How many families in Belarus live below the official poverty line and where are they most? Belarusian families continue to get poorer Low-income families in Belarus

In 2016, real disposable cash income of the population of Belarus decreased by 7.3% compared to 2015. The number of people in the country is growing again low-income families

Incomes have been decreasing since 2015. In January 2016, the decrease was 5.4% compared to January 2015, in January-February compared to the same period of the previous year - 6.4%, January-March - 6.5%, January-April - 6.8%, January-March - May, January-June and January-July - 7%, January-August - 7.1%, January-September - 7.2%, January-October - 7.3%, January-November - 7.5%, for 2016 - by 7.3%.

According to a sample survey of households on living standards conducted by Belstat, in the fourth quarter of 2016, 4.4% of families were classified as low-income. In the third quarter there were 4.1% of such families, in the first half of the year - 3.9%.

The share of low-income families decreased from 2005 (12.7%) to 2010 (5.2%), sharply increasing in 2011 to 7.3%. Then the share of the poor decreased until 2014, when it was 4.8%. At the end of 2016, the share of the poor increased to 5.7%.

Level of poverty of the population

according to a sample survey of households by standard of living; as a percentage of the total population

According to the results of the last quarter of last year, the most a large number of there were poor people in the Gomel (6.2%) and Brest (6%) regions. In the Mogilev region - 5.4%, Vitebsk - 4.9%, Minsk - 4.4%, Grodno - 3.4%. The least poor are in Minsk - 1.4%.

The Belarusian poverty threshold is determined by the budget living wage(BPM), which from February 1 to April 30, 2017 averages 180.1 rubles per capita. This money, according to government calculations, should be enough for a minimum set of products, as well as non-food goods and services.

People whose income is less than the minimum are provided with state targeted social assistance (GASP) - in the amount that is missing before the BPM.

In 2016, assistance was provided in the form of monthly support to 75,140 people in need, and in the form of one-time support to 43,982. Another 119,696 people received compensation for purchased diapers, 24,451 for technical rehabilitation equipment, and 27,172 children under two years of age were provided with food. .

Most of all, GASP was prescribed to residents of the Gomel, Mogilev and Brest regions. In total, 290,441 people received GASP.

Over the year, the number of aid recipients increased by more than 39 thousand people - in 2015, 251.2 thousand people became its recipients, and in 2014 - 217.8 thousand people.

Most families live on less than 500 rubles per person

Many Belarusians, who are not among the poor, are also not at all luxurious and live on very modest means.

Belstat calculated the disposable resources of households, including the cost of consumed food products produced on private plots, as well as received in the form of various benefits and payments. It turned out that in 2016, available resources per household amounted to 962.3 rubles per month (in 2015 - 910).

Cash expenses per household amounted to 906.3 rubles per month, of which 677.7 rubles, or 74.8%, were consumer expenses.

The majority of the population (78.5%) lives on 500 or less rubles per month per person. Including 16.5% - for 400-500 rubles per month, 12.5% ​​- for 350-400, another 15.6% - for 300-350 rubles.

In the fourth quarter of last year, 3.1% of the population had less than 150 rubles of average per capita disposable resources per month, 150-200 rubles - 7%, 200-250 - 11%, 250-300 - 12.8% (12.7%). 9% have 500-600 rubles per person, 12.5% ​​have more than 600 rubles.

Where is the way out of poverty?

In the current economic and social situation in Belarus, it is necessary to take measures to support vulnerable segments of the population and create new jobs, he noted in a commentary for website economic expert of the Liberal Club Anton Boltochko.

In his opinion, protests on the streets are one of the components of people’s discontent; labor migration is also a reflection of dissatisfaction with the conditions that exist for workers in Belarus.

Boltochko considers it necessary to revise the conditions for providing state targeted social assistance, as well as increase the amount of unemployment benefits, limiting the period of receipt to six months.

The actual unemployment rate in Belarus in 2016 was 5.8% of the economically active population, which is . At the labor exchange they cost almost five times less.

“Funds for paying benefits can be found from the amounts that go to support state-owned enterprises. It’s time to understand that state-owned enterprises are about money, and not about social support in the form of incomplete wages» , - said Boltochko.

Ministry of Labor and social protection has already submitted a proposal to insure citizens against unemployment for government consideration.

“In our proposal, we recommend developing an insurance system based on a market model, where a person receives a high unemployment benefit. Within six months, someone who finds himself unemployed will be able to count on payments in the amount of 60% of his average salary at his last job.”, - said in an interview with the newspaper "Republic" Head of the Employment Policy Department of the Ministry of Labor Oleg Tokun.

An insurance fund to support the unemployed, according to the ministry’s plan, can be formed within the framework of the existing Social Protection Fund without creating a separate structure.

Payments for unemployment insurance, as well as for social insurance, are expected to be made mandatory, but it will be possible to receive benefits only after registering with the employment service as an unemployed person.

“We calculated that the monthly contribution should be 0.5% of the wage fund. At the same time, we propose to pay this amount equally - to both the employer and the employee. That is, instead of 1% in the Social Security Fund, the employee will have to pay 1.25%. It seems to me that this is an insignificant increase, given that the person receives real protection from unemployment. And employers, I think, won’t mind either, since this will relieve them of a certain burden of social responsibility for the dismissed workers.”, - explained Tokun.

Don't put pressure on business - there will be new jobs

According to Anton Boltochko, at the present time, when there is not the most favorable trend in terms of changes in people’s living conditions, it is time for the authorities to really take up the implementation of the more than once announced plans to create jobs that would be distinguished by high salaries:

“The only question is the approaches that the state uses. The authorities do not want to change the conditions for doing business, which most often is the source of new jobs, where highly qualified labor is used and training is offered.”.

Self-employment needs to be developed “don’t put pressure on entrepreneurs with various legislative acts, but let people earn money”.

For example, change the system of contributions to the Federal Social Security Fund, excluding from the period of payment to the fund the time during which the self-employed person does not work: “We must admit that at present the creation of an individual entrepreneur is an option to exit difficult situation, for example, after dismissal. Provided, of course, that it is easy to create such an enterprise.”.

In parallel, it is necessary to work with small, medium and large businesses to simplify economic conditions, the expert emphasized.

The number of families living below the poverty line continues to grow in Belarus. According to Belstat, in the first half of the year 5.5% of households were poor, a year ago - 5%. These are families in which the average per capita disposable resources turned out to be below the subsistence level.

According to the 2009 census, there are 3 million 873 thousand 139 households in Belarus. It turns out that in the first half of the year a little more than 213 thousand families were below the national poverty line. This is almost 19.4 thousand more than a year ago.

Belstat clarifies that the calculations used a subsistence level budget of 1 million 696 thousand non-denominated rubles (or 169.9 denominated rubles).

In addition, according to statistics, the number of low-income people has increased over the year in all regions. Most of them are in the Grodno region, while the Mogilev region showed the highest rate of increase in the poor over the year.

Belstat infographics

Almost every second resident of the country - 48.5% of the total population - costs less than 200 denominated rubles every month. As of July 1, 9.5 million people lived in Belarus. This means that for almost 4 million 608 thousand people, the average per capita disposable resources did not exceed this amount.


Average per capita resource (income) is the total amount of income divided by the population. When calculating per capita income, all citizens are taken into account, including the unemployed, pensioners, and minors. Average per capita incomes must be distinguished from average salaries.

August 29, 2017 at 6:18 pm
There are slightly fewer families living below the poverty line in Belarus. In the first quarter of 2017, according to official statistics, there were 4.3% of them, and in the second quarter - already 4.2% of all households.

Photo: Reuters
According to the 2009 population census, 3 million 873 thousand 139 households are registered in Belarus. It turns out that the monthly income did not exceed the subsistence level budget in April-June for 162.7 thousand households. In the first quarter of 2017, there were 166.5 thousand such families, and at the end of 2016 - 170 thousand families (4.4%).
If we talk about statistics by region, the Gomel region still has the most poor families - 5.8% of the total number of households in these regions. Slightly fewer of those whose monthly income does not exceed the BPM live in the Brest region - 5.7%. For comparison, in the capital 1.2% of households live below the poverty line.
Household poverty level in the second quarter of 2017
Brest region
Vitebsk region
Gomel region
The Grodno region
Minsk Region
Mogilev region
Families with minor children often fall into the low-income category (in the second quarter this was 8.6% of the total number of households in this category) and single Belarusians (1.8%). Among childless families this figure is 2%.
Let us remind you that although the number of low-income families in Belarus is becoming smaller, this figure has still not reached the level of last year: for example, at the beginning of 2016, 3.8% of households, or 147,179 families, lived below the poverty line.

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statistics, poverty, social protection

There are slightly fewer families living below the poverty line in Belarus. In the first quarter of 2017, according to official statistics, there were 4.3% of them, and in the second quarter - already 4.2% of all households.

According to the 2009 population census, 3 million 873 thousand 139 households are registered in Belarus. It turns out that the monthly income did not exceed the subsistence level budget in April-June for 162.7 thousand households. In the first quarter of 2017, there were 166.5 thousand such families, and at the end of 2016 - 170 thousand families (4.4%).

If we talk about statistics by region, the Gomel region still has the most poor families - 5.8% of the total number of households in these regions. Slightly fewer of those whose monthly income does not exceed the BPM live in the Brest region - 5.7%. For comparison, in the capital 1.2% of households live below the poverty line.

Household poverty level in the second quarter of 2017

Families with minor children often fall into the low-income category (in the second quarter this was 8.6% of the total number of households in this category) and single Belarusians (1.8%). Among childless families this figure is 2%.

Let us remind you that although the number of low-income families in Belarus is becoming smaller, this figure has still not reached the level of last year: for example, at the beginning of 2016, 3.8% of households, or 147,179 families, lived below the poverty line.

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