How to wash a wool coat? How to wash woolen items? Washing light-colored items

In the section on the question Washing 100% Wool asked by the author Mikhail ----- the best answer is Woolen items shrink when washed and are difficult to iron.
Woolen items are washed in warm water without alkalis. The best temperature is considered to be 38 C. Products made of woolen fabric become stiffer not only from hot water, but also from sudden changes in water temperature.
Unless absolutely necessary, it is not recommended to soak woolen items before washing. It is advisable that they be washed and rinsed as quickly as possible.
To wash woolen products, more water is used than for products made from cotton fiber. It is preferable to wash wool by hand. During washing wool fabrics You should not rub them vigorously, just squeeze them out and move them with your hands. Wash them in soapy foam or using special detergents. To remove excess moisture, they are only slightly squeezed with your hands, but not twisted. It is good to use rain or snow water to wash these items. They should be rinsed thoroughly, adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar per bucket of water to the final rinse water.
Heavily soiled knitted woolen items, shake thoroughly, are soaked in water at room temperature, softened with ammonia (2-3 tablespoons per bucket of water). After 1-2 hours, the item is immersed in warm water for washing, to which washing powder or soap foam is added. Knitted items are not rubbed, but only squeezed with your hands.
If there are stains of grease on things, they are kept in a stronger solution of powder for 30 minutes, then rinsed first in warm, then in cold water.
There is also a recipe for washing dark woolen items: grind 100 g of dry mustard, adding a little cold water; dilute with hot water and strain half the solution into a bowl of warm water; wash things in this solution without soap; then, having changed the solution, wash the same items again and rinse, as usual, first in warm, then in cold water.

Everyone has woolen items in their wardrobe, but not everyone knows how to properly care for them. Maintaining such clothes in their original condition is a difficult task, since wool is very sensitive to various chemicals.

Careless actions in the laundry - and your favorite sweater may shrink or, on the contrary, stretch out. There is a significant advantage in such things - wool does not quickly become dirty, so it should not be washed too often.

But when it comes to it, the main thing is to do everything according to the rules. This article is intended to answer all questions about how to wash a wool sweater.

Due to the delicacy of woolen products, they require careful handling to avoid loss of shape or damage to the material itself.

Items made of wool do not tolerate intense and rough impact. Almost all wool fabrics are best suited to hand washing rather than machine washing.

  1. The first thing you need to do is study the information on the item's label.
  2. Woolen items should be exposed to water as little as possible; if contact with water cannot be avoided, then it should be reduced to the shortest possible time.
  3. Any wool item should be turned inside out before washing.
  4. Woolen items should be washed separately from other items. If several items will be washed, they should match each other's color.
  5. The water should be no higher than 30 degrees.
  6. Do not expose the item to temperature changes; the water during washing and rinsing should be at the same temperature. Failure to comply with this rule can simply disrupt the structure of the material and render the item unusable.
  7. When washing a wool jumper, you should use products specifically designed for this material.
  8. Wool is surprisingly elastic, but careless handling during rinsing can deprive it of its shape; the same applies to spinning - it can cause stretching of the fabric.

Wool products are very delicate and require careful handling. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask how to properly wash woolen items so that they do not lose their shape and the material itself is not damaged. There are some important rules, as well as a number of tricky secrets that will help you cope with the task without problems.

Washing wool items: basic rules

Products made from such material do not tolerate rough and too intense impact. Therefore, most often washing such products is done by hand. However, is it possible to wash woolen items in a machine without causing significant harm to them? If you follow all the rules of this process, occasional automatic washing is acceptable. But even if you are going to hand wash woolen items, you need to know about the basic nuances so that your sweater or jacket is not damaged.
  1. Regardless of the type of washing, if the material is quite fluffy, it must be carefully combed before contact with water. This will simplify the washing process by “combing out” surface dirt and get rid of pellets.
  2. Before dipping into a basin or loading into a machine drum, any product must be turned inside out. It is also worth reading the information on the clothing label.
  3. Woolen items should be washed separately from other items; it is important to pack them by color. This fabric does not shed often, but the lint may stick to other clothes. Removing them after washing will be problematic.
  4. Information about what water to wash woolen items in also plays a big role. The water should be warm, without sharp changes temperatures Woolen material does not stand up as too cold water, and too hot. Exposure to water from different temperatures destroys wool fibers, which is why the product can quickly become unusable.
  5. When deciding what is the best way to wash woolen items, preference should be given to products specifically designed for such material. They are added both when washing by machine and by hand.

Basic rules apply to washing woolen clothes in washing machine and manual interactions with products. But depending on the chosen tactics, there are additional nuances.

  1. Products do not need to be pre-soaked, especially for a long time.
  2. The amount of water in the basin or bathtub should be large, since the material absorbs moisture abundantly.
  3. The water temperature suitable for clothes to prevent them from shrinking during the washing process should not exceed 35 degrees.
  4. Wool does not tolerate a caustic alkaline environment, therefore the use of any kind of soap is contraindicated. If possible, water should be oxidized and made softer using special or improvised means.
  5. Rinsing after the main stage occurs in water of the same temperature. One of the peculiarities of how to wash woolen items is that you need to rinse them for a long time and thoroughly.
  6. When interacting with products, it is unacceptable to rub them hard, crush them, twist them, and so on. Otherwise, the fibers of the material will suffer and the clothes will become shapeless.
  7. Woolen items are never wrung out. It is better to allow excess water to drain on its own, and then press thick towels to the items to absorb moisture. Only then can you send your clothes to dry.
  8. You should also not hang things on a clothesline to dry. They can become deformed under their own weight. It is advisable to distribute them over the fabric on a flat surface and allow them to dry naturally.
  9. When washing and rinsing, it is worth using conditioners for such clothes, for example, Lenor. Then the material will become softer and will not “bite”.
There are not many additional rules for washing wool automatically. But in addition to the main points, you should take into account several points on how to properly wash woolen items without your hands.
  1. Water does not need to be heated above 60 degrees. Otherwise, washing in washing machine, upon completion of the process, you can take out an item a couple of sizes smaller from the drum, because it has shrunk a lot.
  2. The process should be carried out with a low number of drum revolutions. In addition to a special laundry detergent that has a liquid consistency and is suitable for caring for delicate fabrics, you can add bleach or stain remover if necessary.
  3. It is necessary to abandon automatic spinning of products.

Many washing machine models have a wide range of washing options. If the “Wool” mode is not included in the list, then you should give preference to the “Delicate Fabrics” or “Manual Mode” mode.

After the wash is completed, items are not left in the drum for a long time. It is better to take them out immediately, absorb excess moisture with a thick cloth, and then send them to dry horizontally. If the product is hung on a crossbar or hanger, it will stretch out.
  • If there are large loops on a jacket, sweater, scarf or hat, then you should carefully hem them before washing. This will prevent the threads from pulling out.
  • In a situation where there are concerns that the wool is colored and may fade, you need to cut a small piece of thread and moisten it with warm water. And then wrap it in white cloth and blot it dry. If staining does not occur, you can wash the product according to the procedure described above.
  • To prevent possible shedding, it is a good idea to add 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar to the water.
  • When it is necessary to wash delicate items, for example, from angora, mohair or alpaca, it is better to wash woolen items by hand, using not special products, but regular shampoo. It is softer, not as alkaline as other products. However, after this, the product must be rinsed very thoroughly 3-5 times under running water.
  • When washing wool by hand, it is recommended to change the water not when it gets dirty, but much more often.
  • To whiten wool and remove stains from it, it is not necessary to use chemicals. You can sprinkle lemon powder on the desired area, after moistening it slightly. And leave for 40 minutes to act.
  • For fear of injuring delicate material, when washing woolen items, you can use a slurry of mustard powder or the liquid obtained after pouring boiling water over the mustard.
  • To soften hard water, add a couple of teaspoons of soda or the same amount of table vinegar. For colored clothes, it is better to add wine vinegar. Important: soda, vinegar, bleaches and other materials should not be applied in pure form to a woolen product. They must be diluted in liquid, and then the selected clothing must be dipped into this solution.
  • In addition to mustard powder, it is permissible to use potato and bean infusions for washing woolen items. You can also add ammonia (2-3 drops), it will soften the fabric.
  • If after all the manipulations things still shrink, then you do not need to wash them again immediately. It is enough to sprinkle the dry surface of the material with water, and then gently iron it, stretching the fabric, not too hot with an iron. Ironing through a damp cloth or gauze is also suitable. Or the product can be processed using a steamer, simultaneously giving it the required shape and size.
  • Clothes made from this material breathe well, do not absorb odors for a long time and are easily cleaned of dirt when dry. Therefore, you should wash woolen items by hand or in a machine only in emergency cases.
  • The whole process must happen quickly. To preserve the pristine beautiful view woolen products, washing should not take more than 40-50 minutes.
  • Powdered chalk diluted in a container or hydrogen peroxide added to water will help to lighten darkened items made of such material.
How to easily and quickly wash woolen clothes, and then successfully dry them, is shown in the video:

Woolen products bring comfort and provide great warmth on frosty winter evenings. They can last for more than one season, delighting you with convenience and beauty, if you remember how to wash woolen items correctly so that your favorite sweater or jacket does not lose its shape.

Woolen items were, are and will be at the peak of popularity; they look beautiful, protect from the cold, and provide comfort when worn. How to care for such products, how to wash woolen items by hand or in a machine? Advice from the wisest!

Washing wool items

To wash woolen items, you should take into account the water temperature, choose a quality product and care for wool products manually. Washing wool items in a washing machine is not recommended, although there are many rules for cleaning this material.

Things to remember before choosing detergent?

  1. Wool cannot be washed with detergents containing alkali; you must carefully read their composition on the packaging.
  2. To wash woolen items, you can use hair shampoo, fabric conditioner, and home-made softener.

How to properly wash woolen items by hand and in a machine?

There are several stages of washing wool fabrics. How to do this correctly and safely?

Preparatory stage

First you need to divide things into light and dark, and also put particularly dirty items separately. If there is large dirt, it must be removed with a brush; it is advisable to sew up the loops on the clothes so that they do not stretch.

The right step would be to remove fittings, buttons, and clasps that could damage the product. To make sure whether an item is shedding or not, you need to take a thread from a woolen item and dip it in soapy water, and then look at the result.

If the thread leaves an imprint on the white fabric, it means that you need to fix the color, add table vinegar when washing woolen items, in a ratio of 3 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water.

How to wash wool without shrinking?

This is a responsible step that requires maximum attention and compliance with well-known rules. In order for the products to retain their original shape, you need to remember about the temperature regime: at what temperature should you wash wool?

To prevent your items from “running” and fading, you need to wash them in water no higher than 30 degrees; it is not recommended to change the temperature when rinsing, and in order for the items to stretch well, problem areas should be washed separately before general washing.

Washing wool should not last more than 40-50 minutes so that woolen products do not lose their original shape. Such items should only be washed inside out, avoiding large fasteners or buttons.

Rinsing woolen items

It is important not only how to wash wool items, you need to know how to rinse such items. How well you do this depends on the attractiveness of woolen products and their further lifespan.

  1. The wool should be rinsed large quantities water, gradually reducing the temperature.
  2. Use softening agents to prevent the hair from itching and the fibers from sticking together.
  3. To prevent things from shedding, you need to add a spoonful of wine vinegar or ammonia to the water.

How to spin when washing wool by hand?

If you need to wash a woolen jacket or other item, you need to remember:

  • wool products cannot be twisted, you just need to squeeze out the water a little;
  • Excess moisture can be removed with a terry towel, but just do not stretch the product.

Drying woolen items

Drying of such products is carried out only on flat surfaces; items should not be hung on a rope in order to avoid stretching. Squeezing and twisting are also not recommended.

Woolen items can absorb odors, so drying them in the kitchen is not recommended. After complete drying, you can iron the product by turning it inside out in advance.

If a wool product has shrunk a little, then during the ironing process you can moisten it and pull it in different directions until the right size. If you don’t know how to wash woolen items without shrinking, or you don’t want to take risks, then entrust this work to professionals.

Is it possible to wash woolen items in a machine?

Washing wool in a washing machine is possible if the product label allows this type of care for woolen items. Before washing wool in a washing machine, you need to select the appropriate mode that meets the characteristics of the product.

Before washing woolen items in a washing machine, you need to cut off all the buttons and remove the metal fasteners so that they do not damage the material. Things need to be turned inside out, and to avoid shrinkage of the material, soak for a few minutes in cold water.

Select the mode in the washing machine – “wool” without spinning; it is not recommended to use a product with synthetic additives, soap or coarse powder. Here's how to wash 100% wool in the washing machine!

How to wash woolen items by hand using traditional methods?

You can use the above methods or check your own “grandmother’s folk recipes" Here's how to wash wool using dry mustard:

  • you need to take a glass of dry mustard powder, dilute it with water at room temperature, add hot water to infuse the product;
  • then strain through a thick cloth and soak woolen items in this solution;
  • and to make woolen items soft, you need to rinse the items with the composition in a ratio of 1 tsp. ammonia per 10 liters of water.

How to wash a woolen jacket in bean broth in order to remove all dirt and return the product to its original shape?

  1. First you need to boil 1 kg of white beans in 5 liters of water until half cooked.
  2. Leave for 30-40 minutes until room temperature, strain until full.
  3. After soaking the items in the broth, lightly squeeze and rinse in plenty of water until the item is clean.

Another way to wash woolen items is to make them smooth, pleasant to the touch and clean. For this purpose, you can use a decoction of potatoes, a process similar to washing woolen products with beans.

To ensure that there is no smell left from the potatoes, you still need to additionally rinse things with fresh conditioner, or a soda-salt solution, a pinch of salt and soda per liter of water.

How to wash white woolen items?

If you wash white woolen items frequently, they may turn yellow. How to return them to their original appearance and update things? There are several ways to wash a white woolen jacket:

  1. dilute 1 kg of chalk in 3 liters of water;
  2. immerse the product in the solution for 20 minutes;
  3. rinse with plenty of water;
  4. squeeze lightly and dry on a flat surface.

Another assistant in bleaching woolen items is hydrogen peroxide; to wash white woolen items, you need to use a solution in a ratio of 1 tsp. peroxide per 1 liter of water, soak in this mixture and wash thoroughly.

Rinse with plenty of water; you can add a conditioner with a fresh scent to overcome the specific notes of the medication.

Advice from the experienced: how to wash woolen items easily and easily?

In this matter, it is important to observe several factors: at what temperature to wash the wool and how to wring it out correctly. The water should only be at room temperature, and when rinsing it is better to use cold water.

It is prohibited to wring out woolen items by hand; they must be placed on a terry towel, rolled into a tube and squeezed out excess liquid, laid out on a flat surface and dried.

Woolen items should be stored in small piles in the closet; larger and heavier items should be placed downwards, but it is not recommended to hang them on hangers so that the items do not lose their shape.

It is not recommended to soak woolen items before washing, only in cases where there is serious contamination. When washing by hand, woolen items should not be rubbed or twisted; excess liquid should be removed with light movements during spinning.

Use coarse powder only in a well-dissolved form so that the grains do not pack into the fibers. Rinse until the detergent is completely washed away. To make the wool soft to the touch, you can use various methods of cleaning products using peroxide or glycerin, in the ratio of half a spoon per 5 liters of water.

Now you know how to wash wool in a washing machine and by hand, what detergent to use for this purpose, or maybe you should give preference to traditional methods?

Take care of your products and wear them with comfort and pleasure!

Natural wool is very capricious, and sometimes a favorite sweater or jacket turns out to be hopelessly damaged after washing. How to make wool correctly and can it be done at home?

Is it possible to wash wool?

The peculiarity of natural wool compared to cotton or artificial materials is that it does not need frequent washing. Typically, woolen items get dirty a little, and small dirt can be removed from them without washing. It is enough to wait until the dirt dries and then brush it off.

The main disadvantage of such products is that they quickly become saturated with foreign odors. But in this case, you can refresh things by hanging them in the air. But still, you can’t do without washing, and therefore wool is washed, but following certain recommendations. It is important to choose the right cleaning agent, select the water temperature and set the mode on the machine, if not possible.

How to wash woolen items

Before you start washing such a delicate material, you need to study the label on the product and not deviate from the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What means are suitable

Before washing wool, especially capricious white woolen items, you should choose the right powder. It is not recommended to wash products in conventional powders with phosphates. You can use baby powders or special wool products. It is best to use gels that are gentle on the fabric and do not damage the fiber structure.
Especially delicate items can be washed in hair shampoo - mild baby shampoo will do just fine. Washing wool with washing soap is not recommended.

At what temperature should I wash?

To prevent the fibers from shrinking, it is important to choose the right water temperature. Do not wash at temperatures above +40 degrees. It is advisable to take lukewarm water about +30 degrees.

If you immerse a woolen product in hot water, it will inevitably shrink.

How to wash wool in a washing machine

If the tag does not say that it is prohibited, the product can be safely loaded into the washing machine. For example, things from socks camel hair They tolerate machine washing very well. But, before loading a blanket or blanket into the drum, things need to be soaked for an hour in a weak detergent solution. Before putting it in the machine, you need to rinse the laundry thoroughly and then let the water drain.

The water temperature when washing in the machine is set to +30 degrees.

Soft, very fine wool It's best to take it to the dry cleaner. If the label says that machine washing is allowed, then you need to select the delicate mode and set the water temperature to +30 degrees.

Sheep wool should be turned inside out before loading into the bin. When washing such material, a softener is added to the washing tray. Be sure to turn off the spin cycle so that things don’t stretch, and set the water temperature to +30 degrees.

Important! Do not load more than 2 kg of pure wool laundry into the tank. The problem is that the fiber becomes very heavy and you can overload the machine.

How to wash woolen items by hand

Delicate threads such as cashmere, angora, mohair and alpaca are washed only by hand. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed +30 degrees. It is advisable to use only liquid gels specifically designed for washing woolen materials.

If you want your laundry to smell nice, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the water.

At hand wash Do not soak laundry for a long time. It is enough to immerse things in water for only 10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the water temperature is the same at all stages of washing, otherwise things will lose their shape.

An excellent alternative to chemical detergents is mustard. 15 g of mustard powder is diluted per liter of water, and the laundry is washed in this solution. The remaining sediment is another load of laundry.

An excellent detergent for clean wool is soapwort rhizomes. The plant extract can be purchased at a herbal pharmacy. The day before washing, the roots are poured with boiling water. Then the infusion is filtered, diluted with cool water and washed in it.

When washing by hand, it is very important not to overuse synthetic detergents, since it is very difficult to rinse them completely out of pure wool fibers.

Washing wool by hand step by step:

  1. Dissolve a capful of detergent gel in a bowl of warm water. The gel can be replaced with regular hair shampoo.
  2. Immerse the product in a soap solution for 10 minutes.
  3. Gently fingering the item, wash it with your fingers in a soapy solution, slightly washing out particularly dirty areas.
  4. Rinse the product in water at the same temperature in the bathroom. It is advisable to rinse with plenty of water.

How to dry woolen items correctly

After rinsing, under no circumstances should the laundry be wrung out, much less twisted. Things need to be placed in an empty basin and wait until the water drains from them. Small items can be wrung out by wrapping them in a terry towel and pressing gently.

Lay out a large terry towel or sheet on a horizontal surface (table or floor). The item is carefully laid out on top of them, smoothing out all the folds and creases. You need to make sure that there are no distortions or folds, otherwise the item will dry out and lose its shape.

Do not dry wool near heating devices, much less use a hair dryer for drying.

How to iron woolen items correctly

If the iron has a “Wool” mode, the ironing process will be as easy as possible. You will also need white cotton fabric.

Iron woolen items only from the inside out and only through slightly damp fabric, otherwise the wool will shrink. During ironing, you must ensure that the material does not stretch, otherwise the jacket or sweater will become deformed.

It is generally not recommended to iron embossed woolen items. You can simply steam a fairly thick sweater using the “Steam” function on the iron.

Terry items can be ironed the old-fashioned way using a terry towel and a rolling pin. To do this, place a towel evenly under the item, cover it with a second towel on top and iron it with a rolling pin, as if rolling out dough.

During the ironing process, it is important not to deform the structure of the fabric or knitwear.

You can refresh woolen items without washing, if the scale of contamination allows this.

For example, wool coat hang on a hanger and sprinkle washing powder. Then the fabric is wiped with a slightly damp sponge, and the remaining detergent is removed with a clothes brush. All that remains is to dry the coat.

If paint stains appear on the material, it can be removed safely with household gasoline. It is important to buy highly purified household gasoline at a hardware store, since regular car fuel is not suitable for such purposes.

If traces of juice or berries appear on the wool, you can wash them off by first sprinkling them with salt and then treating them with a soap solution.

Traces of lipstick on clean wool are wiped off with medical alcohol, and scorch marks are removed well with fresh onion juice.

If your clothes begin to smell unpleasantly from sweat, then it is enough to wipe the sweat-soaked areas with a solution of table vinegar. To prepare the solution, use 1 tsp. Dissolve vinegar in 100 ml of water. Lemon juice also helps get rid of sweat odor.

And finally, if you want your woolen items to smell nice after washing, then rearrange them on the shelves in your closet paper napkins, soaked in a few drops of lavender oil. This will not only give your laundry a pleasant aroma, but will also reliably protect it from moths.