DIY beaded flowers. Flowers made of beads, weaving patterns. Violet: weaving the flower itself and green petals

Flower bouquets and beaded compositions in master classes (photos)

Flower bouquets and beaded compositions in master classes (photos)

Beading allows us to create amazing flower arrangements made of beads, which delight with their sophistication, simplicity and unique charm. Such a cute bouquet, made by yourself, can become an exclusive gift for a loved one or good friend.

How to make a bouquet for the bride from beads

This type of creativity like beadwork opens up many different possibilities for us and allows us to create real works of art from small beads and seed beads. Perhaps one of the most beautiful and delicate creations is a wedding bouquet made of beads, because it complements the image of a happy and loving bride and accompanies her throughout one of the most important days in her life.
Our master class will tell you how, using beadwork, you can create an exclusive and incredibly delicate bouquet. Before starting work, let's prepare all the necessary materials in advance:

  • white transparent beads and cutting;
  • clear rice;
  • beads of the same color;
  • the wire is thin and thick;
  • White floss threads;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • ribbon;
  • glitter;
  • special packaging material for wedding bouquets;
  • white rigid mesh.

We will start the master class with making
First, we will need to make 5 petals consisting of 15 beads using the loop technique. Here is a diagram according to which you will need to weave the first row of petals:

Then you will need to string 15 white beads onto a thin wire, and then make a loop and secure it. After this, stepping back a little, you will have to create another loop with your own hands and scroll it 3 times.
We will make the second row of petals using the French weaving technique. It will also consist of 5 petals.

First we will need to make a small loop at one end of the wire. Then put 8 beads on the resulting axis.

After this, we make a slightly larger loop at the second end of the wire and secure it.

Now we must string 10 beads onto the free end of the wire.

Having done this, we secure the wire.

Continuing the beading according to the pattern, we form the second side of the future petal in the same way.

Next, we weave a petal from three arcs and, having finished beading, cut the wire approximately 1 cm from the base. Please note that the loose ends must be twisted 3 times.
We will also make the final, third row using French technology. However, each of its petals will already consist of four pairs of arcs.
As a result, we will get such a wonderful flower as in this photo:

We will need to make 9 flowers for the bouquet and 1 for the boutonniere.
Now our master class will tell you how to make a flower from a cutting:
We will weave it using the French technique. However, it is worth noting that its axle will consist of 7 pieces. cuttings, and the petals have 5 arcs.
In addition, for each such flower we will have to make stamens. They are made using the needle technique:

Each stamen will consist of a transparent grain of rice and approximately 5 cm of cutting. We will need one such flower for the boutonniere and 3 more for the beaded bouquet itself.

At the next stage, the master class will help you create another decoration for your bouquet.
The photo clearly shows that for it we will need silver wire and transparent beads. You will need to thread the bead onto the wire and then twist it about 7-10 times.
In this way, you will need to make one small branch for the boutonniere and 9 larger branches for the beaded wedding bouquet.

Having completed the beading, we will need to start assembling the bouquet. We will have to attach 3 branches of decoration to each flower from the cutting and wrap the resulting stem with threads.

If you look closely at this photo, then you will notice that the branches for decoration are tied so that their tops are several cm higher than the flower itself. Thanks to this, our bead composition will turn out more voluminous and lush.
Then we will need to attach 3 beaded flowers to a thick wire and wrap the resulting stem with white threads.

After you twist all the branches and wrap them with threads, you will need to spray them with varnish and sprinkle them with glitter. Thanks to the varnish, the stems of the flowers will retain their original appearance for a long time and will not lose their beauty and attractiveness.
We will make a wedding boutonniere from two flowers and a branch decoration. Its stem also needs to be sprayed with varnish.

Having finished forming the branches, we can begin assembling the bouquet itself. The center of our composition will be 3 flowers from the cutting. We will wrap them in special wedding packaging. Then we will pack each branch with flowers separately. After this, we will need to assemble the entire composition together and wrap it in a rigid mesh.

At this point, our master class can be considered almost complete. All we have to do is wrap the stems of the wedding bouquet with white satin ribbon.
Look what beautiful flowers We ended up with:

In conclusion, I would like to note that wedding bouquets made from beads can be brighter, bolder, more saturated. To verify this, you can look at the photos of the finished work:

DIY compositions and bouquets made of beads

This master class will help you create a whole composition of flowers from beads yourself. We will place our bouquet of daisies and beautiful lilies in a regular basket and decorate it with a ribbon, and plant a bright, exotic butterfly on top.
So, let's get started by preparing all the necessary materials:

  • bamboo sticks;
  • green and white wire;
  • beads: green, white, yellow and beige;
  • golden beads;
  • green floral ribbon;
  • an ordinary plastic pot;
  • green wool threads;
  • basket;
  • glue gun;
  • gypsum;
  • PVA glue;
  • plasticine;
  • ribbon;
  • Double-sided tape.

It is best to start beading with a lily, as it is the most voluminous and labor-intensive:
First we will need to take 40 cm of wire and fold it. Then you need to put 19 beads on the long tip, and 15 beads on the short one. After this, we screw the longer end to the short one. After this, we again string 19 beads onto the long end and secure it. Thus we have the first row. Each side of the second row will consist of 24 beads, and the third - of 32 pieces. Using the French weaving technique, we will make a petal for our lily.

In total we will need 6 such petals.
Then we will need to make the center for the lily. To do this, we need to string 21 beige beads and a golden bead onto a 30-centimeter piece of wire closer to one of the edges. Now we must pass the long end of the wire through the beads and secure it, and then string the beads and beads onto it again and push it through the beads again.
Using this weaving pattern, we need to create 5 stamens and connect them together.

Then we will need to connect together all the details of the future flower. The resulting lily will need to be attached to half a bamboo stick and wrapped with floral tape.

After we finish weaving the lily, we will need to prepare a pot so that it can be “planted”. First we will cover the bottom of our pot with plasticine. Then, using double sided tape Decorate the handle of the basket with ribbon. After this, we will need to place the pot in the basket. In order for it to hold tightly and not fall out, we first coat the edges of the basket with glue using a gun, and then insert the pot there. Now we can “plant” a lily in our pot.

At the next stage, our master class will tell you how to make small beautiful daisies.
First, we will need to string 14 white beads onto a 25-centimeter piece of wire. Then we will have to pass the wire through 1 bead, and carefully tighten it to secure the resulting loop. In this way we will need to make 7 petals for the chamomile.

Now we can start making the core. To do this, we will need to string 6 beads onto a piece of wire 9 cm long yellow color. Then we will have to insert one end of the wire through the 3 outer beads. By carefully pulling the wire and twisting its ends, we get a core like this:

After this we will screw the core to the petals. Having made 3 such daisies, we will screw them to half of a bamboo stick. Then we will need to wrap the resulting stem with green thread. Having created the required number of stems with daisies, we will need to insert them into the basket.

Then, using the French weaving technique, we will need to make jagged leaves according to this pattern:

We will have to attach each leaf to a bamboo stick and wrap it with floral tape.
After this, we will need to “plant” them in the basket. Then we will have to fill the drainage basket and carefully pour the plaster. After the plaster has dried, we will need to pour PVA glue into the pot and place green woolen threads on it. In the end, all we have to do is attach a beautiful butterfly to the handle of the basket and we can say that our composition is ready.

In order to find inspiration and find something new and interesting for yourself, you can also look through photos of finished works, which depict various beaded flowers in pots:

Whatever exotic flower or unusual composition you decide to make from beads, the main thing is that you are not afraid to experiment and boldly bring your fantasies to life. After all, each of your creations will undoubtedly become a real work of art and will delight you and your loved ones for many years.

Flowers in flowerpots look very beautiful on the windows, various delightful trinkets adorn the shelves, cabinets, and wall niches. Without decorative elements, a house seems empty and uninhabited. These could be framed photographs, toy collections, flowers in vases, figurines and an endless list of possible items. It all depends on the tastes and hobbies of the owners.

Lilac tree

Next time try to make a branch of lilac with your own hands, and perhaps a small tree that will remind you of the approach of spring.

You will need a lot of lilac and green beads. For a small tree, you need to prepare 7-15 lilac branches and three times as many leaves. The principle of operation is approximately the same as with daisies, only instead of flowers there are small inflorescences.

The wire pieces should be 40 cm long. You need to dial 8 beads, pass through the first three and tighten. Put 7 beads on the ends again and pass through the first one, pull it up.

In this way we work through the entire inflorescence (the photo will help you understand what and how to do), gradually increasing the number of beads towards the base so that the tops of the flowers turn out to be triangular in shape. By the way, you can use several shades of color to make the lilac more picturesque.

There are three leaves for each inflorescence, you will have to work hard, this is not a matter of one evening or day. A lot of greenery looks much better, so if you can weave more, then they definitely won’t be superfluous.

Beads are placed in rows on 25 cm of wire in the following order. Start from the middle row, to do this, pick up 5-7 beads, go back through one, and put 2 more beads on the free ends. Secure at the end and continue until the leaf comes out as in the photo. By the way, they can be made in different sizes, because in nature not all leaves on trees are the same.

Crown formation

It remains to connect all the elements as described earlier. Screw three leaves onto each inflorescence and form 7-15 branches. Wrap each stem with green thread or floral tape.

The final stage is to connect all the branches. Take one brush for the middle; it will be the highest point in the tree. On the sides a little lower you need to place four branches, attach the rest even lower, it all depends on the number of parts, splendor, here you decide at your discretion.

Straighten all the leaves, the wire is very elastic, and the branches can be positioned realistically. Select a planter and fill your new tree with plaster for stability.

Working with beads and beads is becoming increasingly popular among people interested in arts and crafts. Many different techniques related to this multifaceted material are constantly emerging. Our flower beading workshops are aimed at introducing you to the most popular ones.

Beading of orchid flowers

Necessary materials to create an orchid:

  • wire for weaving flowers and petals, not thick so that it can bend and weave well;
  • wire for the plant stem, thick so that it can withstand the load from the entire product and does not bend;
  • beads for creating flowers and petals (orange, brown, green, two shades of yellow);
  • medium size yellow beads;
  • a pot for planting a plant;
  • gypsum;
  • brown thread or brown tape (sold in florist or craft stores) for wrapping the stem of the plant.

The order of creating orchid petals and assembling the flower:
At one end of a thin wire, about a meter long, we make a small loop. From the free end we put on four beads of the main color of the future flower. Now we bend the free end of the wire into a loop, but much more bigger size as shown in the pictures.

We take our four beads as the basis for the future petal. The next step is to begin growing the future petal by stringing and braiding our base with wire and beads of the main color so that there are no spaces or gaps between the rows. Thereby ready product will look much more natural and aesthetically pleasing. You will need to make three semicircles with wire and beads on each side of the base. To make it easier to understand the sequence, carefully study the picture.

Having completed the last semicircle of the petal and secured it, there remains a small piece of wire that will need to be wrapped several times at the base of the large loop to strengthen the product.

Now you need to tidy up the remaining wire so that the petal is ready to form a flower. To do this, we compress the large loop into a stem, and straighten the wire with the small loop and pass it from the inside of the petal through its base to the stem, fix it and cut off the excess.

The flower will consist of five petals. The remaining four are manufactured similarly to those described above. At this stage, you need to prepare two stamens, one from a medium-sized yellow bead, and the second from yellow beads. You also need to collect small brown petals to decorate the middle of the future flower. The side brown petals should be made from a base of eight beads and one semicircle on each side. And the petal, which will be in the middle, consists of a base of six beads and two semicircles from it.

To assemble a flower, you need to connect all the prepared parts by twisting the wires. We focus on the tips indicated in the pictures. The main thing is to ensure the strength of the product, do not forget to wrap it tightly ready flower with a separate piece of wire, thereby forming a reliable flower stem. In total, you need to make five flowers for an orchid branch.

The procedure for creating orchid buds:
The bud is created with the main color, with a base of three beads and one pair of semicircles on each side of the base. To give the bud a voluminous shape, the third row of bead semicircles needs to be made one bead less and quite tight.

For one bud you need two such voluminous petals to sew them together with wire into a ball, after inserting a bead inside. To form a future branch you need to make four such buds.

Procedure for creating leaves:
The entire orchid is created using the same system. french weave. The leaves are made in the same way as the petals, only oblong in shape. They will not be more massive than the other parts; you can choose thicker wire for them.

Make the leaves as long as you wish and in any quantity. You can stitch the leaves with green wire for strength, as seen in the pictures.

Final collection and decoration of the orchid branch:

Form a stem from two wires of different diameters, intertwining them together for strength. Attach all the flowers and buds to the stem using wire, as shown in the pictures. At the very bottom of the stem, fix the leaves. The barrel should be tightly wrapped with brown thread or tape to hide the wire. Place the finished product in a pot of plaster. You can decorate the pot by painting the plaster to match the color of the earth, or fill it with small pebbles or tree bark.

Mosaic weaving of orchid flowers:

Below are suggested schemes that are most convenient to follow mosaic weaving petals for an orchid. Select the desired color scheme for the future product, and make three petals according to Scheme No. 1.

According to Scheme No. 2, you need to add additional beads. Afterwards, go back to the center of the weaving and pull the petal to achieve its relief.

In order to make larger petals, simply add beads at the very beginning. And perform all the previous manipulations.

One of the petals needs to be sewn over the edge, and decorations, stamens made of beads and seed beads must be inserted into the middle.

According to Scheme No. 3, you need to braid the edges of the petals to give them even more beauty and naturalness.

You can use a ready-made orchid according to your wishes; it will be an excellent decoration for your interior or will highlight your individuality as a brooch or hairpin.

Beaded violets

Necessary materials to create a violet:

  • beads according to desired color scheme and the size of the flowers;
  • the wire is flexible enough for weaving and thicker for fastening parts;
  • tool for cutting wire (nippers, scissors);
  • thread for winding the stem or tape;
  • flower pot of the required size;
  • plaster or other solution for planting and fixing the product.

Making a violet:

Make seven loops on a piece of thin wire, each with seven beads. Form a bud according to the example suggested in the picture. To make the stem stronger, insert thicker wire. So do required amount buds.

If you need a blooming bud, then on a segment with loops you need to make loops in the middle of the main color of the future flower.

The stems need to be wrapped with green thread or tape.

To create stamens, you need to complete all the steps to create buds, only for three loops.

To create a violet petal, take a new piece of wire and collect seven beads of the main color, twist and perform this action one more turn. The next turn may be beads of a different color. We do not cut the wire, we continue to make the next petal. One flower requires six petals. By twisting them with the stamen you will get a small flower.

A large flower is made in the same way, only four turns. The number of colors can be varied.

The leaves are created using the French weaving technique. The volume and length of the leaf can be varied.

To assemble the composition, you need to combine the created flowers and buds with each other.

We attach the leaves to the branches with flowers as shown in the picture.

In the end, all that remains is to fix the plant in the pot using plaster or another solution.

Volumetric beaded five-leaf clover

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to make a beautiful three-dimensional flower from beads you need a lot of work and knowledge. Of course, you will have to tinker, but anyone can do this kind of work. Using the example of this master class, you will understand this yourself. In it we will create a sophisticated delicate sakura flower

You can use ready-made decorations of this theme in many cases. Flowers look feminine and romantic as pendants, pendants, earrings, brooches, rings, and so on. You can also use flowers to make original buttons, clasps on a bag or wallet, stripes for gloves, hats, and scarves.

In this tutorial we will work with pink and white beads, but you can use beads of any color at your discretion, depending on what fate awaits the finished product and how you will wear it. Most often it is better to match the color to the eyes or accessories.

The complexity of this beadwork will be greater for those who understand the basics of working with beads. This lesson will also be useful for beginners. You can make a simple flat rose without the hassle of creating any volume. Even if something is not clear from the description of the lesson, study the photographs for it in detail, and then everything will fall into place.

Beginning of work.

Pick up five beads and thread them through the ring. Between each bead of the first row, weave another one - this will be the second one in a row.

After this, add one bead between the beads of the second row. We do the same on the fourth row.

Visually, our product should grow to the sides, forming a future sakura flower. You seem to create it from the center to the edges, gradually reviving it.

After the fourth row, you can begin to form the petals.

Take smaller beads. Above the bead of the previous row, you need to make loops of three smaller beads and start baiting the petal.

Making the petal more voluminous.

Now take even smaller beads and use them to make a petal border.

The finished petal must be pulled together so that it becomes convex.

Using the same principle, we make the remaining four petals.

Beaded products will be an excellent addition to any interior, both at home and at work. Also, many products can be used as decorations, which will add uniqueness and perfection to your style and complement it.

Recently, it has become truly fashionable to decorate your home with beaded crafts. This original item interior that will highlight the individuality of your home! Weaving is not a particularly difficult task, but it requires painstakingness and perseverance.

Beaded flowers: getting started

Before you get started, it's worth knowing what are beads, what types do they come in?.

Beads are small balls that have a small through hole. The color range is the most diverse. You can find matte or mother-of-pearl material for creativity, or work with whole-dyed or paint-dusted beads.

The quality of the beads depends on the manufacturer. For example, Chinese is not good enough. It may be unevenly colored, holes may be missing, and the beads themselves may be different in size. Best manufacturer considered the Czech Republic. Their products are smooth, neat, with a minimum amount of defects.

Of course, you can train and do your first works with Chinese beads. However, when you move on to making large, beautiful things, it is better to take Czech.

To work, you will need lavsan or nylon thread, wire or fishing line. Using fishing line they do volumetric crafts. Wire is useful if you want to give the product a shape, for example, as when working with beaded flowers. However, you should be careful with such items, they are quite fragile.

Beaded flowers: simple crafts

Described below ways to weave flowers from beads suitable for beginners.

Forget-me-not flower made of beads.

As you can see, to begin with, you need to string 6 beads onto the wire. The first one is yellow, the other five are blue. Then, we pass the end of the wire again through 2, 3 and 4 beads, and then into the very first one - the yellow one. The tip of the wire needs to be twisted under the yellow bead.

You need to make as many flowers as required, for example, to fill a basket or vase.

Then proceed to making the leaf. It is woven using parallel technique. First, 3 beads are placed on the middle of the wire, then the wire passes through the second and third beads. Then the number of beads increases until the middle of the sheet, then their number decreases. Secure the wire by twisting it. Make the required number of leaves. And combine your bouquet.

Flower "Chamomile" made of beads.

Using a parallel weaving technique, we make 10-12 petals for our chamomile. The center of the flower is made from yellow beads. Then, we make petals from green beads, according to the diagram. When all the individual parts of the flower are ready, we assemble them together. We connect the white petals with wire, inserting the yellow center inside. We attach leaves to the base wire. That's it, our chamomile is ready!

The proposed flower is not at all difficult to make. To work, you will need 0.3 mm wire, beads for the middle of the flower and beads of two colors to make the flower itself.

We begin to weave the flower petals using the parallel weaving technique.

  • The first, second and third row are pink beads, the fourth row is 2 pink beads, 1 white, again 2 pink. Fifth row - 2 pink, 2 white, 2 pink. And so on. The middle of the petal is 2 pink, 5 white, again 2 pink beads. After this row, the reduction of white beads begins.

  • As a result, you get petals like the one in the picture below. You will need 5 of them.
  • Next you should weave 5 smaller petals. There will be only one pink bead along the edges, and 3 white beads in the widest part of the petal.
  • The next step is to make the middle of the flower. To do this, we string a large bead onto a wire and twist the ends of the fishing line under it.

  • So, all the details of our flower are ready. This is what they should all look like.
  • We take our “pestles”, connect them into one, and twist the ends of the wire together.
  • We screw small petals to the middle from below.

  • Then, again from below, we attach larger petals to the base.
  • You can do whatever you want with the leftover wire. You can twist them together, wrap them with green thread or green ribbon, and form a flower stem. You can secure the ends well and trim off the excess wire.

Weaving flowers from beads: roses

A magnificent bouquet, isn't it? You can try to weave one yourself. You can make fewer flowers, it all depends on your desire.

What you will need for work:

  1. Regular copper wire
  2. Green wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm
  3. White, pink and green beads
  4. Thick wire for making a stem
  5. Floral Ribbon


  • We take a wire approximately 1 m long and thread the first bead. Using the parallel weaving method, we begin to weave rows, each time increasing the number of beads in the row by 2 pieces. When you have a row with 10 beads, make 11 beads in the next row. Then, we put 9 beads on each end of the wire, and pull the wire through the very first bead.

  • Twist the ends of the wire. You have a triangle-shaped petal with rounded edges.
  • Then we move on to making the stamens. They will need approximately 30 cm of ordinary copper wire. 7 pink beads should be strung on it, then 3 should be left free, and after 4 we pull the wire in the same direction, not parallel.
  • Align the stamen so that it is in the middle. Next, on the sides of it, you need to make one more stamen. It is very important to ensure that all three stamens fit tightly together. We twist the ends of the wire under the stamens.

  • Using the parallel weaving technique, we make 6 small petals. Weaving pattern: 1,2,3,3,3,2,1.
  • Next, using the same technique, we make 5 large leaves. They are made according to the scheme: 2,3,4,5,5,5,4,3,2,1.
  • Then we begin to collect the petals. We twist three large petals together and twist the ends of the wire. Then, a little lower, we screw in the remaining 2 large petals. It turns out to be a twig.
  • Take the green wire, step back 15 cm from the edge, and string 3 white beads. We curl the edges. It turned out to be a bud. Then, we perform 2 more such buds. We retreat from the made buds and make 3 more such buds on the same wire.

  • Now that all the parts of our rose are ready, we can begin assembling it.
  • Take about 40 cm of thick wire for the base, wrap the stamens on top of it, and wind the ends of the wire onto thick wire.
  • We place rose petals around the stamens and twist them at the base. We also screw the small petals under the bud. We wrap the base with floral ribbon.
  • Next, at the base of the stem, we screw branches with leaves and buds. Your rose is ready!

Beaded flowers: photo

Beaded flowers: video

Weaving flowers from beads using master classes and patterns seems very difficult only at first glance. In fact, even a beginner can make a small bouquet. Of course, different products differ in the degree of complexity, but every master will be able to choose a scheme for himself.

Ready-made beaded flowers can be used independently as interior solutions and room decoration. But this is not the only purpose of the products. Beaded flowers will perfectly decorate various hair accessories; if you attach a clasp to the flower, it will act as a brooch. In addition, a beaded flower can act as a decorative element of a piece of clothing - a hat, stole, or wide belt.

Weaving techniques

Used for beading flowers various techniques– French circular weaving or arc weaving, loop weaving, parallel weaving. Before starting work, prepare all the necessary materials.

As a rule, to make any flowers you need wire of various thicknesses, fishing line, floss threads for wrapping stems or floral tape, PVA glue, and of course, beads. Please pay Special attention choice of beads. Its color should be as close as possible to the natural color of the flower chosen for weaving, unless it is a stylized product. You should also pay attention to the quality of the beads.

Materials for work

It is best to choose Czech or Japanese beads; their quality is much higher than that of Chinese ones. Flowers made from such material will shimmer in the sun, creating the effect of a real plant covered with droplets of water.

On our website you will find many tutorials on weaving flowers. You can make one gerbera or a whole bouquet that will delight you all year round. Give a delicate spring hyacinth to your friend, she will definitely like it. Learn with us, decorate your home with flowers that look just like real ones.

Beaded flowers photo