Marriages in Armenia. Armenian wedding traditions

If an Armenian has a registered marriage with a citizen Russian Federation, in this case, he falls under the procedure for obtaining citizenship under the simplified system. There is an established procedure for obtaining a Russian passport when marrying a Russian woman:

  • must legally enter the country. In order for entry into the country to be recognized as official, you must have border crossing marks in your passport, then register with the Migration Department within 30 days;
  • get married only in official bodies anywhere in Russia. To do this, you need to submit an online or personal application to the pre-selected Wedding Palace or the registry office, then attach the necessary papers: passport, visa or registration in Russia, a check for payment of the state fee (in the amount of 350 rubles);
  • receive RVP;
  • obtain a residence permit;
  • live in marriage for more than 36 months.

Marriage with an Armenian citizen

The procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by citizens of Armenia Attention Other costs for a migrant during the entire path to Russian citizenship:

  1. The state fee for a residence permit is 3,500 rubles.
  2. The state fee for a temporary residence permit is 1,600 rubles.
  3. Payment for notary and translator services.
  4. Payment for language proficiency exams.

It is worth noting that negligence in collecting documents can cause refusal to assign status. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to seek help from lawyers if difficulties arise. This service is also provided for money. Another reason for a negative decision on a petition is the discovery of the fact of providing false information, forged documents or fictitious marriage.

Russian citizenship through marriage for Armenian citizens

  • Marriage with an Armenian citizen and obtaining Russian citizenship
  • How to obtain Russian citizenship for an Armenian citizen
  • How to obtain Russian citizenship through marriage
  • What does an Armenian citizen need to obtain Russian citizenship?
  • The procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship by Armenian citizens

Marriage with an Armenian citizen and obtaining Russian citizenship Simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship In addition general scheme, residents of Armenia can obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. In this case, time will be significantly saved, since there is no need to live for 5 years with a residence permit status in the Russian Federation. How to obtain Russian citizenship for an Armenian citizen If you contact the GUVM to obtain Russian citizenship, you will be informed full list papers required for registration of status.

Armenian citizen marries Russian


This is a huge advantage of this project - reducing the time frame for acquiring citizenship. It will also be necessary to have a confirmed place of residence. If the pensioner does not fall under this program, then there is another option to simplify obtaining citizenship, for example, the “native speaker” program.

In this case, passing the Russian language exam is not required if:
  • the age of male pensioners is from 65 years, and of female pensioners from 60 years;
  • there is a first disability group;
  • the pensioner has a certificate of incapacity.

A simplified system will be applied to all these citizens. Registration procedure In order to obtain Russian citizenship according to the general rules, a citizen of Armenia needs to complete a number of legal actions:

  • come to the Russian Federation legally;
  • receive a temporary residence permit within 30 days from the date of arrival.

How to marry a citizen of Armenia?

Therefore, in order to legitimize relations with foreign citizens, it is necessary to submit a special document stating that the ceremony will take place in accordance with the laws and traditions that are accepted in his native state. Can an Armenian citizen obtain Russian citizenship if he has been married to a Russian citizen for more than 5 years? are citizens of states that were part of the USSR, have received secondary vocational or higher vocational education in educational institutions Russian Federation after July 1, 2002. a) were born on the territory of the RSFSR and had citizenship former USSR; b) have been married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least three years; The following documents are required: I am a written joint application for marriage (to the registry office).

An Armenian citizen married to a Russian woman, the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship

Electronic magazine “ABC of Law”, 03/31/2018 HOW TO MAKE A CONTRACT WITH A FOREIGNER? - documents proving the identity of each of them. The identity document of a foreign citizen must be provided with a certified translation into Russian; - a receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 350 rubles. How to quickly obtain Russian citizenship when registering a marriage An Armenian citizen will not be able to obtain Russian citizenship if he does not confirm the proper level of proficiency in the Russian language.
The law provides for possession of the minimum knowledge necessary for normal integration into society and the culture of life of the Russian people. How to quickly obtain Russian citizenship upon registration Obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in connection with the acquisition of Russian citizenship The first thing you need to know is that the mere fact of creating a family, sealed in the registry office, does not lead to a change in the citizenship of one or both spouses.

IN last years There is a significant increase in the migration of our country's population outside its borders. As a rule, Russians prefer to marry foreign citizens.

Just a few decades ago, such phenomena were extremely rare. On this moment Statistics show that the number of marriages between citizens of Russia and other countries is steadily increasing.

Approximately 5% of all officially registered relationships are with residents of other countries. This article will talk about how to properly register a marriage with an Armenian.

Marriage with an Armenian man/woman: pros and cons

Armenia is a long-suffering country, where in order to build your own home and grow crops, you need to make a lot of effort.

Most likely, it is for this reason that men from this country are laconic. They prefer not to talk in vain, but to act.

Few people know that representatives of the stronger sex living on the territory of Armenia are only so strict and incredibly aggressive in appearance. Behind their beautiful appearance hide subtle and vulnerable natures who clearly know how to love, perform a lot of eccentric actions, are able to enjoy every moment, and are also ready to give their hearts to women.

But few people understand what marriage with an Armenian actually means? Of course, you need to pay attention that this is a strong family, which is built on mutual respect and understanding. Residents of this state know how to honor their own traditions and are also quite respectful of their elders.

Many women are interested in the question: where can you really meet an Armenian? Of course, you can go to this country as a tourist.

Few people know that this is truly a wonderful state. It is likely that you will be lucky enough to meet the man of your dreams, your real prince. If you can win his heart, you will become his legal wife.

Consequently, you will enter the Armenian family and also become its full member. After a certain time, you will realize how lucky you are. People who are the indigenous inhabitants of this amazing country put family above all else.

For this reason, they strive to create not only incredibly strong, but also quite large families. An Armenian man, naturally, is always the head of the family. But, it should be noted that this is not a despot or a tyrant. He is first and foremost caring and loving husband, and also the father.

Such a responsible and strong-willed representative of the stronger sex will work tirelessly to provide for his own wife and children.

Armenians love children very much, they spoil them. Kids always live in care, honesty, loyalty and respect. But an integral part of education is discipline, as well as rigor.

If you accept all the laws, traditions and customs of a given people, then your acquaintance with an Armenian can develop into something more. If love doesn't work out, you are definitely guaranteed friendship. But how can we understand their holy traditions?

First of all, you need to become more familiar with the history of Armenia. You should feel all the pain of the Armenian people.

It should be noted that in temperament and character, Armenians are very different from the peoples of the Caucasus.

They are more reasonable, full of confidence and dignity. One more distinctive quality Such men are calm.

The wars that were fought on the territory of their state for quite a long time taught them to value kindness, peace, and also to live in harmony with their neighbors and at the same time enjoy life.

How to officially register a relationship with a foreigner in Armenia?

To enter into a marriage, the mutual consent of the man and woman is absolutely necessary. It's important that they both be marriageable age.

It should be noted that it is strictly prohibited to formalize relationships for the following categories of persons:

  1. a man and a woman, if one of them is already in a formal union;
  2. between immediate relatives (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, as well as between siblings and half-siblings);
  3. It is prohibited to register a marriage between cousins and sisters;
  4. It is not yet possible to formalize the relationship between adoptive parents and adopted children;
  5. The law prohibits the registration of marriages between persons if at least one of them is incapacitated.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that state registration of relations between the sexes is carried out with the obligatory presence of the persons getting married. Unions in absentia, that is, by proxy or through a representative, are strictly prohibited.

State registration of marriage is carried out by:

  1. territorial body of the Civil Registry Office. As a rule, the wedding takes place at the place of registration of one of the parties entering the union. Naturally, the procedure requires the availability of an appropriate certificate from the place of residence;
  2. registration chamber of marriage and birth, which is located within the structure of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia.

It should be noted that the legal registration of relations between people who do not have a permanent place of residence is carried out by the registry office of the temporary place of residence of the person getting married. IN in this case a citizen is required to provide a special certificate with a permanent residence permit.

If an application for marriage is submitted to a military personnel at the place of service, then his place of residence is considered to be the location of the corresponding military unit or the place of distribution of the organization.

It should be noted that on his part it is necessary to provide a certificate from the place of service. Many people are interested in what documents must be provided in order for an application for legal marriage to be considered?

As a rule, to apply you need to have with you:

  1. a joint statement from a man and a woman who wish to be united in marriage;
  2. passports;
  3. documents confirming that none of the persons who want to get married are in an official relationship.

Please note that for a foreigner who wishes to become the husband/wife of an Armenian/Armenian, it is necessary to make a copy of the passport, which is confirmed by a notarized translation.

Armenian wedding traditions

Becoming the wife of an Armenian means following all the traditions of this nationality. There is nothing more beautiful than Armenian weddings.

For many centuries, regardless of the political situation in the country, the people carefully preserve all existing customs and rituals.

All close and distant relatives, friends, friends of relatives, as well as unfamiliar people. Weddings in this country are distinguished by their scope and splendor. The wedding is celebrated over several days.

Most main holiday birth new family requires meticulous preparation. All relatives and friends must take part in this. Of course, no wedding celebration is complete without engagement.

On a pre-selected day, relatives gather at the house of the potential groom with numerous gifts for the bride. As a rule, these are jewelry.

According to ancient traditions, it is the groom’s parents who give the dress to the bride. In traditional Armenian families, the ritual of confirming the innocence of the future wife is still observed.

After the wedding night, a messenger is sent to the house of a respectable bride with a red apple of praise for the father and mother.

Attitude towards civil marriage in Armenia

Armenians are not welcome to live in civil marriage. As a rule, only after the wedding the groom takes the bride from the family nest.

Conditions and procedure for official registration of marriage with an Armenian man/woman in Russia

To formalize a relationship on the territory of our country with a resident of another state, it is necessary to follow generally accepted rules.

Fictitious marriage for the sake of obtaining citizenship: what should you be wary of?

At the moment, fictitious marriages are not punishable in our country.





Article 1.Basic principles of family law

1. Family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood in the Republic of Armenia are under the patronage and protection of society and the state.

The state guarantees priority protection of children's rights. Family legislation is based on the need to strengthen the family, build family relations on mutual love and mutual respect, mutual assistance and responsibility of all family members, the inadmissibility of arbitrary interference by anyone in family affairs, the priority of raising children in the family, ensuring the unhindered exercise by family members of their rights, the possibility of judicial protection of these rights.

2. Marriages entered into only in the civil registration authorities are recognized.

    Women and men enjoy equal rights when entering into marriage, during marriage, and upon divorce.

    Legal regulation of family relations is carried out in accordance with the principles of voluntariness of a marriage between a man and a woman, equality of rights of spouses in the family, permission family issues by mutual agreement, concern for their well-being, ensuring priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members.

    Any restrictions on the rights of citizens upon marriage and in family relationships based on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation are prohibited.

The rights of citizens upon marriage and in the family can be limited only by law and only to the extent that this restriction is necessary in order to protect the honor and good name of individuals, health, freedom, rights and legitimate interests of other family members and other citizens.

Article 2.Relationships regulated family law

Family legislation establishes the conditions and procedure for marriage, termination of marriage and recognition of its invalidity, regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members: spouses, parents and children (adoptive parents and adopted children), and in cases and within the limits provided for by family law, between others relatives and other persons, and also determines the forms and procedure for placing children without parental care into the family.

Article 3. Legislation of the Republic of Armenia regulating family relations

1. Family relations in the Republic of Armenia are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, this Code, the Civil Code of the Republic of Armenia, other laws, international treaties of the Republic of Armenia, as well as other legal acts of the Republic of Armenia.

2. If an international treaty of the Republic of Armenia establishes norms other than those provided for by family legislation, then the norms of the international treaty are applied.

Article 4.Application of civil law to family relations

Civil legislation applies to property and personal non-property relations between family members established by Article 2 of this Code and not regulated by family law, insofar as this does not contradict the essence of family relations.

Article 5.Application of family law and civil law to family relations by analogy

If relations between family members are not regulated by family law or by agreement of the parties and there are no norms of civil law directly regulating these relations, then to such relations (if this does not contradict their essence) norms of family and (or) civil law regulating similar relations are applied (analogy law). If it is impossible to apply an analogy of law, the rights and obligations of family members are determined based on the principles of family or civil law (analogy of law).



Article 6.Exercising family rights and fulfilling family responsibilities

    Citizens, at their own discretion, exercise the rights arising from family relations and granted to them by law (family rights, including the protection of these rights), unless otherwise provided by this Code.

    The exercise by family members of their rights and the performance of their duties must not violate the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of other family members and other persons.

3. Family rights are protected by law, except in cases where they are exercised in conflict with the purpose of these rights.

Article 7.Protecting the rights of family members

Protection of the rights of family members is carried out in judicial procedure, and in cases and in the manner provided for by this Code, by the relevant state bodies or guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Article 8.Application of statute of limitations in family relationships

The limitation period does not apply to claims arising from family relations, except in cases provided for by this Code. In such cases, the limitation period is applied in the manner prescribed by civil law.





Article 9.Marriage procedure

1. Marriage is concluded in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, with the obligatory presence of persons entering into marriage.

2. The rights and obligations of spouses arise from the moment of state registration of marriage in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status.

Article 10.Conditions for marriage

    To enter into a marriage, the mutual voluntary consent of the man and woman entering into marriage and their attainment of marriageable age are required: women are seventeen years old, and men are eighteen years old.

    It is prohibited to enter into marriage in the presence of circumstances provided for in Article 11 of this Code.

Article 11.Circumstances preventing marriage

Marriage between:

a) persons, at least one of whom is in another marriage registered in accordance with the procedure established by law;

b) close relatives (relatives in a direct ascending and descending line - parents and children, grandfather, grandmother and grandchildren, as well as relatives who have a common father or mother, brothers and sisters, children of a sister, mother's brother and father);

c) adoptive parents and adopted children;

d) persons, at least one of whom has been declared incompetent by the court.

Article 12.Medical examination of persons entering into marriage

    Medical examinations of persons entering into marriage, as well as counseling on medical-genetic issues and family planning issues are carried out by health care organizations within the framework of annual targeted health care programs guaranteed by the state, at the request of persons entering into marriage.

    The results of the examination of the person entering into marriage are a medical secret. These results, with the consent of the person undergoing the examination, can be communicated to the person with whom he intends to marry.

    If the person who entered into marriage, at the time of state registration of the marriage, hid from the other spouse the presence of a sexually transmitted disease (including the human immunodeficiency virus), as well as mental illness, drug addiction and substance abuse, then the other spouse has the right to apply to the court to declare the marriage invalid.


Article 13.Grounds for termination of marriage

    A marriage is terminated due to the death of one of the spouses or the court declaring one of the spouses dead.

    A marriage can be terminated by divorce based on the application of both spouses or one of the spouses, as well as on the basis of an application by the guardian of the spouse recognized by the court as incompetent.

    A husband, without his wife’s consent, has no right to file an application for divorce during his wife’s pregnancy.

Article 14.Procedure for divorce

Divorce is carried out in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status, in cases provided for by this Code, and in the manner established by law, as well as in court.

Article 15.Divorce in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status

    If there is mutual consent to dissolve the marriage of the spouses, the dissolution of their marriage is carried out in the bodies that carry out state registration of acts of civil status.

    Divorce on the basis of an application from one of the spouses is carried out by the authorities carrying out state registration of acts of civil status, if the other spouse:

a) is declared missing by the court;

b) is declared incompetent by the court;

c) sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than three years.

3. Disputes about partition common property spouses, funds for the maintenance of a disabled unsecured spouse, as well as disputes about children arising between spouses, are considered in court, regardless of divorce, in the manner established by Article 17 of this Code in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status.

Article 16.Divorce in court

1. Divorce of marriage is carried out in court:

a) in the absence of consent of one of the spouses to divorce;

b) if one of the spouses, despite his lack of objections, evades divorce from the authorities carrying out state registration of acts of civil status;

c) if the spouses, by mutual consent, wish to dissolve the marriage in court.

2. When considering a case of divorce at the request of one of the spouses, the court has the right to take measures to reconcile the spouses and has the right to postpone the consideration of the case, giving the spouses a period of up to three months for reconciliation.

In this case, divorce is carried out if the spouses (one of them) insist on dissolution of the marriage.

3. If there is mutual consent to dissolve the marriage, the court dissolves the marriage no later than within a month from the date the spouses file the application for divorce.

Article 17.The procedure for considering disputes arising between spouses upon divorce

    In case of divorce in court, as well as in case of divorce in the bodies carrying out state registration of acts of civil status, the spouses can submit to the court an agreement on which of them the children will live with, on the procedure for paying funds for the maintenance of children and (or) disabled unsecured spouse, about the amount of these funds or about the division of the common property of the spouses.

    If there is no agreement between the spouses, the court is obliged:

a) determine which parent the children will live with after the divorce;

b) determine from which parent and in what amount alimony should be collected;

c) at the request of the spouses (one of the spouses), to divide the property considered to be their joint property;

d) at the request of the spouse who has the right to receive maintenance funds from the other spouse, determine the amount of these funds.

3. If the division of property affects the interests of third parties, the court may separate the requirement for division of property into separate proceedings.

Article 18.Moment of termination of marriage upon divorce

1. A marriage dissolved by the body carrying out state registration of acts of civil status is considered terminated from the moment of state registration of divorce.

2. A marriage dissolved in court is considered terminated from the moment the court decision enters into legal force.

The court is obliged, within three days from the date of entry into legal force of the court decision on divorce, to send an extract from this decision to the body that carries out state registration of acts of civil status at the place of state registration of the marriage.

Divorce carried out in court is subject to state registration in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

    State registration of a new marriage between divorced spouses is not carried out without a certificate of divorce.

Article 19.Restoration of marriage in the event of the appearance of a spouse recognized as dead or missing

In the event of the appearance of a spouse recognized as dead or missing, and a review of the corresponding court decision, the marriage may be restored by the body carrying out state registration of acts of civil status, on the basis of a joint application of the spouses, with the exception of cases where the other spouse entered into a new marriage in the prescribed manner.



Article 20.Annulment of marriage

    The marriage is declared invalid by the court.

    A marriage entered into in the presence of circumstances preventing the conclusion of a marriage, provided for in Articles 10, 11 and Part 3 of Article 12 of this Code, as well as a marriage registered by spouses or one of them without the intention of starting a family (fictitious marriage), is recognized as invalid.

    The court is obliged, within three days from the date of entry into legal force of the court decision to recognize the marriage as invalid, to send an extract from this decision to the body that carries out state registration of acts of civil status at the place of state registration of the marriage.

    A marriage is recognized as invalid from the moment of its state registration.

Article 21.Persons who have the right to file a claim for the annulment of a marriage

The following persons have the right to submit a demand for recognition of marriage as invalid:

a) minor spouse, his parents ( legal representatives), guardianship and trusteeship authority, if the marriage is concluded with a person under marriageable age. After a minor spouse reaches the age of eighteen, only this spouse has the right to submit a demand for recognition of the marriage as invalid;

b) a spouse whose rights are violated by the marriage, if the marriage was concluded in the absence of the voluntary consent of one of the spouses: as a result of coercion, deception, delusion or the inability to be aware of their actions and manage them at the time of state registration of the marriage;

c) a spouse who did not know about the existence of circumstances preventing the conclusion of a marriage, a guardian of a spouse recognized by the court as incompetent, a spouse from a previous undissolved marriage, other persons whose rights were violated by the conclusion of a marriage performed in violation of the requirements of Article 11 of this Code, as well as the guardianship and guardianship authority guardianship;

d) a spouse who did not know about the fictitious marriage;

e) a spouse whose rights have been violated due to the presence of circumstances provided for in Part 3 of Article 12 of this Code.

Article 22.Circumstances excluding the invalidity of a marriage

    The court may recognize a marriage as valid if, by the time the case on declaring the marriage invalid is considered, the circumstances preventing its conclusion have ceased.

    The court may refuse a claim for recognition invalid marriage, concluded with a person entering into marriage during the pregnancy of the wife or the birth of a child, or if the interests of the minor spouse require it, as well as in the absence of the consent of the minor spouse to invalidate the marriage.

    The court cannot recognize a marriage as fictitious if the persons who registered such a marriage actually created a family before the court considered the case.

    A marriage cannot be declared invalid after the termination of the marriage, except in cases where there is a relationship between the spouses prohibited by law or the condition of one of the spouses at the time of state registration of the marriage in another undissolved marriage.

Article 23.Consequences of declaring a marriage invalid

1. A marriage declared invalid by a court does not give rise to the rights and obligations of spouses provided for by this Code, except for the cases provided for in parts 4 and 5 of this article.

2. The norms of civil legislation on shared ownership are applied to property acquired jointly by persons whose marriage is declared invalid.

3. A marriage contract concluded by persons whose marriage is declared invalid is, as a rule, declared invalid.

4. The recognition of a marriage as invalid does not affect the rights of children born in such a marriage or within three hundred days after the date of recognition of the marriage as invalid.

5. When making a decision to recognize a marriage as invalid, the court may recognize the spouse whose rights were violated by the conclusion of such a marriage (the bona fide spouse), the right to receive maintenance from the other spouse, and when dividing property acquired jointly before the marriage was declared invalid, has the right apply the norms of Article 26 of this Code, as well as recognize the marriage contract as valid in whole or in part.

A conscientious spouse has the right to demand compensation for property damage caused to him in the manner prescribed by civil law.

6. A bona fide spouse has the right, when a marriage is declared invalid, to retain the surname chosen by him during state registration of the marriage.





Article 24.Equality of spouses in the family

    Each spouse is free to choose work, occupation, profession, and place of residence.

    Issues of motherhood, paternity, upbringing and education of children, as well as other issues family life are decided by the spouses jointly based on the principle of equality of spouses.

    Spouses are obliged to build their relationships in the family on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual respect, contribute to the strengthening of the family, and take care of the well-being and development of their children.

Article 25.The right of spouses to choose a surname

1. When concluding a marriage, spouses may, at their own discretion, choose the surname of one of the spouses as a common surname or retain their premarital surname.

The common surname of spouses can be the surname of one of the spouses or a surname that simultaneously includes the surnames of both spouses. A common surname cannot include more than two surnames.

2. A change of surname by one of the spouses does not entail a change of surname of the other spouse.



Article 26.Common joint property of spouses

Relations related to the common joint property of spouses are regulated by the Civil Code, as well as the marriage contract concluded by the spouses.

Article 27.Marriage contract

A marriage contract is an agreement between the persons entering into marriage or an agreement between the spouses, which determines the property rights and obligations of the spouses in the marriage and (or) upon its dissolution.

Article 28.Conclusion marriage contract

1. A marriage contract can be concluded both before the state registration of marriage, and at any time during the marriage.

A marriage contract concluded before the state registration of the marriage comes into force from the moment of state registration of the marriage.

    The marriage contract is concluded in writing and is subject to notarization.

Article 29.Contents of the marriage contract

1. By a marriage contract, spouses can change the limits of common property, establish joint, shared ownership or the ownership of each of them for all the property of the spouses, for its separate types or for the property of each of the spouses.

A prenuptial agreement can be concluded both in relation to the existing property and in relation to the property acquired in the future by the spouses.

Spouses have the right to determine by a marriage contract their rights and obligations for mutual maintenance, methods of participation in each other's income, the procedure for each of them to bear family expenses, determine the property that will be transferred to each of them upon divorce, and also have the right to provide for any other norms in the marriage contract relating to their property relations.

2. The rights and obligations provided for in a marriage contract may be limited to a certain period or made dependent on the occurrence of certain conditions or vice versa.

3. A marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of spouses, their right to go to court for protection of their rights, regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children, provide for rules limiting the right of a disabled unsecured spouse to demand funds for maintenance , include other conditions that place one of the spouses at a disadvantage or are contrary to the basic principles of family law.

Article 30.Change and termination of the marriage contract

1. A marriage contract may be changed or terminated at any time by agreement of the spouses. A marriage contract may be changed or terminated in the manner established for concluding a marriage contract.

Unilateral refusal to execute a marriage contract is not allowed.

    At the request of one of the spouses, the marriage contract may be changed or terminated in court on the grounds and in the manner established by civil law for the modification and termination of contracts.

    The validity of the marriage contract terminates from the moment of termination of the marriage, with the exception of those obligations that are provided for in the marriage contract for the period after the termination of the marriage.

Article 31.Invalidation of a marriage contract

    A marriage contract may be declared invalid by the court in whole or in part on the grounds established by the Civil Code for the invalidity of transactions.

    The court may also declare a marriage contract invalid in whole or in part at the request of one of the spouses if the terms of this contract place this spouse in an extremely unfavorable position. The terms of a marriage contract that violate other requirements of Part 3 of Article 29 of this Code are void.

    The concept of marriage is not defined by law. However Familycode ... position is the norm of paragraph 2 of Art. 254 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which states that when sectiongeneral ...

The first option involves fulfilling the general conditions to obtain this status:

  • residence in the Russian Federation for at least five years;
  • availability of legal sources of income;
  • knowledge of language and laws;
  • renunciation of previous citizenship.

If there are reasons, you can use more in a fast way. Armenians who:

  • have close relatives who are Russian citizens;
  • lived in the USSR and the Russian Federation until December 1991;
  • received education in the Russian Federation (Soviet Union) before July 2002;
  • had USSR citizenship and then did not receive any passport;
  • qualify for participation in the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots.

Registration of marriage with an Armenian citizen in Russia: main nuances and recommendations

Today, marrying a foreigner is by no means considered a rarity and is becoming more and more common in the modern world. Return to content Contents

  • 1 The necessary conditions for marriage and their observance
  • 2 List of required documents for marriage registration and their execution
  • 3 The main reasons for refusal to conduct a marriage ceremony and their characteristics
  • 4 Where to register a marriage: division of foreigners into categories and applying to the registry office
  • 5 Legal basis of family life: Family Code and conclusion of a marriage contract
  • 6 Marriage with a foreigner outside the Russian Federation: requirements, features and documents
  • 7 Conclusion

Necessary conditions for marriage and their observance Registration of marriage between residents of the same country is carried out according to a clearly established procedure.

What documents are needed for the registry office for a foreign citizen of Armenia

This means that your spouse will be able to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without meeting the condition of a five-year residence period, after three years of marriage to you. Thus, your future husband first needs to obtain a temporary residence permit; if you are already married, he will receive this permit without taking into account the quota. Then he needs to obtain a residence permit, and after receiving it, after three years of marriage, he can apply for citizenship.
You should also know that upon marriage, your husband will be granted registration for three years, not three months.

What documents does an Armenian citizen need for the registry office 2018

The RA Family Code prohibits marriage by proxy. In the Republic of Armenia, marriage registration is carried out in one of the following bodies: in the territorial registry office, if there is a certificate of residence; Registration Chamber of Marriages and Births, which is part of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia. Obtaining Russian citizenship for citizens of Armenia After 3 years from the date of marriage, the spouse of a Russian citizen has the right to also obtain Russian citizenship. Armenians who have received a diploma can also obtain Russian citizenship faster. higher education on the territory of Russia and those whose parents are already Russian citizens.

If you have a diploma, certificate or other educational document confirming your knowledge of the Russian language, then obtaining citizenship is simplified for an Armenian.

Registration and marriage with a foreigner in Russia

Accordingly, a foreign citizen must be an adult.

  • A month is the standard period that must pass from the moment the application is submitted (Article 11 of the RF IC). If there are special circumstances (pregnancy, birth of a child, immediate threat to the life of one of the parties, or others), registration occurs on the day the application is submitted.
  • The bride and groom must express their voluntary consent (Article 12 of the RF IC). Of course, there should be no circumstances preventing marriage.
  • The application is signed by 2 spouses and submitted to the registry office (in writing or electronically).

    The form is established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998.

Marriage with an Armenian citizen and obtaining Russian citizenship

Required papers:

  • Application for marriage (joint).

Sample application The application must be filled out legibly, without blots, corrections or cross-outs.

  • Passport or other identification document. It is required only for viewing (and making a photocopy).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Certificate of absence marital relations(confirming the fact that there is no entry in the marriage certificate).
  • A foreigner will need papers issued by a government agency or the embassy of his state stating that, according to the law, he has the right to get married.
  • A citizen of Armenia will need a visa or residence permit certifying the legality of his stay in the Russian Federation. This is not required only for nationals of states with which there is a visa-free regime (Ukraine, Belarus, etc.).

How to register a marriage with a foreigner in Russia?

Other documentation related to the intricacies of legal status:


In addition, citizenship makes it possible to receive medical services and education, bank loans, and electoral positions become available. Lately, that is why there have been so many foreign citizens, including Armenians, who wish to acquire the status of a Russian citizen. Read also the article ⇒ Entry of Armenian citizens to Russia in 2018.

Answers to frequently asked questions Question No. 1. What to do if the application must be signed by both spouses (bride and groom), and one of them cannot come to the Russian Federation? You can submit a petition in the form of two separate documents (each for yourself). The signature of the absent bride or groom must be notarized. If you submit through a single portal of State Services, then notarization is not necessary.

Providing a document to the registry office with a foreign citizen of Armenia

If the marriage takes place in Moscow, you can choose anyone, but not Lublinsky or Zamoskvoretsky. For foreigners from non-CIS countries, you can register in the capital by contacting Wedding Palace No. 4. Otherwise, there is no difference in registering marriage relations from citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • the procedure takes place in your presence;
  • with an accompanying ceremony (if desired, this must be indicated when submitting the application);
  • a corresponding certificate is issued;
  • an entry is made in the civil status acts.

Dual citizenship (Russian-Armenian) A separate question arises during registration marital relations in the format “Russian wife - Armenian spouse” regarding the nationality of both participants.

In addition, to legalize such a marriage in our country, it is necessary to obtain permission to marry a foreigner, which is issued by authorized organizations after a thorough double-check of all documents. Return to content Legal basis of family life: Family Code and conclusion of a marriage contract At the end of the ceremony, the marriage is considered registered. The process of registering a marriage with a foreign citizen on the territory of Russia Passport and a copy of the foreign citizen’s passport (the information contained in the passport must be translated into Russian, the accuracy of the translation is certified by the consulate (embassy) of the state, or can be notarized. Authenticity of the signature official and the stamp on the translation is confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation).