The influence of rahu on a person. Strong rahu rahu vedic astrology

- these are the points of intersection of the orbit of the Moon and the orbit of the Sun, they are opposite each other and move backward.

Rahu usually enhances the characteristics of the house in which it is located, introduces tendencies of struggle and quarrels.

Rahu is the planet of drama and illusion, the outer decoration of life.

It is not without reason that its symbol is smoke, a haze that obscures the view and perception from the reality of the picture of the world.

Rahu symbolizes the external life of a person, his behavior in the outside world.

Rahu is originality, imagination, the extraverted beginning of a person.

In the horoscope, Rahu symbolizes the karmic task and denotes what a person should devote time and effort to and what to do in the current incarnation. If a person does not realize this and does not fulfill the task assigned to him, in old age he will be subjected to great trials.

The influence of Rahu is similar to influence. Those who work on Rahu become a sage.

Rahu is "responsible" for natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, disasters, etc.

Rahu is cash, more often "easy" money, not supported by anything.

Rahu also symbolizes allopathic medicine - we can say that all modern medicine is under the influence of Rahu.

Also, Rahu is all intoxications: alcohol, drugs, etc.

Rahu is an indicator of genetic engineering, large cities, media, PR. These are revolutions and all sorts of riots, terrorism and all phenomena when forces and authorities are applied more than necessary.

Rahu in the horoscope means divorce or widowhood.

Rahu is the ability of a person to influence the masses.

Rahu also means unusual humor, wit.

Realized Rahu is a deep intuition and clairvoyance, the ability to see the world through an illusion.

Rahu has a peculiarity - the planet can give a lot to a person, but take just as much if a person does not learn lessons and is too attached to the material goods given to him.

Everything that Rahu gives is temporary, and it is given solely for gaining wisdom.

In the body, Rahu is responsible for:



    excretory tissue



    digestive tract

    swallowing reflex

Diseases for which Rahu is "responsible":

    varicose veins








In conjunction with other planets and depending on the degree of inauspiciousness of such a conjunction, Rahu can denote other diseases * that are not included in this list.

Clothing: pompous, pretentious, tasteless, but bright.

Colours: brown, smoky, as well as colors that are difficult to identify, incomprehensible colors.

Cardinal direction: southwest.

Places: stadiums, stages, beautiful, breathtaking, factories where he works a large number of people, media.

Element: ether.

Geometric figure: straight line.

Metals and stones: lead, hizzonite (hessonite), agate.

Number: 4.

Age: from 69 to 108 years.

Personality: eccentric, impulsive.

Gender: genderless planet.

Relatives: maternal grandparents.

Professions and occupations: related to the masses, in front of people

    mass media




    political games

The nature of the planet: varies depending on the position in the horoscope, the nature of the conjunctions and aspects.

Rahu does not own any sign of the zodiac.

Some sources of Jyotish say that this planet does not have degrees and signs of exaltation and fall, others state that Rahu exalts in and experiences a fall in Scorpio. Another group of Jyotish considers the sign of exaltation of Rahu to be the constellation, and the sign of its fall to be the constellation.

Strong Rahus also indicate a person born in a low caste or one who has sinful thoughts and commits low deeds.

A strong Rahu can give a person power and help to achieve a high position in society. Rahu can contribute to the material success of a person.

Rahu, as well as, will act as the owner of the sign in which it is located. Therefore, the strength of these planets is judged not only by their own position in the signs, but also by the position of the owner of the sign in which they are located.

The most important indicator of Rahu is the egoistic desires for pleasure, those desires about which the sages say "Beware of your desires."

Rahu forces us to indulge our material nature, plunges us into the race for illusory happiness.

In addition, Rahu gives doubts, disappointments, uncertainty. Rahu brings confusion to the mind, creates temptations. He personifies everything illegal, condemned - bad habits, a tendency to intoxication, gambling.

From a material point of view, the dignity of a strong Rahu is power over people, the ability to influence the crowd. But from a spiritual point of view, this is the biggest test.

Rahu shows poisons, he gives such qualities of character as greed, greed and envy.

Rahu in gunas




  • natural, simple life
  • eating natural foods
  • freedom from illusion
  • detachment
  • fearlessness
  • originality
  • novelty
  • independence
  • rich imagination
  • ingenuity
  • unusual humor
  • insatiable desires
  • influence on the crowd
  • extreme sports
  • desire for power over people
  • ostentatious religiosity
  • addiction to electronics
  • fear of the future
  • fancy taste in clothes
  • dishonesty
  • confusion
  • flirting for fun
  • dependence on allopathic drugs
  • criticism
  • disputes
  • divorces
  • addiction
  • clouding of mind
  • alcoholism
  • smoking
  • "terry" illusion
  • obsession
  • morbid addiction to heavy music
  • malaise from natural food
  • dirt, mess
  • television addiction
  • dislike of talking about God
  • irritation from beauty and nature
  • excessive sleep
  • terrorism

Upayas (methods of harmonization) of Rahu energy:

Rahu is a ghostly planet, the north lunar node, the head of a demon

The main characteristics of Rahu: vairagya (renunciation of worldly life), jnana (knowledge), eccentricity, foreign travel.

Karakatwas: research, inventors, living abroad, travel, exile, foreigners, member of a different social class or culture, heretic, smuggling, spy, gambler, spending, base interests, bad habits, deceit, deceit, false arguments, harsh or irritating speech, hurtful words, slander, hypocrisy, want, scarcity, underclasses, conniving women, association with immoral or sick women, adultery, widowhood, hot temperament, quarrels, strength, enemies, self-respect, paternal grandfather, maternal grandmother, skin spots, skin diseases, epidemics, body pain, tumors, amputations, leprosy, mutilation, accidents, drowning, suicide, darkness, reptiles, snakes and snake bites, poisons, alcohol, stones, hunters, slavery, buttocks.

Significations: other countries, foreigners, foreign travel, representatives of other social classes, materialism, transcendence; the manifestation of the meanings of the ruler of the sign or nakshatra, where Rahu is located.

Gender: male

Direction: southwest

Stones: onyx. Women need to wear a stone in a platinum setting on the index or middle finger of the left hand, men - in a 5-metal alloy setting on the index or middle finger of the right hand

Deity: Mahashakti, Nagaraja

Bija Mantra: Om bhram bhriim bhr se rahuve nomah (18000once every 40 days)

Donation items: mustard, radish, sesame, saffron, a mixture of seven grains, lead, charcoal, a blanket (donate on Thursday night or Monday morning.)

External signs: menacing appearance, tall, bald head, swarthy skin, quick-tempered, sickly, looks older than his years.

Parts and functions of the body: breathing, feet.

Diseases: diseases of the spleen and adrenal glands, intestinal disorders, ulcers, diseases of the skin and feet, abscesses, burning sensation in the body, leprosy, falling from a height, insanity, loss of strength, chemical poisons, ailments that are difficult to diagnose.

Activities and professions: research, scientists, innovation, work in scientific or research institutions, work with electricity, electronics and electronics industry, computers, information technology, lawyers, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, poisons, telephone communications, aviation, aeronautics, funeral services, morgues, crematoria, slaughterhouses, sewers, work in dirty and stinking places, unskilled labour, tanneries, snake catchers, wrestlers, butchers, thieves, speculators, unusual professions, magic, witchcraft, gambling; professions for which Saturn is responsible.

Kala Sarpa Yoga

When all the planets are on the same side of the Rahu/Ketu axis, Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed. The life of a person with such a combination in the map is like a rollercoaster: the movement goes either rapidly up, then sharply down. When the transit nodes pass through their natal positions, the jolt is felt most strongly.

If Ketu first stands behind the Lagna, and then Rahu, the unfavorable Kala Sarpa Yoga gets rid of its evil qualities and becomes Kala Amrita Yoga. The location of Rahu in Vishakha nakshatra at 20-26° Libra also eliminates the negative effects of Kala Sarpa. However, if any planet is connected to one of the nodes, Kala Amrita Yoga ceases to operate.

Kala Sarpa Yoga usually does not affect mental capacity person, his physical health and life expectancy. The problems are mainly related to external circumstances. It makes itself felt during the periods of the Lunar nodes or during their transit through the Ascendant, the initial Moon or the Sun. The aspect of a benefic planet on the lagna, lagnesha or lunar nodes reduces negative effects.

Manifestations of Kala Sarpa Yoga especially annoy a person when transit Rahu/Ketu approach their natal degrees.

Rahu in the houses of the horoscope

Rahu in the Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th) promotes material well-being bestows happiness and prosperity.

Rahu in the signs of the zodiac

Rahu in Aries: acquisition of landed property, family happiness. Evasive, takes detours.

Rahu in Taurus: emotional, well educated, revered in society, receives awards from the government, can make a good fortune.

Rahu in Gemini loves to sing. Anxiety due to the machinations of enemies, family troubles or problems with the authorities. This position creates problems for the spouse and children.

Rahu in Cancer: wealth, power, landed property, social support, deceit.

Rahu in Leo: thinks like a diplomat, suffers bereavement, loses property and patronage of the authorities.

Rahu in Virgo: an idyll in the home, prosperity in one's native places, a responsible position in public organizations or public institutions. Ability to write and sing.

Rahu in Libra: conflicts with the authorities, loss of property, death of older relatives. Good management skills.

Rahu in Scorpio: insidious, immoral, defeats opponents, thanks to the assistance of the authorities; owns a lot of land.

Rahu in Sagittarius: loss of property, bad relationship with family, failure in all endeavors. When Rahu is in conjunction with a benefic planet or under positive aspects, success, fame, money and a good reputation await the person. This combination also makes a person religious.

Rahu in Capricorn: prosperity in all areas of life, public recognition.

Rahu in Aquarius: illness, bereavement, problems with the wife or relatives. Nice speech.

Rahu in Pisces: religious, well-mannered, connoisseur of art. Possible losses associated with theft and fires, loss of relatives, trouble from the authorities.

Note. The above descriptions should not be considered the ultimate truth. Conjunctions with other planets, aspects, the status of the dispositor of Rahu, its position relative to the Lagna and especially relative to the Moon can make significant adjustments to the interpretation.

Rahu Observations

  1. During the dasha of Rahu, in particular in the sub-period of the planet located in the nakshatra of Rahu, there may be interference in studies. If there are no planets in the nakshatras of Rahu, the training may be interrupted in the sub-period of Mars.
  2. If there is a conjunction of Rahu with Mars in the 2nd, 10th or 11th house, the person receives income from secret and dubious sources.
  3. Rahu in the 4th from Moon injures the health of the mother, in the 7th from the Moon upsets marital happiness, and in the 10th creates obstacles in professional activities.
  4. A person with natal Rahu in the 2nd house from Saturn will have many difficulties at the beginning of their professional career. Most likely, he will have to start his career climb from the lowest rung.
  5. Rahu in the 6th house and Jupiter in a Kendra bestow wealth.
  6. Rahu in the signs of Cancer, Taurus and in the 10th house works for the benefit of the person; he also gives positive effects in Leo and Aries, behaves tolerably in Sagittarius, but feels best in Aquarius.
  7. Rahu in the solar nakshatra in the 10th house or in the same house in conjunction with the Sun leads to failure in the political arena and many ups and downs.
  8. Rahu with Jupiter in the 8th house is a combination for stomach ailments. If the nakshatras of Mars or Ketu are involved, surgery may take place.
  9. If Rahu is in the sign of the Moon or in the 3rd, 9th, 10th houses from the Moon, the person lives like a king and becomes fabulously rich in old age.
  10. Rahu in the 6th or 12th from the Moon promises power, wealth and landed property.
  11. A person with natal Rahu in the 4th or 10th house from the Moon often gets sick, which worries the parents.
  12. Rahu in the 2nd or 12th from the Moon makes a person shameless and poor.
  13. The position of Rahu in the 5th from Moon increases the risk of car accidents and accidents involving water.
  14. Visa-shula-dosha: when Rahu mahadasha is going on and the transit Rahu is in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 22nd or 25th nakshatra from its natal nakshatra, various troubles occur in a person’s life that affect his reputation and work.
  15. If Rahu and Ketu are located in the chart on the axis of 6/12 houses, during the period of one of the nodes and the sub-period of the other person, a nervous breakdown will torment.
  16. Rahu/Ketu in the 2nd house in a water sign under the influence of Saturn or Mars causes alcohol addiction.
  17. Combinations indicating sex phobia: a) Lagnesh Saturn aspected by Mars or Ketu; b) Saturn or Rahu in Lagna; c) Saturn and Rahu along with the Moon; d) 8th lord is sandwiched between Saturn and Rahu.
  18. Rahu in Virgo, Scorpio or Pisces gives excellent results, provided that the lord of the sign falls in a Kendra or Trikona from Rahu.
  19. The combination of Rahu, Moon and Mercury clouds the mind and instills extreme incredulity in a person.
  20. Rahu in the 5th house allows a person to excel in the process of learning, but for this, natal Mercury must be in good condition.
  21. Rahu in the 5th house is a bad position for stock market games.
  22. An afflicted Rahu in the 9th house makes a person fanatical, cunning and merciless; such a person speaks of spirituality, but he himself has a base interior.
  23. Rahu in the 10th house in conjunction with the owner of the trikona opens up excellent career prospects, including abroad, and makes a person a master of his craft.
  24. Lagnesh or Moon in a water sign under the influence of Rahu causes eczema.
  25. Rahu represents foreigners, other social classes, foreign travel and foreign travel.
  26. The transit of Rahu on the 64th Navamsha can be fatal for an older male relative.

Based on the book "Vedic Astrology" by Sri Govind Swarup Agarwala

Actively used in astrology, the Lunar nodes are, in fact, fictitious points, and not physical bodies. These are the places where the Moon's orbit intersects the plane of the ecliptic. Thus, at these points the most active interaction of solar and lunar energies takes place. Accordingly, they turn out to be closely connected with the karmic task of a person, with his movement through life, and are sometimes called the “Axis of Fate”. The nodes move in the opposite direction along the zodiac, spending about a year and a half in each sign.

Rahu - the north or ascending node, also known as the "Dragon's Head" - is the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic, moving from south to north.

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north node shows what new and unusual situations we will have to face in this life in order to develop and evolve properly. For those who boldly move in this direction, Rahu can bring success, fame, influence on people, so its influence is often considered very positive in a person's life. But it can also put a person in front of unexpected difficulties that can cause psychological or physical trauma, mutilation. Accidents involving Rahu can be fatal. One way or another, in situations according to Rahu, the free will of the individual is involved. It has the energy of expansion and is therefore often associated with Jupiter.

Positive Manifestations of Rahu include intuition, good thinking skills and oratory, lack of fear of the future.

Negative Manifestations of Rahu may include drug and alcohol addiction, unhealthy diet and unhealthy lifestyle, dependence on computer games and television series, obsessions, materialism.

In the body of Rahu responsible for the cheekbones, skin, excretory system, swallowing, digestive tract, rectum.

tell friends

Tags: Planet, Rahu, characteristic, positive, negative, qualities,

The influence of Rahu on a person and character occurs with the help of the Ketu-Rahu lever. These two shadow planets represent opposite energies, Rahu carries the energy of expansion and expansion, Ketu - contraction, satiety. Rahu is the future, Ketu is the past, and the balance between these extremes is in the here and now.

The influence of Rahu on a person

In the horoscope, Rahu shows the new karmic possibilities of a person in this life. In particular, the position of Rahu in the chart shows the sphere of new growth in this incarnation. The sector in which Rahu is located, a person needs to expand his energies according to the indicators of this house, work on improving his energies. In this area, a person has great opportunities, but he is afraid to take the first step. However, if he manages to overcome himself, as a result he will receive a reward in the form of unprecedented success.

Two houses and two signs occupied by Rahu and his dispositor determine the path chosen by the soul for this incarnation, which at the same time shows karma. It is believed that a harmonized and elaborated Rahu gives prosperity in the area of ​​life that it occupies. However, it should be remembered here that this is a planet of extremes and it does not know the golden mean. This means that it is very easy to slide from the higher aspect of Rahu to the lower one.

So on the way home you can buy meat, alcohol, take a pornographic film and after sunset you really want to relieve stress. Several hours of such a manifestation of the energy of Rahu can fall from the very high level. Hours of watching TV and serials also affect in the same way.

Rahu in ignorance

Alcohol, drug addiction, a strong immersion in the illusory existence, a tendency to eat junk food, genetically modified and filled with chemicals. Clouding of consciousness, schizophrenia, severe mental illness, addiction to hard rock, obscenities, swearing, watching horror films. Such a person likes to live in dirt, disorder and quickly fills the space in which he is located with dirt. The desire to live in a room filled with smoke, listen to mind-numbing music, addiction to computer games and TV. Materialistic consciousness, annoying nature, beautiful landscapes.

Rahu in passion

A person with the energy of Rahu in passion prefers alcohol in the form of good wines. He is able to be a good speaker and influence the crowd with his passionate speech. Love for extreme sports, situations tickling the nerves, the desire to walk on the edge. Rahu in passion gives a certain fanaticism and blind adherence to the idea, which eventually turns into ignorance, where the struggle for the idea is associated with the killing of innocent people. After all, passion cannot be sustained for a long time and after a while passes either into sattva or into tamas.

Huge material desires, fanaticism, desire to own magical items, the desire to manipulate other people, engaging in spiritual practice for the sake of achieving power, prestige and other material goals

Rahu in goodness

The energy of Rahu in goodness gives excellent intuition, the ability to see other worlds, to clearly predict the future. A person under the influence of this energy tries to live in nature, to eat as naturally as possible. Rahu in sattva takes a person beyond the limits of maya and gives an understanding that everything in this world is transient and there is no point in becoming attached to it.

Rahu Harmonization

Humor is considered an excellent harmonizer of Rahu, without sarcasm and vulgarity. Recitation of prayers and mantras, the mantra Om namo bhagavate Varahadevaya, can be recited daily. It is recommended to read Rahu mantras after sunset. Harmonize Rahu and all the canonical prayers of various religions.

It is also helpful to drink warm sweetened milk at night - it calms the mind. Refusing to eat meat, switching to natural food, keeping everything clean, especially in the place where you sleep. Honey, sea buckthorn, oranges enhance the favorable influence of this planet.

The illusions that Rahu creates in our minds disappear in time and space, just like smoke in the air. However, the smoker continues to smoke for the momentary pleasure that flows from it while we continue to chase mirages, and within these illusions lies the joy of our existence.

Rahu symbolizes the strongest desires and intentions that lead the soul to birth. Its influence is like looking through a cloudy magnifying glass - such a look distorts, obscures and confuses. Thus, the location of Rahu in some area of ​​the horoscope symbolizes our distorted attitude to the issues of this area. The influence of Rahu is especially unfavorable in the following cases:

  • All the planets of your horoscope are located between Rahu and Ketu, the so-called "Kala-Sarpa" and "Kala-Amrita" of yoga.
  • Rahu is located on the axis of the 1st and 7th houses.
  • Rahu is placed in the 5th house.
  • Rahu is associated with one or more planets in your horoscope.
  • Rahu is in a debilitating or hostile constellation.
  • Rahu is your "Atma-karaka".
  • Birth near an eclipse: hence Rahu is conjunct the Moon.
  • The location of Rahu in the following houses: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 is considered unfavorable - therefore, it needs to be corrected.
  • Your age is 41 - 42 years.

Signs of the destructive effects of Rahu: increased sensitivity and excitability, fears and anxieties. Hallucinations, addictions, despondency and gloom, uncontrolled fantasies are possible. Difficult to fit in modern life, few friends, asociality. Life is wasted in useless pursuits. Phobias. Physical indicators - weakness of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, nervousness, trembling of the limbs, insomnia, pallor and nervous indigestion. Communication with the physical body is weakened, loss of control over body functions is possible. This can lead to various nervous and mental illnesses.

The ancient sages, having tracked the relationship between the position of the planets and the events of human life, developed special corrective means to mitigate the intensity of difficulties and increase the positive potential of the planet. These observations are known as upayas or means of harmonizing planetary energy.

Mantras as a means of harmonizing the influence of Rahu

Recite the mantra for 49 (108) days or longer. During the day, it is advisable to read the chosen mantra at least 108 times. It is advisable to repeat the mantra at the same time. For example, after sunset, when the energies of Rahu intensify.

The incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the form of Varaha or boar corresponds to Rahu. The boar saves the Earth and pulls it out of the universal swamps. Rahu in his more exalted incarnation has the qualities of a savior and redeemer, which manifests itself in the form of the goddess Durga, his superruler, as well as in the incarnation of Lord Vishnu in the form of a boar. Honoring the Varaha-avatara allows you to get out of the swamp of ignorance and shake off the many snakes that live in it, making the transformation of Rahu-energy. It is recommended to read the following mantra:


You can also chant Durga mantras to soften the energies of Rahu. You can read the bija mantra. From Sanskrit, the word "bija" is translated as "seed". The bija mantra is the "seed" or main mantra, which is not translated in any way. In fact, all other mantras arise from it. Having no translation, the bija mantra, however, has a metaphysical meaning. Based on this, mantras have a certain power and are used in a very specific way. At the same time, it is believed that bija mantras are the most powerful, because they do not carry a semantic load for the mind, but they have a certain working vibration.

  • Bija mantra Durga - DUAM (read as DAMM, when pronouncing the letter "m" the tongue rises to the sky). You can also read the mantra OM SRI DURGAYE NAMAH, the mantra should be read with your face turned to the southwest.
  • The name mantra for Rahu is “OM RAHAVE NAMAH!”
  • Bija mantra - "OM RAM!" (pronounced with a long "a")
  • You can also use Shiva's mantras - "HUM" (with a long "y"), destroying illusions and cleansing the psyche from negative influences and suggestions

If Hinduism is not close to you, then in order to harmonize the energy of Rahu, you need to choose the aspect of the Mother of God, which has the power to protect and destroy sins, for example, the prayer of the divine mother of seven arrows. Seven arrows piercing the chest Holy Mother of God, denote the seven main human sinful passions, which the Mother of God can easily read in every human heart and help to cope with them.

Auspicious actions harmonizing the energies of Rahu

  • Do not kill (if possible) insects, as well as protect insects from their natural enemies (arrange an anthill, for example).
  • Saturday post.
  • Feed the gulls and dogs.
  • Drinking warm sweetened milk at night calms the mind and harmonizes the energies of Rahu;
  • Observe several principles: ahimsa (non-violence), refraining from intoxication, a ban on gambling;
  • Keep everything clean, especially where you sleep. The science of Vastu says that if the house is dirty, then the energy of Rahu enters.
  • Eat oranges, sea buckthorn, honey - they enhance the favorable influence of Rahu and weaken the negative;
  • Throwing blue flower(s) into running water for 42 days.
  • The most difficult thing is to learn to live in the present without worrying or fearing the future.

Sadhana Rahu