Suitcases on wheels for two which one to choose. The best suitcase companies or which company's suitcases are better? Which suitcase to choose

Tell me honestly, what would you first pay attention to when choosing a suitcase on wheels? For appearance? For size? How many compartments and pockets?

Do not rush, because based on these criteria, you can easily make the wrong choice and buy a completely impractical and uncomfortable thing that will gather dust somewhere on the mezzanine for years.

How to choose the right suitcase on wheels good quality? We believe the most important features are:

  • choice of material;
  • dimensions and weight;
  • type and number of wheels;
  • choice of type and number of handles;


The material from which your suitcase is made directly affects the safety of your belongings and how long it will last. On sale you can find models of fabric, plastic and leather.




+ Less prone to scratches

+ Special impregnation protects against moisture

+ Light

+ Soft case allows you to hold more things

+ Additional volume due to the expander and external pockets

+ Resistant to mechanical damage and moisture

+ Ability to support more weight

+ Suitable for transporting fragile items

+ Lighter and more practical than other rigid materials

+ Does not require special care - the suitcase can be simply wiped with a cloth

+ Good quality


- not suitable for transporting fragile, breakable items

- periodically requires washing and cleaning with special means

- this choice of suitcase is a bit more expensive than fabric suitcases

Dimensions and weight

At this stage, your task is to abandon the stereotype "the more, the more spacious." It should be understood that two suitcases of the same size may not match in volume. We are interested in the volume, because this parameter determines how many things you can pack in a travel suitcase.

How to choose the suitcase size?

For short 1-2-day trips and business trips, compact models with a volume of 25-30 liters or convenient case pilots are best suited. Such suitcases are even allowed to be carried in the cabin.

If the whole family is going on a trip, then it makes sense to purchase a large suitcase on wheels with a volume of 100 liters or several medium ones.

As for weight, everything is simple here: the lighter the suitcase, the better, because now almost all major air carriers impose their own restrictive requirements regarding the weight of luggage. The less the suitcase itself weighs, the more necessary things you can put without overpaying for it.

Choosing a suitcase by type and number of wheels

On sale you can find suitcases on two and four wheels. Which option is better? It largely depends on the conditions in which the product will be used.

To move on a flat surface (in an airport or train station building, on a good asphalt road, etc.), feel free to choose a suitcase on four wheels: such models are very convenient and can withstand heavy loads. Even if two wheels break, you can still carry a suitcase on the remaining two.

At the same time, two-wheeled suitcases are more stable - if you have to carry luggage on sand, earth, go down into underground passages, it is better to choose this option. But there are some "pitfalls" here: while moving, up to 30% of the weight will be transferred to your hand, as a result of which you may feel heaviness and get tired of the travel suitcase on wheels.

Separately, it is worth talking about the material from which the wheels are made. All wheels are made of polyurethane material.

Such wheels are considered the best option, since, unlike plastic ones, they do not wear out and do not rattle.

And the most silent are the wheels on bearings - they, among other things, are able to rotate as much as 360 °!

Type and number of handles

There are two types of telescopic handles: cane handle and double handle. The cane handle has its advantages - it takes up a minimum of space inside the suitcase, due to which the clothes are much less wrinkled. The double handle, in turn, is much more functional - you can freely fix a bag or beauty case on it, thereby freeing your hands. Regardless of the type, it is important that the mechanism of the telescopic handle is equipped with a production gap - only in this case the structure does not deform during the use of a travel suitcase on wheels.

Design and internal organization

The internal organization of space is perhaps the most important factor to be guided by when choosing. After all, it depends on how compactly and rationally you can decompose things.

Having multiple compartments and pockets is always a plus. You can see this in the spacious 4-wheel suitcase from the Samsonite Essensis collection.

Instead of fiddling with numerous packages, and then frantically rummaging through them in search of the right thing, you will immediately determine what should be in which compartment.

In addition, you will know that your luggage is absolutely safe - even if the suitcase opens, not a single little thing will fall out or be lost.

A durable fabric will protect your clothes from dust and dirt - remember how unpleasant it is, when you come to rest, to see a stain on your favorite shirt from the juice that you took with you on the road!

Some models allow you to change the interior space at your discretion.

For example, separating curtains, fabric limiters and additional pockets are supplied with the original suitcase from the S "Cure DLX series. If necessary, you can fix them inside the suitcase or remove them.

Both large and miniature suitcases almost always have crossed straps. They fix luggage and allow you to take even fragile items without damaging them.

In terms of design, it's great if your suitcase stands out with a bright color, an interesting print or an unusual shape - this will save you time searching for your luggage on the conveyor belt. Yes, and such models look unusually stylish, bright and positive! Aren't we waiting for such emotions when going on vacation?

How to choose a protection system?

The TSA system is the most advanced suitcase protection. Knowing the code, only you and the employees of the Transportation Security Department, who have special universal keys, can unlock the lock.

It is impossible to purchase such a key - their number is strictly controlled by government agencies. However, if your baggage is suspicious, the lock cannot be cut or broken - you can be sure that your things will not be damaged.

Samsonite suitcases are equipped with Multi-Pocket TSA Locks that allow you to close all compartments. Another option is a three-lock locking system without zippers, which eliminates any risk of accidental opening.

Lite-Locked Collection - Travelers' Choice 2014

The Lite-Locked collection has become a real revolution in the world of luggage. Suitcases of this series are made of ultra-light and super-strong CURV material, developed and patented by Samsonite specialists.

The company also patented the unique design of the sea shell - for the first time, the stiffening ribs began to distribute the loads upon impact, minimizing the risk of the slightest deformation.

As a security system, a 3-lock locking system with TSA support is used, which guarantees the absolute safety of your luggage, regardless of the duration of the trip and the type of transport.

All Lite-Locked cases come with a 10-year worldwide warranty. Browse the catalog to find out more!

Until recently, we asked this question “what is the best suitcase?”. After a year and a half of travel, our old suitcases showed themselves only in the best light, but it was time for them to rest, as they skidded and rubbed, torn and broke in some places.

We approached the choice of a suitcase specifically, because we didn’t want to buy something of poor quality, but spending millions on some suitcases is not our option. Even expensive suitcases sometimes cannot withstand the frantic rhythms of flights like ours, but sometimes cheap things can last for centuries, go through fire, water and copper pipes. But.

What material is better?

Let's move on to a practical analysis of the suitcase materials that currently exist on the market:

  • Fabric suitcases- one of the inexpensive models. You can’t put anything fragile in such suitcases, even if you wrap a bottle of, for example, wine from Georgia in a towel. All the same, there will be a risk of not bringing home a gift. The advantages of fabric suitcases are diversity color palette, plenty of external pockets and the fact that the suitcase can take the shape of things when packing. The downside is the instability after packaging and the speed of manifestation of dirt that is difficult to wash off, also such suitcases quickly tear from the pressure of things, especially around the perimeter of the zipper, well, the design or, most likely, its absence can also be attributed to minuses.
  • Leather suitcases. Probably the most expensive and not eternal suitcases that only exist. Even if you take it with you as hand luggage in the cabin, due to the constant shifting from shelf to shelf, the material will not last in perfect condition for a long time. Probably, leather suitcases are justified only in the case of a millionaire owner who has a private jet :)
  • ABS suitcases are not expensive. At least once, but you paid attention to the options for suitcases with the Eiffel Tower or painted in the flag of Great Britain or some other mainstream. These suitcases are made of ABS plastic and are not very resistant to mechanical stress, whether dropped at the airport or scratched. Heavy and fragile, but with some design! And yes, of the materials presented in the list, these plastic suitcases are the only ones made without an expander to the best of their properties.
  • Polycarbonate- the most common material in the world of suitcases. Elastic, light and resistant to mechanical damage. Usually, polycarbonate suitcases need to be stuffed to capacity so that it does not break. That is, do not carry it empty or not completely filled. But now there are improved models on the market that are not afraid of this, for example, models without any additives - only 100% durable polycarbonate.
  • Polypropylene is the best option for travelers. It is tough, durable and impact resistant suitcase material, but a bit heavy. If it’s hard to lift it empty, then I imagine the weight of it filled to the top.
  • Curv- a material patented by Samsonite, which has exorbitant prices for all types of suitcases. I'd rather make a couple of flights in Asia with this money than buy such an expensive suitcase. But still, the Curv material consists of interwoven polypropylene fibers, which gives it special flexibility, maximum strength and lightness. You decide.

As an experiment, we chose two suitcases from different price categories, but one material: a regular Camel Active case made of polycarbonate with plastic impurities and ultra-durable 100% polycarbonate from Delsey. The second turned out to be more expensive and better, but to buy two of these - the toad strangled. Plus, we have never dealt with plastic suitcases and decided if one of them breaks, then at the same time we will see which suitcases do not need to be bought. But, nevertheless, it turned out a great experiment! But more on that later.

Criteria for choosing the best suitcase

Definitely, the suitcase should be suitable for your lifestyle - how often you travel, for what purposes it will serve, what type of transport will be preferable and how many things you have (whether you are a woman).

First of all, you need to pay attention to suitcase dimensions, having estimated the number of things transported. If there are few things or you travel more on business trips for 2-3 days, or do not travel at all more than a week, that is, it makes sense to choose a small suitcase that will pass for hand luggage, but it is worth considering that there are standards for the size of such a suitcase.

The parameters of the length, width and height of a piece of hand luggage must not exceed 50*40*20 cm or 110 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

And most importantly, liquids over 100 ml, as well as nail scissors and other prickly objects, cannot be carried in a hand luggage suitcase.

The second criterion is suitcase weight. Lightweight suitcases are made of fabric and polycarbonate. Everywhere they write that this is a very important parameter that can save you from overweight and overpayment at the airport for extra pounds. But, as practice shows, if you packed a lot of things with you, then one or two kilograms of the weight of the suitcase will not save the situation. In any case, one kilogram can be dropped by an airline on check-in and just let you through with this small margin. But if you fly with low-cost airlines (low-cost airlines), then the extra kg will have to be transferred to hand luggage. And it's good if you invest in the required 7-10 kg by weight of hand luggage.

The third criterion is opportunity to expand the space in a suitcase. I think everyone is familiar with additional zippers on suitcases that hide a fold of fabric, but if you open the zipper and release the fabric, then a couple more centimeters are added to the height of the suitcase, from about 4 to 8. At the beginning of our trip, we prayed for expanders, but now, drastically rethinking the filling of our suitcases, we don’t use them at all, but we bought them “just in case”.

It is very important to pay attention to quantity and quality of wheels suitcases. I still can’t understand why some people recommend buying suitcases with two wheels, if it’s good with four on any surface? Because you don’t put more effort into dragging yourself, and on the flat surfaces of airports it’s a song in general - you can push with one finger! Of course, subject to the availability of wheels with good materials. Which do not create a lot of noise during operation and do not drive the suitcase in different directions, for example, polyurethane.

Delsey polyurethane multi-directional wheels

Camel Active plastic wheels

It is also necessary protect your suitcase from burglary and theft of things by hanging a separate lock on it or purchasing a suitcase with a built-in lock. It is believed that the most reliable lock is the TSA type with a code that is almost impossible to crack. But the baggage check service at the airport can by applying a special key.

Quality TSA combination lock on Delsey

And a lower quality, external TSA combination lock on Camel Active

Well, the last thing you should pay attention to is the presence and handle quality suitcases, clasps and lining inside. The retractable handle should be metal, and the two handles on the sides should be strong, preferably with additional fasteners so as not to come off. Zippers should not stick, and the lining should not be made of thin material that will tear very quickly in this situation.

Judging by our experiment, we can say that the expensive Delsey suitcase is easy to use, pleasant material both inside and out, does not scratch, and the wheels go just perfectly on any surface without putting much effort on the part of the person. But the cheap Camel Active is not as high quality, the frame and legs scratch easily, which create a lot of noise and require effort, even for riding on a flat airport floor.

But if you are afraid of dirt or rubbing of the frame, you can purchase fabric covers for suitcases. After the flights, the suitcase will remain beautiful and the covers can be easily washed. And as a bonus - excellent recognition on all baggage claim belts, especially if the covers are colorful and cheerful.

Our colored luggage covers

I am publishing an article just at the beginning of summer and the holiday season, so I hope to help you in a difficult choice! Easy travel for you and mastering a rational approach to filling your suitcases;)


Going on a trip or a business trip, you always need to take a lot of things with you. For transportation, you can use a large bag or bulky backpack, but due to the large weight, pain in the arms and back is guaranteed. The best option for travel is suitcases on wheels. It looks compact, but it has a good capacity. And thanks to the wheels, it is perfectly maneuverable and does not cause difficulties during transportation. Below are the top 15 wheeled suitcase manufacturers.

The best plastic suitcases on wheels

Plastic suitcases are the best for air travel. For their production, polycarbonate or polypropylene are most often used. These are lightweight materials that handle road tests and heavy loads just fine. However, suitcases made of cheap plastic are easily scratched and may even break. Suitcases made of plastic with the addition of titanium chips are of high quality. They are more durable, do not let dirt and moisture through.


Better security, low cost
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.6

The most inexpensive in our ranking are suitcases Russian brand L "case. Despite the very budgetary cost (the price tag for large plastic models starts at about 2000 rubles), the products are distinguished by high body strength and almost "indestructible" double removable wheels. The metal retractable handle further increases the comfort of using L "case suitcases, and the presence of a built-in code lock and protective pads allows you not to worry about the safety of property.

The company produces several collections, which are divided by the most popular tourist routes: London, New-York, Madrid, Paris, Dubai, Roma, etc. The material of manufacture is shockproof ABS plastic or modern polypropylene. All models have an attractive and original design, have good maneuverability and functional interior space with additional pockets and compartments. In their reviews, buyers described L "case products as light, durable and beautiful. Undoubtedly, the best option for its price.

4 Sun Voyage

Low price
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.7

At budget prices, the company offers a wide range of suitcases on wheels. Products made of a plastic moisture-resistant frame retain the contents of the luggage even under severe mechanical stress. The lineup is represented not only by adult models for business trips and holidays, but also by small suitcases for children. The brand also releases an exclusive line with original illustrations by Nikas Safronov.

The body of the suitcases is made of ABS plastic with the participation of scientists from the Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology. The product is equipped with 4 wheels, for the reliability of which bearings are used in the design. Models are equipped with convenient compartments for large and small items. In 2014, the brand presented its products at the international exhibition "CONSUM EXPO".

3 Roncato

10 years warranty
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.8

Plastic suitcases of the Italian brand are distinguished by streamlined shapes and bright colors. The constant introduction of new technologies and the regular development of the model range make the company a leader in the production of luggage in Italy. Durable plastic cases come with a ten-year warranty. All models are produced in the middle price range, and their cost varies from 4,000 to 26,000 rubles.

Most notable collections brands - Polaris and Uno. The Uno Zip model is especially popular. Lightweight suitcase on four wheels treated with a special impregnation against moisture. It is also possible to highlight the Uno ZSL polycarbonate model with a reflective body. The 100-liter suitcase weighs only 3.5 kg and is covered with a special anti-scratch layer. Reviews about Roncato suitcases are only positive.

2 Delsey

Stylish design
Country: France
Rating (2019): 4.9

The brand has been known throughout Europe for over 70 years. All models are made of high quality plastic and have an exclusive design. Appearance suitcase on wheels is so original that it is in demand by many celebrities. hallmark Delsey models is Zip Securi Tech's signature double zipper.

The quality of the products corresponds to the declared value, so the French suitcase on wheels will last more than 10 years. The original design, durability and internal structure favorably distinguish models on store shelves. The Russian buyer fell in love with the Honore and Chatelet collections.

Which suitcase is better to choose on 2 or 4 wheels

Wheels are considered the most vulnerable part of suitcases, so they should be given special attention when buying luggage. Before buying, you should decide on the main pros and cons of two and four wheeled suitcases.


1. High cross. Ideal for rough or sandy roads.

2. It is convenient to lower and lift up the hill.

3. Large and soft silicone wheels.

4. The wheels are recessed inside the body, so they do not stick out and are less prone to breakage.

1. Better maneuverability.

2. Suitcases, even with the highest volume, are easy to transport.

3.Easy during wheel replacement.

4. The wheels are highlighted, which means they do not take up useful space inside the suitcase.


1. A third of the weight of the baggage is on the owner's hand.

2. Since the wheels are inside the case, useful space in the compartments is lost.

1. Only suitable for smooth roads and airport smooth floor.

2. Since the wheels protrude beyond the body, the probability of their breakage increases.

Recently, manufacturers have finalized 4-wheel models, making the rear wheels of a larger diameter. And as you know, the larger the wheel, the higher the patency. Such a suitcase can be moved on 4 wheels on a flat floor, and tilted on 2 wheels on snow or paving stones.

1 Rimowa

The best quality
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 5.0

The first place of the best plastic suitcases on wheels is occupied by the Rimowa brand. All products of the company have their own passport and individual number to avoid counterfeit goods. The brand was founded in 1898 and the first suitcases were made of wood. The company regularly develops and improves the quality of its products.

Rimowa specializes in premium products. Two collections are popular in her line: Salsa Air - made of polycarbonate and Topas - made of aluminum). Product prices range from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles. Most models come with a 5 year warranty. On thematic forums, users leave only positive reviews about Rimowa suitcases.

The best fabric trolley cases

Lightweight fabric suitcases are the best option for travel by train, as there is no need to protect luggage from damage and shock. Polyester without additives is considered the most budgetary material. And in combination with nylon, the same fabric increases wear resistance and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Advantages of fabric suitcases:

  • variety of designs;
  • the presence of a large number of pockets;
  • increase in volume due to stretching of the material.
  • difficulty in cleaning.

When packing things, it is worth remembering that fragile items should be laid out among clothes, away from the edges and frame of the fabric suitcase.


Completely Russian production
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.6

This category is opened by another representative of the Russian market of road goods - the company 4 ROADS. The trademark loudly declared itself back in 2007, and since then it has been considered one of the best in terms of price and quality ratio. Interestingly, the company's production facilities are not located in China, as is customary for most inexpensive brands, but in their homeland, in Kaliningrad. The main direction of 4 ROADS is the production of fabric suitcases made of polyester and nylon. A special metal frame is installed inside the products, which makes the structure more stable and prevents even the slightest deformation.

Special attention deserves the wheels of models made of impact-resistant plastic. To protect them from breakage during mechanical action, the manufacturer, as it were, “drowned” the rollers into the body of the suitcase. This also ensures a smoother ride of the luggage during transport. Of the important nuances, we can note the presence of a steel padlock and a "self-healing" zipper with large links, which help to safely hide your property.

4 Alezar

The best selection of original add-ons
The country:
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Finnish company Alezar with its own factory in China is well known to Russian buyers as a manufacturer of inexpensive but high-quality fabric suitcases. This is one of the few brands in the catalog of which luggage with 2, 4, and 8 wheels is presented. Products vary in size, design and number of additional parts. For example, the popular Alezar Classic black & orange model has a mini compass built into the handle to help the traveler navigate faster in unknown terrain.

The undoubted “pluses” of Alezar suitcases include a well-thought-out internal structure (it is possible to expand the space with the help of a second zipper), reliable fittings, dense body fabric and a fairly budget price. The disadvantages of most buyers in their reviews were the lack of a side handle for some samples, and the rather large weight of the structure in the empty state. Otherwise, the brand's travel products did not cause any particular complaints from avid tourists.

3 Wenger

Lots of color choices
Country: Switzerland
Rating (2019): 4.8

Fabric suitcases are made of high quality polyester. Therefore, the luggage frame ensures the complete safety of its contents. All models are equipped with convenient maneuverable wheels. The products are very reliable and wear-resistant, as evidenced by a five-year warranty and positive feedback from the owners.

The collections include suitcases of various designs and colors - from business black tones to juicy summer shades. The suitcases have a very convenient telescopic handle with a strong lock. And a huge number of different pockets and compartments will help compactly decompose clothes, hygiene products, documentation and souvenirs. The brand also has models with a special compartment for a laptop.

2 Samsonite

The best quality
Country: Belgium
Rating (2019): 4.9

The brand is considered the founder of "suitcase fashion", and has been on the market for over 100 years. The brand was founded in the USA but is currently headquartered in Belgium. The company has the largest network of stores and warranty centers around the world. The company is confident in the quality of its products, so some models are covered by a lifetime warranty.

The company offers a huge selection of luggage, from economy to premium class. The price varies from 2500 to 35000 rubles. Cosmolite and Short-Lite are recognized as popular collections. A special pride of the brand is the development of Curv - uniquely intertwined plastic fibers. Suitcases with such a case are incredibly light and reliable.

1 American Tourist

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 5.0

The brand gained its worldwide popularity in the early 90s, before that American Tourister was a purely American company. The brand manufactures and sells luggage for the middle and economy class. Suitcases are suitable for people who do not want to overpay for an advertised brand, but simply want to transport their belongings safely. In the reviews, the owners note that despite the reasonable cost, the products are of high quality and serve for more than one five-year period.

The company produces two collections - Bon Air and Decor. Décor models are fabric suitcases with 4 wheels, suitable for business trips and travel. The polyester body is complemented by side plastic inserts, which makes the model quite durable. The product is equipped with several internal and external pockets with a convenient zipper. The compartment for things is equipped with a combination lock.

The best children's suitcases on wheels

All suitcases for children are miniature in size, and are distinguished by their bright design, as well as the number of wheels. Before buying, you should decide on the material of the luggage case. More things can fit in a fabric suitcase, but a plastic product will come in handy if a child wants to turn gray on it while waiting for a flight. You also need to make sure that there is a retractable adjustable handle, because the child may get bored with carrying luggage, and then parents will have to do it.


Plastic suitcases with "cartoon" design
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.6

In the catalog of the Chinese brand IMPREZA, you can find many interesting suitcases for all ages, including incredibly picturesque children's models. Products of this brand are distinguished by high resistance of the frame to various mechanical damage and impact. difficult conditions environment. They all have adjustable handles, movable wheels for maximum maneuverability and are lightweight. The manufacturer produces functional and practical models made of plastic, leatherette and strong synthetic fabric.

Children's series "Impreza" is made exclusively of polycarbonate. Here you can pick up attractive travel accessories for both a girl (with princesses, Barbies or Disney beauties), and for a young gentleman (the range includes models with Cars, Spiderman and other heroes of boyhood). The capacity of children's suitcases is 22 kg, there are two compartments inside, the retractable handle is fixed at a convenient height. Of the minuses, we can only point out the lack of an official guarantee for this type of product. Although, judging by the feedback from users, the designs of this company do not fail when traveling, and are able to withstand a variety of loads on the way.


The lightest and most manoeuvrable
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.7

The domestic company TEVIN produces suitcases of various sizes and modifications. The range includes durable and functional products for traveling with the whole family, from extra-large “adult” luggage to cute accessories for children with a telescopic handle that adjusts to any height. All brand products are made of highly durable polycarbonate and meet all accepted GOST standards. In confirmation of this, all the necessary certificates are posted on the website of the company's online store.

According to customer reviews, TEVIN children's suitcases perfectly combine good capacity and light weight. They are well made, able to withstand increased loads and are equipped with reliable fittings that do not break even after several years of active use. On sale are models of increased maneuverability on 4 wheels made of polyurethane. The manufacturer checked their products for different types coatings, and ensures that his suitcases can easily withstand a trip on smooth asphalt and dirt paths.

3 Feru Kiddo

Premium baby amenity kits
The country: Finland (made in China)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Children's suitcases of the Finnish brand Feru Kiddo are bright, roomy (volume 37 l), and most importantly, comfortable products that simply cannot be overlooked. The series is made of high quality polycarbonate, resistant to chips and dents. A distinctive feature of this type of luggage is certainly its unique design. Made in the form of a variety of animals (panda bear, owl, frog), the models will delight any young traveler. To complete the image, the company offers to pick up a backpack or handbag in the same style.

Suitcases of this collection are designed for children 7-9 years old, they have 2 large maneuverable wheels and an additional sliding handle. Inside there is a pocket with a zipper and elastic bands to secure things. All materials used in production undergo strict quality control. The paints with which the drawing is applied do not cause allergies and do not wear off for a long time. Therefore, Feru Kiddo products can be considered not only the most original, but also the highest quality in their price category.

2 Atma Trade

Best price
The country: Finland (made in China)
Rating (2019): 4.9

Atma Trade is a budget brand of suitcases for children. The price for the Kids series is about 3000 rubles. The trademark is a structural subdivision of the Impreza concern. The brand's products are very popular due to their low cost and variety of patterns. And with the help of an adjustable handle and maneuverable wheels, the child can easily carry his luggage.

Atma Trade collections are so diverse that every child can find a case with their favorite cartoon character. Boys will love the Supercar model, where the plastic completely repeats the curves of the car. And girls will love suitcases with a classic body shape, but with bright images of princesses and cats.

1 Trunks

Unique design
Country: England
Rating (2019): 5.0

Trunki was invented by English designer Rob Law. Walking in a suitcase store in 1997, he was disappointed that there were no interesting children's models. Then he decided to combine a rolling toy and a suitcase. So there was luggage in the form of animals and cartoon characters. To implement the idea, the Magmatic company was organized. All products are manufactured in factories that comply with international ICTI and ISO 9001 standards. The brand has received many awards for innovation, exclusivity and product design.

A suitcase on wheels isn't just for transporting things. You can ride on it, holding on to special ledges - horns. For such interesting luggage, the manufacturer offers to additionally purchase bright stickers and unique seats. In the reviews, parents admire the design of the suitcase, and talk about how children play with it while waiting for a train or plane.

Vacation - how many pleasant emotions and expectations in this one word! When preparing for a trip, we carefully select a resort and a specific hotel, after which we begin to pack for the trip. And where will we put clothes and other little things necessary for the journey? Especially for you a selection of the best tips about good quality.

Volume and size

Before heading to the store for a new suitcase, try to decide on the basic requirements for the purchase. What type of transport do you use most often, how many things are you used to taking with you and how fragile are they? Airlines are the most strict with baggage. Today, each passenger on an airplane can take on board one suitcase weighing no more than 23 kg. In this case, the sum of measurements of the outer sides of the luggage should not exceed 115 cm.

For an airplane, if most manufacturers list the internal volume (in liters) as the main specification? If the outside dimensions are not indicated on the label, ask the store consultant to measure the travel bag you like. Or rely on the experience of other travelers: it is believed that about 25-30 liters is enough for one person. Summer clothes take up very little space. For holidays in hot countries, you can safely take a small or medium suitcase. The situation is much more complicated with warm things. Jackets, coats, suits for winter sports take up a lot of space. If you often take such things on trips, take a closer look at large suitcases.

What is your suitcase made of?

The most popular materials for the production of modern suitcases are plastic and fabric. Textile travel bags are of low weight. Such suitcases are made of special wear-resistant fabrics. The main disadvantage of textile travel bags is the inability to protect the contents from impacts.

Which suitcase is better: fabric or plastic? Textile travel bags are affordable. Their walls can be sealed, but even in this case, the risk of damage to the contents is high. Plastic suitcases better protect their contents due to a rigid frame. However, these cases are heavier than fabric bags. Still, this is a good solution for those who regularly carry a significant amount of fragile items.

Compartments and pockets

It is very convenient when the suitcase has several internal compartments. In this case, you can easily decompose things inside various types apart. A big plus is the presence of internal pockets for small items. How to choose a good quality suitcase on wheels, does it need small external compartments? Pockets on the outside come in handy for passengers who don't check luggage in the cargo hold. If you travel by train or car, the more compartments in your suitcase, the better. Fill the outer pockets with your travel essentials without the hassle of carrying extra bags or packs. Please note: some suitcases are adjustable in size, and this is definitely a useful feature.

How many wheels does a suitcase need?

Carrying your own luggage in your hands is a dubious pleasure. For travel and long trips, it makes sense to purchase a suitcase on wheels. Two modifications are most popular today: carts and spinners. In the first case, the suitcase has two wheels and is transported in a semi-tilted position. Spinners are distinguished by the presence of four wheels located at the corners of the bottom. Each wheel rotates freely around its own axis. A good suitcase on wheels with a similar system of their fastening is ideal for moving on smooth asphalt or on the floor of public buildings. The advantage of spinners is the minimum effort to move. It is these suitcases that are recommended to buy for the elderly and children. However, be careful: spinner wheels can break after a long trip on a bad road. If you often travel long distances on foot with your luggage, it makes sense to choose a trolley suitcase.

What is the ideal pen?

When choosing a suitcase, you need to think about how you will carry it. A retractable handle is found in most modern travel bags. It can be made from metal or plastic. Pay attention to what the part of it is made of, for which you will carry the suitcase. It is good if the handle is rubberized or has a fabric lining at the top. A useful feature is the ability to fix in several positions in height. This is especially true if several people of different heights will use the suitcase.

Before buying, be sure to try to carry the suitcase around the store. This simple test will help you figure out if it's the right height for you. How to choose a suitcase on wheels of good quality and comfortable? Pay attention to the presence of side handles for carrying in your hands. It is desirable that there are two of them - in this case, you can easily carry a suitcase with someone together, and it will not be difficult to put it on a shelf or in the trunk. These handles should also have rubber or fabric overlays.

suitcase clasp

Plastic suitcases are closed on special latches. Their quality, quantity and strength are completely dependent on the cost of the product. Fabric suitcases usually have a zipper. Well, if it is plastic and wide. Please note: some suitcases have a zipper more than 1 cm wide. And this is not a design move, but a practical solution - such a fastener will last longer than a narrow one. Try to carefully close an overstuffed suitcase, and then it will serve you for a very long time.

Your belongings are locked!

Plastic suitcases have built-in locks. This is quite convenient, but remember: if the mechanism breaks, you will have to crack the wardrobe trunk with your own hands. How to choose a travel suitcase that will protect your belongings? Zippers usually have padlock shackles. The protective device itself can be purchased at a store that sells travel bags. can be coded or conventional mechanical (with a key). In the first case, you need to remember a combination of numbers, and in the second, you must always have a key with you. The most reliable are

How to choose a suitcase for travel and how to extend its service life?

What color to choose a suitcase? Today in any store you can find travel accessories in classic colors and bright, original. What suitcase to choose? Unusual design or bright print - this is what will help you always easily recognize your own luggage. But be careful, even if you have a very original suitcase - do not forget to read the tags. Before buying, check the operability of accessories and wheels. If something sticks a little or is in doubt, this suitcase is not worth buying. Remember that large travel bags and trunks are almost beyond repair. The failure of one zipper or wheel almost always means the death of the entire product.

It is not enough to know how to choose a good quality suitcase on wheels, it is important to ensure the purchase proper care. Lubricate wheels regularly with silicone grease. At the airport, it is advisable to wrap the suitcase with a film, this will protect it from mechanical damage and dirt. Try not to overfill your suitcase. But if you need to transport a lot of bulky things, use special vacuum bags. We wish you pleasant travels and hope that you will be able to choose a suitcase that will make them even more comfortable!