What should I do if my father is a drunk? My father is an alcoholic: love, hate and forgive (3 photos). How can you help an alcoholic?

How to live and what to do while helping their father stop drinking are the most common questions that arise in their small, but so smart beyond their years, head.

Very often you can hear the opinion that if When the child was a child, the father drank all his life , then his sons and daughters will drink, but it is often wrong. Sometimes troubles happen and children drinking parents inherit a harmful craving for alcohol, but most often a child who is faced with alcoholism in childhood, categorically does not accept it.

For a child living with a dependent person for a long period of time, determining his condition is not difficult. But what about children who are faced with a problem for the first time? In a man addicted to alcoholic drinks, the disease can be identify from the initial stage . Dependence on alcoholic beverages is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Father often drinks to the point of severe intoxication ;
  • How he feels every day getting worse;
  • Happens to men attacks of aggression , and he is often irritable;
  • When drinking alcohol he doesn't feel sick.

This is how the first stage of alcoholism manifests itself. It can last for several months or several years. As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, second stage of the disease :

  • Dad develops a condition called withdrawal syndrome . With it, during sobering up, the state of health worsens. Because of this, binge drinking may occur;
  • In the morning parent hangover, drinking another dose of alcohol;
  • Father appears insomnia, he cannot sleep for a long time, his sleep is light and restless;
  • At the moment of a hangover he is overcome feelings of guilt, fear, anxiety.

Next is formed third stage, which is considered the last one. At this stage, dad is faced with the problem of personality degradation. He is overcome by mental illness, psychosis, hysteria, and uncontrollable aggression often occur. It was during this period urgent and compulsory treatment is required , otherwise there will be grief in the family - the father will drink and it will end fatal. The fact is that by the third stage the human body is poisoned by alcohol and its internal organs gradually begin to fail. The heart, liver, kidneys, brain are destroyed and eventually lead to death .

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Children often do not understand why their father started drinking alcohol every day , began to beat his mother severely and constantly rage. They do not understand the behavior of their once loving and caring father, who before their eyes is turning into a stranger with unpleasant smell, behavior and appearance. Therefore, the child is confused and does not know how to behave correctly.

Children who have experienced parental alcoholism should stick to some rules and understand the following:

But you shouldn’t involve him in a conversation with dad. people unfamiliar to him . For example, a girl should not try to stop her boyfriend’s parent from drinking or involve neighbors, this can lead to a worsening of the situation and the man’s aggression. His damaged reputation and bad mood will lead to even greater alcohol abuse.

By the way! One of the medications for alcoholism can help the father. Find out which remedies are currently most effective in combating addiction.

Treatment of addiction is possible at home, even without the knowledge of the drinker. This is convenient when a man refuses treatment and does not admit his illness.

Intimate talk

But what should children do if in the family drinking father doesn't work ? The answer to this question is of interest to many children and adolescents who are faced with the problem of alcohol addiction in their parents. Despite the child’s young age and low authority, he can influence the situation by choosing the right approach. A frank conversation with dad will help in this matter. Not worth it from the very first words accuse a man of alcoholism and point out its shortcomings. Morals, reproaches, insults can make him angry and will not lead to the desired result. The conversation will be more effective if it is structured as follows:

  • Remember the positive moment from a “past” life - a joint vacation, fishing, going to the circus or zoo;
  • Praise your father , about his sobriety in this moment. Say that you really appreciate such moments and the opportunity to talk with him;
  • Find some reasons why The child likes the man's sobriety – he is kind, attentive, he smells good, he can teach new and interesting things;
  • Some cunning on the part of the child can also help. May I mention in passing about dad being drunk and his behavior, shed a tear or talk about it with bitterness in words. Parents find it difficult to bear the sincere tears of their children, especially those caused by their behavior;
  • As a result, it follows ask your father not to drink , but do it categorically.

If these steps are not successful, then you can try to take care of his health and build a conversation in this direction. Tell him that alcohol poisons his body, leads to serious problems health and can even lead to death. Ask about his well-being in a state of hangover, whether he likes such a life with a headache, nausea, heaviness in the stomach and confusion of thoughts. Let him think about it. Find out in the end does the parent want to stop drinking? and jointly come to solutions to the problem.

Addiction calculator


Your addiction

Dependency type:

There is no danger to the body, the habit of drinking is typical for many people, but in the specified quantities and with the specified parameters of the patient, it does not cause any harm to the body. Many people relieve stress with alcohol on holidays and after work, but are not addicted to it.

The patient sees alcohol as a way out of difficult situations and resorts to high-grade drinks more and more often. This stage is dangerous because in any difficult situation in life, this stage can smoothly transition into the next one, which is much more dangerous to health.

At this stage, an addicted person can no longer do without alcohol, but is firmly convinced that he is capable of quitting at any time, but not today. Already here complications with the liver and other difficulties with organs and well-being may begin.

Special treatment and a short course of rehabilitation, plus the support of relatives, can bring you out of this stage. This stage can provoke very serious problems with the liver and other organs, which will lead to illness for the rest of life.

This stage is not hopeless, but it requires an extremely serious approach to treatment and a long period of rehabilitation, with regular medical procedures, many medications and, often, expensive treatment.

Treatment period for addiction:

Do you want to speed up your treatment?

How can children help their father stop drinking?

Children always worry about their parents , whatever their lifestyle and actions. And even Small child and even more so, a teenager can provide all possible assistance to his father, who is faced with the problem of addiction to alcoholic beverages.

First of all, it is worth understanding that alcoholism is a disease which requires treatment. The parent does not choose such a life; it becomes a consequence of some problems of an adult that he could not cope with on his own. Condemnation and reproaches will not help, and the decision to leave dad to the mercy of fate can lead to a deterioration in his condition and even death from alcohol. Dad should be supported; only adults together with doctors can help understand the reasons, but children's help will be invaluable and can push the head of the family to take decisive action. Can ask the church for help . A child’s prayer so that the father does not drink can bear fruit if the child really desires this. You can persuade dad to visit the Temple of God together and perhaps he will be inspired and stop drinking.

Attention! On the site you can read reviews of various medications for alcoholism in the appropriate section. You can choose any review and get acquainted with the products, then find out the opinions of users and, if desired, place an order.

They can be given to a parent by mixing drugs into food, but only after consultation with a specialist.

Emergency situation - what to do?

Life with an addicted person does not always go smoothly and without difficult situations. Sometimes the question arises what to do, if the father drinks heavily , is rowdy and rushes with a knife. This dangerous condition can occur in a patient who abuses alcohol for several days in a row. If there are no adults nearby at the time of aggression, then the child should not be in the field of view of the drunken parent. How to live for a daughter or son , if their alcoholic dad drinks every day, and there are no adults around. We suggest you listen to some tips and take them into account:

  • Not worth it with your behavior or actions provoke a man to aggression , for example, trying to take away alcohol;
  • Don't get into discussions with a parent and his drinking friends, try to reason with them not to drink;
  • If dad is clearly drunk, it would be better for the child to visit relatives or friends until the man sobers up .

In case of sudden failure from alcohol, for example, when the father drank for several days in a row, and then decided to quit, he may develop withdrawal symptoms. This condition can be dangerous to health, so if dad becomes ill, the right thing to do is call an ambulance .

Hello friends!

We regularly receive letters at the Psychologist's Office in which the authors ask how to get along with an alcoholic. They are written mainly by women - wives and daughters of alcoholics. They ask how to protect young children, how to prevent themselves and them from being hurt during periods of heavy drinking. And, most importantly, how to help (“not let you go to ruin”) your alcoholic.

Why did I decide to devote an entire article to this difficult topic? The reason is simple: I personally know several people (my once close friends) who were raised in a family with an alcoholic father. I’ll give two examples so you can draw your own conclusions.

The first example is a friend of mine who grew up in a family with an alcoholic father.

Throughout his childhood, the guy watched his drunken father - they lived in a one-room apartment. Free time spent mostly in the yard.

My mother saved herself by working and traveling with friends: “What haven’t I seen at home? Drunk husband? - she explained to her friends. I “took hold of” my son already at school, when I realized that I had to somehow get the boy back on his feet.

I didn’t even think about getting a divorce - it was a pity to leave a person: “He will be lost without me.”

Since childhood, my friend despised drinking and said that he himself would never become such a husband and father. What happened in the end? Now he is over 30, has a wife and two small children. Drinks.

The second example is my old friend from the dacha, who grew up in a family with an alcoholic father.

She loved her father very much, but she also pitied her mother - she understood that this was not “”. I watched my father's drinking bouts, my mother's and my grandmother's sobs. I didn't drink myself.

Do you think, in the end, she started drinking on her own, like my friend? Oh no, it's getting more serious - she married a fellow alcoholic.

Probably someone will think that I was simply unlucky with the examples. But, unfortunately, they are typical. As evidence, I present to your attention Irina’s appeal article on this sore subject.


(Each woman can call her at her own discretion )

Dear women! You are busy with a drunken husband... and what is happening to your child at this time? Ask yourself this question.

In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered the problem of drunkenness. This problem is present to one degree or another in many families. Written a large number of literature devoted to this topic. Dedicated to this problem scientific works, it is studied in scientific institutes. Women who suffer from alcoholic husbands and drinking sons often turn to the telephone Trust Services.

Moreover, this problem is not only in our country. It can be called one of the global problems, universal to mankind! Life with a drinking person, even if he has not yet become an alcoholic, is like living on a powder keg, anything can happen. A woman living with a drunken husband must fight and defend herself all the time. It's practically a war.

And in this war, a woman must try to maintain her and her children’s physical and mental safety! And this is very difficult. But still adult woman is aware of what is happening in her family, and, making a choice in favor later life with an alcoholic or divorcing him, takes responsibility for the consequences. E. Berne in his book “Games People Play” described this perfectly in the game “Alcoholic”. But I want to express some thoughts regarding children living in families with an alcoholic parent. Usually this is the father.

I will not touch on those difficult cases where both parents are alcoholics, or the child lives with one alcoholic parent in the absence of the other parent. Most often these parents are deprived parental rights and the child then lives separately from them. This usually does not make the child happier and does not save him from many psychological problems, but that's a different topic.

A child in his family learns the wisdom of relationships with the opposite sex, in particular, through the example of the relationships of his own parents. He learns role relationships (mom-dad, man-woman). Moreover, there is a kind of “absorption”, at an unconscious level, of behavioral reactions.

The child perceives the parents' relationship as normal, even if to an outside observer they appear ugly and even vicious.

This is very great danger. I'll try to tell you how I understand it. All people are characterized by basic anxiety, but its manifestation in a person’s life, whether it increases or decreases, largely depends on the external conditions affecting the person.

So, a drunk father, if at the same time he still makes a scandal and raises his hand against the mother and children, causes very great fear in the child. Even if the father does not hit or make a big scandal, the child, seeing how upset the mother is, also experiences great fear. For him, his parents are protection and support, and he sees how this protection is crumbling!

But this is just one moment. There are others too. Alcoholism is not contagious in a physiological sense, but it is contagious in a psychological sense.

Often in families where the father is a drinker, the son, having matured, also begins to drink. The son, observing his father's drunkenness, begins to believe that it is also quite possible to live like this. The father avoids responsibility, does not solve the problem, but the family continues to exist, and the mother takes on all or almost all responsibility for the family, performs all the functions of the family’s life. The boy doesn’t think logically like that; it happens almost unconsciously.

In addition, the mother often hides from others or significantly downplays this husband’s dependence out of fear or shame. It is especially influential that the mother often pretends that everything is normal. Such ambivalent (dual) behavior of the mother contributes to the fact that the child is lost and does not know how to react to the situation. He (the child) may experience anger at his parents, but this duality forces him to unconsciously or consciously repress this anger.

Gradually, the son develops a certain stereotype of behavior, for example, in a situation where he does not know how to behave or does not want to be responsible for something. His answer is to drink. Of course, a child can start drinking in non-drinking families, but there are other reasons at play. And there are always reasons. The same applies to the daughter - very often in later life she chooses a drinking husband.

The girl already knows how to react to his drunkenness, she knows how to behave with him. This downplays the severe anxiety that arose in the parental family. The behavior of her drinking husband is quite expected for her.

The “victim” complex formed in her family with her drinking father may also be at work here. The “victim” always has a secondary benefit, no matter how harsh it sounds. This benefit is the sympathy of others, the desire to be a “savior”, to be needed by this drinking man. At the same time, the woman believes that without her her alcoholic husband will be lost. In families where fathers drink, the following sometimes happens.

The mother or other relatives, wanting to give the child a sense of responsibility, ask him “look after” the drinking father. This is done, as it seems to them, out of good intentions, for educational purposes. The fallacy of this method is that the child is thus included in this intra-family game “Alcoholic”. By “game” E. Bern means “a sequence of actions that are subject to individual, and not social programs, as opposed to pastime." This doesn't mean the games aren't serious. They are often cruel, even deadly, and often games of a lifetime! In my practice there was such a case:

The girl lived with her mother and drinking father for 16 years. Her mother and other relatives tried to influence her father, he even became coded. But later he returned to drinking anyway, and all the relatives and the girl’s mother gave up the fight and decided to leave everything as it was. Like: “Come what may.”

The father is a “quiet drunkard”, considers himself a sufferer, etc. The girl loved and pitied him. And she promised herself that she would get her father out of drunkenness.

What happened here?

There was a substitution of roles: the girl moved from the role of daughter to the role of “savior”, which is usually performed by wives. She intervened in marital relations(husband-wife) - this role is also played by mothers in relation to children.

Thus, she crossed out the parent-child relationship with her own father. She took on the role of wife or mother with all the ensuing consequences: the girl took responsibility for her father, which often negatively affects all relationships in the family, including with her mother.

It is the parents who are responsible for their minor children, not the other way around! Of course, the girl did all this with the best intentions, out of love for her father, without thinking about any roles or family levels.

Often in families with a drinking father, the mother, wanting to prove to the children the harmfulness of drunkenness, sets the father up as an “anti-example”, in every possible way turning the children against him. If the father is a “quiet drunkard,” then the child, striving for a kind of justice, begins to feel sorry for the father and enters into a silent, and sometimes declared, coalition with him against the mother.

If the father is aggressive, and the child agrees (even if only in his heart) with the mother, then he (the child) is psychologically deprived of his father. But a child cannot not have a father! Then often in his later life he will transfer his desire to have a father to other people.

So, a girl can look for her father in her husband, and a boy can look for a father in a friend, boss, psychotherapist, etc. And then there will be a reversal of roles. After all, a husband and a boss are one role, but a father is a completely different one. The father is a blood relative and will remain so forever, no matter what he may be. They have different functions and cannot be mixed.

In the case when a woman decides to hang out with her husband because of his drunkenness(or other reason), she should not consult the child about this. She herself decides to break off the marital relationship. This is her area of ​​responsibility. You can't push children to break up child-parent relationships(I'm not considering monster parents).

A mother can explain that she does not want and cannot live with her drunkard husband, but he still remains a father for his son or daughter with such a problem, illness, etc. Dad loves the child, but decided to continue drinking, and nothing can be done. You can find different words to explain with the child, but the main thing is that he (the child) has the knowledge that his parents love him, and he can continue to love each of them (both mom and dad).

To feel the harmony of the world, a child needs to understand that he has a mother and father. Divorce ends the relationship between husband and wife, not father and child.

I can say that many psychologists insist that children should not be involved at all in the so-called intra-family situation “Alcoholism or drunkenness and the fight against them.” This is very difficult to do, especially if the child lives with a drinking family member. In conclusion, I want to say: do not burden your child with unnecessary responsibility!

Adults (parents in particular) are responsible for their actions and their lives! And drunkenness is a conscious choice of an adult! I would like to recommend to women who are somehow faced with the problem of drunkenness and alcoholism, a book by the excellent psychologist and psychotherapist E.V. Emelyanova “How to communicate with a drunk husband” (Rech Publishing House, St. Petersburg, 2008) This book contains practical practical advice women.

Irina, practicing psychologist

That's it, friends. I hope you found the article interesting and useful. But, at the same time, not relevant. I wish you all never face such problems.

I would really like to hear your opinions on the topic. What do you think? Do you know any examples of living in a family with an alcoholic? Perhaps there are stories even with a good ending? I also recommend this one, they say it helps.

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Comments on this post


My name is Masha, I'm 26 years old. My father died at the end of last year. He was only 52 years old and an alcoholic. When he died, I was not surprised, I was practically not upset, I did not cry. I didn’t care, I was just infuriated that on New Year’s Eve, instead of pleasant holiday chores, I had to deal with a funeral. Throughout my entire life, he gave me nothing and left nothing except a murdered one-room apartment, a bunch of complexes, mental trauma and terrible childhood memories, he ruined my mother and I’s entire lives with his drunkenness. I am writing this and know that later I will most likely be ashamed for “washing dirty laundry in public”, saying nasty things about a loved one, especially a deceased one...

I grew up in a feeling of eternal chaos. I never knew what to expect. I remember I was five or six years old when my mother went on a business trip and left me with my father. I woke up in the morning, drank milk with dried bread, and then sat and waited for dad to wake up and let me go for a walk. I sat on the windowsill hungry and looked out the window at my friends playing in the yard. My father slept until lunchtime, always got up shaggy and angry, and began to find fault with me. Then, as I later realized, I got hungover and became just a super-daddy - a humorous, kind, simply golden man who joked, gave me money and took me out for a walk. And the next day everything is new: a hangover, nagging and insults. It all tore me apart, especially when he yelled at my mother and lied that he didn’t drink, played with me and everything was fine with us.

All weekends and holidays, all birthdays, every New Year- everything is spoiled, spoiled by my father’s drunkenness. His mother worked two jobs, and he was constantly stuck at home because he was kicked out from everywhere. He didn’t go on a binge, but he could easily oversleep, be late, not answer when his boss calls, or simply not go out because he’s sick with a hangover.

What’s the wildest thing for me: he died of cirrhosis, but never admitted himself to be an alcoholic! He always said that everything was fine with him, that it was my mother and I who were pushing him, and that he was just a confused person who was tired of life and relieved stress this way. He simply loved to complain about his miserable life and blame everyone. Perhaps, if it weren’t for this trait of his, I would still be able to communicate with him sometimes, but listening to the same thing every time about how bad everyone around me was was unbearable. I didn’t respect my father and never knew what it was like when a daughter is proud of her father, feels loved, protected, valuable. I’m writing this now, but tears are flowing like a river from resentment.

It’s terrible that because of vodka, the whole life of a person and his family goes downhill.

I don’t understand: why do you drinking men get married and have children? You don't need them!! My father was never interested in my affairs! He didn't know anything about me at all! I never supported anything - neither morally nor financially. Throughout my childhood and youth, he was either lying in front of the TV on his squashed old sofa, or drinking in the kitchen with a neighbor. When mom came and kicked them out, they continued in the yard. And I, a child, was embarrassed to go out then, because I was ashamed of my father, a drunkard, who would either fall asleep in the bushes, or urinate in public, or run into a bastard and then walk around with a black eye. One day he got drunk, went for cigarettes, slipped on the stairs at the entrance and knocked out his two front teeth. Then I walked around like that all my life and never got it in.

I'm 26 years old, and I've never had a normal relationship with a guy. Although I am a slim, young, seemingly pretty girl, I am appreciated at work, but I cannot start a relationship. I feel very lonely, I suffer a lot because of this.

When the film shows a happy family, a caring father, normal relationships, I feel so offended and hurt that I can burst into tears. But the worst thing is my self-doubt and resentment for an unhappy childhood. I don’t know how I can forget and forgive this. I've tried all sorts different techniques and went to a psychologist, but it didn’t get any easier. I don't know what's going to happen. He's already died, I'm an adult, I don't drink, I have my own a good life, my mother is alive and well, thank God, she divorced her father a long time ago and moved in with her colleague. It would seem that renovate your father’s apartment or sell it and buy a new one, get married, live and be happy. But I can't live. I am constantly tense, constantly waiting for a trick, I often cry, I can suddenly flare up and yell at a person. Then I feel ashamed, but for some reason I can’t apologize either, although I scold myself terribly inside! In general, I am a terrible pessimist by nature - I very rarely experience a feeling of true joy, not to mention happiness - something always gets in the way.

I think a lot about how my life could have turned out if my father had not drank at all, if we had lived together, if they had given me another sister or brother... What would I be like? Would my father still be alive today? Only these dreams provide an outlet, at least some support. I dream, and it seems to make me feel better.

I wandered for two days

The money ran out very quickly and I wanted to eat. Some older guys pestered me and invited me to their place. It was scary. I approached a woman at the station who seemed kind to me and asked her for a coin for her phone.

She asked why, and I honestly told her that I ran away from home and wanted to call my mother. The woman got alarmed, took me to a pay phone, made sure I called my mother, and then she talked to her and told my mother that she would take me to her place and told me where she lived. We went to her, she fed me.

A couple of hours later my mother arrived and took me home. At home she tried to find out why I did this. And I asked to leave my father, not to live with him. I couldn't see him die.

But my mother persuaded me to be patient. And I again realized that nothing would change. Then I made my first adult, conscious decision. I need to study in order to enter and leave my parents' house.

The day after graduation I left my parents' house

I couldn’t avoid visiting my parents at all; I depended on them financially. But I rarely went home, and only for a couple of days.

Recently a terrible tragedy happened in our city. The boy committed suicide. The boy lost his nerve and the child could not stand it. Having learned this story, I suddenly remembered how I once lost my nerves. Just like I once could not tolerate the collapse of my Universe.

I experienced all those dark emotions again. I was scared and sorry. And inside there grew a black lump that threatened to explode.

I wanted to take a walk alone. I went outside and found the Big Dipper. And then I remembered where I got this habit from. Dad taught me to find the Big Dipper, and from it other constellations.

Memories flooded from every nook and cranny of my memory. I cried my eyes out. My subconscious, along with the story of my escape, also removed the memories of all the good things that happened in my childhood.

And it all has to do with dad

I only remembered him being drunk, angry, and remembering how he stole my pocket money and the bed linen that was bought for me as a dowry. I remembered how he beat me. My most important feeling towards my parents was resentment.

But now I'm an adult. And you can look at a lot of things from a different perspective. And try to understand, and maybe forgive.

It’s bad, very bad that my father started drinking. He couldn't find another way out, he turned out to be perhaps a weakling... But he - best dad in the world. And my childhood was happy. I have something good to remember. And everything that was bad, as my grandmother says: “Let it go to dry forest”...

That same evening I called my parents and asked my dad if he remembered the fairy tale that I read first. “Little Khavroshechka,” dad said with a laugh, “how can I forget her, I listened to her in the evenings for a year and a half. And then they looked for Ursa Major.”

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