Riddles for a 6 year old birthday. Funny riddles for seven year olds

Riddles for children are an important part of educational games and activities; they are used in any method early development and develop intelligence, logical thinking and intelligence. In this section we have selected for you the best and interesting riddles for children with answers (total 2000! children's riddles). And to make it easier to navigate their diversity, we have grouped children's riddles into categories.

Riddles for children. What are their benefits?

Riddles for children are always:

  • training their memory;
  • the good science of concentration;
  • a great opportunity to pacify an active child and make him more diligent;
  • unobtrusive switching of attention;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • reason for fun;
  • active stimulation of imaginative thinking;
  • a fun way to get to know the world around you;
  • a great chance to chat with your child for an extra minute, give him your attention, and turn from an always busy parent into a true friend.

The most important thing is to choose the right riddle. If you overestimate a child’s capabilities and choose something that is too complex, it will quickly turn from an interesting pastime into a boring, uninteresting activity for him. As, however, too simple riddles that quickly deprive children of enthusiasm.

The secret of the amazing effect of riddles for children lies in several of its components.

  1. Firstly, in the form of a children's riddle, which so attracts children, turns learning into a fascinating game, an adventure that forces them to think logically, analyze, develop observation skills, and strive to understand the world. Curiosity is the engine of many discoveries.
  2. Secondly, in the content of the riddle, which most successfully reflects various aspects of a person’s life and activity, his life, environment, relationships, etc.
  3. Thirdly, the riddle is universal: children of all ages can make riddles, and this can be done anywhere (at home, in nature, on the road, at a party, at a party) and at any time. They are always appropriate, especially if selected in accordance with the chosen location and occupation.

When choosing children's riddles, first of all, give preference to those to which the child can not only guess the answer, but also pronounce it.

No more restrictions! Make a wish for any object, animal, fairy tale hero, profession, transport, holiday, number, letter...

It is naturally more interesting and easier for a child to find answers among what surrounds him and what he likes, so always try to ask children’s riddles that are relevant at that moment. In the forest, ask riddles about mushrooms, trees, at your grandmother’s in the village - about pets, on the road - about transport, at lunch - about vegetables, fruits, food. It is especially important that the answer be in the field of vision of the little ones, because their logical thinking is still being formed, and therefore needs hints - audio, visual.

Turn any of your child's learning (development) processes into an exciting puzzle game and see how interesting and fun it is to learn together.

For your fidgets, we have collected the most interesting riddles from various sources. Here you will find riddles for children 5 years old with answers, easy and not so easy. Did you know that riddles are not just entertainment, but a unique way of understanding the world? Folk art poetic and witty, filled with symbols and metaphors. The riddles are simple and instructive. Through them the child learns about the world. Riddles for 4-year-old children with answers are easy, so it will be easy for your child to find the answer; it’s also good to riddle them in a suitable environment. For example, about vegetables - when they are on the table, about animals - to the zoo, and so on.

Riddles about nature

Riddles about nature and its phenomena will broaden a child’s horizons and teach them to see the differences between thunder and lightning (children often confuse these phenomena even at an older age).

In the blue village -
The girl is round-faced.
She can't sleep at night -
Looking in the mirror. (MOON)
Knocking loudly
Screams loudly
And what does he say?
No one can understand
And the wise men will not know. (THUNDER)
Flies - is silent,
Lies - silent,
When he dies, then he roars. (SNOW)
Walking in the field, but not a horse,
It flies freely, but is not a bird. (WIND)

Malanya passed -
The flame was lit
Pakhom passed -
The house shook. (Lightning and thunder)
Stopped over the river
Balloon, gold.
And then he disappeared behind the forest,
Swinging over the water. (SUN)
So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy. (FREEZING)
In calm weather we are nowhere to be found.
The wind blows - we run on the water. (WAVES)
Winter on gray roofs
Throws seeds -
Grows white carrots
She is under the roofs. (ICICLES)
What's happened? Oh oh oh!
Summer became like winter:
White peas
Jumping along the path! (HAIL)

Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere
The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes. (CLOUD)

Everyone goes around this place:
The earth here is like dough.
There are sedges, hummocks, mosses,
No leg support. (SWAMP)
He tears everything without hands:
A hat, a roof, an old branch.
The clouds are driving in the sky,
The snow is sweeping away from the steep slope. (WIND)
It is needed for breathing
Very friendly with wind and blizzards.
Surrounds you and me
Don't catch it with your hand! (AIR)
Fluffy cotton wool
Floating somewhere

The lower the wool,
The closer the rain comes. (CLOUD)
Behind the stump -
And in it -
Expensive necklace
Sparkled on the trees
White, sparkling,
Frosty, branchy. (FROST)
It's cold, it's pouring,
He's hot on my heels.
I run away - it only gets worse
Because there are puddles everywhere! (RAIN)
He runs, he runs, he won’t run out,
It flows, it flows, it won’t leak. (RIVER)

Crosses the river
But he doesn’t budge. (BRIDGE)
The belt stretched out

Through the field and forest,
Don't take it with your hands,
Don't roll it up into a ball. (PATH)
He was a tight fist,
And when he unclenched, he became a flower. (BUD)
The trunk turns white
The cap turns green.
Standing in white clothes
dangling earrings. (BIRCH)
Not a bumblebee
Not a bee
And it stings. (NETTLE)

She wasn't raised
Made from snow.
Instead of a nose cleverly
Inserted a carrot
Eyes are coals,
Hands are bitches.
Cold, big,
Who is she? (SNOW MAN)
Blue tent
The whole world was covered. (SKY)
Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet is being laid out.
He's spread out over you
He's spread out over me
Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is blue,
It's bright blue. (SKY)
No arms, no legs,
Only with horns.
And he walks under the heavens. (MONTH)
Grew up, grew up,
He was horned and became round.
Only a circle, a miracle circle,
Suddenly he became horned again. (MONTH)
Behind the countless flock
A tired shepherd walked at night.
And when the rooster crowed -
The sheep and the shepherd disappeared. (MONTH and STARS)
It's not fire, but it warms.
It's not a lamp, but it shines.
Like a ball, round.
Like a pumpkin, yellow. (SUN)

Riddles about objects and tools

Riddles about tools and household items will introduce children to the purpose of things, where and how they are used.

She eats quickly, chews finely, does not swallow herself, and the other person is full. (Saw)

Smart Ivashka,

Red shirt,

Where it passes, it touches,

The trace remains there. (Pencil)

Little Erofeyka,

belted short

hop-hop across the floor,

skipping around the shops

and sat down in the corner. (Broom)

Two ends, two rings, a nail in the middle. (Scissors)

A little boy is looking at everyone's feet. (Threshold)

Five closets, one door. (Glove)

The horse is steel, the tail is linen. (Needle with thread)

Riddles about man

Riddles about a person will reinforce knowledge about body parts. They are also suitable for younger children.

All their lives they have been racing, but they can’t overtake each other. (Legs)

I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how many they have. (Hair)

It’s given to you, and people take advantage of it. (Name)

Between two luminaries

There's one in the middle. (Nose)

They don’t sow, they don’t plant,

And they themselves grow. (Hair)

What's the fastest thing in the world? (Thought)

He's always at work

When we speak,

And he’s resting

When we are silent. (Language)

I'll open the stable

I will release a flock of white sheep. (Teeth)

Two brothers live across the street, but don’t see each other. (Eyes)

At night, two windows close themselves,

and with sunrise they open themselves. (Eyes)

It costs two stakes,

There is a barrel on stakes,

There is a bump on the barrel,

On the hummock there is a dense forest. (Human)

With two mothers

Five sons each

And one name for everyone. (Hands and fingers)

Five brothers -

Years are equal

And they are different in height. (Fingers)

Riddles about animals

Such riddles will introduce the child to our smaller brothers.

Sleeps in winter

In summer the hives are stirred up. (Bear)

Now red, now gray,

And the name is white. (Squirrel)

Made a hole, dug a hole,

The sun is shining, but he doesn't even know it. (Mole)

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

Both a mosquito and a fly. (Frog)

Who is neither in the heat nor in the cold

Doesn't take off his fur coat? (Ram)

Two horns are not a bull

Six legs without hooves

It flies and howls so much,

He sits down and digs the ground. (Bug)

The trunk stands

There is a stake on the trunk,

The palace is on stake,

There is a singer in the palace. (Starling)

Not a blacksmith, but with tongs,

With a long mustache.

When it's black -

Bold and perky.

But he will only blush,

So he will calm down. (Cancer)

Riddles about everything in the world

Clean, but not water

White, but not snow,

Sweet, but not ice cream

What is this? (Sugar)

What can't be used until it's broken? (Egg)

What has a throat but no head? (Bottle)

I got it in the forest

I'm tired of looking for her,

And now I’m bringing her home,

Because I didn't get it. (Thorn)

Until you hit him on the head, he doesn’t listen. (Nail)

Always hugging. What is this? (Bed)

They walk around the house

ringing the bells. (Raindrops)

Scattered on the mountain road

gloves. (Maple leaves)

Goes out into the field in fur

clothes, what is this? (Corn)

Riddles for children 5 years old with answers, for birthdays and other holidays

New Year's riddles for birthdays and other holidays will diversify the celebration and make the event bright and memorable.

All wishes come true - Cool holiday - ...


Dad baked Sweet Apple for the holiday...

Drop all your business, come to us quickly...

My neighbor gave me fragrant roses...

The packaging is new and bright. The room is...

I ask everyone who came to visit us to go behind...

Chocolates are dressed in bright candy wrappers...

Open your mouth wider, Let's eat delicious...

You hold the cake tightly, I’ll blow it out now...

Don't be bored at the table, drink hot cake...

We've guessed all the riddles, and now let's play...

hide and seek
The birthday is coming, so much joy for everyone!

We are in a great mood and it sounds cheerful...

The little man has become older, There is more in the cake...

Let's go to the birthday boy and bring gifts!

And also for beauty We bring him...

The table is set and waiting for guests. There are so many delicious things here!

We all love treats, and candy, and...

Birthday boy, come on in a circle, let's dance around!

Sing along with us to our song...

Like shots from a cannon, clapping loudly...

Transforming into fairy tale heroes, children put on...

How wonderfully we play, We don’t offend anyone,

We can't quarrel, because we...

The rhythms of the music are sounding, the heels are already knocking!

It’s impossible to resist, Everyone wants...

Unfortunately, birthdays come into the house once a year.

A year later, at the invitation of We visit again...

Powdered the paths

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)

I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny.

On New Year I'm in charge. (Christmas tree)

The man is not easy:

Appears in winter

And in the spring it disappears,

Because it melts quickly. (Snowman)

We made a snowball

They made a hat on him,

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out... (Snowman)

The hedgehog looks like her

You won't find any leaves at all.

Like a beauty, slim,

And for the New Year it’s important. (Christmas tree)

Clap - and candy

Shoots like a cannon!

It is clear to everyone: this is .... (Clapperboard)

From the forest princess

I came to the holiday

I put on the beads,

It blossomed with fire. (Christmas tree)

Spiky girls

Green skirts.

They are not offended

They dress up for the holiday. (Christmas tree)

Guess what kind of guest:

In a silver fur coat,

His nose is red, red,

Fluffy beard

He is a wizard of children,


- One, two, three... (Santa Claus)

Our windows are brushed white

At night he painted.

He dressed the pole with snow,

The garden was covered in snow.

Is it to the snow?

We won't get used to it

Should we hide our nose in a fur coat?

As soon as we get out,

Let's shout:

- Hello, …! (Santa Claus)

In winter, during fun times

I'm hanging on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a cannon,

My name is... (Clapperboard)

If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday?... (New Year)

Not a young man

With a huge beard

Brought with me by the hand

Your granddaughter is coming to your party.

Answer the question:

Who is this? … (Father Frost)

These painted chains

Children glue from paper. (Fairy lights)

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I put strips on the bars,

Give me snow! Ready …. (Sled)

We stood all summer

Winter was expected.

The time has come

We rushed down the mountain. (Sled)

He flies in a white flock

And sparkles on the fly.

He melts like a cool star

On the palm and in the mouth. (Snow)

I'll look out the window -

There is a white cloth lying.

It lies all winter

And in the spring he will run away. (Snow)

Stars are falling from the sky,

They lie down in the fields.

Let him hide under them

Black earth.

Many, many stars

Thin as glass;

The stars are cold,

And the earth is warm. (Snow)

Here comes some grandfather,

And in his hands is a bouquet:

Not from leaves and flowers -

From icicles and snowballs. (Father Frost)

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again. (Bullfinch)

Nose is a carrot

Hands are sticks

Instead of a body -


Be smart, my friend.

Who's that around the corner? (Snowman)

It fell like a feather,

Melted into a tear. (Snowflake)

Riddles for children 4 years old with answers, easy and short

Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs. (Cat)
Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly, flaps his wings loudly, loudly,

The faithful shepherd chicken, what is his name? (rooster).
He sits very obediently, he doesn’t want to bark at all,

He is overgrown with a lot of fur, Well, of course he is (a dog).
She walks in the rain, loves to pluck grass,

The quack screams, It’s all a joke, Well, of course it’s (a duck).
I have a question for you - Who got their mouth and nose dirty?

Who sits in a puddle all day? Grunting and swimming with fat,

Tell me friends - What is her name - (pig).
Every evening, so easily, She gives us milk.

She says two words, What is her name - (cow).

Oranges and bananas are very popular... (monkeys)
I lost my sock, it was dragged away... (puppy)
There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is... (house)
I'm not afraid of the word "screw" - I forest cat… (lynx)
He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head. Who is this?.. (cockerel)
The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)
The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)
A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg. Where the sun is, that’s where he looks. (Sunflower)
They are waiting for me - they won’t wait, and when they see me, they will run away. (Rain)
A toothy animal gnaws at an oak tree with a squeal. (Saw)
Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)
Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

Any child enjoys playing exciting games with his beloved parents. Therefore, boys and girls will really like riddles for a 6-year-old child if parents think through the program and make this educational and educational event fun and exciting. This is not so difficult to do; you just need to figure out what reward the child will receive after answering the problems. This could be a toy, sweets, or some clothes that the child has been asking for a long time.

Interesting riddles for 6 year old children about animals

Boys and girls will have great pleasure solving puzzles about animals. Thematic riddles for a 6-year-old child may be as follows.

The long nose, like a hose, serves him in many ways.

He takes food with it and puts it in his mouth,

And if necessary, he will pour water on himself from it.

Huge beast, who is it? Answer quickly!


The neck is long, it reaches towards the sky,

It is very difficult to bend down to the ground with it.

And his legs are long,

Nature has painted everything in a speck.

He eats in the tops of trees,

Who is this? Guess quickly.


He carries water in his humps,

And that’s why he doesn’t ask for a drink often.

Interesting animal, who is it, my friend?


It's like they are very similar people.

And in actions and movements they are similar.

It's never boring around them,

They are loudly amusing with their grimaces.

From them man came into the world,

Who is this, children?


A proud bird descended from the top

And she settled in our zoo.

Soars so beautifully, but very dangerous,

She looks very powerful, her gaze is imperious.

What kind of bird is this? Knows no boundaries.


He gives milk to the children; it’s not easy without it.

She walks through the fields, nibbles delicious grass.


And our neighbor has a mother hen living in her house,

He carries all the testicles, what is their name, who can name it?


They say our boys, the way they fight, are like him.

He is beautiful, bright feathers, he can wake everyone up in the morning.

He shouts loudly “crow”, which means that morning has come to every person.


Soft, fluffy, playful.

Some call it Marquise, some Bagheera, some call it Murka.

Turns on its seething engine with joy,

Heals from all diseases.


A 6 year old child will definitely enjoy these riddles. The most important thing is to present them correctly, with expression and a smile.

Riddles for a 6 year old child about professions

Learning about different professions through questions that need to be answered is very interesting and exciting. Therefore, when playing with your beloved child, you should also pay attention to riddles for children 6 years old with answers about professions.

If your tooth hurts or has sinusitis,

Then every person runs to him.


Yesterday he was a girl

And today he will be a boy,

Tomorrow Snow Queen will become

And at the concert he will appear before everyone.


With a striped stick he guards the roads,

So that everyone does not have worries and anxiety.

He catches the violators and conducts conversations with them.

(Police officer)

As soon as we enter the school, we immediately notice the smell.

Delicious, aromatic buns and soups.

We know this, because to be honest,

This is all the merit of our... (chefs).

Riddles about the seasons

Will the children guess the seasons you are asking about? Test their imagination and perception of nature.

Covers everything around with white fluff,

For children, this time is their best friend.

Immediately take out the sled and fly down the mountain, go down.


Everything melts and flows,

Nature laughs, leaves are visible on the branches.

And soon it will be warm,

And we will go to the forest for barbecue.


Decorate everything around with colors,

Yellow, red, crimson, green.

And will cover the path to the school,

The carpet is beautiful, new.


From dawn until night it is very light outside.

The sun illuminates the streets and invites everyone to the sea.


Riddles about the interior

The furniture in the apartment is also very interesting topic for activities with the baby. For example, you can take the following ideas.

You draw behind it, you write, and there are also flowers on it.


Very convenient and comfortable to sit on a soft place,

We sit in front of the TV in our favorite... (chair).

As it’s evening, your four-legged friend immediately invites you to rest a little. (Sofa)

Play and have fun with the kids. Boys and girls who are cared for by their parents grow up to be intelligent, intelligent and interesting people.

Riddles for children 5,6 and 7 years old are necessary in order to have fun with the family. Children usually have fun, try to find the answer themselves, and if they don’t succeed, this encourages them to search for new knowledge and read books. Solving riddles for a child is a demonstration of intelligence and at the same time an assessment of one’s capabilities. All riddles develop memory, patience, logic, and thinking. As well as perseverance, the ability to hear and listen, to subject statements to analysis. The riddle reveals the child’s inner world, stimulates imaginative thinking and imagination. With their help, the baby begins to understand comparisons, aphorisms and metaphors.

So, riddles for children from 5 to 7 years old

He sings loudly

And, prankster,

Never from myself

Didn't film


He was at first

In the root crop,

Then it boiled

At the factory,

It was hidden in a bag.

Now I got it

In compote.

Playful blue-eyed

Hugged the whole village at once

And in no hurry to part -

Know that he is moving the leaves.


Upon request,

Every time,

It's raining indoors here


All the guys

To the very toes.

Are we stuck in the lowlands?

You can remember the peaks!

How big is he?

White-capped mountain peak.

And at any time of the year

Oh, the river fell down

From a sheer cliff!

There is no hiding from the splashes here.

What kind of place is it? (Waterfall)

The wind touched the pebble -

He rolled off.

He did a lot of things

I've come down from the mountains for now.

Even though that stone was tiny,

He hooked his brothers.

And there was a roar in the mountains -

We need to run! (Rockfall)

A snowflake fell from the sky,

I caught a ball of snow.

They roll together

The lump grows mighty.

Are you hiking these days?

Better not go! (Snow avalanche)

My source is not at the stream -

I'm running off the glacier.

Very, very fast

Fresh and clean. (Mountain river)

This area is all in the peaks,

For people who are not timid.

Tourists find it interesting here

Go up the path. (Mountains)

Beware of the mountain pit,

It's scary to fall apart here!

And it's easy to fall down

Like from a high tower. (Abyss)

Here is the mountain, it is bare,

Like dark glass.

Doesn't grow on it, alas,

Not a bush, not a grass.

And besides, it is vertical.

Tell me this place. (Rock)

He doesn't follow the path -

Climbing up the rocks.

He has crampon boots

There is a lot of equipment -

Ice ax and alpenstock,

And a safety skein. (Climber)

Smelling the roses on the bushes,

He did not say in delight: “Ah!”

But, pricking your smooth forehead,

He said very loudly: - Clap!


Although he is hot and sharp,

But, however, not a fire.

If it flares up,

Only the truth will be born in it.

Not a shark, but a toothy one.

He eats wood and that’s it.



But with foam

Very friendly.

How will it appear?

To the light -

Nothing more airy

(Soap bubble)

You, reader, believe me,

That I am not a fish, but a beast.

There is no kinder character -

I save people in storms. (Dolphin)

Islands in the ocean

From living matter.

And the polyps are hard,

Very, very proud -

Without stones and without earth

They were able to build reefs. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)

We walk in the ocean

Like blue hills.

The ocean is our home,

It has a lot of miles.

We go into the storm like a big wall,

We calm down into calm. (Waves)

In the sea, only under water,

You can meet the ground.

There are starfish here,

Pebbles, sand.

Somewhere nearby there is a terrible one walking,

Important octopus.

And lost ships

They come down here. (Bottom)

We are shy sometimes

We can be brave too

Water surrounds us

In it we breathe through gills.

With scales and fins

We float here and there

And we walk in joints

We are along rivers and seas. (Fish)

I can do this house

Find it on the shore.

It contains a shellfish shelter

And the owner is proud:

“The house will withstand the load,

Calcareous, hard." (Shell)

I'm always salty in the sea

And in the river I am fresh.

Only in the hot desert

I don't belong at all. (Water)

Look! In April

Sprays flew from the roof

And they try, slap-slap,

Hit us right in the forehead. (Drops)

We murmur loudly in April,

After all, the snowdrifts are melting quickly,

And the boys and girls

They are sending boats towards us. (Streams)

I'm born small

I emerge from the stream,

And I’ll run to the sea -

I can become broad. (River)

I live at the bottom of the river.

But where are the fins?

There are none, take a quick look for yourself -

My claws instead.

If suddenly danger is near,

I back up very often. (Cancer)

Head and many legs

And the character is very strict:

If the guest is not invited to me,

I'm acting nice -

I release it into the ocean

Black ink. (Octopus)

Born in the sea -

Good for beads.

They stand on stumps -

They look into the foggy distance.

Hurry up, mushroom pickers

Prepare tueski.

Sometimes they go

Sometimes they stand

Sometimes they lie

Sometimes they hang.

But sit

I'll tell you right away

They didn't have to

Flow - flow,

Not water.

Not a fist -


Throw him - he will fly,

But, however, he is famous for

That, having made the circle that will have to,

It will come back into your hands.


I am the king of beasts, maned, strong,

A baobab stump for my throne.

And for the crown, as one,

Every rainbow peacock for me.

For the scepter - a wise snake -

My assistant in everything.

Coconut nut - for power.

I own the kingdom by right.

Who wants to challenge my throne,

Let him argue with the snake!

Riddles about New Year and Christmas

He is also kind
He is also strict
Full of beard,
He's in a hurry to come to us
Now for the holiday
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

He rolls for us
The streets are covered in snow,
Built bridges from ice,
Who is this? ...
(Father Frost)

What kind
Santa Claus
In your bag
Did you bring it for us?

Santa Claus stands by the Christmas tree,
Hiding a laugh in his beard.
Don't keep us tormented for too long
Untie it quickly...

Here's Santa Claus
It goes through the mountains,
And on the shoulder
He carries his bag.
He leans on a stick on the way.
Tell me, what is it called?

The beautiful maiden is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears.
(Snow Maiden)

There will be a Christmas tree in the corner
At the window on the floor.
And on the tree up to the top

What a toy
Does it shoot like a cannon?

Simple wheel
Became a twisted ribbon.

These painted chains
Children glue from paper.
(Fairy lights)

In January,
For an important holiday,
It is raining
Colored, paper.

First grader, high school student -
Everyone loves this holiday.
Loves to decorate the Christmas tree
Decorate the classroom and school.
And in a fancy dress
Wait for Santa Claus. (New Year)

They say in years gone by
It's damp in the hole in January
Mary has a wonderful son
Born at night.
Since then there has been a glorious holiday
And a big celebration:
New Year's Orthodox
Bright holiday... (Christmas)

Ninel Burets
Riddles for children 5–6 years old.

For development logical thinking children educators often use puzzles. I present to you my selection riddles about animals and fish.

1. Sitting on an ice block,

I catch fish for breakfast.

I am known as snow-white

And I live in the north.

And the taiga brown brother

I'm happy with honey and raspberries. (Polar bear)

2. Doesn’t take off his white fur coat,

He sleeps in it, swims, plays in it.

Even in a fur coat he catches fish.

Where have you seen this?

If you know, then answer:

It is white… (bear)

3. Like a royal crown,

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen and green moss.

Loves snowy meadows. (Deer)

4. He is looking for moss with his hoof,

And the horns cast a shadow.

Of course, you guessed it?

This is the northern... (deer)

5. He is huge, clumsy,

It's all covered in fat.

There are mustaches, fangs and a tail.

Well, of course it is... (walrus)

6. Island with water palm,

Say hello to me!

He puffs resentfully:

"I'm not an island! I..." (whale)

7. I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

8. I’m a hunchbacked beast, but the guys like me. (Camel)

9. Who is cold in autumn

Walking around gloomy and hungry? (Wolf)

10. It’s easy for us to recognize him,

It's easy to recognize him:

He's tall

And he sees far. (Giraffe)

11. Straight across the field

The white collar jumps. (Hare)

12. Gray in summer and white in winter. (Hare)

13. Mustachioed muzzle,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

But I don’t know about water. (Cat)

14. Crying at the threshold,

Hides his claws

He will quietly enter the room,

He will purr and sing. (Cat)

15. Everything in the world moves forward,

And he is quite the opposite:

He can do it for two hours straight

Move backwards all the time. (Cancer)

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