What to give for Teacher's Day: we make original gifts with our own hands. Video: A short master class on how to beautifully package candy

Good afternoon, Dear friends! The first gift for a teacher is so exciting. Do you agree? Have you figured out what bouquet to give? From flowers? Toys? Candy? There are so many options now!

The new school year begins very soon - the first on September 1. Some of you the child will go“the first time in first grade,” while for some, children will run to school along an already familiar route.

Regardless of the situation, I wish you all success school year so that your children please you with their successes, and your relationship with teachers is calm and friendly. And on the eve of the beginning educational process I propose to discuss Original gifts for teachers.

And today I present to you 7 more options for original gifts for teachers. Choose!

Gift for a teacher: fresh TOP-7!

For convenience, I divided the gifts into two groups.

Practical gifts for a teacher

Here I have collected inexpensive gifts - things that teachers use while at work. Therefore, we can say that the above options can be presented to the teacher with a light heart for any holiday.

A vase for flowers

Flowers are often given to teachers. Therefore, a nice (albeit inexpensive) vase will certainly come in handy for a teacher. The huge variety of options on the market will make it easier for you to choose such a gift.

Flash drive (Flash-USB)

Agree, this accessory has firmly entered our lives - it is certainly a necessary thing. And taking into account the fact that now in most schools teachers have computers in their offices, this gift will find its application in the educational process.


Tea set

A gift from the same series. A tea surprise consisting of different types of tea is a cool gift. It will, of course, be useful to the teacher and will be used at school or at home. And if you decorate it beautifully in advance, it will automatically become a nice present for the teacher.

Original gifts for a teacher

I present here interesting ideas gifts that are also not devoid of practicality.

Diary self made

Now there are craftswomen who make beautiful exclusive things with their own hands. You can find them on the “Masters Fair” website or in groups social network In contact with.

And handmade diaries are a very nice and original souvenir for a woman teacher.

Photo clock

Such a gift allows you to insert the desired photo into the watch (it would be logical to place it there beautiful photo teacher or a photo of the whole class), and also make the necessary inscription - as in the photo.

And there are wall clocks with photographs - also a cool option, because the teacher can place a photo there of his choice.

Video postcard

This gift is probably the most memorable and memorable of those presented on this list. The gift is a stunningly beautiful handmade postcard with a video screen, which, when you open the card, will begin to show the teacher a video congratulation you prepared in advance. You can find out more about video postcards.

You could say this is a VIP gift for a teacher, prepared for a special occasion (Birthday, graduation, etc.).

These are the options I have for you today. Choose a gift for your teacher with pleasure, and I wish you that she will certainly like your gift.

Happy start of the school year and see you in the next articles!

Read also about gifts for children from parent committee, and about a cool gift for men, women and married couples V .

I'm always glad to see you on the blog pages.

Sincerely, Olga Mamina.

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Teacher's Day is an important holiday in the life of all teachers, and on this day every student strives to congratulate his mentor on his significant date. How can you please the person who has invested his experience and knowledge in you? Today we present a selection of original handmade gifts. Most of them can be done by middle and high school students without any problems, and for those who are only at the beginning of their school journey, parents can help :)

Vase of pencils with flowers

You can also present the teacher with a whole set - a pen and pencil.

Clock “To my favorite teacher”

A watch is a very necessary item both at home and at school, because it is so important to know how much time you still have left to put knowledge into busy children’s heads. Therefore, we propose to do original watch for the teacher.

You will need:

  • frame from an ordinary wall clock;
  • clock mechanism with hands (if there is no regular clock left);
  • stylized paper with a pattern;
  • various stationery items;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • scissors.

We clean the clock display from old stickers and cover it with primer or white paint. You can also take a wooden blank. Just make sure that it is the same size as the glass and frame.

We paste stylized paper onto the scoreboard: for a mathematics teacher - in a box, for literature and language - in a line, for elementary school teachers - in an oblique line, etc. In the middle we write the teacher’s name beautifully, for example “Valentina Ivanovna”. You can also print the paper with your name already written on it. We varnish the top of the finished piece to make the watch last longer.

In place of the numbers we glue various office supplies: paper clips, sharpeners, erasers, pieces of pencils, rulers, etc. Make sure that the objects fit exactly into the place of the numbers, otherwise the clock will display the time incorrectly.

We install the clock mechanism and hands. We place the scoreboard under glass in the frame.

That's it, our gift is ready!

Burlap pencil holder

All school supplies should be in order, and a pencil holder will help with this. A very beautiful and original organizer for pencils and pens can be made using burlap yarn. Let's find out how to create this miracle with your own hands.

You will need:

  • tin can or roll toilet paper;
  • yarn for burlap;
  • decorative elements;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Take a tin can or toilet paper roll. If you chose the latter, then you need to cut out the bottom for it from thick cardboard and glue it.

Lubricate the workpiece with glue and glue it tightly with threads. The burlap should be laid in neat, even rows. Make sure that there is not too much glue, otherwise the thread will get dirty and ruin the whole appearance pencil holders Special attention Pay attention to the edges of the can: here the thread must be glued very securely, otherwise in the future all the burlap will come off from the workpiece.

We decorate the pasted jar with decorative elements: for the teacher you can take various flowers, lace, braid; for the teacher, nuts, bolts and other men's things are suitable.

That's it, the pencil holder is ready! Any teacher will like this gift and will help keep his stationery in order.

Postcard “To my favorite teacher”

And what would a holiday be without a postcard! We will make a gift for the teacher of each subject.

You will need:

  • cardboard blank:
  • clippings and printouts;
  • decorative elements;
  • stamps, paints, powder, outlines, etc.;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

If you don’t have a blank, but just colored cardboard of a rectangular or square shape, then fold it in half. We stylize the blank with colored paper.

We decorate the postcard with various cutouts, for example, for a computer science teacher - computers, microcircuits, symbols of programming languages; biology - flowers, diagrams with the structure of the human body; chemistry - cones, periodic table; foreign language- sights of the country, inscriptions, images of people; history - architectural buildings, mummies, knights of the Middle Ages, etc. Be sure to paste the name of the object to the foreground.

You can also decorate the card with various additional elements- rhinestones, artificial flowers, ribbons, stickers.

We formalize inner side using inscriptions, markers, paints and stamps. We write original congratulations in your own handwriting.

That's it, our gift to our beloved teacher is ready!

Photo collage with congratulations

Photography is an original gift that will leave warm memories for a lifetime. In addition, it is a beautiful piece of interior decor. A photo collage is a gift that even the youngest schoolchildren can make with their own hands, with the help of their parents, of course.

You will need:

  • large Whatman paper;
  • photos;
  • plywood backing;
  • frame with glass;
  • various thematic pictures;
  • pastel colors;
  • glue.

First you need to prepare: come up with an original congratulations for the teacher - the number of words must match the number of students in the class; print out the congratulations - every word on separate sheet; take a photo of each child with one word of congratulations; print out photos.

If the Whatman paper is made of white paper, then we cover it with pastel-colored paint. You should not choose too bright a color, as it will distract attention from the congratulations.

We paste the photographs taken in the correct order onto a large Whatman paper. It will be very beautiful if the photo cards are placed asymmetrically, i.e. one is lower, the second is higher, etc.

We cover the empty spaces on whatman paper with thematic pictures from the printouts.

Let the photo collage dry thoroughly and place it in a frame under glass.

All is ready! Such a gift will touch the soul of even the most strict teacher. Do it and see for yourself.

You can give a gift to your favorite teacher on September 1, and Teacher’s Day and Teacher’s Day are ahead, and also - New Year, February 23, March 8 and simply the teacher’s birthday. We need to think about gifts! I want the surprise to bring joy and benefit, which means it should be universal: kind, beautiful and practical. In this article we have collected ideas for such gifts.

Of course, children and their parents can make a bright photo collage or video letter, draw a funny wall newspaper or personalized postcard. The teacher will be pleased with your attention; this gift will last a long time and will evoke pleasant feelings and memories. And a postcard or a kind video is most often accompanied by a more “substantial” gift.

Tea or coffee set

A traditional gift for a teacher is tea or coffee. These drinks are drunk in every teacher's room or at home while checking notebooks, and they often start their day with them. The gift will definitely be useful and will bring pleasure, especially if the set includes interesting and high-quality varieties. Teas with natural additives will delight the palate and surprise, herbal teas will support health and calm the nerves, ethnic teas will introduce you to other cultures. And coffee will give you energy, be it Arabica coffee from Brazil with a nutty flavor or Indian coffee from Guatemala with a chocolate aroma.

Tea or coffee sets are often supplemented with a sweet component: cane sugar, chocolates or lollipops, cinnamon sticks or coffee spices. An important element is the design. Craft wrapping paper, lace napkins and ribbons make up half the fun.

Nuts and dried fruits

Another tasty and healthy gift is a set of nuts and dried fruits. From childhood we remember the taste of dried apricots and prunes, but there are also dried strawberries, cranberries, cherries, figs, barberries, melons, and royal dates. Nuts also surprise in their variety: in addition to walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and cashews, there are pine and Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, apricot kernels, pumpkin seeds, almonds, pecans. And all this can be fried, salted, glazed with sugar, or covered in chocolate!

A beautiful set of nuts and dried fruits is a concern for the health and pleasure of your teacher. And also - the opportunity to surprise, because the products in the set are beautifully packaged in boxes or wicker baskets.

Fruit basket

Prepare a basket of fresh fruits and berries for the teacher. You can buy and package them yourself or order them in a store, the main thing in this matter is the design. Beautifully arranged selected fruits, decorated with sprigs of plants or flowers, look great and evoke simple human joy, like in childhood.

Gingerbread and handmade cakes

Probably the most original and touching gift is the freshest aromatic pastries made especially for your teacher for the holiday. Figured painted gingerbread cookies on a holiday theme or a box of handmade cakes will definitely not leave anyone indifferent! Especially if the name of your teacher or educator is written on the sweet gift.

Typically, confectioners make such products only from natural, high-quality products without harmful additives - and are proud of it. And the exquisite decoration, intricate painting and cute packaging add joy. The main thing is to order an edible souvenir in time so that it can be prepared in time for the appointed date.

Figured chocolates and handmade candies

Figured chocolate and designer handmade sweets are an excellent replacement for the usual box of chocolates: after all, it’s much more interesting to open a package of, for example, chocolate ones for tea autumn leaves. This is how we give not only sweets, but also emotions! Or imagine a box of small chocolate bars, each packed in an elegant designer wrapper with words of gratitude.

A box of designer chocolates is also a set of surprises. Fresh sweets and mini-cakes with original fillings and decorations know how to surprise. And candy makers put their soul into their products, care about their benefits for the body and environmentally friendly packaging, and the teacher will certainly feel this care.

Cheese set

Cheese tasting basket - wonderful gift To festive table. It’s not very often that we treat ourselves to a cheese plate and get acquainted with new tastes of quality cheese, although after the introduction of sanctions, local producers have made good progress and offer delicious, gourmet varieties of cheese. For a gift, you can choose them yourself or contact manufacturers and suppliers.

The design here is no less important than the content: many cheeses require storage in the refrigerator and are sold in individual vacuum bags. Therefore, packaging in uniform style and compact sizes (so that the basket fits in the refrigerator) are the key to success!

Honey set

A small collection of jars of honey is a wonderful gift for those who love natural products and take care of themselves. Honey symbolizes warmth, attention and comfort, as if it invites you to remember summer, childhood and happiness. Giving honey means wishing you health from the bottom of your heart. A set of different varieties of honey will introduce you to the different tastes of this ancient healing product: there are many of them, and each is good in its own way.

Buckwheat honey is dark and tart and rich in iron. Linden is one of the most useful, light, with a mild smell. Chestnut is bitter, and its smell on cold winter evenings reminds of a blooming June. Honey with lemon, berries, nuts, spices or whipped honey are simply mind-blowing treats. The main thing is to make sure that your teacher is not allergic to this healing product.

Handmade toy

A touching gift - a handmade doll or toy: wonderful felted wool mice and cats, bears in knitted dresses, long-eared hares, Tilda dolls with their own character and appearance. They convey all the warmth and care invested by the master, evoking a sea of ​​tenderness and good feelings. Humanity has grown up with a handmade doll in its hands, so this gift is universal and very special.

Maybe one of the parents in your class or group is engaged in needlework, or you decide to contact a craftsman with an order. In any case, today high-quality handmade toys are a real fashion trend.

Flowers cut or in a pot

The bouquet for the teacher became a truly “duty gift”. Children bring asters, gladioli, roses and chrysanthemums to schools and kindergartens. There is an opinion that teachers are quite fed up with traditional flowers, and there is some truth in this: most teachers are women, and women do not like predictability, they always want something unusual and original. Therefore, a bouquet of orchids, lilies or gerberas will bring more joy. Many teachers say that the secret to the beauty of a flower gift is in the decor. Give at least marigolds if the bouquet is interestingly decorated.

If you are giving not cut, but fresh flowers in a pot, choose beautiful flowering plants: crocuses, hyacinths, orchids, azaleas, roses... Of course, the pot itself should also be beautiful and comfortable.

It is customary to decorate gift flowers in pots: pack them in paper, fabric or a wicker basket. It would be great if the packaging included instructions for caring for the plant.

You can collect a green garden - herbs growing in small pots.


It is not customary to give money to teachers and educators. Moreover, this is often prohibited by the administration of the school or kindergarten, so that the gift is not regarded as a bribe. But there is a way out - and this is a purchase certificate. How often do teachers say that best gift- This is an opportunity to make a purchase of your own choice.

All that remains is to decide on the store or type of service for which you will issue a certificate. And we will tell you:

  • ticket offices - to choose a performance or concert to suit your taste;
  • perfume and cosmetics store - for personal care;
  • auto shop - for drivers;
  • massage parlor - for health and pleasure;
  • bookstore - for connoisseurs of paper publications;
  • shop board games- lovers of fun gatherings;
  • photo shoot - to capture a wonderful moment;
  • electronics supermarket - for purchasing equipment from chargers to refrigerators;
  • IKEA - for all occasions.

The holidays are approaching, we wish you to “hit the bull’s eye” when choosing a gift for your teacher or educator!

On October 5, Teacher's Day was celebrated throughout Russia. This holiday concerns not only teachers, but also their students. Each class strives to congratulate its teacher and do something nice for him.

In this article I will tell you how to decorate a box of chocolates as a gift for your class teacher. The box will look like a class grade book. Inside there will be a congratulation in verse from the students to the teacher.

To decorate candies in the form of a cool magazine you will need:

- a box of chocolates with a lid that opens to the left
- corrugated paper
- leafy decor
- pencil
- pen
- ruler
- narrow satin ribbon 1 cm wide
- scissors
- Double-sided tape
- hot glue gun
- chiffon
- beads
- thread And

Glue a couple of white sheets to the top of the box. This is done so that the inscription does not show through the packaging.

Congratulations must be pasted onto the inside of the box. (I wrote a short poem, designed a sheet and printed it out. In addition, I had to print out a sheet on which the names of all the students in grade 2 were written.)

After all this we wrap the box corrugated paper. We glue the paper with double-sided tape. And we glue the edges with hot glue.

To mask the edges of the paper, use satin ribbon.

After this, you need to design the front of the box. Glue the inscription.

Place a ruler, pen and pencil. We secure them to the magazine using a strip of corrugated paper.

Decorate the box with decorative autumn leaves.

And add a few chiffon flowers. I told you how to make such flowers in this article.

We glue satin ribbon ties to the edge of the box.

Every year on October 5, Russia celebrates Teacher's Day. All schoolchildren in the country congratulate their teachers and give gifts. If, in addition to the main gift, you want to give a sweet surprise, then Krestik will be happy to show you how to make an original “candy” gift for your teacher with your own hands! And this will not be a traditional bouquet of sweets, as you might think) We will pack sweets into one HUGE candy!!!

However, such candy is a universal gift. You can give it not only to your favorite teacher on Teacher’s Day, but also to your mother, grandmother, sister for any holiday.

In addition, now in most cases it is customary to give Bank of Russia tickets as gifts for some events. And to make your gift stand out from the usual stack of envelopes and be remembered by the hero of the occasion, we recommend taking advantage of our master class on making a huge candy. May the hero of the occasion have the sweetest life)

First, let's prepare necessary materials and tools:

  • cylindrical vase (according to your taste and color)
  • candies 1.5&minus 2 kg (depending on the capacity of the vase)
  • whatman
  • gift wrapping in the size of whatman paper (at Fix Price it is sold exactly in the size of whatman paper!)
  • satin ribbon 1 cm wide to match the gift wrapping
  • simple pencil
  • ruler 15 cm
  • tape measure (ideally a meter ruler)
  • scissors

The basis of the candy is a vase, so its height should be approximately 2 times shorter than the length of whatman paper. The length of whatman paper is 84.1 cm. This means that the ideal height of the vase will be 40–45 cm.

Let's get to work. The first step is to draw whatman paper, as shown below.

Detailed drawing of whatman paper

We divide a sheet of whatman paper in a horizontal position into 7 equal stripes. The resulting width of each strip is 8.5 cm, since the width of whatman paper is 59.4 cm.

Subtract the height of the vase from the length of the Whatman paper. IN in this case 40 cm. 84.1 - 40 = 44.1 cm. Divide 44.1 cm by 2 = 22 cm. On the sides of whatman paper we measure vertical strips 22 cm wide. Divide each strip in half. We get 2 stripes 11 cm wide on the sides of whatman paper.

Divide the second 11 cm strips from the edge of the Whatman paper into 2 = 5.5 cm. Draw 2 more horizontal lines.

Now divide 8.5 cm by 3 = 2.8 cm. Mark the points. Draw diamonds as shown in the figure. The most hard work done)

Frame preparation

We cut out all the drawn diamonds with scissors. We make folds along all horizontal and vertical drawn lines.

Assembling candy

Fill the vase to the top with sweets.

Carefully place the vase on the Whatman paper frame and wrap it along the folds. We secure it in two places with thin tape.

Wrap the resulting candy in a candy wrapper. We secure the beginning and end of the candy wrapper in two or three places with thin tape.

Cut 2 satin ribbons 40 cm each.

We tie a straight bow.

Carefully trim off the excess Whatman paper using scissors (ideally, curly ones).

All is ready!

There are many ways