The creases on trousers are men's ironing rules. How to properly iron trousers so that they are flawless. Preparing trousers for the ironing process

Many women wonder: how to iron trousers with creases? It would seem that it could be as simple as shelling pears. But even the most experienced housewives often feel panicked by the upcoming process. After all, to maintain the evenness, clarity and symmetry of the lines on this object men's clothing very difficult.

How to iron trousers with arrows: preparation

Before you begin the ironing process, you should prepare for it.


Only clean items of clothing can be exposed to high temperatures. If there are stains, streaks, traces of sweat or other types of dirt on the trousers, then during the smoothing process, particles of dirt can become deeply embedded in the fabric, causing the item to become hopelessly damaged. Therefore, before starting an important process, do not be lazy to start the washing machine once again.

Composition of the material and selection of the optimal iron mode

Before you start ironing, study the properties of the fabric. It’s no secret that wool and nylon require different heating intensities of the iron. This seemingly small detail should not be overlooked. If you iron silk trousers at too high a setting, there is a high risk of burning them. To avoid doubts, carefully study the labels on your clothes. Usually all the necessary information is indicated there, including how many dots need to be placed on the iron so that the fabric does not deteriorate.


Don't let this strange word scare you. In fact, it just means the fabric through which you need to iron your pants. It is needed to ensure that the surface of the iron does not come into contact with clothing and does not leave marks. Traditional gauze is best suited for these purposes. But if there is none, take white material so as not to accidentally leave stains of different colors on things.

The main feature of classic trousers is the creases. Well-ironed, neat arrows are business card business person. Presentableness and rigor speaks of the partner’s business qualities and concern for his appearance.

Immediately after the first water procedure, the intended arrows may disappear. How to make the creases on trousers perfectly straight is a question that torments housewives before ironing. This review will help you understand this issue completely, sorting out all the information on the shelves.

Many men are great at ironing

Preparatory stage

Proper preparation of the product will help to carry out the ironing process as efficiently as possible and without consequences for the trousers. There are several points to help avoid mistakes during the ironing process.

Initially, you should prepare the equipment and tools:

  • or another surface for ironing (table covered with a blanket);
  • iron, preferably with steaming capability;
  • ironing iron or simply thin cotton fabric(chintz, cotton, gauze, calico, cambric);
  • a spray bottle (spray) filled with water;
  • sewing pins, basting thread.

Then the product label is examined. It is usually located in the waist area. The information on it will give you an idea of ​​the type of fabric and possible ways to care for it.

Natural and synthetic materials are ironed with varying degrees of heating of the iron sole. If wool, linen and cotton can withstand high temperatures, then nylon, polyester, silk will withstand slight heat, otherwise there is a risk of glossing and scorching.

Pockets must be emptied of all contents, the outer surface of the trousers is checked for dirt and stains, and if necessary, lint and hairs are cleaned with a brush.

You can iron only clean trousers. Exposure to temperature will only provoke the strengthening of contaminants. It would seem that small stains will penetrate deep into the fibers, and after ironing, dealing with them at home will be difficult, and sometimes impossible. Therefore, if washing or stain removal is required, these procedures must be carried out.

Neat appearance men

At the initial stage of ironing, the trousers are turned inside out, then ironed from the front side. Here you need to make sure that the soleplate of the iron is clean and that you always have an iron at hand. Without it, you won’t be able to properly iron your trouser legs or smooth out creases on your trousers. Direct contact of the iron with the fabric of the product can cause scorching and shine. It is better to choose white fabric for ironing to avoid staining the finished product.

All housewives know that damp fabric is much better able to be ironed than dry and overdried fabric. Therefore, during operation, the iron must be frequently moistened with water and use the steam function of the iron or use a spray bottle.

Basic ironing process

Having completed the preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to smoothing:

  • According to all the rules, trousers are ironed from top to bottom. Initially, the pockets are processed, if there is a lining, the codpiece area, the belt, and then the length of the trouser legs itself. It is necessary to use pressing movements with an iron using steam. To prevent the appearance of kinks and contours of pockets on the front side, you can place a thin towel under them.
  • Next comes the main stage - ironing the front side. This is the most responsible and painstaking stage, in which incorrect behavior will affect the appearance of the ironed product. For convenience, the trousers are laid out on a board and straightened with your hands. To do this, you need to match the inner and outer seams of the trousers. They should overlap each other as accurately as possible, and the seam lines should match.
  • The top of the trousers contains many internal seams. This is a very difficult area for high-quality ironing on the front side. How to properly carry out the ironing procedure so that the internal seams do not appear on the face? A little trick will help: you need to put a small pad inside the trousers, and then iron them using a moistened iron.
  • Before shaping the creases, you need to iron the pant legs. First, the outer sides of the trouser legs are processed one by one. Then the upper trouser leg is folded back, revealing access to the inner surface of the second half of the trousers, which is thoroughly steamed. Having turned the trousers over, the same manipulation must be performed with the inner surface of the second leg.

A business man should a priori look decent

Formation of straight arrows

Before ironing the creases on the trousers, you need to once again make sure that the side seams of both trouser legs match exactly. In addition, check that the arrows continue to dart. This will prevent the hands from twisting and moving.

Sometimes housewives need to fix the line of arrows with pins. However, with this option, you should be very careful not to damage the fabric in the form of puffs and punctures, and during ironing you should make sure that the iron does not hit the pins to prevent marks on the fabric.

The best alternative in this case would be to lay a basting stitch along the arrow. The procedure is a little time-consuming, but there is no risk to the fabric of the product, and the effect is just as positive. After the procedure, the basting is simply removed.

Now you can cover the ironing areas with a damp cloth (iron iron) and begin ironing the creases. You can act in two ways:

  • simultaneously form arrows on both trouser legs;
  • perform arrows step by step on each pant leg.

Working with arrows on trousers

The easiest way to iron the arrows is from the knee area, moving towards the edges. The fold lines of the fabric for the arrows are slightly stretched with your free hand. In order not to move the prepared arrow, experienced housewives do not move the iron over it, but perform pressing movements with steaming. This method has proven itself to be excellent for “slippery” synthetic fabrics, whose arrows constantly shift.

After completing ironing, you must allow the product to cool and dry. Only after this can you put them in the closet or put them on for wear. If you skip this step, there is a risk that the fabric of the pants will quickly wrinkle, causing them to lose their attractiveness.

Tricks of the perfect shooter

There is a couple folk recipes, helping to get straight, wrinkle-free arrows for a long time:

  1. The inner line of the arrow is coated with a pointed piece of laundry soap, and then the arrows are smoothed using the described method.
  2. Wetting the iron with a vinegar solution instead of plain water. A large spoonful of vinegar dissolved in a liter of water will help prevent shine and shine, and will also provide additional rigidity by fixing the wings.

If the first time you didn’t succeed in ironing it correctly and getting straight creases, then you need to know how to remove creases on trousers. The advice is quite simple: you need to iron the unsuccessful arrow from the inside out. However, the heating temperature of the iron should not be lower than that at which the arrow was formed, and then all ironing stages are repeated.

Constant care and high-quality care for trousers with creases will allow you not to resort to ironing too often. To do this, after each wear, the trousers are cleaned of dust and dirt with a brush, and then carefully hung on a hanger with evenly folded folds.

We hope that now you fully have information on how to smooth creases on trousers and will use it to create the ideal appearance.

Trousers are a stylish choice not only for business people, this is a mandatory part of the wardrobe at work, any festive event. Such clothes add solemnity and idleness to the outfit of a schoolboy or student. To create a strict, classic look, such a wardrobe element is a must for lawyers, officials, businessmen, managers and office workers. To look beautiful and neat, you need to know how to properly care for such a piece of clothing, namely, how to iron trousers with creases.


To iron or not?

How to iron with arrows, if such an item is a must-have attribute of your wardrobe. The arrows on the pants appeared not by chance, and arose in connection with the development of conveyor sewing production.

Thanks to the compact packaging of the trousers and long-term transportation around the world, the presented wardrobe item came out with a caked bend.

At that time, they didn’t even try to smooth it out, since it signaled the novelty of the thing and was considered a sign of wealth.

Despite the fact that such pants are no longer considered fashionable things, they indicate the neatness and composure of the owner and are part of the business wardrobe.

Now clothes go on sale with already marked marks on the legs. However, periodically it is washed, after which the arrows disappear.

To restore its former beauty and restore symmetry, let's learn how to iron perfectly.

The process of ironing fashionable linen requires the development of specific skills and knowledge of some nuances, which we will tell our readers about later.

Preparatory stage

To achieve maximum effect, use household appliances for smoothing with a steam function, which will take you 10–15 minutes. Otherwise, the material will have to be moistened.

If using a regular iron, it is very important that it does not come into direct contact with the surface of the fabric, so iron through a damp cloth.

Before starting the main work, we should set up a comfortable place and stock up on special tools at hand that will help us in a matter of minutes:

  • Place the ironing board with its cover on a stable surface or cover the table with a clean blanket;
  • Prepare with a clean sole without scale and soot;
  • Auxiliary materials - thin cotton fabric, a piece of gauze or any lint-free but dense product;

Avoid using newspapers to iron such delicate garments as their printed characters will leave unpleasant ink marks.

If there is no sprayer in the iron design, use a spray bottle with water.
Pay attention to the cleanliness of the fabric so that there are no foreign fibers or threads on it.

Check pockets and hard-to-reach seams. Clean them of any foreign matter or loose pieces or fibers.

Eliminate the presence of stains that may appear noticeably after heating.

Fabric processing conditions

Another very important initial condition for our problem is the need to determine the optimal temperature regime.

To do this, look at the product label, on which manufacturers indicate information about product care using special symbols.

If you can’t find the shortcut, then use our tips:

  • Strong and durable, which can be pre-moistened and can withstand high temperatures up to 170 degrees;
  • A popular suiting fabric that holds folds well, is not afraid of steam treatment and the 200 degree mark;
  • For woolen and wool blend products, vertical steaming and a temperature of no higher than 100–120 degrees are recommended;
  • More capricious linen is turned inside out and smoothed at 200 degrees;
  • Knitwear is ironed in medium heat mode on the reverse side and vertically treated with hot steam;
  • Light silk is ironed in a delicate mode without steam and only from the inside with a dry iron through a dry lining. Satin and twill are ironed in the same way;
  • Viscose should also be ironed carefully at 120 degrees with the possibility of steam treatment.

Depending on the type and structure of the original fabric, the regulator is set to the appropriate position, which will result in a perfectly ironed finish without shine.

Backside and face...

Before you begin the process, you need to turn the trousers inside out and iron them without pressing the seams and creases.

Moreover, each housewife independently chooses for herself the way to do this:

  • iron both trouser legs at once, alternately working them on one side or the other;
  • run the iron over each leg individually.

Be sure to pay attention to the pockets, lining and waistband, and iron the trousers first from the wrong side and finally from the front.

After the belt from the inside out, proceed to the pockets. To avoid creases in the pocket area, place a clean sheet of paper under them.

Next in line - side seams. It is advisable to place the upper part of the thighs on the side of the ironing iron in order to properly iron this area.

Now, with a pure soul, we move to the front side and begin the main process.

  • First, we accurately connect the internal and external seams so that they completely match. Having placed such an assembly on the ironing board, align and straighten all the inaccuracies, bend the belt.
  • Front darts or front loops signal the end of the arrows, which end 7 cm from the waistband. According to these marks, the right and left trouser legs are brought together at the top point.

To form an ideal fold line, it must fit accurately and neatly into the dart for ladies' models.

  • Iron internal sides, and then move on to external surfaces. Some craftsmen recommend securing the curves of the trouser legs, for example, with the help of invisible pins. This will allow for a symmetrical arrangement and prevent the seams from moving relative to each other.
  • Start processing from the knee area. In order not to shift the location of the fabric during the process, it is better not to follow the arrow, but to gradually place the heating element in certain places. Give it some time to dry. Repeat the procedure on the other pant leg one at a time.
  • When finished, hang the pants on a hanger or use a foam roller and wait until they cool completely.

If there are any shortcomings...

At home, it will not be easy for novice housewives to iron out perfect arrows. Some common errors are easy to fix:

  • to remove false arrows, gauze is moistened in a solution of 2 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar and 1 liter of water and steamed from the inside out;
  • the use of fabric overlays will eliminate unnecessary gloss;
  • a spray bottle also combats this problem. Sometimes it can be eliminated only by washing with the addition of laundry soap;
  • To keep the material ironed during transportation, fold it with a small roller.

Some features and tricks...

  • Pre-treatment of trouser legs requires slightly pulling the trousers on an ironing board or placing a pad under problem areas;
  • Rotate the product around its axis, turning it over to the other edge;
  • Do not press the steamer too hard, but only lightly, as seams are imprinted and the structure of light fabrics is deformed in direct contact with the heating device;
  • For some dense fabrics, use the steam function, which is possible even without ironing;
  • Try not to wet synthetics so as not to leave streaks on it. Engage wet wipes to eliminate the formation of creases or bruises;
  • Periodically let the material cool so that excess moisture evaporates;
  • As additional fasteners, secure the top and bottom of the trouser legs with paper clips;
  • If you wipe the underside in the area of ​​future folds with soap slightly moistened with water, a brilliant result is guaranteed;
  • Simply iron undried pants or spray them with a spray bottle, place them in a bag for 10–20 minutes and get started;
  • Mark a straight line with the teeth of an ordinary comb, which you first wet;
  • If you spray the inside with a mixture of vinegar + water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter and add a little starch, this will strengthen the bends.


Everyone knows the popular wisdom: “You meet people by their clothes...”. In order not to spoil your karma and produce good impression put your clothes in order.

If you don’t know how to iron trousers with creases, then we will tell you. Don’t wonder anymore: how to do it faster and better?

And some details and nuances will guarantee the effect of long-lasting and symmetrical curves. I wish you success!

Arrows are worn by schoolchildren, students, businessmen, officials, business women and managers, police officers and lawyers, party hosts and office workers. Therefore, the question of how to ideally iron this item of clothing after washing is very relevant.

Do you know where the arrows on the trousers came from? More than two centuries ago, when conveyor belt production began to develop, trousers were shipped around the world in huge containers. They were packaged so compactly that they arrived to customers with a folded fold in the shape of an arrow.

Gentlemen and their ladies did not rack their brains over how easy it was to iron out creases on their trousers. They left it as is, and this element signaled that the item was new, just purchased. This was considered a sign of wealth and was fashionable.

Ironed trousers often come with creases, but they can be removed. It is ideal to iron creases on trousers so that they stay in place for a long time using an iron and ironing board. Gauze or thin cotton cloth and a water spray bottle will also come in handy. The following three recommendations will help you cope with your further task with an A plus.

  1. Determine the temperature. Look at the label: it indicates what temperature is acceptable for this fabric. Following the rule will help you end up with beautifully ironed trousers without shine.
  2. We are preparing the tools. The ironing board must be perfectly smooth and must be in a case. You can use a flat table surface, first covering it with a lint-free thick cloth. The soleplate of the iron must be clean, without traces of scale and soot.
  3. We do a “test” for purity. Clean the product to remove lint and pet hair. Check to see if there are any stains left after washing. When heated, even small dirt can become more noticeable.

How to iron trousers with creases: 2 stages

Having prepared everything you need, we begin ironing. Some claim that best effect This is achieved by ironing your trouser legs through newspaper. Forget about this method forever, otherwise you will ruin the thing - under the influence of temperature, printing ink will be imprinted on it. Moreover, you cannot start working right away with the arrows, otherwise you will not be able to tidy up the upper part of the trousers. The work must be done in two stages: first, the pants are ironed from the wrong side and only then from the face.

From the wrong side

Before making creases on your trousers with an iron, turn the item inside out and iron it entirely, starting from the waistband. Please keep the following points in mind.

Pockets. Place a clean sheet of paper under the pocket fabric. This will avoid creases on the front side, which will be problematic to straighten later.

Side seams. After ironing the pockets, run the iron over the legs, making sure that the fabric remains smooth and without wrinkles. Pay special attention to the side seams, especially around the upper thighs. To iron this area, you can “put” the trousers on the side of the ironer.

From the front side

Turn the pants right side out and start creating creases using the following three-step instructions.

  1. Joining seams. Carefully lay out the product so that the outer and inner seams are exactly aligned. Any divergence of the seams even by 0.5 cm will “move” the arrow to the side.
  2. Jerking movements. Be sure to iron with gauze. Take a piece of fabric, wet it, wring it out well and place it on your trouser leg. Set the iron temperature regulator to the desired level, according to the instructions on the label, and begin to move the device over the entire surface of the trouser leg. Treat the area of ​​the intended arrows carefully - the slightest shift of the tissue will “break” the arrow. Don't follow the arrow back and forth. It’s better to tear the iron off the surface and apply it to the fabric, tear it off again and apply it again. This makes it less likely that the material will move.
  3. Rule of turn. After making an arrow on one side, repeat the procedure on the other. Proceed in the same step-by-step manner with the second pant leg. If you are just learning how to properly iron trousers, you should not iron both legs at the same time - only experienced housewives can perform this “aerobatics”.

Ironing rules are the same for men's and women's trousers. There is only a slight difference in the technique of creating arrows, which is due to the presence of darts in ladies' models. If you want to pet women's pants with arrows, you need to make sure that the dart coincides with the fold line.

If it turned out bad: work on mistakes

You managed to iron out the creases on your trousers at home, but upon closer examination you noticed that not everything is as smooth as you would like. Don't panic: two common mistakes can be corrected as follows.

  1. We remove the arrows. If you are dissatisfied with the result of ironing: the arrows have “broken” or strayed from the intended course - do not be upset, they are not difficult to eliminate. Soak gauze in a solution of 9% table vinegar (two tablespoons per liter of water) and steam the pants from the inside out. Then re-create straight arrows.
  2. Getting rid of the gloss. It doesn’t matter if there are shiny spots on your clothes after the procedure. Get rid of them by soaping problem areas laundry soap and soaking for ten minutes. Wash, rinse and dry the item in the sun.

If you travel often and the process of transporting ironed trousers is a whole problem, use a little trick. Before putting it in your suitcase, carefully roll up your trousers. The likelihood that they will become very wrinkled is reduced to a minimum.

10 tricks of experienced housewives

Experienced housewives on forums share their personal secrets on how to iron classic trousers with creases. Apply the following 10 tips to make the process faster and more efficient.

  1. Additional fastener. To prevent the fabric from moving during ironing, you can fix it at the top and bottom with tailor's pins. Just first, check whether they leave marks on the fabric - pin the needle on an inconspicuous area of ​​the trousers. For the same purposes, it is convenient to use office clips - just grab the top and bottom of the trouser leg with them.
  2. Only through fabric. You cannot draw creases on your trousers without gauze, otherwise, if there are synthetic fibers in the composition, an unnecessary shine will appear on your clothes.
  3. We consolidate the effect. You can add vinegar to the water to wet the gauze at a dosage of a tablespoon per liter of water. This technique helps to make the arrows sharper and fix them for a longer time. In addition, the solution helps get rid of shine on pants.
  4. Start from the middle. The arrows will be straighter if you start ironing from the middle of the trouser leg, that is, in the knee area.
  5. Soap for long lasting arrows. The effect of straight arrows will last longer if you draw a vertical line in this area on the wrong side with laundry soap slightly moistened with water.
  6. So that the trousers do not wrinkle. After ironing, allow the arrows to dry by placing them on an ironing board or on a trouser bar.
  7. Splashes versus gloss. Regularly spray dried gauze or fabric through which you iron your trousers with water from a spray bottle. Dry ironing can result in shiny spots.
  8. Seams without imprints. When ironing the top of the trousers, where there are usually a lot of seams, you can put a small pad that you probably have at home, or a folded towel. This will prevent the seams from printing.
  9. Comb as a ruler. To outline future arrows, you can use an ordinary comb. Moisten and then pull the entire length of the trousers between the cloves.
  10. Look at the label. If you see an icon on the label of your trousers that shows a crossed out iron with steam, it means that using a steamer to iron this item is prohibited.

If you didn’t manage to iron it perfectly the first time men's trousers with arrows, don't be discouraged - continue to study strictly according to the instructions. Each time it will turn out better and better, and the process will take less and less time.
Well, if you haven’t mastered this wisdom over the years, you can use the method of creative housewives. They believe that you can quickly and correctly iron trousers with creases... under the mattress. Fold the item in half lengthwise and connect the side and crotch seams, place them under the mattress and go to bed. In the morning, the advisers assure you, you will find perfectly straight trousers.