Essay on the topic “Best friends. Essay on the topic: “Best friend Write about my best friend

My best friend Sasha, whom we met back in kindergarten, is the complete opposite of me. He has an athletic build, huge, thoughtful greenish-gray eyes, Sasha is always neatly and tastefully dressed. I think he likes to read a lot and knows everything. I was always interested in him. He has very good feature: he shares with me everything he has learned himself, tries to teach it to me. Friendship with him fills my life with happiness. We like to rejoice together more than to complain about failures. He loves to listen to stories about my sporting achievements, he can leave all his worries and go with me to the stadium to watch a football match. It's easier and more fun for me to live next to my friend!

We study in different schools, each of us has friends who are classmates, but for many years I have felt that my first friend is the real one, only with him I always feel good. Firstly, he never let me down, never betrayed my trust. Secondly, Sasha, like no one else, understands me and always tells me how to act correctly in a given situation. We never get tired of each other.

Life has not yet tested our friendship in full force. But I believe that after so many years of friendship it is already possible to draw some conclusions. We always have a good time with Sasha, we are never bored, Sasha is always ready to give me a helping hand in difficult times, he will always give important advice if necessary. It seems to me that this is what true and strong friendship looks like!

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I am in ninth grade, our class is large and friendly. I have many comrades and just good acquaintances, but there is only one real, trusted friend. But I’m not upset about this at all. I believe that there really shouldn’t be many real, best friends. Let there be only one, but the real one, who will come to your aid in difficult times, will be able to understand you, and to whom you trust all your secrets.

It seems to me that being someone’s best friend, and wearing such a high title with pride, requires some work. This is constant work on yourself, on your trusting relationships with each other. In addition, to be a best friend, you need to be able to give in and be tolerant of the other person's shortcomings.

Finding a person who will become your best friend is not so easy. For example, I used to consider as friends those people who did not turn out to be so, they did not live up to my expectations, or I did not live up to them. As they say, a friend is recognized in trouble, and I completely agree with this; it is in unpredictable situations that a true attitude towards you is revealed. Comrades who want to seem like your friends, in certain situations, will take into account not your interests, but their own, selfish ones.

I only have one best friend, and I'm very proud of it! His name is Alexey, we have known each other since childhood, and now we study in the same class. I am very lucky to have him, I can completely rely on him in various situations. I would never have thought before that he and I would be such strong friends, but what about being friends, he practically became my brother! Since childhood, the boys and I walked in the common yard. Football starts in the morning, everything is as usual. Once, older guys from another yard, whom none of us knew, asked to join us in the game; without thinking twice, we agreed to take them into the game. Our team won in a fair game, but the other guys didn’t want to admit defeat and began pestering us, calling for a fight. I, as the most sociable of the guys, called for a peaceful resolution of the issue, as a result of which I became the object of attacks from these guys. And in such a situation, only Alexey stood up for me! He took my side, while the other guys, frightened, simply remained silent and mentally prepared for an unequal battle. In the end, Alexey and I resolved the situation, turning it into a peaceful direction. There was no fight, and we declared the game a draw. After this incident, Alexey and I became inseparable, then we went to the same school, where we study to this day in the same class.

During the time that Alexey became my best friend, I began to value our friendly relations. In all difficult situations I can count on him, and his opinion is very important to me, which I value. I know for sure that if trouble happens to my friend, I will drop everything I’m doing and immediately rush to his aid! A best friend is a gift from fate, such friendship should be appreciated!

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I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He studies with me in the same class. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There's even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

In the summer, Lesha and I see each other in August, because the other months summer holidays my friend is spending in the village. He is very good friend. I know that he will never betray me. Lyosha is a true friend.

Essay Description of a Friend Grade 6, Grade 7

I have a best friend. His name is Mikhail. He and I study in the same class. Misha lives on the next block. He has younger brother. Misha and I sometimes take him for a walk. Misha and I go out together on the weekends. Can also go for a walk during the week after homework is done. Misha and I love to play together computer games. We do this online, each from our own home.

Sometimes we go to a cinema or an entertainment center. We really like watching 5D, 7D, 11D films. When you watch such a movie, it seems that you are present in the film itself.

I recently attended Mikhail's birthday party. His grandparents came to congratulate him, as well as God-parents and several friends from school. We started our birthday party at the entertainment center. The animators gave us a real quest. After the entertainment, we went to Mikhail's house, where delicious treats awaited us.
I gave it to Mikhail board game, book and constructor. Misha was pleased with the gift. When we can't cope with our lessons, we help each other. I can help Misha if I understand the material better, and he can help if he understands something better than me.

It's good when you have loyal and beloved friends with whom you can spend your leisure time.

Option for 5th grade

Today I want to talk about my friend. This is very good man and his name is Ivan. He is 10 years old, like me. We are in third grade.

Vanya and I have known each other for three years. Firstly, we live in the same yard. Secondly, our mothers also communicate. Thirdly, he and I go to the same class and to the same training session. We are close all the time. We also go to and from schools together.

Ivan is like a brother to me. And this is very good. After all, I have a little sister, and sibling No. Besides, he is six months older than me. You can talk to Vanya, spend your time free time. We get angry with him, sometimes we fight. But this happens very rarely. The reasons for our quarrels are a slight misunderstanding of each other. That's all.

Vanya and I met on my birthday. Then I turned seven years old and my mother invited many of my friends. There were girls from kindergarten, a boy from the yard, a little baby who was someone's brother. I don't remember anymore. Vanya and his mother were among the guests. He came because our mothers were friends. That's how we met. That day I really liked Vanya. I wanted to make friends with him. In ordinary life, it’s not so easy for me to meet someone. And this boy was calm, didn’t show off, gave me a cool construction set and shook my hand. He sat next to me at festive table. He wasn't shy at all strangers, was positive and active.

Then the time came when we went to school together and ended up in the same class.

My friend is worthy of the title of friend for many reasons. He never offended me in any way, just as I never offended him. He never betrayed or deceived me. Vanya always answers the phone when I call him. Sometimes I need his help regarding homework and homework. Sometimes we just chat for hours about computer games and classmates. My friend is not jealous of me and does not want to offend me. We don't compete with each other. We promised that we would try to be friends all our lives, no matter what.

I understand that friendship is a great gift that should be cherished.

4th grade, 6th, 7th grade.

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Friends are probably the most valuable thing in a person’s life. A friend will come to the rescue in any situation, share joy and sorrow, and will keep all the secrets entrusted to him. A person experiences moments of happiness with loved ones, because even holidays around them become more fun and brighter, and bad things are not perceived so sharply. It's good that I have friends in my life! That is why I am not at a loss when I need to submit an essay on the topic: “Best Friend.” I know exactly how to write it.

You can't choose a friend just like that. You can get closer to a person over the years, gradually, communicating in the yard or at school. Common interests appear, which, as we know, unite people even more. So, most find friends in clubs or sports sections.

When you meet, one day it becomes clear that this person is truly close, that the thoughts and deeds you do are similar. No one else understands you like he does; you can talk to him on a variety of topics.

I want to see my friends all the time. But it doesn’t always work out that a friend is nearby. You can communicate with people from different cities, even countries. Without seeing each other for months, the feeling that a person is dear to you does not go away; on the contrary, it becomes brighter and sharper.

The concept of a “virtual friend” has appeared in the world of computer technology. This is a person whom you met and you carry on a conversation only on the Internet, without seeing him. Very often people never meet real life. But this does not prevent them from speaking and thinking the same way. I don’t have virtual friends, but if they appear, I will be only glad. Although I will continue to believe that live communication and the warmth of hugs cannot be replaced by anything.

You can have one, the most close friend. But having many friends is even better. In this case, you will never be left alone, there will always be a person nearby who can understand and share your innermost thoughts and feelings. How many such people there should be, the person decides for himself.

A friend is a support, even if he cannot help in a particular situation. It's enough that he's just nearby. But you not only need to find friendship, but also try to maintain it, which is much more difficult. You should constantly remember about the person, about events that are important to him, and not contact him only when he himself needs help. After all, every person needs attention and participation.

There are many people around me with whom I communicate. But I can only call a few of them friends. Why them? Because they are dear to me, because our hobbies are very similar, we love the same things. I really enjoy spending time with them and get very bored when they are not around. We like the same movies and music. They know how to simply listen.

I try to answer the same to my friends. I want to maintain such a relationship for life, which can be quite difficult. After all, people grow up, their interests change and sometimes diverge from the interests of their loved ones.

I would like to wish that all schoolchildren know how to write an essay on the topic: “Best friend.” This will mean that they have these very best friends.