oils;
  • Romantic dinner with a glass of champagne;
  • Watching a romantic, erotic film.

These initial actions will help the woman relax and get in the right mood. This significantly increases a man’s chances that his beloved will remain satisfied. Next, the transition to the bedroom can be accompanied by light, relaxing music. It is better to give preference to romantic songs performed by men.

After this attitude, you can get down to business. It all starts with kisses. Explore the female body. Only in this way can you find those zones and points that will bring your passion maximum pleasure. A woman should feel desired and loved. After all, the right emotional and psychological attitude is the key to success.

In order to increase blood flow, which will increase the sensitivity of the genital organs of both women and men, you can take a couple of glasses of red wine or champagne to the bedroom. It is important to remember that you cannot immediately begin close proximity. If a woman is not at the peak of arousal, she will not be able to receive pleasure after penetration. If you know the desires and whims of your wife, you will not have problems in bed.

Since foreplay involves kissing, let's start with that. You need to start from top to bottom. For most women, obvious erogenous points are the earlobes and neck. Next, move on to the shoulders, chest and stomach. This sequence will relax the fairer sex. The main thing is not to rush, do everything systematically, gradually. If the couple has no inhibitions or prejudices, you can resort to oral sex. This ensures that you get the desired result.

The girl will be able to be satisfied if her husband stimulates the clitoris during foreplay. The man will understand that his passion is already at the peak of excitement. Only now can we begin to penetrate. You can also stimulate the clitoris during direct intercourse. It is enough to choose poses that are comfortable for this.

In a fit of passion, you can lightly bite the girl’s nipples, her lips or neck. It's worth experimenting to find out what brings her pleasure. Also, whisper in your ear tender words, to say that she is desired here and now. Don't forget the classic missionary position. In this case, the woman will have the opportunity to kiss you, look into your eyes, which will certainly turn you on.

All women like light touches. A man can lightly move his hand over inside hips. This zone has a large number of nerve endings, which will allow you to have a wife. There are a number of effective poses that bring maximum pleasure as the G-spot is stimulated:

  • Dogi style;
  • Jockey;
  • Armchair;
  • Soldier;
  • Scorpion;
  • Dawn;
  • Acrobat;
  • Hostage;
  • Picnic.

How to bring pleasure to a woman if her erection is weak?

Sooner or later, all men begin to experience problems in bed. This physiological feature can't be avoided. In addition, a decrease in potency also occurs in healthy, young people. This is due to banal overwork, stress, fatigue. But what to do if a girl wants to spend an unforgettable night, but her erection fails?

Don't concentrate on the problem. If a man is not confident in his abilities, a woman will not be able to relax and get better. It is necessary to establish visual contact. While caressing, look your partner in the eyes and kiss her on the lips. Arm yourself with all the foreplay techniques, and invent new ones along the way.

Also, during foreplay, it is necessary to establish tactile contact, namely touching:

  • Breasts;
  • Head;
  • Belly;
  • Hips;
  • To my feet.

This can be done either with your hands or with your tongue. It is worth noting that oral sex can give a woman much more pleasure than direct penetration. And if the technique is performed correctly, the partner will receive a full orgasm. Therefore, during good sex, not only the penis is involved.

To ensure your partner never forgets a night with you, use some useful tips. For a girl, details are important, not the whole image as a whole. If you are having your first intimacy with this passion, do everything for top level. This applies to the bed. It is better to use silk bed linen. Believe me, the lady will appreciate this gesture.

Aromas are also important. Experts have proven that some smells can increase libido levels and excite. So, the smells of strawberry and cucumber should prevail in the bedroom. A woman will also receive satisfaction when you skillfully increase and decrease the rate of friction. Increase the pace until the moment of practical orgasm, and then reduce it immediately.

There are many books, videos, and free online tutorials that describe in detail how to perform various poses. You can study these manuals yourself or together with your partner. Girls also like these moments:

  • Dry, rough kisses on the lips;
  • Active search on her body;
  • Slow, gradual entrance of the penis;
  • When her partner carries her in his arms to the bed;
  • Clean men's hair;
  • Frank conversations about how sexy she is;
  • Light pulling on the hair.

And no quick sex, no foreplay. Having mastered basic knowledge of female physiology, it will not be difficult for a man to give her maximum pleasure and pleasure.

Among women, the opinion has firmly taken root that the main thing for a man is to get specific sensations during sex. Therefore, when asked how to properly and lovingly please a husband, everyone rushes to share their experience of using non-standard sexual positions, using perfumes with pheromones or dishes with aphrodisiacs.

In fact, it is not always enough for male representatives to simply achieve ejaculation and then peacefully smoke on the balcony or snore on their side of the bed.

Ask about his needs

In general, a man needs little: quality sex, tasty food, a clean and comfortable home, the ability to trust his wife and be listened to by her at the right time. Yes, here you can also add the right to personal free time and doing what you love. If your husband receives all this in abundance, then he can be called happy.

But, as practice shows, this does not happen often, and one of the described components happy life absent or manifested in insufficient quantities. And if the wife always has the opportunity to learn how to cook more tasty and varied, then with intimate relationships or emotional conversations, things are much worse.

It turns out that if you need to find out how to please your husband and what exactly he lacks, start gradually and unobtrusively learning about his aspirations, dreams, goals and desires. To avoid forgetting anything, keep a secret notebook that you keep away from everyone else in your household.

And one more thing: do not show that you are ready to do for your loved one everything he wants, and all changes in your appearance and behavior, present it as a surprise.

Understand and respect

Representatives of the stronger sex rarely engage in frank conversations, but this does not mean that they do not need them. If the wife fails to establish a trusting relationship in the middle of the family, then the husband will begin to seek release in alcohol, dubious companies, or the embrace of his mistress.

If you do everything correctly, then very soon your spouse will stop withdrawing into himself, start crying into your vest, and ask you for advice.

And the most important thing…

Sex is the backbone of everything married life, so it is very important to know how to please your own husband in bed. By the way, it will be said that even a “log” can make a man satisfied in the physical sense. But this article gives advice not on how to provoke a banal ejaculation, but on how to awaken previously unknown emotions and sensations in your partner.

That is why we suggest asking a slightly different question, namely: “ How can you please your beloved husband so that he doesn’t want to try orgasm with another woman?" To begin with, stop considering your spouse to be a creature guided solely by physiological needs. He also has desires, romantic dreams and a vulnerable soul.

To ensure that your husband gets maximum mental and physical pleasure in bed, take into account the following:

  • Foreplay is the most important sexual factor, and it needs to be involved not only at the moment of intimacy, but long before it. Let this manifest itself in the form of subtle hints over morning coffee, walks to romantic places, a little vulgar text message, etc.;
  • A woman and a man perceive some sexual nuances differently. So, for example, if a lady is accustomed to the same smell, position or time of day for making love, then she will be aroused by these factors, which cannot be said about a man. Therefore, when asking yourself the problem of how best to please your husband, you need to constantly shock him with the novelty of the relationship in all its manifestations, and especially in sex. First, try appearing in the bedroom in the guise of a sexy nurse, and invite your spouse to take a vitamin and undergo a thorough medical examination;
  • If there is a critical need to solve the problem of how to better satisfy a man in the physical sense, start doing specific exercises for the vaginal muscles. To do this, you need to alternately squeeze and retract the vagina, strain and relax the gluteal muscles, squeeze, relax and retract the anus as much as possible;
  • It is somewhat more difficult for a pregnant woman to satisfy her husband sexually, so she has to resort to tricks. For example, you can add spices with a strong stimulating effect to dishes for your husband, which will speed up the process of ejaculation. It could be ginger or cinnamon;
  • It would probably be superfluous to remind you that you need to keep your body clean. At the same time, train yourself to use the same perfumes or body oils that both you and your husband like. Having become accustomed to these scents, a man is unlikely to be satisfied with another woman exuding foreign scents;
  • When wondering how to completely please her husband while pregnant, a wife should remember the following: female moans and sighs, uttered in the heat of passion, are very exciting, as are special words, phrases or whispers, “your” melody, frank remarks and conversations ;
  • Among all the above tips, I would like to note the following: you need to take care of your sexy wardrobe, have the appropriate paraphernalia in the house in the form of candles, erotic costumes, stimulating films, etc.

Remember that all your efforts will not offend your spouse if you have correctly followed the advice on recognizing his secret desires, dreams and aspirations. Don't be afraid to be judged, experiment and love!

How to please a man This is a fairly frequently asked question. We will reveal some interesting secrets, be sure to use our tips, your man should like it.

1 . Play with his hair

Gently touch the back of his head with your fingers, as if sneaking up on his hair, then run your fingers through his hair, play with his hair. Tickle the dimple under the back of the head, there are 2 sensitive points here. Gentle touches to this area can turn a man into an affectionate cat.

2. Tickle your ear

Surprisingly, a man's earlobe is considered no less than the most famous. Run your tongue over your earlobe, you can bite it lightly. In the most acute and interesting moments, try to lightly bite the lobe, this will add passion and the man will react to this action one hundred percent.

3. Caress his nipples

For some, this fact is doubtful, but nevertheless, you should try this point. Caress your man's nipples and their halos. Watch the reaction, if he froze waiting for continuation, act more confidently, use your fingers. To play, you can spread jam on your nipples.

4 . Ice on your back

Play with a piece of ice. Run the piece along the line of the spine from the very top to the bottom. Play with ice, tease your man, this will provoke your partner even more.

5 . Little toe

Another important approach to a man is foot massage. Perhaps it will make him melt like wax. To massage, take the oil and start with your heels, then your toes. The toes are very sensitive, especially linger on the little toe.

6. Caress with tongue

Another interesting place is the path from the navel and below. You can walk with your fingers, this will electrify the nerve endings, but if you tickle the path with your tongue, you will get a greater effect.

7. Slap on the buttocks

If you can still keep the situation under control, great. You can do a light massage, moving on to a more active one, then spank. Perhaps your man will react to stimulation of the anus, but here you need to be extremely careful and affectionate.

8 . Caress the testicles

Be careful and attentive with touches to the dearest man. Here you need to touch lightly, warmly, affectionately, play with your tongue and lips.

9 . Bridle

It is a V-shaped ligament between the glans and the foreskin of the man. Affectionate and playful touches will delight you with the results.

Here are these most important tips and answers to the question “ How to please a man? " Use them in agreement with the man and watch his reaction.

Do you want to be a good spouse in an intimate sense? You need to know what to do to satisfy your husband in bed. Maybe every woman knows about this, but is embarrassed or afraid to admit it to herself.

There is no need to be afraid here. To be shy - even more so. Vice versa! Show yourself, as they say, in all your glory. Your spouse will be incredibly delighted!

WITH tips that reveal the secret of how to better satisfy your husband in bed:

  1. Oral sex. It does not require sudden movements or movements at all. Your moans play the dominant role. The louder they sound, the more stronger man will want you.
  2. Cowgirl pose. Imagine that you are a passionate cat. Bend your body, filling the atmosphere around with sweet moans. Don't take moaning as vulgarity. Your moan is a melody of feelings.
  3. Missionary position. You also need to be active in it. Moans are the default. Just remember that they are needed everywhere, that is, in any type of sex. If you want to scratch, scratch. You remember how “fashionable” it is to leave nail marks on a man’s back. And the man gets pleasure from this. Leave every “trace” more carefully, without bloodshed.
  4. Experiments. They are needed in relationships because, over time, intimacy becomes habitual and begins to get boring. If adjustments are not made to it... Conflicts, misunderstandings, and disappointments may arise.
  5. The “woman on her stomach and the man on her” pose. It is considered a lazy pose, but it has its place. Don't do anything about it. Let the man do everything himself. And he needs space to realize his fantasies!
  6. Your legs are on your spouse's neck. My husband loves it! Because this “position” of the legs provides an excellent opportunity to go deep, deep into you. The deeper, the more pleasant. And not only your spouse, but also you.
  7. Blow job. Almost the entire male population of the planet goes crazy from those moments when the woman they love caresses and kisses their intimate organs. The same can be said about cunnilingus: let him do it. Even if you continue to consider it humiliating.
  8. How to satisfy your spouse? - Sexual perversion! An individual concept, but applicable to everyone. Some people consider a slap on the butt to be super perverted. Someone is quite normal about this “manifestation of love.” The same can be said about various biting, vulgarities, devices. Discuss everything in advance so as not to experience a fiasco at the most delightful moment.
  9. Whisper. Whisper about love, about passion, about feelings. He turns men on so much! And it would turn you on too. Check and make sure. Not only the weaker sex loves ears. But not everyone chooses to understand this.

Men love a woman's initiative! They like to feel female passion. The kind of raging and hurricane that is shown in mega-pornographic films. And don’t judge men for such “love”: if you were a man, you would look and love the same thing. Nature cannot be deceived. Only she can deceive and play an evil joke between spouses.

Do not be offended by your spouse because he may not notice all the romance in the environment that you so diligently created. Be glad that he is focusing all his attention on you! He may not notice new hairpins, a new hairstyle, a different hair color... But he will definitely notice how you waited for him, how you want to be with him.

Men don't like talking in bed. And they don’t understand, at such moments, the habits of women’s talkativeness. Try to understand her. Sociability can ruin everything. Well, if not all, then a lot - for sure. We can talk afterwards. Yes, after sex your man may simply fall asleep. And don't sulk at him for it. Again, we need to remember that husbands are designed this way. They have their own habits.

Men love to undress women. Give your spouse a chance. Let him undress you the way he wants. Don't tell him how and what to do. He himself will understand this no worse than you. If it’s worse, don’t point it out to him. For men, this kind of “application” can greatly diminish their self-esteem. And then interest in everything will disappear.

Men love to be undressed! You can tear off their clothes, they can be undressed carefully and romantically. Experiment. See what your spouse likes best so you can take that into account next time.

A man will experience the height of bliss if you whisper to him something like “you are mine......only mine.” He will be grateful to you for this whisper. As well as for the passion of the moans. There is no need to be ashamed of either one. And restrain too.

Try not to fall asleep during sex. My husband might be very offended by this. He will either misunderstand everything or decide that you feel bad with him. Men are very, very vulnerable creatures. And speaking of how touchy... There are simply no words! For them, any fiasco in bed is beyond catastrophic. Help your husband feel like a man! What does a man do if something offends or offends him? Either he becomes an alcoholic, or he begins to look for someone who can console him and truly appreciate him.

Important point! Never (even as a joke!) insult his manhood! If you tell a man that he has a small penis, or funny…. Terrible things will begin to happen to the man. He will hate himself, his body, and the entire world around him. Size is a sore subject for any man. You can make such a joke that he will even take the risk of enlarging his intimate organ. Stereotypes are not left alone here either. They say that the larger a man’s penis, the more pleasant it is for a woman to be with him. It's not all about size! Everything depends on the structure of the female body. For some reason, they are simply trying to ignore this fact. Why is unknown. Probably to make it sexy for a reason. Like, if women build up their nails or breasts, then a man needs to build up something in order to be more desirable and attractive. Such nonsense!

P Almost all men love sex in the morning. Do you agree to give such pleasure to your husband? He will be very happy if you take such an initiative. He will be so happy that he will even shower you with gifts. Out of happiness, and not so that you will repeat it all again! Loving husbands They never try to “buy” their women.