A touching toast for the New Year. Toasts for the New Year: “Well, here’s to the New Year! For a noisy friendly company

In beautiful new Year's Eve, in the company of friends, with a chicly set table, a toast will not be appropriate, which will add a little extra mood.

The New Year holiday is the apotheosis of contrasts: it’s frosty, snowy, dark outside, but the lights at home are sparkling, fun, warm, elegant Christmas tree, festive table... Even in the new year, no matter how the winds and adversities rage around, there will be light and comfort in the house and in the soul. May all our wishes come true in the new year! Let's raise a glass to that

One day three wanderers were walking. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened the door for them and asked: “Who are you?”

The sick mother said: "Let's let Health in." The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all with ourselves!

One man approaches the river, pushes aside a bush, another, a third... and so he moves apart twenty bushes... And there, behind the last bush, stands a beautiful woman and waits for him. He took off one dress, another, a third... So let's drink to our prospects in the new year!

May we have as many good and joyful events next year, as many good and wonderful deeds, as many lights burn in our New Year's garland!


On a snowy winter road
The old year is being swept away.
Let everything you want come true
On New Year's moonlit night.

Midnight strikes and my heart trembles
At this late hour.
Light perfume invisibly
They surround us.
They dance in a light round dance
They look into our eyes.
Happy New Year! (whisper)


Winter is coming, playing with snowstorms,
The frost is crackling and summer is far away,
And I congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year give you warmth.

Warmth of love, family warmth.

Glasses New Year's glass.


Let the fun go in full swing
Let the song fly to the skies
It's good to celebrate the New Year,
Happy year of new plans and miracles.


Let the New Year caress you,
Will bring happiness in life.
Let hope warm you.
Let fate protect you!


Let all the flowers fall at your feet,
Let the stars turn into emeralds,
Let grief and sorrow go away,
May your dreams come true in the New Year!


Once upon a time there lived a man: two years ago he was greeted in a dormitory... A year ago he was greeted in a one-room apartment... Now he is met in a country villa... But he is not welcomed in a dormitory.
So let's drink to HIM - to the one whom we meet in the hostel, and in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that he will be successful! Here's to the New Year!


Let all bad things sink into eternity
Happy last breath of December!
And everything is beautiful and alive
Will come to you on the morning of January!


To the clink of New Year's glasses
With a splash of champagne, wine,
Happy New Year to you
I wish you happiness and goodness
Hours fly, days pass
This is the law of nature
And today I want you
Happy New Year.


Every person has an unquenchable candle of his soul.
But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap.
So let's drink so that in the new year the light of our soul will freely reach our friends.


It became an amazing fate.


Let the New Year caress you,
Will bring happiness in life.
Let hope warm you
Let fate protect you!


And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,


Let's drink to the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree... and not be in the forest!
Here's to the New Year!


Life is beautiful even when tears are streaming down your cheeks.
So let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that in the coming year tears will flow down our cheeks more often, but only tears of happiness!

From a conversation between two friends:
- I’m coming home the other day. I see my wife lying in bed with some man. This immediately alarmed me. I run to the refrigerator, open it, and sure enough, there’s not half a liter...
So let's drink to the fact that nothing will alarm us in the new year!


In half an hour the New Year will come. A couple with full wallets is hurrying home through the empty streets. They come across a drunk man on all fours.
“You see,” the husband reproaches his wife, “people are already having fun!” And everything is done at the last minute!
May we arrive everywhere on time in the coming year! Mom asks her son: “Who taught you to say this terrible word?” - Father Frost. - Father Frost?! Can't be! - Maybe mom! He said this when he fell over his bicycle in my room on New Year's Eve. For Santa Claus!

On the morning after New Year's Eve, the couple return home. The owner tries to open the door with a cigarette. “It’s a cigarette,” says the wife, I’m afraid it won’t open the door! - Damn it, did I really smoke the key?! I suggest we drink so that in the coming year we don’t accidentally smoke the keys to our happiness!

The philosopher Diogenes said: “Being rich and having a lot of money are not the same thing. The truly rich are those who are satisfied with their life.” Let's drink to the New Year bringing us real wealth!

Mommy, remember how you once told me that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? - So what? - Nothing. I just discovered a completely different path tonight. Let's drink, friends, so that in the new year women will make such new and at the same time traditional “discoveries” more often!


Two friends met. - How are you? - Like in a harem: I know that they will fuck, but I just don’t know when. So let's drink to the fact that in the new year life will not fuck us, but caress and love us!


Once guests came to the physicist Neilson Bohr and saw a horseshoe on his door. “Do you really believe that a horseshoe brings good luck?” - they asked him. "I don't believe it, but luck seems to believe it!" Let's drink to good luck coming to our home more often in the new year! p>Let the stars shine in your eyes,
Let happiness sparkle like champagne,
May tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on your heart.
May it be a New Year and a new dawn,
Bad weather will cross out all the gloomy days,
Let your life be like the song of a nightingale,
Brings happiness in the palms of your hands every day!


Health, joy and happiness
I wish you on the New Year,
So that no anxiety, no misfortune
There was no guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly,
Everything that the heart expects came true,
And just to make it gratifying
All your life, like this year!


Winter is coming, playing with snowstorms,
The frost is crackling and summer is far away,
And we congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year give you warmth!
The warmth of luck, the joy of the first meeting,
Warmth of love, family warmth,
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses of New Year's glass!


We wish Santa Claus
The bag of health has brought you
Second bag of laughter
And let the third one be a success.
Happy New Year with a new happiness!
We want to congratulate you
So that grief and misfortune
Flew past you
To Santa Claus
He took all the troubles to the forest
So that there is peace on earth
Both in work and in family


One day three wanderers were walking. Night caught them on the way. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened it for them and asked:
"Who you are?"
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in for the night.
- It's a pity, but we only have one free place. I’ll go and consult with my family about which of you to let in.
The sick mother said: "Let's let Health in."
The daughter suggested letting Love in, and the wife - Wealth.
While they were arguing, the wanderers disappeared.
So let's drink to the fact that in the new year there will always be a place in our home for Health, Love and Wealth!


Let's drink so that every next New Year our holiday table will be more and more bursting with food, the phone will ring more and more with congratulatory calls from friends and more and more children and grandchildren will give us gifts!


Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy,
So that on the New Year's tree
Instead of holiday animals
Exactly 30 showed off
Half-liter bubbles,
So that Santa Claus, like in a fairy tale,
Half-drunk, squinting his eyes,
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!


One man is asked:
- Why do you wear shoes two sizes too small?
He answers:
- On purpose. My wife is not beautiful. Besides, she's evil. Cooks badly! The son is a loser! My mother-in-law is a witch!... The only joy I have in life is when I take off my shoes in the evening!
Let's drink to the fact that we will have other joys in the new year!


May the New Year not add wrinkles,
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
It will improve your health and save you from failures.
And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.


Happy New Year, my dear friend,
May he be kind and wonderful.
So that everything you dreamed about passionately,
It became an amazing fate.


The old year is passing...
I would like to say
Many good words
Wish you happiness.
So that life is easy for you
Next year
So that you forget
Woe and misfortune!


Let's drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden: for as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, don't grow old, and there's always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!


The clock is knocking.
Leaves old year.
Its last pages are rustling...
What was good - let it not go away,
And what is bad will not happen again!


Happy New Year!
Let the fun
Celebrate housewarming in souls,
And luck at this hour
It won't pass you by!

Let's drink to the New Year,
He's already coming, he's coming,
He brings love, goodness,
Miracles and magic!
We'll drink to you,
So that everyone is lucky
To believe in miracles,
Always be happy

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone wealth
I wish everyone kindness,
Make your dreams come true!
I'll drink to the magic
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive
We will all live happily!

Let's drink to the magic
For miracles, for joy and for happiness,
For the world to be ruled by goodness,
May we always live in wealth!
For the New Year, which is like a blank slate,
For all your dreams to come true soon,
For old and fragile bridges
Always only remained in the past!

Let's drink to the New Year,
For the blank slate that fate gave us,
May this year be magical
It will bring you good luck.
Let him give prosperity to everyone,
May all your dreams come true,
There is always order in affairs,
Let's drink to happiness, friends!

I drink to a wonderful New Year.
May it bring us joy
Let him give you magic,
We've been waiting for it for a long time!
I drink to happiness, to prosperity,
For health and goodness,
So that everything is alright
We had enough strength for everything!

The New Year is about to arrive.
He's probably standing on the threshold.
And the champagne is already playing in the glass,
Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.
So let's raise our glasses
For the past year, for past affairs.
Together we will drink to the future,
May everyone's dreams come true!

I raise a glass to the New Year,
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give you joy and kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!
Let him give everyone magic,
May everything always be fine
Let there be miracles everywhere.
That's what I'll drink to tonight!

I'll raise a glass to the New Year,
And I'll drink to it
So that you and I are friends,
Life was really good!
So that all your dreams come true,
There was enough good in the world,
With luck, always be on first name terms,
For more magic!
For good health,
Like frost in February,
So that a million under the Christmas tree,
Santa Claus brought you!

New Year is knocking on the door,
What awaits us in it?
Light, love, warmth, dream,
Happiness, peace and beauty.
And luck and success,
And family, and children's laughter.
We raise a glass
To the new year, because it has come.
And we wish everyone now
Always be happy
So that our courage does not fade away.

The chimes are striking, it's time for us to drink,
Forget about all the problems
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart,
Let all your dreams come to life
I wish you a New Year,
Believe in miracles and fate,
Stay away from troubles
And live in abundance and warmth!

Beautiful New Year's toasts for the New Year 2019

On New Year's Eve outside the window
The snow is falling quietly
Let at your table,
There will be joy and laughter
Let enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And he will enter without hindrance
Happiness to your bright home.

I raise my glass
For happiness to shine!
To inflame passions
I burned all my misfortunes like paper!
Love will come to us, with it peace.
Everything will become cleaner, more beautiful.
At our New Year's feast with you
Peoples will become kinder and kinder.
Having said no to unnecessary war,
We will live, friends, without anger.
All smiles will see the light,
Only kindness will come to visit us!
I wish you all the best!
It should be in every home!
A cap of gold, silver,
I wish everyone, there is no word “except”!
May the New Year give everyone
Everything you've always dreamed of,
And let the old year take away
Enmity, illness and sorrow!

Let the New Year hurry up
Spin with fun,
Let the glasses be filled,
We will drink for us!
Let the miracle await
Gives birth to dreams again
Let's make wishes
In the middle of winter frost!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
So that this year
Tears were not in use
So that friends appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were given
So that diseases do not attack
That's the point. And we'll be alive
We'll get the rest
By acquaintance or by connections,
Thank you for the salary.
Don't be sad, keep your nose up!
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

Everyone under New Year
I want a fairy tale
And fun, noise,
Bright pandemonium!
Let's get together this very hour
Fill glasses
So that none of us
It didn't seem like enough!

We'll raise this toast
Over the ocean of luck,
To become in the year of the Rooster
Many times richer!
So that in the home of each of us
Peace and happiness reigned
And all our desires
Came true overnight!

Let the vocals sing about love,
And God saves you from adversity.
Please, friends, your glasses
Empty for the New Year!
For the net to have a catch
And the table was full of food.
For everyone to be healthy,
I only support football.
For new paragraphs
We opened in the book of life
And they ran away like hares,
All the sadness in the middle of winter!
To make everyone feel warmer from the word,
To make people more fun
And so that these glasses again
We could raise it in a year!

Twelve strikes and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing,
My love is the spark of all my deeds.
My first toast is to your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes,
For all the moments I spent with you,
For the joy of meetings that awaits us,
For a thirst that knows no quenching!

The blue planet is flying,
It’s not an easy year to remember.
In your cozy room
The smell of salad, the crackling of candles,
Like a moment of fate - the clock strikes,
The heart will shrink in silence,
Then the table, wine, guitar
And the noise of solemn speeches.
Friends! We love you all very much,
We wish you happiness and goodness!
Let's not forget a glass of wine
Empty to the bottom for you!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to cope with the enemy all year!
Today, celebrating the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness,
Someone who doesn't love will fall in love.
Who is more happy about money than life?
Let him become rich this year!
Now it’s not a sin for us to drink
For us, for everyone and for success!

The year goes by, goes into a century -
Fast time, eternal running.
Don't look back, don't wait -
Only the army of years gone by.
Only seconds of missing moan
Yes, New Year's glasses are ringing.
Only yesterday time was born,
Only yesterday happiness swirled.
Just yesterday! It was, yes away.
Dawn again, midnight again...
The Kremlin chimes strike again,
Again from the times of passing...
The minute has come, the hour has come -
we raise our glass
Behind new day, for the New Year,
Over time, an inaudible move.

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2019

Dear guests, look,
It’s so nice and cozy here with us,
Wait a little longer
And the clock will strike twelve times.
I congratulate you to the clink of glasses,
Under the smiles, under the sparkle of the eyes,
So that happiness does not end today,
So that there is still some left in reserve.
Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year go in full.
And let's forget all our bad weather -
For him, for the New Year to the bottom!

We wish you the chimes,
Holding a glass of champagne in your hand,
Make a cherished wish,
I wish all your loved ones a lot of happiness,
Greet the coming year with a smile,
Live it without hardships and adversities,
Look for moments of happiness and goodness,
May your life be full of joy...
And in anticipation of a moment of magic
We want to congratulate you on the upcoming year!

Let the snow fall on your shoulders,
Glasses clink, stars sparkle
And every person believes
It's not too late to test yourself.
Let's celebrate, friends!
It simply cannot be otherwise,
May your fate be bright and good
I wish with all my heart.
I wish you all shades of happiness,
I wish you the warmth of friends,
Health, immeasurable joy
And bright holiday lights!

The holiday is coming,
Bright New Year!
Everyone has a lot of joy
Looking forward to it.
I toast this sincerely
I wish
So that your loved ones are healthy
There were also friends...
To meet
To everyone on their way
True joy
The beauty of love!

Fluffy snow covered the city
In their white snowdrifts...
To those who are dear to me in this life
I wish you happiness and love!
And with this New Year's toast
I raise my glass
To be freer in desires
Each of us has become today!

Let your thoughts be pure
How New Year's snow.
Eyes are always radiant
And carefree laughter!
And a lot, a lot of joy
Will give in advance
So cheerful, festive,
Happy New Year!
For this toast with me
Raise your glasses
And in a joyful mood
Count the days until happiness!

I came to visit you
With a New Year's toast:
“I drink to the snow and cold,
For skating rinks and blocks of ice.
Let the skates glide faster
And the lights will come on
On fluffy Christmas trees
Not long to wait!

Winter is coming, playing with snowstorms,
The frost is crackling and summer is far away,
And I congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year give you warmth.
The warmth of luck, the joy of the first meeting,
Warmth of love, family warmth.
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses New Year's glass.

Who wants to get drunk here?
Well, somehow everyone is stuck!
We should all grunt
In the literal sense, however!
Did you snort? Now it's time
Let's all have a civil drink.
Pig - only until the morning,
And only to be censored!

Let's fill the glasses,
May good luck come
So that the stars sparkle for us
And smiles bloomed
And in earthly worries
In the year of the Earth Pig
We didn't leave the flight,
Don't give up on your dream!

The magic is just around the corner
Come on, open the doors
Miracles will come soon,
Fill your glasses!
Let's drink to love and friendship,
Let's drink to peace, love,
We'll drink to happiness,
Let's drink to the New Year!

I'll tell you a secret
I'm making my cherished toast.
I was silent about it all,
I was waiting for the chimes...
I want everyone to be healthy
Remained loved
And nothing bad
We have never met in our lives!

New Year- a holiday that is awaited for almost a whole year, starting to prepare long before its onset, special attention should be paid to toasts for the New Year 2019. The amazing atmosphere of the New Year's bustle equally charges both children and adults with magic. And now the Christmas tree is already decorated, the table is set, the house is shimmering with garlands and the clink of glasses welcomes the New Year. At such moments, you want to get away from banalities and say special words. We have collected for you toasts for the New Year 2019, jokes and practical jokes that will help make the New Year 2019 unforgettable.


Short toasts for the New Year

We also present to your attention cool toasts in verse for the New Year, which you can use to decorate your festive fun.

So, friends, we gathered together,
I will congratulate you
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish you all prosperity!

And good health to you all.
Never get sick.
For success and good luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

Let's drink to the magic
For miracles, for joy and for happiness,
For the world to be ruled by goodness,
May we always live in wealth!

For the New Year, which is like a blank slate,
For all your dreams to come true soon,
For old and fragile bridges
Always only remained in the past!

The New Year is about to arrive.
He's probably standing on the threshold.
And the champagne is already playing in the glass,
Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is lit.

So let's raise our glasses
For the past year, for past affairs.
Together we will drink to the future,
May everyone's dreams come true!

I'll raise a glass to the New Year,
And I'll drink to it
So that you and I are friends,
Life was really good!

So that all your dreams come true,
There was enough good in the world,
With luck, always be on first name basis,
For more magic!

For good health,
Like frost in February,
So that a million under the Christmas tree,
Santa Claus brought you!

We are in power with glorious traditions
The eternal search is akin to us in everything.
Happy New Year, friends, with new happiness,
Happy new toast at our table!

Cool toasts for the New Year of the Dog

Gentlemen! In 2019, a stray Yellow Earth Dog is running towards us. Let's answer her with a friendly bark and lead the whole flock! Be kind! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

From the point of view of the tail, it is he who wags the dog!
From the dog’s point of view, it is the owner who idolizes it.
From the cat’s point of view, she is training the dog to run fast.
From the point of view of the fallen hot dog, it is he who makes the homeless dog happy.
So let's drink to the Best point of view for the coming 2018, in which we will definitely have Health, Desires, Strengths, Opportunities, Means of Achievement and Love! Happy New Year!

One day two drug addict friends went hunting. They wandered silently for 5 hours through the foggy field and, finally, one of them spoke:

“One of two things: either we throw Sharik too low, or the woodcocks fly too high.”

So let's drink to the high and prosperous flight of each of those present here in the coming New Year - the year of the Chinese Earth Dog!

Today, on New Year's Eve, I want to raise this glass to all of us! We must always remember that there are only two types of people in the world. Some people move this world and change something in it. And others run nearby and shout in horror: “Where is this world coming to!” So let's not be outside observers in our lives and put in our efforts to change something in it!

The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly makes it different from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish us all that in the new year we see when opportunities are knocking on our doors and always seize the chance!

Competitions for the New Year 2019

So that New Year's Eve does not pass only at the table and is very boring, you need to think through the program in advance, that is, and prepare a comic theatrical performance. You can start the program by choosing Father Frost and Snow Maiden. To do this, guests are given one of the attributes of these characters (for some - mittens, for others - a staff, beard, bag, etc.), and everyone must imagine themselves as Father Frost or the Snow Maiden (their number should be the same ). And you don’t have to look traditional at all. On the contrary, a prize can be awarded for the originality of an improvised costume. When everyone is ready, you can start a competition for the real Santa Claus. The role of the jury can be performed by those who were not among the candidates for these main roles.

Dance Marathon

Guests are invited to dance to lively music and at the same time throw some kind of toy or balloon. The music will periodically stop, and whoever has a toy in their hands at this moment will have to say a New Year's wish.

Long arm

For this competition, back scratchers or just children's shoulder blades are used. With them, players will have to fit the Christmas ball to the designated place. Whoever does it first wins.

Island of Fairy Tales

The hosts of the evening prepare items that could belong to the hero of a fairy tale. For example, boots (Puss in Boots), a striped cap (Pinocchio), a bottle (Genie), a red feather (Cockerel - Golden Scallop), etc. All these items are put into a bag, and the presenter takes them out one at a time. Guests must guess who owns this or that item. The one who guesses must say a New Year's wish, but only in the voice of the fairy-tale character he guessed. The most artistic ones are rewarded with a gift. The remaining participants are given small memorable prizes.

A bag with presents

This game is played by Santa Claus. He says:

“I’m getting ready for the New Year’s holiday and I’m taking with me in a bag: a teddy bear, a rattle...

The next participant in the competition must repeat his words and add another item. After which another person takes over the baton, and so on in a circle until someone can list all the items accumulated in the bag. The person who last completed the task receives the gift.

News program

Participants are given cards with five words written on them. In 30 seconds, they must come up with one sentence about an event that has occurred in the world so that it contains comprehensive information about this event, and in addition, all the given words are used. These words can be turned into any part of speech.

  • China, African, swimsuit, biology, checkers;
  • Brazil, snowfall, rocket, declaration, shark;
  • Uzbekistan, waterfall, skating rink, epidemic, bear;
  • Antarctica, drought, ostrich, rocket, strike.

Slow motion

Contestants must depict the following situations in slow motion:

  • wood cutting;
  • taking an egg from a chicken nest;
  • wound and bandaging of a finger;
  • mowing grass and collecting it in a stack.

Declaration of love

Four guys must declare their love to four girls, but at the same time their manner of speech and movements must correspond to their behavior:

  • 4 year old child;
  • 12 year old teenager;
  • 18-year-old boy;
  • 70 year old man.

Happy holiday!

You need to come up with a text greeting card, sent to the boss’s address regarding the celebration:

  • Day of Informals;
  • Day of Protection of the Rights of the Unemployed;
  • Money Independence Day;
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Solidarity Day.

Ad competition

Participants are required to compose an ad text consisting of several concise sentences:

  • on the rental of a Kalashnikov assault rifle;
  • about the purchase of the city;
  • about the exchange of countries of residence;
  • about losing a sock, etc.

The winner is the one whose ad is the most interesting and original.

New Year's round dance

Guests are divided into teams, after which they are invited to depict a round dance around the Christmas tree in a skit, organized by:

  • in a psychiatric hospital;
  • in the police;
  • V kindergarten;
  • in the army.

It must be depicted in such a way that the characters can be guessed. The prize is given for artistry and wit.


Couples are called for this competition. They will have to depict an interview scene. To do this, in each pair one person will play the role of a journalist, and the other will play the role of an interviewee:

  • the man who invented the eternal brake;
  • winner of the "Best Goatman" competition;
  • combat labor drummer;
  • bottle game specialist.

We pay attention to children.


He is kind, he is also strict,
Full of beard,
Now he is in a hurry to come to us for a holiday,
Who is this? ...

He made skating rinks for us,
The streets are covered in snow,
Built bridges from ice,
Who is this? ...

She doesn't need a hot stove,
Frost and cold - she doesn’t care about anything.
Hello everyone sends a cheerful...
We are also waiting for her to come to us for the holiday.

In winter, during fun times
I'm hanging on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a cannon,
My name is...

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday? ...

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him,
The nose was attached, and in an instant
It turned out...

Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny
Standing by the skating rink with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind
Our friend...

On the ice platform there is a cry,
A student is rushing to the gate.
Everyone shouts: “Puck! Stick! Hit!”
Fun game...

Strike more boldly with this stick,
So that the blow would be like from a cannon,
This stick is for hockey
And she's called...

I'm rushing forward like a bullet,
The ice just creaks
Let the lights flicker.
Who's carrying me? ...

I can’t feel my legs with joy,
I'm flying down a snowy hill!
Sports have become dearer and closer to me.
Who helped me with this? ...

I took two oak blocks,
Two iron skids.
I filled the bars with planks,
Give me snow! Ready...

There was barely a breath of winter -
They are always with me.
Two sisters will warm you up,
Their names are...

He came unexpectedly
Surprised us all
Desirable for guys

Answers to New Year's riddles

  1. Father Frost.
  2. Father Frost.
  3. Father Frost.
  4. Snow Maiden.
  5. Firecracker.
  6. New Year.
  7. Snowman.
  8. Snowman.
  9. Hockey.
  10. Hockey stick.
  11. Skates.
  12. Skis.
  13. Sled.
  14. Mittens.
  15. Snow.

We give gifts (symbolically)

Should be happy in abundance
From the lottery you are now -
Three wonderful postcards
Marked for you.

To always be beautiful, hurry to get the cream.

Listen to this advice: fruits are the best diet.

And here’s an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese for you.

If suddenly a child starts crying, you must (you must) calm him down. You'll jump in with a rattle and make him shut up.

To always be neat toothpaste hurry up to get it.

Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby pacifier.

If you suddenly ask what kind of year it is now, we won’t answer you and will give you a bull

Every day you get younger, so look in the mirror more often.

You and your companion never lose heart, and use a washcloth to wipe any place in a hot bath.

By chance you got this tea on your ticket.

To keep your face and sock clean, a piece of fragrant soap was included on the ticket.

Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.

You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and it was not in vain that you won a comb as a reward.

Hurry up and get a notebook: write poetry.

Competition "three"

I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We counted small fish
And not just one, but TWO.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
When was the opportunity to take it?
The toast is the most important!
On New Year's Eve and the sounds of the waltz,
As the clock strikes, I wish again,
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!
Friends, the New Year has come.
Let's forget old sorrows,
And days of sorrow, and days of worries,
And everything that killed joy.
But let's not forget the clear days,
Fun, fun of the light-winged,
Golden hours for dear hearts,
And old sincere friends..
I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun ringing like ice,
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.
May this year be a lucky star
Will enter your family comfort,
Hastily with the old year
Let the troubles all go away.
Let's raise a toast to the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple,
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
Great success in all matters,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth to family life!


The presenter has two sets of strips of paper. Questions in the left hand, answers in the right. The presenter goes around the tables, the players take turns playing “blindly”, pulling out a question, (reading out loud) then an answer. It turns out to be hilarious nonsense.

Sample questions:

Do you read other people's letters?
do you sleep peacefully?
do you listen to other people's conversations?
Do you hit dishes out of anger?
can you screw your friend?
do you write anonymously?
are you spreading gossip?
Do you have a habit of promising more than your capabilities?
would you like to marry for convenience?
Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

This is my favorite activity;
occasionally, for fun;
only on summer nights;
when the wallet is empty;
only without witnesses;
only if this is not associated with material costs;
especially in someone else's house;
this is my old dream;
no, I'm a very shy person;
I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Theatrical"

Interested competitors are given cards with a task that they complete without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like this:

Woman with heavy bags;
a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
sentry guarding the food warehouse;
a baby who has just learned to walk;
Alla Pugacheva performing a song.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Santa Claus for the New Year,
Let him carry the bag of money.

May there be love and happiness,
Let the bad weather pass by.
Positive and kind.
Happy New Year everyone, hooray!

New Year is always an expectation of some kind of fairy tale and magic. And I want to wish you that all these expectations come true. Let all your plans come true. Let all the good things multiply, and all the bad things remain in the old year. May every day of the new year give you joy and happiness, turning every day into a holiday!

Let's drink to the New Year,
He's already coming, he's coming,
He brings love, goodness,
Miracles and magic!

We'll drink to you,
So that everyone is lucky
To believe in miracles,
Always be happy!

Let's drink to adversity
So that they pass by,
So that they don't come to us,
So as not to spoil our days!

May the New Year be the brightest,
So that all your dreams come true,
So that you don’t regret anything,
May things continue to go uphill!

Let's drink to luck
May the New Year bring it,
So that he fulfills all his wishes,
And he took troubles away from us!

Snow, frost and beauty,
Miracles come to life
The magic comes alive
And all will be well!

New Year is on its way,
There will be joyful days
There will be happiness and goodness
It will be simple and easy!

So that my words come true,
I'll drink my glass to the bottom,
I wish you all love,
May all your dreams come true!

I would like that in the new year each of us would acquire not the best, but our own. Because the best cannot always become yours, but yours is always the best. Take care of your loved ones! Happy New Year!

So, friends, we gathered together,
I will congratulate you
Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish you all prosperity!

And good health to you all.
Never get sick.
For success and good luck
We need to drink to the bottom!

Last year there were many “leaps to the heights” and “chasms into the abyss”, love and hatred, friendship and enmity.. But over this year we have gained a lot of experience. They say that the smartest person will be the one who learns only from other people's mistakes, not from his own... But, I'll tell you this - there is nothing better than experience, we become wiser, we become smarter and it turns out that it's faster... faster. on your mistakes! So a toast! We have become wiser, wiser, and can stop. I wish everyone in the coming year not to make tricky mistakes, not to “fall in the face”, but only to enjoy life! Be happy, loved ones! May this be the happiest year for everyone!

On New Year's Eve, everyone sums things up, draws conclusions, makes plans for next year. I would like to wish you to spend this holiday with ease and ease. The easier and more comfortable you will be in New Year's Eve, the more successfully the next one will begin and continue. Therefore, I wish you one thing: don’t stress!

The new year is always better than the old one. We all know about it. But what exactly makes it different from the previous one? Perhaps unpredictability and endless possibilities. Not everyone uses them, but everyone expects them. So I want to wish us all that in the new year we feel when opportunities are knocking on our doors, and always seize the chance!

Among the people there is also such a sign: if you drop a spoon on the floor, a woman comes; if you drop a fork, an angry and old woman comes; if you drop a knife, a man comes. Apparently, the mistress of this house, before setting this wonderful table, amazing in its abundance, threw only teaspoons and silver knives on the floor, since only young and charming women with worthy companions are sitting around me.

However, I suggest everyone put their cutlery aside and eat with their hands so as not to accidentally drop a knife or fork on the floor. Otherwise, we will be deprived of the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company.

Let's meet as often as possible in the new year in the same composition!

Two Santa Clauses wanted at all costs to get to the grandiose party that the president himself was throwing in the Kremlin. They had no tickets, no connections, and they decided to climb the Kremlin wall along the tree, and then jump over it and run to the banquet hall.

We walked around this very wall several times. As luck would have it, all the trees on their way were completely without knots. What to do? All that was left was to resort to magic.

The first Santa Claus hit the ground with his staff, threw his hat into a snowdrift, sprinkled snow on his gray head and shouted:

-Oh, blizzards, oh, rebellious blizzards, help me get to new year party! Let this tree grow as many branches as my Snow Maiden cheated on me.

Only two branches grew. Santa Claus climbed a tree, but fell from it and ended up in the surgical department with a fracture.

The second Santa Claus slammed his staff on the ground so that the cones fell down, threw his hat into a snowdrift, sprinkled snow on his gray head and shouted with all his strength:

-Oh, frosty, oh, icy, icy, help me get to this party. Make sure that this pine tree grows as many twigs as my Snow Maiden had lovers.

And so many branches grew on the tree that Santa Claus climbed over the Kremlin wall without much difficulty and celebrated the New Year at the president’s party.

You, of course, think that I will make this toast in honor of women who pave the way for their husbands to heaven. You are wrong, however. I want to drink to the hope that in the new year any doors will open for us without much difficulty, be it a garage door or the doors to the presidential chambers. For unlimited possibilities!

For a good celebration New Year's holiday in the circle of friends are simply necessary best toast for New Year:

A fortune teller predicted to one “new Russian” that his young and beautiful wife will definitely give birth to a son. And he will be as beautiful as the new moon, white as the first snow, healthy as a bull. Only now he will be born not from him, but from some stranger.

The “new Russian” became thoughtful and sad. As a result, he decided to take his wife to the North, to his mother. And he punished the latter not to let the beauty go anywhere and to constantly look after her.

- What are you talking about, son! Where will she go in this snow?

However, snow snowed, and nine months later the young woman gave birth. And her son was as handsome as a new moon, white as the first snowball, and healthy as a bull.

So let's drink to the eternally young Santa Claus, who gives gifts not only to little children!

The next toast should be made by a man, because it is dedicated to all the wives who know how to cook deliciously and constantly strive for excellence in the field of culinary art.

An indignant restaurant visitor begins to shout at the waiter:

-Why is there a cockroach swimming in my soup?

The waiter was a very resourceful fellow, and therefore answered like this:

-Sorry, it seems to me that you are mistaken, cockroaches cannot swim, and besides, he is already dead.

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year our tables will be bursting with an abundance of delicious dishes, and at the same time our wives will remain slim and beautiful!

On New Year's Eve, it would not hurt for the person making the toast to wish all the assembled guests excellent, good health. On this occasion, you can make the following toast.

A patient comes to a traumatologist and complains:

-Doctor, something strange happened to my left hand - it doesn’t want to work at all.

The doctor answers:

-There is nothing strange about this. It’s just that age... you know, makes itself felt.

-I understand that it’s age, but my right hand is the same age as my left, and it feels great!

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year all parts of our body feel great and do not require major repairs!

Wisdom can be anything but boring if you add some humor to it. Wise New Year's toasts:

From folk wisdom: “Whoever is in action is responsible.”

We can’t help but drink to the fact that in the new year we will have to answer for all our affairs as little as possible.

Popular wisdom says: “Whoever is good at what, that’s what he does.”

So let's drink to everyone in this life doing only their own business.

As you know, you can have fun on New Year's Eve in different ways. For example, go with your children to sculpt a snow woman. And when you return home, make such a funny toast.

One day the children were making a snowman. Wet to the skin. A compassionate grandmother asks:

-Are you probably already frozen?

“We’re not frozen, but Masha is probably already shaking, because we rolled her into a snowman.”

Let's fill our glasses so that in the new year there will be more events that warm our souls!

Popular wisdom says: “They live in joy without gold.”

Let's drink to the joy of the gold of human relationships in the new year, so that everyone lives in peace, love and harmony.

Popular proverb says: “The heart rejoices and the face blooms.”

So let's drink to everyone next year our faces bloomed with happiness!

If you think that when celebrating the New Year you cannot philosophize, then you are sorely mistaken. How you meet the year is how you will spend it, therefore, the more wise thoughts you have in your head on New Year’s Eve, the more wisely you will manage the coming 365 days. Use wise toasts for the New Year:

The wise Seneca once said: “Life is long if it is full.”

So let’s drink so that the cup of life will be forever filled with brilliant deeds, worthy deeds, wise speeches, love in the home, respect of people!

If you want to maintain a philosophical mood, remember the words of another wise man and make a toast like this.

Swift once remarked: “As a matter of fact, very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later.”

So let’s drink so that each of those present in this house will feel all the delights of a life lived to the fullest, leaving nothing for the coming day!

The topic raised can be developed by making the following toast, which will deepen the guests’ understanding of the grandeur of the event taking place before their eyes, namely the coming of the New Year.

Rückert said: “You don’t live twice, and there are many who don’t know how to live once.”

So let’s drink to ensure that the life of every person is safe and sound, like that of Koshchei the Immortal.

New Year's poetic toasts will beautifully help you wish your loved ones all the best:

Let kind Grandfather Freezing

Will give you a whole cartload of happiness.

Let's ask him about his health.

In all matters - success,

There is love in the houses,

There is warmth in our hearts,

There is light in the soul.

So be it!

So let’s raise our glasses so that in the new year we will often remember the magic of this night, which brought us joy, happy smiles and unforgettable meetings!

I want to raise my glass to congratulate you, my dears, on the upcoming New Year. I wish you to live your life beautifully in the new year, without strife and adversity. I want to raise my glass higher to a happy new year!

Let the snow powder

Blizzard sweeps

And the best of you all

Let him wait in life.

Let happiness not get lost

And it won’t pass by,

May all your wishes come true

It's New Year's Eve.

May everything said at the festive table come true!

In the New Year we believe:

Happiness will be in him.

Mark it, blizzard,

We wish you happiness in our home.

Let our houses be covered with snowdrifts of happiness!

May the New Year, which is just beyond the threshold,

Will enter our house like old friend!

Let them forget the way to you

Misfortune, quarrels and illness!

Let them come into our cozy home

And luck and success!

May he become the best

The most joyful for everyone!

Let the evil blizzard subside,

It will take trouble with it.

So that we live without getting bored

In the coming year!

In a cheerful company gathered to celebrate the New Year, New Year's toasts will not hurt:

Even philosophers in Ancient Greece said that a person should strive for harmony in everything. And really, look around. Everything in nature is filled with harmony. Look at these beautiful roses on our table. They delight the eye with their luxurious appearance and smell. Look at our ladies. No roses can compare with their beauty.

May every day in the coming year be filled with the harmony and bliss that contemplation of beauty gives us.

One person asks another:

-Do you believe in heredity?

– Of course, I believe it, because thanks to her I have my own bank and harem.

So let's drink to good heredity, which will finally manifest itself in the new year!

Popular wisdom says: “A hen pecks a grain and is full.”

Let Santa Claus fulfill the cherished dream of all women, and endless diets will finally be crowned with success!

People say: “Your mouth is full of trouble, but there is nothing to eat.”

So let's drink to the New Year being generous not only with drinks, but also with snacks.

On this extraordinary night, I would like to wish everyone the best and read New Year’s toasts in verse:

In the bitter frost

The New Year is coming like the sun.

It sparkles and shines

He orders you to greet him joyfully.

Let's let a tomboy into our house

And we see the old man off.

There is no need to make long toasts on New Year's Eve: not everyone is good at it and not everyone likes it. Toasts can be short, the main thing is that they are pronounced from the heart. For example, like these.

New Year is better than the old two! So let's drink to everything new and unknown!

Let's drink to the New Year being no worse than the Old Two!

Here's to the New Year - still so mysterious, but already bright and joyful!

Come the new year, go away the old year!

Last year's fun

Let's remember and repeat again!

So let’s drink to the fact that in the new year everything will remain only bright and joyful: what the old year spoiled us with!

We are spending the old year -

The time has come for retirement.

Let misfortune take you with you,

Leave us beauty

Joy, song and dream.

If something terrible happened and women’s solidarity is not violated by the presence of a single man, and you are forced to celebrate the New Year in such an environment, do not be upset: help will come a sense of humor and, of course, toast. For example, New Year's toasts to beauty.

Someone smart said: “Beauty is only good when it doesn’t notice itself.”

We can’t help but drink to the fact that in the coming year those around us will finally begin to notice our beauty!

A toast can be quite immodest, for example, like this.

Friends, let’s not forget the smart words of an equally smart person, which sound like this: “A lush hat does not always cover a head worthy of respect.”

So let's drink to the fact that in the New Year only people worthy of respect will have a good life - that is, us!

Herder said: “What is beautiful does not need additional adornment - what makes it most beautiful is the absence of adornment.”

For us - beautiful - even in New Year's masks!

A girl asks her friend:

-Which night do you think is better - in the arms of a man or New Year's?

“Of course, New Year’s,” came the indignant answer.

-But this cannot be. Explain why?

-Because it happens more often, as much as once a year.

So let's drink to the fact that there will be nights like this every day!

In a cheerful company gathered to celebrate the New Year, there will be New Year's toasts at the table:

Once upon a time, two Santa Clauses argued which of them could stand under the sun more. One Santa Claus says:

– Without exaggeration, I can stand in the sun for two whole hours.

And the other says:

-And I can stand in the sun all day. And also, and also... I really like to lie.

So let’s drink to the hope that all our dreams will come true in the new year and that we won’t have to lie for it.

On a dark night, two rather tipsy men meet. One of them was a little more sober and resourceful - he decided not to waste time and earn some money. Here he says:

-Man, give me a thousand rubles, to a good person you will help.

-It’s you, hanurik, I should help!

-I’ll help myself! Just think about yourself – you seem to be a good guy too!

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year only worthy people, like you and me, will meet on our way.

Popular wisdom says: “What’s on the mind is on the tongue.”

So, on New Year’s Eve and throughout the next year, may our thoughts deserve to be listened to by great and fun companies, such as today's!

And now we propose again a toast to the glory of the hostess, who found the courage to gather such a large company and offer her such an exquisite treat.

It is not without reason that people are famous for one very accurate proverb, which goes like this: “Where there are pancakes, there we are.” Tonight pleases us not only with its New Year's magic. The imagination and ingenuity of the hostess, who treats us to such varied and delicious dishes, is amazing.

So let’s drink to make the whole coming year seem like honey to such a beautiful hostess! Let the small fly in the ointment that occurs in every person’s life only emphasize the scale of happiness that has befallen it! And to be happy, a woman, as we know, needs very little, and the most important thing is harmony and love in the home, healthy children and a decent salary for her husband.

The daughter plays the violin in her room. Her father comes in and asks:

-When will you play at the conservatory?

-Dad, you flatter me. Am I really that good at playing?

-Yes, but I dream that you would play somewhere else!

For the fulfillment of the most cherished!

Everyone is expecting good changes in the New Year, so there will be New Year’s toasts at the table, by the way: wishes:

Allow me now to make a toast that I inherited from my grandmother, a famous storyteller.

I wish for your home: if there is land - then for arable land, if there is good news, if there is good news, if there is a fruit tree, if there is strong rain, then if there is a beautiful daughter, if there is a flower - then there is a fragrant one, if there is a son - then there is a mighty one, if there is a friend - then then a faithful one, if it’s a Happy New Year!

Let's drink, friends, so that all our cherished dreams and desires come true in the new year!

In the new year, peace and harmony must come to all families. On this occasion, you need to make a short, but still toast.

A little girl asks her dad:

-Daddy, did your mother ever hit you?

-No, daughter, only your mother beat me.

So in the new year, let moms and dads smile more often not only at their neighbors, but also at each other and their children.

There is such a good eastern proverb: “No matter how furious the wind is, it still will not lead us astray!”

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year we will always achieve our goals, and no obstacles will stop us!