House of counting sticks. Games with counting sticks card file in mathematics (senior group) on the topic. Familiarization with chopsticks for the little ones

Children, especially at preschool age, are very inquisitive. The task of adults is to help them cognize the world not only with the help of toys, natural phenomena, specific household items, but also with the help of abstract teaching aids, one of which are ordinary counting sticks.

The benefits of counting sticks in the mathematical development of preschoolers

It is a mistake to think that with the help of these improvised means you can teach a child to count, and nothing more. Their task in skillful hands parents - to develop children's thinking, namely:

  1. They help to learn colors, add and study geometric shapes, design intricate castles, and solve logical problems. Therefore, counting sticks can be an excellent teaching aid when organizing homework.
  2. With the help of this simple and multifunctional manual, you can study the order of numbers and their composition, the concepts of "shorter-longer", "more-less", "higher-lower".
  3. It is also worth listening to the opinion of psychologists who simply insist that, along with fine motor skills, games and activities with these counting elements help to develop in a preschooler:
    • intelligence;
    • independence;
    • imagination and creative thinking;
    • attention;
    • interest in research and knowledge;
    • activity;
    • the will to win;
    • purposefulness;
    • persistence;
    • independence;
    • the ability to plan, control and evaluate their own activities;
    • concentration.

Options for using didactic aids in fun for kids

It is very easy to involve a little one in working with sticks. The main thing is to be interested! The most familiar and main activity for children from 2 to 6 years old is a game. Exactly at game form you need to conduct classes, coming up with an interesting plot and even distributing roles. Set the rules from the very beginning and let the little one understand the ultimate goal of the game. It can be anything, depending on what you need to teach in games with sticks. For example, fold a figure out of sticks or arrange them by color in separate boxes, lay out a name or count how many counting elements a house consists of. Thus, at home, counting sticks will become an excellent didactic game.

Important! Interest in right decision task stimulates the child to active brain activity and overcoming difficulties in the work begun. The baby will especially try if someone else does the same work next to him - children love to compete and show the will to win.

Magic wand games for toddlers (9 months +)

When and how to organize didactic games with counting sticks at home? Experts point out: early age, when kids are just starting their way to the knowledge of objects, counting sticks can be used as playing material, learn colors with their help, design figures of various sizes and shapes, and use them in non-standard drawing.

The starting age for familiarization with counting sticks is 9 months. The kid already knows how to grab objects with two fingers - forefinger and thumb, which means that it's time to develop fine motor skills hands An excellent exercise for this would be the following:

  • Take a small box or case, cut an oblong slit in them with a knife or scissors, and show the little one that you can put sticks into it one at a time. Toddlers will do an excellent job with the task, because at this age they really like to push objects through holes.
  • We sculpt a hedgehog from dough and offer the little one, under the strict guidance of my mother, to stick sticks like needles. Such an action is still difficult for a baby, so mother's hand will become an extension of the child's hand.

Important! During tasks with small details, small children should not be left unattended by adults. Indeed, in addition to the hole in the box, the child can, without hesitation, send one of the counting elements into his mouth.

What can be offered to a baby aged 1 to 1.5 years

1. Young children are already capable of learning concepts such as color, size, length. Therefore, armed with a didactic (training) manual, it's time to offer them such stick games :

  • Name the color of all the sticks.
  • Collect elements of a certain color.
  • Find sticks with the same length (Kuizener sticks).
  • Collect one stick of each color.
  • Find the shortest and longest stick and name their colors (Kuizener sticks).
  • Lay out the sticks in a row, alternating two colors, for example, yellow and red.
  • Choose any stick and ask the child to the left of it to lay out all the sticks that are shorter than the selected one, and to the right - all those that are longer. You can make it easier to solve the puzzle by asking leading questions. For example, show two sticks and ask if they are different or the same. You can complicate the question of how they differ from each other (color, length) or what is their similarity.

2. At an early age, children begin to be interested in and study the properties of plasticine. That's why modeling from plasticine for kids, it can be both an activity and a game with counting sticks. sticks in this case are auxiliary material: play the role of a stalk for a flower, legs for a fungus or a trunk for a tree; serve as legs-handles for a plasticine man or a chimney for a house.

3. Similarly, you can organize custom stick drawing for babies. For example, laying out various objects (road, cars, houses, flowers, men and animals) on the floor or table, you can create whole pictures and toy cities. Such an activity will surely arouse the interest of an inquisitive kid, will develop imagination, will make you feel not only a member, but also the creator of an exciting game.

Didactic games from 2 to 4 years

During this period, preschool children make a significant breakthrough in the field of self-knowledge and intelligence development. There is a formation of speech, contact with peers is easily established, the baby acts purposefully. He is interested in drawing, designing, which are increasingly based on children's imagination. It's time to channel these abilities in the right direction and deepen the knowledge about the purpose of counting sticks. Suitable for this will be the following games with sticks, which are widely used in kindergarten.

Where is less?

Counting sticks need to be laid out opposite each other in two rows, in one of which there will be one less of them. The preschooler must show which row has fewer elements and which has more. They complicate the puzzle with the question: “What needs to be done so that the number of sticks becomes the same?”.

Task with an asterisk: ask the kid to independently lay out two rows with the same number of elements, and so that there are one or two less of them in one row.

repeat pattern

You will need a sheet of paper with an image of some object understandable to the child (house, candy, butterflies, Christmas trees, etc.), made in two or three colors. The kid should lay out this drawing with chopsticks, repeating the colors on paper. At the end, ask the preschooler to name the colors with which he created his picture.

Such an exercise helps to study colors, develop fine motor skills of children's fingers, as well as creative imagination.

We build and count

An adult lays out some simple figure from the didactic material, for example, a triangle, and asks the student to repeat it. After the kid copes with the task, you need to voice the name of the figure and ask him how many elements were needed to build this triangle.

Then you can build a square, rhombus, rectangle, as well as any other objects with the same conditions of the problem. For deeper knowledge, you can ask what geometric figure the roof of a house, a window, a truck body, etc., looks like.

The task with an asterisk will be the request of an adult to divide a rectangle of 6 sticks into two equal squares using one. Or with one stick turn a square into two triangles.

The purpose of this game exercise is to develop spatial, logical and creative thinking in children.

Games for older preschoolers

Classes with children aged 5-7 years involve a more thorough preparation of them for schooling. This will require not only perseverance, but also basic knowledge in the field of reading and mathematics, the ability to generalize, highlight, compare. Of course, you can not strain your child with any tasks, because everything you need will be taught at school in due time. But if a preschooler has an interest in learning, he should not be denied self-development. Using sticks for counting, you can invite him to perform the following exercises according to ready-made schemes. This is how games with counting sticks are played in kindergarten.

Complete the picture

It is necessary to show the child a diagram-drawing of half of an object depicted on paper. The task is to complete the picture symmetrically, using the same colors and proportions.

Draw numbers and letters

Using sticks, lay out the names of the letters (if it is easy, then simple words), as well as numbers within ten. With good success, you can do it at speed with one of your peers.

What are numbers made of?

When the preschooler already knows what the numbers look like, you can invite him to lay out each one with the help of sticks of two colors, thereby giving the concept of the composition of the number. So, the number 5 can be laid out from two red and three green sticks or from one yellow and four red ones.


A simple option: use sticks to lay out an example (as an option, two sticks + three sticks). The child must be asked to count and give the correct answer by laying out the required number of elements after the equal sign. If the kid knows the numbers, then you can lay out the expression with their help.

  1. The age at which it is worth involving children in activities with a set of counting sticks is determined by parents themselves. But experts still recommend not to load the baby's brain too early. It is optimal to start classes at about three years of age.
  2. At first, it is worth letting the baby get acquainted with the didactic material - let him play, put figures, pyramids. So it will be easier for a small student to study the shape and color of the parts, to feel the material from which they are made. Only in this way will children be able to conclude that some sticks are shorter than others, to catch their color differences.
  3. The beginning of classes must be made playful - the child should not feel pressure from adults, otherwise in the future he will develop an aversion to mathematics. The kid must come to all the conclusions and answers himself - it is independent thinking that will make his knowledge strong and durable. So say experts in the field of pedagogy.

Science has proven that the development of speech and mental activity of a child directly depends on the fine motor skills of the hands. With the training of fingers, the hand of the future student is preparing for writing. Therefore, it is extremely important to help him in this with the help of educational games, which include games with counting sticks. They are a simple and at the same time universal tool for developing hands and stimulating intellectual abilities simultaneously.

Counting sticks are easy to use. To show concern for development mental capacity preschooler, parents don't need to reinvent the wheel. After all, everything ingenious is simple.

Subject: Problem solving. Working with counting sticks.

Target: Introduction to simple arithmetic problems using counting sticks.

- Continue to learn how to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems for adding and subtracting numbers within 10.
- Introduce children to the structure of the task.
- Learn to accurately write down the solution of the problem in a notebook.
- Continue to teach children to answer questions.
- Develop attention, memory and thinking.
- Cultivate independence, perseverance and accuracy in work.

Material: counting sticks (for each child, 20 counting sticks of different colors - 10 green, 5 pink and 5 orange); a simple pencil, a notebook in a large cage - in children; for the teacher: a set of numbers from 1 to 10 and a ball for the game.

Methods and techniques: explanation, clarification, display, questions to children, help, evaluation, praise.

Course progress.

Organizing time


Good morning!
Sit right guys
Listen carefully!
Are you all ready for the job?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Hello math!

Lesson progress:


“Guys, today we have teachers visiting primary school…»

Today in our lesson they will see that you are funny, quick-witted and courageous guys, you know how to count, compare and solve problems well. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then let's start! .

Children line up in a column and take turns answering the questions of the teacher:

1. What day of the week is it today? Yesterday? Tomorrow? 2. How many days are there in a week? (7) Name them 3. How many days off are there in a week? (2)

4. How many fingers are on one hand? (5)

5. How many suns are in the sky? (1)

6. How many paws do two dogs have? (8)

7. How many fingers are on two hands? (10)

8. How many suns are in the sky at night? (0)

9. How many ears do two cats have? (4)

10. How many eyes does a traffic light have? (3)

Guys, today we will learn how to compose and solve problems. Take green counting sticks and place 6 counting sticks in front of you. Count how many sticks you got?
- That's right, 6 green counting sticks.
- Now take one orange or pink stick and put it next to the green ones.
How many counting sticks are in front of you?
- Correctly 7 counting sticks.
- Let's come up with a problem that we just did.
- In front of you lay 6 sticks. You put in 1 more stick. How many counting sticks are there now? This is the task we have with you.
- Guys, in the problem there is always a condition and a question.
- The condition of our task is this: we had 6 counting sticks. We have added 1 more stick.
- Which of you will be able to repeat the condition of the problem?
- Well done guys.
- The condition is little story. There are always numbers in the condition. What are the numbers in this problem?
- The numbers 6 and 1 are correct.
- Still in the task there is a question. What is the question in this problem?
- How many counting sticks?
- Guys, does everyone understand what a condition and a question are in a problem?
- Let's repeat the condition and the question of our task once again.
- Condition of the problem: there were 6 sticks, 1 more stick was added.
- Question of the problem: How many sticks have become?
Let's write down our task in a notebook.
(the teacher lays out or writes down the numbers on the board).
6 + 1 =
- There is an answer in the problem.
- What is the answer to this problem?
- That's right, 7. Write down the solution to the problem. 6 + 1 = 7

- Place 9 counting sticks in front of you.
- Now remove 4 sticks.
How many counting sticks do you have left?
Let's repeat the problem with you.
- Condition of the task: We laid out 9 counting sticks. Then we removed 4 sticks.
- What is the question of the task?
Q: How many counting sticks are left?
- Guys, let's write the problem in your notebook.
9 – 4 =
- What is the answer to this problem?- That's right, 5. Write down the solution to the problem.
9 – 4 = 5
- Let's solve another problem with you.
- Place 7 green counting sticks in front of you.
- Add 3 more sticks of a different color.
- Guys, this is the condition of the problem.
- Which of you can say the question of this problem?
Question: How many counting sticks did you get?
- Write the problem in your notebook.
7 + 3 =
- What is the answer to the problem?
- That's right, 10. Write it down.
7 + 3 = 10

- Let's solve the last problem for today.
- Place 8 counting sticks in front of you.
- Now remove 5 sticks.
- This is the condition of our task.
- What is the question of this task?
Q: How many counting sticks are left?
- Write the problem in your notebook.
8 – 5 =
- What is the answer to this problem?
- That's right, 3. Write down the solution to the problem.
8 – 5 = 3
- How did you solve this problem?
- That's right, you took away 5 sticks from 8.
- What answer did you get?
- There are 3 sticks left.
Now let's play a little game with you.

The game "What number is gone" is being played.
The teacher lays out a number on the board from 1 to 10. The children close their eyes. The teacher removes some number. Children raise their hands and say which number is gone. You can complicate the game and remove 2 numbers.

Fizminutka. "Who is the most attentive"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to perceive the task by ear (the number of claps), to compare actions with words; develop attention and speed of reaction.

Stroke: the teacher explains the rules of the game to the children, for one clap the children walk around the room, for two clap they stand in the pose of a stork, for three clap - in the pose of a frog. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake, i.e. the most attentive.

caregiver : Guys, with the help of counting sticks, we solved problems, and now let's play a game"Lay out the geometric figure."

It can be geometric shapes, houses, or just snowflakes.
At the end of the game, I praise all the children and mark the most beautiful, neatly laid out figures.

Then there is a didactic game

"Name the geometric shapes, and add shapes from them.

Game "Butterfly on a flower"

The game "What, where?"

Target: to consolidate the ability of children to navigate in space, to distinguish between right and left side, use words and prepositions (right, left, in front, behind; above, below, between); develop dexterity, speed of reaction.

Material: ball.

Stroke: The game is played in a circle with a ball. The teacher takes the ball, throws it to one of the children and asks: “What is to your right?” The child catches the ball, answers the question and becomes the leader.

Questions to the children: “What is above your head? Who is ahead of you? What's behind you? Who is on your left? Who is on your right?" Etc. The game is played at a fast pace.

(on the board a large illustration for the fairy tale "Turnip")

The turnip sat firmly in the ground,
One cannot cope.
And after the old grandfather
The tail is long stretching.
All came to one.
How many were there in total? (6)

Educator: What fairy tale are these characters from?

Children: From Russian folk tale"Turnip"

What is the value of a grandmother? (second)

And grandfather? (first)

Who is third? (granddaughter)

Who stands between the granddaughter and the cat? (Bug)

And who is standing last? (mouse)

Educator: Guys, what does this fairy tale teach?

Children: Friendship, the need to help each other, etc. ( children's answers)

Educator: “Well done guys, you are all very attentive! You did an excellent job with all the tasks.

Guys, what did we do in class today.
- That's right, they solved problems, laid out counting sticks, played games, found the missing number and called the neighbors of the number.
- Did you enjoy solving problems?
- Each task must have a condition and a question.
- I liked the way you did today.

Games - puzzles with counting sticks.

Children of the elder preschool age they are happy to guess riddles, solve various puzzles, love games of ingenuity. One of the most accessible types of tasks for ingenuity are games with counting sticks. They are also called problems of ingenuity of a geometric nature, because in the course of the solution, the creation various forms and transformation of one figure into another. In the course of such games, preschoolers willingly overcome significant difficulties, they can give up momentary desires that arise during the implementation of one or another task. game task. In addition to pride from the consciousness of one's quick wits, confidence in one's abilities, games - puzzles with counting sticks form such qualities as perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, resourcefulness, develop constructive skills, mental and creative activity.

To play, you will need a set of student counting sticks or any sticks of the same length and thickness, strips of cardboard, even matches that have been previously cleaned of sulfur. If you play with children, you can give oral tasks. If the child plays alone, it is good to prepare cards on which the condition of the game problem is written (if he can read), or it is schematically indicated how many sticks to take, what transformation to do and what figure should be the result.

For example: from 7 sticks you need to make 3 triangles.

It is good if children themselves come up with tasks and write down (model) them for solving by other people (children or adults).

Tasks - puzzles with counting sticks can be different in terms of difficulty:

To compose given figures from a certain number of sticks. For example, make a rhombus of 5 sticks:

Rectangle of 8:

On the transformation of figures by removing a given number of sticks.

For example, remove 4 sticks to make 3 squares:

Remove 8 sticks to make a cross:

On the transformation of figures, by shifting the sticks.

For example, shift 1 stick so that the house looks the other way:

Move 3 sticks so that the cow waved its tail and looked back:

When children have mastered all 3 difficulty levels of puzzle games, encourage their creativity in creating their own variants of logical problems. Come up with longer and more complex assignments. Using successive transformations, compose stories, fairy tales.

In the meantime, you are just learning, we suggest you guess the author's task - a puzzle:

We will take 6 sticks

And build a new house!

If 2 is shifted,

They won't be able to live in that house,

It is no longer a house, but a flag.

Who can do so?

Wanted to dig

I need to remove the wand

And transfer another.

So I'll get a shovel!

Do you have it ready?

Let's move the stick again

Let's take one downstairs

And put it in a box.

The chair is out!


How many sticks? Consider.

Have you counted?

There are four of them!

Spread your legs wider

The back must be laid -

The chair will serve as a table!

If you're not tired

Let's continue our work:

Let's make a road sign

Or a triangular flag.

2 shifted again

And we got the arrow!

Only now the arrow is broken

There was only one wand left.

We'll put it on the table -

We can make a triangle!

Lyubov Nikolaevna Roslyakova

Target: the development of logical thinking.


Refine knowledge geometric shapes, exercise in quantitative and ordinal account, comparing figures by size, laying out from counting sticks silhouettes of geometric figures, objects according to a model, according to oral instructions, according to a plan; learn to solve logical problems for the construction and transformation of images of geometric shapes and objects;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

Cultivate perseverance, interest in logical tasks, the desire to independently cope with the task, a sense of joy from the results achieved.

Conditionally can be divided into several groups:

1. Didactic games with counting sticks images of geometric shapes

- according to the model:

According to the quantity used sticks for laying out the figure,

for example, lay out a square of 4 sticks or 8 sticks, compare in magnitude obtained squares:

out of 10 sticks lay out 3 squares:

According to the size of the figure,

for example, lay out a small square, in which the length of each side is equal to the length of one sticks, or a large square with a side length of two sticks;

2. with uploading images of objects

- according to the model:

pictures from the library MAAM:

According to oral instructions, for example, build a house, the wall of which is a square of 8 sticks, from above, complete from 4 triangular roof sticks, build a square window of 4 sticks, in the attic - a triangular window of 3 sticks:

similarly build and compare in shape and size three house:

then change the shape of the roof of the last house, make it in the form trapeze:

- by design:

3. with geometric transformation figures: add, remove or shift a certain amount sticks to get a new figure (figures):

1) out of 8 sticks lay out a square, add 4 more sticks like that to divide it into 4 equal square:

remove 2 sticks- get 2 unequal square:

or shift 3 sticks– get 3 equal square:

or shift 4 sticks– get 3 equal square:

2) remove 3 from the left figure sticks- get 3 square:

3) out of 10 sticks lay out 2 unequal squares, shift 2 sticks– get 3 equal square:

4) at the left figure shift 2 sticks- get 3 triangle:

5) out of 15 sticks stacked 5 squares, remove 3 sticks so that there are 3 of the same square:

6) lay out of 6 sticks triangle, add 3 more sticks like that so that 4 equal ones are formed inside it triangle:

remove 4 sticks- get 2 equal triangle:

remove 3 sticks- get 2 equal triangle:

remove 2 sticks- get 2 unequal triangle:

7) shift 4 sticks- get 3 squares, there are 2 correct ones solutions:

4. with image conversion items:

1) rearrange 3 sticks so that the fish swims into another side:

2) rearrange 3 sticks like that so that the arrow is aimed at another side:

3) shift 2 sticks so that the calf is facing the other way, but the tail must be pointing up:

5. , in which the imposition of some sticks across others when laying out or when transforming (this is specified when submitting the assignment):

1) out of 9 sticks post 6 squares:

2) shift 2 sticks- get 7 squares:

move 4 more sticks- get 10 squares:

Can be used in individual, subgroup, front work with children on logical and mathematical development.

Related publications:

Developing game "Funny Names" (Children from 6 years old) Purpose of the game. To develop the ability to correctly form different forms of nouns, to agree.

"Mixed pictures" To consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills. A series of large pictures, to which children find appropriate ones.

Didactic game " Ladybug". Option 1: Purpose: to consolidate the correlation of numbers and the number of items (middle - senior group). Move.

Didactic game "Mood Masks" Purpose: to form children's ideas about various emotional states of people, to recognize characteristic ones.

No less interesting games were made by the family of Darya Dudina. The educational game "Rug weaving" is made of dense multicolored oilcloth.

MBOU "Gymnasium"

Suvorov, Tula region

We construct from sticks

(collection of tasks and games with counting sticks)

Developed by: primary school teacher

Matyukova Tatyana Borisovna


The widely known counting sticks are not only counting material. With their help, it is possible, in a form accessible to the understanding of the child, to acquaint him with the beginnings of geometry, with the concept of "symmetry"; develop spatial imagination. Puzzles with counting sticks develop an interest in mathematics, a desire to show mental tension, and also develop the logic of thoughts, reasoning and actions.

In the collection of tasks and games with counting sticks, there is an acquaintance with game and logical tasks related to the rearrangement of a different number of elements. Tasks develop observation and non-traditional thinking, increase interest not only in the final result, but also in the very process of cognition.

Tasks with sticks can be included in math and construction lessons, and also used in math lessons as a logical warm-up.

Tasks - puzzles with counting sticks are combined into 3 groups:

1. Drawing up a given figure from a certain number of sticks;

2. Changing a given figure by removing a certain number of sticks;

3. Transformation of a given figure by shifting a certain number of sticks.

The process of solving problems of the second and third groups is much more complicated than the first group. It is necessary to remember and comprehend the nature of the transformation and the result, and constantly, in the course of the search for a solution, correlate the result with the proposed or already implemented changes. A visual and mental analysis of the task is necessary, the ability to imagine possible changes in the figure. Education should be aimed at developing in children the ability to think over moves mentally, fully or partially solve the problem in the mind, and limit practical trials.

Children can work with chopsticks both under the guidance of a teacher and on their own. Puzzles contribute to the development of creative abilities and abilities, allow you to design thematic game figures according to the model and according to your own design. Working with sticks develops fine motor skills of the child's hands.

Tasks with chopsticks

1. Make 2 identical squares from seven identical sticks.

2. Make 3 equal squares from 10 identical sticks.

3. Make 2 squares from 10 identical sticks: large and small.

4. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 identical sticks.

5. Make 4 equal triangles from 9 identical sticks.

6. Make a square and two equal triangles from 5 identical sticks.

7. Make a square and 4 equal triangles from 9 identical sticks.

8. Make 5 triangles out of 9 identical sticks.

9. From 8 sticks, make 1 square and 2 equal triangles

10. Make 5 triangles out of 9 sticks.

11. Make 5 squares out of 12 sticks.

12. From 6 sticks, make a triangle with equal sides, and then put 3 more sticks so that there are 5 triangles.

13. From 9 sticks, make a square and a rectangle.

14. Make 2 identical squares and 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks.

15. From 6 sticks, fold 2 equal triangles.

16. From 16 sticks, fold 5 equal squares so that you do not get a large square. Remove 4 sticks so that 3 squares remain.

17. Make a house with a pipe out of 7 sticks.

18. Make a Christmas tree out of 4 sticks.

19. Make a ladder out of 7 sticks.

20. Make a boat out of 7 sticks.

21. How to build a chair from a square, shifting 1 stick.

22. Lay out the model numbers from the sticks.

23. Make a house out of 6 sticks. Arrange 2 sticks to make a flag.

24. Remove 2 sticks so that 2 squares remain.

25. Remove 2 sticks so that 3 squares remain.

26. Remove 2 sticks so that there is not a single square left.

27. Remove 3 sticks so that 2 squares remain.

28. Remove 2 sticks so that 2 squares remain.

29. Remove 2 sticks so that there are no squares left.

30. How many sticks must be removed so that there are no squares left. How many sticks must be removed to leave 1 square?

31. How many squares are shown in the picture? How many sticks do you need to take to build such a figure? How many sticks must be removed to leave one square? What is the least number of sticks that must be removed so that no square remains?

32. Lay out a figure from sticks. Take one stick and break this shape into a triangle and a rectangle.

33. Lay out a rectangle from the sticks. Split the rectangle so that it has 4 identical squares and one rectangle.

34. In the figure, shift 2 sticks so that you get 3 equal triangles.

35. Make a figure out of sticks. Remove 2 sticks to make 1 square.

36. Make a figure out of sticks. Remove 1 stick so that you get 2 squares.

37. In the figure, remove one stick so that 3 identical squares remain.

38. Move 5 sticks to make 2 squares.

39. Move 2 sticks so that 4 squares remain.

40. Remove 2 sticks so that 1 square remains

41. Remove 1 stick so that 2 squares remain. Find 3 solutions.

42. Move 3 sticks to make 1 square. Find multiple solutions.

43. Remove 3 sticks so that there is not a single square left.

44. Remove 2 sticks so that there is not a single square left.

45. Remove 2 sticks so that 3 squares remain.

46. ​​Remove 1 stick so that 3 squares remain.

47. Move 3 sticks so that 4 identical squares become 3 of the same squares.

48. In a figure consisting of four identical squares, remove 2 sticks so that 2 different squares remain.

49. In a figure consisting of 4 identical squares and a segment connecting them, shift 2 sticks so that 5 identical squares are obtained.

50. Make such a figure. Move 4 sticks to make 4 equal triangles.

51. Out of 12 sticks, lay out 6 equal triangles.

52. Remove 2 sticks so that 4 squares remain.

53. Arrange 3 sticks to make a house.

54. Rearrange 2 sticks so that the coin located at the handle of the scoop is inside it.

55. Move 4 sticks so that you get 3 identical squares.

56. Move 4 sticks so that you get 4 identical triangles.

57. Move 2 sticks so that the cow is facing the other way.

58. Make such an arrow. Arrange 4 sticks so that you get 4 equal triangles.

59. Make such a figure. Arrange 4 sticks so that you get 4 equal triangles.

60. Lay out the house. Move 1 stick so that the house looks the other way.

61. How many squares are in the picture? How many sticks did it take to fold the figure? Remove 1 stick like this. To get 4 equal squares.

62. How many squares are shown in the picture? How many sticks did it take to fold the figure? Arrange 3 sticks to make 4 equal squares.

63. How many squares are shown in the picture? How many sticks did it take to fold the figure? Move 4 sticks so that there are 4 identical squares.

64. In a figure of 5 identical squares, remove 3 sticks so that 3 of the same squares remain.

65. Move 2 sticks to make 6 squares.

66. In a figure consisting of 6 identical squares, remove 2 sticks so that 4 squares remain.

67. How many squares are there? How many identical squares? Remove 3 sticks so that 7 identical squares remain.

68. Remove 6 sticks so that 3 squares remain.

69. How many squares does the figure consist of? How many identical squares are included in the figure? Remove 4 sticks so that 1 large and 1 small square is formed.

70. Remove 4 sticks so that you get 5 equal squares.

71. Remove 5 sticks so that you get 6 equal squares.

72. Remove 2 sticks so that you get 7 equal squares.

73. Remove 6 sticks to make 3 squares.

74. How many squares are there? How many sticks did you need? Remove 1 stick so that 6 squares remain.

75. How many squares are there? How many sticks did you need? Remove 1 stick so that 5 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

76. Remove 2 sticks so that 4 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

77. Remove 2 sticks so that 6 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

78. Remove 1 stick so that 7 squares remain. Find 2 solutions.

79. Remove 1 stick so that 9 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

80. Remove 2 sticks so that 7 squares remain.

81. Remove 2 sticks so that 6 squares remain.

82. Remove 2 sticks so that 5 squares remain.

83. Remove 3 sticks so that 6 squares remain.

84. Remove 3 sticks so that 4 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

85. Remove 4 sticks so that 5 squares remain.

86. Build 3 squares out of 16 sticks different ways.

87. Build 3 squares out of 19 sticks.

88. Make 3 squares out of 20 sticks.

89. In this scale, composed of 9 sticks, it is required to shift 5 sticks so that the scales come into balance.

90. From three sticks, without breaking them, make 4.

91. Move 3 matches so that three equal quadrangles are formed.

92. There are 4 sticks in front of you. Add 5 more sticks, but in such a way that you get a hundred.

93. There are 5 sticks in front of you. Add 5 more sticks to 5 so that you get three.

94. Before you is a fraction (one seventh). It is necessary to make one third of it, without reducing the sticks, but only rearranging a few or one of them.

95. Arrange 11 sticks inside this square (composed of 16 sticks) so that it is divided into 4 parts equal along the perimeter, each of these parts is in contact with the other three.

96. Every example is a mistake! Put things in order and restore equality everywhere, shifting only one stick in each example.

97. Correct this example for subtraction in three ways. Find them.

98. How many sticks can make such a figure. How many squares does it have? Remove 4 sticks so that 7 squares remain. Find 4 solutions.

99. Fold such a figure. How many sticks did you need? How many squares does the figure consist of? Remove 3 sticks so that 7 squares remain. Find 4 solutions.

100. Fold such a figure. How many sticks did you need? How many squares does the figure consist of? Remove 2 sticks so that 9 squares remain. Find all solutions.

101. Fold such a figure. How many sticks did you need? How many squares does the figure consist of? Remove 1 stick so that 8 squares remain. Find 4 solutions.

102. Fold such a figure. How many sticks did you need? How many squares does the figure consist of? Remove 2 sticks so that 3 squares remain. Find multiple solutions.

103. Fold such a figure. How many squares does it have? How many rectangles? How many sticks did it take to fold the figure? Remove 1 stick so that 5 identical squares remain. Find 2 solutions.

104. Rebuild the ship into a tank by shifting 6 sticks.

105. Move 5 sticks and make a TV.