Talk to yourself. Spells to strengthen teeth and gums. Conspiracies using folk remedies

There is probably no person in the world who has not had a toothache at least once in their life. Everyone knows this piercing, debilitating pain when you can’t think about anything else but a bad tooth.

Yes, you can take a handful of painkillers and somehow make it to a visit to the dentist, but what if you can’t take the pills or you simply don’t have them at hand? Take advantage traditional methods, one of which is conspiracy.

There are a dozen rituals for toothache, since in past centuries this problem was extremely acute, because it was not possible to turn to a specialist, as well as the specialists themselves. It is from this problem that the legs of the phrase “don’t put your teeth on me” grow, what does “don’t distract me” mean? Do you want to distract yourself from the pain? Read the conspiracies!

Ritual with water for the moon

This spell is very strong, so it helps with equally severe pain. Read it better evening, facing the Moon and holding a vessel of water (not boiled) in his hands. Repeat the following words seven times without interruption:

“Guardian of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengris. Grant me permission to perform my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! fill my body vital energy. Fill my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be kind and generous to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever and ever, take the pain from my teeth.”

Ritual with the door

Wash your hands and the door bracket with water alone, and then pour it over the threshold. Drawing crosses on the cheek behind which the bad tooth is located, read the following plot:

“Dawn-lightning, a beautiful maiden, a midnight owl, a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my sorrowful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain safe. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”

Conspiracy for the new month

Read for the new month:

“A month, a month, silver horns, golden legs. Come down, month, from heaven and take mine toothache, taking her with him. My pain is neither small nor severe, but your strength is great. I cannot bear the pain, but your strength can bear it. Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain. One month, one month, hide your toothache from me.”

Spell with nettles

“Mother Nettle, holy tree! I know a servant of God (name) who has worms on his teeth, which you remove; and if you don’t bring me out, I will dry you up; and if you take me out, on the third day I will let you go.”

After reading it, go outside, find a nettle, bend it to the ground and tie it. After three days, untie it.

Ritual with radish

This spell against toothache is read on a radish, a pine or spruce branch, which is then placed on the cheek opposite the sore tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it the Most Holy Theotokos and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “As you, pleasing ones of God, don’t have teeth that hurt, let the servant of God (name) don’t hurt either.” In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A quick ritual without preparation

"Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your dear brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let God’s servant (name) not get sick. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

Second rite for the new month

At 24:00 on a clear cloudless night, seeing the new moon, say:

“Young fellow, you have a golden horn. For your standing, and for my health, God's servant (name). -Have you been to the next world? - Was. - Have you seen the dead? - I saw it. - Do their teeth hurt? - They don't hurt. God grant that I, God’s servant (name), don’t have toothache.”

Repeat the spell three times, after each time spitting three times, looking at the month.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberry roots, put them in water and say three times:

“As these strawberries dry up and wither, so let the teeth of God’s servant (name) become silent and numb to this day and to this hour.”

Then place the charmed roots on the sore tooth and drink the water.

Belarusian ritual for toothache

“Young young man, you have a golden horn. Have you ever been to the next world? I have! Have you seen my grandfather? Saw! Does his teeth hurt? They don't hurt. May they stop hurting me too!”

You can go outside and read spell words, or you can look at the month through the window. If your grandfather is alive, then you can mention the name of any deceased relative instead. The ritual on the full moon is read on full moon to get rid of toothache. Press your index finger against the tooth and say three times:

“The old month came to the young and said: “Take the burdock tooth from God’s servant Mary, and give her a bone tooth. Amen."

Ritual with a piece of wax

To prevent your teeth from aching and hurting, read the spell on a piece of wax three times and apply this piece to your sore tooth:

“On the sea-okiyan, on the island of Buyan, Thirty-three dead men lie. Their teeth do not ache or rot. So God’s servant Mary’s teeth wouldn’t hurt or ache.”

Rowan plot

Go to the rowan tree, gnaw its bark, saying:

“Rowan, rowan, heal my teeth, if you don’t, I’ll gnaw you all off.”

Repeat the spell three times, take a piece of paper with words pre-written on it and go to bed, putting the paper behind your cheek with a sore tooth. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, do nothing, first burn the paper.

Conspiracy with 40 repetitions

Read the “Our Father” prayer, and after it the conspiracy:

“A month in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water. When these brothers come together, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen"

Read 40 times.

We remind you that ice should be applied with caution. Since in some cases, for example, an improperly growing wisdom tooth, it will only make things worse and increase inflammation.

Spell for bread from a tooth

They say a crumb of bread with salt and place it on the sore tooth:

“On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there lies a white-flammable stone. A great old man lies on a white flammable stone. This old man doesn't have a single toothache. The cheeks don’t blow, the heart doesn’t ache. So would I, the servant of God (name), from now on until forever, like that old man, not a single tooth ached, ached, or grieved. In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A conspiracy for a bad tooth should begin with an appeal to some forces: patrons, spirits. Since conspiracies appeared in the era before the advent of Christianity, they often refer to the Sun, Moon, and nature spirits. Christianization replaced various spirits with saints and divine characters. However, for people who practice conspiracies, this is not so important - both those and other options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

Now a few words about the structure of the conspiracy. It is believed that at the beginning of the conspiracy, the subject transitions to the other world through obstacles: thresholds, paths, doors, gates, mountains, fields, and so on.

In the main part of the plot, the space is narrowed due to the mention of the central character (protector, assistant), here the mention of the name is mandatory. Saying a name gives you power over a character. This is followed by the spell itself - an order or wish indicating the name of the person who should be influenced.

The final part of the spell comes with the mention of strong objects, persons that emphasize the power of the spell (strong as a stone or Christ will strengthen the words). After which comes the prayer ending (Amen). If the text is pre-Christian, then the prayer ending may be missing.

In addition to verbal forms, there are also rituals: a spell for toothache using water, wax, a wooden stick, stars, etc. People who use these techniques say that the ritual helps them concentrate and detach themselves from extraneous thoughts. But still, the main power lies in words.

Since the spell “so as not to have a toothache” refers to secret folk healing practices, it is usually pronounced in a whisper. But if a person is familiar with the technique of throat singing, you can read the text in a chant.

Often there are no objects at hand that are convenient to cast a spell on. Therefore, texts that are easy enough to pronounce, that is, without a full ritual, are especially popular.


Toothache, who doesn’t know this disease? And how happy is the one who has not experienced this. A prayer and a spell for toothache will help in cases where a doctor’s help cannot be provided: a tooth aches unexpectedly, you are in a village, at the dacha, on the road, but you simply cannot get to the doctor. Just so that the pain will recede, give you the opportunity to fall asleep, temporarily forget yourself and wait for the right moment, the participation of a doctor, Orthodox prayers and conspiracies to help you.

To help prayers, we read how to read prayers correctly and how.

And don’t forget, before any prayer we first read

Who to pray for when you have a toothache

We have already said more than once which saints to pray to during illness and healing. You can turn to such saints as:

Prayer for toothache to Saint Antipas

It is believed that Saint Antipus is the patron saint of all those suffering from pain and is able to heal even the most incurable patients, of course, if the Lord deems it necessary. It is believed that the Saint was severely punished by the pagans for his Christian preaching and thrown inside a red-hot copper bull. The sufferer prayed that the Lord would call him to himself and give him the gift of healing people from unbearable pain. The Lord heard his requests...

When they opened the oven, everyone was surprised that Antipas’ body was not burned, he seemed to be sleeping.

Therefore, the prayer to Antipus for toothache is considered one of the most effective.

“Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for toothache to the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is read on the icon “Quick to Hear”; in the absence of one, read on any one that is near you.

“O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, Thou hast given us healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, and with the same gratitude we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to give us Thy Son and our God forgiveness of sins and mercy and consolation to every grieving and embittered soul, and freedom from troubles, sorrows and illnesses. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and these people (and observance of this holy monastery), preservation of the city, our country from misfortunes, deliverance and protection, so that we may live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom Your Son and our God. To him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer for toothache in children

Most often, young children suffer from toothache during teething. At this moment there is no peace for all family members. At such moments, prayer can especially help, because baby teeth are healthy teeth, this is how they pave their earthly path. And a child is still a sinless creature, which is why all the Saints are especially supportive of little ones. It is precisely the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos that has such power. Read it and let it help you.

Conspiracies for toothache

We have already said more than once that you can safely use conspiracies for healing, Great power have spells from the Siberian healer and sorceress Natalya Stepanova, which has been tested more than once on herself.

Conspiracy for toothache using water from Natalia Stepanova

This plot helps not only against toothache, but also against gum problems and loose teeth. The plot must be read on the new moon, on the new moon, at exactly midnight, over water in a glass. Bring the glass as close to your lips as possible so that your breath touches the surface of the water and say the following words.

The month is young, you have a brother Filat,
His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt.
So that the servant of God (name)
My gums didn’t ache and my teeth didn’t hurt.


Then drink half the water and pour the other half outside through the window. Within a week you will notice an improvement in the condition of your teeth and gums; if not, repeat the ritual on the next new moon.

Spell for toothache on the moon

If toothache begins to bother you at night, do the following:

Stand by the window, and looking at the moon, massage the base of the large and index finger on the opposite hand (to the sore tooth), reading the words of the conspiracy:

« Mother Moon, come down from heaven, take away my toothache and send me beyond the clouds, your strength is strong, my pain will calm down, take me beyond the clouds, my pain is small in the sky, lost and gone from me.”

Repeat the steps until the pain begins to subside, usually about 10 minutes is enough. When you feel relief, say at the end of the spell three times: “Amen!”

Spell for toothache on the full moon

Read during the full moon three times in a row, pressing your index finger to the painful tooth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The old month has come to the new

And he says: “Take from the servant of God (name) a turnip tooth, and give her a bone one.”

Spell for toothache on an aspen knot

Take a small aspen knot and read the following spell over it three times:

On the sea, on the ocean,

On the large island of Buyan, there are three tall trees.

And how is the first tree Petriy, and the second tree Cunning

And the third tree is Cypress. A hare lies under them.

You, toothache, moved to that hare.

Conspiracy for toothache using water

Pour water into an ordinary glass glass, either holy water or melted spring water. We pronounce the words of the water spell three times so close that the water sways:

Four sistersZachary and Macarius,

Sisters Daria and Maria,Yes, sister Ulyana,

They spoke,So that the servant of God (Name of rivers)

Cheeks are not swollenMy teeth didn't hurtNow and forever.

In these words, key and lock,The key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

After speaking three times, drink the entire glass at once in small sips and wait until you feel better.

These are some simple prayers and conspiracies that can make your life easier with toothache. Be healthy!

Almost everyone has experienced unbearable toothache. It is not always possible to visit a dentist right away. Yes, and painkillers may not be in your home medicine cabinet.

In such cases, conspiracies help. But, they calm the pain for a while. Toothache doesn't just happen. This means that there is inflammation in the oral cavity, and you need to see a dentist as quickly as possible.

Do spells help with toothache?

A toothache is a signal that problems have arisen and it’s time to start effective treatment. In the old days there was no sufficient knowledge, medicines, instruments, medical devices, or drills. There were people, sorcerers and magicians who were able to speak pain. Over the centuries, they have developed a system of rituals and conspiracies that can prevent toothache.

Even if after the ritual the tooth completely stops hurting, this is not a reason to refuse to go to the dentist. This is a temporary lull; in the future the pain will return with renewed vigor.

Conspiracies remove symptoms, not the inflammatory process. Magic words inspire a person that the toothache has stopped, and now it seems that everything is fine, but everything is not so simple.

How effective are they?

No one can guarantee 100% success from a conspiracy. Everything here is purely individual. People who are more suggestible almost always feel relieved. Those who are not susceptible to suggestion may even remain with their pain.

It is advisable to turn to magicians or esotericists if it is not possible to visit a doctor. For example, you are in the country, far from the city, and you don’t have the strength to endure, and it takes several hours, or even days, to get to the doctor.

Conspiracies against toothache

Over the centuries, a huge arsenal of magical spells has accumulated that can calm severe pain. You can read them to yourself, but it is better when they are pronounced by a knowledgeable person. What is important here is intonation, accompanying moments, atmosphere, and faith.

Traditional healers and healers know words that have come down from ancient times. It is these conspiracies that have powerful power and maximum effectiveness. The text is read referring to the heavenly bodies: the sun, stars, moon, or other natural forces. The choice is up to the healer.

For quick relief from pain

Suddenly overcome by a strong, aching toothache - a spell pronounced on a wooden stick or sliver will help. Then, press the piece of wood to the problem area. The conversation is whispered.

Say the following words:

May the pain of me, God's servant, go away forever. Let it freeze forever. My words are strong, I lock it with a key, and I take it away to the distant swamps. Amen, amen, amen.

Another conspiracy that works almost instantly. Say the words until the pain goes away.

I drive away the pain, brazen and angry, aching, throbbing, exhausting, pulling. The pain goes away, and the tooth subsides, subsides. The nerve is dying, dying. It doesn’t torment me, it doesn’t torment me. Amen.

Strong spell for toothache

The terrible pain torments you so much that you want to howl - the strongest stinging nettle spell will help. If you are somewhere in nature, then finding a plant will not be difficult. Bend one twig to the ground and secure it. Now start reading the words of the hex:

Holy herb, mother nettle! God's son or daughter (name) has worms, get rid of them. If I don’t torture you, but help you, then in 3 days I will release you.

This ancient spell quickly relieves pain. But, you must fulfill your promise - to release the nettle in 3 days. You tied her to the ground.

Conspiracy for a neighbor

What slander exist for loved ones:

  • whisperers. “There is a young month in the sky, and the sun is on the oak tree, and the worm freezes on the tooth. And so it will be.” Another one: “month, young month, you have a sworn brother, Julius, and he never has problems with his teeth, so my pain goes away, my gums don’t ache. And it will always be like this."
  • On the water. Take a glass or cup of water and say: “Clean water, let me wash my face with you, let (say name)’s pain go away, and the water take away misfortunes. And so it will be.” The person suffering from toothache then washes his face with the charmed water.
  • For children. Children are told words for illness when they sleep. “The pain is evil, never touch or torment my child, leave with the sunrise forever. Never come back, don’t switch to anyone. Dissolve like the rabble of the night, because I never wish harm on anyone.” And so it will be.

Sometimes it seems that the ritual did not work, but it turns out that you just had to wait a little.

For a child with toothache

There is a maternal conspiracy for children against toothache. Only mom can read it. She will never wish her child harm. The slander is light and brings only good things. It has survived to this day since the 18th century.

To perform the ceremony you will need a cup of water. They whisper the following to her:

My son or daughter doesn’t have any toothache, and neither will my son or daughter. After I wash him with some water and let him drink it, the tooth will go away, just like the prince’s. He will become healthy, without any pain.

Say it three times. Then ask the child to take a sip from the charmed cup and wash with the rest.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

In Siberia, many people know the healer Natalya Stepanova. She has rituals and conspiracies for any problem. Numerous evidence suggests that they really work and can really get rid of many ailments.

For those suffering from dental problems, she has a powerful spell.

On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan, there is a white-flammable stone, on that stone a great old man lies, not a single tooth hurts, his cheeks don’t blow, his heart doesn’t ache. So from now on and forever (name), like that same old man, not a single tooth would ache, hurt, or grieve. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And so it will be. Amen.

While reading, hold a small piece of bread sprinkled with salt in your hands. After the ritual, place it on the problematic tooth.


To achieve positive results during rituals, it is necessary to approach the action with bright, correct thoughts. An angry, envious or selfish person should not undertake such activities at all. Especially when trying to read a plot to help another. In this case, you can get the opposite effect.

Helps in getting rid of pain and emotional state. Before reading a mantra, conspiracy, prayer, you need to put your thoughts in order, calm down, and believe in the power of the ritual. This will speed up the healing process.

During the ceremony, the room should be quiet, pets should be locked in another room. It is also necessary to enlist the support of saints, for which place icons closer and light candles.

Be sure to believe in the words of the conspiracy. Imagine how the pain went away and you went to bed joyful and peaceful. This attitude will help you free yourself from pain.

The most unpleasant feeling is when a tooth constantly hurts or aches. It overtakes a person completely suddenly. Sometimes this pain cannot be relieved even with pills. And the opportunity to see a dentist in the near future is not provided. In this case, strong spells for toothache will help. They have been resorted to since ancient times, and they were considered the most in effective ways fight against toothache.

Spells and prayers will relieve toothache

Features of performing conspiracies

The conspiracy against toothache is read on the waning moon. With her departure, she takes away all the bad energy and pain.

All conspiracies and prayers are read with faith and confidence that the words will help.

Prayers can be read both in church and at home. It is better to do this in front of the icon and with a lit candle. If pain overtakes you on the road, then you can also resort to prayer. After reading it, you must cross yourself three times.

A dental spell does not cure a tooth, but only temporarily eliminates pain. After eliminating the pain in the coming week, you need to go to the dentist.

You can spell a severe toothache forever, only with the help of white magic.

An ancient spell for a bad tooth

The conspiracy has been known for thousands of years and has not yet lost its relevance. It is read on the waning moon at night.

Conspiracies are read on the waning moon

Stand in front of the window so that the moonlight falls on you and say the words:

Guardian of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengris. Grant me permission to perform my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with vital energy. Fill my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be kind and generous to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever and ever, take the pain from my teeth.

You need to say the words seven times to talk about toothache. The plot is suitable for those who periodically suffer from toothache.

A quick way to relieve pain with a spell

If you know that you are periodically bothered by tooth pain, then resort to this plot. You need to prepare for it in advance. Buy propolis at the market or from a beekeeper. A small piece weighing 200-300 grams will be enough.

Let the wax sit in your house for a couple of days, and then perform a ritual and read the spell on it. Cut down a church candle and hang propolis on it. It should melt slightly and become soft. Tear off a small piece of propolis and apply it to the sore tooth and gum. Read the words at this moment:

Just as the sacred fire burned and burned out, so my pain was there and then passed away. The pain left me, the wax took it for itself and did not give it back to me. Amen!

This ritual helps to cope with acute toothache, but does not cure a diseased tooth, so visit a dentist as soon as possible. The ritual can be repeated subsequent times.

Read the plot for toothache on water

A spell for toothache using water helps to quickly cope with troubling pain. A conspiracy is made at home. Prepare a glass of melt water; it should warm up to room temperature.

The conspiracy requires melt water

You can even warm it up slightly to speed up the process. The melt water should not melt completely. The middle of the frozen water needs to be thrown away. Then pour it into a crystal glass or glass and read the whisper over the water. If there is holy water:

Three sisters of Lazarus - Pelageya, Martha and Mary! Come to me and help me cope with this illness. Take away the heaviness and aching from my teeth, Give me peace of mind and strength of flesh. Your brother Lazar’s teeth don’t itch or ache. So I, (name), would not suffer, and would be free from pain forever. Amen.

Flux plot

Flux is what is next to toothache. It provides a lot of discomfort to a person. Flux not only hurts, but also makes your breath not fresh. And this entails discomfort during communication. To get rid of gumboil, read the salt water spell.

Prepare a glass of water and add a tablespoon of salt to it. The water should be at room temperature. Stir the solution well until the salt dissolves. Place a glass of water on the table and cast a spell on it:

My teeth, don’t get sick, fight against the disease, listen to these words, get away from the circle of hell. Calm down the disease, expel the pus, heal the gums, take care of your health. God will help you and give you strength. In the name of the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit, on this day and at this hour. Amen.

These words can be used to heal a bothersome toothache. Then caress with this charmed saline solution oral cavity, especially paying attention to flux. Rinse your mouth for thirty seconds, then spit out the liquid.

Salt is added to water to create a rinse solution.

Keep doing this until the glass of water is gone. The ritual must be repeated morning and evening for three to five days. The ritual can be performed on both the waxing and waning moon.

Conspiracies of the healer Natalia Stepanova

Almost everyone knows the healer Natalya Stepanova, offers her strong conspiracy for toothache. Her method of treating pain is the simplest and does not require any special effort. The main thing is your belief that the spoken words will help.

Everyone who has tried her spell claims that it is strong and helps cope with pain, even under crowns. The ritual is safe and does not harm anyone. It can be used if a child’s sore tooth is bothering you.

This plot can be read before going to the dentist for treatment or teeth whitening. Natalya Stepanova composes a spell to relieve toothache like poetry, so the child can learn them himself and read them, if necessary, when he needs.

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree. Freeze, worm, in your tooth. Amen.

Natalya Stepanova offers us another conspiracy that will help cope with the disease. It can be read when children are teething, as well as when a baby tooth hurts or new ones are coming out. The plot is read during the waxing moon. Stepanova published her book, which contains all her conspiracies. Her spells are as strong as the Russian word.

The month is young, you have a brother Filat, His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt. So that God’s servant Name doesn’t have aching teeth and gums that don’t hurt. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Easy spell for a toothbrush

This spell for a bad tooth is read on the outgoing moon. IT helps attract spirits to your toothbrush. It is strong and simple, read for the new month. The ritual is performed at night near an open window. The ritual is aimed at ensuring that teeth do not deteriorate and remain healthy for a long time, to remove caries from teeth and pain forever.

Take your toothbrush, stand by the window, open the window. Stick your hand with a toothbrush into it, so that the young moon illuminates it with its rays. Read the spell 40 times to charm a sick tooth.

As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the bright-faced moon disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month, and would not return.

Love spell on a loved one with a toothbrush

To ensure that your man is only with you, read a love spell on your loved one’s toothbrush. Before the ceremony, clean up the house and begin the ritual. This ritual is the most effective in love magic.

You will need two church candles, water, and a toothbrush. Light candles in the bathroom and place them nearby. Before this, you need to file the candles from below with a nail file. It will be enough to cut off five mm. Then fill a glass with water and dip the brush into it. Hold a glass of water over the candles for a minute, and then read the words:

This night witchcraft is happening, new love will be born in the darkness. I will take the other girls away from you (name), I will burn the bridges between you. Only you will be next to me. If you touch the thing, you will immediately stagger. You will be sick of hopeless love for me. You won’t know pleasure with another girl, You can only see happiness with me. Treason! Not for me, you can’t do it with someone else, you’ll leave the peace! Temptation will go away, only then will your soul find peace, When your heart (name), me (your name), your beloved. Suddenly you cry, you feel pain, We share happiness with you forever, Another will never break it. As I said, so be it. Amen!.

You can make a love spell on a toothbrush

Prayer from Vanga that helps with pain

A prayer from the Siberian clairvoyant Vanga is read in the first month of illness and during the next four. She is a direction for pain relief and discomfort. You can read it every day if your tooth hurts, if a tooth has come out, so that it doesn’t hurt. You can read against another disease.

The red sun set below the horizon and disappeared from view. Just as the pale moon disappears from the sky, so my pain will disappear, never to appear again. Follow the sun, follow the clear month, and don’t come back. Amen.

Ritual against evil eye on teeth

The ritual helps remove the evil eye and is directed against the offender. Everything he wished for you will come back to him. If he wished you illness, it will return to him. The spell is performed over four days.

During the ritual you need to light 5 candles

For the spell, take a fallen tooth and place it on a clean, plain handkerchief. Place five candles around it. You can take not only your own teeth, but also your sisters’. Then move your finger around the tooth counterclockwise and say the spell:

I run my finger to remove all the damage. Show me your face, friend. Just as a baby’s teeth are cutting and he cries because of it, so you will cry because of your evil eye that you inflicted on me. Don't harm others and you won't suffer. I move my finger and let the other person know that you are doing a dirty trick.

Prayer for toothache

The prayer is read at any time as soon as a tooth begins to bother you. Before doing this, read the Our Father. Prayer will help you cope with toothache.

Oh, glorious holy martyr Antipos and quick helper to Christians in illness! I believe with all my soul and thoughts that the Lord has given you the gift of healing the sick and strengthening the weakened, for this sake I come running to you, as the blessed physician of illnesses, as the weak (or: weak) and kiss your venerable image with reverence (or: kissing) , I pray: by your intercession from the Heavenly King, ask me, who is sick (or: sick), for healing from the dental disease that depresses me: even though you are unworthy (or: unworthy) of seven to you, my most gracious father and ever-present intercessor: but you, being an imitator of God’s love for mankind, make me worthy (or: worthy) of your intercession through my conversion from evil deeds to a good life; heal the ulcers and scabs of my soul and body with the grace abundantly given to you, grant me health and salvation and good haste in everything, so that, having lived a quiet and silent life (or: having lived) in all piety and purity, I will be worthy to glorify the All-Holy Name with all the saints Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracies using folk remedies

To cure a severe toothache using folk remedies, you first need to prepare a decoction. Made from pharmaceutical chamomile and sage leaves. Pour a tablespoon of chamomile and a tablespoon of sage into a liter of water. Then put the water with herbs on the fire and when the water starts to boil, read the plot. You need to cook the decoction at dawn.

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a beautiful maiden, there is a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, Lymar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, my sore teeth with your veil from Lymar; behind the white veil they will survive. Lymar, back down; If you begin to gnaw my white teeth, I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss of the underworld. This word is strong!

For toothache, you can use a decoction of chamomile and sage

A ritual to keep your teeth always healthy

The ritual is designed to keep your teeth healthy for a long time. Conduct a spell for healthy teeth on a full moon to record the fact. The plot is read in the bathroom, before brushing your teeth. Apply the paste to the brush and say the words: my teeth shine, my teeth sparkle. They do not know pain and are always healthy.

Signs related to teeth

Folk signs that help in life:

  1. You need to talk to your teeth with faith and a positive attitude, then the pain will go away faster.
  2. According to gypsy beliefs, if you bury your wisdom tooth in a cemetery, you will become rich.
  3. If you dreamed that your teeth were falling out, expect trouble.
  4. The first tooth should be stored, this will help protect all the other teeth of the child.
  5. A tooth broken by accident means waste.
  6. When a baby is teething, you can determine his future character by his cries.
  7. If you talk about excessive toothache in winter, it will not bother you for a year.

There is probably no person in the world who has not had a toothache at least once in their life. Everyone knows this piercing, debilitating pain when you can’t think about anything else but a bad tooth.

Yes, you can take a handful of painkillers and somehow make it to a visit to the dentist, but what if you can’t take the pills or you simply don’t have them at hand? Use folk methods, one of which is conspiracy.

There are a dozen rituals for toothache, since in past centuries this problem was extremely acute, because it was not possible to turn to a specialist, as well as the specialists themselves. It is from this problem that the legs of the phrase “don’t put your teeth on me” grow, what does “don’t distract me” mean? Do you want to distract yourself from the pain? Read the conspiracies!

Ritual with water for the moon

This spell is very strong, so it helps with equally severe pain. It is better to read it in the evening, facing the Moon and holding a vessel of water (not boiled) in your hands. Repeat the following words seven times without interruption:

“Guardian of heaven and traditions, Lord and Owner of the Ezens, Zayans and Tengris. Grant me permission to perform my ritual! Help me and make your direct intervention in my affairs! Fill my body with vital energy. Fill my mind with the healing light of consciousness. Fill my soul with your invisible presence. Be kind and generous to me, saving me from terrible pain. Now and forever and ever, take the pain from my teeth.”

Ritual with the door

Wash your hands and the door bracket with water alone, and then pour it over the threshold. Drawing crosses on the cheek behind which the bad tooth is located, read the following plot:

“Dawn-lightning, a beautiful maiden, a midnight owl, a hare in the field, a stone in the sea, a limar at the bottom. Cover, lightning, with your veil my sorrowful teeth from the damned limar; under your cover they will remain safe. Enemy Limar, leave me alone; and if you continue to gnaw my white teeth, I will hide you in the abyss of the underworld. My word is strong!”

Conspiracy for the new month

Read for the new month:

“A month, a month, silver horns, golden legs. Come down, month, from heaven and take my toothache, taking it with you. My pain is neither small nor severe, but your strength is great. I cannot bear the pain, but your strength can bear it. Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain. One month, one month, hide your toothache from me.”

Try to observe the phase of the moon

Spell with nettles

“Mother Nettle, holy tree! I know a servant of God (name) who has worms on his teeth, which you remove; and if you don’t bring me out, I will dry you up; and if you take me out, on the third day I will let you go.”

After reading it, go outside, find a nettle, bend it to the ground and tie it. After three days, untie it.

Ritual with radish

This spell against toothache is read on a radish, a pine or spruce branch, which is then placed on the cheek opposite the sore tooth.

“On the sea-ocean, on the quiet island of Buyan, there is a cathedral church, and in it the Most Holy Theotokos and the dental healer Antipius. They ask the saints of God for the servant of God (name): “As you, pleasing ones of God, don’t have teeth that hurt, let the servant of God (name) don’t hurt either.” In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This method from an old village practice

A quick ritual without preparation

"Cain! Cain! Cain! Ask your dear brother Abel: do his white teeth hurt? No. So let God’s servant (name) not get sick. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen."

Second rite for the new month

At 24:00 on a clear cloudless night, seeing the new moon, say:

“Young fellow, you have a golden horn. For your standing, and for my health, God's servant (name). -Have you been to the next world?

Have you seen the dead?

Do their teeth hurt?

They don't hurt.

God grant that I, God’s servant (name), don’t have toothache.”

Repeat the spell three times, after each time spitting three times, looking at the month.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberry roots, put them in water and say three times:

“As these strawberries dry up and wither, so let the teeth of God’s servant (name) become silent and numb to this day and to this hour.”

You only need a little bit of rowan bark

Then place the charmed roots on the sore tooth and drink the water.

Rowan plot

Go to the rowan tree, gnaw its bark, saying:

“Rowan, rowan, heal my teeth, if you don’t, I’ll gnaw you all off.”

Repeat the spell three times, take a piece of paper with words pre-written on it and go to bed, putting the paper behind your cheek with a sore tooth. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, do nothing, first burn the paper.

Conspiracy with 40 repetitions

Read the “Our Father” prayer, and after it the conspiracy:

“A month in the sky, a worm in the earth, a fish in the water. When these brothers come together, then the servant of God (name) will have a toothache. Amen, amen, amen"

Read 40 times.

We remind you that ice should be applied with caution. Since in some cases, for example, improperly growing wisdom teeth, it will only make things worse and increase inflammation.