Interesting tests for children 8-9 years old. Test with salty and sweet porridge

Cattell Personality Test for Children

Includes scales: sociability, verbal intelligence, self-confidence, excitability, self-assertion, risk-taking, responsibility, social courage, sensitivity, anxiety, self-control, nervous tension
Test content:

The purpose of the Cattell test for diagnosing the personality of children

Assessment (diagnosis) of individual psychological characteristics child's personality.

Instructions for the Cattell test: Child's personality ^

“Dear guys, we are conducting a character study of schoolchildren. We offer a questionnaire with a number of questions. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers here. Everyone must choose the answer that is most suitable for themselves.

Questions consist of two parts, separated by the word " or" As you read the questions, choose the part that suits you best. On the answer sheet, next to each question number, there are two squares corresponding to the left side of the question (everything that is before the word “or”) and the right side (everything that is after the word “or”).

Place a cross (x) in the box that corresponds to the part of the question you chose. In some questions there may not be wording that suits you exactly (or there may be “both so and so”).
Then mark the one that suits you best (or as often happens).

If a question is difficult, ask the person doing the research for help by raising your hand. There is no need to think for a long time about one question. Mark one and immediately move on to the next.

There are questions with three possible answers (No. 11, 15, 19, 23, 27). Look through all the options and choose one of them. You are not allowed to skip questions or give more than one answer to a question.”

The first 2 questions should be shown as an example on the board. Underline the word " or” so that children understand that there are two possible choices. Then continue: “Look at your questionnaires. There is a number 1 in the left corner, this is the first question, start answering here.”

Give a short period of time for the children to make their first choice. Do the same with the second question. Ask: “Is it clear how to mark answers? Does anyone have any questions? Answer all the children's questions in detail. Please note that correction of answers is permitted but must be clearly visible.

When the children understand what to do, tell them to continue working on their own, choosing the answer that best suits them for each question. If someone has difficulty, it is allowed to read to this child a question that is incomprehensible to him and explain its meaning without prompting the answer.

The exception is questions aimed at identifying intellectual functions, these are No. 11, 15, 19, 23, 27. Only reading them is allowed, without explaining the meaning of the words. This should be done individually so as not to interfere with the work of others. Tell the children that when they finish answering the questions on the first page, they should immediately move on to the second.

The important point is that the experimenter, immediately after starting work, quickly walks through the rows and makes sure that everyone follows the instructions. Notice where your child is working, encouraging him to work faster or slower. Healthy make such a remark: “Now almost everyone has finished the 1st page, if anyone has not finished yet, we need to work faster.”

Please note that the work is completed. At the end of testing must be said: “Review your answers and make sure you answered every question and didn’t miss anything.”

The described method is most suitable for high school students age group. For younger children, this questionnaire can be read out loud in its entirety. In this case, it is necessary to have an observer assistant in the class, because some children may need help, while others may cheat.

The experimenter reading the questions should stand in front of the class and clearly pronounce each question, repeating them twice as necessary. It is better to write questions aimed at intelligence on the board, because Children experience difficulties when perceiving them aurally, but it is very important to prevent them from being discussed out loud.

Individual personality testing for children is carried out like a group one. After the child has been instructed, he should be given independence, providing assistance if necessary. For younger children school age who have difficulty reading, the experimenter should read each question, noting the child’s answers on the questionnaire.

It should be emphasized that conducting individual testing with the active participation of the experimenter allows one to collect more extensive information about the personality of the student under study. When asking questions, the researcher can ask the subject to explain why he answers this way and not otherwise, identify the most significant areas of life and relationships for him, and monitor his emotional, behavioral and speech manifestations during the examination. Received Additional Information enriches the understanding of the child being examined.

Child Personality Test Questions for Boys^

For boys.Part I

or you do them for a long time
or laugh
4. You often make mistakesor you hardly do them
5. You have a lot of friendsor not much
6. Other boys can do more than youor you can do the same
8. You read a lotor most guys read more
9. When the teacher chooses another boy to do the work you wanted to do, you feel offended.or you quickly forget about it
or you're not sure about this
11. What word is the opposite in meaning to the word “collect”
12. You are usually silentor speak too much
or you feel like you did something wrong

"s" or "t" or "y"
or you start fidgeting
17. If the guys are talking about some place that you know well, you also start telling something about itor you wait for them to finish
18. You could become an astronautor

10 or 16 or 12
20. Your mom says you're too lively and restless.or you are quiet and calm
or you prefer to tell yourself
22.V free time you'd better read a bookor played ball

24. You are always careful in your movementsor
or you never care
or be a pilot

Kolya or Anya or Natasha
or you are silent
32. Adults hurt youor they understand you well
or you're a little worried
or small, insignificant
36. When a newcomer comes to class, you get to know him as quickly as the rest of the guys.or you need more time
37. You would be more willing to become a driver of some kind of transport (bus, trolleybus, taxi)or doctor
or rarely
or they often listen to you
or this doesn't happen
or sometimes things don't turn out the way you planned
or you go right away
44. Can you freely stand up in class and say something?or you're shy, embarrassed
or this doesn't happen to you
or at the same time of day
48. Are you having a good life?or not all so good
49. With great pleasure you would go out of town to admire the beautiful natureor to an exhibition of modern cars
or you're getting very upset
or be a teacher
or you make noise with them
or it makes you angry
or this has never happened to you
57. You would rather go to school nowor went traveling in a car
or you are always happy with everyone
or strict

Cattell Child Personality Test Questions - For boys. Part II^

or only some people
2. When you wake up in the morning, you are first sleepy and lethargic.or
4. Are you sometimes unsure of yourself?or did you confidence yourself
6. Does your mother tell you that you are slow?or you do everything quickly
or they don't always like it

or you like to twirl
or you're afraid of her

16. You think that you are always politeor you can be annoying
or you're easy to deal with
18. Did you exchange your things with any of the guys (pencil, ruler, pen)or you've never done this
19. Given a number series: 7, 5, 3... What is the next number in this series?
2 or 1 or 9
20. Do you want to be naughty sometimes?or
22. If you were a wild animal, you would be more willing to become a fast horse.or lion
23. A group of words “some”, “all”, “often”, “nobody” is given. One word doesn't fit the rest. Which?
or you feel the same way about him
or dive from the tower

Seryozha or Vova or Petya
28. The teacher sometimes says that you are not attentive enough and make a lot of mistakes in your notebook.or
29. In disputes, you strive at all costs to prove what you want.or you can easily give in
30. You'd better listen to a war storyor about animal life
31. You always help new students who come to your classor usually others do it
or you quickly forget about them
33. In the game, you would be very happy to pretend to be a supersonic plane pilotor famous writer
34. If your mother scolds you, you become sador
36. Does your teacher praise you?or he doesn't talk much about you
or the spider is unpleasant to you
38. Do you often get offended?or this happens very rarely
or you're not embarrassed at all
41. You would rather become an artistor hunter
or there are failures
43. If you do not understand the conditions of the problem, you turn to a friendor to the teacher
or this doesn't happen to you
or they are often very busy
or you don't care
50. You have few difficultiesor a lot of
51. In your free time, you would rather go to the cinemaor plant trees in the yard
or about a walk, excursion
or you're angry with them
or you're just looking around
55. You like it better when you and the guys tell each other thingsor
56. Do you raise your voice in conversation when you are very excited?or
57. You would be more willing to go to classor I would watch the football match
or you don't notice them
or you have an easy time at school

Children's Cattell Test Questions Child Personality - For girls. Part I^

1. You complete your homework quickly.or you do them for a long time
2. If someone makes fun of you, you get a little angry.or laugh
3. You think you can do almost everything right.or you can only cope with some tasks
4. You often make mistakesor you hardly do them
5. You have a lot of friendsor not much
6. Other girls can do more than youor you can do the same
7. Are you always good at remembering people's names?or it happens that you forget them
8, you read a lotor most guys read more.
9. When the teacher chooses another girl to do a job that you wanted to do yourself, you feel offended.or you quickly forget about it
10. You think that your inventions, proposals, ideas are good and corrector you're not sure about this
11. What word is the opposite in meaning to the word “collect”?
“distribute” or “accumulate” or “save”
12. You are usually silentor speak too much
13. If mom is angry with you, it is sometimes her fault.or you feel like you did something wrong
14. You would like to study more with books in the library.or to be a sea captain
15. Which of the following letters is different from the other two?
"s" or "t" or "y"
16. You can sit quietly for a long time in the eveningor you start fidgeting
17. If the girls are talking about some place that you know well, you also start telling something about itor you wait for them to finish
18. You could become an astronautor you think it's too difficult
19. Given a number series: 2, 4, 8,... What is the next number in this series?
10 or 16 or 12
20. Your mom says you're too lively and restless.or you are quiet and calm
21. You are more willing to listen to how one of the guys talksor you prefer to tell it yourself
22. In your free time, you would rather read a bookor played ball
23. A group of words is given: “cold”, “hot”, “wet”, “warm”. One word does not fit in meaning with the others. Which?
"wet" or "cold" or "warm"
24. You are always careful in your movementsor sometimes when you run you hit things
25. You are worried that you might be punished.or you never care
26. You would enjoy building houses more when you grow up.or fly (be a pilot, flight attendant)
27. When Kolya was the same age as Natasha is now, Anya was older than him. Who is the youngest?
Kolya or Anya or Natasha
28. The teacher often makes comments to you in class.or he thinks that you are behaving as you should
29. When your friends argue about something, you intervene in their argument.or you are silent
30. You can study when others in the class are talking and laughing.or there should be silence when you study
31. You listen to the “news” on TVor you go play when they start
32. Adults hurt youor they understand you well
33. You calmly cross a street where there is a lot of traffic.or you're a little worried
34. Big troubles happen to youor small, insignificant
35. If you know the question, you immediately raise your handor waiting to be called without raising your hand
36. When a new girl comes to class, you get to know her as quickly as the rest of the guys.or you need more time
37. You would be more willing to become a driver of some kind of transport (bus, trolleybus, taxi)or doctor
38. You often get upset when things don't come trueor rarely
39. When one of the children asks you to help them on a test, you tell them to decide everything themselvesor you help if the teacher doesn’t see
40. Adults talk to each other in your presence.or they often listen to you
41. Hearing a sad story may bring a tear to your eye.or this doesn't happen
42. You manage to implement most of your plansor sometimes things don't turn out the way you planned
43. When your mom calls you home, you continue to play a little more.or you go right away
44. Can you freely stand up in class and say something?or you're shy, embarrassed
45. Would you like to stay with small children?or you wouldn't like staying with them
46. ​​Sometimes you feel lonely and sador this doesn't happen to you
47. You do your homework at different times of the day.or at the same time of day
48. Are you having a good life?or not all so good
49. With great pleasure you would go out of town to admire the beautiful natureor to an exhibition of new products
50. If people make comments or scold you, you remain calm and in a good mood.or you're getting very upset
51. You would rather like to work in a confectionery factoryor be a teacher
52. When the guys in class make noise, you always sit quietlyor you make noise with them
53. If you get pushed around on the bus, you think nothing special happened.or it makes you angry
54. Have you ever done something that you shouldn’t have done?or this has never happened to you
55. You prefer friends who like to play around, run around, play pranksor do you like more serious ones
56. You feel restless and irritated when you have to sit quietly and wait for something to happen.or you don't have any trouble waiting for a long time
57. You would rather go to school nowor went traveling in a car
58. Sometimes you get angry at everyoneor you are always happy with everyone
59. Which teacher would you like more: soft, condescendingor strict
60. At home you eat everything that is offered to you.or you protest when they give you food you don't like

Cattell Child Personality Test Questions - For girls. Part II^

1. Almost everyone treats you wellor only some people
2. When you wake up in the morning, you are at first sleepy and lethargic.or you immediately want to have fun
3. You finish your work faster than others.or you need a little more time
4, are you sometimes unsure of yourself?or are you confident in yourself
5. You are always happy when you see your school friends.or sometimes you don't want to see anyone
6. Does your mother tell you that you are slow?or you do everything quickly
7. Other kids like what you have to offer.or they don't always like it
8. At school you do everything exactly as required.or your classmates fulfill the teacher's requirements more accurately
9. Do you think that children are trying to outsmart you?or they treat you in a friendly way
10. You always do everything wellor there are days when you can't do anything
11. They have the most in common with “ice”, “steam”, “snow”
"water" or "storm" or "winter"
12. You sit quietly during classor you like to twirl
13. You sometimes talk back to your mom.or you're afraid of her
14. Do you prefer skiing in the park, in the forest?or skiing from high mountains
15. “walk” is to the word “run” as “slow” is to the word
"riding" or "crawl" or "quickly"
16. You think you're always politeor you can be annoying
17. Do they say that it is difficult to agree with you (you like to insist on your own)or you're easy to deal with
18. Did you exchange your things with any of the guys (pencil, ruler, pen)or you've never done this
19. Given a number series: 7, 5, 3,... What is the next number in this series?
2 or 1 or 9
20. Do you want to be naughty sometimes?or you never have such a desire
21. Your mom does everything better than youor often your offer is better
22. If you were a wild animal, you would be more willing to become a fast horse.or tigress
23. A group of words is given: “some”, “all”, “often”, “no one”. One word doesn't fit the rest. Which?
"often" or "nobody" or "everyone"
24. When you are told good news, you rejoice calmlyor you want to jump for joy
25. If someone doesn't treat you very well, you forgive them for it.or you feel the same way about him
26. What would you like best in the pool: swimmingor dive from the tower
27. Vova is younger than Petya, Seryozha is younger than Vova. Who is the oldest?
Seryozha or Vova or Petya
28. The teacher sometimes says that you are not attentive enough and make a lot of mistakes in your notebook.or he almost never says this
29. In disputes, you strive at all costs to prove what you want.or you can easily give in
30. You'd better listen to a war storyor about animal life
31. You always help new students who join your classor usually others do it
32. You remember your troubles for a long timeor you quickly forget about them
33. You would rather be able to sew outfits wellor be a ballerina
34. If your mother scolds you, you become sador your mood almost never deteriorates
35. You always pack your briefcase the night beforeor sometimes you do it in the morning
36. Does your teacher praise you?or he doesn't talk much about you
37. Can you touch a spideror the spider is unpleasant to you
38. Do you often get offended?or this happens very rarely
39. When your parents say it's time for you to go to bed, you go straight away.or you continue to do your job a little more
40. You feel embarrassed when you have to talk to a stranger.or you're not embarrassed at all
41. You would rather become an artistor good hairdresser
42. Everything is going well for youor there are failures
43. If you do not understand the conditions of the task, you turn to one of the guysor to the teacher
44. Can you tell funny stories so that everyone laughsor you find that this is not very easy to do
45. After class you want to spend some time near the teacheror you want to immediately go for a walk in the corridor
46. ​​Sometimes you sit around and feel bador this doesn't happen to you
47. On the way home from school you stop to play.or after school you go straight home
48. Do your parents always listen to you?or they are often very busy
49. When you can't leave the house, you feel sad.or you don't care
50. You have few difficultiesor a lot of
51. In your free time, you would rather go to the cinemaor plant flowers and trees in the yard
52. You will be more willing to tell your mom about your school affairs.or about a walk, excursion
53. If friends take your things without asking, you think there’s nothing special about it.or you're angry with them
54. Have you ever flinched at an unexpected sound?or you're just looking around
55. You like it better when you and the girls tell each other thingsor do you prefer to play with them?
56. Do you raise your voice in conversation when you are very excited?or you always speak calmly
57. You would be more willing to go to classor I would like to watch the figure skaters perform
58. If you listen to the radio or watch TV, outside conversations disturb youor you don't notice them
59. Do you find it difficult at school?or you have an easy time at school
60. If someone makes you angry at something at home, you calmly leave the room.or leaving the room, you can slam the door

Key to the Cattell Children's Personality Test^


Question numbers, answer types


The key to the first and second parts of the test, as well as for options for boys and girls, is identical.

Tables for converting “raw” Cattell personality test scores of a child into walls ^

Boys 8-10 years old (n = 142)

0 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,3 2,2
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,6 1,8
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,4 2,2
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,3 2,4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7-8 9-10 4,2 2,1
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 6,4 1,8
0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,0 2,2
0-2 3 4 5 6 7 S9 10 6,1 2,2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 3,8 1,9
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9-10 3,4 2,1
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,1 2,2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 4,5 2,2

Girls 8-10 years old (n = 152)

0-1 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7,0 1,9
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,9 1,9
0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,9 2,2
_ 0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9 10 3,8 2,4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 3,1 1,9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 4,0 2,0
0-1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7,2 2,1
0-1 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,5 2,1
0-1 2 3-4 5 , 6 7 8 9 10 7,0 1,8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 3,7 2,1
0-1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,9 2,1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9-10 3,8 2,2

Boys 11-12 years old (n = 141)

0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,6 2,5
0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,9 1,8
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,2 2,5
0 1 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,6 2,4
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,6 2,1
0-1 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,6 20
0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9-10 4,2 2,1
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,8 2,3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 3,4 1,9
0 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9-10 3,9 2,5
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 3,6 2,1
0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,0 2,4

Girls 11-12 years old (n = 135)

0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,3 2,2
0-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7,3 1,8
0 1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9 10 5,2 2,6
0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,1 2,5
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,0 2,1
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4,8 2,1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10 5,2 2,2
0-1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10 6,3 2,2
0-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6,3 1,8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10 4,4 1,9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8 9 10 4,8 2,4
0 1 2-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5,8 2,5

Interpretation of the results of the Cattell Child Personality Test^

A high score characterizes the child as emotionally warm, sociable, and cheerful. A child with a low score on this factor is characterized by distrust, excessive touchiness, lack of intuition in interpersonal relationships, and his behavior is often characterized by negativism, stubbornness, and egocentrism. Children with high scores on factor a are better socially adjusted; girls, on average, have higher scores compared to boys.

High scores on this factor reflect a good level of development of verbal intelligence, its functions such as generalization, distinguishing the particular from the general, mastery of logical and mathematical operations, and ease of assimilation of new knowledge. A child with low grades completes the proposed tasks using only specific situational signs and takes a primitive approach to solving his problems. These children often have poor attention and fatigue. According to this factor, there are clear differences between successful and unsuccessful schoolchildren; children of the older age group have higher grades.

High values ​​of factor c reflect self-confidence and, accordingly, calmness, stability, and better preparedness to successfully fulfill school requirements. Low values ​​are recorded in children who react sharply to failures, assess themselves as less capable than their peers, exhibit mood instability, have poor control over their emotions, and experience difficulties in adapting to new conditions. Children with problems in educational activities are also grouped at the negative pole.

Children with a high score on this factor show increased excitability or hyper-reactivity to weak provoking stimuli; their extreme activity is sometimes combined with arrogance.

They are characterized by motor restlessness, distractibility, and lack of concentration. The formation of this quality is associated both with the characteristics of temperament and with the conditions of upbringing. A low score on this factor is interpreted as emotional balance and restraint. Boys have higher values ​​on average compared to girls.

High scores are recorded among those who have a strong tendency to assert themselves, oppose themselves to both children and adults, and are characterized by a desire for leadership and dominance.

The manifestation of this property in children is often accompanied by behavioral problems and the presence of aggression; leadership tendencies often do not find real implementation, because many forms of social interaction have yet to be learned. In children, the manifestation of this factor is often expressed in the form of “talkativeness.”

With low grades, the child demonstrates dependence on adults and other children and easily obeys them. The value of this factor is significantly higher among schoolchildren of the older age group.

Children who score high on this factor are characterized by energy, activity, and lack of fear in high-risk situations; As a rule, they are characterized by overestimation of their capabilities and excessive optimism. Factor values F do not change in the age range under consideration and reflect gender differences: boys show higher scores compared to girls.

This scale reflects how the child perceives and follows the rules and norms of behavior imposed by adults. Children who neglect their responsibilities, are not trustworthy, and often conflict with parents and teachers have low qualities. They are characterized by inconstancy, lack of concentration, and lack of persistent motivation. Schoolchildren with a high sense of responsibility, purposeful, conscientious, and neat concentrate on the positive pole. Higher values ​​for this factor in children junior group, girls are superior to boys.

This factor in children reflects the characteristics of the child’s relationship with adults (parents and teachers). A child with a high score on the n factor is relaxed and bold in communication, easily comes into contact with adults, while children with a low score on the factor show shyness and timidity.

The positive pole reflects emotional sensitivity, rich imagination, aesthetic inclinations, “feminine” softness and dependence, the negative pole reflects a realistic approach to solving the situation, practicality, and courageous independence. Observations show that a child with a high score on this factor is soft, sentimental, trusting, needs support, and is highly susceptible to environmental influences. The values ​​for girls are significantly higher than for boys.

A child with a high score on this factor is full of anticipation of failure, is easily disturbed, and often has a low mood, while a child with a low score is calm and rarely gets upset. The personality trait under consideration is the basis for the emergence of neuroticism. A high score may be an indicator of anxiety or depression depending on the situation.

High individual Q 3 can be regarded as better social adaptation, more successful mastery of the demands of the surrounding life. Short Q 3 identifies someone who does not know how to control their behavior in relation to social norms and is poorly organized.

A child with a high value of this factor is characterized by an excess of impulses that do not find practical release in the process of activity. His behavior is dominated by nervous tension. Often tall Q 4 observed in schoolchildren with low academic achievements who have fairly good intellectual abilities. A child with a low score is calm and unperturbed.

Test 1. Ingenuity tasks

There is a pear on the table. If you divide it into 3 parts, how many apples will be on the table? (No one)
Every day Masha gives one candy to her brother. In which month will he receive the least amount of candy? (In February)
Where can't you find dry stones? (In the sea)
Where can an astronaut lose weight? (In flight)
That there are only four in a year? (Season)
How to light a candle underwater so that it burns for at least 20 minutes? (No way)
There are 20 children in the class - 10 boys and 10 girls. On Monday there were more boys in the class. In what case is this possible? (If one of the children did not come)
In what case can the lid fit into the pan? (If it is from a different pan)
Two boys stood in the corridor. The teacher came up and told Petya to return to class. Why did both boys go to class? (They were both called Petya)
Which days are one year apart? (Between December 31st and January 1st)

Test 2. Attention tasks

Cross out all the stars that appear more than once in a line.

Test 3. Find and cross out everything edible.

Test 4. Find and underline all numbers greater than 5.

Test 5. Get to the cheese without the mouse meeting the cat.

Test 6. Read the poem, naming animals and birds with intonation.

Test 7. Look carefully at the picture and answer.

How many boys are there in the picture?
How many children look in one direction (left, right)?
How many balls are there on the grass?

Test 8. Memory training tasks.

Show your child the picture for 30-60 seconds. Then put it aside and ask the question what number to call the tiger cub, piglet, kitten, lamb.

Test 9. Tasks for the development of thinking

4. Come up with 3 questions for this task.

“The girls were picking berries. Each had 2 baskets. One of the girls collected two full baskets, while the other two only collected one.”

5. Make a sentence from the words.
— We received five children in two classes.
“Nature doesn’t have bad weather.”
— Every one of us believes in his dream.
— The snow usually starts to melt in March.
- The heroes of fairy tales come to us in our dreams.

Tests for future first-graders

Test 10. Determine the number of vowels and consonants in words.
Potatoes, table, pen, game, girl, phone, hand.

Test 11. Retell an excerpt from a fairy tale.

Test 13. Find the extra words. Explain your choice.

Stool, sofa, table, vase, nightstand.
Banana, apple, tomato, orange, tangerine.
Pencil case, briefcase, notebook, ruler, mug.

Test 14. Determine what fairy tale we are talking about.

Test 15. Find the differences.

Test 16. Find sentences that can describe the picture.

Winter is on the street.
Children are sledding.
Mittens make it warmer outside in winter
There are no trees in the picture.
There is a skating rink near the house.
The boy has a blue hat.
It's snowing outside.
Bullfinches are sitting on a branch.
Children build a snowman together.
The boy has green eyes.
The squirrel asks for a treat.

And more tasks for testing a 7 year old child. Pay attention to which task your child struggles with and work on that part.

  1. Arrange actions in the correct sequence.
  2. Color the circle, take a pen, draw a circle.
  3. Put on a jacket, build a snowman, get off the couch, go outside.
  4. Feed the cat, go to the bowl, take the sausage, go to the refrigerator.
  5. Sit at the table, write out 5 sentences from the book, take a pen, open the book.
  6. Mark the true sentences.
    There is no cold in Siberia.
    Bears hibernate in winter.
    Cuckoos throw eggs into other people's nests.
    Many birds fly south in the fall.
    Stir the sugar in the tea with a fork.
    New Year celebrated on November 30th.
    In summer you can find berries in the forest.
    Cats live in the taiga.
    Mice are not afraid of cats.
    It's always hot in Africa.

Video puzzles for children

I. Instructions: “Choose one of the words in brackets that correctly completes the sentence you started.”

a) The boot always has... (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button).
b) In warm regions lives... (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal),
c) In a year... (24, 3, 12, 4, 7) months.
d) The month of winter... (September, October, February, November, March).
e) The largest bird... (crow, ostrich, falcon, sparrow, eagle, owl).
c) Roses are... (fruits, vegetables, flowers, tree).
g) The owl usually sleeps... (at night, in the morning, during the day, in the evening),
h) Water is always... (clear, cold, liquid, white, tasty).

i) A tree always has... (leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, shadow).

j) City of Russia... (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia).

II. Instructions: “Here there are five words written on each line. Four words can be combined into one group and given a name. One word does not belong to this group. This “extra” word must be eliminated.”

a) Tulip, lily, bean, chamomile, violet.

b) River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp.

c) Doll, teddy bear, sand, ball, shovel.

d) Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa.

e) Poplar, birch, hazel, linden, aspen.

f) Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square.

g) Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey.

h) Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.

i) Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication.

j) Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, careful.

III. Instructions: “Read these examples carefully. They have two words written on the left that are somehow related to each other. On the right is another group of words: one word above the line and five words below the line. You need to choose one word below that is related to the word above, just like the words on the left.

For example:
forest/trees = library/garden, yard, city, theater, books
run / scream = stand / remain silent, crawl, make noise, call, cry
Those. you need to establish what connection exists between the words on the left, and then establish the same connection on the right side.”

a) cucumber / vegetable = dahlia / weed, dew, garden, flower, earth
b) teacher / student = doctor / bed, patients, ward, thermometer
c) vegetable garden / carrot = garden / fence, apple tree, well, bench, flowers
d) flower / vase = bird / beak, seagull, nest, egg, feathers
e) glove / hand = boot / stockings, sole, leather, leg, brush
f) dark / light = wet / sunny, slippery, dry, warm, cold
g) clock / time = thermometer / glass, temperature, bed, patient, doctor
h) car / motor = boat / river, sailor, swamp, sail, wave
i) chair / wooden = needle / sharp, thin, shiny, short, steel
j) table / tablecloth = floor / furniture, carpet, dust, board, nails

IV. Instructions: “These pairs of words can be called one definition, For example:
Trousers, dress-clothing. Come up with a name for each pair”:
a) Broom, shovel-
b) Perch, crucian carp-
c) Summer, winter-
d) Cucumber, tomato
d) Lilac, rosehip-
e) Wardrobe, sofa-
g) Day, night-
h) Elephant, ant-
i) June, July-
j) Tree, flower-

Right answers:

a) sole
b) camel
at 12
d) February
d) ostrich
e) flowers
g) during the day
h) liquid
i) root

j) Moscow

a) beans

b) bridge

c) sand


e) hazel

e) pointer

g) Nesterov

h) swan
i) number
j) delicious

h) dahlia / flower
b) doctor / patient
c) garden / apple tree
d) bird / nest

d) boot/leg

e) wet / dry
g) thermometer / temperature
h) boat / sail
i) needle / steel
j) floor/carpet

a) working tools
b) fish
c) time of year
d) vegetable

d) bush

e) furniture
g) time of day
h) animal
i) months of summer

j) plants

Processing the results
For each correct answer, we award the child 1 point. Where the answers are incorrect, we give a second attempt and, if the answer is correct, we award 0.5 points.

1st level of success (high intellectual level of development) - 32 points or more
Level 2 (intellectual level of development is normal) - 31.5-26 points
Level 3 (intellectual level of development is average) - 25.5-20 points
Level 4 (intellectual level of development below average. Worth paying attention!) - 19.5 or less