Everything for making toys with your own hands. Why do children need educational toys and how to make them with your own hands. DIY soft toys. Matryoshka

Recently, educational toys have appeared on the shelves of all stores. “What would it be like without them?!” - the teachers exclaim. Let's figure out what an educational toy is.

Based on the name, this is a toy that develops something in a child: fine motor skills or some kind of knowledge. By and large, all toys are educational: a rattle teaches a child to control his hands (grab, move from hand to hand, throw). And yet, educational toys are usually called those that allow the child to learn something in game form. You can make many of these toys with your own hands.

The main stages of child development

Before you start making a toy, determine what age it will be designed for. Obviously, it will not be of interest to a five-year-old. It is also important what the child is interested in. It depends on what shape your toy will be and what plot it will be combined with.

I would like to remind you that everything is individual. Perhaps your child has already mastered some skill ahead of time, perhaps not.

0- 3 months

The child lies on his back most of the time. It is necessary to develop the ability to focus your gaze.

Types of toys: mobiles, bright rattles, garlands, beads.

Requirements for toys: different textures, lightness of toys, simple shapes. The colors are bright, but not variegated. Preferably no more than 5 items.

3 - 6 months

The child moves more and puts all objects in his mouth. Learns to roll over from back to stomach. It is necessary to develop coordination of movements, hearing and vision, and grasping skills.

Types of toys: tumblers, rag beads, toys with a mirror, rattles - dumbbells, rings. Educational mats with arcs. Rag balls, button bracelets.

Requirements for toys: bright, different-textured toys that make different sounds.

6 - 9 months

The child learns to crawl and recognizes loved ones. For some time he is able to entertain himself. It is necessary to encourage motor and speech activity, as well as develop the ability to grasp an object not with the whole hand, but with two fingers.

Types of toys: educational mats, sorters, pyramids, nesting dolls, musical toys with buttons.

Requirements for toys: bright, sounding toys should differ in shape, weight, and method of use.

9 - 12 months

The child learns to walk and talk. It is necessary to develop motor and speech activity.

Types of toys: educational rugs and picture books, rolling toys, dolls with pronounced facial features, glove and finger puppets, pyramids, cubes, sorters, variants of boxes, buckets, baskets (insert toys).

Requirements for toys: toys consisting of different parts that can be assembled and disassembled. Toys that reflect real world situations.

1 year - 1 year 3 months

Active development and exploration of the surrounding world begins. The child shows a desire for independence. It is necessary to develop motor and speech activity, as well as thinking operations: comparison, generalization, analysis.

Types of toys: pyramids, cubes, insert toys, musical instruments.

Requirements for toys: toys consisting of different parts that can be assembled and disassembled.

1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months

Development of speech, encouragement of speech activity, development of fine motor skills (unfastening - fastening different ways). Development of the operation of thinking.

Types of toys: educational mats and books, cubes, toys with a surprise (secret), sorters.

Requirements for toys: toys that allow you to generalize objects based on similarity, size, color. Names of animals, plants, clothes, etc.

1 year 6 months - 1 year 9 months

Active knowledge of the surrounding world. It is necessary to develop the active use of objects for other purposes, independent play, and understanding of emotions.

Types of toys: toys that reflect real situations and objects of the surrounding world, animals.

Requirements for toys: subject games (story, construction, etc.). Toys that require you to show and name colors, shapes, and choose an action.

1 year 9 months - 2 years

The child is active social development. It is necessary to develop an understanding of shape, color, size.

Types of toys: sorters, pyramids, cubes, books.

Requirements for toys: toys that can be grouped by shape, color, size.

2 - 3 years

The baby’s active social development continues; he already knows how to interact with other children. It is necessary to develop fine motor skills, as well as the ability to distinguish shapes, colors, and sizes.

All types of toys. Crafts from natural materials, paper, plasticine.

Requirements for toys: toys for subject, role-playing games.

35 years

Activity, ability to independently build one’s own play activity. These skills need to be strengthened.

Types of toys: children's lotto, puzzles. Games for learning the time of day and seasons. Learning the alphabet and numbers.

Materials for making educational toys

There are a huge variety of materials for making educational toys, most of them are found in every home!

Remnants of fabric

Educational toys are good because you can use leftovers that every needlewoman has for them. For example, the remains of various fabrics, felt, fleece, knitwear. Different textures are welcome!

Want to make your life easier? Use small pieces of fabric that are applied to new suits.

Those who know how to knit can use squares that are knitted to calculate the stitches.

Everything is used: laces, ribbons, buttons, beads, zippers, buttons, drawstrings, latches, adhesive tape, buckles and much, much more! And small thermal applications may well play the role of a secret hidden behind a curtain or in a pocket.

Furniture fittings

Latch latches, hooks, keys with locks and threaded screws can be used, for example, when “building” a house.

Rustling elements

The rustling of one or another element is achieved by placing a crumpled cellophane wrapper from tea or a box of chocolates inside.

Rattle elements

The rattling elements provide a huge scope for imagination. Place a plastic container from shoe covers inside or plastic egg from Kinder Surprise, into which some cereal (rice, peas, buckwheat, small pasta), salt, dry cherry pits or acorns are poured.

Ringing elements

Most often they are a small bell, bought for little money in a souvenir shop or fishing store.

Shiny and transparent elements

These include pieces of thick foil, the inside of juice or milk packaging, as well as packaging from toys or bedding.

Opening elements

Children usually really like them, especially if someone is hiding under them) Options: window, pockets, curtains. Or you can use these regular water or juice caps.

Old clothes

Some craftswomen use children's clothes for their babies, which are already too small for them.


Synthetic padding polyester, foam rubber (then your cube will keep its shape) or polystyrene foam are usually used as soft fillers.

However, I am sure that if you think about it, you will definitely come up with something of your own!

What types of educational toys are there?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of educational toys made by yourself: books, cubes, panels and rugs, pillows, stands, houses, animal figures, etc.

Developmental mat

The plots are also varied. It could be some kind of children's fairy tale or just a picture with a plot.

Remember, for example, what your boy is interested in: cars or trains?

Variants of books “about a baby” are interesting - they not only develop motor skills, but also help the child to better know the world around him.

Or maybe it will just be a cube with some elements? The choice is yours.

All toys can be divided into 2 large groups : those with whom the child can play independently and those for whom need help or presence of an adult. Typically, the first category includes entertaining toys for children in the first months of life, as well as toys that develop fine motor skills. After several demonstrations, the child will be able to independently unfasten a zipper or button, unscrew the lid, etc.

The presence of an adult requires toys that develop the ability to count; find more-less, right-left, up-down; name colors and geometric figures, body parts or animals, explain rules of behavior or traffic etc.

Options for toys and the skills they develop

This bracelet will be useful for a very small baby (from 2 to 4 months). It will contribute to the development of the baby's hearing and vision, as well as coordination of movements.

Beads (sling beads)

Sling beads develop color perception, tactile sensations, and teach the child to pick and roll small elements. In addition to beads, you can attach several small knitted animals or fruits.

Pillow with buttons

Despite its apparent lightness, the toy is quite interesting. develop the baby's tactile perception. Take it with you on the road and ask your child (depending on his age) to find all the buttons of a certain color, count them (on the entire pillow, in one row or column), find the largest or smallest button of a certain color in a row or on the entire pillow, show which button is to the right of the small blue one, etc.


Develops fine motor skills, teaches you to name animals, allows you to study colors and geometric shapes.

Stand with locks

I'm sure the boys will be absolutely delighted! After all, there is so much that can be opened, unfastened, turned and pressed. Making a development stand is quite simple; most of the elements can be found in any man’s pantry.

Rug - fairy tale

The rug develops the child's speech and imagination. Simple guiding questions from parents will help the child quickly master these skills (Can you imagine that Kolobok turned the other way? Who will he meet? Etc.)

As the great Coco Chanel said, “Things self made- this is luxury.

It is not necessary for everyone to have them.

Anyone who wants to have them makes them himself or pays a master for his work.”

Soft toy - the first association of a children's teddy bear. But the concept of a soft toy includes much more. This is both an interior toy Tilda and funny toys in the car, and much more. This article contains a variety of types soft toys, as well as techniques for their implementation and step-by-step master classes.

Types of soft toys with your own hands

Such toys can be divided into several subtypes: for children and adults, interior, with practical use (for example, pincushions).

Also, toys can be divided according to the type of material used: fur, cotton or linen fabrics, felt, fancy fabrics.

Today they have regained particular popularity folk toys, as well as soft toys made using national handicraft techniques.

DIY soft fur toy

Fur toy created with my own hands especially warm and beautiful. To sew it, you can use both natural and artificial fur. It is, of course, much easier to work with artificial fur, but if you decide to sew a toy from natural fur, you will receive a unique designer toy! First you need to decide on the pattern of the toy, the more ready product, the easier it will be to work. Small details are especially difficult for beginners.

Trace the details and cut out with a margin of 0.5 cm for the seam. Unlike fabric, it is best not to use scissors when working with fur. If you don't have a special tailor's knife, use a sharp utility knife. Cut with sharp short movements, do not move the knife deep so as not to cut off the fur.

To sew the fur, it is necessary to apply the two front sides to each other and straighten the fur outward. After sewing the toy, you need to leave a small hole through which the toy is turned inside out and stuffed with filler. Previously, toys were stuffed with cotton wool and pieces of leftover fabric.

But such stuffing takes a very long time to dry when washed, and often after cleaning the toy was thrown away only because the stuffing wasn’t dry enough and mold appeared inside. Modern fillers are made of synthetic materials (sintepon and others), which dry quickly and well, do not bunch up and retain their shape. Having stuffed, all that remains is to sew hidden seam.

The final touch is the eyes, nose and mouth. You can embroider it yourself, or you can buy ready-made accessories in the store.


DIY felt soft toy

Today felt toys the most popular at children's master classes and handicraft clubs. But they appeared not so long ago, and there is even an exact date for their appearance.

Margarete Steiff and her first dolls

An enterprising German woman, Margarete Steiff, submitted an idea in a magazine for housewives to sew a soft toy with her own hands from felt. Margaret published a pattern in the magazine absolutely free of charge and detailed master Class. But in the note she said where exactly you can buy felt for such toys.

This move in 1879 made it possible to establish a toy empire in just a few years. The nuance was that the toys were both sewn at the factory and they sold blanks for toys that you could sew yourself. She left an empire to her children and grandchildren, and gave the world the fashion for soft toys.

Master class felt dog

To work you will need: brown, white and black felt, scissors, a needle and thread, beads or eyes for toys and a hot glue gun.

We print out the pattern, cut out and sew each detail step by step.

Depending on the type of seam, you can create completely different textures of the toy.

If the parts are connected with glue, the toy can only be cleaned dry. When wet, the parts will separate.

DIY soft toys made of fabric

Fabric toys appeared much earlier than felt ones. But with the advent of fur and plush toys, they were unfairly forgotten for some time. With the advent of plastic, even children's toys made of fabric went out of use. But today, with a new wave of popularity, handmade toys have again revived the popularity of fabric toys. The most popular interior toy today is Tilda.

When looking at the Tilda doll, you get the feeling that the roots of this toy go far back to the Middle Ages. Not at all. The appearance of Tilda was in the 90s of the last century by the young designer Toni Finnanger. The girl was full of ideas and Tilda turned out to be one of the many ideas. Today it is impossible to imagine tender, home interior. And craftswomen all over the world are simply in love with Tony’s idea and create prototypes to suit their tastes.

Tilda Angels

Video: Tilda's master class

DIY soft animal toys: chicken, fox, horse, penguin, pig and others

With the arrival of the baby, I want to change the world for the better and create a special atmosphere at home. And the child is perfection itself, and you really want him to play with unique toys filled with his mother’s love.

DIY toys - simple. We have collected master classes on a variety of animal toys from the most various materials. Note that children under 2 years old put everything in their mouth. Therefore, the material must be natural, preferably lint-free. Wonderful fur toys are best given in the third year of life.

Chicken pattern, you can sew it like for a baby and put in toys-eggs. Or you can create a miracle basket for Easter.

Video: Learning to sew a designer soft textile toy Baby Elephant

Video: How to Sew a Penguin Finger Toy

Aleftinka pig pattern.

Pattern of a giraffe and his company.

Pattern Cheerful Giraffe Flower Elephant Pattern

Since the release of Despicable Me, the world of toys has changed forever. Yes, everyone still loves bears, but when they see the cute minions, children and adults are delighted. Minion toys are the first to sell out at exhibitions. Do you want to sew it yourself for your child? As easy as pie! All you have to do is choose your baby’s favorite character.

Video: Master class on sewing a minion

DIY simple soft toys

For beginners, a lot of details may seem too complicated and the desire to create will gradually disappear. For beginners, we have selected simple patterns that even children can handle. These patterns are especially relevant in creativity classes in schools.

DIY bouquets of soft toys photo

Bouquets of soft toys Teddy bears

Conservationists fought for a long time against the sale of fresh flowers, until someone introduced bouquets of sweets or toys into fashion. Now this global trend is so popular that in some countries the sale of fresh flowers has halved.

Bouquets of soft Kitty toys

Are you going to celebrate? Make a bouquet of soft toys yourself! This is a unique gift that will take pride of place in the birthday girl’s bedroom for a long time.

Video: Bouquet of toys. Master class for beginners

DIY soft toys pillows

Garfield pillow toy

Well, having touched on the world of toys, it is impossible not to remember about the pillow toys that fill the sofas of all needlewomen. These are favorite things for both family and guests. Please note that sitting down on the sofa, few people can resist reaching out and touching the half-toy. And children happily travel with their favorite soft toys, falling asleep to the sound of the roads.

Video: Toy pillow owl

Become the most the best parents: Keep your kids busy and then you'll have at least some time to relax! Or try making something with them.

1. This amazing tool storage device was just an old nightstand.

You can also paint it some other color.

2. The refrigerator box turns into a slide.

The main thing is that children do not build a fortress out of it!

3. And from old sheets, planks and two screws you can make a tent camp.

These tents fold up for easy storage.

4. Hang the bath curtain on the hoop and the tent is ready!

Manufacturing Guide

To make a tent you will need:

  • hoop;
  • safety pins;
  • twine or rope;
  • tulle or ribbons;
  • sheets;
  • scissors;
  • pillows and blankets.

Don't forget to throw a blanket and pillows on the ground.

IN rainy weather Such a structure can be made at home, if there is somewhere to attach it.

5. From branches, reels, magnets and other available materials you can make this kind of fishing.

Manufacturing instructions

For fun game for fishing you will need:

  • branch (or stick);
  • old wooden reel;
  • wire;
  • rope
  • magnet;
  • felt (or other stiff fabric);
  • needle and thread.

6. And you can build a water wall from recycled materials.

To do this, drill the fence in several places, insert screws and put different plastic containers on them (you can cut off drink bottles), secure with nuts.

And although for us it is just trash on the wall, for children it is a magical device that allows water to flow in different directions.

7. Did the carpenter in you suddenly awaken? Make a dollhouse!

But the house is simpler. It is made from a CD shelf.

Another option is to improve the closet.

In fact, Dollhouse can be made from anything!

8. Make this unusual chalk and your kids will get creative in the fresh air!

9. You can make a skateboard for your baby with your own hands.

First, prepare everything necessary materials and tools:

  • 4 furniture casters (it’s better to take ones with rubber wheels, because plastic ones can scratch the floor);
  • 1 wooden disk (this can be found in the lumber section of any hardware store);
  • 16 screws;
  • drill;
  • rope or twine;
  • scissors.

10. Puppet theater is also an excellent idea!

This one, for example, is made from a cardboard box.

For the puppet theater you will need the following materials:

  • large cardboard boxes;
  • long cardboard rolls from gift paper;
  • lightweight fabric for curtains;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • thick white cardboard.
  1. Expand cardboard box and cut off the sides so that you get a large rectangular sheet.

  2. Glue on the “waves”. If your child prefers princesses, then the waves can be replaced with a castle wall, and a dinosaur lover will appreciate the mountains and volcanoes.

  3. Bend the cardboard sheet along the extreme folds. At the top of the stage, glue empty cardboard rolls on both sides. They will not only play the role of theater columns, but will also reliably fix the stage in a stable state.
  4. Wrap both rolls with a long sheet rectangular shape and fix this position with glue.

  5. Make a curtain. Glue the curtain fabric to the top sheet. And don't forget to give the theater a beautiful name.
  6. Prepare pictures for the puppets. Ask your child to draw their favorite characters or print the drawings on a printer.

  7. Connect the drawing to a thick sheet of cardboard and cut out the figure along the contour.

  8. Stuff the figure with cotton balls.
  9. Glue a wooden stick to the finished puppet.

11. You can cook toy food in the toy kitchen.

12. Or in a kitchen like this, made from the same old nightstand.

13. Have a competition with balls on a water stick cut in half!

14. Immerse yourself in art with this huge board!

It is ideal for the backyard: chalk dust will not fly all over the yard.

15. And creativity again! Now in the bathroom.

Such homemade volumetric paints are easily washed off from tiles.

How to make 3D bath paints

1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

To prepare volumetric paints you will need:

  • 1 cup soap shavings (it’s better to take baby soap without additives);
  • ½ teaspoon liquid watercolor;
  • ¾ cup hot water.

2. Prepare the soap mixture.

Combine soap shavings and a small amount of water in a blender bowl. Gradually add hot water so that excess foam does not form. ¾ cup of water gives both a thick and soft texture that is very easy to paint with.

Divide the soap mixture and place it in ziplock bags or ice cream containers. Add watercolor and mix well.

And voila – the volumetric paints are ready!

16. Cardboard boxes are the best invention!

How to make such a house

You can play with this house even in small and tiny apartments, because it folds into a flat sheet with one movement of the hand.

To create a cardboard house you will need:

  • 2 cardboard boxes;
  • colored tape.

17. “Road” rug, sewn from scraps of fabric. It even has a zoo. Anything can be on it - it all depends only on your imagination.

Manufacturing instructions

Agree, it is much more interesting and cheaper to make your own road than to buy a ready-made carpet with a standard route.

  • canvas (or similar material);
  • colored tape;
  • acrylic paints;
  • clear aerosol coating;
  • small paint roller;
  • squares cut from multi-colored felt.


  • transparent soft plastic (or thick film);
  • wooden figures and houses.

18. How do you like this option, made using decorative tape?

How to do it?

You will need:

  • white foam;
  • colored tape (or adhesive tape made from Japanese paper);
  • scissors;
  • black marker;
  • wooden cubes or building toy blocks.

19. Plastic tubes can easily be turned into bows and arrows!

Manufacturing instructions

To do this you will need:

  • PVC pipe 100 cm X 1.3 cm;
  • wooden dowels 0.9 cm X 40 cm;
  • insulation for pipes made of foamed polyethylene, diameter 16 cm;
  • thick nylon thread;
  • lighter for sealing ends;
  • scissors;
  • a hacksaw or jigsaw with a fine tooth;
  • insulating tape;
  • plastic ties;
  • triangles made of insulating polyurethane foam (approximately 7.5 cm X 7.5 cm).

Tie a large knot at the end of the nylon thread. It should not slip through the slot in the pipe. Burn the tip to prevent fraying and fraying of the thread.

2. Insert the string into the bow.

Make a 1/2 inch slit at each end of the pipe. Place the knot in the top slit and pull on the string to ensure it does not pop out of the groove. Tie a knot at the other end of the thread (about 7 cm from the end of the pipe). Bend the pipe and insert the second assembly into the groove.

Wrap the ends of the pipe with electrical tape so that the string, when stretched, does not jump out of the grooves.

Wrap the insulation around the middle of the pipe and secure with ties. Trim the zip ties as close to the handle as possible.

Insert a wooden dowel into the foam triangle and immediately pull it out. Now dip the end of the dowel in hot glue and insert it into the foam again. The other end of the wooden rod can be cut to make it easier for the child to install the arrow.

20. You can also run water or sand through such tubes.

To do this, you will only need ties, funnels and a board with holes (they can be drilled).

21. Let your kids spy on their neighbors using a plastic periscope.

You will find detailed instructions for making it.

22. Experiment with markers and alcohol. And you will get such a bright ribbon!

You may not have to buy a game console. May be.

Preparation method


  • markers of all colors of the rainbow;
  • white tape (sufficiently thick and wide);
  • strong branch;
  • keychain ring;
  • medical alcohol;
  • eye bolt;
  • pipette;
  • glue gun;
  • plastic tablecloth (to protect your work surface).
  1. Start by drawing thick lines with markers in the order of the colors of the rainbow.
  2. Then take a pipette, fill it with alcohol and apply it to the tape.
  3. Watch the colors blend into a beautiful and vibrant rainbow. If the tape is thick enough, you can color it on both sides.
  4. Let's get to the branch. Take the eye bolt and screw it into the branch.
  5. Thread the key fob ring into the eye bolt. Then thread it into this ring colored tape about 5 cm and secure with glue.

Your feed is ready!

23. Turn your trash can into a pirate ship!

You can also use a cardboard box, laundry basket, or something else.

24. Another improved piece of furniture is a wardrobe.

Look, this will encourage your child to fold clothes!

25. And this is something like a large construction set.

Make such a collapsible house!

26. And from an old keyboard you can make a children's laptop.

This way your child will help you send letters without touching your computer. To make such a toy, you only need a cardboard folder, an old keyboard and Moment glue.

27. Scraps of fabric can make wonderful cubes.

The great thing is that you can throw them! And no one will be hurt.

For the cube you will need the following materials:

  • 6 squares of fabric measuring 10 x 10 cm;
  • 4 pieces of tape 5-7 cm each;
  • fiber for stuffing.

28. Or let them play hopscotch!

You can use reversible hot glue here.

29. Here's what you can take with you on a car trip.

Switches, knobs, buttons screwed to the board - everything you need for happiness!

30. Let your child be a doctor with this felt set.

All you need is a needle and thread, felt and Velcro. Simple and interesting!

As the unsurpassed Coco Chanel aptly said, things made with your own hands are luxury. Therefore, handmade soft toys allow even beginners to increase their positivity when decorating the interior, preparing unique gifts for children, souvenirs for family and friends.

For such crafts you will need patterns and diagrams that correspond to the design, available tools and following a simple technology for their manufacture.

For sewing needlework you need to prepare:

  • pieces of fabric, ribbons, lace;
  • thick paper/cardboard for creating patterns, and for the purpose of transferring them to fabric, also carbon paper and pen/pencil;
  • environmentally friendly toy fillers;
  • threads of various tones and strengths;
  • ruler, scissors, awl, pliers, needles, thimbles;
  • small details for the design of the face, fasteners on clothes and decor;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine (if necessary).

Choosing fabric for toys

Based on the characteristics of a particular toy, the following fabrics can be used:

For novice creators of a soft toy with their own hands, it is important to take these features into account so that when transferring the pattern and design, choose the fabric that matches the image.

Simple and primitive soft toys: patterns for beginners

This group of toys, called “primitives,” can be the first step towards making more complex options. They are cut on double folded fabric and sewn from one piece with a head, legs and torso. Separate sewing of the head, ears, legs, and tail is also allowed here.

Most often these are three-dimensional figurines of various animals, fish, and birds. Their simple creation requires care, but does not require special effort and skills, a lot of time. Moreover, using one pattern you can create larger products as decorative pillows. The finished handmade craft is suitable for children to play with, as pendants or keychains.

One popular option among beginners is a cat toy using ready-made pattern templates.

By using simple circuits There is an opportunity to create your own favorite toy of a wise owl from colorful cotton and printed chintz.

Using the selection with photos, it is easy to understand several steps of completing the work.

DIY soft toy, patterns and diagrams for beginners simple products allow you to use any fabric with a minimum of decor. “Primitives” made in light colors can be turned into paintable, fragrant gifts.

To do this, they are impregnated by boiling in strong tea leaves, coffee with the addition of vanilla, cinnamon, and then drying in the sun or in the oven at + 120°C. After this, the fragrant souvenir toy can be painted and dressed up.

What to stuff soft toys with

Previously, cotton wool and small pieces of fabric were used to fill soft toys. However, today these materials are being replaced by lighter and more hygienic synthetic materials (sintepon, holofiber, synthetic padding, foam rubber, etc.).

They do not come true, allowing the products to retain their original shape even after prolonged use and repeated washing. It is quite acceptable to use old sweaters made from light yarn in the form of finely chopped strips.

It is also allowed to stuff toys with undyed, cleaned and combed sheep wool (sliver). At the same time, you need to be sure that future owners of such crafts will not have an allergic reaction. The vulnerability of this material lies in its susceptibility to damage by moths and deformation when moistened.

If it is necessary to make some toys heavier (balls, rattles, etc.), soft fillings can be combined with pre-calcined cereals, seeds, husks, and pebbles.

Personally made pillows in the shape of different animals and birds can be stuffed medicinal herbs(mint, sage, lavender, fennel, lemon balm, jasmine, etc.). IN in this case individual tolerance of the components contained in them should be taken into account.

Step-by-step instructions: how to sew a fabric doll

When making a soft toy with your own hands, patterns and diagrams for beginners are the first step towards realizing your plan.

Next steps are as follows:

  1. Selecting the necessary fabrics, washing them, ironing them.
  2. Transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out all the parts with allowance for seams and hems (0.5 cm each).
  3. Basting the resulting parts of the future toy along pre-designated lines (starting with the head, and then the torso, limbs).
  4. Sewing all the parts according to these outlines (manually or using a sewing machine).
  5. Filling all elements with environmentally friendly materials.
  6. Final attachment of each part to each other.
  7. Decoration of the face, clothing.

How to make a doll's face and hair

For the outer shell of the head it is necessary to make a pouch the right size from cotton fabric. After filling it with the selected material to mark the neck, you should wrap the lower part with thick threads 2-3 times. Then wrap the head with a piece of knitwear flesh-colored.

To do this, fold it with the front side inward and place the manufactured head on it, mark the lines of the back of the head and neck, then cut out the workpiece and then turn it right side up.

When forming eyes, nose, mouth on the doll’s face, you can use special plastic blanks, buttons, beads, etc.

The second option is sewing/gluing self-made parts from colored fabric or embroidery. Along with this, you can draw the contours of the elements and then color them. The choice of any of the methods depends on what kind of soft toy you should make with your own hands.

Patterns and diagrams for beginners can also tell you which material is best to use for hair, namely:

  • wool yarn, which should be sewn to the head, and then create the desired hairstyle;
  • special tresses (bonded hair on fabric strips);
  • felting yarn;
  • felt for making ponytails/bangs, which, after transferring the patterns onto it, are sewn to the head.

In addition, hair is often imitated by painting it with safe paint of a suitable tone.

Tilda and its varieties

The peculiarity of Tilda dolls, created at the end of the twentieth century by Norwegian designer Toni Finnanger, is the simplicity and clarity of the lines of all details, the use of only natural materials. These ruddy-cheeked toys, unlike any other toys with long disproportionate limbs and small eyes, are decorated in soft pastel colors.

During this time, tildomania gained sympathy among different countries peace, enriched different types, in particular:

Textile bear Tilda

Such a stylized toy, using quite accessible materials, has a more complex method of execution than “human” dolls. Most simple option Making a Tilda bear involves cutting out 2 elements, sewing them together and filling them. The fabric can be of different textures, color range.

Photo and pattern:

Tilde style toy. Hares

Do-it-yourself soft toy: patterns and patterns for beginners for making the Tilda Hare are not at all complicated.

After cutting and sewing the cut parts on flesh-colored fabrics, you must follow the execution algorithm:

  • filling blanks of body parts;
  • sewing limbs, ears to the body with the head;
  • making/drawing a nose, mouth, eyes;
  • dressing the Bunny in pre-prepared pants, a jacket, etc.

Step-by-step instructions: soft toy cat

Just a few simple steps need to be completed to create the charming cat Matroskin:

Making patterns:

DIY toy zoo

Using the templates, ready-made patterns, schemes different representatives fauna, you can create your own mini-zoo. These can be homemade bears, monkeys, dogs, seals, giraffes, elephants, deer, hippos and other favorite animals.

Such a sweet company will become a bright element of the interior of a children's room, the source of its psychological comfort. The creation of a toy zoo, according to teachers and psychologists, is also an important educational moment.

Fur animal: instructions for beginners

To make such toys, you can use both natural and artificial fur. If it’s easier to work with the latter, then the other option turns out to be truly exclusive. Therefore, it is more advisable for beginners to start with small products made from artificial material. The first step is also to prepare the pattern and cut it to allow for future seams.

It is important to remember this nuance - you need to work with fur not with scissors, but with a sharp stationery or special knife for tailors.

To avoid damage to the fur, short, not deep, sharp movements of the tools are made from the wrong side of the material. The cut out parts are folded right side inward and sewn from the wrong side. In this case, it is necessary to leave small holes for stuffing with filler, which is then closed with a hidden seam.

The last steps are to attach all the elements of the muzzle and add accessories that match the image.

Owl pattern from fabric: how to sew an owl

Beginners can make an owl from just 2 parts of different colors using one of the most simple patterns.

Further work consists of forming a triangle from the cut out elements, connecting the parts first by basting and then stitching (starting from an acute corner). After this, the future head is fixed by pinning this part with a pin, and then bending the corner to form the beak.

The formed body (the lower part after the pin) needs to be filled with the prepared material and sewn at the bottom. Then sew the beak corner to the tummy, and on the face glue cut out white circles-eyes with black pupils made of beads/buttons. Photo of an owl created in half an hour:

Master class felt dog

To prepare a puppy pattern, a beginner will need a template. The toy is made using pieces of white, brown and black felt, thread, needle, scissors, blanks for eyes, and hot glue in a gun.

Algorithm for further actions:

  • transfer patterns of parts onto felt;
  • cut out the circled ones ballpoint pen all parts, and then sew and leave a small hole for filling;
  • fill the blank using the rough end of a pencil/wooden stick;
  • fastening all parts and completely closing the hole;
  • design of the muzzle, attaching a colorful collar in the form of a ribbon/bow/butterfly, etc.).

To give the toy a more natural look, you can tint the felt with colored pencil lead in several places (inside the ears, on the paws/face/tummy).

How to sew a bunny from felt

Step-by-step master class felt bunny:

Soft sock toys

The basis for one of the easiest toys to make is 1 sock of an attractive color without scuffs or holes, which has lost its pair. If you want to make a “chubby” toy, you need to shorten it by cutting off the part that covers the foot, and also move the elastic band on top of it. The unworn parts of children's tights that have become small and tight will also come in handy here.

Before starting work, beginners can use a felt-tip pen to mark the location of body parts (head, neck, paws, torso) from the inside out. This will help minimize proportion errors. The technique allows for combining several colors from other socks to designate a “mask” on the animal’s face, tummy, paws, etc.

There are many options for creating “sock” toys with the initial production of patterns and measurements for the location of body parts. Many people make cute toys “quickly” by first filling the products and forming ears from the tied ends of the tops of socks, and then drawing on this figure the outlines of the muzzles, waist, various accessories.

Master class Sock hare

One of the quick options for making a sock Bunny:

  1. Fill the sock with cotton wool or cereal (to make the product heavier for stability).
  2. Measure the distance from the part of the toe sock to the intended neck and tighten this place with an elastic band/thick threads.
  3. Measure a smaller piece for the head and tie it tightly to prevent the filler from spilling out.
  4. Divide the remaining edge of the sock into 2 parts, and then cut out the ears from them, giving them a standing/sagging position and sew them along the cut lines with small thick stitches.
  5. Attach a pompom ponytail to the bottom of the back.
  6. Decorating the toy: gluing oval/semi-oval circles of a different color to the tummy; attaching eye-beads made from denser fabric of the clove and nose.
  7. Hare decoration (bow on the head between the ears for girls, and on the neck for boys).

To create many soft toys using the proposed patterns and patterns, beginners do not need to have sewing skills. Here important point is independence, creativity and the desire to create something unique with your own hands. It is advisable to involve not only adult family members in this pleasant activity, but also children, subject to the safety rules for handling sharp objects.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video on the topic: DIY soft toy

How to sew a primitive cat:

Soft toys made from socks:

Even a novice needlewoman can make plush soft toys with her own hands. This creative process will captivate everyone, young and old. After all, what could be more interesting than creating an amazing, magical character yourself? Such products will be an excellent gift for children or will become an indispensable element of decor. In any case, they will find proper use.

Even a novice needlewoman can make soft toys with her own hands.

Making soft toys is a creative process, which is why even after starting work you cannot know exactly what other materials and tools may be useful.

The most commonly used are the following:

  • scraps of fabric;
  • all kinds of tapes;
  • pieces of leather;
  • artificial and natural fur;
  • lace;
  • oilcloth;
  • threads; needle;
  • felt;
  • scissors;
  • cotton wool or foam rubber;
  • noses and eyes;
  • buttons of different sizes and colors;
  • beads and seed beads;
  • thick cardboard;
  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • awl;
  • ruler;
  • copy paper;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

Naturally, the list does not end there. If you wish, you can fill the toy not with standard cotton wool, but with calcined buckwheat. Instead of store-bought eyes and spouts, use self-made ones. Replace the fabric with yarn and knit parts from it according to the pattern.

Gallery: DIY soft toys (25 photos)

How to sew Zhdun (video)

Soft toy patterns for beginners

Even a beginner in this business can make simple, but very beautiful, extraordinary toys. A master class on making a charming teddy bear and clear diagrams will help you in this exciting activity in the best possible way. You can use a template or pattern to make animals.

What you will need:

  • fleece;
  • black and white felt;
  • padding polyester;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • 4 black beads.

Even a beginner in this business can make simple, but very beautiful, extraordinary toys.

We sew in stages:

  1. First, transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut out all the details at once, making indents for the seams.
  2. Fold the elements and sew them with a basting stitch by hand.
  3. Sew blanks onto sewing machine, not forgetting to leave a small hole so that you can later turn it right out.
  4. Turn out all the parts and straighten them carefully.
  5. Fill all elements with padding polyester.
  6. After this, sew up the hole that remains with a hidden seam.
  7. Cut out an oval from black felt and a very small circle from white.
  8. First sew on the black part (nose) and the white part (spot on the nose).
  9. Using black thread, embroider the paws.
  10. Use beads to make eyes. They can be sewn or simply glued.
  11. Make a beautiful bow on the teddy bear's neck using a satin ribbon.
  12. Additionally, brown the cheeks a little more.

How to sew a fabric doll

Every girl will love homemade handmade dolls. Even adult ladies cannot resist such a toy. The options for sewing such a product may be different, but the easiest way is to sew a Waldorf doll.

What is necessary:

  • stuffing material (sliver or woolen knitwear);
  • batting;
  • yarn;
  • linen threads;
  • tights;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • tea spoon;
  • needle.

Every girl will love handmade dolls

Sewing a doll:

  1. Wrap the stuffing for the future doll's head not very tightly with thread, giving it an oval shape. The result is a ball with a diameter of about thirty centimeters.
  2. For the outer part of the head, take tights (only the “tube”), now sew up the upper part with linen threads and be sure to pull them off, and then turn them inside out.
  3. Wrap the ball of stuffing in batting and place it in the shell.
  4. Finally, now we can create the natural appearance of the doll’s neck and head.
  5. Fold the linen thread in half and place it in front of your head, tighten the knot a little, grabbing the stuffing.
  6. Take the next thread and fold it in half, wrap it a few times slightly below the center of the head, and pull it so that the girth is about twenty-five centimeters.
  7. Take the thread folded in half again and make a vertical constriction.
  8. To fix the intersections, hem this area with thread crosswise.
  9. Using a teaspoon, lower the resulting constriction horizontally to the base of the future back of the head.
  10. Tighten the second part of this constriction.
  11. Tighten and hem the lower neck area thoroughly.
  12. Cut a strip from the remaining parts of the tights, roll it up and sew it to the front side in the place where the doll should have a nose.
  13. Take knitted fabric and cut according to the pattern.
  14. Place the head blank on the work surface, and symmetrically place the cut fabric on it.
  15. Making an effort to wrap the cloth around your head, place the sections from the crown to the back of your head on top of each other and secure.
  16. Using a pattern, cut out the arms, legs and torso of the future doll from knitted fabric.
  17. Sew each of the pieces and fill them with stuffing.
  18. Shape the hands by constriction. Sew this area with small stitches.
  19. Sew up the head with threads, and trim the remaining fabric at the top with scissors.
  20. Fold the top edge of the fabric and sew it with a blind seam.
  21. In order to shape the feet, make a mark in the area where the fold should be and fold the leg in this area ninety degrees, then sew it with a hidden seam and tighten it a little.
  22. Sew immediately and in the opposite direction.
  23. Sew hair to the head. To do this, sew threads of the same length along the straight parting.
  24. Do the same at eye line level.
  25. Also sew a triangle from the temples to the back of the head.
  26. Embroider eyes and mouth.
  27. Sew all the parts into a single whole.

Make textile clothes for the doll.

Fur animal: instructions for beginners

Cool, unusual and funny little animals are made from natural and faux fur. Making animal crafts from this material is incredibly simple and easy. Even a beginner can handle making a mini mouse.

What is necessary:

  • fabric, the color of which should match the fur;
  • padding polyester;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • beads (3 pcs.).


  1. First of all, draw a pattern on paper.
  2. Cut out the belly from the fabric, and the main part from the fur.
  3. For the ear, cut out one part from fabric and the other from fur.
  4. Make a long tail out of fur.
  5. Cut out all the pieces, not forgetting to allow small seam allowances.
  6. Sew the back from the inside out.
  7. Place fabric on the front side of the fur part of the ears and sew them along the edges, then cut off the remaining fur.
  8. Sew the ears to the main part.
  9. Sew the belly to the future back, while fixing the tail from the back.
  10. Be sure to leave a small hole for later filling, as is the case with all stuffed toys.
  11. Fill the future mouse with padding polyester and sew up the blank completely.
  12. Sew beads onto the muzzle, forming a nose and eyes.
  13. Trim the fur on the muzzle, otherwise the eye will not be visible.

DIY soft toy from Minecraft

Among all children's toys, a special place is occupied by the heroes of the famous computer game Minecraft. Buying such a product is not a cheap pleasure, but sewing it yourself takes a couple of hours. In this case, minimal costs will be required. Both the child and the needlewoman herself will be proud of the finished Creeper.

What you will need:

  • black and green felt;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • padding polyester;
  • pencil.

Among all children's toys, a special place is occupied by the heroes of the famous computer game Minecraft.


  1. Cut out and transfer the pattern immediately onto felt.
  2. Using a needle and thread, sew the Creeper's face onto the front of the product.
  3. To the rear part with inside sew on a ribbon so you can hang the toy somewhere.
  4. Sew both parts together, leaving a small hole for later filling with padding polyester.
  5. Turn the future Creeper right side out, then insert the padding polyester inside, distributing it evenly over the product.
  6. Sew up the remaining open edge.

A simple knitted toy

Cute, funny and original toys Can be sewn from regular knitwear. The process of making a fairy turtle is very simple and does not take much time. The result is an amazing pillow toy.

What is necessary:

  • brown and green fabric;
  • patterns;
  • tracing paper;
  • filling material;
  • beads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • threads


  1. Transfer the patterns first onto tracing paper, and then onto fabric, cut them out.
  2. To give the shell a convex shape, make four darts.
  3. Sew the prepared parts of the head and paws and stuff them as tightly as possible with filler.
  4. Connect the tail parts, but do not fill.
  5. Separately sew the parts of the future shell, be sure to leave a small hole for stuffing.
  6. Sew all the already prepared elements.