Classes with a 6 year old child at home. What to do with a six year old girl at home. Bath toys

Working with children 5-6 years old becomes much easier. At this age, they already strive to become schoolchildren, they want to become adults as soon as possible, they become interested in learning how everything around them works. In addition, children of this age can already study for quite a long time and are able to perceive and remember much more information.

Developmental lessons for children of this age should be aimed at preparing for the fact that the child will soon be in school. Given the complexity of modern curricula, this is a necessary aspect. In classes, children need to be taught all the necessary skills for successful study: recognizing sounds in words, reading, counting, and writing.

About how to build educational process with a preschooler, we’ll look at it in more detail in the article.

Knowledge that a 5-6 year old child should have

When teaching a child at home, adults should realize that the ability to read, write and count is not at all the main thing in the preschool period.

If the baby has well developed basic mental functions, such as memory, thinking, attention, perception and imagination, as well as speech and fine motor skills, then it will be quite easy for a first-grader to master the program material at school. But the development of intelligence in a child in preschool age is much more effective.


  • forward and backward counting within 10;
  • composition of numbers within 10;
  • visual image of numbers and their writing;
  • mathematical operations within the first ten - addition and subtraction, knowledge of the signs they are denoted by - “+”, “-”;
  • comparison of sets – greater, less, equal; signs – “>”, “
  • understanding and an accurate, correct answer to the question: how much? Which? Which one?
  • Ability to compose and solve problems in one action - addition and subtraction;
  • orientation in space: up, down, forward, backward, before, after, right, left; know the concepts of “lower-higher”, “longer-shorter”, “further-closer”;
  • knowledge of basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; and geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid;
  • the ability to determine the shape of various bodies - round, square, rectangular, triangular;
  • dividing a circle and square into 2 and 4 identical parts;
  • ability to solve simple puzzles.

Logical thinking:

  • classification of objects according to any criteria;
  • composing stories based on the proposed illustration or continuing the story according to a given beginning;
  • the ability to find an object that does not belong to a given group or is superfluous;
  • establishing patterns and continuing the series.

Speech development:

  • the baby must know his last name, first name, patronymic, age, city of residence, address and telephone number, names of parents and grandparents, place of work of parents, profession;
  • the quality of coherent speech is almost the same as in adults;
  • clearly pronounce all speech sounds; speech must be coherent and expressive;
  • be able to use prepositions, change words by numbers and cases;
  • emotionally color your speech using intonation;
  • distinguish and be able to use motivating and declarative sentences, interrogative and exclamatory sentences;
  • ask questions, reason and argue;
  • participate in dialogue, conduct a monologue;
  • know poems by heart and recite them expressively; retell great works.
  • If your child is not yet familiar with letters and cannot read, then now is the time to start doing so.

Knowledge about the surrounding world:

  • know the names and classify all the objects around him: furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances, wild and domestic animals, plants, fruits, vegetables and berries, know the names of fairy tales that he loves and the names of fairy-tale characters, the names of his favorite cartoons;
  • know the months in order, by the seasons, name the current month, days of the week.

Developmental activities for preschool children


  1. Number series. Cards with numbers from 0 to 10 are needed. An adult thinks of two numbers and places cards with the corresponding numbers (for example, 2 and 8) in front of the child. The child’s task is to lay out cards with numbers that are located between them (in our example, the child must lay out 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 between these numbers).
  2. Coloring books in which you first need to draw a picture, connecting numbers in ascending order;
  3. Coloring by numbers;
  4. Houses;
  5. Copybooks with numbers;
  6. Laying out numbers from counting sticks.
  7. Addition and subtraction tasks. Use visual examples to teach. It will be much more interesting for the child to count how many candies there were in the vase and how many there will be if he eats, for example, 5 candies, or adds 3 more to them. Or count how many apples there were and how many there will be if he is treated to one more. And what is interesting to a preschooler, he will learn much faster. For example, you can use colorful illustrations.
  8. Set comparison;
  9. Geometric figures;
  10. Solving geometric examples will be very interesting for a child.
  11. Learn with your child Basic geometric bodies will be helped by simple plastic cubes. They can also help in determining whether an object is shaped like round, oval, etc. Build a house with your child, naming geometric bodies - a cube and a pyramid; to build a tower, take a cylinder and a pyramid. Now ask your little one to build something on his own. Let him name which geometric bodies he uses.
  12. Use problems in verse. They are much more entertaining for a preschooler and are much easier for him to understand.
  13. Children will really like it various mathematical presentations or flash games on a computer or tablet. They can be successfully used in your home math lessons.

7 photos

Logical thinking

To develop logic in children, you can purchase interesting didactic games(these can be puzzles divided into groups, lotto, dominoes, etc.) and ready-made notebooks with a variety of colorful illustrations.

If it is possible to print them on a printer, then you can make excellent educational aids with your own hands by finding such cards on the Internet. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose material for home lessons according to your child’s preferences.

Various constructors are very useful for developing logic. It can be purchased in stores for both girls and boys.

The preschooler will enjoy working with visual material even more. So, for example, you can put 4-5 fruits and one vegetable in a basket and ask the baby to find the extra one.

You can invite your child to find the odd one out among the animal figures (based on the wild-domestic principle), or to find the odd one out among the toy furniture (for example, a toy vacuum cleaner - household appliances).

In order for the baby to learn to classify, you can play with bright plastic cubes. They can be divided into groups according to several characteristics (color, shape, size). Ask your child to tell you how he did it. You can use almost anything you have at home in the same way.

When teaching your child to write a story using pictures, strive for coherent speech and complete sentences.

To begin with, you can help your little student by asking leading questions. When the child understands how to do this, you can ask him to compose a story on his own or finish the story you started. Try swapping the pictures.

Before starting the story, the child must guess that the order of the cards is not correct.

Use your imagination, and the activity will turn into an exciting game for your little one.

  • Find the extra item
  • Divide into groups
  • Compiling stories from pictures
  • Establishing patterns

Speech development

When developing speech, it is necessary to do speech therapy exercises for the tongue with your child. This is necessary so that the muscles that are responsible for the work of the lips and tongue are always maintained in good shape and are well developed. They are the ones responsible for the quality of spoken speech.

Exercises must be done every day. The baby must see his reflection in the mirror, comparing his movements with an adult. Monitor the quality of the exercises; in each position you need to fix your tongue for a few seconds. There should be no omissions.

Make sure that the baby does not strain the muscles of the neck, shoulders and hands from diligence. If this happens, then you need to do a light massage.

Memorizing tongue twisters, tongue twisters, and various counting rhymes will be very useful for speech development.

After this, it will be much easier for the baby to learn to type letters, because he has learned not only to associate the sound with the image of the letter, but also remembers the basic hand movements necessary to write it.

Every day, memorize children's poems with your preschooler, read him as many different books as possible. Ask them to tell you what you read.

Make sure that the child’s story is coherent, the child tells in order, without jumping from beginning to end.

Ask the child to recite a poem that is well known to him with different emotions: angry, as if he is very funny, pitiful, etc.

Learn to ask questions and express your point of view on the situation. At this age, children can already purchase the alphabet. All this very well contributes to the development of speech and expansion vocabulary crumbs.

Knowledge about the world around us

Classes in the surrounding world can be carried out almost anywhere: at home, in a store, on a walk, in line at the clinic.

While in the store, ask your child to name the vegetables, fruits, and berries he knows. Show him the ones he doesn't know yet. While walking, you can remember the types of transport you encounter, look at various trees and their leaves, bushes, flowers, and grass.

Be sure to talk about what time of year it is, look for its signs in nature, remember the names of the months of this time of year, what month is now, what time of year was before it and will be after it, the changes in nature that they will bring with them and the names of the months.

Talk about birds, tell about migratory and wintering species, about those that live in the forest and in the city. Remember wild and domestic animals, insects.

While in line at an institution, you can tell your child about the different professions of the people who work there.

Having children at home is undoubtedly a joyful circumstance, but it requires some effort from parents. How to organize the leisure time of a 6–7 year old child so that it is both interesting and useful? There are actually a lot of options! And we will tell you about some of them. Choose!

Let's play

You can play in a company or alone, using toys, scrap materials, special kits, or just your own imagination. You can buy board games or make them yourself. You can play out various stories. - useful for children, and interesting for adults too.

And, of course, don’t forget about the good old entertainment, tested by more than one generation of players.


The essence of the game is extremely simple. There are forfeits - various tasks. There are players. The player comes across a forfeit that must be executed. The tasks and the way they are distributed among the game participants may be different.

You can first write the tasks together on pieces of paper. Fold the leaves so that the forfeits cannot be read. Place the bundles in an opaque bag, jar or box and take turns pulling them out to complete the tasks.

You can draw a circle consisting of 12 sectors on a large sheet of paper. Each sector corresponds to a certain phantom. Players take turns rolling the dice, thus figuring out which task needs to be completed.

If the company is large enough, you can appoint a leader. Each player must provide him with some item of his own for temporary storage. Then the presenter turns away and pulls out the property of one of the players, asking what kind of forfeit the owner of this item must perform. If the player completes the task, the item is returned to him, otherwise the leader puts it back into the common bag.

How to come up with tasks for forfeits? The main thing is that it is fun, interesting and does not offend anyone. You can sing songs and recite rhymes, jump on one leg or somersault, meow and crow. It's all about creativity and what's right for your company. Imagine!

Sea battle

An all-time classic. A simple but very exciting game for two. You can use special game sets with plastic chips and boats, or you can, in the old fashioned way, draw square boats on regular notebook paper with a checkered pattern.

You can add an additional educational component to the game. For example, instead of letters of the Russian alphabet, use letters of the English alphabet.

Sea battle is a great game for a preschooler on the go. It teaches you to navigate by coordinates, trains attentiveness and logical thinking.

The world is touchable

A game for sensory development.

Blindfold the child's eyes so that even the most cunning and dexterous child will certainly not be able to peep. Now go ahead and explore the apartment by touch.

Keep in mind that in this game you must act as a caring guide, ensuring complete safety for your ward.

The child must recognize all obstacles encountered along the way - surfaces, objects, people and pets - without using the organs of vision. You can touch, smell, and if necessary, taste.

Believe me, you won’t be bored!

By the way, if you don’t want to walk around the apartment, you can prepare several things with different textures in advance, and then invite your baby to name them with his eyes closed.


Are you staying at home with your child? This is a great opportunity to fuel a child's love of reading. Of course, if by the age of 6–7 years a child reads independently, loves it and practices it without persuasion or reminders, then there is nothing special to say further. I can only recommend works for preschoolers and elementary school children to read independently. But this is a topic for a separate publication. By the way, great selections fiction oriented towards different childhood, we publish in our VKontakte group. So subscribe and follow if you are still not with us.

Theater reading

Choose interesting children's stories, distribute the characters among yourself and read by role with expression. The more acting skills you apply, the more exciting your leisure time becomes. Or you can go further by choosing original costumes for the reading and inviting guest spectators. Try it! "Eureka" recommends!

Secret hideout

Think about what you can adapt in your home for this purpose. Perhaps there is a children's tent that can accommodate you and your child, or there is a large cardboard box left from which you can build a house. You can, in the end, sculpt a hut from scrap materials: chairs, pillows, blankets... Are you ready? And now we climb inside and, hidden from prying eyes, read. A special atmosphere of mystery gives a familiar activity an unusual appeal. Impossible to resist!

My own writer

The method is suitable for children who can not only read, but also write. Give your son or daughter a beautiful notebook and announce that this is his future masterpiece book. You can come up with and write down your first story together. To make the book interesting for all children, it is worth adding more illustrations. What if you came up with your own comic? This way you will have to write less, and draw and imagine more. And to make your books even better and more interesting, you need to read books by already accomplished authors - learn writing from experienced wordsmiths.

Conducting experiments

Bored at home and can’t figure out what to do at home with your child? What about experiments? Interesting, fresh, educational - what a preschooler needs for his leisure time. Of course, experiments should be chosen in such a way that safety is guaranteed.

Dancing Coin

Preparation. Find an empty glass bottle whose neck can be closed with a 5 ruble coin. Prepare a coin and a small container of water.

Place the empty bottle in the freezer for 15 minutes. Take out the bottle and cover it with a coin soaked in water. And now - one, two, three - look! The coin begins to dance, bouncing on its neck and clicking against the glass.

How to explain. When the bottle was in the freezer, the air inside it compressed and began to take up less space. We took out the bottle, the air heated up and began to push out the coin to take up the volume it needed.

And it doesn't burn in fire

Preparation. For the experiment you will have to find 2 balloons, water, a candle and matches in the house.

Light a candle. Inflate the first balloon and hold it over the flame to show your child: the balloon will burst when heated. Now fill the second balloon with plain tap water. Bring it to the fire. Well, it turns out that the ball is no longer afraid of fire.

How to explain. The heat generated by the candle is absorbed by the water in the ball. As a result, the ball does not burn, and therefore does not burst. It's simple!

Flowers on the water

Preparation. You will need sheets of colored paper, a pencil, scissors and a bowl of water.

Draw flowers with long petals on paper. Cut them out. Use a pencil to curl the petals towards the center of the flower. Now let’s put our paper blanks into a bowl of water and watch them literally open before our eyes, like water lilies.

How to explain. Water saturates the paper, it becomes heavier, and the curled petals unfurl.

Making crafts

When circumstances do not allow you to go for a walk, and you are bored with your usual household chores, it’s time to organize a “Very Skillful Hands” club. What can you make? Whatever your heart desires!

Crafts from papier-mâché

To work using the papier-mâché technique, you will need a base object, many, many randomly torn pieces of newspaper, toilet or office paper, PVA glue, a brush for applying glue, patience and desire :)

Apply glue to the base, apply a piece of paper, spread a fragment of the base next to it, overlap the next piece with the first, continue until the entire base is covered with paper. We repeat the manipulations in several layers. Let the layers dry well. We remove the workpiece from the base and decorate it - cover it with varnish, paint, putty, decorate it using applique or using the quilling technique. In general, we are imagining.

Crafts from plastic dishes

Disposable cups, spoons and plates, plastic bottles of various configurations and their lids are an excellent material for creativity with older children preschool age, as well as with junior high school students.

From plastic plates you can create funny little animals or mischievous hats for children's party, bottles turn into sailboats, penguins or snowdrops, and a snowman from disposable cups- the absolute leader in crafts for the New Year.

Edible masterpieces

Is it time for lunch? Why wouldn't you like a great reason to give freedom to children's unbridled imagination?

Take a creative approach to table setting and create unique edible masterpieces with your little one. These can be charming faces, fish or hearts carved from fruits, vegetables and cheese. Boys will be delighted with the tanks and cars that are perfectly molded from puree or cottage cheese. Show your child an example, and he will, without a doubt, be happy to create with you. In addition, this way you will solve two problems at once - you will keep your child busy with something useful, and poor appetite you'll forget. Bingo!

What does your family do when the children are at home? Do you have your own signature family entertainment? Surely your experience will be useful to other parents. Write in the comments or leave messages on VKontakte.

Happy, creative and effective parenting to you, friends! See you again!

What activities and entertainment can be offered to children at different stages of their development?

  • Mothers of children of all ages are constantly racking their brains over what to do with their beloved little ones. Firstly, the child very often gets bored and begins to act up
  • Secondly, the mother does not have the opportunity to devote even a minute to herself and household chores. You need to understand that the baby is not interested in just sitting and doing nothing.
  • He needs to do something, he is interested in everything new, unknown and exciting

What can mothers do? How can they diversify their children’s leisure time? What to do to occupy them even for a few minutes?

What can small children do?

  • Certainly, the best thing to do for children are walks on fresh air. It is both educational and healthy. During such promenades, it is necessary to show the baby various objects, name them clearly and tell a little about them. The baby will quickly learn to imitate the voices and roars of animals if he comes across them on the street, and the mother will make characteristic sounds at the same time
  • If the child is already walking, then he needs to be included in the team. Therefore, it is better to go to playgrounds where children of the same age play. In the process of communication, the baby develops personal qualities- he is trying to defend his position and at the same time cost friendship. Children who frequently communicate with their peers begin to talk much faster
  • If the weather outside does not allow you to go for a walk, then you can spend time at home. Of course, the good old TV can come to mom’s aid. While the baby watches his favorite cartoon, his mother will have time to do something of her own. However, when children watch television, certain limits must be observed. Until the age of two, it is better for a child not to watch TV at all. If your child really likes a cartoon, you can watch it for no more than half an hour.
  • After two years, children are allowed to watch TV or play on the computer for no more than two hours. Moreover, these two hours should be divided into several visits with long breaks
  • Children of all ages and genders always enjoy ball games. They can be organized both outdoors and within the apartment. But at home you need to take some care so that your mother’s favorite vase does not fly off the table

  • Many kids love to listen to music and dance. Such a pastime should appeal not only to the baby, but also to his parents. After all, children's first dances often look so funny
  • As for such creativity as drawing and modeling from plasticine, you can experiment with this at any age. True, acquaintance with plasticine should take place under the strict guidance of parents, because the baby may try to taste the unusual material. If the first attempt was unsuccessful and the baby was not interested at all, there is no need to despair. Everything has its time
  • Drawing today can be done at any age. There are special finger paints for infants. You can draw with them even while sitting in the bath. Naturally, the bathroom itself will serve as a canvas. Such paints are very easily washed off and do not eat into its surface.
  • You can also draw on paper. It will be very interesting for the baby to use his fingers as a brush. He can leave small circles on the paper, and the mother will need to name the color of the paint in which the baby dipped his finger

What can you do with a 3-4 month old baby?

3-4 months is the period when the baby has just learned to hold his head up and roll over. He can already hold rattles in his hands and swing them in all directions.

The baby's horizons have also expanded - he can see at a distance of one meter. This allows him to look at the mobile above the crib and reach out to it with his hand. In addition, the baby begins to talk a little. True, hooting and hooting can still hardly be called a conversation, but this is one of the steps to the much-awaited word “mother.”

The main tasks of this period are preparation for crawling, sitting and talking.

  • In order to encourage your baby to crawl, you can use unfamiliar and familiar objects. Having placed the baby on his tummy, you need to place a toy that interests him in front of him.
  • The baby will reach for it, and you can little by little push him from behind. For this purpose, you can use jumping or springy objects. For example, a ball or a wooden painted egg. Having reached for the object, the baby will see that it has slipped away from him again, and will again try to get it
  • You should definitely give your pet rattles of different colors, sizes and textures. He will be interested in looking at and touching them. In addition, the sound they make will delight your “button”
  • A great activity to do with your baby at all stages of his development are songs, rhymes and nursery rhymes. It is advisable for the mother to sing or pronounce them, leaning towards the baby. He must see her lips and learn the art of pronouncing various sounds. Besides, there is no sweeter music for a baby than his mother’s beloved and dear voice.

Mom's voice is the best melody for a baby
  • Nursery rhymes with the names of body parts will help your baby develop and understand his body. The mother can recite the poem and at the same time show, touch or pinch the part of the child’s body in question
  • You can diversify your baby's horizons by sitting him on pillows for just a few minutes and propping him up on the bed. If we are talking about a girl who cannot be imprisoned, then you can simply carry her around the apartment, pointing at objects and naming them. You just have to clarify that objects should be no more than 90 cm from the baby’s eyes. By the way, children love to look at their reflection in the mirror.
  • Kids of any age love to play hide and seek. The mother covers her face or the child’s face with her hands, and when she opens it, she says “ku-ku.” As a rule, this makes the little ones laugh and mince their legs

You can play “Goat-dereza” or “Magpie-White-sided” with your child.

What to do with a 5-6 month old baby?

  • If the baby already knows how to sit, you can play with him in the sandbox. Only instead of sand you can use a variety of grains. Such games should be carried out under the strict supervision of parents, since the child will in any case try to taste what he was given.
  • Experienced mothers recommend using only salt at first. Having tried it once, the baby is unlikely to want to taste bulk mixtures again. This activity is very good for developing fine motor skills.

  • Children at this age also love to crumple and tear paper. Don’t spare a couple of leaves for your little one. It will be very interesting to watch how well he copes with this task
  • It will look like office workers preparing for the arrival of the tax inspector. True, such classes must also be supervised. Typically, the baby will eventually decide to cover all his tracks and try to eat the paper.
  • As for spoken language, parents should continue to sing songs to the baby, recite rhymes and nursery rhymes
  • It is advisable that any actions of parents be accompanied by comments. It is necessary to explain to the child that now his mother is changing his clothes or washing him
  • At 5-6 months, some babies already begin to sit and crawl. But not all. It is necessary to continue exercises with them, trying to reach their favorite toy, but you no longer need to push - you just need to let their legs rest on your hands or the bed.
  • A 5-6 month old child loves to play ladushki and Magpie White-sided. Moreover, he can already perform all the movements himself

Playing Magpie White-sided
  • Hide and seek may look a little different now. You can cover an object with a handkerchief or diaper and ask the baby where it went. Then you need to tear off the veil from the object and say “ku-ku”
  • Perhaps the baby will not immediately understand what exactly is happening, but over time he will trace a certain chronology and pattern in your actions. You can use anything that makes a sound as the item you are looking for. This way the baby will hear the sound and use it to navigate where the object is located.
  • You can play hide and seek in another way. When the child is in the crib, you need to step out of his field of vision for a second and ask “Where is mommy?” from under the crib. Then you need to look out and say “peek-a-boo.” The baby will be incredibly happy and may laugh merrily

What to do with a 7-8 month old baby?

At 7-8 months, almost all babies are already sitting and trying to crawl. These skills and aspirations can be used. We need to continue playing with moving toys.

  • For a child who is already sitting, it is much easier to find interesting tasks and games. To develop fine motor skills, you can continue to give him various sizes of containers with bulk cereals. If the baby can hold a spoon in his hand, then you can show him how to sprinkle the cereal with it
  • If he doesn’t succeed, then you can give him a large container into which he can pour all the cereals in turn, and then try to separate them from each other. This game is also called “Cinderella”
  • In addition to cereals, in a box or jar (not glass) you can put objects of various shapes, colors and sizes that could be very interesting to the baby. Let him take out these items one by one and then put them back
  • An excellent effect is obtained from a metal can from baby food. Objects falling to the bottom of the jar hit it and make loud sounds, which also attracts the child's attention. If the items in the jar are very small, then it is better to play games under the supervision of parents
  • Babies aged 7-8 months love to throw everything around and watch where and how the thrown object will fall. If you put the baby in the crib and tie the thrown away objects with strings or strings, you can teach him to return the objects to the crib on his own
  • By the way, very often children like to do the same thing with a stopper on a chain in the bathroom. Throwing it over the side of the bathtub, they then happily pull the chain, and the cork reappears before their eyes

  • Having sat the child on the floor, you can roll the ball with him. Dad can sit opposite the baby, and mom can support him from behind. Dad will throw the ball to the baby, and mom will help him return it back
  • As for creativity, you can already introduce the baby to wax pencils. Naturally, the baby will not immediately become a great artist. It’s not a fact that he will do anything on his own. At first, the mother will have to use her own hands to guide the child’s hand with a pencil in it. However, over time, the baby will show more and more interest in this type of activity.
  • At 7-8 months you can start playing with blocks. It is desirable that the cubes be soft (plastic, rubber or rag). You can show your child how to build a tower or castle. Of course, at first its function will only be to destroy the newly built object. But over time, he himself will want to place cube on cube and create turrets
  • Insert cups are very entertaining for little children. They take great pleasure in sorting through the stack and trying to put them back together.

The process of bathing can also be turned into a fun pastime. For this, in addition to ducks and dolphins, you can use special bathroom stickers, a sponge and the same cups.

Your baby can put stickers on the bathroom walls and then just as happily tear them off.

Sponge game:

  1. We buy one or more sponges of different colors and shapes
  2. We dip the sponge in the water, take it out and squeeze out the remaining water from it in front of the baby’s eyes.
  3. We let the baby do the same on his own.


  • We take insert cups or regular disposable cups
  • We fill them with water and pour it from one glass to another
  • Let the baby try to pour the water himself

What to do with a 9-10 month old baby?

By nine months, many babies are already crawling and trying to stomp a little. To speed up the walking process, you need to improve crawling. To do this, you can build various barriers for the child in the form of pillows, yourself, bolsters or other available means. You can buy a tunnel for it.

Not all kids are so brave as to climb into the tunnel on their own the first time. To stimulate courage in a child, parents sometimes have to act as an example and climb into the tunnel first.

Since a baby at this age loves to tear and crumple paper, you can invite him to play with toilet paper. In addition to developing motor skills, toilet paper provokes the child to follow the running roll and chase it. Such a game can long time captivate the baby and free his mother.

At the age of 9-10 months, babies try to imitate their parents in everything. Therefore, during this period you can give the baby (regardless of gender) his first doll. The child will display on the doll all the actions that the mother does with him (feeding, kissing, stroking, combing, putting him to bed). To begin with, of course, the mother will have to show the baby how it’s done.

You can begin to develop an associative series in your baby:

  1. We place two different or identical figures distinguishable by color in front of the baby
  2. We take out the same figure from behind our back and ask the baby to find a mate for it
  3. In the process, we explain to him how these objects are a pair
  4. You can use cubes, balls, socks, shoes as objects

A challenging game of hide and seek

  • Pour a fairly high layer of cereal into a deep container
  • In front of the baby, we bury one or more objects in the cereal
  • Let the baby try to find these objects himself.
  • You need to be prepared for the cereal to be scattered or deliberately scattered around the room

  1. Take two transparent cups of water and paint
  2. We dip the baby’s finger, for example, in red and lower it immediately into one glass, and then into another
  3. Immediately add blue paint to one of the glasses and observe the changes
  4. We drip green paint into the second glass and wonder why the colors are different
  5. Next time the baby can choose the colors he wants.
  6. Over time, he will be able to predict what shade he will get when mixing different colors.

Since plasticine is still quite dangerous for children of this age, you can try its analogue - salty dough. The baby can knead it in his hands, pierce it with his finger, leave an imprint of his palm or even his foot in the dough. Of course, all these manipulations must take place under the strict supervision of parents.

What to do with a child aged 11 months to a year?

11-12 months is the time for many endeavors - speech, walking, independent eating and hygiene.

  • As for hygiene, at this age your baby can already have his own toothbrush. There's no point in buying yet toothpaste- let’s start by just learning how to brush your teeth
  • At first, brushing your teeth will take literally a couple of seconds - two movements in one direction and the other. But over time, the baby will imitate his parents and spend a long time scratching his teeth with a brush. Be sure to praise the baby for his desire for cleanliness
  • More and more children at 11-12 months are interested in moving around the apartment independently. If his movements are constrained in a walker, then there are no restrictions when walking without a walker.
  • Now he can calmly turn on and off the light, reach for the door handle and keys in the lock, the table and what is on the table. Therefore, during such a crucial period, parents should be very careful and prudent - they need to remove dangerous, breakable, cutting and piercing objects away.
  • Many mothers and fathers have to tie the handles of cabinets so that the baby does not open them. To avoid such actions, it is better to allocate one cabinet in the kitchen and in the room, where things will be safe, but at the same time interesting for the baby.
  • These can be multi-colored nylon covers folded into cardboard box, colored plastic or metal bowls, mugs and spoons. Forks and knives, even plastic ones, should be kept away from the child

  • As for the nylon lids, the baby can sit with them for a long time - he really likes to take them out of the box one by one, feel them and put them back in the box. The same can be done with lids from plastic bottles. By the way, 11-12 months is the right age for the ability to twist and tighten bottle caps. Kids are trying very hard to learn this difficult task.
  • To develop speech, you need to continue to sing to the baby and recite rhymes with nursery rhymes. The baby will already be interested in colorful books with large images. When reading a book, it is better to place the child in your arms so that he can see both the picture and his mother’s mouth while pronouncing the words. This is how babies learn to speak - they need to understand how the tongue should be positioned between the teeth and what shape the lips take when pronouncing certain letters and syllables.
  • Closer to the year, you can start teaching your baby games with sorters. First, you need to show and voice to him several times what needs to be inserted where in order for the figurine to end up inside the toy. It is advisable to attach inappropriate figures to the opening of the sorter so that the baby understands that an object of this shape will not fit through the window. At the same time, you can shake your head negatively and say that this choice is wrong. Soon the baby himself will begin to navigate the shapes and colors suitable for certain holes
  • Children at this age really love puppet theaters performed by their beloved parents. Therefore, you can buy or sew a couple of dolls that fit on your hand and show your child performances. At the same time, it is not necessary to hide behind a screen - the baby will still look at the moving toy and perceive the words spoken by the mother as the speech of the animal
  • To make a toy for a puppet theater, you can use an old sock. You just need to sew or glue a nose, eyes and mouth to it. Everything else depends only on your imagination

What to do with a 2-3 year old child?

The age of 2-3 years is a great time for creative activities with your baby. All known methods can be used - crayons, plasticine, paints, pencils and felt-tip pens. Today, stores sell special coloring books for kids. You can find the same pictures on the Internet and simply print them.

It is advisable to supervise children during their creativity, since wallpaper, doors or the floor can become the canvas for their creations.

At 2-3 years old, a child can play with a construction set for a long time, building high towers and castles.

  • During all these activities, your baby can play nursery rhymes and sing them along with him. You can also dance while doing this. The little one will really like the well-known “Dance of the Little Ducklings” or a parody of “Swan Lake”
  • So-called “developmental boards” for children are becoming very popular today. Examples of such boards can be found on the Internet. Order such a board for your dad or grandfather, and you will have a lot of free time
  • On the educational board you can place several types of locks (latch, hook, padlock, etc.), a zipper, a light switch, a bell, a bell, a phone dial and much more that will interest your baby. Under the small doors with locks you can stick your little one’s favorite cartoon characters. Having coped with a difficult lock, the baby will be rewarded with a meeting with his pet

At the age of 2-3 years, many parents begin to take their kids to a variety of clubs - dancing, swimming, wrestling, studying foreign languages. Small child- like a sponge. He absorbs everything very quickly and learns everything. However, it is worth monitoring the condition of your baby. If your baby looks lethargic and tired or does not want to go to class, it is better not to force him to do so.

In general, it is advisable for a child to spend more time outdoors. On the street, especially in the warm season, it is much easier for the baby to find something to do. This could be a sandbox, swing, children's playgrounds, which today are located in almost every yard. Playing in the fresh air, the baby simultaneously has fun and strengthens his body.

What to do with a 4-5 year old child?

At 4-5 years old, it is very difficult for a child to sit in one place. You can invite him to draw, sculpt or make an applique. Appliqués can be made using store-bought magazines, in which you simply cut out objects and glue them to the designated areas.

  • For applications, you can also use available materials (dry or fresh leaves, flowers or their petals, cereals, coffee beans, etc.). Handicraft mothers always have a lot of different decorative elements from which they and their child can create an interesting picture or craft. Subsequently, such a masterpiece can decorate a child’s nursery
  • Cones, acorns, matches and plasticine are often used as materials for crafts. You can make a whole zoo out of these simple materials.
  • Children aged 4-5 years, especially those who are not good at drawing themselves, will love carbon copy drawing. Everyone can feel like a Picasso or Dali. Drawing by dots is also suitable for incompetent artists. Such blanks can be found in the store, or you can create it for your mother herself, using some simple drawing as a basis and using tracing paper
  • You can give the kids pencils and a sharpener - they will be happy to sharpen each pencil, and even several times

Children aged 4-5 years are very inquisitive and are interested in everything unusual. You can give your baby a magnifying glass and give him the opportunity to look at everything under it. A microscope will be very instructive and exciting at this age.

Today there are special children's microscopes on sale. You can examine anything you want through such a wonderful device. As a rule, kids are very surprised by what they see, because familiar objects look completely different under a microscope.

What to do with a 6-7 year old child?

  • Since at the age of 6-7 years children are either preparing for school or are already starting to go to school, it is better to free time Give your baby a break from brain activity. It is also advisable for the child to move as much as possible, since regularly sitting at a desk in the same position can negatively affect the baby’s posture.
  • Parents need to give their baby more walks and exercise. For boys of this age, dancing, karate, football, basketball, volleyball, and visiting the pool are suitable
  • Volleyball and football are also recommended for those boys whose height does not exceed average. Such sports will help them stretch up and grow to average, or even higher, height. Hockey and tennis sections are considered very fashionable today.

Tennis is a great sport for a child of any gender.

Girls aged 6-7 years can be sent to the same dancing, gymnastics, and swimming pool. Very popular today among young ladies enjoy playing tennis. Every girl dreams of becoming the next Maria Sharapova or Anna Kournikova.

To summarize, it is worth saying that no matter how busy parents of babies are, they should always devote time to their little ones. After all, it may happen that when you finally find time and want to play ball with your baby, he may no longer be interested in it. The computer and tablet will become much more interesting to him, and you will never have time to enjoy his awkward first movements.

Video: What to do with a child?

Good day to all readers! With you – Alena Bortsova. My son is living mercury, he always has something to do at home. But your nephew needs to be constantly puzzled, otherwise he gets bored with nothing to do. What to do with a 6 year old child at home? Games on a tablet and (read more about them) smart children quickly get bored, so you need to keep a few on hand interesting activities.

Active games

Sometimes I sin by forgetting how different children are. When my child says that he is bored, I touch his forehead - what if he has a fever? Because Andryusha always has important things to do. Until he was 8 years old, he could play on the tablet no more than half an hour a week. He simply had no choice but to play regular games.

At first, of course, it was necessary to show how to play, but now there is such an abundance of toys that it is not at all a problem to take up an interesting game on your own. Interesting for 6 year old children:

  • Any constructors - Lego, needle, regular block. We built entire cities, first according to instructions, then improvised.
  • Soft puzzles. They can be used to make more than just floor mats. The son created rockets, houses, entire cities.
  • Role-playing games. On all kinds of travels, wars, hiking trips. You can use any available materials - we throw a sheet on the table - a port city, a basin - a ship, soldiers on chairs - settlements. And then everything depends on the imagination of the child and mother.

But with my nephew it turned out to be very difficult. He was bored not only playing alone, he didn’t want to play active games with Andryusha, as he preferred more complex entertainment. It was for him that the chalkboard was glued on. Plain black oilcloth with a rough surface. You can write reminders on it or play tic-tac-toe. Solve difficult problems or play school.

Intellectual entertainment

Especially for Dima, we thought through games for the whole day. At first he was asked to draw. For boys, of course, coloring books with a military theme or cars are suitable. But there are also extremely developed children, for example, my nephew definitely needed copybooks. At 5 years old he was fluent, but it was difficult to write. So we combined business with pleasure - we drew and wrote letters.

It was more difficult if you had to go somewhere in a car. The children could sit quietly for an hour. Two - sleep. And then? If we went to visit, we took some extra games for the boys:

  • Chess. Yes, yes, magnetic chess. Don’t let this game seem very complicated to you, a 6-year-old child learns the basics with interest, and the sooner you start learning, the faster the child will learn to play well.
  • Sea battle. Also in special boxes. You cover yourself from your opponent with a lid and arrange your ships. In a car, the game not only stimulates logic, but also forces you to act carefully.
  • Crocodile. A game with cards on which you need to describe an animal or its actions.

It's easier to play on a train: nothing shakes, things don't fall. If you are tired of auxiliary games, you can offer to play words. Usually adults name cities and you need to name another city with the last letter. But 6-year-old children don’t know so many cities yet, so you can name fruits, vegetables, animals.

Another way to keep your child busy is to read. And best of all, not from a tablet or phone, but from a paper book. Let there be pictures in it, a six-year-old is still interested in plot images. And it’s nice to spend time with mom, who offers to continue the sentence in a familiar fairy tale, or come up with your own story based on the picture.

All possible help

And another way to diversify the day of a baby who is tired of both active and calm games. When my son came and said that he had nothing to play with, I offered to help him.

We beat out the carpet together. The game was called “who can hit the knocker the loudest” and it was a lot of fun. They baked cookies. And the son not only helped knead the dough, but also cut out the figures.

And for a 6-year-old boy, washing dishes was his favorite pastime. He built entire soap cities out of cups and bowls, bubbles flying all over the kitchen. Of course, there were puddles on the floor, and the dishes had to be washed, but it was worth it - both the child was busy and the mother was happy.

By the way, I noticed that many parents are trying hard, trying to play with their children, but they can’t. Well, it’s not interesting for an adult to dress up a doll for the hundredth time or drive cars along painted roads. Important adult things await him. And the child feels it. Don’t break yourself, if you’re not interested, your baby won’t be interested in playing either.

Do what you like. Let your child into the world of games that are dear to you. Draw with paints and listen to audio books, dance to energetic music and blow bubbles. Live happily and share the joy with your children. Then every day will be pleasant for both you and your children.

Here's another video with exclusive ideas:

Children in first grade devote a lot of time to schoolwork and homework. These are responsible girls and boys, who, however, are still interested in having fun in their free time from important matters. Of course, it’s fun outside, because you can play with your peers, but what to do when it’s raining outside or severe frost, how to keep a 6-7 year old child occupied at home? Parents will help solve this problem if they pay close attention to the needs and interests of their baby.

In the seventh year of life, the brain little man, in fact, is identical to the brain of an adult, in addition, the musculoskeletal system is already well developed. Despite the fact that the ossification processes are already in full swing, the baby’s spine is still quite vulnerable, so parents need to carefully monitor his correct posture and prevent games that are dangerous for this not yet fully completed body structure.

Along with this, children actively develop muscles, and general development inextricably linked with fine motor skills hand, which, in fact, is what most games need to do. In this regard, any activity related to drawing, modeling, creating crafts from various materials, is a priority.

Considering other aspects of the development of a small personality, we can recommend other activities for a child aged six or seven:

  1. Visual and figurative thinking remains the main thing for a primary school student, but logic gradually begins to form, which needs to be developed. Therefore, parents may well keep their daughter or son busy with games like anagrams that are interesting and useful for them. These exercises can truly captivate a child, and, at the same time, increase his attention, reading speed and thoughts.
  2. For improvement logical thinking, memory and intelligence, the game "Tag" is perfect. The set includes a board consisting of 16 sectors and 15 square dominoes. To win, you need to correctly place all the chips so that the empty section is at the bottom in the right corner, because you need to act sequentially. Also suitable for developing logic are such board games as “ Logic problems", "Logical dominoes", "Logic 3 in 1", "Logical squares".
  3. The vocabulary of a 6-7 year old child is quite large, but it is still insufficient for full communication. But there are games that can significantly increase the vocabulary of a first grader - “Opposites”, “Vocabulary Lotto”, “Balda”, “Seasons, Holidays”.
  4. Despite the fact that children’s memory is excellent at this age, it needs to be trained daily, while the child can play and relax. Board games such as “Sleepers”, “7 by 9”, “Scrabble” will not only strengthen memory, but also teach rapid addition, subtraction.
  5. Broaden your horizons, what is required junior schoolchild games related to the study of geography, astronomy, and the history of the Ancient Earth will always help. good board game“A trip around the world”, which will be interesting for both first-graders and older children.

In addition, parents need to remember that a feature of first-graders is that their fantasies significantly exceed their intellect, therefore, when studying precise subjects such as mathematics, visual illustrations should be used in moderation, as this can distract the child from the essence of the lesson.

Read also:

Children's activities at home, together with their parents, and on their own will certainly bring benefits if adults take the initiative and offer their child something unusual and unfamiliar. But to do this you need to be able to determine what your son or daughter wants. Any games and activities can be beneficial, but it is better to alternate them, as first graders still get tired and distracted quickly if they do one activity for more than 20 minutes.

What to do with a 6-7 year old child at home: video

Ideas for children's creativity

Drawing is one of the favorite activities of children of any age, but it can be made even more entertaining for six- and seven-year-old children.

Options for spending time like this can be different:

  1. Symmetrical pictures. You can teach your child a new and interesting technique for handling paper and paints. To do this, a landscape sheet is folded in half, paints are mixed with soapy water, and then dripped onto the folded paper with a brush. If you then unfold it and press the clean side to the painted side, you will get a symmetrically located abstraction that can be completed in any way you like, fortunately, the child’s imagination works well.
  2. Abstract drawings. To make an already familiar activity especially attractive for your child, you can invite him to draw randomly placed lines on the paper, as a result of which a variety of different things will appear on the sheet. geometric figures. After this, children can color them, depending on their idea. It makes sense to ask the child to make all the details in different colors so that they do not touch.
  3. Simple sketches. A useful activity may be a copy of a picture from a children's book or magazine - this will be the first a serious step first grader on the path visual arts. After all, as a rule, small successes have a stimulating effect on the child’s consciousness, and perhaps painting will someday become the profession of a son or daughter.
  4. We make impressions. This is a simple, enjoyable activity that a six-year-old might enjoy. Imprints can be made with anything - figures cut out of potatoes, cubes, jar lids. The initiative to come up with new stencils can be entrusted to the child himself; this will develop his intellect and awaken his imagination.
  5. What will happen if you finish drawing? Such creative game, will surely appeal to a first-grader. You can depict any animal on paper, but without a tail, ears, legs, but it can also be a house without windows, a car without wheels, trees without leaves and much more. It is important that the child is able to correctly complement the drawing and contribute something of his own. If there are two children, you can arrange a competition between them to see who can do it better or complete the work earlier.

When it comes to children's leisure, and parents have no idea what to do with a 6-7 year old child at home, the child can be asked to sculpt not just a figurine, but create a whole picture from dough, plasticine or special clay.

You will need to proceed as follows:

  • first you need to make an image on paper with a simple pencil;
  • You can place parts made from plasticine on top, gluing them to the sheet;
  • As a result, the picture will be three-dimensional and more than original.

If you take the dough, you can buy it or prepare it yourself. To make it multi-colored, the mashed piece is divided into parts, and then each is mixed with ordinary gouache. After drying the masterpiece and additionally decorating it, such a product can even be baked in the oven over low heat (100 degrees) for two hours.

In general, all the things that the baby made himself are doubly valuable. In addition to creating sculptures and works of art, boys of this age enjoy chasing, engraving, painting on wood, and burning.

Girls are closer to such activities as weaving macrame, embroidery, including beads, decorating things with glass beads, knitting, decorating a variety of objects - boxes, simple boxes, picture frames. Also entertain six year old child you can work with fur, velvet or felt - children get excellent Stuffed Toys and decorations. Other creative hobbies include plaster figures, 3D puzzles, painting by numbers, creating three-dimensional panels.

Children are especially trying on the eve of the holidays - they are ready to decorate their rooms, invent and make things on their own. original packaging for gifts, write texts greeting cards and much more. It is important for fathers and mothers to encourage such initiative in their children, which will force them to apply even more imagination and effort to surprise loved ones.

Home theater performances

For seven-year-old children, creating their own will be a great joy. home theater, where you can perform small performances on fairy tale themes, as well as scenes from real life. Moreover, a seven-year-old is no longer dexterous enough to make characters and the necessary decorations with his own hands. Of course, everything will need to be carefully thought out, and adults should definitely help their daughter or son realize such a wonderful idea - with advice, and perhaps with deeds.

Of course, the child will be the main director of his small theater and, first of all, he must choose the acting heroes. After this, you will need to make costumes for them and write a script.

What the characters will be made of is also decided by the child. You can choose several options: made from paper using drawing or folding, sculpted from clay, from papier-mâché.

Probably, papier-mâché dolls will look the most realistic. Many people think that this is too time-consuming a process, but it is not:

  • you need to take unnecessary newspapers, paper, maybe even toilet paper, and tear them finely;
  • then the paper scraps are mixed with regular PVA glue so that the mixture is thick and viscous;
  • An empty plastic container is placed on a table previously covered with film, and the prepared mass is applied to it;
  • the hero’s head, made separately, is placed on the neck and secured;
  • After this, you should wait until the doll is completely dry, and then you can paint it in accordance with the role and character.

But there is always an alternative - dolls can be made using the origami technique, or you can use cardboard on which to glue the necessary details - a face, corrugated thin paper in the form of a skirt, hair from old dolls is used for the head. To decorate the stage, the easiest way is to make an applique; for the curtain, mom can allocate a couple of pieces of unnecessary fabric from grandma’s chests.

Home theater is definitely one of the brilliant ideas because its creation combines the most different types child's activities.

Fun for the young experimenter

Younger schoolchildren already have a lot of knowledge, and since the process of understanding the world and their research activities continues, many boys and girls will find it extremely exciting to engage in chemical experiments; of course, some of them are best carried out under the guidance of adults:

  1. You will need to take one orange and peel it. You can inflate two or three hot air balloon. When squeezing the juice from the zest into balls, they will burst one after another, since the limonene included in the composition is capable of dissolving rubber.
  2. If you mix lemon juice and water, dip in them cotton swab and write a few words on paper, the letters will be invisible. But only until you hold a candle flame near the sheet - almost immediately the letters will turn brown and what is written will appear.
  3. Pour a glass of vinegar into a plastic bottle, balloon pour three small spoons of soda. If you put a balloon on the neck of a bottle, the soda will get into the vinegar and the balloon will inflate.
  4. Pour half a glass of sunflower oil and the same amount of tomato juice into a tall glass. After adding two effervescent aspirin tablets to it, “lava” will fall out of the glass, large bubbles will form on the surface.

Books remain an excellent, useful and informative activity for children, because children already know how to read. Also, you should not refuse your child to play with a construction set - this can be a long-term hobby that lasts for a lifetime. Children aged 6-7 years become more sociable and sociable, so all team games, both outdoor and board games, are good for them.

It’s not at all difficult to figure out what to do with a 6-7 year old child at home - first-graders themselves can give parents a lot of interesting ideas, all that remains is to listen to their opinion and correctly direct them on the path of further achievements, helping as much as possible and protecting them from careless actions.