Facial care. What does a man want? Products CLARINS MEN Clarence men's line

Which currently unites 3,000 beauty salons, 19 branches scattered around the world and 31 institutes, including the brands Azzaro, Porsche Design, Thierry Mugler, Kibio, began with the founding of the Institute of Beauty by Jacques Courtin in 1954. The future owner of a huge cosmetics corporation wanted to be a doctor, but ended up becoming the creator of high-quality cosmetics. He always listened carefully to the wishes of his clients and tried to make changes to this or that product. After all, not paying attention to the opinions of your direct customers regarding cosmetics is a surefire way to fail in business and lose regular customers.
A tireless researcher, a realist, a bright admirer of herbal and aromatherapy, Jacques Courten managed to identify the ideal combination between modern technologies and traditional natural products. This approach, of course, is more typical for romantically minded dreamers. But the brand name itself has a magical backstory. The Clarins brand was named after the bearer of happy news, Clarius, or Clarence, a theater character whom Courtin played in a school play. Over time, the brand and its creator began to bear the same name - Jacques Courtin turned into Courten-Clarens.

At first, white was the signature color of the Clarins brand. It symbolized purity and a scientific approach to creating products. However, soon red was added to white - the color of passion and gold - the color of luxury.
Among Courtin-Clarens's discoveries in the beauty industry are many scientific discoveries and experiments. He became one of the first to use natural oils of plant origin, combining them with plant components. This discovery led to the creation of products that have both phyto and aromatherapy effects on the skin. Courtin-Clarens first began using sugar and salt to create cosmetics and noticed the rejuvenating and protective properties of alpine plants and herbs. The Clarins brand was the first to include in its collection special cosmetics for weight loss, as well as products created specifically to combat cellulite. Thanks to research by the Clarins brand, the first cosmetical tools designed to protect against electromagnetic and solar radiation.
In the 80s, Clarins became the best company in Europe for the production of luxury cosmetics. In addition to producing cosmetics and skin care products, the Clarins brand produces a line of perfumes. A distinctive feature of the brand is the use of unique exotic essences that come from rare plants in perfume compositions. Clarins perfumes are perfume compositions created taking into account latest technologies and the use of traditional components. These are clean, light, natural aromas that can immerse you in an atmosphere of relaxation and give you a great mood.

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We buy perfumes from Ry7.

Imagine a perfume store, elegant display cases and a huge variety of bottles and testers displayed on the shelves. Choosing a scent becomes very difficult...

We suggest taking a simpler route. Presented on our website detailed information about each of the available fragrances. You can not only find out the pyramid of the scent, but also read about what image or character it would be best suited to, what mood it could create. We try to find for you as much information as possible about perfumery, with us you can always find detailed descriptions brands and fragrances, complemented by interesting details. Agree, simply using perfume and using perfume, knowing that they were loved by, for example, Audrey Hepburn or Marlene Dietrich, are completely different things. You can also read customer reviews, find out how the fragrance develops on the skin and other details.
If you still find it difficult to choose, we will be happy to offer you consultations with our managers, who have enormous experience in selecting perfumes and are well versed in the range of perfumes and eau de toilette presented at Ry7.

In addition to ease of choice, our store is known for its low prices. Let us explain how we manage to make you the best offers.
Firstly, our online store has reliable partnerships with leading suppliers of women's and men's perfumes. This allows us to receive goods on the most favorable terms. We try to organize our business in such a way as to minimize all possible costs of trading. Well, the main thing remains that our store and the perfume presented by us are in high demand. This allows us to set minimum markups on perfume products.

For our employees there are no “ordinary” or “standard” orders - we look for an individual approach to each client without exception so as to create optimal conditions for purchasing perfumes for him. We value our customers and their attitude towards our online store.

Hello, dear girls! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
In that New Year I decided to please my man with a new treatment, and in order not to “traumatize” his eyes and psyche with scrubs, creams, etc., I decided to start with his usual shaving gel and a new product - pre-shave oil. I’ll tell you about them!

My acquaintance with the Clarence brand began about a year ago, when I accidentally went to the IDB to buy mascara and was offered to go for a make-up from the brand. Naturally, I didn’t leave there without shopping and gifts! Since then I can’t imagine my life without Clarence!
Of course, I didn’t think about choosing a brand for my beloved man! I wanted to buy shaving gel, but after seeing a post about pre-shave oils, I added it to my shopping list! Here's what happened:

To begin with, I’ll tell you about Clarins Men Shave Ease oil!
Unfortunately, I’ve already thrown away the boxes, so I’ll translate what’s written on the website in my own words:
"ClarinsMen Shaving Oil with essential oils rosemary, eucalyptus and mint soften the bristles to reduce razor friction. Use alone or before shaving."

The oil smells very nice! Moreover, the smell is so unisex, I would love to use it too! The texture is normal, butter like butter!
Here it is on my hand, just applied:

It can be seen that the oil spreads quickly:

But I rubbed it:


The oil really made an impression: according to my MCH, it really reduces friction, softens the skin and stubble, and subsequent shaving occurs with the least irritation. The manufacturer says that the oil can be used both before shaving and separately to soften the skin (apparently after shaving), but my MCH uses the oil only before shaving, so I can’t write anything separately about its properties. But together with the gel, it cannot be compared with the brands that MCH used previously: Gillette, Nivea, Arco, etc. The irritation is definitely less, the growing stubble is not so “prickly”.
Our assessment of the product: 5++++++++++++++!!!
Price: about 1200 rubles in gold in Rive Gauche

Now shaving gel Clarins Men Smooth Shave
The gel smells nice, but it’s not clear what! Such a masculine smell, but not chemical, but natural. The website states that it contains Chinese herbs Bison and Galanga, apparently it smells like them!
One press is enough for the entire face and neck. The gel is white-blue in color, as if striped. I tried to convey it in the photo:
The gel foams easily and spreads well over the face. Really provides easy glide of the razor, shaves very cleanly, and without cuts!

In general, the man was satisfied with his new care, and my plans are to buy him something else, just around the corner on February 23
Our rating: of course 5++++++++++++++!!!
Price: about 600 rubles in Rive Gauche gold

Brand Clarins is a clear leader in sales in Russia. This applies equally to both care and makeup products. If we women love Clarins products so much, then why not introduce them to your man? Clarins Men? Unless, of course, he himself prudently did this. In a new review website 3 new products for facial and eyelid skin care are presented. Do your lover have them all on his shelf?

About Clarins Men

The Clarins Men series is huge; There is everything: shaving products, for cleansing and moisturizing the skin, body and hand care, anti-aging line, intensive SOS care. French men are very scrupulous when it comes to grooming, to say the least.

Means Anti-Rides Fermete Line-Control Balm quite eloquently tells what skin problems it affects. The cream-balm moisturizes, promotes skin renewal, reduces wrinkles and is suitable for any skin type and age. The composition uses a plant extract of bison grass, which grows on the eastern plains of Poland. The extract of this plant stimulates blood circulation and has a general strengthening effect. Clarins Men balm helps improve complexion and tighten oval contours.

The product has an original bottle; to open it you need to turn the silver cap counterclockwise. The bottle has a dispenser and pump, so it will be used to the last drop.

Clarins Men's skin regenerating balm is very light in consistency, the creamy fluid is absorbed instantly. The product has a subtle herbal scent, unlike many brands that, in an effort to emphasize the masculinity of their products, add extra fragrances.

If a man takes care of himself, then skin care has long become a habit and a daily beauty ritual. Those who are just starting to explore this niche, on the right way. It’s better to start with proven and effective means. My husband is very pleased with this product, although so far there have been no comments from it regarding the reduction of wrinkles, but the hydration and external condition of the skin has been significantly improved. Volume: 50 ml

Price: 3750 rubles (on promotion 2625 rubles)

Intensely moisturizing facial gel Clarins Men

Intensively moisturizing gel Gel Super Hydrant I would love to take it into my beauty arsenal, because the product is truly unique. Its essence is deep hydration skin, giving it freshness and tone. As far as I know, many men do not like creamy textures, I already talked about this in the review, because the skin sweats. My husband rejected dozens of creams precisely for this reason, so either serum, fluid, or gel.

The product has a creamy consistency with a light blue tint only when pressed from the bottle, then it turns into a transparent gel. By the way, this product already has a scent that is more confident and sensual; it reminds me of the smell of freshly washed laundry.

Clarins Men Moisturizing Gel provides a feeling of comfort during skin tightness; it is suitable for any time of the year, not only in sunny periods. The gel quickly eliminates the feeling of irritation and redness after shaving. Contains calcium hyaluronate, which restores the natural processes of skin hydration and its protective functions. Sunflower auxins provide a tightening and smoothing effect. Alpine eryngium extract quickly soothes the skin, relieving the feeling of burning and dryness. Volume: 50 ml

Price: 2950 rubles (promotion 2065 rubles)

Line-Control Eye Balm Clarins Men

Another remedy without which daily care behind the skin it loses all meaning - it’s masculine. The cream is suitable for any age; its task is to strengthen the skin around the eyes, smooth out wrinkles and reduce dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

The cream around the eyes has a dense but non-greasy texture that becomes matte on the skin. The cream perfectly moisturizes and is quickly absorbed, so no further patting is required. It is recommended to apply it daily before bed.

The product contains the aforementioned bison grass extract, as well as akmella, which renews the structure of the dermis to increase skin elasticity. Maritime pine strengthens capillaries and improves microcirculation, reduces dark circles and puffiness. Volume: 20 ml

Price: 3150 rubles (on promotion 2205 rubles)

General impression: this was a review of just 3 Clarins Men products to solve the most common problems men's skin- insufficient hydration, the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. In my opinion, these are quite universal products for any man who values ​​his appearance. And although most of them do their best to pretend that they obviously don’t need it, age, stress and environment take their toll. Taking care of your skin is a must, and if a man finds it difficult to understand the abundance of products on display, then we will definitely come to his aid.

On the site clarins.ru There is a sale going on where you can buy gifts for him and yourself for the upcoming March 8th with good discounts.

Photo: Anna Zhbanova. Copying is prohibited.