Scary challenging riddles about Halloween. Very scary riddles. Was Gogol buried alive?

Uniquely funny, but slightly creepy riddles about Halloween will easily lift the spirits of all participants in the unusual celebration. Let them, along with hollow luminous pumpkins and frightening costumes, become another attribute of the ancient holiday! Let the Halloween spirits be scared not only by the sight of hollow pumpkins with candles, but also by the loud laughter of your friends and family!

Symbol of the night, symbol of evil,
She sleeps upside down!

You can't celebrate Halloween
You, of course, without me,
Horror, fear, darkness of night,
The sky is full...

Halloween to celebrate
It is necessary to catch up with horror,
There are bruises under the eyes,
And they stick out in your mouth...

Walks around in a pointed hat
It terrifies children
Brews potions in a cast iron pot,
And flies in the dark!

Leshy, devil, Baba Yaga,
Very friendly family
And the kikimora with the mermaid,
They play tag every day!
There is also a water one,
He's so friendly
The ghost is always with him,
Sings songs until the morning!
What should we call them all together?
So as not to list them?
Evil spirits

He lives with a witch in the house,
He's lazy, black...

In the forest in his hut,
There's an old lady who lives
Flies on a broom
And it scares children.
Baba Yaga

Children are waiting for this holiday,
They give them candy,
And mothers sew suits,
They create a candle using a pumpkin!

Masks and costumes,
Sweets and happiness
This is the autumn holiday
Glitter, joy, dancing!

Everything today is evil,
They will praise
This holiday is needed
We need to guess!

Vampire of the night -
Eyes, fangs,
Only on Halloween
You're not scary.

The bat's eyes are burning,
A quiet grinding sound can be heard in the house.
Halloween has come home
It's time to celebrate.
There are candles, cobwebs, darkness,
But the only thing missing is me.

An unusual flashlight is burning,
And he will protect from evil spirits,
It can be easily made,
You just need to buy the right vegetable!
pumpkin lantern

There's a beauty living in the depths,
Sings sonorous songs,
Swims excellently, deftly,
Who can name it?

Fear, vampires, horror, horror,
Can't sleep this night.
Pumpkin red eyes
I won't forget until the morning.
I don't like this holiday
What am I talking about now?
about Halloween, Halloween

I say hello to fear,
I bring a pumpkin from the field to the house.
Let her eyes burn
What holiday is it for me?

Halloween has come home
It's time for us to start the holiday.
She stands in the dark,
From ripe pumpkin...

He flies in a mortar,
Lives in the forest
Scares the kids
Who can guess?
Baba Yaga

The pumpkin's eyes are burning brightly,
Candles, night and very hot,
Vampires, blood, adrenaline
Comes to visit...

This is a foreign holiday
But we have all been accustomed to it for a long time.
The pumpkin has red eyes
Horror, night and silence.

Masks, costumes and sparkles,
They will dance here today,
Everyone will have fun today
It's time for you to guess the holiday!

The night is coming
It inspires horror and fear in all of us,
Candles, zombies, horror and darkness,
The pumpkin's eyes glow.

The vampire costume is a symbol of the night,
The silence is terrifying.
We won't fall asleep today for sure,
After all, he came to our house.
Halloween holiday

An increasing number of people, mostly children school age, they want to celebrate badly interesting holiday, who came to us from Europe - Why not join those who are happy to have an interesting time on the eve of All Saints' Day, because there is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, by putting on a creepy costume, we scare away evil spirits and are charged with positivity for the whole year.

Among the popular ones are complex and simple riddles with answers that can be used by the hosts of the holiday in their script. These can be traditional puzzles, unusual for our mentality, or adapted to the local national flavor.

Scary Halloween riddles with answers for teenagers

Grown-up children love everything creepy and terrible. For this age group this is normal, because this is how personality develops, and the child must go through all its stages. Therefore, you should not be afraid of his desire to surround himself with various horrors on the eve of the celebration of All Saints' Day.

He's ugly and huge.

My hands feel like they're gone.

His mind is dark like soot.

This is scary... (Goblin)

He looks for a victim at night,

To enjoy the blood.

Can become a bat.

He's only afraid of garlic. (A vampire)

When on a desert mountain at full moon,

Suddenly, witches flock from everywhere,

They laugh, dance, ride on brooms -

Do you know what it's called? (Coven)

She prepares potions

It casts spells and harms.

To friends for a housewarming party

Flies on a broom. (Witch)

They are not visible to anyone - they have no body.

And that’s probably why they boldly scare everyone.

They are different, they say they fly, annoying as flies.

This is... (Evil spirits)

His eyes burn like headlights

And the fur coat is black as night,

He is an assistant to an old witch.

If you see him, run away! (Black cat)

It is dressed in white and translucent.

In general, it is a completely nondescript creature.

But when he appears in the cold castle at night,

The one who saw it needs a doctor urgently! (Ghost)

On a very black mountain

In the black, very black palace

A bony old man lives.

Even in a very long time ago

He hid his immortality in a casket.

But keep quiet about this secret! (Koschei)

She has golden skin

And also a very scary face,

She's round like a ball

And it glows like a lantern. (Pumpkin)

When they gather for their holiday

They don't dress up at all

Shaggy and terrible

They jump on the mountain all night

They howl, scream, and gossip about the plans of the insidious. (Ghouls)

Halloween riddles for kids with answers

Not only teenagers, but also kids take part in Halloween celebrations with pleasure. Especially for them children's script You can pick up completely harmless riddles.

A hut was lost in the dense forest.

A difficult old woman lives in a hut.

He takes a broom and sits in the mortar,

And then it flies over the forest like a bird! (Baba Yaga)

The golden head is large and heavy.

The golden head lay down to rest.

The head is large, only the neck is thin. (Pumpkin)

Her eyes are big

The beak of a predator is always hooked.

At night she flies

He sleeps on a tree only during the day. (Owl)

The swamp is her home.

Vodyanoy comes to visit her. (Kikimora)

Without wings, but flies and sweeps the ground. (Broom)

There is an old woman standing, behind there is a hut.

Holds a broom. It flies until it's dawn. (Baba Yaga)

Who has a huge belly?

Who is cheerful, very modest?

Who is inseparable from water?

Good guy... (Water)

Maybe these are fables: in the forest lake there are maidens,

They come out of the water and dance in circles and sing.

And then they play tag. Who lives in the water? (Mermaids)

He lives in a witch's house,

He is black in color, but not a cat.

He's not a scientist, but he's smart

Not a mortar, but it flies.

And he even speaks!

Who is this - who can tell? (Crow)

In rags, overgrown, gray-haired,

With a perpetually scraggly beard.

He lives in the forest,

Gribnikov lures and scares. (Leshy)

In addition to riddles, you can come up with various themed games for a successful holiday. Children love to have fun, so parents will need to work hard to find good script for Halloween. Adults can also participate in this celebration; all you need to do is put together a scary costume to be accepted as one of their own in any company.

It is better for small children to hold the holiday during daylight hours, so that the creepy party characters do not affect their still unstable psyche. Let there be fewer terrible faces at the holiday - they can well be replaced by cute and friendly ones.

But teenagers, of course, will want more realism, because that’s why it’s the night before All Saints’ Day. You shouldn’t deny them this; it’s better to help them have a memorable holiday with all the scary traditional attributes of Halloween.

Halloween is a fun and slightly scary holiday that has been celebrated on October 31, 2019 in Western European countries for many centuries. Lately it has become popular here too. On children's party in honor of Halloween you can hold interesting quizzes, games and competitions.

For such a party, a competition of Halloween riddles for children would come in handy, some of which (with answers) we have collected in this article.

You can make riddles based on Russians folk tales– about Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, the witch, mermaids and other folklore characters well known to children.

Halloween riddles for children with answers

Lives in a long-legged hut
A very dangerous old lady.
She has bone leg,
And her name is...
(Baba Yaga).

The old lady has a hut
The hut has legs.
And always to that hut
All roads lead.
That old lady is very angry
And flies in a mortar.
She has a broom in her hand.
“Ugh, I’ll boil you in soup!”
(Baba Yaga).

She prepares potions
It casts spells and harms.
To friends for a housewarming party
Flies on a broom.

Without wings, but flies
And sweeps the ground.

He lives in a witch's house,
He is black in color, but not a cat.
He's not a scientist, but he's smart
Not a mortar, but it flies.
And he even speaks!
Who is this, who can tell?

When on a desert mountain, on a full moon,
Suddenly witches flock from everywhere,
They laugh, dance, ride on brooms, -
Do you know what it's called?

These children's riddles for Halloween 2019 are the perfect theme for this holiday. They will arouse children’s interest and help them have an interesting time at the holiday.

Maybe these are tall tales:
There are maidens in the forest lake.
They come out of the water
They lead round dances with songs,
And then they play tag.
Who lives in the water?

In rags, overgrown, gray-haired,
With a perpetually scraggly beard.
He lives in the forest,
Gribnikov lures and scares.

On the black-black-black mountain
And in the black, very black, very black palace
A bony old man lives.
Even in a very long time ago
He hid his immortality in a casket,
But keep quiet about this secret!
(Koschei the Deathless).

He looks for a victim at night,
To enjoy the blood.
Can become a bat.
Only he's afraid of garlic!
(A vampire).

He's ugly and huge.
My hands feel like they're gone.
His mind is dark like soot.
This is scary...

It is dressed in white and translucent.
In general, it is a completely nondescript creature.
But when he appears in the cold castle at night,
The person who saw it needs a doctor urgently!

Event form: quiz.

The target audience: 5-8 grade.

Objectives of the event:

  • conduct a quiz to interest children in the culture of another country;
  • develop quick thinking, attention, and communication skills.

A few days before the holiday you should spend Classroom hour dedicated to the tradition of celebrating Halloween. Tell children that the holiday is over a thousand years old. Previously, it was called the Saiman holiday, during which sacrifices were made to please evil spirits. Now it’s just a fun tradition (information about how Halloween celebrations are held wouldn’t hurt), which smoothly migrates to Russia, delighting many children and adults. Surely, children will be interested in hearing the story of an Irishman named Jack, who was addicted to gambling and alcohol. However, this did not stop him from deceiving the Devil himself, for which, after his death, he was expelled from hell into darkness. The farmer asked the devil for something to light his way. The devil threw him a smoldering coal, and Jack put it in the turnip, which he did not have time to finish. This is where the tradition of carving a pumpkin and inserting a candle into it came from.

The quiz is held at a Halloween party at school, and it is advisable to ask children to dress up in themed costumes or masks that they make themselves.

The first person to answer correctly is given a card. Based on the results of the quiz, three winners are selected, with the largest number cards. You can also conduct a quiz by dividing children into teams. Prizes are awarded at the discretion of the school administration or parent council.

Halloween Quiz Questions at School

1. Which people were the “discoverers” of the Halloween holiday?

a) Americans


c) French

2. What date is the holiday celebrated?

3. What is another name for Halloween?

a) November Christmastide

b)Floating Apple Festival

c) Carols

4. What is this holiday associated with?

a) With Santa Claus

b) At the end of the harvest

c)With evil spirits

5. What is the symbol of this day?

a) Black cat


6. Which color is not the symbolic color of All Saints' Day?


c) Orange

7. How can you protect yourself from evil spirits on Halloween Eve?

a)Wear a mask

b) Eat all the candies

c) Pet the black cat

8. Which Russian tradition is similar to Halloween traditions?


b) Modeling a snow woman

c) Burning of Maslenitsa

9. What phrase can you often hear during a holiday?

a) To be or not to be

b)Trick or treat

c) Life or death

10. What's extra? (Which does not apply to the holiday)


c) Evil spirits

11. What is customary to do on Halloween?

a) Ask for forgiveness


12. What do people do to prevent the dead from taking over their souls?

a) Leave milk and cookies under the Christmas tree

b)Making jack-o'-lanterns

c) Draw crosses on the doors

13. What is the symbol of what is a pumpkin with a lit candle inside?

a) Jack-O-Lantern heads

b)Souls of dead people

c) Invitations to visit

14. According to legend, the drunkard Jack deceived the Devil himself twice during his lifetime. After death, he was kicked out of hell for this, and he did not go to heaven for the sins he committed. As a result, Jack was doomed to eternal wandering. What did he have to use to light his way in the darkness?


c) Torch

15. On Halloween, it is customary to go from house to house and knock on doors. What should the owners give the child in response to the usual phrase?


c) What they ask

16. What attribute is used to communicate with the other world?

a) Telephone

b)crystal ball

c) Satellite dish

17. Who wrote Frankenstein?

a) Elizabeth Lunt

b)Mary Shelley

c) Samuel Butler

18. In which country on this day, instead of pumpkins, are “boats of fate” made of paper?


19. What is not customary to do on Halloween?

a) Laugh

b)Take offense

c) Swear

20. You are asked to solve a puzzle: you need to find 8 words, the words are connected vertically and horizontally. (The puzzle can be distributed either on separate cards or drawn on the board)

To prevent children from getting bored, it is proposed to hold several competitions in the middle of the quiz. Thus, play for several symbolic prizes (candies, lollipops, chocolates, etc.). These should be special Halloween themed games, such as the following.

1. “Roll the pumpkin!”

3 children are selected for the competition. The idea is to roll the pumpkin along a narrow board without dropping it.

2. "A vampire"

For the competition you need: white powder, black eyeliner, red lipstick (pencil and lipstick can be replaced with watercolor paints)

2 teams of 2-3 people are formed. In 2 minutes, the team must paint one participant so that he looks like a vampire. Children not participating in the competition must choose the winning team.

3. "Soaked apple"

Since Halloween is called the holiday of floating apples, you simply cannot do without this competition. You will need 2 basins of water and about 10 apples (for two players). Participants have their hands tied behind them and must catch as many apples as possible with their mouths in 2 minutes.