Interesting scenarios for New Year's holidays in kindergarten. Scenario for the New Year's party in kindergarten “Holiday all day long. The night forest was full of sounds

This fairy tale, a time when dreams come true and miracles happen. To support festive mood, preschool teachers are trying to organize an unforgettable New Year's party for children in kindergarten. We offer one of the interesting and fun scenarios for a New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group.

New Year's party in kindergarten, senior group: scenario

Father Frost lives in a frosty forest

Characters: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden - adults; Bear, Bunny, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, snowflakes - children.

The rest of the children are dressed in costumes of snowmen, goblin, pirates and other fairy-tale characters.

To the music of the song “When it comes New Year"children enter the festively decorated hall carnival costumes and masks and stand in a semicircle near the tree. Children dressed as forest animals come to the center of the hall.

Teddy Bear (solemnly). Happy New Year to everyone around and everyone around! New Year's like good friend, Pleases with his arrival!

Bunny (joyfully). And at our holiday we will sing about the New Year!

Squirrel (with slyness). Let's sing well now and then more than once!

Children sing the song “New Year”

Wolf. We gathered for the New Year, but no one comes to us! I have one question: Where does Santa Claus walk?

Fox (addressing the Wolf). You ask again, neighbor, Why is there no Snow Maiden?

Wolf (Sincerely). You, Lisa, are always right - I appreciate your words!

Fox(alarmed). Maybe they fell into the snow? Maybe they fell into a trap?

Wolf (sighing). Now we can’t find them: The paths in the forest are snowy!

Teddy Bear (Wolf and Fox - reproachfully). This is a false alarm! Wait a little...

Wolf (incredulously). Come on, Mishka! Everyone is waiting for them...

Squirrel. Quiet! They are coming to us!

Bunny(funny). We will greet them today, We will meet them near the Christmas tree with a song!

Forest animals invite all the children to a round dance. A song is being performed. Meanwhile, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear in the hall. He carefully looks around the hall and everyone gathered, and says something to the Snow Maiden with admiration.

Father Frost. Hello, Happy New Year and thank you for the good song! ( Everyone answers and he continues.) I told my granddaughter: What a beautiful hall! We are glad that the New Year has called everyone here today! Were my dears, my good ones, my handsome ones waiting for me, did they recognize me? Come on, tell me out loud who I am?

Children (in unison). Father Frost!

Father Frost. What is the name of my beloved granddaughter?

Children. Snow Maiden!

Father Frost. Well done, you know everything! Why did we come to you today? What holiday would you like to congratulate?

Children. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. And what time of year comes before the New Year itself?

Children answer: winter!

Father Frost (looking towards the guests sitting in the hall). As a wizard, I feel that there is a schoolboy in this hall, probably even your graduate, who can tell in verse where winter takes place!

A schoolboy comes out and reads the poem “Where Winter Passes” by Sergei Eremeev.

Where does winter take place?

Where there is frost and snow!

Where there are Christmas trees in houses!

Where there are jokes and laughter!

Where is the yard skating rink?

What we built.

The frost helped us

By order of winter!

Santa Claus thanks and gives the young reader a chocolate bar.

Father Frost. Do you know where we came to you from? Do you think it's from the forest? That's right - first from the magical frosty New Year's forest. But on the way to you we stopped by an amazing zoo. Where all the animals and birds can talk! Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been!

Snow Maiden. And you, Santa Claus, will you help me?

Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! How can your beloved granddaughter not help?

Snow Maiden (addressing children). We gave out gifts at the New Year's zoo! We board game They gave me a kangaroo! They gave the ball to the baby elephant, and the ball jumped loudly! We gave the Himalayan goat a spinning top!

Father Frost. We give the bear a brother. Toptygin began to smile: “Even though you’re a plush brother, I’m still glad to see you!”

Snow Maiden. After the bears, after the bears We visited the monkeys. They brought jump ropes to them, the mischievous monkeys!

Father Frost. And for everything we gave, they told us thank you! We are glad that everyone says thank you to us!

The children applaud.

Father Frost (joyfully). That's it, Snow Maiden! We got applauded and we're leaving!

Snow Maiden. What are you, Grandfather Frost? How are we leaving? Who will distribute the gifts? They've been waiting for you and me here for so long, but we came and are leaving.

Father Frost (addressing children). Oh, forgive me, old one! I just forgot what we should have next for the holiday. ( Snow Maiden.) Help me out, beloved granddaughter Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden (nodding to Santa Claus). Happy New Year to you guys! We are glad that you are happy with us! Today I will sing you my good song! Let the snowflakes dance here - Snow-white fluffs!

The Snow Maiden sings a song and the snowflake girls dance to it.

Father Frost. Thank you, Snegurochka, you helped me out! ( To the children.) Did you like how the Snow Maiden sings? And I liked how the snowflakes danced! Thank you all - and goodbye!

Snow Maiden. What are you, Santa Claus? You're just in a hurry to leave! Your young friends want to tell you a story! Yes, not the plain one, but the chocolate one! Not about anyone, but about you, my beloved!

Father Frost (surprised). Yes? How did you find out about this, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden. So I'm a sorceress! So are you.

Father Frost. Then let's listen to "The Chocolate Tale."

According to the scenario of the New Year's party, children in carnival costumes, surrounded by Santa Claus, read the poem “The Chocolate Tale” by Sergei Eremeev - each in a quatrain.

Scenario for New Year's party in kindergarten

Father Frost (children). Well done! The voices are clear and you speak without hesitation. What can I tell you? You won't be left without chocolate! Give it away now or leave it for later?

(Children answer: it’s better now!) So the chocolates will melt in your hands! ( The children answer that for now they will give the chocolate to their mothers.) So moms will eat it while you are having fun! ( To parents.) Is it true? The parents don't agree.

Father Frost (with mischief). Oh, I don't know Dear Parents, will you eat it, won’t you eat it... Maybe not, but why did you smile?

Snow Maiden. What's wrong with you, Grandfather Frost? You surprise me today. Right to tears! Parents smile because they know that their children will share with them! ( To the children.) Really, guys?

Bykova Olga Ivanovna, teacher of the children's school "Golden Grain" in the village of Nezhinka, Orenburg Orenburgskaya district region

Preparatory group

Characters: presenter, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus - adults. Snow Maiden, Emelya, Pike, Mirror, Pierrot, Harlequin, Malvina, Cinderella, Princess of the Jungle, Lion, gnomes, oriental beauties, Christmas trees - children.

To the sound of cheerful music, children in costumes enter the hall in a chain. They walk around the tree and change lanes

1st child:

Came to us fun party -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This holiday is New Year!

2nd child:

He will give songs, fairy tales,

Everyone will be whirled around in a noisy dance!

Smile, wink,

This holiday is New Year!

3rd child:

Happy New Year

Everyone who came to this hall!

Let's start, let's start

(in chorus) New Year's carnival!


The New Year brought us funny ideas

Let's start our round dance with a cheerful ringing song.


Make a wish quickly

The New Year is already at the door!

We'll go to our Christmas tree

And we’ll whisper our wishes to her.

Children approach the Christmas tree and whisper a wish. Moving away from the tree, they form a round dance.

Hello hello,

Our Christmas tree is beautiful!

We are so glad that you are visiting

She came to us.

And everything sparkled with lights again,

So we will, then we will

Celebrate the New Year.

Chorus: Oh, how fun the round dance was

Fairy tale folk are dancing near the Christmas tree!

What kind of holiday is this glorious New Year!?

Where everything is always the other way around

Like in a fairy tale, miracles happen here,

And the beautiful Christmas tree sparkles and sparkles.


Near the Christmas tree in a round dance

We'll walk slowly.

Let's admire it and see

Is the tree really good?

(Children look at the decorations of the Christmas tree. Children, accompanied by music, return in a chain to their places)


We saw all the toys

On our fluffy spruce?

(Children's answers)

And now, baby,

It's time for us to go to a fairy tale!

The boy Emelya comes on stage, lies down on the bench and “falls asleep.” The pike “dives” into the well - it hides on stage behind a flat image of the well attached to the back of a chair.

Child: (with a triangle in hands, with a bell, a bell):


A gentle chime of ice.

Come on, fairy tale, begin

Snow Maiden come to us!

The Snow Maiden comes on stage and performs “The Snow Maiden’s Song”,

Song of the Snow Maiden

Children: Who, Snow Maiden, made your white outfit?

Snow Maiden:

I sewed a white winter snow dress for me.

The winter snow made me a dress.

Children: Who, Snow Maiden, sang songs to you in winter?

Snow Maiden:

The forest breeze sang songs to me tenderly

Sang to me. .. songs of the forest breeze.

Children: Who, Snow Maiden, gave you beads made of stars?

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus gave me bright beads.

Santa Claus gave me beads.

Children: Tell us, Snow Maiden, what you wish for us.

Snow Maiden:

I wish joy to all my friends,

Happiness, friendship, I wish you - 2 times

Leading: Oh yes Snow Maiden, how beautifully you sang! And for whom? For this boy who sleeps and doesn't move? Children, do you know who this is?

Children: Emelya!

Snow Maiden: Wake up, Emelya, your week has come!

Emelya: (sleepily): What?

Snow Maiden:

Come on, quickly get dressed,

Get to work!

Don't sit on the stove -

Better go get some water!

Emelya: (irritated): I don't want to!

Snow Maiden: If you don't go for water, you won't receive gifts!

Emelya: (funny): I love gifts! Come on, Snow Maiden, buckets, I’ll run to the well.

Emelya puts on mittens, takes two flat cardboard buckets, and goes to the well. He leans over it and steps back in amazement, dropping the buckets to the floor.

Pike: (“emerges” from the well): Glug-glug-glug!

Emelya: That's it, pike! It will make a nice soup! (He wants to grab her, the Pike bites, runs around the hall - tries to escape). Stop, toothy one, you won’t leave! (Grabs her by the fins)

Pike: Emelya, don’t destroy me, let me go. I will fulfill any of your wishes, just say: “By the command of the pike, according to my desire!”

Emelya puts the buckets on the floor near the well. Two children quietly hide behind them, squatting.

Emelya: Okay, go on your way. (The pike “swims away” back into the well). Eh, I don’t feel like carrying buckets. At the pike's command, at my will, go home yourself.

Children, hidden behind buckets, move around the hall on their haunches. Emelya follows them, scratching the back of her head.

Emelya: Oh yes, the pike did not deceive me!

(The pike smiles, looking out of the well)

Snow Maiden: Emelya, go to the forest for firewood.

Emelya: I don't feel like it!

Snow Maiden: If you don't bring firewood, you won't get any gifts!

Emelya: OK. At the behest of the pike, at my will, the forest is thick, stand in front of me!

Christmas trees are running out (children in costumes) and dance a quadrille. Emelya plays along with them on a fake balalaika.

Emelya: Eh, the trees are green, the legs are chiseled, where can I get firewood?

Christmas trees: Let's bring it now! (They take out the logs and put them in Emelya’s hands).

Emelya: Miracles, and that’s all! (Takes away the firewood and puts it under the bench)

Snow Maiden: Wow Emelya - well done! Take a lollipop as a gift.

Emelya: One lollipop? Is this a gift?

Snow Maiden: If you don't want a lollipop, I'll give it to the pike.

Pike: (“emerges”): Glug-glug-glug! (Licks lollipop). Oh, how delicious! And Emela is sad.

Emelya: Well, according to the pike’s command, according to my desire, come to me, a bag of candy!

The door opens with a creak, and a bag “enters” the room, tied at the top with a bright ribbon and decorated with large fake candies. Baba Yaga hid in it, she dances and hums “ding-ding-ding” to the American folk melody “Sambells”.

Leading: Emele was so happy! A whole bag of candy! (Knocks on the bag - it rings “ding”). Why are you standing there, Emelya? Untie the bag.

Emelya unties the bag, and Baba Yaga appears from there.

Baba Yaga: Hello, Emelya. Hello to you, little boys, little girls, little donuts. Bow to you, respectable audience. Wow, so many people have gathered! Everyone came to see me, the folk artist Babkina (ap-chhi!) Yozhkina!

Leading: How did you, an artist, end up in the bag?

Baba Yaga: It was the pike that put me there! She swam to me and said: “Grandma, do you want to go on tour? You will see the world, show yourself. Get in."

Leading: Indeed, there is something to show!

Baba Yaga: Come on, let me sing along to the soundtrack - I’ll show you this concert program.

Baba Yaga performs a cheerful song to the soundtrack "Gypsy".

Oh, I was young

It would be fun then

Yes my years have passed

The freshness was washed away forever.

Eh, once again, once again,

Many, many more times. (2 times)

They say that witchcraft is

Nonsense and self-indulgence.

Although I don’t believe in nonsense,

Little by little I conjure.

Eh, once again, once again,

Many, many more times. (2 times)

Snow Maiden: Well, Grandma Yaga, you sing and dance well, but you’re already old.

Baba Yaga: I can't sing? Yes, for such criticism I will throw you into the oven and shovel! Oh, no, no, I'm kind, good! And you, Snow Maiden, can you sing? What about you, kids? (Children's answers) Come on, sing and I’ll listen!

Children perform the teasing song “Grandma Yozhka.”

Baba Yaga: Look, they started singing, they decided to tease me! And I will put a spell on you! Turn into bushes! To the stumps! And now I will glue you to the chairs. Nobody will pull it away!

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, you promised to be kind!

Baba Yaga: And you, my beautiful Snow Maiden, sit down, I’ll sing you a song. (Humming) Bye-bye, bye-bye, sleep, Snow Maiden, go to sleep!

(Quiet) The spitting image of a sleeping beauty! So much for you! You'll know how to tease me.

Leading: Oh yes Grandma Yozhka! She put the Snow Maiden to sleep and bewitched the children. What should we do, moms and dads?

Parents: (in unison). Call Santa Claus!

Leading: Okay, let's call together. Father Frost! Father Frost!

Santa Claus comes out, greets parents, guests, children spectators, and congratulates everyone on the holiday.

Father Frost:

I am a gray-haired, ruddy grandfather,

Guys, I am many years old!

In January and February

I walk on the earth.

As soon as I get out of bed -

Snowstorms are rising.

How I shake my sleeve -

Everything will be covered with snow.

But now I'm very kind

And I'm friends with the guys.

I won't freeze anyone

I won't give anyone a cold!

I see everyone has gathered for the holiday, only my Snow Maiden is nowhere to be found. How is she sleeping? Has Baba Yaga really bewitched her?

Leading: Exactly, Grandfather Frost!

Father Frost: How can we wake up the Snow Maiden? Is Emelya among you? (Emelya comes forward) Come on, dear one, play the balalaika! So that the Snow Maiden wakes up and the whole audience wakes up! (The Snow Maiden and the children dance to the balalaika tune)

And now, granddaughter, it’s time to call the children to a round dance and light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Children stand near the Christmas tree and perform a round dance song

Song "New Year's Dreams"

Cheerful Santa Claus in a snowy garden

He is preparing a whole cart of gifts for us.

Today he is in a hurry, because time does not wait

And he sings a song, a magical one.

New Year's dreams all come true,

A Nice words are not forgotten,

Christmas lights come on

Friends gather near the Christmas tree.

And on New Year's Eve Santa Claus came to us

He brought us his gifts for the holiday.

We lead a magical round dance together

And we’ll sing a song, we’ll sing a magic song.

Leading: Santa Claus, even though you are gray-haired, dance like a young man! Well, try to catch up with the snowball.

The game “Catch up with the snowball” is played. Children stand in a circle near the Christmas tree, the leader gives one of them a snowball (light ball covered with shiny white fabric). To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children pass the snowball to each other - the ball “rolls” in a circle. Santa Claus is trying to catch up with him.

The game stops the moment the music suddenly stops playing.

Baba Yaga comes running, takes away the snowball and plays with it alone.

Father Frost: Stop, Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: I'm standing.

Father Frost: Give me the snowball!

Baba Yaga: Will not give it back!

Father Frost: Look, what a mischief! Well, let me turn the granny into an icicle! (Knocks with staff)

Baba Yaga: Oh, I'm frozen! Little hands are numb! Sorry, Frost! (Gives away a snowball)

Father Frost: That's the same! Sit on the chair and don't bother us. The Snow Maiden and I are starting a competition for the best New Year's poem. Children, who do you want to step first?

Children read what they have learned in advance.

Baba Yaga: And I also know poetry. And she even composed one herself.

I swept at the door,

I dried the crackers,

Decorated the Christmas tree

I curled my bangs.

I invite everyone to the New Year!

Maybe someone will come?

Father Frost: Who will come to you? You should at least bake some pies.

Baba Yaga: He will come, he will come (There is a knock on the door) Listen, they've already arrived!

Two Christmas tree girls appear from behind the door with a ticket, shaped like a large poster.

Christmas trees: Hello children! The travel agency "Yolki-Palki" wishes you a Happy New Year and invites you on a trip around the world.

Here's your visa and ticket,

What do you say in response:

Will you go or not?

Baba Yaga: Yes Yes Yes! I'm coming! My dream has come true!

Father Frost: Wait, Baba Yaga, the ticket was brought to the children, not to you. This is their prize for New Year's poems.

Baba Yaga: This is my prize! I read poetry better than anyone else, right, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: No it is not true! You're the best at flying a broomstick, not at reading poetry. So fly to your hut!

Baba Yaga:

Fine, fine! I'll fly

But I'll take it with me

And the Snow Maiden and the ticket!

Ciao, ciao, hello everyone!

(Suddenly grabs the Snow Maiden and disappears with her outside the door)

Father Frost: Oh, how insidious! What did she do - she dragged our Snow Maiden away! Where should I look for it? Who can tell?

Pike: Glug-glug! I have a magic mirror. Whatever you ask him, he will show you everything.

Pike goes behind the screen and brings out the Mirror - a child with a large beautiful frame in his hands, through which he looks at the audience.

Father Frost:

Thank you, pike!

My light, Mirror, tell me

Tell me the whole truth,

Where is my Snow Maiden?

Mirror: I see an Italian carnival, a crowd of people in beautiful, colorful masks. Here Pierrot and Harlequin are running away from a fairy tale, the princesses are going to the ball.

Cheerful music plays in the background. Pierrot and Harlequin appear in front of the tree.

Piero: Hello Harlequin! How are you?

Harlequin: Everything is fine! How are you, Pierrot?


Terrible! I wrote poetry for Malvina all night,

And in the morning my piece of paper disappeared somewhere.


Well, why are you sad? New Year is just around the corner!

Now I will bring you a gift. (Gives him the tambourine)

Malvina runs out from behind the tree.

Father Frost: And what kind of beauty is this? Pierrot, did you recognize her?

Piero: This is Malvina!

Malvina: (recites the words of an Italian folk song).

The mandolin rang

The tambourine sounded loudly

Lively dance of the tarantella

Everyone is invited to the carnival.

We are happy to dance for you,

Forgetting peace and sleep,

And as a reward we just need

A bowl of delicious pasta.

Santa Claus once gives Pierrot and Harlequin tambourines, and they perform a dance with the children

Father Frost: Didn't you meet my Snow Maiden at the carnival? No? This means that it is not available in Italy. I'll have to look in the mirror again. My light, Mirror, tell me, where is my granddaughter?


I see palm trees and vines,

Monkeys are jumping everywhere

Tigers and elephants walk -

What country are they from?

Children: From India!

Father Frost:

But the Jungle Princess is coming to us

And he leads the lion behind him.

A boy and a girl come out in disguise and perform a plastic sketch to the soundtrack of the play “The Royal March of the Lion” by C. Saint-Saens.

A lion: Children, answer quickly, who am I?

Children: King of beasts!

You kids, don't scream.

You can't run away from me -

So that this New Year

You were no hassle!

(Children-animals sadly lower their heads down)

Jungle Princess:

Somehow the animals are depressed,

They lowered their paws.

It's not good for them to be depressed

We need to have fun on holiday!

Stop being sad kids

We'd better play!

All children participate in dance improvisation: “If you like it”

I really want Santa Claus

The surprise has now brought everything:

Bewitched someone

That someone immediately became someone!

Father Frost: (selects one parent and brings him to the tree in the center of the hall)

Don't open your eyes yet,

(to children) Your task is to remain silent

and don’t give away the secret!

Let be. will guess

Who is he turning into?

Player. They put the big one behind (at his height) paintings. Viewers see his face and the body of the animal that is depicted in the painting, but the player himself does not know what he has turned into. He asks children questions to understand who he has become. For example, he asks: “I - fairy tale hero? Am I a wild animal? Do I have a tail? and so on.

Meet the guest!

It's some kind of pussy

But don't stand too close to her.

No time for jokes, no time for games,

If next to you (tiger)

New Year is the year of the tiger.

The tiger is happy, very proud,

I have prepared a speech for you -

We give the floor to him now.


Rrrr, I congratulate you all

Happy New Year! I promise,

That I won't bite you -

Today I would like to wish:

This year you are easy and bold

Take on any task

I give you a talisman

I'll visit you at the end of the year.

Father Frost: Princess of the jungle, you look so much like my Snow Maiden! Just as cheerful and lively. Have you, by any chance, met her? No! Let me look at the mirror again. My light, Mirror, tell me. Where is my dear Snow Maiden?


Oh what I see!

Palace behind a stone fence,

The queen in it is Scheherazade

Telling tales again

He's making eyes at someone again.

But the beauties in monists

They run here easily and quickly.

Girls in costumes perform “Oriental dance” (music and movements chosen by the music director).

Father Frost: Oh, what beauties! Well, I’ll take a look at you, maybe I’ll spot my Snow Maiden! No, she's gone again! Ah, mirror, what are you going to tell me now?


I see the sleigh running

The reindeer are carrying them into the distance.

And in the snowy mountains

Dwarfs walk around in caps.

Father Frost: Hey, gnomes, come here!

The game is being played "Hello Dedushka Moroz".

Children approach Santa Claus, bow to him and say (or humming) words.


Hello Dedushka Moroz,

You've got a beard!

Father Frost: Hello kids, Sweets (tasty, sour, etc.) sweets. Where have you been?

Children: We won't tell! We'll show you what we did.

We agreed among ourselves, the children show Santa Claus some movement. Santa Claus is trying to guess, coming up with funny answers. For example, children pretend to play the balalaika, and answer that “it’s the bunnies whose paws are frozen.”

Leading: No Santa Claus, in my opinion gnomes

They play the balalaika!


Good Grandfather ear Frost,

Look at us

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children pretend to play the violin

Father Frost: You are scratching your beard.


Good Grandfather Frost

Look at us

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children pretend to play the pipe

Father Frost: Balloons inflate or disperse the air!


Good Grandfather Frost

Look at us

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children pretend to play the piano

Father Frost: Are you sorting out peas?


Just you, grandpa,

Became old.

I didn't solve a single riddle.

Father Frost: I miss the Snow Maiden. Dear gnomes, have you ever met my Snow Maiden? Maybe you also played with her?


We fell in love with the Snow Maiden,

She was taught to dance.

Finnish polka for you

Let's dance together now!

The gnomes perform a polka and leave

Father Frost: Where can I find the Snow Maiden?

Mirror: Should we call Superheroes for help?

Father Frost: Where can I get them?

Mirror: In our kindergarten!

They run out (from the chairs) superhero boys ("Batman" and "Spider-Man" (Spidey))

1st superhero: Who is a Superhero?

Batman He is not a simple man

I know for sure, brave, brave

Very strong and skillful

Will not leave the weak in trouble,

He will be an example everywhere!

This is what I want to become

To help adults!

2nd superhero: Who is a Superhero?

Spidey Who, who is he?

I'm the same person

Only endowed with power

I will save you from troubles!

If the monsters attack,

Or the Snow Maiden will be stolen,

We are already in a hurry to help,

Of course, we are right there.

They run away from the hall to the accompaniment of music, drums roll. The lights go out, come on, and Superheroes with the Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, dear, how glad I am that you were found. Where have you been?

Snow Maiden:

I'm in different countries visited:

I danced at the carnival,

I almost got lost in the desert

And then she came to Finland!

And here it’s winter, blizzard, frost,

Native fir trees and birches.

Leading: Santa Claus, we completely forgot about Baba Yaga. Where is she now? Maybe the gnomes know?

Gnomes: We put her on an ice floe and launched her across the White Sea!

Baba Yaga “swims out on an ice floe” to the music of the Russian folk song “Because of the Island on the Rod,” sounding in the recording.

Baba Yaga:

Have you ever been to Panama?

Come, the tsunami is just there.

All to Spain, to hot Madrid!

Whoever comes will immediately burn.

How wonderful the food is in Greece:

Vinegar, pepper and other spices.

On the excursion “Rooftops of Paris”

The roof moves with delight.

Vacationing in Turkish Antalya,

Don't forget to kick off your sandals.

And in Finland I

The dwarves put them on an ice floe

And they set sail across the white sea!

Oh, I'm frozen! Take me off the ice floe. The tooth doesn't touch the tooth!

Father Frost: Hello, Baba Yaga! Well, have you traveled? Are you satisfied?

Baba Yaga: Oh, tired, hungry, cold! Forgive me, Santa Claus! I won't play any more pranks.

Father Frost: Well, shall we believe Baba Yaga? (Children's answers)

For the sake of such a holiday

We are ready to forgive you.

Snow Maiden:

We will make peace with you

Just sing the song louder!

Baba Yaga:

Sing a song together,

Celebrate our winter!

All participants of the holiday perform the song “Russian Winter”, music and lyrics by L. Olifirova


There were songs, games, dances,

We have all been in a fairy tale.

Can you ask us a question?

Where are the gifts, Santa Claus?

Father Frost: As where? They are lying under the tree, waiting for you. Go, gnomes, look!

Leading: There is no bag of gifts under the tree! Maybe Baba Yaga dragged him away?

Father Frost: Where did the bag go, maybe it fell into a well?

Santa Claus goes to the well, looks in - it’s empty.

Father Frost: Well, tell me, Baba Yaga, where did the gifts go? Otherwise I’ll turn you into an icicle again.

Baba Yaga: (scared) Now, I'll bring it now! Don’t worry, I’ll bring it now!

Baba Yaga runs out the door and takes a sleigh with a bag of gifts into the hall, Santa Claus congratulates the children.


We danced and played

Joy reigned in the hall.

In every adult on New Year's Day

The spark of childhood lives on!

Leading: Over the years, we began to forget that miracles happen. And only on New Year's holidays, looking at the Christmas tree lights and children playing, we remember this again and make a wish. Good luck, health and love to you and your loved ones! May the New Year be happy!

Staromazinsky municipal preschool educational institution"Sun"

Menzelinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Scenario for the New Year in kindergarten

Festive re-enactment

New Year's concert

Hello, Dear friends! I'm glad to see you at our holiday. We hope that you will enjoy it with us and that you will be the most active participants in the New Year's performance. Perhaps the New Year is the most wonderful holiday for children and adults. In the New Year, the most fabulous characters come to us, the most cherished dreams come true. At our holiday, of course, you will meet Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and many other fairy tale heroes.

Peeking out from behind the curtain


Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

All of you, without exception,

We invite you to our fun!

Let's dance and dance

Let's play games!

Together: Come! Hurry up

Dance with us!

(Immediately the introduction to the dance “Ducklings”).

You dance wonderfully!

Hello to you guys!

From whom?

But from whom: He arranged skating rinks for us,

The streets are covered in snow,

Built bridges from ice,

Who is this?...... Santa Claus.

And hello again.

From whom?

She doesn't need a hot stove,

She doesn't care about frost, cold, cold.

The cheerful... Snow Maiden sends you greetings

We are also waiting for her to come to us for the holiday!


Come and sort it out, there are riddles in my tub.

In a tub there are ditties, two buckets:

In one proverb,

In the other - sayings.


And here is the first riddle:

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But dad loved his son



He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day from the swamp

He pulled out the hippopotamus.

He's famous, famous

Good doctor.....(Aibolit)


One day the day and hour come,

Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival,

And the miracle happens again -

And this is a miracle - New Year!


Because you are so happy to meet me,

For the kindness of open eyes,

We would like to present you with an award -

Let's give you a fairy tale now.

Gentle music sounds, it comes out Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden:

I love frosty frost

You can't live without cold.

Santa Claus chose a name for me:

I am the Snow Maiden, friends!

The Snow Maiden walks around the Christmas tree and admires it.

Snow Maiden:

What a tree!

What a wonder! So elegant and beautiful.

For whom, why, where

Did this miracle appear?

You can see the Santa Claus tree

Brought here from the forest

To prepare a holiday,

He sent me ahead

Because today I

I'm opening the winter ball!

The Snow Maiden turns to the guys and smiles at them.

Snow Maiden:

Hello, my dear girls and boys!

How many of you are in the room today?

You were probably all waiting for me

And I was in a hurry to see you guys,

And I’m very glad to meet you.

My grandfather will come soon

And the New Year will come again!

Are you all cheerful and smart?

But I'll check it now.

Snow Maiden: I know such a game. I will ask questions. If I say correctly, you will clap your hands cheerfully, and if I say incorrectly, then you will stomp. It's clear?

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? - Right!

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? - Right!

Wears a fur coat and galoshes. Right? - Wrong!

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? - Wrong!

He is friends with Snegurochka. Right? - Right!

We went to the Christmas tree with you. Right? - Right!

Soon Santa Claus will come. Right? - Right!

He will bring gifts to everyone. Right? - Right!

Snow Maiden: Well done guys! I see that you are all cheerful and smart.

Snow Maiden: Now let's sing a funny New Year's song.

Grandfather Frost will hear her and come to us for the holiday. I will sing and you will sing along.

There is noise, whistling, stomping. The Snow Maiden looks into the distance and says confused.

Snow Maiden:

Willows bend, spruce trees groan,

The roads are covered in snow

really... really

Is it Santa Claus coming?

(The phonogram of the melody “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” sounds)

Coming out Baba Yaga and Leshy

Baba Yaga: Hello, girls and boys!

Hooligans, braggarts,

Leshy: Slobs and brawlers,

Incompetents and liars!

(Baba Yaga pushes him after each phrase.)

Leshy: I am a cheerful Santa Claus

I brought slingshots for you all (takes out a slingshot)

I brought you some chewing gum (takes out a large pack of chewing gum))

I brought you cigarettes

(Baba Yaga pushes him hard in the side.)

Leshy: A!!! I am a cheerful Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather! What's wrong with you!

You're somehow not like that

You are insidious, cunning, evil -

A real Waterman.

Baba Yaga: Why are you saying that!

Look carefully.

Demonstrates Santa Claus.

The real Santa Claus

Here is the hat, here is the nose.

There is a gas canister

And the staff is disposable.

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

Baba Yaga: Me? Snow Maiden - a slender figure

Long braids, black eyelashes.

I’m friends with you, kids.

Snow Maiden: Oh, you don’t look like Santa Claus, do you guys? And even more so for Snegurochka, because Snegurochka is me.

Baba Yaga: Oh, fathers, we're late!

Leshy: I told you, get dressed quickly, we’ll be late. The real Snow Maiden has already arrived.

Baba Yaga: Don't push! I had to put myself in order, I’m a woman!

Snow Maiden: Guys, did you recognize them? Right! This is Baba Yaga and Leshy.

Baba Yaga: Yes! I am Babusya, I am Yagusya.

I'm very proud of this!

Leshy: And I am Leshy, not at all evil,

Not old and not young.

I live in the forest, I carry out service,

And who will come to me in the forest,

It will fall into my clutches!

The phonogram of the melody of the song “Sailor” by O. Gazmanov sounds. Baba Yaga and Leshy are dancing.

Baba Yaga: I live in the wilderness of the forest

Yes, in a bone hut,

I'm friends with kikimora

I often go to visit her.

I don't like cheerful laughter

I'm more harmful and meaner than all of you,

I never bother

I'm proud of myself.

Chorus: I am Babusya, I am Yaga

I'm a bone leg

I'll ruin your holiday

I won't let you have fun.

I'm a grandma, I want it that way

I'll conjure, whisper

Santa Claus will not come to you,

New Year will not come.

Leshy: Sings the song “My Bunny”

My grandmother, I am your Lekha.

I feel very bad without you.

My hedgehog is evil-evil

My dear grandmother

Baba Yaga: You are my goblin, evil, treacherous

So cunning and terrible,

You are my headless bunny,

Hedgehog, you are my stupid one.

Together: My bunny!!!

Santa Claus will not come to you

New Year won't come,

It won't come, it will never come.

We'll outwit everyone around us,

Let's do something here

We are the most harmful in the world, yes, yes, yes!

Snow Maiden: Where is Grandfather Frost?

Baba Yaga: He sits in his hut

Frogs guard him

So don't wait for him

Everyone get out of here.

Snow Maiden: But this is not possible! The guys gathered for the holiday, they were looking forward to it,

Baba Yaga: But we will test them,

We'll tell them riddles.

1. Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses

No leg support?

2. It’s not fire, it’s burning,

It’s not given into your hands.

Grew up under a willow tree

Call her...(nettle)

3. He stood in the forest

Nobody took it

In a red hat, fashionable

No good.

(fly agaric)

4. He grew up angry and prickly in the field,

Needles in all directions.

5. The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.


Snow Maiden: Well done, guys! All the riddles have been solved!

(Addresses Baba Yaga and Leshy)

Well, we are convinced that the guys are smarter and smarter than you.

Baba Yaga: Yes, it's very sad,

But this is probably accidental.

But my Leshak and I

We dance and sing better than them.

Who wants to compete with us?

And then we will laugh.

Place the children in a circle.

Baba Yaga: Show your achievements, repeat all the movements after Lekha.

Leshy: Grandma and I are now

We will show you the highest class.

Baba Yaga: Well, Lesacek, don’t let me down!

Hey, whoever is brave, come out!

Excerpts of modern songs are heard, Leshy and Baba Yaga dance. The children's task is to repeat their movements.

Snow Maiden: Are you convinced now?

We dance better than you.

Goblin: Oh, grandma turned pale.

What, Yagusya, are you sick?

If you get sick, it’s no problem

Eat the frog from the pond

There is no more reliable medicine

Than the natural environment.

Baba Yaga: These children are smarter and stronger and more friendly.

I'm burning with anger,

I'm losing my strength. (falls)

Leshy: I’ll go for help,

I will help the hedgehog,

I'll find my hammer

I'll bring her to her senses.

He takes a hammer, taps her on the knee, her leg jumps, a strong creak is heard, Baba Yaga stands up.

Baba Yaga: Our deception failed,

Santa Claus will come now.

Eh, we didn't succeed

They will ruin the New Year.

Music is playing. Included Father Frost.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear guys!

Happy holiday to you!

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers

Over frozen seas

Over the fields, over the forests.

Because at the gate

The New Year is knocking on us.

I was in a hurry to come to you for the holiday,

I decided to visit you,

My dear guys

I'm very, very glad to see you.

Snow Maiden: Today, guys, on our holiday

We will sing, play, dance

So that there are only happy faces around

Today, friends, we will have fun.

Grandfather, the Christmas tree is standing sadly,

Why doesn't it light up?

Santa Claus: Of course, Snow Maiden, what would a New Year be without festive lights, we will fix this problem! Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, guys, it's time to light the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: Yes, friends! Now let’s light it (looks for a star in the bag). But where is she?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, what are you looking for?

Santa Claus: Magic star?! Where could I leave her? My memory has become completely full of holes (she walks with her hands on her head.

Snow Maiden: "At the hostess's copper mountain"

Santa Claus: (Hearing) Exactly. At the mistress of the copper mountain. (The lights go out. Music sounds. Sparkling precious stones, included Mistress of Copper Mountain. She holds a large five-pointed star in her hands.)

Santa Claus: (Walking towards her) How glad I am, how glad I am that you didn’t let me down. I completely forgot that I left my magic star with you. It's time to light the Christmas tree, the guys are worried. Now, guys, you can be calm, now we will light the Christmas tree.

The mistress of the copper mountain gives the star to Santa Claus. When you touch Santa Claus, the star lights up. Santa Claus carefully carries the star in his hands, approaches the tree, touches its branches and the tree lights up. Everyone claps their hands. Snow Maiden: If only there was a song about a Christmas tree

We sang in chorus

The song would sound loudly,

With fire, with enthusiasm!

The tree suddenly danced,

Everything around would sparkle,

The round dance would spin -

The best holiday is New Year!

We sing the traditional New Year's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, the guys have been waiting for you. And they want to dance to you “Dance of the Snowflakes.” Together with Father Frost and Snow Maiden, children dance the “snowflake dance”.

Santa Claus: Same thing. And now, friends, we continue to have fun and play, sing and dance.

Presenter: Santa Claus, our dear children have prepared gifts for you. Now they will dance for you, read poetry, and sing.

Santa Claus: Well done, guys, you amused the old man. And now I’ll rest a little, and you, Snow Maiden, tell the guys my riddles.


To the first step

A young guy stood up

To the twelfth step

A gray-haired old man came.

No boards, no axes

The bridge across the river is ready

The bridge is like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light.

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth.

Santa Claus: Well done, guys! We solved all the riddles.

Snow Maiden: So as not to stand still,

I ask everyone to dance.

Guys, let's dance Santa Claus's favorite dance, "Lady".

Everyone is dancing "Barynya"

Snow Maiden: Guys, Grandfather Frost doesn’t know modern dances, let’s teach him.

Everyone is dancing a modern fast dance.

Now guys, tell Grandfather Frost poems about the New Year.

(children's story)

Santa Claus: Snow Maiden, but the gifts have been prepared for the children a long time ago, come on, my assistant, help me distribute them to the children. Children receive gifts.

Snow Maiden: The tree also shakes its branches,

He must be saying goodbye to us.

Let's say to the Christmas tree together:

"Farewell, see you next winter!"

Santa Claus: Friends, the minutes flew by,

The Palace was full of ringing laughter,

We played, joked, sang,

But everything comes to an end.

Snow Maiden: Seeing off guests today,

So that we don't get bored while apart,

Santa Claus: We wish you goodbye:

Let's meet again!

Santa Claus: Goodbye, dear friends!

New Year's holiday scenario for children of the second junior group
New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's Journey through the Fairytale Kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Scenario Adventures of a Dwarf
New Year's performance for kids
Matinee script for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario “Christmas tree” (younger group)
New Year's party

Scenario for New Year's party (kindergarten).

Happy New Year!
Both hosts and guests,
Happiness to everyone, I wish you well
And nice, clear days.
And there is also congratulations -
IN kindergarten his
Healthier and more rosy
Get better every day!

Song "In December"

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Pots, pots in the yard, in the yard
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

1 child:
- Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles
Brought the freshness of the forest!

2nd child:
- There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads are on fire!

3rd child:
- You are the freshness of the forest at dawn
She brought light into our room,
Straightened the resinous needles
Light up with sparkling lights!

Song "New Year has come to us"

Green, fluffy,
In a snow coat,
The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday
Frosty winter.

That's how good it is
New Year has come to us,
That's how good it is
New Year has come.

Silver snowflakes
and the branches shine,
And pieces of ice like bells
They ring softly.

We drive near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance,
And together we dream a Christmas tree
Celebrating the New Year!

4th child:
- Move the circle wider
Join the round dance
We lived together happily
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "New Year is coming to us"

It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us,
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do it for three whole hours,
And we won’t get tired at all,
What miracles!

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

- Let's have fun today
Let their faces shine with happiness,
The sister snowflakes have arrived,
Whirl around the snowstorm.

Dance of Snowflakes.
A magpie girl runs out from behind the Christmas tree and reads a telegram from Santa Claus:
-Telegram, telegram:
"I was in such a hurry that it became hot,
Yes, the gifts were scattered,
Caught on a twig
And my bag tore.
I'm still collecting them,
I am sending Snow Maiden to you.
Just, darlings, look,
Take care of my granddaughter."

- We will greet the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with the orchestra.

Children play on musical instruments. Baba Yaga enters. dressed up as a snow maiden.

Baba Yaga:
And here I am, here I am.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
Like who? Granddaughter.

Oh, so you are the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Well, yes. . . Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

So you become the Snow Maiden. Why didn't Grandfather Frost come?

Baba Yaga:
He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts scattered.

What other roasts?

Baba Yaga:
But of course: the roasts scattered and my twig broke.

Well, that's it. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So go away from here in good health, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga:
But Santa Claus said: “Just, dear ones, look, take care of my granddaughter.”

Guys, maybe she really is the Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus:

And who is she?

Children in chorus:
Baba Yaga!

-I also think Baba Yaga. Let's tease her, the liar.

Game "Granny Hedgehog, bone leg."

Baba Yaga:
But, just think, tease. But I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Wait, where are you going, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga:
No, I’d rather make her heat the bathhouse for me.

What to do? Our Snow Maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask for whatever you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga:
I want to stay with you for the holiday.

Well guys, let him stay? stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children dance the dance "Babushka Yaga." Baba Yaga returns and brings a pirate wrapped in white clothes.

Baba Yaga:
Here is your Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden, why are you wrapped up like that, and why is your voice somehow hoarse?

It was I who caught a cold during the storm. . . Oh! Do you want a riddle, kids?

In the thicket of the forest there is something like this,
Incomprehensible, big,
Like a chicken has two legs,
There are doors, but no windows,
A friend lives there
What kind of house is this?
Children in chorus: Hut!

That's right, children.

Something is strange. Is it really yours? Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Pirate (covering his mouth):
Oh! No, of course not. . . Let's all dance together.

Children with the Pirate and Baba Yaga dance the "Ledka-Enka" dance. The pirate gets so excited that he takes off his white clothes and thereby gives himself away. The music stops.

Children, look, this is not the Snow Maiden, but a Pirate. Let's connect them with Baba Yaga.

The children tie up the Pirate and Baba Yaga, they resist and shout:
This is unfair. . . Have mercy, don't drown. . .

Yeah, we were scared! Tell me where the Snow Maiden is!

Baba Yaga:
Now, now let's bring it.

They are untied and they leave.

Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus:
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden (sad):
Happy New Year. . .

What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh. She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we’ll cast a spell on her with funny poems and dances, and she’ll have fun. Sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

Girls dance the "Gypsy" dance. Boys dance the Musketeers dance.

Snow Maiden (fun):
Thank you, friends.
I became the same again.
The Snow Maiden will lead you
in the New Year's round dance!

Guys, Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him so he doesn't go astray. Let's all say together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!”

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.

Father Frost:
Oh, that's where my Christmas tree is. She ran away from the frost and came into the garden herself.

Santa Claus, the lights are not on, light the Christmas tree for us.

Father Frost:
One, two, three, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with the staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song “The Magical Christmas Tree.”

When the New Year lights up
There are colored lights on the Christmas tree,
Everyone remembers their childhood
Happy children's days.

About wizards and animals.

Someone will make a wish
And he whispers to Santa Claus,
He will fulfill all his promises
And he will bring it in the New Year.

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,
A magical dream for us, bring us a Christmas tree.
About palaces, about forests and sleds,
About wizards and animals.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Santa Claus has not forgotten you,
And on New Year's Day
I brought a new song.
Get up in a round dance,
Sing together!

Children dance in a circle and sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus.”

Oh, so good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the Christmas tree
In a festive outfit.
Lights on the branches
They burn merrily.

Let everyone at the Christmas tree
He will dance and sing,
We have fun together
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Father Frost:
Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you having fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children:
We don't mind the cold! The cold is not scary either.

Father Frost:
Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.

Game "I'll freeze".

- Good grandfather Freezing! And also play the guessing game with us!

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play violin)

Father Frost:
You are scratching your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the pipe)

Father Frost:
You drink milk.

No, we play the pipe.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the piano)

Father Frost:
You sort through the grains.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Father Frost:
Oh, it’s hot here, I’m about to melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled 1/3 with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and suddenly pours confetti from his mug onto his parents.

Father Frost:
Celebrate the New Year with song,
Celebrate the New Year with dancing,
Who knows poems about the holiday?
Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
Now it's time for all of us to play together again.

Game "Bridge", "Snowballs". During the game, Baba Yaga appears and slowly takes away Santa Claus' staff.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, haven't you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:
Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, haven't you seen? (Baba Yaga walks behind Father Frost).

Santa Claus turns around, takes away his staff and says:
I'm back to my old ways again. You just do evil things. Now I'll freeze you!

He knocks three times with his staff, Baba Yaga shouts:
Oh, no need, oh, I don’t want to, oh. . . (and freezes in a funny pose).

The Pirate comes running and takes pity on her:
Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I live without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I’ll show you a trick, if you like it, you’ll defrost Baba Yaga.

The pirate shows tricks.

Father Frost:
Okay, I’ll defrost Baba Yaga and trust her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have gotten better and want to do a good deed.

Father Frost:
Which one?

Baba Yaga:
I want to give gifts to children. (Whistles. Izbushka enters with a creak and dances).

Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Who's screaming at me? Who lives in the hut? Who's calling grandma? Hey, Talking Hut, don’t be lazy, turn your front to me and your back to the tree!

Where is Santa Claus?
He brought gifts to the children,
Good Santa Claus.
I found his bag in the forest
And I quickly brought it to you,
So that the snow doesn't wet them,
I hid them in the hut,
You knock on the window
And receive a gift.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga knock on the window, and a gift flies out.

Father Frost:
Thank you, Izbushechka, but where are the rest of the gifts?

Rake the snow under the tree
And find gifts there.
And now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids. (leaves)

Santa Claus takes out a bag from under the tree and gives gifts to the children.

Father Frost:
And now it's time for me,
To your holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again
Goodbye, guys,
Dear preschoolers!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus:
We don't really want to say goodbye
We will all miss you
What a pity that we have to part,
Let's all dance a farewell waltz.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, Carnival." Children join hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost,
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's come to this Christmas tree.

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful round dance,
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

New Year is a special holiday for all kids, and even more so for children 6-7 years old. At this age they are already consciously waiting New Year's Eve, enjoy taking part in decorating the Christmas tree, inventing and helping to make costumes for the matinee, writing letters to Santa Claus and making wishes. Therefore, you should take the preparation of a children’s event seriously so as not to disappoint your child and ruin his holiday. So, how to create a script for the New Year's holiday in preparatory group and hold an event?

How to prepare an interesting New Year's party

In order for the New Year's holiday in kindergarten to be a success and to be remembered for a long time by children, you should pay attention to several important aspects:

  • Think over costumes and props for all event participants. You can use the same outfits for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden from year to year, but at the same time make changes and additions to them. Often children pay attention to little things that adults do not notice, so diversifying the images as much as possible is very important.
  • Decoration of the hall. Every child and parent in the room will definitely appreciate the thoughtful design of the room and the decor of the Christmas tree, and especially active and enterprising participants in the holiday will certainly not refuse to help if asked in advance.

How to decorate the hall? This is decided by parents and teachers

  • A lot of music. Musical accompaniment is the most important part of any event. Depending on the theme of the matinee, you can choose modern works, songs from popular cartoons, or, conversely, invite children to get acquainted with the work of their parents’ childhood.
  • Make the holiday active and fun. It is very difficult for children aged 6-7 years to sit still, especially in a state of festive delight and anticipation of gifts. Therefore, children's New Year's parties in the preparatory group should alternate calm episodes with games, dancing and different types physical activity.
  • Involve as many children as possible, preferably all of them. No one should be left behind in the New Year. You should try to involve even the quietest and shyest children in the general fun by offering them participation in competitions. In addition, for the teacher, any matinee is an opportunity to show what the children have achieved and what they have learned, so everyone must express themselves and show themselves.
  • Poems. An indispensable part of the matinee at the preschool educational institution is the reading of poetry for Grandfather Frost. At the age of 6-7 years, for most children, listening to group mates for a long time can become tiring, so the holiday script should include either time outside the holiday (for example, after it ends) or entertaining pauses between performances.

You need to use different forms of activity - dancing, poetry, mindfulness tasks

An example scenario for a New Year's party in preparatory groups

Below is an option for celebrating the New Year in kindergartens for children aged 6-7 years. It can be adapted to your own wishes, supplemented with other fairy-tale characters and competitions at the discretion of the teacher.

Save Santa Claus

Children enter the hall to the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and dance around the festive tree.

Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden: Hello, guys. The long-awaited winter has come with fun and joy, a New Year tree and gifts. Who wants to tell a poem for our beautiful Christmas tree?

Christmas tree

Children read poetry:
1. Winter brought us a joyful holiday -
The green Christmas tree came to visit us.
The branches are strewn with fluffy snow,
We walk around in a round dance and sing.

2. Christmas tree, hello, our beauty.
It's been a year since we saw each other.
It seems you are even brighter and more beautiful
Been there since last winter.

3. We will sing you a lot of songs.
Let's celebrate your holiday with joy.
May it remain in our memory
Decorated Christmas tree- gorgeous!

4. Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree festive outfit.

Congratulations to all the guys!

5. Brighter, brighter let it sparkle
Christmas tree with gold lights.
Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all guests.

6. Hurry to the round dance! Let everyone sing!
A wonderful Christmas tree awaits everyone!
The more guests, the more friends,
The more fun we will have!

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is truly beautiful. And to make it even more beautiful, you need to light it. Guys, let's all say the magic words together: “One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!”

The children say the phrase in chorus.
The garlands on the Christmas tree light up.

Snow Maiden: Guys, you probably noticed that I am alone today, without Grandfather Frost. But I came to you for help. Our grandfather was kidnapped by villainous sorcerers, terrible and powerful wizards. There is only hope for you. Help save Santa Claus and rescue him from captivity. Can you help, guys?
The children answer in unison: “Yes! Let's help! "
Snow Maiden: Thank you, guys. And in order to help us grandfather, we need to find the keys to the dungeon in which he was imprisoned. And there are already 5 locks on the dungeon door! It will be difficult to save, but we won’t get bored and sad, we’d rather dance along the way.

Children perform a dance number or dance freely to the music.

Snow Maiden: So we reached the forest. It seems that someone is coming.
Baba Yaga enters the hall with a beard and a broom in her hand.

Baba Yaga: Hello, kids! I am a cheerful Santa Claus, I brought you gifts!
Snow Maiden: If you don’t trick us, we’ll always recognize Grandfather Frost. Guys, did you find out who it is?
The children answer: “Baba Yaga.”
Baba Yaga: Oh, you... I’m waiting for Santa Claus, I even composed a poem for the holiday:
Baba I call Yaga, I will beat you all with a broom.
Santa Claus, gray and old, will give me a gift for this
Snow Maiden: Wow, a poem! She will beat everyone with a broom, and she will also get a present. If you are really waiting for Grandfather Frost, and you also want to receive a gift, you better help us. You are an old, wise grandmother, you know everything, and you don’t leave anyone in trouble. We need the keys to the dungeon with Santa Claus.
Baba Yaga: I have such a key (shows and teases), but I don’t want to give it to you just like that. First, let's play the game "Beat My Broom."

Game "Jump over the broom".

Baba Yaga:
Oh, what great fellows! One jumps higher than the other! For such guys, it’s not a pity to even have a key. Here, here you go (gives the key to the Snow Maiden). Good luck to you!
The Snow Maiden hangs the key on the Christmas tree: So we got the first key, guys. Let's go on and save grandpa?
The children answer: “Yes!”

A New Year's song sounds, children dance around the Christmas tree. At this time, someone in a bag enters the hall.
Snow Maiden tries to lift the bag: Wow, how heavy!
The Snow Maiden tries to open the bag, and Kikimora jumps out of it with a large and bright bow on her head.


Snow Maiden: What is this?
Kikimora: Like what? Present!
Snow Maiden: What gift?
Kikimora: Yes, a gift! Here's the bow!

Snow Maiden: What a present. Instead of fooling us, it would be better to help rescue Grandfather Frost from trouble and get the keys to his prison.
Kikimora. I can help, but not for nothing. I have a treasured key, but I will give it only to someone who dances better and more fun than me.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's show Kikimora how to dance?

Children agree: The catchy music turns on, everyone dances. Kikimora walks around and sees who does it better.
Kikimora: You really dance fervently. It wouldn’t be a shame to give away a key for such fun. Here, here you go (he gives the key to the Snow Maiden, who hangs it on the Christmas tree). Good luck to you guys, and I went to my swamp of frogs to have fun... Goodbye!
Snow Maiden: It’s time for us, guys, to continue on our way. Grandfather is waiting for us. Let's sing something to make our steps more fun.

A song of your choice is performed. At the end of it, Leshy jumps out.

Leshy: Why are you so noisy here? You're preventing me from resting! Now, as soon as I speak, I will bewitch all the paths and paths, you will get lost and remain forever in my forest!
Snow Maiden: Forgive us, Leshy! We wanted to please you with the song, not to make you angry. We know how to behave in the forest: we don’t litter, we don’t shout, we take care of trees, we don’t offend animals, right, guys? Don't be mad at us. Let's play better fun game"Blind Man's Bluff."

The goblin is blindfolded; The Snow Maiden gives the children bells on one side of the circle and on the other, they ring them in turn, the game continues for several minutes).
Leshy: What a wonderful game! I will definitely teach my animal friends to play it. Where are you headed with such a cheerful and friendly company?

Snow Maiden: We, Leshy, are going to help Grandfather Frost out of trouble. And for this we need to find 5 keys to the dungeon in which he was imprisoned.

Goblin: I know, I know those castles. Here's a key for making me laugh. Good luck guys!

Zimushka-winter enters to the music.


Winter: I hear laughter and conversations in the forest. And I walk around my property, looking at how the snow has covered the trees, and whether all the hares have changed their coats. Where are you going guys?

Snow Maiden: We, Zimushka, are going to save Santa Claus. The villain-sorcerer hid it behind five locks.

Winter: You guys have started a good job. I want to help you, but I just have to freeze everything. And so that you don't freeze, let's run.

Children are divided into several teams (5-6 people in each). And they run a relay race with a Christmas ball around the tree.

Winter: How fast and agile you are! And for the fact that you were not afraid to freeze in the forest and set off on a long and dangerous journey, I will give you my key.

The Snow Maiden hangs the key on the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Guys, who remembers how many keys we have?

Children: Four!

Snow Maiden: Well done, guys. We have to find the last key.

The robbers run in to the music.


Robbers: Hey, hey, guys. Are you scared of us? Well, it’s right that you are not afraid. We are good today, it’s a holiday after all. Where are you going in such a crowd?

Snow Maiden: Let's go save Grandfather Frost.
Robbers: If you beat us, we’ll let you go and even help us, and if not, we won’t let you in any further.

A drum is placed near the Christmas tree: The robbers take turns racing with the children to see who can hit the drum first.

Robbers: Wow! Well done boys. You've earned your fifth key.

The Snow Maiden hangs a key on the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: We have collected all the magic keys from the magic characters and now Grandfather Frost is free. Let's call him!

The children call Santa Claus in chorus. Music sounds and Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost

Father Frost. I am a cheerful Santa Claus, don’t hide your nose from me.
I live in a forest hut near a dirt road on the edge.
My friends are hares, bear cubs and foxes.
Everyone comes to me to warm up and protect themselves from the frost.
I walk, I walk around. I see everyone, every house.
Where the children live, I know them all in the world.
How those children eat, they listen to mom and dad.
The way they behave, the way they wash themselves.
They wash their hands, wash their ears, make sure they don’t break toys.
If the children are good, I am happy from the bottom of my heart.
Now make a circle and sing a song about winter.

A song of your choice is performed.

Santa Claus: Do you know how to dance?

A dance of your choice is performed.

Santa Claus: Well, can you play instruments?

A noise orchestra is performing.

Snow Maiden: And now, Santa Claus, listen to the poems that the children learned for you.

Children take turns reading poems for Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: And now I will read you poems about what happens on the Christmas tree. If it is correct, then clap your hands, and if it is incorrect, then remain silent...

A ringing firecracker,... an old pillow....
White snowflakes....Torn boots
Delicious crackers... different lanterns...
Apples and cones.... Petya's pants...
Fine. Well done! .....

I had a good time with you guys. It's time to give out gifts. Where's my magic bag? To the music, Santa Claus opens the bag, takes out gifts, distributes them, and says goodbye.