How to sew a round tablecloth with frill. We sew a round tablecloth for the table with our own hands. Let's start sewing

Once upon a time, only in the houses of the rich could you find tablecloths. Then this decoration became uninteresting to people; they began to treat the tablecloth with contempt, considering it a bourgeois sign. People preferred a bare table without any frills. But fashion is cyclical, tablecloths have returned again and become symbols of warmth and comfort.

A new tablecloth can change a room for the better, making it more attractive and comfortable in appearance. Besides, this easy way decorate holidays, simply cover the table with a tablecloth with patterns of Christmas trees or autumn leaves to give the room the spirit of the upcoming holiday.

Tablecloths can also serve practical purposes; they protect the surface from stains, hot dishes and spilled drinks. They will also help hide an old shabby table and make it more attractive in appearance.

Yes, you can easily buy this thing, but it is better to try to sew a tablecloth yourself. Firstly, you will receive a unique original work, and secondly, you will save money. The price of one finished tablecloth will be three or four. In addition, you can make something that will completely suit your taste.

It is best to make a tablecloth yourself, it will not take you much time, the master class will help you with this. Here you will find out how you can do this.

Tablecloth for a square table

To make a tablecloth for a square table, you will need: a notepad and pen, a measuring tape, decorative fabric, fabric scissors, an iron, an ironing board, a pencil or crayon, a sewing machine or a hand sewing needle.

How to measure a table

To make a tablecloth, you will need a piece of fabric wide enough to fit your table.

Before you go shopping for fabric, take a tape measure and measure the length and width of the table. Write down the information in a notepad.

Measurements should include tabletop length and width and fabric overhang. The optimal overhang size is 20-25 centimeters. If it is longer, the tablecloth will seem more elegant, but it will be inconvenient to use. Since the fabric may shrink after washing, it is better to add 20-25 cm to the length of the weight. You should also allocate 10 cm for the hem. For example, you have a table 75 cm long and 75 cm wide.

We calculate fabric consumption as follows:

  • fabric length 75 cm+(overhang length 20 +20)+(hem 10 cm)=125 cm
  • fabric width 75 cm + (overhang length 20 +20) + (hem 10 cm) = 125 cm.

Before you start cutting the fabric, you need to iron it properly. You can then draw lines using a pencil and ruler that correspond to your measurements and carefully cut the fabric.

Forming the edges of the tablecloth

Fold the edges of the fabric 1 cm and iron. The fabric should lie with the wrong side up. From the corner of the fabric, mark 8 cm in each direction. Draw a line and then bend the corner according to your line. Mark the fold with pins and stitch it.

Cut off the corner, leaving 5 centimeters from the seam. As a result, you should have a corner. To make it more even and neat, it needs to be ironed. The remaining corners of the tablecloth are processed in the same way.

The sides of the fabric should be folded, ironed and finished hidden seam or to typewriters. The fabric should lie with the wrong side up.

Tablecloth decoration

After the main work is done, you can make the appearance of your tablecloth even more beautiful - sew lace, flounces to the edges or decorate with a variety of appliqués.

Tablecloth for a round table

This round tablecloth is sewn a little differently. You will need a suitable fabric which can be cotton, linen or any other fabric of your choice.

You will need to measure the diameter of your table. Determine the length of the overhang for yourself, add this value to the diameter. Please allow for an allowance of 2.5 centimeters. Cut the fabric and then fold the fabric twice. If you don't have enough fabric, you can sew it from two or more pieces. The edges of the panels need to be sewn together, retreating from the edge a little more than a centimeter. Then the seam will need to be smoothed, this can be done using an iron.

You will get a small square. Use a measuring tape to lay a diagonal line from one corner to the other. Mark half the diameter of the canvas on the fabric. The mark you make will help you draw an arc to the corners of the square. You will then need to cut the fabric along the line you made and unfold the fabric. You will get a round canvas.

You can do this in another way. When you have a folded square of fabric, make a paper template based on it, draw an arc there with a compass, it should be at one edge. You will have a template that you can use to cut your fabric to create a round cut.

You will then need to iron the fabric to get rid of any wrinkles. You can finish at this stage if the edges look decent. But if they crumble, then fold the edges twice and stitch. You can sew lace to the edges or satin ribbon, summer will look noble.

If the table shape is oval, then you will need a tablecloth pattern. Make a paper template first. To do this, take a large sheet of paper, place it on the table surface and mark the cutout lines. Cut out the template, lay it on the fabric, add 20 centimeters for the hanging edges, plus 1 centimeter for the sag. After this, you can cut the fabric and make a tablecloth.

Choosing fabric for a tablecloth

If you will use the tablecloth every day, it is advisable to choose a material that can be easily washed without affecting its appearance. Therefore, feel free to use synthetic material; moreover, it will not shrink after washing.

Jacquard fabrics for tablecloths are also most suitable for everyday use. Firstly, they are dense, and secondly, they have a double-sided pattern. If one side gets loose, you can move it to the other side.

Cotton, silk, or linen are suitable for a more festive option; the tablecloth will look attractive and create the right mood. Lace and filigree embroidery can add chic and nobility to the product, but such a tablecloth will require careful care from you.

Tablecloths for holidays are decorated with sequins, buttons, felt appliqués, and satin ribbons.

The colors and patterns of the product must match the entire interior of the room. For a classic interior, soft pastel colors are suitable; they will add nobility to the atmosphere. In addition, a tablecloth can serve as a bright spot that will transform a room and make it more attractive.

Tablecloth made of scraps

The tablecloth made from shreds is very beautiful.

You will need to make scraps, maybe each 20 by 20 centimeters and sew them together until you get the fabric you need. You can pick up any scraps and fold them to create an original design.

To make the canvas look neat, it is best to overcast the shreds along the edges. You can first mark and sew the patches by hand using white thread to see how it will look.

You will also need to make a spacer, which may be slightly smaller in size than the quilt. The lining and the patchwork fabric are then sewn together, with the edge of the lining under the hem. It is better to take calico or flannel as a material for the lining.

Quilt the tablecloth starting from the middle. Make a border around the edges, do not forget to iron the tablecloth. After that you can lay it on the table. Your creation will adequately decorate the room and transform its best side. This tablecloth looks festive, cheerful and gives a joyful mood to the room.

Today we will learn how to sew a tablecloth with our own hands, we will consider simple options - a tablecloth for the dining room and a tablecloth for the kitchen.

DIY tablecloth for the dining room

This tablecloth is made from mixed fabric convenient for daily meals. And if you sew a tablecloth made of linen, satin or satin jacquard with an embossed pattern, then it will be suitable for festive feasts. What distinguishes our tablecloth from an ordinary kitchen tablecloth is the presence of a border. You can see how to choose the fabric component for this element in our photos. When selecting fabrics, it is necessary to take into account that they must be combined not only in color and texture, but also in terms of washing and ironing conditions.

What is needed for sewing:

. main fabric;
. Contrasting fabric for border.

Pattern construction, cutting and sewing:
  • Measure the length and width of the tabletop. Make a tablecloth pattern (Fig. 1).
  • Cut out the tablecloth panel from the main fabric.
  • Cut four strips onto a 28 cm wide border. Fold the strips in half lengthwise and iron. Unfold the folds.
  • Place the strips along the cut edges with the right side facing the right side of each side of the main fabric and stitch from the side of the main fabric, starting and ending 1.5 cm from the corner of the main fabric. Allow 1.5 cm for seam allowance.
  • Trim the seam allowance and iron it to the border side.
  • At each corner, overlap one border strip with right sides facing each other, lining up the short cuts.
  • Fold the border diagonally to mark the seam line.
  • Sew a seam from the corner of the main panel to the fold line, which is pressed in the center of the border.
  • Trim the diagonal seam allowance and turn the border to the wrong side. Fold the border 1.5 cm along the open long edge to the wrong side, iron and pin. Sew the hem to the edge. Sew the bias corner with a hidden seam on the wrong side (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Processing the corner of the curb

Square tablecloth for the kitchen

It is good to make a tablecloth for a square table in the kitchen from printed fabric using printed fabrics. To make the product practical, it is better to sew the tablecloth from a mixed fabric that washes well.

The color of the tablecloth should go well with the overall color scheme of the room and with the dishes.
Tablecloths made from mixed fabrics are easy to sew. In addition, this material requires virtually no ironing and is very convenient for everyday use in the kitchen.

What is necessary:
. printed fabric.

Pattern construction, cutting and sewing:

  • Measure the length of the tabletop and add the length of the overhang to it.
  • In our case, the length of the overhang is 40 cm. At the edges there is also a seam allowance of 3 cm on all sides.
  • Make a tablecloth pattern (Fig. 3).
  • Cut out the tablecloth panel from fabric.
  • Fold and iron double edges (one and a half centimeters each) along all edges of the tablecloth.
  • Unfold both edges and cut each corner diagonally, see fig. 4, going 5 mm beyond the point of intersection of the internal folds.
  • Place the diagonal edges together and fold the corner, marking the seam line. Sew along the marked line from the top of the inside corner to the hem line of the seam allowance.
  • The diagonal seams at each corner should be made at an exact 45 degree angle.
  • Press each seam, trim seam allowances, and turn corners right side out.

So, if anyone is interested, please follow the cut!!!

I show the master class using another fabric as an example.
First, we need to decide what size tablecloth we need.
It is calculated like this: usually 20 -25 cm are laid for the overhang.
That is, if your table is the size 80*120 cm, then add 50 cm to the size of the table for each measurement and get the final size 130*170 cm

Before sewing such a tablecloth, the fabrics must be treated or washed so that the fabrics shrink.
Usually we make the width of the edging 10 cm, so taking into account that the edging comes from all sides, we cut the central part 110 * 150 cm + seam allowances = 112*152 cm

Our edging is double, so the width of each strip is 10*2 + seam allowances = 22 cm

for our table size, the length of the stripes will be equal to the width of the finished tablecloth and the length of the finished tablecloth + seam allowances. that is, we cut 2 strips 130+2= 132 cm and 2 stripes 170+2= 172 cm. If you are reinsurers, then you can make these stripes a little longer)) by a couple of centimeters)

So. We've got everything ready and let's get started!!!

We fold all the edging strips in half and iron them, getting a strip 11 cm wide

We take one strip of edging (one layer, not both) and, stepping back from the edge of this strip 11 cm (width of the strip + allowance), pin it onto the wrong side of the tablecloth.

To be sure, you can pin the entire strip of edging to the tablecloth.

Stepping back from the edge at a distance equal to the width of the foot, attach a strip of edging to the tablecloth. We do not reach the end of the side by a distance equal to the width of the foot.

You can see it here))

We do the other three sides by analogy. This is what the corner will look like.

Then, with the front side out, fold the corner of the tablecloth (you get a 45-degree angle), placing strips of edging on top of each other.

Applying the ruler strictly to the edge of the fold, we draw a chalk line on the edging, which is a strict continuation of the fold line of the tablecloth.

leaving a seam allowance of approximately 1 cm, trim off the excess

When expanded, the border will look like this:
We chop off the parts of two adjacent edgings.

And we sew

Cutting off a corner

Then the long and thorough ironing procedure begins))). Turn on the iron and let's get started!!
Ironing out the details of the edgings

Iron the seam between the edgings and the tablecloth to the edging side.

Without a doubt, a beautiful, neat tablecloth for the kitchen is a pleasant component of any gathering, helping the hostess teach her culinary skills to both household members and guests. It is important to choose the right tablecloth for the dining table.

Size matters

There are generally accepted rules and conditions for setting a table with a tablecloth, which state that the fabric should not only cover the surface, but also hang slightly from all sides. It happens that it completely hides the supporting parts. When choosing a covering, you need to take into account the size of the table and the reason for the celebration.

  • if normal daily use is expected, the fabric hangs a maximum of 20 centimeters;
  • a more significant feast - 30 centimeters;
  • an official reception, banquet, wedding requires the presence of a large tablecloth hanging 40 centimeters;
  • at a formal buffet table, they completely cover the table legs.

The photo of the tablecloth for the table shows the most popular version of a rectangular cloth, the sides of which can be different or the same length. They cover both square and oval tabletops.

  • Rectangular surface. To begin with, it is recommended to measure the length and width of the table, adding to the resulting figures the possible allowance at the edges. Then we multiply the result by two.
  • tablecloth on round table involves measuring the diameter of the surface, then adding twice the length of the edge that will hang from the edges.
  • Oval or round tablecloths are also gaining popularity among consumers. Lying perfectly flat on the tabletop, the product forms beautiful soft folds. The size of the canvas is determined similarly to the first option with an allowance of double length.
  • If you plan to cover a square tabletop, you should still measure the diagonal. It would be correct if the diagonal is smaller than the selected product, then the corners of the table will not be visible from under the textiles.

Oval tabletop: coating rules

Most often, a round table is folded out to increase the free space, so it is recommended to choose an oval cover or a rectangular universal product. The calculation is carried out using the following method:

  • the diameters of the tabletop are measured (large and small);
  • to each figure is added the double value of the free edge, which, of course, corresponds to the event;
  • turn out required sizes for an oval covering element.

Generally accepted standards

Choosing the most suitable option, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • textile markets and shops usually offer medium-sized tablecloths standard sizes. So, it is better to take a larger one so as not to make a mistake in the choice;
  • It is appropriate to cover non-standard pieces of furniture (tables and chairs) with a cloth, the edge of which hangs below the level of the legs and seats;
  • beautiful sets with fluffy “skirts” are sold for buffets and banquets;
  • for sliding furniture, it is better to buy two tablecloths at once;
  • size finished product directly depends on the degree of possible shrinkage during washing, so you should slightly increase the length values.

Fabric selection

The service life of a kitchen tablecloth directly depends on the quality and practicality of the material for its manufacture. For this reason, you should first pay attention to this factor.

Most often, kitchen linens are divided into two types:

  • Daily ones (for every day) are made from more affordable and practical raw materials, usually equipped with moisture-resistant Teflon or acrylic compounds. They serve as decoration, beneficially complementing the interior and style of the kitchen space. It is better if the fabric does not wrinkle and is easy to care for.
  • More elegant festive elements are decorated with additional accessories, used exclusively for special events. There are products with a themed theme: Christmas, Easter, birthday, children's party or a wedding celebration.

Fabric for daily use offers functionality and increased performance. Here are the most popular options:

Since ancient times, oilcloth has been a popular covering without being a textile. You can buy both transparent and thick tablecloths from oilcloth. Visually, it is not entirely aesthetic, but it perfectly protects the surface from everyday stains, damage and dirt. Moreover, this is a cheaper budget option that saves the family budget.

Practical and relatively cheap polyester, unlike oilcloth, has a more interesting and varied design. Appearance decorated with patterns and ornaments. The material is easy to wash, clean from dirt, does not wrinkle and is quite suitable for serving for every day, fitting into any style.

The soft folds of cascading cotton make the table an incredibly cozy feature. The kitchen is supplied with cotton material impregnated with a special water-repellent composition, which protects it from stains and damage. The fabric is easy and convenient to wash in warm water and place hot dishes on it. Please note that frequent washing leads to rapid thinning of the threads and wear of the raw materials.

Currently, silicone tablecloths are gaining popularity, being an excellent replacement for traditional textiles. The coating protects the tabletop well from mechanical damage and contamination, keeping the furniture in perfect condition. But, usually, it is used not for decoration, but for practical purposes.

Photo of tablecloth on the table

Modern women are becoming more and more involved in handicrafts and try to create almost everything by hand. Now I would like to talk about how you can sew a tablecloth with your own hands.

About tablecloths

Before understanding the process of creating a tablecloth, it is worth noting that these products come in different types. The tablecloth can be casual, camping or festive. How are these options different? The first type is an everyday tablecloth. Its main purpose is to protect the table from various mechanical damage. It is better to sew it from inexpensive, but very durable material. Recently, Teflon coating on such a product, which is perfectly cleaned of contaminants, has become very valuable. Camping tablecloths are taken with you to nature or to the country house. Their purpose is to protect products from insects, as well as from contamination. Therefore, it is better to sew them with dense materials that wash well. As for holiday tablecloths, they can be made from any material you like. After all, their main purpose is to decorate the table, so they can be made of thin, expensive fabric. They are decorated with various ruffles, ribbons, etc.

Festive tablecloth

If a woman wants to create tablecloths with her own hands, why not sew holiday option such a product. To do this you will need fabric, ruffles for decoration, a sewing machine, as well as threads, scissors and other little things needed by a seamstress. First you need to prepare the base. To do this, on the selected piece of fabric you need to mark its dimensions, making allowances for the seams on each side of about one and a half to two centimeters. Everything is cut out, the edges are hemmed (if you don’t have an overlocker, you can finish the edges using a zigzag stitch on sewing machine). This is necessary so that the threads do not come out.

Now you need to prepare the ruffles. You can choose any width, for example 15 cm. You need to calculate the length yourself. To do this, add up the dimensions of all four sides of the tablecloth and multiply the result by two. This is necessary so that the ruffles do not just edge the tablecloth, but are slightly pleated. Having cut out the desired strip, it must first be wrapped and gathered to the length of all sides of the tablecloth. To do this, you can sew a line with long and weak stitches, departing 5 mm from the top edge of the ruffle, and pull it to the desired length, being careful not to break the thread. Beautifully distribute the gathers along the entire length of the product. Now you can sew the product. To do this, you can sweep two parts (tablecloth and ruffles) together (this should be done exclusively with white threads, regardless of the color of the tablecloth). An experienced seamstress can immediately attach ruffles to the base using a sewing machine. All you have to do is smooth out the seam, iron the tablecloth, and you're done!

On the round table

I would also like to talk about how you can sew a tablecloth for a round table. Here again, there may be several options. It could be just a round tablecloth, the edges of which will fall beautifully, forming folds on their own. To do this, you need to measure the diameter of the tabletop for which the tablecloth is being prepared and determine how much you want to leave hanging. The last digit multiplied by two is added to the first calculation. It is important to remember that you must also leave about 2-3 cm for the hem of the tablecloth.

Here it is better to first make a pattern for the product. To do this, you need to draw a quarter of a circle with the desired radius on paper (for this you can use a homemade compass from a pencil, a button and a cord). Now you need to cut the tablecloth using the pattern. To do this, it is outlined with chalk on the wrong side of the fabric, folded in four, and cut out. The edges need to be wrapped, folded and stitched. That's all, the product is ready.

Another option is how you can make round tablecloths with your own hands: it can be a base cut to the size of the tabletop, and fabric with folds sewn onto it. You need to prepare the base in the same way as in the previous version, but it is not hemmed, but only the edges are processed. Next you need to cut out the strip for the folds. Its length will be at least twice as long as the base, and its width will be at least 30 cm. The bottom needs to be wrapped, tucked and stitched; the top edges are only processed using an overlocker. Now you need to sew a line on top with long and weak stitches and make a gather, or you can simply make small folds that are secured with basting. Next, the two parts of the tablecloth are sewn together, the seam is smoothed, and the product itself is ironed (if you iron the tablecloth with an iron and steam, the chalk marks will disappear and the product will not have to be washed).

On the oval table

I would also like to tell you how to sew oval tablecloth. The principle of operation will be very similar to the previous one. To do this, you need to prepare a pattern exactly according to To do this, the top of the table is redrawn onto paper, and you need to add about 30-40 cm along the oval to the overhang of the product. The pattern and fabric are folded in four and the tablecloth is cut out. It is also important to take into account allowances for hemming the product. After this, you need to process the edges of the tablecloth using an overlocker and hem the product using a machine. To ensure that the tablecloth hangs well and drapes perfectly, you can sew a thin cord into the hem; it will make the product somewhat heavier, which will give the corresponding effect.


You can create original and at the same time beautiful tablecloths with your own hands and in other ways. So, we will talk about a product made from scraps. To do this, you need to determine the size of the desired item and make patterns for the scraps. Pieces of about 20x20 cm look good. Having calculated the required number, the shreds need to be cut out, leaving 1.5 cm for allowances on each side. It is important to overcast all the edges of the cut parts so that they do not fray. Now everything can be assembled into a finished tablecloth. First, it is better to sweep all the pieces together with white threads and look at the result. If you like everything, you need to sew the product along the basting lines on a machine and smooth out the seams. But that’s not all if a woman wants to figure out how to sew durable tablecloths with her own hands. This option will require a lining. It may be one and a half to two centimeters smaller than the upper part. In this case, at the end of sewing, you need to fold the tablecloth and lining with the wrong sides and fold the edge of the tablecloth so that the edge of the lining is under the hem. But you can cut the lining to fit the top of the product. Then the edges of the tablecloth along with the lining are sewn and processed. The tablecloth made from shreds is ready!

For kitchen

I would also like to tell you how to sew a tablecloth with your own hands for the kitchen. To do this, you will need a printed fabric that washes well. Everything is done very simply and according to an already familiar scheme. The product is cut to the size of the table, adding about 30-40 cm for overhang and a couple of centimeters for hem. After cutting, the edges must be processed and hemmed using a sewing machine. That's all, a simple and comfortable kitchen tablecloth is ready for use!

For the dining room

When planning to create various tablecloths with your own hands, a seamstress should know how to make a tablecloth for a dining room with contrasting borders. It looks very beautiful! The base of the product is cut out in the same way as in previous versions - according to the size of the tabletop. Now the curbs are being prepared. You need to cut out four strips, the width of which will be approximately 30 cm. Now the product is stitched: the borders are sewn along the edges diagonally to make the tablecloth the correct shape, and sewn to the base. The edges must be overlaid and smoothed with an iron. The bottom of the tablecloth can be rolled up and stitched or hemmed with bias tape in a matching or contrasting color.