Flower bouquet made from plastic egg packaging. Interesting craft ideas from egg cartons Crafts from paper egg cartons

I have always considered myself an expert in matters of needlework. But when they asked me where Correx is sold in our city, I got to thinking. What kind of material is this, what is it for? Obviously not worth a penny! Thanks to the search engine for helping me figure out the issue. Now when you appear candy box I’m interested not only in its sweet contents.

Crafts from packaging

I think this material is just a godsend - I ate the candy, got inspired, and left the correction for needlework. It has many uses, ranging from simple pen holders to reuse in the kitchen.

This collection features best options how to create DIY packaging crafts. Feel free to call the children, they can handle most of them on their own.

Original crafts

If you run out of candy in the box, no problem, we’ll make new ones! It's much easier than it seems. All you need to buy are chocolate chips and nuts for the topping. The amount of candy depends on the capacity of your mold.

If you can't find crumbs in the store, buy a few bars of quality chocolate or make the glaze yourself. You don't have to use white chocolate; you can just use black chocolate.


As you can see, a lot can be made from recycled materials. Creation crafts made from plastic packaging will be a great activity for children of any age. The materials are not expensive, and the result will allow you to be proud of yourself.

Show this article to your friends; many probably did not know about such valuable material as correx.

Actually, the author of Rosi Jo" used plastic egg trays to create a wedding bouquet) It turned out very delicate, unusual and beautiful, a wonderful combination of plastic with wildflowers, ferns and pearls, but I don’t think that the use waste material it might come in handy for a wedding) It’s somehow frivolous and too cheap. Therefore, I simply call the publication a flower bouquet that you can put in a vase and decorate the interior of your home. Many thanks to the author for the idea and master class!

To create a flower bouquet we will need fern leaves, white wildflowers, pearl beads, wire and ribbons

We will make flowers from this plastic container for chicken eggs. They, containers, are different: white, transparent, yellow, etc. In our version we used transparent matte ones. And one more useful thing, since we are talking about food and household goods). I suggest you look at the website of the Kyiv store electrotehnika.at.ua, here you can buy pans - enameled, heat-resistant, glass, stainless steel, Teflon and so on. In the store's assortment you will find a large selection of household and electrical goods, from leading manufacturers, at reasonable prices; by the way, the prices for pots here are the lowest. You can call and purchase a set of pans that perfectly matches the interior of your kitchen)

We should get such a wonderful flower:

For work we need scissors and silicone glue

We need several cells for the main center of the flowers, cut them out as shown in the photo below:

We cut other cells into one strip with a rounded side, see photo

Roll it into a tube

Glue with hot silicone glue

You can also make a wreath, very stylish combination white plastic flowers with red color

The papier-mâché technique is in great demand not only as a way to create beautiful crafts and interior items, but also as one of the types of processing outdated newspaper publications and egg cartons. This skill is now very widespread, used in educational institutions, including kindergartens. The created products are durable, smooth and resistant to weather conditions, so they can be placed in rooms, left outside, as an element of decor in the courtyard of a private house or garden.

The technique involves the use of two techniques - pasting a certain base with pieces of newspaper or sculpting from a special mass. In this case, egg trays are often used. By collecting them, you can make a large enough sculpture for a winter or summer garden. And all you need are egg trays, water, glue.

PVA is the most common option. Its advantages include ease of use and the ability to form a waterproof film on the surface of the craft. This allows you not to use varnish to cover the surface in the future and put the products outside without fear that they may become deformed.

Craftsmen often use wallpaper glue.

But for papier-mâché it should be diluted a little with water. Crafts made using such an adhesive composition will not be “afraid” of mold and mildew.

If it is not possible to purchase glue in a store, you can weld a well-known and affordable paste at home.

Using cheap components, especially egg trays, which are almost always thrown away, you can make any little things and decorate your living room, nursery, or kitchen with them. Often, with the help of this technique, craftsmen create beautiful sets for decorating the kitchen, desk lamp as fairy-tale heroes, or Egyptian cats for living room decor.

A special feature of the technique and the main key to success is the accuracy of the sculpting. One of the important factors is to let each piece of the craft dry thoroughly. In this case, it will not fall apart or change over time.

Papier-mâché master class: flowers

You can make beautiful flowers using glue and egg trays.

For this you will need:

  • 5 egg trays;
  • Water;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • White acrylic or gouache;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Thick wire (will serve as a stem for the flower);
  • Paints, brushes.
  • Colorless nail coating.

Depending on how many flowers you plan to make, you will need a certain number of pieces of wire. There can be 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 - as many as you like. By the way, for flowers you can make a beautiful vase using the papier-mâché technique.

The adhesive composition is first prepared: the egg trays are soaked in warm water, after swelling, the water is drained and PVA or paste is added. The composition should have the consistency of not liquid, but not thick sour cream.

First of all, you need to stick the composition onto the wire. Moreover, if you plan to make a rose, you must immediately mold a stem with thorns. Leave until completely dry.

Flowers and leaves are made using the sculpting technique. They can be of different sizes, curved shapes or have smooth contours. To understand how to make them, it’s enough to remember how crafts are made from plasticine. The technique is identical.

All parts of the flowers are covered with white. It is better to give preference to gouache or acrylic coatings. Any paint can then be easily applied to them. After drying, the parts are painted in the appropriate colors: green for the stem, red, orange, yellow for the flowers, depending on what type of flowers is chosen.

The buds are attached to the stems with hot glue. Finally, the surfaces are torn with a colorless nail base. You can place butterflies and ladybugs on flowers.

Papier-mâché decorative elements using egg trays (video)

Papier-mâché for the garden

Hedgehog. A hedgehog will look beautiful and original in a garden with flowers, and you don’t need expensive components to make it. A papier-mâché hedgehog for the garden is a wonderful decorative element. You can mold a whole family of them. The main thing is to show maximum imagination. The hedgehog is based on an ordinary light bulb, because its structure resembles a hedgehog. But, it is possible to make an animal by sculpting it from a mass of papier-mâché (egg trays, water, glue).

If the method of using the base is chosen, the light bulb is pre-lubricated with oil so that it is not difficult to remove later. Things will go faster if you have two light bulbs at hand. The composition is applied to half the base, and you immediately need to form the animal’s face and spines. After drying, the halves of the future craft are removed and glued together with “Moment”. The legs are made from adhesive.

The craft is covered with acrylic and painted in the appropriate color. Eyes and nose are drawn with a marker.

Gnome. Thanks to the papier-mâché technique, craftsmen create the most interesting compositions. And if there is artistic talent, then there is the opportunity to create large sculptures for the garden, for example a gnome. Of course, it will take a lot more time to make, because street gnomes are quite voluminous sculptures. And here it is important that each part dries well for the strength and durability of the structure.

Will be needed:

  1. 5-liter empty plastic container (torso);
  2. Balloon or ball (head);
  3. 30-40 egg trays;
  4. Water;
  5. PVA glue or paste (about 1.5 l);
  6. Paints and brushes;
  7. White enamel;
  8. Colorless coating varnish.

The plastic container and the ball are covered with a mass of papier-mâché. After drying, the bases are removed, and the cut halves of the body and head are glued together. A mass of papier-mâché is connected to each other. The face and hands are formed from the adhesive composition. After a while - the remaining parts - headdress, fingers, legs. After drying - cheeks, nose, eyes, beard. There is nothing complicated about this, the most important thing is that the material must dry well, so there will be a lot of it and if this rule is violated, the sculpture will “float”. You can make a gnome for the garden in different poses - he can sit, stand or look out, as your imagination dictates.

In order to create beautiful craft, a decorative item, and also to get rid of old and unnecessary, accumulated egg trays, you can use a wonderful technique - papier-mâché. Crafts made in this way are increasingly gaining popularity in educational institutions and not only.

Products created in this way are of very high quality, can withstand almost any weather conditions, therefore they can be placed both indoors and outdoors. Check out the photos of egg tray crafts to see what they are like.

Technique for creating papier-mâché from egg trays

To accomplish this, you can use two methods: the first consists of pasting pieces of old newspapers, and the second is stucco molding from a specialized mass. IN in this case Egg cartons can be used here. If you have some a large number of such an object, then with just water and glue you can create truly huge works of art.

It is recommended to use PVA glue as glue. Its positive qualities are water resistance and ease of use. PVA glue will allow you not to treat the final result with varnishes, but to immediately expose it outside under any weather conditions.

You can also use wallpaper glue, but for papier-mâché it is recommended to dilute it with water in small quantities. If you can’t or don’t want to buy glue in the store, you can always cook and use homemade paste.

Interior items created using this technique are no worse than expensive decorations, and the cheapness of the original elements will not hurt your pocket. You can decorate any part of your apartment with papier-mâché figures, from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Think about the idea of ​​what you can make from trays, and your imagination will have no limits. Very often you can find elements of lighting or services that are made using the papier-mâché technique.

The main trait you must have is accuracy. All elements that you create must be well dried, this is how the resulting figures will remain strong, and time will not affect them in any way.

Flowers from trays

Let's look at an example detailed instructions, how to make a craft from trays in the form of flowers.

Required Components

  • 5-6 egg cartons
  • PVA or paste
  • Scissors
  • Gouache or acrylic paint
  • Wire
  • Thermal gun
  • Paints of various colors
  • Clear varnish

For each flower stem you need to allocate one wire. In advance, you will need to soak the egg cartons in warm water, then drain the water and add glue, stir everything until smooth. From the resulting mass you need to mold a stem, where the wire will play the role of the frame, after which the product needs to be given time to dry.

Next, a master class on crafts from egg trays involves creating the flowers and leaves themselves, which are created by modeling. Show courage and imagination and create something unique. The modeling technique is 100% similar to modeling from plasticine, so this should not cause any special problems.

When the product is finished, it is necessary to cover the entire area of ​​the flower with white paint - gouache or acrylic, since a layer of colored paint will need to be applied on top.

When the flower is completely dry, you can start painting: paint the stem green, the flowers with any other colors.

The flower bud must be glued to the stem using thermal paste. It is important to do this carefully, but properly so that it does not fall off in the future. Upon completion of this process, it is important to cover the entire product with colorless varnish to preserve its shape and color.

Making DIY crafts from egg trays for the garden

You can sculpt an animal, such as a hedgehog, to decorate your garden. This will require the same components that we used to create the flower.

The body of the hedgehog can be sculpted either entirely from a papier-mâché mixture, or using a light bulb, which must first be lubricated with oil for subsequent easy removal from the base. Next, the muzzle and needles are molded. It is important to properly glue all parts of the “animal” so that the structure does not fall apart in the future.

Elements of the eyes, nose and mouth can be drawn with a regular marker or use multi-colored markers to add color.

The process of preparing mass for papier-mâché from egg cartons

It is very easy and simple to prepare the mixture from which the figure is made. To create high-quality material, it is recommended to take the following proportion: 14 egg trays versus 14 liters of warm water.

It is better to first crush the boxes into small elements, so the mixture will turn out faster and much more homogeneous, without unnecessary lumps. Keep in water for at least 10 hours, but it would be better to keep for about a day.

After absorbing the water, the residue must be drained, and the resulting mixture must be rubbed with your hands until it becomes a medium-thick sour cream using glue.

The most experienced masters of their craft advise that it is better to mix the resulting consistency not with your hands, but with a mixer, so the mixture will be of the best quality.

Children's crafts from egg trays

The main advantage here is that the egg carton can simply be thrown away if nothing works out; moreover, sculpting figures with children develops their imagination and skills.

A few ideas that you can bring to life together with your child; they are not very difficult, but not too easy, so that the children will be interested:

Garland of beautiful roses. You need a New Year's garland, since on top of the lights you will need to make figures in the form of papier-mâché roses, which will charmingly complement the multi-colored lights.

Unique frames for family photos. Decorate a plain frame with papier-mâché flowers. This great way update your old frame and give it a new look new life and more colors.

Using egg cartons for your home and garden

Papier-mâché is not the last use for unwanted egg trays. They can be used as a bird feeder in winter, a stand for artificial flowers and various small items, a container for seedlings in which sprouts feel great, as well as a box in which you can put handicraft items.

Photos of crafts from egg trays

Every housewife strives for ideal cleanliness and order in the house, so all women try to get rid of excess trash as quickly as possible. But you don’t need to be so categorical; for example, plastic food packaging should be saved.
Today we will share with you the secret of creating a charming little thing from plastic containers. Children will be delighted with this idea; by the way, they can be involved in joint production.

plastic box
hole puncher
colored permanent markers
Cut out the bottom of the package. All you need is the flat part of a plastic container.

Print any outline picture. You can use coloring for these purposes.

Redraw the picture onto plastic using permanent markers. Please note that the final size of the figurine will be reduced by approximately 70%. Therefore, initially the drawing should be large.

Using a hole punch, make a small hole above the design and cut out a plastic figure along the outline.

After preheating the oven to 165 degrees, place the plastic figures on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake the figures for exactly 3 minutes.

After baking, each of the figures will become smooth and denser. Now they can be attached as decoration to the bracelet.

These figures can also be used as New Year's toys to the Christmas tree! If you liked this craft idea, share the article with your friends.
My name is Irina, I live in Germany - in a country where absolutely everything is sold in plastic packaging, which migrates in tons from stores to trash cans. I've been doing it for a long time different types handicrafts and am constantly faced with the issue of optimal storage of a bunch of little things that accumulate all the time and require new boxes, caskets, etc. In this master class I want to show several ways to create convenient storage containers from various plastic packaging. The advantage of this kind of containers is that they are easy to make at home, they can be made in any size and in any quantity, the transparency of the plastic allows you to quickly find the right thing, material for containers can be found in every home, such containers for small items can also be used in the country house, in the garage, etc...
So, first we’ll make the simplest mini-container from a plastic bottle:

We heat the tip of the knife to make it easier to start cutting the bottle.

Cut the bottle into two parts with a knife. If the bottle does not have edges, in order to avoid large errors when cutting, glue the tape at the required height and cut the bottle exactly along the edge of the tape.

Let's melt the edges of the bottle a little to avoid cutting your hands during further processing. The bottle should be kept at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the flame, turning evenly. The unevenness of the edges after heat treatment will hide the crocheting.

We heat up a steel knitting needle and make holes along the edge of the bottle, which will have to fit the size of the hook with which we will tie the edges of the bottle.

When piercing plastic with a hot knitting needle, sharp and dark traces of plastic often remain on the surface... They can be removed different ways, I use a regular grater to clean my feet (the sandpaper is too sharp - it damages the surface of the plastic, it’s not very convenient to use a knife)

Now we proceed to crocheting the edge with a single crochet.

We thread the tip of the thread and glue it inside the container.

Then we thread a thick thread into a gypsy needle and sew the entire row with colored thread, without missing a single hole.

We thread the end of the thread and glue it again.

If desired, our small container can be decorated. The easiest way to decorate is Double-sided tape, ribbon and rhinestones. You can also use thread winding on double-sided tape.

Cut the tape to the required length and glue it with double-sided tape. We cut off the excess tape.

We make a bow at the junction, you can stick on a rhinestone and the mini-container is ready!

We make different containers of the required height and glue them with a gun into a larger and denser plastic package (the photo shows the packaging in which we sell food products)

Apply hot glue to the bottom and quickly glue the container to the package (hold it a little so that it sets properly)

We paste double-sided tape, any tape, or wrap it with thread on our box, decorate it with small things, and our first box for small things is ready! I made this box for the dacha to store various little things that you are always looking for in different drawers: pencils, small tools, keys, etc.

If we take our containers from plastic bottles If we make a high harness and thread the lace, then we will get pencil cases that can be either placed or hung. They take up little space and are easy to see

Another option for making boxes for storing small items: in it I used thick plastic cups from Danone yogurt.

The principle of making a box is the same; if the height of the box allows, you can make two tiers from cups, using cardboard (or thick plastic) for the bottom of the second tier, onto which I hot glued the plastic bottom from the packaging.

If desired, boxes for small items can be made with lids. For these purposes, I took old plastic folders, cut them to the size of the box and, after making holes with a hole punch or a hot knitting needle, stitched them together with the edge of the plastic box. Since in the photo I have a two-tier plastic box, for convenience I made a handle from scraps of the folder, which I also glued with hot glue to the bottom of the second tier.

The finishing elements are glued with hot glue.

Large plastic bottles can be used to make excellent containers for storing small toys, designer parts, etc. for a children's room and kitchen. Decorating such containers can be a joint activity for parent and child. The principle of creating such a large container is exactly the same as shown above.

From the remaining top parts of plastic bottles we can make a lot of exotic flowers and decorate our balcony or summer cottage with them. But this is a topic for another master class!