Jewelry using the crazy technique vul. Charming works using the “Crazy Wool” and MK techniques. Alternative solution without water-soluble base

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Hello Hello!
Getting to know the community, I decided to present my handicrafts - burlap bags, and others natural materials. And burlap is my separate, fiery love, well, I’m very partial to it! She is so partial that her absence at some point forced me to persuade my husband, and this is not the easiest task, to make me a loom. Having received this miracle (read without smiling) - truly a wonderful miracle!, I naturally started weaving. Well, then it’s clear - I wove burlap! Or rather a bag made of jute thread (this is the first one in the photo). And only my husband’s thoughts about the delights of house-building, apparently inspired by my sight at the machine, sometimes makes me pause for other activities. But the “woven” disease progresses, another bag is woven from strips of fabric - linen and wool ( last photo- “bag-basket”), and the central part of the bag-sun is generally a mix of fabric and threads.
You can look in more detail and, if you want to buy, here:



Crazy Wool (translated as crazy thread) – very interesting
technique! The result is fantastic! And the speed of production of new clothes is pleasing)

The crezi vul technique uses soluble interlining, adhesive spray (craftswomen sometimes replace the spray with hairspray) and threads from cotton to wool!

and the result can be a scarf, tunic, jacket, jumper dress or even a coat.

MK: Details for the coat using the Crazy-Wool technique. MK Elena Anfinogenova

For several years now I have been working with this wonderful technique - “Crazy Wool”.

The technique is truly limitless for imagination, and the models and play of colors fascinate the eye.

Of course, it is impossible to tell the entire process of sewing a coat in one master class, so I will tell you, using the example of a sleeve, how I make parts for a coat.

For a coat using the crazy technique you will need:

– water-soluble interlining or Avalon brand Guterman or Madeira;

– the usual thinnest interlining (I use covering material);

– coat pattern;

– silk for lining;

– sketch of the drawing (optional);

- sewing machine;

– threads to match the main yarn, pins, scissors.

Stages of working on a coat:

1. Manufacturing of parts - blanks from which the coat will be cut out. To do this, we take insoluble non-woven interlining and make a larger blank for the future part by 5-7 cm (on all sides), not reaching the bottom by 15-20 cm. From soluble we make the same blank, but only this time the length of the entire future part + 15- 20cm. We start laying it out on the part where the insoluble interlining meets the soluble one. That is, the inside of the sleeve will be lined with insoluble non-woven interlining, which in turn will prevent its further deformation during wear.

2. We begin to lay out the drawing. Using a sleeve as an example:

We do the same for all the details. And we sew it on the machine randomly with a very frequent line.

3. We wash the resulting blanks to completely dissolve the non-woven fabric.

4. We cut out the details of the coat using patterns. We process the cuts using an overlocker.

7. Let's start sewing the coat.

8. We cut out silk patterns for lining the parts. We sew the lining.

9. We connect the sewn coat with the lining.

10. Making button loops. The coat is ready.

Crazy Wool- a technique for creating things (clothing, accessories, paintings) from wool yarn, but without knitting.


Crazy Wool– from English words, meaning “crazy wool” or “crazy yarn” (in Russian it sounds like “crazy wol”). Among Russian needlewomen the technique is called “ crazy thread" But technology has another name - sandwich, which in translation means “sandwich” (sandwich) and fully reflects the essence of the method - layering threads on top of each other.

Items made using the Crazy Wool technique are sometimes called " lazy- “lazy sweater”, “lazy scarf”. In the sense that knitting skills are not required to create a product, and you can simply throw on threads layer by layer, thereby obtaining a “knitted” item for several hours.


Crazy Wool allows you to make real woolen items (such as scarves, collars, vests and even sweaters and dresses) without knitting skills. More likely, you need sewing skills on a sewing machine rather than crocheting or knitting.

Crazy Wool is sometimes mistakenly called a felting technique. But Crazy Wool has a fundamental difference: things do not shrink in size, they do not need to be washed and felted, but just wet to dissolve the stabilizer film. Although preparing the product is similar to “wool painting” - the patterns are born in the same way, layer by layer.

Canvas using the Crazy Wool technique, but not only from threads, but with scraps of fabric and braid

Sometimes the base is not a stabilizing film, but a fabric or mesh; they do not dissolve in water and become the bottom layer or background. But a water-soluble film is still needed; it holds the threads on top. In this case, the thing turns out not openwork, but rather dense. This principle is used in the manufacture of bags, paintings, and any durable things.

There is a variation of Crazy Wool, in which not threads are used, but scraps of fabric, lace, and braid. The principle of operation is the same, but it is more of an appliqué than a real “knitting without knitting.”

Materials for Crazy Wool

Desktop and Crazy Wool product

  • Any threads for knitting, you can use leftovers, threads of different thicknesses and completely different textures will do.
  • Wool for felting.
  • Scraps of fabric that can be woven into a pattern.
  • Sewing threads to match the main color of the future product.
  • Water-soluble stabilizer for embroidery. In appearance, this is a translucent fabric, similar to matte cellophane film. Sold in craft stores.
  • Sewing spray for embroidery or wool painting (available at craft stores) or strong hold hairspray.

Stages of work

1. Stabilizer is taken the right size- according to the size of the future product. If the product has complex shapes, then the stabilizer should be cut according to the pattern (for example, when making clothes). Place the stabilizer on the work table.

2. Spray the stabilizer fixative.

3. First layer of thread. The threads of the first layer are laid out on the stabilizer in a chaotic order.

4. Second layer of thread. It is laid out similarly to the first one. If you are planning a pattern, then you can already start laying out the threads of the desired color.

5. The third and subsequent layers of thread. You should continue to “fill” the “sandwich” in accordance with the chosen pattern or color scheme. Depending on the complexity of the design, a different number of layers may be required. For example, for a simple openwork scarf you will need 5 layers of thread.

6. When the pattern is laid out with threads, it should be secured with a fixative or hairspray. It is important to make sure that the threads fill all the voids and that the openwork is not too large.

7. Cover the product with a layer of stabilizer on top.

Stitching on a sewing machine

8. On sewing machine randomly stitch the resulting fabric. The distance between the seams is no more than 2 cm, if the pattern is small, then 1.5 cm or even less. Some needlewomen do not adhere to the chaotic principle, but make even checkered seams like quilted items.

9. Place the stitched product in warm water (temperature about 30 degrees Celsius). The stabilizer will dissolve.

Crazy Wool book and bag made from it

10. Ready product dry. If it is a scarf or collar, then the edges should be crocheted or trimmed with braid. If further assembly is planned, then the edges do not need to be processed.

Ideas: what can be done using the Crazy Wool technique

A large number of ideas can be gleaned from handicraft forums and handicraft blogs. A special book “Crazy Wool” has been published, containing instructions and models of clothing that are made using this interesting technique.

Products made using the Crazy Wool technique from the book Crazy Wool

For beginners, we can advise starting with simple rectangular things: a scarf, a picture, a bag, a collar, a decorative pillow for the interior. More advanced needlewomen use the technique

The technique of creating a careless and crazy web-like canvas will help develop the chaotic imagination of any needlework master. The use of the crazy-wool technique, ideas for the implementation of which are growing exponentially day by day, will give any product a decorative twist.

Introduction to technology

To make fabric using the crazy-wool technique, you need to prepare several materials:

  • threads: yarn, lurex, thin laces, threads of loose fabric, fragments of lace, etc.;
  • film or non-woven fabric for special purposes;
  • hairspray or spray for temporary fixation;
  • sewing machine, sewing threads;
  • a basin with warm water (at the end of work);
  • a towel or terry sheet (at the end of work).

You can get by with the crazy-wool technique for beginners simple ideas laying out threads in a chaotic order, without specific patterns. First you need to cut out two identical pieces of film; you choose the size yourself, depending on how the film will be used in the future. Apply hairspray to one of the film fragments - spraying is carried out quite generously. We lay out the threads, cut laces and everything else that was prepared to fill the space of the canvas.

When the canvas is filled tightly enough, you need to spray it again with hairspray, and then cover it with a second piece of film. You should act quickly, since the varnish should not have time to dry before applying the second piece of film to the canvas in order to properly glue the layers. The resulting part needs to be stitched, special attention should be paid to the edges, but seams should be made throughout the entire fabric in the form of a square or diamond-shaped mesh. The resulting canvas must be immersed in warm water, where the film should soften. To do this, you can gently knead and rub the canvas with your hands, helping the film dissolve. When this happens, you need to change the water and, after rinsing the fabric, squeeze it out and lay it on a towel to dry. After drying, the canvas is ready.

If you cannot purchase film or non-woven material, you can use thick film and construction adhesive for wallpaper. In this case, there is no need to cut out fragments of the film; it should be larger than the future product. After spraying its surface with varnish and laying the threads, dissolve the glue and, soaking it with a sponge, apply it over the entire canvas. When the canvas is saturated with glue, it needs to be given time to dry. At the end of the work, remove the fabric from the film, sew it on a machine, wash it and dry it.

Wool fabric

To create a warm wool scarf Without hooks, knitting needles and a lot of time, you can resort to felting. This method requires the following materials:

  • merino wool, another breed of sheep (70 g);
  • viscose fibers (30 g);
  • spray bottle with warm soapy water;
  • rolling pin;
  • dense substrate;
  • vibration grinding machine (VShM);
  • garbage bags;
  • marker;
  • towel, terry sheet;
  • a rag for cleaning up excess soap solution.

The first step of the master class will be to mark the dimensions of the future product with a marker on the substrate. Next, you need to stretch the wool, but you should not pull on one edge, but you need to carefully straighten the fibers of the wool with your palm so that the fabric is even in density.

Unwanted holes in the fabric can be filled with wool fibers carefully removed from another part of the fabric. After this, you need to lay out a thin layer of viscose.

The canvas is covered with cut garbage bags, pressed well with your hands, after which you need to walk the GM over it, first over the bag, and then over the wet cloth itself.

The ends of the fabric need to be divided into strands that are twisted into a fringe.

After this, the canvas, avoiding folds, is wound on a rolling pin. Water should be removed with a cloth during the winding process.

The resulting roll is rolled with great pressure on one side and the other 150 times.

After unfolding the canvas perpendicular to you, its edges need to be rubbed (rolled) with your palm.

After this, the canvas needs to be rolled again with a rolling pin, first unfolded, and then folded in half. At the end of the work, the resulting product is rinsed in warm water in a balm or hair conditioner, then in cold water. You need to squeeze it in a lump, without twisting the canvas. The product is wrapped in a towel to remove excess moisture.

After drying, the fabric is ironed and the scarf is ready, as in the photo:

This crazy-wool technique is also very good because there is no need to mess around with sewing machine and you can do without glue.

Selected aspects

To create a one-piece product using the technique, you need to stock up on patterns for the necessary clothes. For example, if this is a coat, then the film is cut out in the form of patterns of two fragments, onto which threads are applied very tightly, and each layer of threads should be secured with varnish. In addition, such a fabric should be “shrinked” onto the lining fabric.

To prevent a product made from crazy-wool fabric from falling apart during sewing, you need to pay attention to good stitching of the edges and the entire fabric. The finer the distance between stitches, the best quality created canvas.

Clothes using the crazy-wool technique use decorative elements of knitted flowers and bows. In addition, when sewing and knitting fabric clothes, crazy wool ribbons and fabric fragments are used as decorative elements.

Video on the topic of the article

A selection of videos on making fabric and things using the crazy-wool technique:

Today we want to introduce you to the amazing crazy wool technique - “crazy threads (yarn)”. Surprising as it may seem, it is not at all necessary to have remarkable patience and be able to work with knitting needles or crochet in order to create masterpieces using this technique.

Crazy Wool is a fashionable and interesting way to create non-woven knitwear. Thanks to him for short period of time You can create large items that would take much longer to knit. And a pleasant bonus is the fact that with this technique, the yarn consumption for any product is reduced by 4–5 times and less time is spent on its manufacture.

Jeannette Knake came up with this technique for those who are not very “friendly” with either knitting or sewing and at the same time want to have beautiful and exclusive things.

The crazy wool technique is used to create beautiful openwork stoles, shawls, coats, skirts, dresses, tablecloths and much more, including accessories.

Another name for this technique is “sandwich”, so the threads are laid in layers, creating openwork pattern. If there are few layers, the result is a light, airy product; with five layers, the product is dense and very warm. In the crazy wool technique, you can use any thread and wool for the pattern.

How to make a product using the crazy wool technique

There are several techniques

Let us consider in detail the manufacture of such a stole

You will need:

1. Water-soluble interlining or water-soluble stabilizer for embroidery (sold in craft stores), or tracing paper (as in MK)

2. Special fixative or strong hold hairspray

4. Sewing threads

5. Scissors, sewing needle

6. Sewing machine


From a roll of tracing paper 42 cm wide, cut two pieces 185 cm long.

We draw one segment with squares (diamonds) 2*2 cm and set it aside. Those who scribble chaotically may not do this.

We lay out the second piece of tracing paper and spray it with varnish or a special fixative.

We begin to randomly lay out the yarn.

We lay out the yarn in two colors at once

Lay out the first layer.

Now we pass the yarn along the edge of the product. Only after this we fix the first layer with varnish.

Lay out another layer of yarn and fix it with varnish. We do the same with the third layer. Now let's do the final touch. We take white yarn and pass it over the product.

Then - red

Fix with varnish and press the yarn by hand

The laying out of yarn is finished and so is the creative process. Cover with a second layer of tracing paper.

Then we put the load (pillows, blanket) and forget for 20-30 minutes. After 20-30 minutes we begin the routine.
We sweep away the product. We start basting from the edge of the product and move towards the center.

We sew along the squares along and across, across and along, or chaotically. Doesn't matter!

Those who have used water-soluble non-woven fabric go to wash their product. Well, if you use tracing paper, then stock up on patience and a garbage bag. We begin to remove the tracing paper. Hooray! The tracing paper was removed. Now we can see our stole in its original glory. Let's go do the laundry. Dry on a towel.

Another interesting execution of the crazy wool technique