Good numbers for a wedding in the year. We approach the choice of a wedding date with all responsibility. Church wedding calendar

Despite the fact that the 2016 wedding season is still in full swing, future newlyweds are already starting to look closely at dates for next year. It would seem, why such a rush? Actually choose favorable days For a wedding in 2017, advance is extremely important, because sometimes, in order to book a restaurant, the best photographer, and even the optimal registration time for the right day, you have to agree almost six months in advance, and sometimes even earlier. Therefore, in order to think through every detail of the upcoming celebration, you need to decide on the date of its holding in advance.

Everyone has their own approach to determining the most auspicious day: someone sacredly honors Orthodox traditions, while flatly refusing to get married during periods prohibited by the church, some people like the eastern or lunar calendar, while others even turn to an astrologer or numerologist for help. It is simply impossible to confirm the reliability of one or another approach, because everything depends on your belief in its truth, so we have prepared a small overview of the dates that adherents of each movement offer for creating a family.

Moon calendar

There has long been no doubt that the satellite of our planet has a huge influence on it. We, being an integral part of the earth’s organism, react no less sensitively to every change in its phase. This connection manifests itself in literally everything: well-being, mood, behavior. The lunar calendar has ancient history, because it contains all the layers of knowledge that our ancestors have accumulated for centuries.

In ordinary life, we can be skeptics as much as we want and listen with a smile to messages about recommendations for the current lunar day, however, when it comes to the most important milestones in our lives, any sources of information are used and if we are looking for successful days for a wedding in 2017 , then you can’t do without a lunar assistant. What does it tell us about favorable moments for next year?

A calendar based on lunar cycles highlights neutral days, when our satellite does not have the slightest influence on us, favorable days, when everything planned is completed in the best possible way, and negative ones, when it is better to postpone all undertakings for more the right time. The last days are the days of lunar eclipses; during this period, any business is doomed to failure.

In the case of 2017, these dates will be 08/07 and 02/11. It is not recommended to plan such events during the new moon, since a person’s energy potential is depleted during this period. The waxing moon is the most powerful period for entering a new stage of your life.

The most optimal day for entering into a marriage this year will be Friday. It is best if it falls on the 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 26th, and 27th lunar days (do not confuse them, since they are in no way related to calendar days).

In general, the best days for a wedding in 2017 according to the lunar calendar will be: January: Sunday 1, 8, and 29; February: Friday - 3, 10, Sunday - 5; March: Friday 3, 10, 31; April: 2 (Sunday), 10 (Monday), 28 (Friday); May: Monday - 1, 8, Sunday 7; June: Friday - 9, 30, Sunday 4; July: Friday 7, 28, Sunday 30; August: 2 (Wednesday), 25 (Friday), 27 (Sunday); September: 3 (Sunday), 4 (Monday), 22 (Friday); October: 1 (Sunday), 4 (Monday), 22 (Sunday); November: Friday - 3, 24, Monday - 20; December: Friday - 1, 22 and 24 (Sunday).

Don’t be upset if your lucky day doesn’t fall on the weekend, because it’s quite possible to schedule registration at the registry office on weekdays, and organize a celebration with an outdoor ceremony from Friday to Sunday.

“Beautiful” dates for marriage

Of course, the main hysteria associated with beautiful wedding dates has already passed, since after 2012 it is no longer possible to encounter absolutely symmetrical numbers. You can, of course, wait a hundred, or better yet, a thousand years to get a beautiful combination of numbers in your passport, but those who can’t wait can easily choose an interesting and memorable date now.

The most interesting in this regard will be February 17 (02/17/2017), which also falls on a Friday. Days falling on the 17th of each month will be no less popular. Traditionally, numbers that have something in common with the month number are also in demand: 01.01, 10.01, 03.03, 30.03, and so on. Are such dates really better days for a wedding in 2017? It is unlikely that they often contradict the lunar or astrological calendar, but you will be sure that this combination of numbers will firmly stick in your spouse’s head and he will certainly not forget about the next anniversary.

What should you prepare for when choosing a date like this? First of all, it is worth booking it both at the registry office and with contractors at least six months in advance. And it’s not a fact that you will be able to reserve the desired time of the ceremony or agree with the best stylist/photographer/host.

Be prepared for the fact that the prices mentioned will be significantly higher than on ordinary days, because such a wedding will definitely cost you a pretty penny. Moreover, this applies not only to the services of a presenter or videographer; as a rule, taking advantage of the opportunity, the price in restaurants rises significantly, wedding processions, and it is simply impossible to negotiate any discount.

Optimal days according to the church calendar

If for a couple a wedding is not just a fashion statement, but a real sacrament, it is worthwhile to turn to the church calendar for help when choosing a day for this ceremony. As a rule, it does not indicate any optimal dates; there are only those on which it is allowed to get married, and those on which it is strictly prohibited. The latter, of course, are much smaller. These include:

  • Parents' days or memorial Saturdays;
  • Lent period (Assumption, Christmas, Easter and Petrovsky);
  • The biggest church holidays(Easter, Trinity, Palm Sunday, Christmas).

All other days on the church calendar are favorable for the 2017 wedding. But the choice of wedding date must be agreed with the priest, since there are some restrictions. For example, rituals are almost never held on Saturday; on Friday and Wednesday they are also prohibited; there are also one-day fasts when such celebrations are also not welcome. However, if you have booked a wedding date for one of these days, do not worry, because civil and church weddings can be held on different days.

Numerological approach

This is the easiest thing to do, because there is a certain calculation formula, according to which everyone can determine the day they need. To do this, just add all the digits of the date together, and then add the digits of the resulting number again. For example:

27.07. 2017: 2+7+7+2+1+7= 26, 2+6=8

Exactly 8 will be the desired number. Then you need to look in a special table at what this figure means for the future family, and draw conclusions based on this. For marriages, days whose sum is 2 or 4 are undesirable; dates with a value of 3.6, 9 are neutral, but 1, 8, 5 and 7 are the most optimal. As you can see, the date we have chosen is very successful for registering a marriage.

Be that as it may, you shouldn’t rely solely on a “happy” day to start a family. The key to a strong and friendly union can only be mutual understanding, the ability to compromise and a sincere desire to grow old together.

Wedding day is the most significant date in the life of newlyweds. Popular wisdom recommends approaching its choice with all seriousness, because wedding ceremony shrouded in many beliefs and prejudices. It is believed that the date, month and year in which the marriage took place can bring happiness to the couple or, conversely, quarrels and sadness.

When choosing a favorable wedding day, the advice of astrologers and numerologists, as well as some popular beliefs, are taken into account. It is worth paying attention to the dates of Christian fasts. During this period, as well as on the eve of great holidays, the church does not advise getting married.

To choose the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019, today’s article contains descriptions of all possible favorable and negative dates that affect the future of the newly-made family.

2019 for marriage: what will it be like?

A favorable day for a wedding depends on a number of factors.

The main criterion that even the most inveterate skeptics try to observe is the choice of the year in which the celebration will be held. It is believed that it should not be a leap year, that is, it should not last 366 days. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that in a year when February is endowed with an additional 29 days, it is impossible to have a wedding - otherwise the young family will very soon fall apart or live their lives in squabbles and discord. The years that immediately follow a leap year are also considered not the best periods for weddings.

The first of them is called the “year of the widow”, and the second is the “year of the widower”, that is, the wife or husband risks being left without a significant other early on. This will not force those who do not believe in omens to postpone their wedding for three years. Well, for everyone else, we have good news - 2019 is not a leap year, nor is it the year of the widow or widower! The next period, which will have 366 days, is 2020, so you should hurry up and celebrate the creation of a family at a good time.

Now let's find out how the Pig affects families created in the year of its reign. Due to the peculiarities of chronology Chinese calendar, The Pig will rule world affairs from February 5, 2019 to January 24, 2020. The Yellow Pig loves openness and easily establishes connections, so the Chinese are confident that in a family created in 2019, any disputes will be resolved through dialogue and compromise. If the couple respects each other and closely monitors the needs of the partner, the union will last for many years.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2019:

What do you mean by a beautiful date? Many couples struggle to choose a number that will look good on their marriage certificate. Perhaps someone remembers how many people wanted to legalize the relationship on July 7 and August 8 in 2007 and 2008, respectively. In 2019, such dates are not expected, but there are many others that we advise future newlyweds to take note:

  • Dates when the numbers of the day and month coincide. In 2019, these will be 1.01, 2.02, 3.03, 4.04, 5.05, 6.06, 7.07, 8.08, 9.09, 10.10, 11.11 and 12.12.
  • Same numbers of day and year. For example, 01/19/19, 02/19/19, 03/19/19, etc. Please note that on 08/19/2019 Orthodox Christians celebrate the Savior of Apple, and you should not have a wedding on this holiday. But 10/19/19, according to many, is one of the most beautiful dates for getting married in 2019.

02/19/19 is rightfully considered a beautiful date for marriage in 2019. Despite the fact that it falls on a Tuesday, when many registry offices are closed, there is no need to postpone the wedding, because you can order off-site registration.

  • The reverse date on the certificate will look nice, namely: 01.10 or 21.12.
  • The version with increasing numbers is also original - 10/9/19.

An astrological forecast will help you choose a favorable day for your wedding.

Choosing a favorable day for a wedding according to astrological forecasts

There is an opinion that the location of the heavenly bodies affects our well-being and mood. A decision made at a favorable or unfavorable moment can determine a person’s fate. According to astrological forecasts, a ready-made lunar calendar has been prepared, according to which the most favorable days for a wedding in 2019 are considered:

  • in January it is better to choose the 7th, 11th, 15th, 18th or 20th;
  • in February - 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17 and 18;
  • in March - 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17 or 18;
  • in April - 7, 11, 12, 15, 18 and 19;
  • in May - 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19 or 26;
  • in June - 5, 7, 9, 14, 16 and 17;
  • in July - 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 19 or 26;
  • in August 2019 – 5, 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18 and 23;
  • in September - 1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 29 or 30;
  • in October - 4, 8, 10, 11, 13 and 20;
  • in November - 3, 6, 8, 10, 11 or 28;
  • in December - 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 20, 27, 29, 30 and 31.

Video about favorable days for a wedding in 2019

Wedding according to the Orthodox calendar

Perhaps the most stringent requirements for wedding dates are determined by the church. Although the world is ruled by high technology, many young couples begin their life together not with a visit to the registry office, but with the sacrament of wedding. Of course, for believers who already regularly go to church and know all the intricacies of the Orthodox calendar, the information below will not be interesting.

When choosing a date, it is important to avoid major church holidays

However, there are also couples who attend church only on major holidays, and therefore are not very well versed in the nuances. We will tell you about the main parameters that a wedding date in 2019 must meet. The main reasons for refusing a wedding are church fasts and great celebrations. The sacrament scheduled for the following days will not be performed for you:

  • Tuesday or Thursday - they precede Lenten Wednesdays and Fridays, which is why they become a forbidden time for weddings;
  • Saturday - according to the Orthodox canon, this day comes before “Little Easter” (Sunday);
  • on the day of Christ’s Resurrection – 04/28/2019;
  • on the days of the twelve solemnities. These include the Ascension (06/06/2019), the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (09/27/2019), the Presentation of the Lord (02/15/2019), the Baptism of the Lord (01/19/2019), the Transfiguration of the Lord (08/19/2019), the Ascension of the Lord (06/06/2019) , Christmas (01/07/2019), Introduction to the temple Holy Mother of God(04.12.2019), Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (21.04.2019), Day of the Holy Trinity (16.06.2019);
  • during periods of fasting. In 2019, you will not be able to get married during the days of Lent (03/11/2019-04/27/2019), Peter's Lent (06/24/2019-07/11/2019), Dormition Lent (08/14/2019-08/27/2019), Nativity Fast (11/28) .2018-01/06/2019);
  • in the days before the patronal festivities in the church that you have chosen for the wedding (you will need to check about them on the spot);
  • for Cheese Week (03/04/2019-03/10/2019). In common parlance it is more often called Maslenitsa;
  • on the days of Christmastide (01/07/2019-01/17/2019) and Holy Week (04/28/2019-05/04/2019);
  • before strict one-day fasts (for example, the Beheading of the Forerunner - 09/11/2019).

Available in Orthodox calendar and several days, which since ancient times were considered the most favorable for creating family unions. The first of them is the holiday of the Red Hill, which Orthodox people will celebrate on 05/05/2019 (on Sunday, which will be the first day after Easter). No less favorable for wedding celebrations is the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - it is celebrated twice a year, 06/21/2019 and 11/04/2019.

Phases, their combination with days of the week

The penultimate in the hierarchy of importance for determining a favorable time for a wedding in 2019 were the Moon phases. Among them, the most positive ones for marriage are highlighted. These include:

  1. Waxing Crescent. Fulfillment, a mood for creation, and the desire for completeness fill a long and successful union, but for this we must remember about sincerity and love. You shouldn’t even think about the negative at this time.
  2. First quarter. At the renewal stage, the Moon is able to give a considerable charge that will help develop relationships for those who test them over time. But the issue must be approached exclusively with maximum responsibility.
  3. Full moon. It is shrouded in mystery and sacraments. The atmosphere is most incredible. By folk signs, this is what you need for a wedding. In 2019, they do not forget about one sign, very important and mysterious. According to her, the union concluded during this period will turn out to be real, solid, like a full cup.

Lunar day in the wedding calendar for 2019

In the wedding calendar for 2019, created to simplify the choice of a favorable day, you can also highlight days that are especially successful for concluding unions, which will have a positive impact on family life.

Lunar day (not to be confused with a calendar day!) Meaning
3 Although the 3rd lunar day can provoke scandals between newlyweds, it is still believed that they are perfect for people who are going to spend their lives in search of adventure and extreme sports.
6 A married couple will be distinguished by wisdom, capable of maintaining love for a long time. This day is suitable for concluding alliances between mature people who want to leave the riot of youth and land in a calm and quiet harbor.
7 An excellent time for marriage between people of art. It is recommended to invite creative friends to the holiday - then it will definitely turn out to be unforgettable.
10 The most favorable date in the entire cycle for holding a ceremony, which will bring a cohesive and friendly existence to any family.
13 The lunar day is a good moment for lovers over 30 years old, whose life’s work is science. IN in this case the union promises to be successful for those who are calm, thorough and phlegmatic.
14 An ideal time for a wedding between people who have already had spouses. This is an opportunity for change and a second chance, which will turn into success if previous experience has been carefully analyzed and all the necessary conclusions have been drawn.
17 The family idyll will not be overshadowed by any everyday problems. The couple is expecting the birth of desired and gifted children.
22 Lunar days are perfect for lovers engaged in creative and “budget” areas. At the festival Special attention It is recommended to devote time to the table - it should be rich, generous and offer guests a lot of sweets.
24 Marriage is recommended for those people who have tested their love with enough time. The longer the newlyweds walked hand in hand, the stronger their union will be, and it makes no difference whether they are young or have already crossed the 40-year mark.

Folk signs

According to popular belief, the time of year will determine the fate of your marriage.

Our mothers and grandmothers probably know superstitions regarding the month of marriage and its influence on the future of the young couple. These signs have been known since time immemorial and are still respected. According to popular wisdom, the most favorable periods for a wedding are February, June, August, September and December. If a young man and a girl get married in July, they are destined for a rich life, rich in both joys and troubles.

Difficulties portend spring wedding. “If you get married in May, you will suffer all your life,” says popular belief. It is explained by the fact that this month was one of the most difficult for our peasant ancestors. A wedding in January, March and October promises a difficult fate for the newlyweds. The alliance concluded in April will resemble a roller coaster in its instability. A wedding in November will bring material wealth to the couple, but not love.

How to choose the best day for a wedding according to signs

Many believe that a wedding played in a leap year will have a bad effect on the marriage union - it will not be strong. It's superstition, huh? Orthodox Church believes that marriage this year is no different from solemn ceremonies held at other times.

Church canons prohibit weddings only on the eve of special holidays, during Lent, on Wednesday and Friday.

Even in the old days they believed that leap year protected brides. Therefore, the initiative was transferred into their hands. Matchmakers were not sent to the girl’s house, but on the contrary, brides came to woo the grooms. Of course, this did not insure against refusal, but girls received it very rarely.

During the leap year, even special rituals were performed that were in no way related to the lunar calendar, but it was believed that this would protect the marriage. So, for the union to be long and happy, one of the relatives said during the wedding: “I crown with a crown, not a leap end,” and also:

  • On the way to church, neither the bride nor the groom should look back.
  • The bride must wear a dress that covers her knees, then family life it will be long, and after the wedding you cannot share your outfit and jewelry with anyone.
  • Marriage in a leap year will be successful if among the guests there is someone in a high position.

How to determine your wedding date:

  • Lunar calendars. The most important thing that the bride and groom need to remember is not to schedule their wedding on a lunar or solar eclipse. It is believed that during this period a person’s mind is clouded, and therefore important decisions will certainly lead to trouble and hardship. Days when the Moon is in the sign of Taurus and Aries are also considered unfavorable. Most successful marriages are considered to be those that were concluded during the period of the waxing moon from the new moon to the full moon.
  • Wedding date in terms of numerology. Experts in this field calculate the date in the following way - add the month, year and date together until you get a single digit number. For example, April 12, 2017 will look like this: 1+2+0+4+2+0+1+7=1+7=8. The number 8 will patronize marriage. The best numbers are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
  • In Orthodoxy. We all know that marriages are not celebrated during Lent. But there are other unfavorable dates that you need to know about. It's parents' Saturdays, big Orthodox holidays and the period of fasting.

It must be admitted that there are many approaches to choosing a favorable day for a wedding. Only you can decide which ones are trustworthy. However, remember: no signs can upset the union of two loving hearts. Even a marriage entered into at an unfavorable time can become strong and happy.

Which hairstyle to choose for a wedding?

Every year there are dates that, for one reason or another, are best suited for celebrating a wedding and have a harmonious and positive impact on the relationship between the newlyweds. Now we will find out which days are best to choose for a wedding in 2017.

Ideal date 2017

Newlyweds who want to have their wedding in 2017 should know that this will be the year of Red Fire Rooster- it is perfect for wedding celebrations and is a symbol of strong, reliable and pure relationships built on trust, mutual respect and sincere love. According to astrological forecasts, newlyweds who get married in this favorable period will have a harmonious and happy life together for many, many years.

In order to determine the most favorable days for a wedding in 2017, you need to decide which calendar forecast is most important for the newlyweds: church, astrological or lunar. There are also many couples who, for some reason, do not want to rely on astrology and church recommendations, and simply choose a beautiful date for their wedding celebration, which pleases the eye with harmonious numbers - which are combined numerologically, are easy to remember and look quite original.

Orthodox church calendar 2017

According to church recommendations, the most favorable times for officially starting a family are the periods from January 20 to March 7, May 8, and from September 1 to November 30. All fasting days are, of course, an exception. It is also categorically not recommended to get married on the days of remembrance of the dead (February 18, 11.18, March 25, April 25, May 9, June 3, November 4), Palm Sunday (April 9), Easter (April 16) and on Holy Trinity (June 4).

Astrological calendar 2017

Most astrologers believe that there are a number of successful days for a wedding celebration in 2017:

Winter. Generally winter period is not considered lucky for marriage. The only exceptions are some dates: January 1, 7, 29, February 13, 22, 23. In December 2017, it is better to get married on the 20th, 22nd or 27th.

Spring. According to the astrological calendar, it is better to get married in the first two spring months. It is not recommended to have weddings in May, since the spouses will have a difficult, unstable relationship. The following numbers are considered the most suitable: in March - 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, in April - 12, 13, 19, 26, May 8.

Summer. Summer period similar to spring. According to the astrological calendar, in the last month of summer there are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2017, although according to the observations of LenArt employees, August, on the contrary, is the most favorable month for weddings (but where are we compared to astrologers?). Among the suitable days are: June 5, 9, 30, July 3, 17, 28.

Autumn. The best months will be October and November. Among the most suitable days for a wedding are: September 1, 3, 25, at the beginning of October - 1 and 2, at the end of the month - 26, 28, 30, in November - 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30.

Lunar calendar 2017

It has long been proven that the moon and its position in the sky significantly affects the human body, well-being and mood. Not only depends on the phase in which the moon is in a given period of time general state people, but also how it will affect relationships and the future life of a person as a whole. According to the lunar calendar, the most suitable time for marriage is when there is a new moon, full moon and the 4th change of the moon.

Among the suitable days according to the lunar calendar are:

There are newlyweds who want to celebrate their wedding only on favorable days of a certain calendar: church, astrological or lunar, and who sincerely believe that the wedding date plays a huge role in determining the future of their family. Other couples want to get married on a day that is considered lucky according to all calendars - so as not to make a mistake. Since it often turns out that the dates recommended by astrologers are not favorable in church recommendations and are absolutely neutral in terms of the state of the moon and vice versa, you can find dates that will be considered successful in all respects.

Based on this, the best days in 2017 for weddings are:

These dates are considered the most appropriate according to all calendars: church, astrological, and lunar, and do not contradict any of them.

Beautiful numbers for marriage in 2017

Many newlyweds, when choosing a wedding day, focus on numbers and do not bother with the recommendations of numerous calendars, which often contradict each other and thereby make people doubt their choice. There are couples who want the numbers on their wedding date to be compatible, memorable and beautiful. Since the year number consists of two pairs of numbers: 20 and 17, dates that have combinations with these numbers look good.

07.2017, Friday. This is the most beautiful date of this year, suitable for a wedding;

02.2017, Friday. One of the most beautiful dates where all the numbers are combined with each other.

04.2017, Saturday. The number combines 0 and 7, and since 4 is a multiple of 2, the number is easily perceived by ear;

10.2017, Saturday. Since 10 looks good in any date, it is also suitable for a combination of 7 and 0.

In addition, all options that contain the numbers 7, 17 and 20 will look impressive, regardless of the month.

Wedding numerology

Since numerology has a huge impact on people's character, their lives and relationships, many newlyweds try to get married on a day that is favorable according to this science. By correctly calculating the date, you can choose a day that will become significant and bring good luck future family.

Tip: In order to correctly use numerology in determining the appropriate day for connecting destinies, you need to add up all the numbers of the expected date, for example, 07.07.2017 – 7+7 +2 +1 +7=24, then 2+4=6. Then you need to look at what interpretation the resulting number has in relation to the wedding, and what impact it can have on your future life together.

According to numerology, the most favorable days for a wedding are those whose date consists of numbers whose sum is 1, 5, 7, 8; 3, 6, 9 are less suitable; 2 and 4 are not recommended.

Thus, you can choose the best day to get married in 2017 based on the Christian church, astrology, lunar phase, numerology, or simply choose a beautiful number. Each couple can choose for themselves what to believe and what to focus on. At the same time, the main thing to remember is that not a single marital union will become happy without love, understanding and respect for each other.

There are dates that have a harmonious and positive impact on relationships in the future family. What favorable days can you use for a wedding in 2017?

Perfect day

A wedding day is a significant event for any person. Bonding themselves with marriage bonds, newlyweds believe that family idyll and they will carry love throughout their lives. Some people believe that respect, patience and warmth are enough for this, while others believe that the day and date on which the marriage took place is of no small importance.

Couples wishing to get married in 2017 should know that this will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster. It is great for weddings and is a symbol of strong, reliable, pure relationships built on respect and love. According to astrological forecasts, spouses who get married during this period will experience a calm, harmonious and measured life.

In order to determine favorable days for a wedding that will take place in 2017, it is necessary to determine which calendar forecast is most important for the newlyweds - church, astrological or lunar. Also, many couples choose a beautiful date for their wedding day, i.e. a number that combines numerologically, is memorable and looks unusual.

Orthodox church calendar

According to the recommendations of the Church, the most suitable time for marriage is the periods from January 20 to March 7, May 8, from September 1 to November 30. All days of fasting are exceptions. It is also strictly not recommended to get married on the days of remembrance of the dead (February 18, 11, 18, March 25, April 25, May 9, June 3, November 4), Palm Sunday (April 9), Easter (April 16), on Holy Trinity (June 4).

Astrological calendar

Most astrologers believe that there are a number of good days for a wedding in 2017:

  • Winter. In general, the winter period is not considered a happy time for marriage. Exceptions are some dates: January 1, 7, 29, February 13, 22, 23. In December 2017, it is better to get married on the 20th, 22nd or 27th.
  • Spring. According to the astrological calendar, it is better to get married in the first two spring months. It is not recommended to have weddings in May, since the spouses will have a difficult, unstable relationship. The following numbers are considered the most suitable: in March - 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, in April - 12, 13, 19, 26, May 8.
  • Summer. The summer period is similar to the spring. According to the astrological calendar, there are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2017 in the last month of summer. Among the suitable days are: June 5, 9, 30, July 3, 17, 28.
  • Autumn. The best months will be October and November. Among the most suitable days for a wedding are: September 1, 3, 25, at the beginning of October - 1 and 2, at the end of the month - 26, 28, 30, in November - 22, 24, 25, 29 and 30.

Moon calendar

It has long been proven that the moon and its position affect the body, well-being and mood of a person. Not only the general condition of people, but also how it will affect relationships and future life in general depends on the phase in which it is in a given period of time. According to the lunar calendar, the most suitable time for marriage is when there is a new moon, a full moon and the 4th change of the moon.

Among the suitable days according to the lunar calendar are:

There are people who want to get married only on favorable days of a certain calendar, Church, astrological or lunar, and believe that the number of the solemn event plays a huge role in determining the future of their family. Other couples want to get married on a day considered lucky by all calendars. Since it often turns out that the dates recommended by astrologers are not favorable in Orthodoxy and are absolutely neutral according to the state of the moon and vice versa, you can find numbers that will be considered successful in all respects.

The best days in 2017 for weddings are:

These dates are considered the most suitable according to the Orthodox, astrological and lunar calendar and do not disturb any of them.

Beautiful numbers for marriage

Many couples, when choosing their wedding day, focus on numbers. I want them to be combined, memorable and beautiful. Since the year number consists of the constituent digits 20 and 17, dates that have combinations of these digits look good.

When choosing a beautiful date for a wedding in 2017, we recommend noting:

  • 07. 2017, Friday. The most beautiful date suitable for a wedding;
  • 02. 2017, Friday. One of the most beautiful dates where all the numbers are combined with each other.
  • 04. 2017, Saturday. The number combines 0 and 7, and since 4 is a multiple of 2, the number is easily perceived by ear;
  • 10. 2017, Saturday. Since 10 looks good in any date, it is also suitable for a combination of 7 and 0.

In addition, all options that contain the numbers 7, 17 and 20 will look impressive, regardless of the month.


Since numerology has a huge impact on people's character, their lives and relationships, many newlyweds try to get married on a day that is favorable according to this science. By correctly calculating the date, you can choose a day that will become significant and bring good luck to the future family.

Tip: In order to correctly use numerology in determining the appropriate day for connecting destinies, you need to add up all the numbers of the expected date, for example, 07.07.2017 – 7+7 +2 +1 +7=24, then 2+4=6. Then you need to look at what interpretation the resulting number has in relation to the wedding, and what impact it can have on your future life together.

Useful tips

The lunar calendar plays in electoral astrology very significant role, but, in addition to the Moon, when choosing the date of a particular event, you should undoubtedly look at other planets, their interaction and position.

If you rely only on the Moon in this matter, you can miss several very important points, important tips that can affect your life newlyweds after the wedding. For example, a marriage with afflicted Venus can lead to a difficult and unhappy life, loss of love and cooling, and with a harmonious one, on the contrary, a life of love and fidelity.

But, of course, without personal horoscope those getting married will not have the full picture. In any case, by looking at our calendar, you can at least see those periods of the year when It's better not to schedule a wedding due to various astrological reasons that we will talk about.

In particular, you should pay attention to the position of Venus, because Venus is responsible for love, marriage and partnerships.

The moment when you put your signature in the marriage registration book and in the certificates is very important: after all, it is the moment that is considered moment of birth new family . Like the human horoscope, the marriage horoscope has its own characteristics; it also has problematic and harmonious aspects. The fewer voltages we find, the greater the likelihood happy marriage.

Before choosing a date for your wedding, look at the lunar calendar, choose least dangerous and unfavorable days , which will be discussed in the description of each month. But if possible, of course, look at the best and best days for a wedding as the most suitable ones.

Lunar calendar 2017 for wedding


The most successful days for a wedding: 31 (from 15:30)

Good days for Wedding: 7, 13, 14, 17 (from 8:00 to 9:00), 21 (from 11:00), 30

Engagement : 18

Acceptable wedding days: 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30

Extremely unfavorable days: 1, 5, 6, 12, 19, 27, 28

The moon will be waxing this month from January 1 to January 11, and then from January 28 to January 31. At the beginning of the month there will be only one more or less good day for marriageJanuary 7 (Saturday). On this day the Moon will move according to the sign Taurus, especially will be in its first part, and this promises a strong love marriage.

January 13 and 14 (Friday and Saturday)– days of the Moon in the sign Leo, this is a good day to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale.

January 17 from 8:00 to 9:00 you can marry widows and widowers, but for all other cases this is a bad time.

The most successful day for a wedding – January 31, 2017, but it’s better if the painting is scheduled after 15:30 when the Moon leaves the negative aspect with Saturn and approaches connection with Venus in Pisces .


: No

Good days for a wedding : 4 (from 8:00 to 11:30), 5, 9 (from 13:00), 19, 23

Engagement : 15

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 13, 17

Extremely unfavorable days : 1-3, 10, 18, 22, 24-26, 28

Venus will become noticeable in February slow down, since he will be preparing to go into retrograde motion, and this is also a bad sign: there may be all sorts of obstacles in family life.

Good days for a wedding - February 4, 23 (Saturday and Thursday), When will the Moon be in favorable signs? Taurus And Capricorn. The rest of the days are more neutral. Very have a nice day there will be no marriage this month, so if you can still wait, wait for a better time.

February 2017– month of eclipses that will take place February 11 (lunar eclipse) and February 26 (solar). On these dates weddings cannot be scheduled or plan some very important things.

Lunar wedding calendar 2017


The best days for a wedding : No

Good days for a wedding : No

Engagement : No

Acceptable wedding days : No

Extremely unfavorable days : 1, 5, 12, 20, 23-25, 27, 28

Astrologers sometimes allow marriages on retro Venus if, for example, they are repeated, or the couple was separated for some time, and then decided to reunite again. However, it is also quite debatable whether remarriage will be successful. In this case, it is better not to tempt fate and postpone the wedding. In addition, there will be no weddings in March, and this is just another hint to wait for a better time, because many couples still want appear before the altar.


The best days for a wedding : 27 (from 8:00 to 10:00)

Good days for a wedding : 1, 5, 6 (after 13:00), 14 (before 14:00), 15, 18, 22

Engagement : 9 (from 17:00), 11 (after 11:00)

Acceptable wedding days : 23, 24, 26, 28, 30

Extremely unfavorable days : 3, 11, 19-21, 24-26

The best time is developing April 27 (Thursday) in the morning. And although there are no weddings on this day, you can schedule a painting for it. The moon will follow the sign Taurus, in its first part, will already be far from the Sun and will not do negative aspects.

Wedding day according to the lunar calendar


The best days for a wedding : No

Good days for a wedding : 3, 15, 16, 23 (after 16:00), 29 (after 16:00), 31

Engagement : 7, 8

Acceptable wedding days : 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 31

Extremely unfavorable days : 2, 10, 17-22, 24, 25

For the entire month, Venus will remain in the sign of her exile - the sign Aries, so this month cannot be named ideal for weddings. However, the retrograde of Venus is already behind us, and the planet manages to pick up its usual speed. You will now be characterized by decisiveness and impulsiveness in resolving issues related to partnership. Nowadays, hasty marriages are dangerous, since they are more doomed to fail.

Read also : (until June 6, 2017), Taurus (from June 6, 2017)

Finally, Venus will be in a favorable sign for itself Taurus, so this month is more suitable for a wedding than the previous one. However, there will be almost no weddings this month ( only June 2), but you can choose for yourself marriage registration date, and get married in another month.

In the first third of the month, although the Moon will be growing, it will not go along the most best signs for marriage, there's more neutral signs. June 11 and 12 The moon will be in the sign Capricorn, which promises a long and strong marriage. Besides, June 11 (Sunday)– 17th lunar day, which is perfect for holiday celebrations.

June 20, on Tuesday, the Moon will move through the first half of the sign Taurus and will approach Venus in the same sign after midnight, so this day is very good to choose for a wedding, even though it is weekday.

The most successful will be June 26 and 27 when the Moon will wax again and be in the sign Leo. Although these are Monday and Tuesday, these days are a good time to arrange festive banquets.


The best days for a wedding : 25 (until 12:30)

Good days for a wedding : 5 (after 10:00), 18 (before 15:30), 19 (after 11:30), 31

Engagement : 2, 28, 29

Acceptable wedding days : 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31

Extremely unfavorable days : 8, 10-12, 15, 16, 23, 30

VENUS: in the sign of Taurus (until July 5, 2017), Gemini (from July 5 to July 31, 2017), Cancer (from July 31, 2017)

Until July 5, Venus will be in the sign of Taurus, but for most of the month it will be in the neutral sign of Gemini. The most unlucky day for a wedding can be called July 23, the day of the new moon, when the Moon will also be approaching burnt Mars. If possible, skip this day, even though it is Sunday. In addition, on this day Venus will approach a negative aspect with Saturn, which means that your marriage will not last long. July 24 Also, you should not choose for a wedding because of the negative aspect between Venus and Saturn.