Games for the New Year's cheerful company. New Year's games at the table. New Year's competitions for a small company in a restaurant

Game “In what words does spruce grow?”

The festive feast is conducive to quiet games at the table. And even at the most fun and noisy holiday there will always be a place for such games. You can, for example, play “words”. One by one, remember and name the words within which “a spruce grows.”

Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of such words, it is not so easy to play such a game without preparation, so do not introduce any additional restrictions when naming the word (number of syllables, location of “spruce” in the word, etc.).

The only condition is that you need to name common nouns in initial form. The participant who cannot offer his own version of the word (of course, it is impossible to repeat himself) is eliminated from the game or gives away his forfeit, which will later be played together with others.

Words:“blizzard”, “caramel”, “jelly”, “dolphin”, “orange”, “writer”, “driver”, “delta”, “teacher”, “carousel”, “ashtray”, “furniture”, “gorge” ", "loafer", "drops", "briefcase", "stranded", "target", "panel", "rail", "housewarming", "potatoes", "mill", "dumpling", "Monday" and etc.

Quiz “What if there is no Christmas tree?”

In some countries, due to the hot climate due to the lack of coniferous forests or due to national traditions The New Year's tree (or better yet, the plant) is not the green, prickly beauty of the Christmas tree. Let's find out what people from different countries decorate their homes with before the New Year holidays.

Since questions on this exotic topic require special knowledge, we will introduce answer prompts with three possible answers - participants need to choose the correct one. Each of them has the same amount of conventional game units, for example 5 fir cones, or more simply - “shisha”. The host of the competition asks a question, asking you to choose the correct answer. Before joining active game, the participant assigns a “price” to the question, not exceeding the amount available in his personal account. Further, he can give the answer himself and, if successful, increase his account by the amount of the cost of the question assigned by him or transfer the question to another participant. In any case, only one of the answer options is accepted. If the player to whom the question was passed answered correctly, the “cost” of the question goes to his account, and the account of the previous participant remains unchanged. If the answer is wrong, then both players lose their game benefits. The next question from the presenter is answered by the guest sitting at festive table to the left (right) of the participant who gave the answer to the previous question.

I. Residents of which country make a New Year's bouquet of greetings to the deity of the holiday mainly from pine, bamboo, plum, woven rice straws with the addition of fern and tangerine branches?

2. Japan. +

3. Thailand.

II. In which country before New Year's holiday Are homes decorated with coffee tree branches?

1. Nicaragua. +

2. Brazil.

III. In which country is an unripe green nut considered a New Year's talisman of happiness?

1. Indonesia.

2. Sudan. +

3. Argentina.

IV. In which country New Year meet you at the palm tree?

3. Saudi Arabia.

V. In which country is it customary to decorate houses with mistletoe on New Year’s Eve?

1. Norway. +

2. Canada.

VI. In which country the equivalent of a Christmas tree are branches of holly and mistletoe?

1. Argentina.

2. Mexico.

3. England. +

VII. In which country is the familiar spruce replaced by a local tree that blooms with red flowers and is called metrosideros?

2. Australia. +

3. Singapore.

VIII. In which country in New Year's Eve Throw bamboo shoots into the hearth so that they, crackling and hissing, scare away evil spirits?

2. Japan.

3. China. +

IX. In which country is it customary to give friends a half-blooming twig of hao-dao, a peach tree, on New Year's Eve?

1. Vietnam. +

2. New Zealand.

X. In which country New Year's flower Is it considered to be a padauk whose short-term flowering signifies the onset of the New Year?

1. Cambodia.

2. Myanmar. +

3. Indonesia.

Spruce Quiz

1. Which beauty dresses up once a year? (Christmas tree)

2. Which country is considered the historical birthplace of the Christmas tree, and then the New Year tree? (Germany)

3. When was the Christmas tree born according to the biological passport? (Coniferous trees, including spruce, have ancient origin. They replaced fern-like plants at the beginning of the Mesozoic. It may very well be that the distant ancestors of our Christmas tree were contemporaries of giant dinosaurs)

4. How they decorated the Christmas tree during A.S.’s childhood. Pushkin? (The Christmas tree in Russia began to be used as a New Year tree from the middle of the 19th century; the future poet did not have a New Year tree during his childhood)

5. Who wrote the story “The Boy at Christ’s Christmas Tree”? (F.M. Dostoevsky)

6. How many years does a spruce tree live if it avoids the fate of becoming a New Year tree? (Spruce lives 300-400 years. Long-lived Christmas trees can live up to 500 years)

8. Which popular cartoon told how a peasant, rightly reasoning: “How could it be on New Year’s Day without a Christmas tree!”, followed his wife’s orders to the forest to choose one, only it seemed to him that “the size would be too small”? (Cartoon by L. Tatarenko “Last year’s snow was falling,” 1983)

9. Which popular song mentions an unusual outfit style? New Year's trees, literally about “Christmas trees in triangular dresses”? (“Three White Horses”, song from the movie “Sorcerers”)

10. Name the children's storyteller who invented the Planet Christmas trees. (Gianni Rodari)

It was in January

There was a Christmas tree on the mountain,

And near this Christmas tree

Evil wolves roamed.

(A.L. Barto)

12. What does the phraseological unit “tree-stick” mean? (This expression means annoyance, bewilderment, admiration)


1. Christmas tree homeland. (Forest)

2. What color are the gingerbread cookies and cones growing on the Christmas tree at home? (Usually pink and gold)

3. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting)

4. An ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance)

5. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard)

6. A person trotting past the Christmas tree, gray in all respects. (Wolf)

7. Christmas tree snow insulation. (Freezing)

8. A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget not only on the day of purchase. (Electric garland)

9. A peasant’s anti-Christmas tree weapon. (Axe)

10. What quality New Year's Queen makes her related to every real woman? (The desire to dress up)

"The Secret from Santa Claus."

The organizer of the holiday hides prizes in the room in advance (according to the number of guests) and writes places on small pieces of paper (one on each piece of paper). But he doesn’t just write, he writes in the form of a rebus.
The more cunning the organizer, the more complex he will come up with the puzzle, which will be more interesting for solving it. We carefully or simply fold all the notes beautifully and hang them on the Christmas tree.
During the holiday, the organizer invites guests to choose any envelope they like, remove it from the tree and invite them to look for their prize.

Everyone will receive a prize, so no one will be offended or deprived of the gift.

Competition "Surprise".

We distribute identical pieces of paper and pens to each participant. Half of the participants write the name of the thing (chair, table, salad, coffee, whatever), and the other half writes the action, what they would do with this object. All the notes are thrown into two bags, mixed and the participants take out one leaf from each bag, divide into pairs without looking at the notes. The pair of participants who come up with the funniest combination wins.

Competition for making wishes come true.

Participants write one wish for any other participant, roll it up and throw it into a ball. He inflates it and throws it into the general pile of balls. Several participants are called, who choose any ball and burst it. The participant must fulfill the desired wish.
It is very important that the desire is funny. The one who completes the task funniest than the rest will win.

Competitions from Valentina Khlopko

Father Frost

In the house where the party is celebrated, a Santa Claus bag is hung. Each guest brings with them to the party small gift or a souvenir and so that no one sees this item, puts it in a bag... When all the guests have already gathered and the New Year has arrived, the bag will probably already be filled with gifts. Some of the guests dress up as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and take turns taking out new Year gifts for everyone (who gets which one - at random), after listening to a poem, song or other task of Santa Claus.

Crocodile or "Associations"

The company is divided into two teams. One of the teams comes up with a word or catchphrase, calls any member of the other team and whispers what they have planned to them. He, with the help of gestures (and only) must show this word so that his team guesses it. You can make it more difficult by setting a limited time for explanations.


When meeting guests at the entrance, everyone is given a note indicating the task and the time when it needs to be completed. It will be funny when at one o’clock in the morning someone suddenly starts singing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, and at two o’clock one of the guests starts reciting a poem!


Each participant writes down a fun task, folds the piece of paper and puts it in a bag. Players take turns taking out forfeits and doing what is written in them. Fanta for the New Year - The best way cheer up the company. The main thing is that the tasks compiled are original, with humor, for example: confess your love to Santa Claus, dance an African tribal dance, depict a blinking garland with facial expressions, perform an erotic dance with Santa Claus’ staff, etc. A lot of laughter is guaranteed!

Competition "New Year's drawing" suitable for any company.

Two participants are blindfolded and asked to draw a symbol of the coming year with a felt-tip pen. Fans can tell the participants: more to the right - more to the left, higher - lower.

How will you celebrate the New Year?

Inflate balloons of 4 colors, hang them or place them in different places.
Presenter: We immediately invite you to play the game. You see, in the corners of our hall there are balls of different colors. Now you will run to the corners, to those balls that you like best. Let's see why you came here?
Who chose
❄ green ball - came to get drunk
❄ red - have fun
❄ yellow - eat something tasty
❄ blue - nowhere else to go.
Presenter: And now we’ve chosen our balls again... Great! The next proceeding on the issue is; Who would you like to celebrate the New Year with on December 31st?
❄ Green ball - in your family.
❄ Red ball - drunk under the Christmas tree.
❄ Yellow ball - in a friendly company.
❄ Blue ball - with the head of our organization.

"Oh, what a walk!"

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation.

You need to walk in front of the tables like:

woman with heavy bags;
gorilla in a cage;
sparrow on the roof;
stork in the swamp;
chicken around the yard;
a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
sentry guarding the food warehouse;
a baby who has just learned to walk;
guy in front unknown girl;
Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

Translate into Russian!

Remembering what will have to guide us in the coming year, we invite guests to say the usual, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that sounds:
1. They don’t discuss the gift, do they accept what they give? (They do not look at a given horse's teeth).
2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
3. If you take on something, see it through to the end, even if it’s difficult!
(Took hold of the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty!)
4. Trouble and disaster usually happen where something is unreliable and fragile.
(Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks)
5. How you treat others is how they will treat you. (As it comes back, so will it respond)
6. Don't take on unfamiliar tasks. (If you don't know the ford, don't stick your nose into the water)

Guess who we're talking about!

And every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite guests to guess which one they have:

1. Parrot - “Repetition is the mother of learning!”
2. Kangaroo - "Keep your pocket wider!"
3. Crocodile - “Tears cannot help my grief!”
4. Locust - "Alone in the field is not a warrior!"
5. Caterpillar - “Keep in step!”
And you and I should have our own motto in the New Year: “Luck, happiness and health!”
Let's drink to that!

"New Year's mental crossword."

The presenter says a description of the word and adds how many letters it consists of. Guests mentally imagine and guess this word. Whoever said the answer faster gets a point. To the one who dialed greatest number points - prize.

1. First and last name of the man old age. He is a ladies' man dressed in Winter 2015 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
2. Milk product, maintaining the temperature of winter, but used in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
3. Fairy tale. It happens in winter. The main characters are two girls. One of them is helped by the hero after whom the fairy tale is named. He gives her gifts and marries her (7 letters). Answer: "Frost".
4. A tree whose absence of leaves indicates its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: Christmas tree.
5. A fashion model with a brown braid, always participating in winter holidays. Always appears accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
6. Place of long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol located under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: Bag.
7. Liquid that is consumed internally with or without reason (10 letters). Answer: Champagne.

Sing the Christmas tree to the melody of “Black Eyes.”

Oh, in the forest, no, no,
The Christmas tree gave birth,
And on it, no, no,
One needle, no, no,
Oh, in the forest, no, no,
She gave birth,
Yes she is worth it
All green.

Hands up!

The draw is carried out with people who do not know its rules. They should be known only to the presenter. The number is no more than ten people. Players stand near the wall, facing it, stretch their arms forward, resting their palms on the wall. Before starting the game, everyone’s palms should be at the same level.
The host explains the rules. If the players give a positive answer to the questions he asks, then they raise their palms a little up the wall, if negative, they raise their palms down. The one with the highest raised hands wins
The presenter asks a variety of questions like:

“Did you brush your teeth today?”
“Are you in a good mood today?”
"You Brown eyes
“Tell me, do you respect us?”
“Are you a friendly person?”
“Do you like receiving gifts?”
“Are you planning to have a good rest on vacation?”
“Do you dream of your own apartment?”
“Do you wish happiness for your family?”
In the end, you should ask several questions so that everyone answers: “Yes!”

“Are you normal, intelligent beings?”
---So why are you climbing the wall?!!!

Salute. Incredibly funny competition!!!

Number of players: any

The presenter invites the players to salute with their right hand, and at the same time extend their left hand forward with protruding thumb, saying at the same time: “Wow!”
Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.
The more people there are, the more interesting it is to play.

All competitions must be held for up to two hours!!!
Then people attack so much that they stop
understand what they want from him)))

Thanks to New Year's competitions, a home holiday will become a bright, unusual and memorable event. Playing in a pleasant company is a great opportunity to laugh together, show ingenuity and Creative skills, discover new sides in old friends or meet new people in a relaxed atmosphere. We offer several interesting ideas for thematic competitions at home.

Competitions for any company

These are universal New Year competitions for children and adults; they can be held at home (even if there is not much space in the room) or in a restaurant. Choose these games and the evening will be filled with surprises, laughter and communication.

“For the holiday - by ticket only”

This game will fill the holiday with a lot of unexpected and fun events.
  • a box, hat, vase or other container in which tasks are placed;
  • sheets of paper with written tasks.
How to do it?

A hat or box is placed near the door, from which each person entering takes out a task for himself. Cards are drawn blindly; you cannot inform other party participants about their contents. Violators are given symbolic punishment, for example, eating a piece of lemon without sugar or performing the Yellow Dog dance.

Cards for the game are prepared in advance. What the tasks will be depends on the imagination of the owners of the house and the company that gathers. Usually they write something like: “crow every hour”, “find three people who agree to dance in a circle with you”, “spend the whole evening wearing a Santa Claus hat”, “climb onto a chair at exactly 23.15 and recite a poem”, “say a toast in which all words begin with the letter B”, “persuade the neighbor on the right to dance tango”, etc. The content of tasks should be selected depending on the nature of the company; do not forget that they should be humorous, simple and enjoyable. If a lot of children come to the party, prepare separate boxes with cards for children and adults. At the end of the evening, a vote is held to determine who handled the game better. The winner is given a prize.

"Parade of Heroes"

Funny New Year's competition for adults and children. It is always interesting, leaving a lot of pleasant memories and vivid photos.


  • old glasses, masks, hats, mittens, garlands, clothes, newspapers, toilet paper, paints, lipstick, jewelry, etc. The more varied the items, the more fun the competition will be;
  • cards with characters, for example, the most inflated New Year's orange, the cutest dog, the fattest Snowman, the clumsiest snowflake, the most evil teddy bear, a very drunk Santa Claus, a boring guest, a big greedy person and any others that your imagination tells you;
  • a hat or box in which tasks are placed.
How to do it?

If there are less than 15 participants, then everyone plays for themselves. It is better to divide a larger number of guests into teams of 2-3 people.

  1. The participant draws a character card. He (or the whole team) is given 2-5 minutes to come up with an image from the proposed things and present a mini-performance.
  2. The rest of the guests enjoy the performance, take pictures and guess who is in front of them. It is better to limit the display time to 3-5 minutes so that the players have time to prove themselves.
  3. At the end, the participants vote, the one who makes the guests laugh or surprises the most wins.

Competition for attention

Include fun competitions for attention for adults in the New Year 2017 program, so that unfamiliar participants of the holiday get to know each other better, and old friends laugh sincerely. This game can be started spontaneously because it does not require any props.

How to play?

  1. The first pair is chosen (at will or by lot). It is better to distribute teams so that they contain people who know each other equally. The pair is chosen immediately before the competition, so participants who are waiting for their turn will not be able to prepare.
  2. The playing couple goes to the center. For 30-60 seconds, participants are asked to look at each other.
  3. Then their backs are turned, and the rest of the guests ask them one by one questions about their appearance: “What color are Andrey’s eyes?”, “What’s on his left hand?”, “What color are his socks?” etc. Sometimes they ask deceptive questions, for example, they ask which hand the ring is on, even if there is no such accessory. This will help confuse players.
  4. Even though people saw each other a minute ago, you'll likely learn a lot about their appearance. The pair that gives the most correct answers wins.

For lovers of intellectual games

For those who like intellectual questions, you can offer a word knowledge competition. This game is suitable for adults. The competition requires cards with words and a presenter who knows the correct answers. Make a list in advance of rarely used words with unusual meanings, for example, myatka (hustle, crush), surpleas (starting position of a bicycle in track racing), babushi (mullets), durra (tropical plant used to make bread), austeria (tavern) , hotel), verki (defensive building), colette (wide turn-down collar in medieval clothing), etc. You can find such words in dictionaries of ancient or foreign words, special reference books. In addition, non-existent words should be included in the list. This will make the game even more interesting.

How to play?

There are several options. You can come up with possible answers for each word and ask participants to guess the correct one. A more difficult, but also fun competition is to guess the meaning of words without clues. An important condition in this case is that it is necessary to explain the meaning of the word. Guests play in teams or each for himself.

"New Year's verse"

If you are looking cool competitions for the New Year, we recommend preparing everything you need for this game. It is fun at youth parties, holidays with friends or good acquaintances. Everyone will be able to show their creativity and laugh heartily.


  • cards with words or phrases (2-3 times more than the number of participants);
  • hat or box;
good mood and imagination. Cards with words are prepared in advance for the game. The more unusual the words, the funnier the result. If the game is played among young people, popular expressions from TV series and songs are used.

How to play?

  1. A large company is divided into teams with an equal number of players. If there are few people, everyone plays for themselves.
  2. The team representative draws a predetermined number of word cards from a hat. Often 5-8 words are enough.
  3. Now, in 3-5 minutes, the player or team must come up with a poem or New Year's song with words on the cards and present it to the others.
  4. The winner is the one who composed the funniest verse and presented it in the most artistic way.

"Guess the cocktail"

Looking for table games for New Year 2017 that you can play with adults? We recommend trying this competition. Props:

  • several clean glasses;
  • scarf or other blindfold;
  • drinks (can be taken from the New Year's table or prepared additionally).
How to play?
  1. Participants are divided into teams of 2-4 people. Each one selects a representative who will taste the drinks. He is blindfolded.
  2. The rest of the players are given 1-2 minutes and one clean glass per team. During this time, they prepare a cocktail for a taster from the opposing team. The bartenders' task is to come up with a new drink, the composition of which is difficult to determine.
  3. When the cocktail is ready, the taster tastes it (you don't have to drink it all) and guesses the ingredients.
  4. The team whose representative correctly names the composition of the drink wins. The game can be played in several rounds. Before the competition begins, it is better to limit the list of ingredients, for example, say that you can use everything that is on the table (in the kitchen), or select 10-15 drinks participating in the game. It is worth discussing the possibility of adding fruits, spices, olives, etc. Hosts can additionally bring tea, coffee, herbs, jam, etc.

Competition “Who will get the cookies?”

If you have already sat at the table, you can choose this game. Sweet lovers will especially like it.
  • 0.5 kg of delicious small cookies (as an alternative - several chocolate figures);
  • popsicle sticks.
How to play?
  1. The participant is asked to hold the tip of an ice cream stick between their lips and place a stack of cookies (or a chocolate figurine) on the other end.
  2. Now you need to walk around the tree without dropping the sweets.
  3. The person who can hold the tallest stack of cookies the longest wins. The prize is won sweets.

    If you haven’t prepared the props in advance, hold a competition with improvised objects: a glass of champagne or an orange on your head.

Competitions for 3-5 people

A lot of interesting games and competitions have been invented for small companies. We offer some of them.

"Results of the year"

This competition is suitable for celebrating the New Year in close friendly company. Its participants will laugh and remember the important and pleasant moments of the past year.

How is the game going?

  1. One participant comes up with a question (or 2-3 questions at once) about the events of the past year, for example, “How many times did we go to the movies together?”, “How many times this year did Yulia change her hair?”, “In what month was the album of this or that another group or a movie? etc. It is important that the situations are familiar to all guests and remind them of pleasant events. The asker must know the correct answer. You can come up with questions that contain false information or describe non-existent events.
  2. The others take turns answering. The one who answered correctly receives one point or a piece of candy as a gift.
  3. At the next stage, another player asks the question, etc.
  4. The one who gives the most correct questions wins.

"Sad Santa Claus or Snow Maiden"

This fun game requires no props. The participant sits on a chair and looks as serious or sad as possible. He plays the role of Father Frost or the Snow Maiden in depression. As soon as the player is ready, the time is noted. The task of the others is to make the hero laugh so that he has time to congratulate all the guys on the holiday. You can mix it in any way you want, except for tickling. As soon as a player smiles or shows another emotion, he loses and a new one takes his place. The one who stays serious the longest wins.

"Plans for the New Year"

Such competitions on New Year's Eve are relevant if only couples who have been together for a long time gather at the holiday. The game will help you discover new sides in your partners and become closer.


  • 2-3 lists of New Year's questions. The list includes the usual questions: “Where in next year does your other half dream of relaxing?”, “What is his/her favorite color?”, “What was the most exciting event last year? - or funny: “Will she go to Africa this year to save hippos?”, “If he/she flew into space, where?”
How to do it?
  1. One of the pair is given a list of questions. He writes answers to them in two or three minutes, without showing it to his other half.
  2. When the first player has finished, the second player receives a list of questions and answers them out loud. The task is to guess the answers of the other half.
  3. The pair with the most matching answers wins.

    Have a fun holiday and don’t forget that there should be a lot of competitions at the New Year’s table. This year's symbol loves laughter and celebrations. If you celebrate the New Year in a fun and interesting way, the Dog will definitely remember you and bring you good luck in the coming year.

After active dancing Having sat down at the table, the guests participate in the next competition. The presenter offers to remember all the New Year's attributes. Guests take turns naming the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. The one whose name is the last one wins.

New Year's Villain

For this competition you need to print out several photos (pictures) of a New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yaga or the Grinch - the holiday thief. The presenter must use scissors to make a kind of mosaic from whole photos (simply cut each photo in a chaotic order). The mosaic of each picture with a New Year's villain is packaged in a separate box or bag. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 3 people. Each team receives a box with pieces of the picture and at the command “start” the guests begin to put together the puzzle. But that is not all. The whole picture (photo) with the New Year's villain will hang on the Christmas tree. And, as soon as a team has successfully completed the puzzle and seen who the New Year’s villain is, its participants must find this villain on the tree and save the New Year from him (simply tear the picture off the tree). Whoever did it won.

Everybody dance

Everyone is standing around the tree. The presenter turns on cheerful New Year's music and names a hero for each song. And the participants must dance in the appropriate style, for example, now snowflakes are dancing, and now hares are dancing, and now fur seals are dancing, and now shy Snow Maidens are dancing, and so on. The most artistic and active ones will receive prizes.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

Guests are divided into pairs and not necessarily only: guy-girl. Each pair identifies its own Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns taking their phantom out of the bag, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples have pulled out their forfeits and found out their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates the guests of the corresponding nationality. It will be fun and interesting for everyone to take New Year's greetings from Santa Claus - the Chinese and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, is for the most artistic and active.

Revealing talents

There are forfeits in a hat or bag. Each guest chooses one and reads it. Then everyone takes turns demonstrating their talents. The forfeits can be written: depict a statue of the Discus Thrower, play the role of a drunken loader, sing a romance with words nursery rhyme, dance a hopak, show a double sheepskin coat in figure skating, and so on. Whoever best reveals his talent deserves a reward.

Wisp of desires

Each participant receives a sparkler. One by one, guests light their fire and say out loud wishes to their friends in a noun, for example, health, happiness, peace, prosperity, good luck, beauty, luxury, love, luck and so on. Whichever guest can wish for more “blessings” while his sparkler is burning will win.

New Year's chimes (funny)

When guests gather, some of them are given task tokens at the entrance; you can even sell them for more intrigue. The tokens indicate that the invitee must complete some task at a certain time. It’s very funny when, in the middle of a toast, one of the guests suddenly crows or starts dancing a twist on the table.

New Year's hugs

This competition is for a fun, large and friendly company. Several participants are selected, who, at the command of the leader, must hug as many friends as possible, while saying for each the phrase “Happy New Year, with new happiness.” The participant who can hug and congratulate more guests in a minute than the other participants will win.

Symbol of the year

When everyone is tired of running, jumping and galloping, you can devote time to the competition for imagination and creativity. Each participant must, in 5 minutes, come up with something to make out of and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, make a muzzle or an entire pig (dog, rooster, etc.) from food on the table. The symbol of the year can be made from anything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas decorations or any other interior items). Based on the voting results of all guests, the most beautiful and creative crafts, and its author will be awarded a prize.

Greet the symbol of the New Year

Each of the guests must remember what year of the animal he was born in and, in accordance with this, figure out how to get close to the symbol of the year, for example, the Pig. An example is this: I was born in the year of the Rooster, let’s be friends with the Pig. This goose is not a friend to the Pig, but the Rooster is even a very good friend. Or this: I was born in the year of the Dragon. I promise, Pig, I won’t fry you if I’m rich and well-fed all year round. And so on. Whichever guest provides the best proposal for the symbol of the year will receive a prize.