How to tear jeans beautifully and stylishly. DIY ripped jeans: step-by-step instructions. How to make slits stylish


About ten years ago ripped jeans first came to the Russian market. Older generation I was just perplexed by the “worn” jeans. And young people happily wore the new product. However, since that time, ripped jeans have stood apart from world fashion; one might say, they have been a little forgotten.


In 2012, designers decided to return the old hit to our wardrobes. Ripped jeans have once again gained wild popularity among fashionistas.


Not all fashion is considered practical, but in the case of ripped jeans, it really gives old jeans a new lease of life. new life. Surely every girl has jeans that she no longer wears, but it’s a shame to throw them away. Thanks to fashion trends summer season, you can make an ultra-fashionable new thing from an old thing with your own hands. But there are limitations: you should use only jeans made of medium-weight fabric as a basis; too thin or dense will not work.


To beautifully rip jeans at home you will need:

  • actual jeans,
  • stationery knife,
  • pumice (can be replaced with sandpaper if desired),
  • chlorine bleach,
  • plastic plate (for placing inside),
  • nail scissors.

Any ripped jeans look great if they have a worn effect. Therefore, before you put holes in your jeans, you need to age them.
To do this, spread the jeans evenly on a surface convenient for work and insert a plate of plastic or any other material into the legs. The plate is needed to prevent you from cutting right through the jeans.


Take a pumice stone and start rubbing it on your pant legs. However, you should avoid the knee area; friction makes the density of the jeans thinner, so unplanned holes may form over time.



How to make ripped jeans yourself:
“jeans-noodles” - for this we take a stationery knife or nail scissors and make frequent cuts. The jeans will look more complete if you loosen the edges of the slits a little.
You can use another method if you only planned a couple of holes. Make a cut of the length you need and pull out the cross threads. After this, wash your jeans by hand.
When making ripped jeans yourself, do not forget one very important rule. After some wear, the cuts you make will increase, so calculate the length of the hole in advance when starting work.
To give your jeans a fashionable chic, you need to pour a little bleach on the holes made and the area around them. Leave the jeans in this state for 10 minutes. After this procedure, wash the item by hand so as not to damage the washing machine.



If you haven’t yet decided what kind of ripped jeans you want to end up with, although you really want to have a fashionable item in your wardrobe, take advantage of the experience of the stars. Hollywood fashionistas have always loved ripped jeans; they are especially suitable for walking. However, at a fashion party you can also see a couple of celebrities wearing ripped jeans. This fashion has no boundaries, and ripped jeans make you look stylish and fashionable every time.


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How to rip your jeans... and not regret it!

Probably everyone in their life has wanted or tried to rip their jeans. When I was still a schoolgirl, I tried to do this a couple of times, the holes came out, but not nearly as neat as I wanted.

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Well, shall we get started?


As a true 90's kid, I love ripped jeans! If it were up to me, I would tear all the denim of the world into small pieces, like an evil little dog :), leaving only rags and holes... This is me out of love for it (denim), out of immeasurable and pure love.


Many people ask me how I rip jeans, leaving white cross threads in the hole. Here is my answer or should I say “plan to destroy your jeans”!

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You will need:

A sharp stationery knife, chalk to determine the contours of the hole. AND table-knife- it should have a pointed nose, but so blunt that it cannot cut anything. This could be a table knife (not a kitchen knife) or a bottle opener.

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1. Draw a contour - the perimeter of the hole. If you are confident in your abilities, you can skip this step.

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2. Cutting stationery knife transverse stripes about 0.5 cm wide within the indicated contour. The stripes are transverse, i.e. horizontal, if you imagine that you are wearing jeans.

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3. Here are the strips you should get:

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4. Now we process each of the resulting stripes as follows. Using a blunt knife, we take out white threads from both edges of the strip, which will remain to cover the finished hole. We take out these threads carefully so that they do not tear and move them to the sides.



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5. After you have already taken out all the possible white threads, all you have to do is pull out the short blue threads.

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6. And this should be done with each stripe!


And I didn’t even say that it would be quick and easy! If you want something quick and easy, buy yourself some new jeans! :)

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Sometimes it happens that a hole suddenly appears on your favorite but already worn-out jeans, or even on newly purchased ones.

Big, creepy or small, barely noticeable, but no less insidious. What now - your favorite thing to go to the landfill? Who then and why came up with the fashion for jeans with holes?

Maybe just the same person who suffered due to the loss of a comfortable, quality item. Or maybe it’s just another prankster who added notes a la homeless to fashionable everyday life. But be that as it may, the fashion for ripped jeans is both beautiful and beneficial from the point of view of the ability to revive clothes that, well, it’s a shame to throw away.

This is how it turns out that out of old damaged pants you can now build an ultra-stylish little thing that can immediately make its owner the object of attention of fashion fans. Besides, it’s not too difficult, you just need to use your imagination.
Jeans with holes are loved by the stars and fashionable girls, like Ashley Greene and Rihanna….

... and the most ordinary fashionistas. Jeans with holes are cool!

Ripped denim has been an attribute of youth subcultures since the hippie era. Today they have partially lost this status, and absolutely all lovers of original and outrageous clothing are now wearing them, which does not depend on gender or age. They are also made by all and sundry. That's why the results are so varied. After all, if you just somehow tear up even the most branded jeans, then they will look the same - anyhow. Therefore, even tearing jeans, it turns out, is necessary according to all laws and rules.

General rules

The first rule of cutting jeans is to tear only the part of them that is located on the legs, and not on the pelvis. The fact is that pants have tears at the butt, just like jeans with holes in the knees, do not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, if not indecent. After all, a normal person will definitely not like to look at your underwear peeking out from the holes (although, a few years ago, torn jeans were considered the clothing of clochards, so who knows...).

A rupture in the hip joint, both front and back, is also dangerous in this regard. It is better to make it a little lower, because if you bend or sit down even a little in this outfit, the hole will immediately corrode right up to the waist. In the upper part of the trousers, the only thing painless would be to use for striping the back pockets, under which there will be a whole fabric, and it will look great.

Now we need to determine at what angle do those white threads go?, which should remain in our hole =) It seems that all the threads on the denim go diagonally, but in fact, everything is not so (see photo). If you “fluff” the edge of the denim a little, it immediately becomes clear where the dark threads are, where the light threads are, and what at what angle. On finished jeans you won't be able to check this way (unless you need to hem them, for example), but you don't need to - on all standard normal jeans these treasured white threads run parallel to the floor!

Before cutting your jeans, measure the required height and cut location. To do this, put them on and leave marks with tailor's chalk, dry soap or pencil at the height you need.

Remove your jeans and lay them out on a flat surface. Examine the material again, try to imagine what you want to get in the end. If necessary, adjust the length of the legs and apply additional markings to the fabric.

Next, we make 2 cuts parallel to the white threads, following the markings. We take something with a sharp end (but not too sharp - so as not to damage too much) and begin to carefully pull out the white threads from the cut, so as not to tear it. It is enough to pick up and pull out a few pieces to see a fringe of dark threads running perpendicularly. Now we grab (at first one at a time, then it will be easier to pull straight in bunches) these dark threads and gradually tear them out of our hole! All!

If you want to thin out the white threads, you can do this with scissors after. If you want, leave them hanging around the edges or cut them off. This method allows you to achieve exactly what you need and how you need it. The main principle is to pull out the dark threads, remove them according to the shape of the hole! Therefore, the shape can be any, you just need to think about how and where to make the cuts, parallel specifically white threads (otherwise you will cut them and nothing will work). Let's just say that the cuts are needed only to separate some threads from others and pull out what is unnecessary. Therefore, in fact, one small cut is enough - and you can pull out the dark threads from there, cutting them with small scissors according to the intended shape. This is exactly how the heart is made in this photo:

As you can see, the cut can be either through or with a backing. In the second case, it is implied that a small piece of fabric will be sewn on the inside, differing in color and texture. Which cut will look best on your jeans is up to you to decide.

If the cut is through, simply guide the scissors along the intended contour. You can first cut a smaller piece of fabric to try on the jeans again and evaluate how the item will look in the end.

If you plan to use backing, you will need to cut it out first. The edges of the backing should be about one and a half centimeters larger than the edges of the cutout. Be sure to process the cut with an overlocker or by hand to prevent the fabric from fraying. Then carefully open the outer or inner seam of the jeans, secure the backing with pins and stitch it to the main fabric on sewing machine. The seam is laid strictly along the pre-designated contour of the cutout.
Once the backing is ready, you can beautifully cut the jeans inside the outline and remove excess fabric. Or you can lay a few more lines along the contour, retreating inside the pattern, and make a cut between these lines.

Advice: if you want a heart (or something else of a specific shape), be sure to then glue it (with non-woven material, for example) from the wrong side of the edge or sew it with a zigzag. Or fix it somehow - this is important, otherwise when worn and washed, all the beauty will creep out, the necessary threads will fall out (well, in general, you understand). By the way, you can sew a bright piece of fabric from the inside so that it shines through the hole - for greater beauty: o)

Tip 2: if you are very afraid of ruining your jeans (or have already ruined them) - make the intended hole on a separate piece of denim. Then boldly cut out the desired shape on the jeans with scissors, and place a piece of fabric with the finished hole there from the inside out and sew it on (don’t forget to fix the edges everywhere!).

In the photo on the left, I did just that because I initially made the cuts incorrectly and ruined everything. But even in the photograph it is almost invisible. That's why I drew in red how to sew - close to the edge, you can use a zigzag (I sewed it with a regular straight stitch).

On fashion shows Recently you can see trendy jeans with holes and lace. You can make the same exclusive new things yourself. To do this, you can cover the hole with a guipure ribbon gathered into a ruffle. Can you hem it? lace fabric from the inside under the hole: this way, when moving, the lace will be very tempting to be seen through the hole in the leg, which will make the jeans more romantic.

So that it doesn't look so neat, there is a fringe around the edges. One of the most simple ways fray the contours of the hole - wash the jeans in washing machine. If, again, you don’t have enough time for such manipulations, or maybe you just don’t want to wait long, then there is a simpler way for you. Take a manicure file, or sandpaper, or an iron brush, and use these instruments of torture to torment the cut in your pants.

By the way, With a small file, sandpaper, a foot rub or a nail file, you can make gorgeous holes, but this takes a lot of time.
We take the pants themselves, stationery knives, fine sandpaper, chlorine bleach, scissors and a lining so as not to cut through all the jeans entirely. Now let's get to work.

Take the jeans, place a lining, pour bleach on the desired area and start rubbing with a sanding knife, but be sure to remember that you shouldn’t do this on the knees, because at the folds they will rub on their own. The aging effect will appear immediately and will delight you for a long time.

You can also do this: pull the pant leg over something round, but not over your leg, because subsequent actions can tear the fabric along with the skin, so it’s better to use a piece of water pipe. Now all that remains is to move the tool back and forth around the circumference of the hole until you get excellent wear and a hole in the center.

If you choose imitation of fabric torn by claws, it will look more civilized and neat, and will also bring to mind grunge.

Scuffs on jeans

And one more thing: you don’t have to rub your jeans to holes, you can just give them a worn look, which will be interpreted as vintage. Jeans with holes made with your own hands will not be completely complete without signs of the effects of time on them - scuffs. As mentioned above, this result can be achieved using a file, manicure file, pumice stone or even an ordinary kitchen grater.

By the way, in the seventies, in order to give new branded jeans a fashionable light wear, they used simple brick. Yes, yes, they simply ate the tissue in the selected area until the desired result was achieved.
For greater reliability, these places were also treated with a chlorine-containing agent - the same “Belizna”. In addition to the bleached effect, it made the fabric more shabby, which is why beautiful natural holes appeared in places of wear after several washes. The same product is now used to treat cut holes in the legs and their contours, making them appear more natural, and the fringe along the edges also looks quite natural.

If they appear on jeans abrasions between legs, then such a hole can be improved. It's enough to take a piece of denim from other old jeans, and it's good if they are a few shades lighter and a little thinner. A square is cut from this scrap the right size, which will cover the entire hole and a little more, lightly ruffle the edges and sew it onto the shabby place using a machine with colored threads or by hand with a decorative seam. For greater harmony, we trim the jeans with several more of the same squares, picturesquely scattered in the most worn places or in random areas of the jeans.

If desired, such a disgrace can be torn up a little, whitened, or decorated to your taste with rivets, paper clips, blocks or rhinestones.

For example, like this:
You will need paper clips and sharp scissors.

If, in addition to the shape, you want to change the color, then simply spray the denim with bleach from a spray bottle, and then do not forget to rinse in a solution of water and vinegar (2 tsp per liter 3) to neutralize it, otherwise the stains will spread a lot.

If you don’t really like it yet, then you can continue the execution until you get bored simple jeans will not become a real masterpiece in avant-garde art. However, one should not forget about a sense of style and about taking precautions so as not to turn your jeans into a stupid and vulgar outfit. You can find work inspiration on the Internet.

What is the most convenient way to “ruin” jeans?

A scalpel is best suited for this. The cuts made with its help turn out to be very neat, and this tool is also easy to make on fabric. True, you can also use the usual straight razor or simple blades.

Scissors and a stationery knife are not so convenient, but in the absence of other means, these will be good. You will also need something solid that you don’t mind ruining: for example, a piece of plywood or board. The board is placed between the fabric of the trouser legs so as not to cut through them.

At first glance, everything is simple - in order to make jeans with holes, you first need to cut them with scissors. The cut does not have to be rectangular. You can cut out patterns and entire subject compositions on jeans by first preparing a paper stencil. The stencil is secured to the trouser leg using tailor's pins, and the outline is outlined with chalk or soap.

Then fluff the edges of the cuts, for example, with a comb

But it turns out that in order for holes in jeans to look aesthetically pleasing, there are a lot of nuances...
Therefore, I bring to your attention several master classes

Making a hole in jeans using a utility knife

You will need:

  • Sharp stationery knife,
  • chalk to determine the contours of the hole.
  • And a table knife - it should have a pointed nose, but so dull that it cannot be used to cut anything. This could be a table knife (not a kitchen knife) or a bottle opener.

Draw a contour - the perimeter of the hole. If you are confident in your abilities, you can skip this step.

Using a stationery knife, cut transverse strips about 0.5 cm wide within the indicated contour. The stripes are transverse, i.e. horizontal, if you imagine that you are wearing jeans.

Here are the strips you should get:

Now we process each of the resulting stripes as follows. Using a blunt knife, we take out white threads from both edges of the strip, which will remain to cover the finished hole. We take out these threads carefully so that they do not tear and move them to the sides.

After you have already taken out all the possible white threads, all you have to do is pull out the short blue threads.

And you need to do this with every stripe!
And I didn’t even say that it would be quick and easy! If you want something quick and easy, buy yourself some new jeans! :O)

Making a hole in jeans using a kitchen knife

It is better to use a knife with an uneven blade. They can cut beautiful holes

Put on denim (jeans, shorts) and, slightly pulling, cut horizontally with a knife, tearing it to the point of complete disgrace.
If you don’t want to cut yourself, then put a small cutting board in your pant leg and place it all together on a table or large cardboard box, mark with fabric chalk and, pressing firmly, cut the fabric with a knife.

By the way:
— It is not necessary to use a fabric chalk: you can take a regular one ballpoint pen or a simple pencil.
— Replace the cutting board with an old, thicker magazine.

At the end of the procedure, you should always wash your pants a couple of times, and your stylish hardcore is ready!

And, of course, several video instructions

How to rip jeans correctly and stylishly:

HOW TO MAKE FASHIONABLE RIGGED JEANS with your own hands at home:

How to make holes and scuffs on jeans.

Jeans have long become an integral part of the wardrobe of modern men and women, regardless of size or age. There are many types and styles of this practical and fashionable item of clothing, from which everyone can choose the perfect option. But what to do if you find a hole in your favorite jeans? Don't throw them in the trash! The optimal solution would be to create “ripped” jeans, especially since they are now at the peak of popularity.

Hole-hole jeans are always in fashion

You shouldn’t throw away your favorite and comfortable item if a treacherous hole has formed on it. It is enough to know how to cut jeans beautifully at home to create an original and even a little shocking thing. The history of such things dates back to the 70s of the last century. “Ripped” jeans were brought into fashion by hippies, and since then they have periodically returned to fashion catwalks and conquered not only representatives of subcultures.

There are no special rules by which fashion designers make scuffs or holes, so it’s enough to use your imagination and create stylish jeans that attract attention to the fashionista and emphasize the individuality of style. But there is no need to tear a branded item just like that. Before cutting jeans beautifully, it is better to understand the main principles of creating such things.

Stylish DIY item

The basic principle for creating rips and holes in jeans is to rip only on the legs and avoid areas on the buttocks. Such gaps look not only not very beautiful, but also vulgar. By the same principle, you should avoid holes in the knees - such a piece of clothing does not look shocking, but outdated trash.

It is dangerous to create abrasions and cuts on the hip joint: one awkward movement and your trousers will come apart all the way to the waist. The best option for “aging” trousers in the upper part would be to create holes in the pockets, under which there will be fabric. Such an area will look quite aesthetically pleasing and at the same time, laundry will not peek out from under it. The science of how to cut jeans beautifully is quite simple - do not overdo it and think through the entire concept of the future masterpiece.

How to cut jeans correctly and beautifully

To create a chic and shocking item, you will need medium-width jeans. You should not choose ones that are too narrow or wide, as the cuts and abrasions on such trousers will change the selected size and become almost invisible or spread even wider. Before you can cut jeans beautifully at home, you need to stock up on chalk, a measuring tape or ruler, scissors or a stationery knife.

Before starting work, you should hang your jeans on a hanger and use a chalk to mark all future cuts and abrasions. You should not place the tears too close to each other, as the fabric wears out over time, and instead of beautiful holes you can get a not very attractive huge hole. Although quite wide gaps are popular this season, you need to take a sober approach to your physical data. And if the buttocks and hips are far from ideal, it is better to create several small holes that will not draw attention to the flaws of the figure. After the entire plan has been thought out and drawn, you can begin to make the cuts themselves.

Accuracy is the key to beauty

Use the sharp end of a stationery knife to make cuts of the desired design. It is enough to just cut the fabric and not tear it - this will help to avoid the fabric from falling apart, which will enlarge the hole over time. After all the necessary cuts have been made, you need to fray the edges, and to do this, dark threads are pulled out, running perpendicular to the trouser leg. It is important to try not to damage the white threads, which will create a frayed look.

To obtain beautiful thing, the entire procedure must be carried out with complete caution. Long protruding threads should be shortened to a suitable length, and the edges of the cuts should be frayed a little and combed with a wide comb - this technique will give a more “fluffy” effect. Before beautifully cutting your jeans completely, it is better to start with one cut and, having completed work with it, move on to the next. This will help avoid the effect of overly torn pants. After all the necessary cuts have been completed to perfection, you need to rinse the jeans in cold water and after drying, iron it well.

Several ways to give jeans an original look

There are many ways to cut jeans beautifully, photos of which are presented below, and you shouldn’t limit yourself to regular sizes. rectangular shape. By creating a hole in the shape of a heart or star, you can give the item an exclusive look. To do this, you will need to cut out the shape using nail scissors, making small cuts, being careful not to damage the white threads. After the shape of the cut is made, it is necessary to glue the edges with non-woven material - this will help keep the hole in its original shape.

The cuts in which the reverse side is made of fabric with a contrasting color look original. To do this, a substrate is created, which should be about one and a half centimeters larger than the cut itself. To prevent the lining fabric from fraying, it is necessary to process the edges with an overlocker or by hand, and then carefully stitch it to the trouser fabric along a clearly outlined contour.

Fashionable and original men's jeans

The fashion for ripped jeans has spread not only to women, but also to the stronger sex. Such models emphasize sexuality and attract attention, and it is impossible to pass by an athlete with an intriguing hole in his thigh or knee. Technology of how to cut men's jeans beautiful, practically no different from the creation female models. But many men are embarrassed to show off their hairy legs, and in this case, creating scuffs and holes to hide the lining will help. In addition, such trousers can be worn in cold weather without compromising your health.

Creating abrasions is quite simple: all you need is a regular kitchen grater or pumice stone. We stretch the denim fabric on any convenient item, taking into account that the abrasion will be located at the end, and with the small side of a grater (pumice) we rub the fabric in the same direction. Once the desired wear has been achieved, wash and iron the jeans. In this way you can give a rather natural frayed look to your trousers.

How to cut jeans beautifully at the knees

Jeans with large holes in the knee area are very popular this season. It’s quite easy to create them with your own hands. This will require a minimum of tools and skills. After putting on jeans, you need to mark the center of the knee with a pencil or pen. Then we take off our jeans and draw a shape reminiscent of an eye, in which the center is the drawn point.

The size of the hole should be made according to your preferences, but it is better to make a small hole that can always be expanded. After this, you need to fray the edges: to do this, we pull out the dark threads, and shorten the long white threads to the desired length.

Knowing how to cut jeans beautifully will help you preserve your favorite item for a long time, giving it exclusivity and originality.

Ripped jeans continue their victorious march around the world, conquering everyone on their way: women and men, businesswomen and DIY lovers, show business stars and schoolgirls...

Everything gets torn: flared jeans, skinny jeans, old-school banana jeans, boyfriends - fashion trend knows no limits!

Today, frayed and torn jeans are represented in the clothing lines of the most famous and most popular brands, and on the Internet they even offer to rip jeans to order (for example, I found a whole group of fans on social networks ripped jeans), but we suggest you arrange your own fashionable reprisal against jeans!

How to tear jeans so that they look beautiful and don’t fall apart? What holes in jeans visually spoil your figure? How to make scuffs on jeans? If jeans are torn or frayed during wear, how can you stylishly revive them? What else can you do to upgrade ripped jeans? We have collected for you the most interesting ideas and, of course, many, many photos.

How to rip jeans at home

It happens that the desire to tear and throw (creatively, of course!) causes you to have specific jeans: they are too bland, the model is outdated, or the jeans were torn without your consent and now they need to be saved. But if you haven’t decided which jeans to remake, or maybe you’re just going to look for the perfect pair at the nearest second-hand store (by the way, I advise you to take the “first pancake” from this storehouse of clothes for DIY alterations), take a few simple tips:

  • It is better to take jeans that are not too loose and not too tight;
  • the most aesthetically pleasing (contrast of threads) tear is classic blue or blue denim;
  • The currently popular elastic jeggings are unlikely to be torn beautifully if they have an elastane base (just look at the inside).

How to cut jeans: photos, instructions

In addition to the jeans themselves, we will need simple tools: a utility knife, a bottle or a piece of wood (put it inside so as not to inadvertently cut through the entire pant leg), nail scissors, a needle or pin. If you want to give the cuts a slight fraying and disheveled look (we will describe in detail how to beautifully rub jeans below), a pumice stone, a nail file, a stiff brush or a piece of sandpaper will also come in handy.

Measure seven times... Estimate by eye, or better yet, mark the boundaries of future cuts with chalk or a piece of soap. In order not to miss, put the jeans on yourself - this way you will be sure that the holes will be in the right places.

Remember that holes in jeans will attract the attention of others. If you are the owner appetizing shapes, you should not make cuts on “soft places”; limit yourself to neat cuts just above and below the knee. Elongated narrow holes along the central axis of the legs visually lengthen and slim the knives. Wide, torn holes just below the pockets will visually increase the hips.

...cut once. How to cut jeans so that you don’t regret it later? If you cut it hastily, you risk getting jeans that look untidy and even vulgar. Therefore, stock up on time and patience. It is better to start with a small incision, enlarging it if necessary.

If you decide to rip your jeans for the first time, it's a good idea to master the technique of separating the fibers from a piece of old denim.

So how do you rip jeans?

1. After we have marked where we will make the holes, we spread the jeans on a flat surface. We place a board under the cut site or insert a bottle into the pant leg (so as not to cut through the back) and use a utility knife (you can use a blade, but be careful) to make a neat cut. We cut strictly horizontally (take a closer look at the structure of the denim and move the knife along the transverse threads). A cut at an angle will damage the light threads, which as a result should cover our hole.

2. If you need a small hole-slit, carefully use tweezers so as not to tear it, release the light threads (this is where a needle comes in handy), tousle the blue ones with an old toothbrush; if they are too long, cut them.

3. If you want to make a bigger hole in your jeans, make a horizontal cut of the required length and parallel to it (a couple of centimeters higher or lower) another one. Place your fingers under the resulting loop and use tweezers to pull out the blue threads. In this way, you can make holes of different sizes on jeans, gradually increasing them, but do not overdo it.

Try on your jeans regularly to make sure everything goes according to plan. You can add shabbyness and grunge using a brush (walk along the contour of the cut) and bleach (apply along the contour and leave for half an hour), if everything suits you, put the jeans in the washing machine, it will give your ripped jeans a finished look.

If you decide to make a figured hole on your jeans, do not forget to secure the edges with non-woven fabric (from the inside) or sew along the contour, otherwise the figure will spread out during the first wash.

How to tear the knees of jeans

Noodle jeans (jeans with many parallel slits) have already become boring to me personally (excuse me, “noodle” fans!), but jeans with even slits at the knees are now at the peak of popularity.

If you want a large hole at the knees with white cross threads, use the method described above.

For example, I’m not ready to focus attention on my knees (and in the case of jeans that are severely torn at the knees, this will be the case), so I was more attracted to straight holes and slits.

Making them couldn’t be easier: put on jeans, draw a straight line on your knees with soap, take off the jeans and make a cut.

Here you can no longer monitor the smooth movements of the knife and, on the contrary, cut in jerks. Personally, I especially like black jeans with ripped knees, what about you?

By the way, the other day I met a guy on the street whose jeans had holes... on the inside of his knees! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take a photo... ;)

How to make distressed jeans

Jeans are probably the only thing in your wardrobe modern girl, which is deliberately given a “killed” look. Scuffs and slight fraying on the jeans will be a great addition to the holes that we have already made earlier. By the way, the idea of ​​artificially aging jeans is not new; back in the 80s, our parents experimented with their jeans: they rubbed them with a grater, sand and bricks, hit them with stones, washed them in salt water and tea (for a rusty tint). I recommend using pumice or sandpaper.

How to make scuffs on jeans yourself

Yes, yes, pumice and sandpaper! And judging by the price tags for distressed jeans in stores, you can’t say that everything is so simple, right?

So, we proceed according to the already familiar scheme: we mark the areas where we will make abrasions, only we take not a knife, but a pumice stone, and begin to rub. If you want to make minor scuffs, you can even use a rough nail file.

To further lighten worn areas on jeans, use bleach (wet the desired areas and leave for 20 minutes).

If you want full grunge – both holes and scuffs, then it’s better to rub your jeans first and then tear them.

Don’t overdo it: if the fabric under the pumice gets too thin and tears, there won’t be a nice hole left, you’ll have to make a patch... We’ll talk about how to creatively patch jeans below.

Jeans are frayed: we save them beautifully

If the jeans are frayed when worn (along the crotch seam, on inside hips, for example, my jeans always rub on the folds under the knee), you can try to return them to your wardrobe!

There are several options for how to revive worn jeans: make a patch, appliqué, stitch thickly, or, if the place is suitable, make the wear stylish, a la “as intended.”

It is better to work with slightly damp jeans: textile dust will spread much less.

How to alter jeans

Tearing jeans and making scuffs are the most simple options Upgrading tired jeans. I’m sure that as soon as you see how your jeans will be transformed by these simple alterations, your hands will be itching to add something else.

Be careful, you may end up with a real designer piece using the following ideas! ;)

How to repurpose old jeans

If you are still ready to serve, but are already bored with your jeans, alteration is inevitable!

I suggest playing with different variations of patches and linings: denim in a contrasting color, coarse cotton with an interesting print, leather, lace.

All the techniques are ideal for remaking jeans with defects: you can “hide” both a stain and a hole!

I would especially like to note the “hole+colored patch+elements of simple embroidery” technique. By the way, you can save holey jeans! This alteration of old jeans will take you no more than half an hour.

  1. Old jeans. Blue, black or light blue - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that they fit you well. Classics and boyfriends are perfect, but you need to be careful with styles like skinny. If the pant leg is too tight on the thigh, there is a risk that the tight skin will fall out through the slits.
  2. Chalk, soap or felt-tip pen. Will be needed for marking future holes.
  3. Sharp scissors or utility knife. It is more convenient to make large cuts with tailor's scissors, and small ones with manicure scissors. So prepare both. You can also make holes with a stationery knife - whatever is more convenient for you.
  4. Tweezers and knitting needle or darning needle. You will need tweezers to pull out unnecessary threads from the fabric, and a knitting needle or needle to make fringe along the edges.
  5. Pumice, sandpaper and bleach. They can be used to give jeans a more distressed look.
  6. Wooden cutting board or thick cardboard. With them it will be more convenient to cut and rub holes, because you won’t be afraid of damaging the lower part of the trouser leg.

Customizing requires creativity, patience and time. It may take you a few hours to alter your jeans the first time, but the results are worth it.

Step 2. Make the markings

Random perforation can result in the item ending up in the trash. For example, you should not make holes too close to the belt. Such slits are only acceptable if the peeking pockets are part of the creative design.

Before you take out the scissors, put on your jeans and draw where the holes and scuffs will be located.

To be sure, find photos of ripped jeans in your style. Choose the most successful location, in your opinion, and proceed by analogy.

Step 3: Make holes

To get a long transverse hole on the knee, make one cut with a utility knife, after placing a board under the fabric.

If the marked holes are larger, you will have to not only cut, but also pull out the threads. Denim is like a mesh: white horizontal threads alternate with blue vertical ones. Your task is to get rid of the latter and not damage the former.

Using scissors or a utility knife, make several horizontal cuts in each marked area so that the distance between them is 1-2 cm.

The process may be slow at first, but after a while the blue threads will become more pliable and you will end up with only white threads.

To age holes, lightly loosen the edges with a knitting needle or simply rub them with a pumice stone.

Step 4: Distress and embellish your jeans even more

Wash and dry your jeans as usual. If the model is not shabby enough and you want a more vintage look, treat the desired areas with a cotton pad soaked in liquid bleach.

Then stick a piece of wood or cardboard into your pant leg and rub the fabric with sandpaper. The thinner the denim, the smaller the grain of the paper should be.

You can also decorate jeans. For example, you can sew lace onto one of the holes, attach appliqués to the free spaces, or cover the edges of the holes with rhinestones.