My father-in-law is better than others think of me. Test: how others perceive you. If you saw a woman, it means that your main quality is self-motivation

If you are interested in the opinions of people around you about your personality and how comfortable they feel around you, take this test.

After completing a simple task, it will become clear to you how people see you. Look at the picture. You should have a complete image for analysis.

Most likely it will be a woman or a man. But please note that this is not a gender test. If you, for example, are a woman, but saw a man, this does not mean that your character is dominated by traits more characteristic of the opposite sex. The point is completely different.

If the first thing that appears in your imagination is the face of a man, this indicates that you are a strong person, brave and a little tough.

When faced with life's difficulties, you would never show others your disappointment or sadness. Outwardly, you will try to look joyful and even carefree. This is because it is difficult for you to open up and show someone your emotions, to tell your innermost thoughts.

At the same time, you are energetic, and this gives you the opportunity to successfully demonstrate the leadership qualities that are characteristic of you.

Most often you take right decisions, because you know how to analyze the situation and try to calculate all the options. Sometimes you even manage to predict future events, which surprises everyone.

Given all this, others tend to perceive you as a source positive energy. No wonder they feel happy in your company.

You take friendships and love relationships seriously and sensitively. Sometimes even too much. Therefore, you try to make the other person feel good in them, and you don’t mind if he feels even better than you.

Because you give so much dedication, you sometimes become exhausted and empty. And then you quietly go to those closest to you for support.

If you saw a woman, it means that your main quality is self-motivation.

You will do a lot to achieve your goal. You are generous and have a positive mindset. These qualities help you feel for others. Sometimes you become an empath. You understand people's emotions, you can easily learn to decipher their body language.

They love you not for anything, but just because. People like to love people like you.

There are also flaws in your character. This is pickiness and periodic hypersensitivity. You are selective when choosing your environment. You just know that communicating with toxic people will make you feel bad and you are defenseless in front of them. Therefore, it is better to set healthy boundaries.

The Tarot deck of cards is the oldest fortune-telling system, dating back about 500 years. IN modern life Tarot specialists use it not only to predict the future and answer questions, but also for deep personal self-knowledge. This material offers you a simple test, thanks to which you can find out what those around you really think about you. To do this, you only need to choose the card you like and get acquainted with its interpretation!

3 must be observed simple rules choice!

  • Be careful when choosing – don’t choose the first card you come across!
  • Look carefully at each card for at least 10 seconds and try to feel which of them you personally associate yourself with;
  • If you cannot choose one of two cards, read the interpretations of both.

A simple test: choose one card and find out what others really think about you

According to those around you, you embody the original image of a Woman: a mother, a wife who ensures that life is maintained “as it should be.” Most likely, you are a beloved spouse or simply a life partner who provides your chosen one with a reliable rear, and thereby strengthens His faith in himself. Maybe right now he hardly understands it - but over time the realization will come.

  • Positive aspects: You are full of creative ideas, constructive feelings, appreciate physical and spiritual beauty, generous, friendly with guests, do not skimp on a kind word or advice. You are valued for your rare ability to gently and unobtrusively resolve global issues. You love comfort in all its forms and strive to live in stability, abundance and positive emotions.
  • Negative aspects: The worst qualities are bossiness, arrogance, irritability and arrogance. These are the traits that characterize you if you have already achieved success in life. Try to eradicate them in yourself - and those around you will love you with all their hearts!
  • What’s in your soul: The archetype of the Great Mother is encrypted in this Arcana. You are ruled by the planet Venus. Under favorable circumstances, you are a true Mother, bringing warmth, comfort and prosperity to the house. The concept of worldly wisdom is available to you - go deeper into it, because truly this is your path!

- personifies the connection with the prototype of the Father. People around you appreciate your firmness and rationality in decision-making, effective and precise actions. Courage, inflexibility, undeniable logic and worldly wisdom, strong intuition and the will to make important life decisions - all this is you. More calm relatives do not like you for your intransigence and lack of desire to compromise on fundamental issues.

  • Positive points: The Emperor often describes a very powerful man. You will either become one or already are one. You are steadily moving towards your goal. Your fundamental characteristic is incredible ambition, a desire to keep everything under control. This is a card embodied in people who can safely be called psychologically mature and healthy.
  • Negative points: Your ardor is not a reflection of your inner world: through your passion you assert yourself. By conquering “new territory” and remaking it in your own way, you present yourself to the world. You are characterized by perfectionism, tyranny and an “obsession” with bringing everything to even greater perfection, brought to an unprecedented absolute of any undertaking.
  • What's in your soul: The opposite side of your strength is the need to follow generally accepted rules. And you understand this perfectly well. Everyone sees in you a desire for stability, security and logic in everything. But in reality, your Power lies in your determination to wage war for what you believe in and for those you protect and love.
    Beware! If you don’t have these goals, your power and strength will evaporate like smoke!

You are prone to impulsiveness and rash actions. People around you perceive you as a cheerful, cheerful, talented and cheerful person. Many people cannot figure out whether you are a fool or just lucky. Your partner is not satisfied with your persistent reluctance to grow up.

  • Positive points: the card symbolizes an insightful and incorruptible person. Energy, optimism, extraordinary ideas and an extraordinary mind are great!
  • Negative points: Your behavior is radically different from other people, you are fearless to the point of stupidity, you do not understand danger and do not want to see it point blank. Naivety, sensitivity, courage borders on recklessness, immaturity, immaturity, which infuriates literally everyone around!
  • What's in your soul: The card points to the inner child. is a hero who boldly moves towards life. At the end of the road, Peace awaits him. He doesn't listen to reason. From the outside, it seems like he doesn't know where is he going that will fall into the abyss. But who said that this is not true? Be yourself!

You are a mature and accomplished person, able to act independently and bear responsibility for these actions. Those around them see the image of a person in thought, busy with some important task for him, for which he needs to be alone. The most insightful people understand that you are more focused on the inner world than the outer one. Your goals and aspirations are often connected precisely with the achievements of the spirit, not matter. But not everyone understands this!

  • Positive aspects: You are characterized by prudence, common sense, wisdom, mastery of emotions and calm insight of a person looking at the bustle of the world from the outside. You feel safe in the world, but do not strive to take an active part in social events.
  • Negative points: You are too strict and serious, secretive. The latter is especially disliked by those around you, although you are most likely unaware of this fact. You are not at all worried about the impression you make, you do not care about the attitude of society towards you personally, and this constantly infuriates your superiors!
  • What is in your soul: You are destined to first sanctify your soul and let spiritual beauty in, and then become a source of spiritual light and a guide for others. This is your ideal and maximum possible goal in life! All the energies accumulated by you in solitude and practice are released at a certain time. Your passion is the search for truth, existential reflection, finding inner treasures, seeking and finding knowledge and wisdom in your inner world.

You have passed the most difficult tests, done a lot of work on yourself and eliminated internal contradictions. And now a bright streak has come in your life, the Sun has risen and illuminated the most hidden corners of your soul. Finally, I came to an understanding of what was wrong, what was preventing me from enjoying life, this priceless gift! Old friends and those who have known you for a long time appreciate you for your kind disposition and positive attitude towards life, they really like that you have taken the right path. Those who have known you recently consider you a darling of fate - they don’t know what it cost you!

  • Positive aspects: You have learned to enjoy life, you have felt the taste of it, you are like a child, you have opened up to the world and are happy about every new day. Perhaps you have a desire to bring warmth and light to others. You have received wisdom and a clear understanding of your path.
  • Negative points: Even a person like you has shortcomings: vanity, delusions of grandeur and terrible selfishness. Your half really doesn’t like the latter. You can be capricious, touchy, do not accept criticism, and are offended by little things. Many people think that you deliberately find a weak opponent, and by defeating him you rise in your own eyes.
  • What is in your soul: Imagine that you are a snow-white mountain peak, you are between heaven and earth. You have made the transition to a new stage of development, you have risen above your problems, and now, looking from the outside, from above, everything has become clear to you. Now it is important for you to understand that the process of transformation continues, transformation and the acquisition of meaning in life are taking place.

Someone is approaching you enormous strength, energy, but you still don’t fully realize what it is. People around you notice that you are tormented by anxiety, hesitation, fears, and uncertainty about the future. You believe that there is a threat emanating from the world that is not visible, but you feel it on an intuitive level. From the outside, you look like a stuntman who takes risks and does not know whether he will be alive in a minute or not - but duty and life itself force you to do a new trick. Some people consider you a hero, others a fool.

  • Positive aspects: – it is an emotional surge, it brings inspiration. You are faced with the abyss of your emotions and feelings that you had not previously recognized or seen in yourself, but after you experience this stage of life you will become wiser and richer internally. And those around you will appreciate it!
  • Negative aspects: Oppressive feeling of insecurity, danger, fearfulness, lack of self-confidence, fear of doing important step. Sometimes you feel scared and uncomfortable; you have a spontaneous desire to hide and run away. Bosses and family constantly complain about a large number of things that only cause you discomfort and a desire to hide.
  • What’s in your soul: On the one hand, the events and experiences approaching you can cause fear, and on the other hand, confidence and calm. It all depends on the angle from which a person looks at what is happening. Your soul is experiencing transformation, rebirth, it seems to be breaking out from the shackles of darkness, fear and conventions. you will pass hard way an emotional journey through fears and whirlpools of the soul. Understand that what is happening now is a clash with inner monsters, spiritual liberation through the experience of illusions. There is a risk of plunging into the pool and not emerging from it; do not forget your true goals, your path and destiny.
Published: 2018-01-24, Modified: 2019-01-10,


In many ways, a person’s perception depends, especially at the initial stage of communication, on the first impression he made. According to research, people can evaluate a stranger in just seven seconds, including whether the person is interesting, attractive, smart or stupid. Of course, the first is not completely true, and sometimes even completely deceptive, but this is not a reason to neglect the opportunity to win people over “at first sight.” Posture, movements, gait, gestures, gaze, facial expressions provide 55% of the information; voice, timbre, speed of speech, intonation - 38%; and the words themselves - only 7%. Nonverbal information in the communication process accounts for up to 95%. All together, this forms a holistic image of a person in the mind of the interlocutor.

Those who want to make their communication more effective work on themselves, on their self-presentation. Sagging shoulders, a hunched back, fussiness, clumsy or constrained movements indicate self-doubt, so if you notice this, you can train the look, posture, gestures and voice of a confident person. The same words, pronounced with different facial expressions and intonation, will make a completely different impression.

Appearance is the first thing people see and on the basis of which they judge a person. Here, first of all, the image as a whole plays a role. Is a person neat and tidy, is his skin and hair in order, are his clothes not shabby or wrinkled - these are all basic things. It is also important how well the clothes fit on the figure, whether they suit the person, whether they are appropriate in the given setting, whether the colors are harmoniously combined. There are people who tend to evaluate the cost of things and accessories and, based on this, draw conclusions about the status of their owner. Even if the clothes are inexpensive, it’s good if they are of high quality and tastefully chosen. Women pay attention to small details more than men, especially in the images of other women.

Having assessed appearance and clothing, people begin to evaluate personal qualities interlocutor. An open manner of communication and a smile are usually a big plus and help to win people over. People who cross their arms and legs constantly look away, do not smile, and are perceived as closed and unfriendly. Communication skills and the ability to carry on a conversation are also very important. At the same time, it is not always important to say smart things and shine with intellect; sometimes pleasant conversations “about nothing” can mark the beginning of a friendship or romantic relationship.

If at the initial stage sympathy is established between people, then they begin to find out whether they have common interests, values ​​and outlooks on life. Everything here is individual. A person with similar interests may be greatly impressed by your hobbies and want to get closer, but others may be repulsed. This is natural, because all people are different and it is impossible to please everyone.

It may be difficult for a person to judge the impression he makes on people. To find out, you can try asking relatives and friends about it. Chances are they will tell you a lot useful information. But it is worth keeping in mind that they have known you for a long time and better than most other people, so there may be an element of bias in their judgment.

To find out what others think about you, psychologists offer the following exercise: on the Internet or in a psychological club, find strangers who will agree to come to a general meeting for the sake of an experiment. After getting to know each other and telling about themselves, the participants will need to tell what impression each of those present made at first sight, what caught their eye in his appearance, manners and movements, what they liked and didn’t like about him, whether the initial impression changed after the conversation or not. Such an experiment can be exciting, and sometimes you can learn a lot about yourself that is unexpected and even not very pleasant, but this will help you work on yourself and will allow you to avoid making your usual mistakes in the future.

People around you perceive you as a kind of magnet to which the most different people. In their eyes, you sometimes look like a self-centered person, capable of eccentric actions. But this doesn’t stop you from showing yourself from different angles and enjoying every movement. It is quite easy and simple for people to get to know you - you are conducive to communication. For a change, try talking less and listening more, then this communication can become not only pleasant, but also long-lasting.
Soul of the company Publish in blog/diary/LJ (html code)
Thing in itself In order to make friends with you, or at least just start communicating on a friendly wave, you need to make a huge amount of effort and overcome a lot of psychological barriers. No matter how beautiful your inner world is, it is not so easy to see it behind the seven locks of your isolation. Think at your leisure: is it because you are hiding from others because you are not very happy with yourself... Publish in a blog/diary/LJ (html code) Our test today is about how others perceive you. There can be all sorts of surprises here - pleasant and not so pleasant - right? But we still ask you to treat our idea as a curious and fun experiment. Well, if you like it, tell your girlfriends and friends about it on social networks.

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  • Suffering Good

    “That poor thing...” or “a big-hearted person” - somehow they can designate you behind your back, depending on your own value system.

    Because you carry everything on yourself and you care about everything - which, of course, is good for the world as a whole, but not always “ok” for yourself.

    Stray cats, crying children, grandmothers who have forgotten their address, and even alcoholics who cannot get up from the asphalt - you consider all this to be your responsibility, experiencing not just mild anxiety, but full-fledged stress.

    Also directly related to you, of course, are the problems of your second cousin from Udmurtia, your mother ex-husband(as well as the ex-husband himself) and that girl from the accounting department...

    Sometimes you yourself don’t even realize that you are again getting involved in saving the Universe... Well, the Universe is already ready: its inhabitants know that they can hang absolutely everything on you - and you will come, get it, sign for it and do everything for the best form. In other words: everyone is trying to take advantage of your kindness.

    Your parents raised you very well and you have a really big heart, but don't let others use these facts against you. Take care of yourself!

  • Sunny man

    - Hello, sunshine!

    Somehow, it is quite possible that you greet a colleague in the department, radiating warmth, kindness and positivity.

    They may answer you about the same thing, but let's ask ourselves: is it sincere?

    You are a truly open and direct person who does not hold a grudge and is happy with his life, and therefore smiles at her from the bottom of his heart.

    However, not everyone can boast of this. Many simply pretend to be friendly and sociable, because society dictates this need to them.

    In turn, they can interpret your sincere attitude and direct manner of communication as hypocrisy and duplicity (everyone judges for himself!).

    And therefore little advice(even though no one loves them): do not lose the wonderful qualities of your character, but be restrained in their manifestation and open up only to those closest to you - those who will definitely understand and appreciate.

  • An irreplaceable comrade

    Reliability is what others value in you most of all. You are the person who will really pick up the phone at three in the morning and come. The one who can perform artificial respiration and cardiac massage (and definitely resuscitate!). The one who, as we know, “stops a galloping horse, will enter a burning hut.”

    In everyday life, this manifests itself like this: you will always replace a work colleague without ratting him/her out to your superiors, sit with your friend’s child while she sets up personal life, or go pick up medicine for a sick neighbor.

    You do all this easily, simply, without lamentations - which does not burden people with a feeling of guilt towards you, but fills them with endless gratitude.

    That's why you're really surrounded faithful friends and good friends. Continue in the same spirit and know that what you give will come back to you in double volume.

  • Successful careerist

    Most likely, the direct association with you among those around you is the word “success”. You emanate this - satisfaction with your own life, well-being (material and not only), peace of mind for tomorrow.

    As you understand, the attitude towards this can be polar, depending on what kind of person you are dealing with.

    In one case, this may be absolute respect, if not admiration - the desire to interact, learn from experience, ask for advice. In the other there is envy and irritation. Those with less successful lives might easily label you as "distant, arrogant and generally unpleasant."

    Nobody knows what it cost you and is worth what you have, and how often, unnoticed by others, you give up...

    What to do? Nothing! Shouldn't you make yourself worse in order to please someone? Keep up the good work and keep looking forward!

  • Incorrigible optimist

    Have you ever noticed how much people around you whine? Too cold, too hot, too low wages, too high prices, too worthless husband, too useless life, but someone else... Etc. and so on.

    You never understood this whining, much less you never joined it.

    Do you think it’s simply because you know how to find positive sides in everything, think constructively and cope with difficulties without burdening everyone and everything?

    Nooo! The whole point is that you are the “other” one who, according to the majority, has everything in chocolate for some unknown reason. It seems to them that you are showing off to them, and they consider your lightness and your optimism to be a pathology that nothing can be done about, but they don’t want to face.
    Fortunately, there are others - those who fuel you, those who are fueled by you. Keep smiling at this world - and it will smile at you! Everything will be really cool!

  • Double bottom

    “Keep it simple and people will be drawn to you...”

    Yes, I’d rather be more complex - and those who are simpler will lag behind me. Isn't that right?

    This is how (or approximately this) you reason. And, in general, they are right. You do not waste your time on unnecessary communication, but you know the rules of the game in polite society and adhere to them. You are interested in everything, you know everything, you are “in touch” with everyone, but at the same time carefully, cautiously, maintaining a safe distance for you, knowing your benefit.

    Those around you feel it and cannot understand what is wrong. It’s like you’re with them, but it’s also like you’re on your own. They seem to agree with everything, but they seem to have defended their point of view. You seem to be smiling, but to whom and why is unclear.

    A person with a “double bottom” - perhaps this is what they may say about you... But you know that this double bottom is simply self-defense, which ensures long swimming among “your own” in the most difficult conditions.

  • Sarcastic Cynic

    It’s like in that meme - if you love sarcasm, you also love to live alone.

    You may well not live alone. However, sarcasm, irony, and a thousand and one well-aimed jokes are truly your main weapons.

    With everything marshmallow-vanilla, definitely not for you, but for a joke that could shake someone’s self-esteem - please.

    That is why among those around you you are known as a cynic. People have a habit of referring to those who look at life: a) realistically; b) with black humor.

    Few people know that behind your “ha-ha” is observation, the ability to very accurately sense people and situations, as well as deep inner experience difficult situations... You cover all this with the most bulletproof protection - and this is true. But it may seem to others that you are laughing when they cry.

  • Vulnerable sad guy

    You are always a little distant and sad, as if you were born with a volume of Jean-Paul Sartre under your arm or are preparing to replay Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.

    In fact, you are not so sad as you are smart - you think a lot about a variety of things, and they don’t give you peace.

    Well, it may seem to others that you are the one who hates them so much.

    It’s true that you are not exceptionally philanthropic, and you are truly comfortable only with those close to you, but those around you are unfair to you: if the situation is critical, you will throw off the mask of “sad absence” - and instantly come to the rescue, resolve someone else’s problem and even hug me goodbye, letting me cry on your shoulder... True, not for long :)
    Because your comfort zone and thoughts are still above all else for you. You have every right!

  • Difficult man

    "Oooh, this is a very difficult person!" - this is quite possibly what they are saying behind your back, trying to “prepare” your new acquaintance for what awaits him.

    Let's figure out why you are such a difficult thing in the eyes of those around you.

    In short: because you are an individual.

    You have your own position, point of view and views, which you are not going to change to please anyone.

    You do not impose anything on anyone, but you demand the same in return.

    And it would be okay if you went into disputes and proceedings - it would be clearer and easier for those around you! No, you just silently and deedly defend what you believe in, and do as you want, while others throw up their hands indignantly and shake their heads reproachfully.

    Meanwhile, you really are not a dollar to please everyone. You are a much more valuable character - because you never overindulge yourself, already knowing that you and your interests are worth very, very much.

  • Hidden soulfulness

    One of two things: either you realized in time how others like to take advantage of sincere people, or you are by nature emotionally restrained and hate public (and, in general, any) manifestation of emotions.

    One way or another, it often seems to others that you have the emotional range of a toothpick. No sushi-pussy, no complaints, no talk of “life with cognac at the corporate event.”

    You always keep everyone at a decent distance and don’t even give them any reason to think that this distance can be reduced.

    Your caution is understandable and close, but don’t overdo it - it won’t be long before you miss a real person who is worthy of entering your life.

  • Indifference and apathy

    Oh... Are you alive?

    Well, it’s true, you won’t be able to figure it out right away! I would like to stir you up to make sure.

    You are so immersed in your reality that you are completely absent from the reality of other people with whom life brings you together every day.

    No one is saying that you should be equally attentive and sympathetic to the entire globe, but at least for the sake of your loved ones, you can fork out and find the resources within yourself to listen and hear.

    Otherwise they are offended. They think that you don’t love them, don’t value them, and don’t respect them. So many claims and scandals could be resolved so simply - by a humane and humane conversation.

    We understand that, quite possibly, you are so exhausted by demanding people and circumstances that you want only one thing - to be left alone... But if this peace is too long, you yourself will not be happy!

    So, go ahead and call the person who is least unpleasant for you at this time in your life. And good luck!