How to make a heart: recommendations on how to make the simplest heart-shaped jewelry. Interesting ideas for decor - DIY balls and hearts made of threads DIY hearts made of balls and threads

    Heart made of threads can be done in many ways. Some of them are more complex, and some are completely simple. I offer an option how to make a heart from threads in a not at all complicated way.

    For work we take the following materials:

    • embroidery thread or yarn
    • two balloon
    • colored glitter

    Inflate the balloons a little and fasten them with tails

    We dilute glue and water 1:1 and dip the threads in the mixture. after which we wrap the balls with threads in random order.

    While the glue remains wet, sprinkle the heart with glitter.

    When the glue dries, pierce the ball with a needle and carefully pull it out.

    We attach a loop so you can hang the heart, and you're done.

    You can make such a heart to create a holiday, and then use it as a night light.

    We need for work: a heart-shaped ball, PVA glue, yarn, New Year's garland. Soak the yarn in glue

    inflate the ball and wrap it with yarn, hang it to dry

    when dry, blow or burst the balloon and take it out

    now we insert the garland inside

    you can leave it at the bottom and the heart will look like this

    and can be distributed throughout the heart

    Make a heart out of threads with your own hands, I suggest the simplest way. You need to take cardboard and cut out a heart from it. Then take red threads for knitting. Wrap the cardboard so that there is no space and make a loop.

    Thread hearts can be made from an inflated heart-shaped balloon. It needs to be coated with PVA glue and wrapped with threads on top, then the threads should also be coated with the same glue and allowed to dry. After this, burst the ball and carefully remove it, so you get a thread heart.

    You can crumple paper, newspaper in the shape of a heart and wrap it in the same way. However, do not remove the internal contents. Therefore, it would be good to paint the paper with some paint after crumpling it and giving it the desired shape. Painted paper in golden or silver color, with red or pink threads on top, looks great.

    A voluminous heart made of threads, like the one in your photo for the question, can be easily made. All you need for this is balloon IR in the shape of a heart, thread, glue and a little time.

    Inflate the balloon to the size you need and tie it. Now you need to lubricate it with a little Vaseline and then PVA glue. You can start wrapping the prepared ball with threads (it’s better to take 2-3 threads. Wrap 2-3 and coat them with glue again. If you suddenly put a lot of glue, remove the excess with a napkin.

    We hang the ball to dry for a day. Then we will try to pull the ball out of the threads, we need to pierce it with a needle and carefully pull out the remains of the balloon with a knitting needle and crochet.

    We decorate the resulting heart as desired.

    A gift for a loved one or for interior decoration is ready!

    On the Internet I found such a cheerful fluffy :)

    How is such a cute heart made? :) Do you remember how to make a pompom from yarn? :) The principle is the same:

    wind the yarn around your fingers, 50 turns.

    Remove it from your fingers, pull it as tight as possible and secure it with two knots.

    Cut off the loops.

    Let's fluff up our pompom.

    and use scissors to shape the pompom into a heart shape :)

    You can also make hearts from salt dough

    How to make a heart-shaped pendant from plywood :)

    How to make a heart from fruits?

    How to make a fabric Valentine heart

    Do heart made of threads It is possible both volumetric and in the form of a contour-frame, but the same principle is used.

    Will be needed

    • balloon (regular or sausage-shaped, that is, long)
    • threads (preferably wool)
    • glue (preferably PVA)

    To make a heart out of threads

    You need to pour the glue into a small container (you can take plastic bottle), in which first pierce holes in two opposite sides with a thin needle and thread to create a heart and, pulling the thread through the holes, wind it around an inflated balloon.

    After the threads have dried, pierce the ball with a needle, and the heart can be decorated with sequins, ribbons, tinsel, etc.

  • Hearts made of threads

    In order to make small hearts from threads we will need cardboard, scissors and the threads themselves.

    1 Cut out small hearts from cardboard the right size. It is important to take into account that the finished hearts will be slightly larger.

    2 Evenly wrap the heart with threads like a ball

    3 The hearts are ready. Now you can decorate them or brighten up something with the hearts themselves. You can simply put them in a vase for beauty.

  • In order to make a heart out of threads with your own hands you can go several ways:

    • take a wire from which to make a heart frame and wrap it with thread, wool or floss

    • you need to inflate a heart-shaped balloon and wrap it in a chaotic manner with threads dipped in PVA glue, then you need to wait until the workpiece dries and then the ball can burst and be removed from the threads

    • you need to make a template in the shape of a heart, for example, from cardboard, and then wrap it tightly with thread. You can take threads of different colors, but suitable friend to a friend by color scheme

    Also, each of these hearts can be decorated to your liking, for example by gluing beads, sequins, ribbons or sprinkling them with sparkles.

    You can also make a heart from threads using the popular isothread technique, or embroidery on cardboard. I love. You just need patterns for embroidery, and even a schoolboy can make this.

    In order to create such beauty using a thread, we will need:

    Here are the diagrams:

    And here is another work using the same technique, you will agree that it is very beautiful. It was made by a girl.

A loved one does not need a lot of time and money.

You just have to use your imagination, learn a few secrets of making a souvenir and prepare the necessary materials.

The heart can be made from paper, sweets, clay, and it is suitable as a gift for various holidays, be it a birthday, Valentine's Day or March 8th.

Here are several options on how you can make a beautiful heart with your own hands.

How to make a voluminous paper heart

You will need:


Wrapping paper or other thin paper

Heart template (can be drawn on cardboard and cut out)

PVA glue


How to make papier-mâché mixture

Prepare a bowl, flour, water and some salt. Mix everything to get a paste.

Cooking the heart

1. Place the heart template on the cardboard and trace several times to create several cardboard hearts. Their number must be in pairs.

2. Start tearing off small pieces of tissue paper, coat them with glue and glue them to the cardboard hearts.

3. Glue another cardboard heart to the pieces of paper to make a sandwich of sorts.

4. Prepare newspaper, tear it into small pieces and start gluing them to the voluminous heart.

5. Leave the glue to dry.

6. When everything is dry, you can decorate the hearts as you like, for example, use acrylic paint, glitter, glue colorful buttons, add colorful threads.

How to make a thread heart: Celtic necklace

Making this heart can be challenging at times, but it is very fun and in the end you will have a beautiful heart that can also be used as a bracelet or necklace.

*You will need colored laces or similar ropes.

* Follow the arrows to help you tie knots correctly.

*To find the size you need, wrap the laces around your neck or arm and cut off any excess.

*For contrast, choose laces of different colors.

*Use two laces as one.

*Try to keep the laces straight for best effect.

* If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t stop trying again and again, and you will definitely succeed.

What a heart can be made from: wire and thread

You will need:

Regular or floral wire



1. Cut a piece of wire and use pliers to bend the piece into a heart shape. Twist the ends of the wire together.

2. Start wrapping the wire heart with thread. Try to wrap it so that there are no large holes.

*You can also attach a note to the heart.

How to make a beautiful heart: tea bag

Surprise your other half beautiful package in the shape of a heart with your favorite tea.

You will need:


Thick paper

Tea bags

Tea leaves

Tea spoon

1. Cut out a heart from thick paper. It should be large enough to fit a spoonful of tea.

2. Place the paper heart on tea bag and begin to trace it with a thread and a needle, making stitches. Make sure that there is no place through which the tea leaves could fall out.

3. Leave some space to fill the heart with tea leaves.

4. Make a tube out of paper and insert it into the hole of the heart and use it to pour tea.

5. Pull out the tube and sew up the hole in the heart. Tie a knot and cut off the excess from the thread.

*You can make a heart-shaped tag. To do this, you just need to use a thread and a needle to connect the tea bag with paper heart made of thick paper.

How to make a heart from cardboard and newspaper

You will need:


Stationery knife

1.Get some newspaper and cut several long strips.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. Using a craft knife, cut out another heart inside the heart. As a result, you will have a heart-shaped frame.

3. Roll each strip of newspaper (you can secure the spiral with glue) and begin wrapping the frame around the spiral, periodically adding glue for better attachment.

4. All that remains is to add thread or ribbon so that the heart can be hung on the gift.

How to make a paper heart

You will need:

- scrap paper (wrapping paper)

Glue (glue gun)



1. Draw a big heart on a large piece of cardboard.

* You can choose the size yourself, the heart can be small.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard, and then cut out another one from this heart so that you end up with a frame.

3. And wrapping paper cut out thin strips.

4. Using a pencil, twist the strips into tubes (diagonally).

5. Cut each tube into shorter lengths.

6. Start gluing each tube to a cardboard heart. The tubes do not have to be the same length.

7. You can add some ribbon so that the heart can be hung somewhere.

*You can also cut out a heart from red construction paper and attach it to the frame as a decoration.

How to make a 3D heart

Using ordinary threads and a ball, you can make a beautiful and original heart.

You will need:

Threads (2-3 colors)

Heart shaped ball


PVA glue

Ribbons of different colors

Decorations (decorative butterflies, beads, palettes, etc.)

1. First you need to inflate a heart-shaped balloon.

2. Now you need to lubricate the ball with a thin layer of Vaseline.

3. Apply PVA glue on top of the Vaseline and begin to carefully wind the thread around the ball. * If necessary, you can lubricate it with an additional layer of glue while winding the thread.

4. The ball needs to be hung and the glue left to dry for a day.

5. When the ball has become hard, you need to burst the ball and use a hook to pull it out of the frozen threads.

6. All that remains is to decorate the heart from threads to your liking.

How to make a heart out of candy

Option 1

You will need:

Thick cardboard


1. Using scissors or stationery knife Cut out a heart from cardboard and cut another one inside that heart to create a heart-shaped frame. It is worth noting that the width of the frame should be approximately the same as the width of the candy.

2. Start attaching the candies to the frame. You can do this using threads - take two candies and tie them with threads, tying the thread to the ends of the candy wrappers on one side. This should be done with all candies.

3. Now you need to put the entire structure on a heart-shaped frame, and tie the candy wrappers on the other side.

Interesting ideas for decoration - balls and hearts made of thread with your own hands.

An interesting idea for decorating a banquet hall or home for a holiday would be balls and hearts made of thread. With their help, you can decorate a large space and add a certain color to the interior. Another advantage is that to create them you need to use the most simple materials.

Heart made of threads. Option 1.

One of the simplest and beautiful ways to decorate a banquet hall or home for a holiday - creating a heart from threads. This idea will not require large expenses or special decorating skills. In addition, such a heart can be a great gift idea for Valentine's Day.

To create a heart you will need:

Tubular balloons
- Knitting
- wallpaper glue or PVA glue
- container for glue
- Vaseline or something greasy
- needle
- scissors

The process of creating a heart from threads:

Take PVA glue and pour it into a suitable container; if you are using wallpaper glue, mix it with water until you obtain a homogeneous consistency.

Inflate the balloons, trying to ensure that the blanks have approximately the same length, connect the ends and secure (Fig. 2).

Soak the threads in PVA glue (you can dilute the glue slightly with water) (Figure 3).

Lubricate the balls with Vaseline and begin wrapping them with thread (Figure 4).

Let it dry for about a day. After the threads have hardened (they should become hard and elastic), pierce the balloons with a needle and carefully remove them from the structure (Fig. 5). If the ball sticks to the edges in some places, remove it with tweezers.

Trim off the excess, attach the halves, thereby forming a heart, additionally wind with threads soaked in PVA glue (Fig. 6-9). Leave until completely dry.

Such a heart can be created not only from white threads, but you can also use threads of any color of the rainbow. The ball of threads holds its shape perfectly. You can decorate as you wish.

Heart made of threads. Option 2.

To create these hearts you will need:

Balloons (preferably heart-shaped);
- yarn or floss of a suitable color;
- PVA glue;
- sparkles (optional);
- a small bowl for the glue mixture;
- a needle to pop or deflate the balloons.

Heart made of threads step by step:

Step 1: Blow up the balloons

If you were able to find a heart-shaped balloon on sale, then this will make the work process a little easier and just inflate it enough and you can move on to the next step. If not, then inflate two balloons and tie them tightly with tails.

Step 2: Wrap it with threads

First of all, you will need to prepare the adhesive mixture. To do this, take an unnecessary bowl or jar, for example, from yogurt. Pour PVA glue and some water into it. Then wet the threads with this mixture and begin to wind them onto the tied balls. We try to wrap it as tightly as possible.

Step 3: Add glitter

Sprinkle glitter all over the heart until the glue dries. Then the hearts will sparkle quite beautifully in the candlelight.

Step 4: Remove unnecessary things

Leave the heart until the glue dries completely (it will take about a day, but you can speed up this process if you help it with a hairdryer). After the threads harden, pierce the ball with a needle. Afterwards, carefully remove the remains of the ball from the heart, and tie a fastener (thread) to it for hanging.

Balls of thread for decoration.

To create balls of thread you will need:

- skeins of thick thread
- strip with oilcloth
- starch and PVA glue

Balls of thread step by step

Step #1. The first step is to inflate the balloons to the required size (Figure 1).

Step #3. The balls need to be lubricated with something greasy so that the threads cannot stick to them - greasy cream, sunflower oil or Vaseline (Fig. 4).

Step #4. Pour 1.5 cups of PVA glue into a bowl, gradually adding 0.5 cups of starch and 1/4 cup of water, after which you need to stir everything. The proportions of starch, glue and water can be different, everything will depend on the thickness of the PVA glue. This mixture should come out liquid enough so that the threads can soak it well.

Step #5. Next, you need to unwind a little rope (without cutting it off from the skein) and dip it in a bowl. The rope should be completely saturated with the adhesive solution, after which you can begin to wind it around the ball. After you have wound the entire wet part of the rope, you can soak the next sections.

Step #6. Leave the balls for a day so they can dry.

Step #7. After the threads are completely dry, the balloon needs to be pierced and then completely removed. You will get an unusual ball of thread (Figure 8).

Step #8. If you want to give the balls other colors, then color them acrylic paint from a can.

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How to do volumetric heart from threads and a ball...Valentines that look like a voluminous heart made from balls and threads are very attractive and original. Making such a gift is quite simple, but it is better to start working on it in advance, because... The product will need time to dry.

DIY thread heart

You will need:

  1. A heart-shaped balloon of any color;
  2. Red threads of any quality (floss, regular sewing, wool, etc.). You can take threads of different textures or shades.
  3. Decorative elements: beads, ribbons, sequins, butterflies, bows, etc.
  4. PVA glue, Vaseline, scissors.

Inflate the balloon to the desired size. We tie the hole.
Coat the surface of the ball with Vaseline. Next, apply a layer of PVA glue and begin to wrap the ball with threads. The threads need to be wound carefully and tightly, periodically changing direction. After the ball is covered with 2-3 layers of thread, coat it with glue again and add a couple more layers.

When you are satisfied with the result, hang the ball to dry. If there is any glue left on the surface of the ball, remove it immediately. It will take at least a day for the product to dry.
We check the readiness of the product for further decoration as follows: the threads should become solid. Pierce the balloon with a needle and carefully pull out the remains through a hole.
Now comes the fun part: decorating the ball. We place on it the decorative elements that we have prepared. They can be glued with glue or sewn with thread.