Russia celebrated Airborne Forces Day. Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day) Airborne Forces Day

This year’s unprecedentedly solemnly celebrated Day did not have time to die down. Navy, and Russian cities are about to be filled again with men of all ages in military uniform- one of the most famous military professional holidays is coming - Air Day airborne troops Russian Federation(Airborne Forces Day).

When is Russian Airborne Forces Day celebrated?

Airborne Forces Day in Russia and in the former republics of the USSR (under slightly different names) is always celebrated August 2.

There are several reasons for this. Historically, on this day in the USSR, during exercises, the first parachute landing was carried out. In addition, August 2 in Orthodoxy is Elijah's day- one of the most important Christian holidays.

Elijah the prophet, which in popularity in Rus' can compete with Nicholas the Wonderworker, is the lord of thunder and lightning, he is a formidable saint, armed with fiery arrows, which means he is perfectly suited as the patron of the famous “winged infantry”. It is with a prayer service in honor of the Prophet Elijah that the official celebration of Airborne Forces Day begins every year.

About how they celebrate in Rus' Elijah's day, read the material Federal News Agency.

History of the Airborne Forces

The birthday of the Airborne Forces is considered to be August 2, 1930, when the first parachute landing in the USSR was carried out during exercises near Voronezh.

Already by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, paratroopers constituted a very serious type of troops, and they fought with such unparalleled courage that it became a legend. Poems and songs were written about them, some of which are true masterpieces: for example, “We are standing in a crowd near Kolpino” by a front-line poet Alexandra Mezhirova and the famous song Bulat Okudzhava“We need one victory” (“Our tenth airborne battalion”).

After the war, the Airborne Forces were commanded by the legendary General Hero for almost a quarter of a century Soviet UnionVasily Margelov, “Uncle Vasya”, “Dad”. It was under Margelov that the Airborne Forces became those very “Uncle Vasya’s Troops”, in which it is considered so prestigious to serve. General Margelov died in 1990, and the “winged infantry” was orphaned.

But Margelov’s traditions are alive and developing: let us recall that Russian paratroopers took part in hostilities in hot spots both on the territory of the USSR, and then Russia, and in some places abroad.

And a year ago - literally on the eve of Airborne Forces Day - “Uncle Vasya’s Troops” were orphaned once again: the son of the famous “Bati”, Hero of Russia, Colonel, died at the age of 71 Alexander Margelov, who was also a paratrooper officer - it was he who, for the first time in the world, parachuted from an An-12 aircraft while inside an airborne combat vehicle (BMD-1).

Airborne Forces Day traditionally begins with a prayer service in honor of the Prophet Elijah, and then, after ceremonial events, the holiday spills out onto the city streets. Both current and former military personnel of the Airborne Forces of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries take part in it. former USSR. Traditionally, on this day, paratroopers hold demonstration performances, after watching which thousands of boys begin to rave about blue berets.

Well, swimming in fountains and other not always sober amusements are also a tribute to tradition, and recently such fun has been done without serious incidents, and the conflicts that arise are extinguished by the participants of the holiday themselves, without bothering the police.

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation are used to resist the enemy in the airspace or to carry out combat missions behind enemy lines, offensive actions and defense of facilities.

“Air infantry”, “winged blue berets”, paratroopers-guards under any circumstances and regardless of the type of activity after service, personify incredible team spirit, strength, courage, courage and devotion to the Fatherland. The celebration promotes the development of traditions, the revival and strengthening of the prestige of military service, as well as as a sign of gratitude for ensuring the security of the country and for services to Russia.

This holiday is considered their professional day:

  • serving elite troops;
  • military specialists of the Airborne Forces;
  • Teaching Staff;
  • cadets of specialized educational institutions;
  • related personnel;
  • Russians related to the troops, their relatives and friends.

On this holiday, it is customary to remember the years of the army and honor the memory of those who gave their lives protecting civilians.


Back in 1930, demonstration exercises of the Air Forces of the Moscow military forces were held near Voronezh. The paratroopers of the airborne unit, having landed from the plane, brilliantly completed the task on land. This memorable event marked the beginning of the formation and introduction of airborne troops into the Red Army of the Soviet Union in 1932, initially subordinate to the air force, and later to the ground forces.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, airborne units showed patriotism and heroism, repelling fascist aggression.

Since 1988, the “front line” troops have fought fighting in “hot spots” of the USSR and abroad.

March 2000 became fatal in the history of the Airborne Forces: the unit stopped the advance of the militants, destroyed almost 1000 bandits, but the company of Pskov paratroopers was completely exterminated.

There are no impossible combat missions for vanguard troops.


On this day, “friends” are greeted by their clothes, and it does not matter whether the paratroopers know each other or not. There are no former people here, just as there is no division by age into those “who are in service” or have already paid their debt to the Motherland. Festive August meetings of airborne veterans take place after the 50s of the last century.

Significant events of the holiday:

  • paratroopers wear signature blue berets and vests:
  • meetings take place at fountains, in the park, at monuments;
  • senior officials congratulate the military, present them with memorable insignia, awards, gifts;
  • past events are remembered;
  • songs with guitar sound;
  • traditional bathing takes place in ponds;
  • the paraphernalia and moisture of the elite unit are placed on the vehicles;
  • There are parades, master classes in hand-to-hand combat and concerts.

Date in 2019: August 2nd, Friday.

They are mobile and operational, hover in the air and carry out any military tasks behind enemy lines. They are beautiful, young and courageous, have hand-to-hand and shooting skills, act as paratroopers and special forces, reconnaissance and saboteurs. “Air Infantry”, “Uncle Vasya’s troops”, “blue berets” - we are definitely talking about the Airborne Forces, whose holiday in early August is simply impossible to forget or miss.

One of the noisiest, most popular holidays among the military is Airborne Forces Day. It is the paratroopers, unlike others, who try to celebrate their professional day publicly, observing funny customs and fun traditions. But the majority of people who gather on the streets and squares are those who have already served in the army. But the active airborne troops are trying to celebrate the holiday in a much more restrained manner.

When will Airborne Forces Day be celebrated?

It is traditional to celebrate the holiday of airborne military formations on the day of the founding of the units that were the first to land. This event occurred in the last month of summer on the 2nd in 1930 and served as the reason for the creation of the first experimental detachment, and subsequently individual units and troops in the USSR.

Despite their services to the Fatherland, Russian paratroopers did not have their own holiday until 2006. And only thanks to the Decree “On holidays", which regulates when almost all military holidays should be celebrated, Airborne Forces Day was established. Therefore, Russian paratroopers will celebrate Airborne Forces Day in 2019 on August 2nd.

In the former Soviet republics, for example in Ukraine and Belarus, the historical date of August 2 is also taken as a basis, but the holiday is celebrated under a different name.

Traditions of celebrating Airborne Forces Day

Service in the airborne forces has always been considered difficult, but it was and remains prestigious. By merit, airborne units consider themselves elite troops. Modern traditions, the style and necessary equipment of the Airborne Forces received thanks to the heroic efforts of General Vasily Margelov. It was in his honor that the military named the Airborne Forces “Uncle Vasya’s Troops.”

Paratroopers never consider themselves to be former, and are always ready for heroic deeds. Therefore, traditionally, both active troops and those who have served for a long time are celebrated on Airborne Forces Day.

Only for the military this day takes place in a more strict environment. They hold demonstrations and concerts that always attract thousands of spectators. Open-air exhibitions, fairs, and various events are also held on this day.

But for boys and men who have already served in the army, the holiday takes place in a more fun and relaxed atmosphere. Dressed in traditional vests and blue berets, they gather in parks, sing songs with a guitar, organize car rallies and other fun joint events. And for some reason, the paratroopers are inexorably attracted by the blue of the fountains. And some demonstrate their remarkable strength by breaking bricks or bottles on their heads with their hands.

Therefore, the authorities of some cities are trying to drain the fountains, and the police are on enhanced duty to prevent possible incidents.

How to celebrate the holiday and congratulate you on Airborne Forces Day

It is thanks to the inappropriate behavior of some former military personnel that most people associate the holiday of paratroopers with liberties and revelry.

There are a lot of jokes and humorous programs about this.

Cool videos about paratroopers

One of the stories can be seen performed by “Our Rashi”:

"Airborne Forces - May on!" performed by “Ural dumplings”:

But just imagine for a second how many worthy warriors celebrate their professional day with friends or families.

And there really are many opportunities to have a fun time.

Why not have a picnic where you can congratulate your friends in an original way. Sing your favorite songs with the guitar together.

Songs about paratroopers

We need one victory (our 10th airborne battalion)

Dandelions. Paratroopers

Competitions and competitions for paratroopers

And how many interesting and original competitions can be included in the holiday program.

Men will be happy to:

  • fight on your hands to determine the strongest in a civilized manner;
  • play darts or archery;
  • carry out drill commands in a modified form;
  • participate in ;
  • play cool.

Such a holiday will be a wonderful gift for a paratrooper. But it does not cancel personal congratulations.

Postcards and gifts for Paratroopers Day

For dad, the baby can draw a gift drawing or make a postcard with his own hands. Take advantage of our ideas funny pictures to help the baby do original gift. Additionally, you will need a photo of your husband in uniform, which can be scanned and used to create a cool souvenir.

Keep in mind that a souvenir can be made not only from paper or electronically. A man, regardless of age, will not refuse a birthday cake. You have a great opportunity to give joy to your boyfriend or husband in the form of a themed cake.

Do you want to please your friend or boyfriend? cool souvenir– select thematic gifts in the form of:

  • beer camouflage helmet;
  • stack-sleeves;
  • ice molds simulating parachutes;
  • grenade lighters;
  • dynamite alarm clock;

If you are choosing more expensive gifts for your husband, dad, or from the whole company to a friend, consider gift options in the form of:

  • guitars;
  • collection knife;
  • set of cigars

And even ordinary ones good wishes, SMS or poems will touch the soul of the bravest warrior who celebrates his holiday on August 2.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

On Paratrooper's Day, I want to wish you that the parachute canopy becomes your protection. So that your health is always strong and reliable, like slings. So that life consists exclusively of white stripes, and all blue dreams inevitably come true.

You are a paratrooper - and it sounds proud.

After all, you know your business clearly and firmly.

You fight with enemies both in heaven and on earth.

And all this for the sake of peace in our native land.

Therefore, I wish you not only strength, but also patience.

And, definitely, a lot of superhuman luck.

After all, only you are the hope to again

No new troubles or warriors came to our homes.

Larisa, August 1, 2018.

Celebrated on August 2 every year, it is memorable date. This is a professional holiday for military personnel serving on active duty in the ranks of the Airborne Forces and veterans. of this kind troops. In Russia, the status of a memorial day was determined in 2006 as recognition of the merits of paratroopers in matters of conservation high level defense capability and ensuring state security. The holiday falls on the same date in Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

history of the holiday

Dedicated to the date of creation of the USSR Airborne Forces. In 1930, paratroopers landed for the first time near Voronezh as part of scheduled exercises. A special unit of twelve people successfully landed to complete a training mission. This became clear evidence of the exceptional capabilities of this type of troops and served as the starting point for the creation of parachute units.

By 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were created on the basis of the Moscow, Volga, Ukrainian and Belarusian military districts. After another 8 years, in 1941, the formation of five airborne corps was completed. Each unit consisted of 10,000 soldiers trained in a new military specialty.

During the Great Patriotic War, “winged infantry” more than once justified its expediency and effectiveness. After the Great Patriotic War, units of the airborne troops were involved in absolutely all armed conflicts with the participation of the USSR, the most famous of which was the Afghan War.


The date of celebration of Airborne Forces Day, August 2, remains unchanged. Every year, specialists in this profession are honored with congratulations. The holiday applies to both active military personnel and retired veterans.

The first reports on airborne troops date back to 1930 and were compiled near Voronezh. There the Moscow Military District held its exercises. Just then 12 people parachuted. The command instructed them to carry out a number of tactical tasks at the landing point.

In 1931, the first airborne unit was formed, although at the first stage the paratroopers were not assigned to separate armed forces.

Until 1946, paratroopers were part of the air force, and in 1946 they were reassigned to ground troops However, they reported directly to the Minister of Defense.

Only in 1991 in the Russian Federation, paratroopers were withdrawn from the ground forces, and they became independent troops. Although before 1991 everyone knew what date Airborne Forces Day was celebrated, after their separation they began to organize real celebrations, which, however, do not always end peacefully.

All cities of the Russian Federation on August 2, 2017, on Airborne Forces Day, will be filled with former paratroopers in vests and berets.

Airborne Forces Day is always celebrated noisily and brightly, despite the fact that this is not a national event. It is very difficult to confuse military personnel with other representatives of the troops; the traditions have been preserved until 2017 and continue to be passed on to the younger generation, who, while learning the military profession, still responsibly guard the security of the Motherland.

For the more mature generation, represented by veterans, meetings of comrades are organized.

If you see a large crowd of people in vests with blue and white colors mixed together, and their heads are decorated with berets, then it’s time to remember what date Airborne Forces Day is celebrated. Surely today is August 2nd.

The celebration begins with congratulations to employees, in whose honor honoring receptions and performances are held, concerts where commemorative medals and gifts are awarded with the award of extraordinary titles. Those who distinguished themselves while serving in the Airborne Forces receive promotion.

Airborne Forces Day often coincides with hot summer weather, so it is not surprising that active Airborne Forces swim in reservoirs, and within the city they choose ordinary fountains for this purpose. Therefore, on this day, by order of the management, the fountains are drained and disconnected from the water supply, so that festivities with drinking strong alcoholic beverages do not turn into brawls and noisy performances.

Despite the fact that the event is always celebrated loudly, Russian residents are lenient towards employees, allowing them to truly relax at least once a year. It is worth saying that not all representatives of the Airborne Forces get drunk, but almost everyone prefers to sing songs with a guitar in the main squares of the country.

Motorists who support the holiday place symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces on their cars, greeting them with the holiday.
Cultural events for ordinary Russians have not been forgotten either - on August 2, it is customary to show performances by the military, demonstrate equipment and weapons. Residents are charged with a special joyful mood and are happy to go to concerts and other festive events.

Walking people are constantly monitored by police officers who ensure law and order in the cities. They suppress fist fights and the desire of particularly active rowdies to measure their strength with their fists.

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