How to bleach a goat's down scarf. Caring for a snow-white down scarf. Can washing help?

Down scarves can truly be considered a national treasure and a real handmade miracle. It will both decorate and warm you in the cold winter. But a white down scarf is not eternal: its soft whiteness disappears over time. To return to its original appearance, you need to regularly care for the item and wash it properly. What are the features of washing and how to bleach a gossamer down scarf? We'll figure out.

Washing features

Down scarves made from goat down require careful use and very delicate washing. By the way, they can be washed and soaked in water, and this is a significant plus.

In order not to spoil the attractive appearance and beauty of a warm accessory, it should be washed as rarely as possible. But over time or in case of accidental contamination, washing is still necessary.

You can resort to:

  1. For manual delicate washing - for minor stains or to “refresh” a white scarf.
  2. To bleach with specialized means - to change the tone to a lighter one, as well as to remove heavy stains.

In order for the goat fluff scarf to remain as fluffy and soft after washing, it is recommended to first comb the fluff with a soft brush or comb with natural bristles. Otherwise, the fluff will fall off and look ugly.

Subtleties of hand washing+

You can bleach goat down by one or two shades at home using regular washing, without using special bleaches. This effect is achieved by washing out particles of dust and dirt from the fibers, and after washing the product noticeably brightens and takes on an attractive appearance.

However, it is worth remembering that frequent water procedures affect appearance far from positive. The less often you wash and the more carefully you wear down products, the longer they will look like new.

  • only allowed handwash- without friction, push-ups and other manipulations;
  • water temperature - no higher than 40 °C;
  • as a detergent - special care products for wool products or regular baby soap;
  • After washing, be sure to rinse the scarf in warm water with the addition of vinegar;
  • dry on a horizontal surface away from heating devices.

The down product does not tolerate push-ups, stretching and twisting. To remove excess moisture, simply pass the scarf through your fingers or press it lightly in your palms.

Whitening stains and yellowness

Over time, the cobweb scarf may change its snow-white color, unsightly spots appear on it, and it becomes not as airy and weightless as before. In such cases, you need to clearly know how to bleach cobwebs at home.

In this case, you can use either special bleaches for wool or use traditional proven methods.

Instructions on how to restore the whiteness of your favorite accessory with your own hands:

Image Description

Method 1: hydroperite + ammonia
  • Pour warm water into a small container and add hydroperite at the rate of 5 tablets per 100 g of wool;
  • after adding hydroperite tablets, pour in ammonia at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water;
  • lower the scarf for several hours, periodically checking the temperature in the basin (it should be constant and not exceed 40–45 °C);
  • rinse the product and straighten it to dry.

Method 2: hydrosulfite
  • add hydrosulfite to warm water in a basin at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water;
  • leave the product for several hours, turning it over periodically;
  • rinse and dry naturally.

Method 3: Hydrogen Peroxide

Peroxide is often used by housewives as a handy bleach and can be used to make wool products white:

Washing a down scarf: preparation, washing, drying, bleaching.

Down scarf, down shawl, down stole. This is just a small part of the names of the Slavs’ favorite accessory during the cold season. The Orenburg scarf is famous all over the world, and tourists take it to the most diverse corners of the world, thereby popularizing it. In this article we will tell you how to care for down scarves, how to wash, dry and comb them.

How to properly wash a down scarf or scarf at home by hand?

The down scarf is delicate, beautiful, airy. Made by the hands of a craftswoman, it is freely stretched through wedding ring, and also the entire triangular web scarf can fit into a goose egg!

It is not surprising that many people do not dare to wash their down scarf themselves and take it to the dry cleaner. But if you want to comprehend this science yourself, five basic rules for washing down products will help you.

A down scarf is as delicate and fragile as its owner

The first and most important rule is that washing a down scarf should be done as rarely as possible. This does not mean at all that you need to wear a headscarf until the last minute, when you no longer want to look at it. But you should take care of it, try not to get it dirty, and also avoid being in smoking areas, as the scarf quickly absorbs odors. When you remove it, store it in an organizer or fabric bag to protect it from accidental contact with dirt and snags.

The second rule for washing down products is preparation directly for the washing procedure. Be sure to comb the scarf carefully so that the fluff does not fall off during washing. To do this, you will need wooden combs: a brush and a comb with rounded tips. First you need to comb it carefully with a brush - then with a comb, so as not to touch the loops.

The third rule for washing down products is hand washing, and only hand washing. No matter what kind of machine you have, a real down scarf will not survive this drill. When washing the scarf, do not rub, twist, or stretch. To wash, use colored laundry gel, dissolve it in warm water and carefully place the scarf in it. Let it sit and, as if making a snowball, wash it with gentle movements. Rinse in 4-5 waters with the same movements.

The fourth rule for washing a down scarf is that the washing water is neither cold nor hot. Optimal - 35-37 °C. At this temperature, the scarf will “open up”, wash well, and will not bunch up. Also note that for soaking, washing and rinsing it is advisable to prepare water at the same temperature. You can add vinegar or lemon juice (without seeds or pulp) to the last rinse to soften the fluff after drying. A special rinse aid for down products is also used.

The fifth and final rule is spinning and drying the product. You should wring it out in the same way as washing it - form a “snowball” with light movements. But it’s best to put the scarf in a net after the last rinse and hang it so that the water runs out. After this, spread out a terry towel and lay a scarf on top of it. After an hour, change to a dry towel and so on until completely dry. Be sure to completely straighten the product, but do not stretch it when drying. Shake the scarf every time you change it to help fluff up the fluff.

If you dry a scarf in the summer, that is great way fluff the product. To do this, after all the water in the net has drained from the scarf, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer for 6 hours. Then take it out and lay it out in the sun. Water expands at sub-zero temperatures and melts quickly when exposed to sudden heat, thereby achieving fluffy yarn without unnecessary movements.

Now, knowing these five rules, you can easily wash and restore your favorite accessory for the cold season.

How to properly wash a down scarf in a washing machine?

Now there are many gentle programs, and one of them is washing down products. But you must admit, there is a significant difference between a down jacket made from raincoat fabric or poplin, which tightly envelops the down, and the most delicate down scarf.

Therefore, if you do not want to part with your favorite scarf, you should not put it in the washing machine, even in a case or net for washing, on the most loyal program. If you read how to wash a down scarf by hand, then it has already become clear that washing it is very specific and requires maximum care.

Washing white fluff has its own peculiarities, because over time it turns yellow and during washing, using some tricks, you can return the original whiteness.

Important: down products cannot be bleached with chlorine and powder/gel bleaches sold in stores.

To work, we need hydroperite or hydrogen peroxide.

We weigh the product - for every 100 grams of product we need 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide or 5 tablets of hydroperite. After diluting them in water, add an additional 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonia per liter of water.

Place a handkerchief in warm water with the completely dissolved mixture and leave for 6 hours. Maintaining temperature is important. To do this, place the basin on a heating pad or pour the solution into a pan and wrap it in a blanket to maintain the temperature.

After 6 hours, we take out the scarf, rinse it in six warm waters, throw it on a net and put it in a bag, which we put in the freezer for another 6 hours. Take it out and put it in a warm place to defrost. Shake and lay out to dry.

Goat down is distinguished by its specific smell. And while sheep wool (including its strong aroma) has developed positive dynamics and loyalty over the centuries, the smell of goat fluff irritates many. Perfume will not help - after all, it contains alcohol and can leave stains on a beautiful product.

Therefore, proper washing is the key to the longevity of your favorite product. Pour the washing gel into the basin (it dissolves easily and has a good aroma). Add warm water and place a handkerchief in the solution. Leave for an hour and wash as indicated in the first section.

In the penultimate rinse, add 50 grams of vinegar (don’t be afraid of the strong smell, it will rinse out).

In the last rinse, add conditioner gel for down products and leave the scarf in the solution for an hour.

Place on a net and dry on a towel or frame on fresh air or draft.

How to properly wash a gossamer down scarf?

The web is almost weightless and yet so warm. It should be treated with the utmost care when washing so as not to damage the product. So let's get started:

  • Comb the product;
  • Pour warm water, pour in detergent and put a scarf in it, leave for 30 minutes, periodically shaking the water, but so that the scarf barely moves in it;
  • Now drain the water and drop the scarf onto the mesh (so that all the solution is drained and as little of it remains on the scarf as possible);
  • After 15 minutes, place the scarf in warm water with a drop of vinegar, rinse with light movements, and change the water 2 more times. Add rinse aid for down products to the last water;
  • Place on a net and let drain for half an hour;
  • Place in a bag and place in the freezer for 6 hours (to fluff up the cobwebs);
  • Take it out and put it in the sun for 15 minutes. Shake and level on a towel. Leave the scarf until it dries completely (the web dries quickly, there is no need to change the towel).

How to properly stretch a down scarf after washing: tips, video

When washing a down scarf, it is important not only to wash, but also to dry the product. In order for him to have beautiful shape it must be dried properly: not stretched or crumpled.

In order for the work not to be complicated and at the same time effective, it is worth remembering:

  • First, let the scarf drain on the mesh and only then lay it out;
  • Change the bedding once an hour so that it dries well on both sides;
  • When changing the bedding, we shatter the scarf, thereby safely fluffing the yarn;
  • Dry away from the kitchen, smoking areas and other strong odors. Wet fluff is simply instantly saturated with the odors that are around;
  • Dry in a warm place, but not in the open rays of the sun, so that the color does not fade and the white does not turn yellow.

Video: Washing and blocking a rectangular shawl on a wire

How to dry a down scarf with and without a frame?

There are two drying methods - on a frame and without a frame. Without a frame everything is quite simple:

  • Lay out a towel or absorbent cloth the size of the item or larger;
  • We shatter (in order to fluff the yarn) the scarf;
  • Lay down and flatten the scarf on the fabric;
  • Once an hour we change the bedding (towel or cloth) to a dry one so that the product dries well on all sides.

How to properly dry a scarf on a frame in the video report below.

Video: Dry down platok after washing

How to fluff a down scarf after washing?

Important: do not stretch or comb wet yarn under any circumstances.

For better fluffing, after the main amount of water has drained from the scarf, it is recommended to put the scarf in the freezer for 6 hours, first placing it in a bag. And during the drying process, shake the product once an hour.

After complete drying, we take, as when preparing the scarf for washing, a massage wooden brush with rounded ends. Comb carefully, without jerking. After this, we need a comb also with rounded teeth. Comb carefully, without catching the loops. Ready!

Video: Caring for the Orenburg down scarf and down products

Knitted openwork down scarves will retain their beauty and fluffiness for a long time if you care for them properly. In particular, they need to be protected, stored neatly folded separately from other items and washed as rarely as possible. If the need for washing does arise, this must be done extremely carefully, in compliance with all rules and regulations. But we will tell you in this article how to properly wash and bleach a down scarf at home so as not to spoil it.

Basic rules for washing down scarves

To ensure that your down shawl serves you as long as possible, remember the following simple rules:

  1. Only special detergent for woolen items.
  2. A down scarf can only be washed by hand and very carefully.
  3. The water temperature should not be higher than 35 0 C.
  4. You should also rinse with lukewarm water and also very carefully.
  5. Do not squeeze or twist.
  6. It can only be dried completely flat.

By following these rules, you can not be afraid of ruining your favorite scarf by washing it yourself at home. And so that the result is always positive, we will tell you how the whole process goes step by step.


Before you put the down scarf in a basin to wash, you need to prepare it. To do this, carefully comb it manually with a massage brush, trying not to touch the loops with the teeth. In this way, they try to fluff the hairs so that when washing they do not roll into lumps.

After combing, start washing. Pour warm water and dissolve detergent to wool fabric. Then put the scarf there. After half an hour, when the dirt and dust have soaked a little, gently squeeze it with your hands, trying not to stretch or squeeze it in your palms unnecessarily. The movements should be light, caressing, as if you were touching the fur of a kitten.

You need to rinse with exactly the same movements, changing the water several times. To soften the fluff, you can add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar or wool conditioner at the end.

Advice! The gossamer scarf has a particularly thin, openwork knitting. When washing, you should not squish it, but splash it in the water, making oscillatory movements with your hands.


After you wash the scarf, let the water drain. You cannot squeeze it, crumpling it, much less twist it, otherwise the fabric will stretch and become deformed.

A down shawl absorbs a lot of water, so for better spin it can be laid out on a large fly towel, and then rolled together with it. Excess moisture will thus be quickly absorbed by the fabric, and the fabric of the scarf will not be deformed.

The web scarf requires even more careful handling. It is squeezed out, carefully passing it through your fingers.


The entire washing result depends on how correctly you dry your down scarf. At home, this is best done on a special frame. Its dimensions must completely coincide with the size of the scarf. You will need to nail nails along the edges of the slats in order to pull the shawl over them. Their number should be equal to the number of teeth on the edge of the scarf.

Let us clarify that you cannot stretch the canvas by hanging it on nails. This way you will only break it. To hang a scarf, you need to pass a strong nylon thread through the edges of its teeth before washing. The subsequently washed product is then hooked onto it.

If there is no frame, proceed as follows. Spread a clean sheet on the table or floor, and then lay out the shawl on it. Shake it from time to time to fluff up the fluff.

Advice! To fluff up a down scarf, place it in a bag after washing and then place it on the freezer shelf. Freezing water will expand and add volume to the wool fibers.

How to remove yellow spots?

White down scarves often develop yellow spots over time. When washing, you cannot get rid of them, but use them more by strong means it is forbidden. What to do in this case and bleach a down scarf without ruining it? At home, this can be done using hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

Dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water at the rate of 20 ml for every 100 g of product, add ammonia - 1 tbsp. l per liter of water, and then heat the mixture until lukewarm. Then put the scarf there for 6-12 hours. To keep the solution from cooling, place it on a heating pad and periodically change the water as it cools. After the stains have disappeared, rinse the shawl in warm, clean water.

Since ancient times, a down scarf has been considered an indicator of femininity, elegance and good taste. However, how to deal with the fact that even high-quality and expensive things lose their original attractiveness and freshness over time. To return the scarf to its “greatness” and snow-white color, first of all, it is worth finding out the cause and degree of contamination.

Light natural contamination

Washing will help get rid of the dirt that appears during the use of a down scarf, the main thing is in this case follow a few rules.

  • Only hand wash is acceptable.
  • The water temperature should not be higher than 30-35°C.
  • Do not use bleach or regular powder, it is better to purchase one that is designed for these types of things.
  • The product should not be stretched or twisted during washing.
  • After finishing washing, the scarf must be rinsed first in warm water and then in cold water.

Stains that need bleaching

The easiest way to bleach a down scarf at home is to purchase products specifically designed for this purpose. Moreover, the packaging already contains detailed instructions for use.

If speak about folk remedies, then some of them are no less effective:

  • For 100 grams of wool you need to take 5 tablets of hydroperite, which dissolve in warm water. Also, ammonia is added to the water (one teaspoon per liter of water). The scarf must lie in water for at least 12 hours. In this case, the water must always be warm.
  • For 100 grams of wool, 20 grams of hydrogen peroxide are added to the water. The scarf is soaked in water for at least 6 hours. At the end, be sure to rinse several times.
  • Dilute 2 tbsp hydrosulfite into ten liters of water. l. The water temperature should not be higher than 45-50°C. Otherwise, the product will be hopelessly damaged. The down scarf is placed in the solution for no more than 40 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed in warm and cold water.

Before dipping the down scarf into the solution, it must be thoroughly combed and then threaded onto a nylon thread. If this is not available, then a regular fishing line will do, the length of which should be no less than the perimeter of the scarf itself.

After washing, the scarf should never be twisted. To dry it is hung on a wooden frame. If it is not there, then simply lay it out on a towel.

A snow-white Orenburg down scarf gives the image incredible femininity and attractive touchingness. But over time, its whiteness fades, and the owner of the scarf sadly thinks about replacing it. Do not hurry! It’s better to learn how to bleach a down scarf, especially since it’s not difficult to do. A little patience, a little knowledge and some special tools - those are all the ingredients.

Will washing help?

In one of our articles it is written about. If the item is a little faded, perhaps a light wash can bring it back to its original whiteness. In any case, the washing rules also apply to bleaching:

  1. Before immersing in water, it is advisable to carefully comb the product and then collect it on a nylon thread or fishing line. The length of the thread is equal to the perimeter of the scarf.
  2. The water temperature should not exceed 50, maximum 55 degrees (ideally 40-45).
  3. Woolen items should not be twisted. To wring out a delicate Orenburg down scarf, you can pass it between your fingers.
  4. For drying, it is better to use a special frame on which the product is stretched. You can buy it or make it from wooden planks and push pins. Remember that the size of the frame must match the size of the item.
  5. If you do not have a special frame, dry the product on the table, spreading it out on a clean sheet or tablecloth. Shake and straighten it periodically.

If washing does not help, use one of the special products. Fortunately, there are many products in household chemical stores that will help whiten a down scarf. Read the instructions carefully and do not exceed the recommended dose. And if such a remedy seems too expensive to you, use one of the traditional methods.

Method one. Hydrosulfite

Pour 10 liters of warm water into a suitable container and add 2 tablespoons of hydrosulfite there. Immerse a white down scarf in the solution for half an hour, carefully turning it over from time to time. Try not to stretch the product. Rinse the item several times. The last water should be cold. You can add a little vinegar to it (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

Method two. Hydroperite and ammonia

To whiten a 100-gram down scarf, you need to dissolve 5 hydroperite tablets in warm water, and then add ammonia to the solution at the rate of a teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Do not take a bowl that is too large, as the down product may stretch during the bleaching process.

Now place the product in water for 10-11 hours. The water should be warm, so from time to time you will have to place the basin on the stove to heat the solution. Make sure it doesn't overheat! 60 degrees will ruin your favorite accessory. Rinse the item thoroughly by adding vinegar to the water.

Method three. Hydrogen peroxide

No one can do without hydrogen peroxide folk method. It will also help to whiten a down scarf. For a 100-gram product you will need 20 g of peroxide. Add it to warm water and soak the scarf in this solution for 6 hours. Here, too, you should not allow the water to cool down, so reheat it periodically. After bleaching, rinse the item several times, gradually changing the water to colder water.

Method four. Hydroperite and hydrogen peroxide

This method can be used on a hot summer day. Add 5 tablets of hydroperite and twenty grams of hydrogen peroxide to 7 liters of water. Immerse the down product in the solution for half an hour and place it in the sun. The water should completely cover the item. After bleaching, rinse the scarf several times by adding vinegar to the water.

Safety regulations

Remember that goat fluff by its nature simply cannot be snow-white. It is usually slightly milky with a slight yellow tint. Some fashionistas wear natural color, others prefer to bleach the item. However, any product can damage the quality of the down. Therefore, before using a method unfamiliar to you, it is better to test its effect on a small piece of fluff. It is ideal if you have some thread left after knitting the product.

Proceed carefully, follow all the rules for washing and drying a down scarf, and then it will keep you warm for a long time, emphasizing your beauty.