Symbols of the USSR. Souvenirs of the USSR Cool gifts from the USSR

Great gifts with USSR symbols, at the best prices!

On the eve of the biggest holidays, you can go to the Voentpro online store. More than 1000 types of gifts with Soviet symbols. Delivery is carried out by courier or self-pickup in Moscow and cash on delivery when ordering online from other cities. Our prices will help you remember the glorious past when everything was cheap!

At this stage, the modern online military trader “Voenpro” provides its customers with the best symbols of the USSR. The assortment is quite wide of all kinds of high-quality gifts with the symbols of the USSR. In our online military store, there is always a wide range of all kinds of Soviet paraphernalia. After many years, the symbols of the USSR began to be especially valued by many people.

The role of symbolism in our lives

Today the symbolism has special meaning in the history of art as well as literature. After all, it is thought and language that are closely connected with symbolism. If you start looking at the interpreter of the Russian language, you can understand that a symbol is a sign, namely an image of a thing or animal. The basic concept of a symbol includes an allegory, or an artistic image, that is, a comparison of something.

Some of the symbols began to have immense meaning, namely the symbols of a fish, an eagle, a cross and many others. Scientists have not fully figured out the basic origin and methods of distribution of symbols. As it became known, some symbols arose independently among many peoples.

Where to buy the best souvenirs with Soviet symbols?

Every person is built in such a way that he remembers mainly only the wonderful moments of life. But cross out all negative phenomena completely, because, as you know, no one wants to live with negativity! Namely, the soldiers who served in the Soviet Army crossed out the days that had passed on the calendar. And they looked forward to that special day on which they would issue an order to transfer to the reserve. Now almost every one of them would give a lot to return to that wonderful time, which is so difficult to forget. Keeping the positive moments of life, many of them remember the past days with a smile and, to some extent, sadness.

For such people, a wonderful souvenir that will perfectly remind you of this time is ideal - gift set"THE USSR". ideal for many people born in the USSR. They in the best possible way can remind every person of pleasant times gone by. Modern youth born in the Soviet Union will be no less pleasantly surprised to see souvenirs with the symbols of the USSR as a gift.

In our online military store, everyone can find for themselves what they need, as well as buy wonderful high-quality symbols, which, of course, will appeal to everyone, especially those born in the USSR. Our assortment is very wide, and everything is always in stock! Therefore, having chosen any souvenir, you will not have to wait a long time for fresh delivery.

You will be able to make a purchase as soon as possible the shortest possible time, since we always have everything in stock in full. And our employees will under no circumstances offer you to wait for some time until the selected product arrives. Like many other stores do.

How to order gifts with USSR symbols via the Internet?

In addition to a wide range of all kinds of high-quality products, our Voentorg online store offers excellent souvenirs with Soviet symbols. Among the large assortment you can also find many favorite lighters with USSR symbols on them. What many of our clients say is more than convenient. The option to purchase online is also very convenient. Now everyone can visit our website and purchase the best products at excellent prices. At the same time, without wasting your time and money on moving and searching for a military trade agent in Moscow.

By going to our online military store “Voenpro”, everyone will be able to buy symbols of the USSR at excellent prices that will certainly pleasantly surprise many. Gifts and souvenirs with Soviet symbols are what every Soviet and modern person needs. After all, as you know, everyone needs to remember and know history! By purchasing the best souvenirs with the symbols of the USSR, everyone will be able to please their neighbor with an unforgettable, meaningful gift!

T-shirts, lighters, flasks, large and small flags and hundreds of small items from Voentpro. Excellent prices from 49 rubles and delivery throughout Moscow and the entire former Soviet Union.

23 years ago, an entire era called the Soviet Union ended. Thanks to the USSR, humanity has gained invaluable experience. Today there are hardly many people who would want to live again in that colorless and cold period. History tells us about the October Revolution, NEP, Stalin's rule, and the Brezhnev era. What do we know about fashion? Was there a place for fashionistas and fashionistas behind the Iron Curtain?

Every self-respecting citizen who lived in the first half of the twentieth century had to have overcoats, tunics and jackets in his wardrobe, even if they didn’t like them. It was practical and comfortable clothes, although somewhat boring. The builders of a bright future were distinguished by unpretentious tastes, and they treated all sorts of bows and frills as bourgeois excess. were concise and practical. It was fashionable to give books, scarves, shirts, that is, anything that could be useful.

Rough fabrics and baggy models were in fashion, which determined the gray mass of ordinary citizens. The era of Ilyich was marked by the image of the “gray mouse”. At the same time, a cult of beauty arose in European countries. Women improved their figures with the help of corsets with unique silhouettes. They stood out with flexible lines, a lot of decorations, and fancy headdresses. Maxis were steadily replaced by minis.

When there was no time for gifts in the USSR

During the Second World War, no one mentioned fashion in our country. But after the return of Soviet troops from the victorious march across Europe, the Soviet Union was full of captured things: jars, cabinets, clothes. Luxury items appeared in the wardrobe of Soviet women. In those days you could see ladies in furs, stylish shoes, hats, dresses, coats, smelling of real French perfume.

There was still devastation all around, but ladies in elegant foreign clothes were not uncommon. In 1959, a breakthrough occurred, the arrival of Yves Saint Laurent, the world designer who headed fashion house"Christian Dior". He brought with him twelve models and 120 clothing models that he intended to show. The events were only available to the spouses of high-ranking officials. But the famous fashion designer had a dream - to show his works to ordinary Moscow residents. So he dressed his models in designer clothes and sent them out for a stroll through the city streets.

The collection was insured for 10 million francs. Soviet citizens were truly shocked by what they saw. The graceful ladies made the same impression as if dinosaurs were walking around Moscow. In those years, the Soviet government began to think that ordinary citizens needed not only bread, but also circuses. They were, of course, cute, but too primitive and monotonous. And where did luxury come from when we just moved away from the post-war devastation. Soviet fashion luminaries began actively copying European fashion designers. They said goodbye to rough, baggy materials, but bell skirts, popular at that time, were never made popular. Nevertheless, the party's control over fashion remained very strict.

Thaw times in the USSR - times of new gifts

The Soviet youth of those years had the opportunity to get higher education. It was from young students that groups of the so-called “golden youth” (the prototype of the majors) were created. These groups were distinguished by an active lifestyle, communication, love for beautiful life and the so-called glamor. This is how a special caste emerged - dudes, who considered fashion a method of self-realization and protest against Soviet stereotypes.

The time of glory for the Beatles, Rolling Stones, ABBA has arrived. The sensational film “Saturday Night Fever” and John Travolta became the idols of Soviet fashionistas. At that time it was very difficult to buy fashionable ones. For any more or less fashionable and a beautiful thing you had to stand in huge queues, writing your number on your palm. But even if you managed to buy something, it was the ultimate dream.

The 1970s were marked by the appearance of jeans in the Soviet Union. It was a real shock. A woman in trousers at that time was an outcast; she might not be allowed into one of the public places. This outfit was legalized only after 1973. Soviet fashion lagged behind world fashion by ten years. In the seventies, miniskirts and fringed cowboy vests appeared. By the way, these things are quite fashionable today. Fashion for soviet gifts returns to Russia, along with a feeling of patriotism and nostalgia for those relatively carefree times.

Undoubtedly, there were hippies in the Soviet Union. They wore flared trousers, fitted shirts, and jeans. Numerous pockets, floral designs, machine embroidery, and rivets were very popular. Denim skirts with long slit also appeared. Back then, everything denim was in fashion. Young people walked around in denim sundresses, body shirts, caps with a large visor, and vests. Naturally, there was nothing of this in the stores. All these goods were sold by black marketeers who obtained these things from foreigners.

What did they give in the USSR during the period of stagnation?

Men then wore slacks, torn jeans, moccasins and colorful shirts. All attempts by the authorities to stop the expansion of glamor and destructive style were limited to conversations in schools and articles in youth magazines, but in response the youth only grinned. No one was afraid of officials anymore, and they no longer dared to resort to repression. Soon perestroika began, Soviet power was overthrown, and powerful flow Nothing could stop fashion and glamor from the West.

The nineties, when Soviet aesthetics were completely destroyed by the influence of Western culture, also became a tribute to history. Today, young people have learned to dress simply and fashionably, because a generation has grown up that thinks independently and decides what to do, where to work, how to live and what values ​​to put at the forefront. But recently, in connection with turbulent geopolitical events, many are turning their gaze to the history of the twentieth century.

Where can you order Soviet-style gifts today?

People in that era lived simpler, more friendly lives, they had many spiritual values, of which almost nothing remains today. And the holidays were common, nationwide. And the Soviet new Year gifts, or gifts for the First of May, Victory Day, the Seventh of November, although purely symbolic, were as pleasant and sincere as the times themselves. Now everyone can buy a variety of products with delivery directly to their home not only in Moscow, but also in the regions of Russia, cash on delivery. Voentorg prices Voenpro will make you remember Soviet times when everything was so cheap!

They evoke a nagging nostalgic feeling among members of the older generation. However, omniscient statisticians claim that interest in the Soviet past is becoming increasingly common among young people. Our children and grandchildren enjoy watching films from our youth and collecting them.

An analysis of youth Internet resources shows a sharp change in the attitude of young people towards life in the Soviet Union from rejection to positive. This explains the fact that objects of the glorious past are in great demand. Such gifts will equally delight older generation, as it will bring back pleasant memories, and for young people - after all, the abbreviation USSR is in fashion now. Such souvenirs symbolize stability and experience for everyone, instill respect for the older generation in children and adolescents, and stimulate interest in the history of the state.

Souvenirs of the Soviet era - a reminder of a great power

From 1922 to 1991, the largest country in area existed on the territory of Eurasia, which was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The longest rivers, the highest mountains, the largest lakes, the most beautiful nature, the richest mineral deposits, the most fertile lands, the most hardworking people, the largest factories and power plants - all this is the USSR.

For many, this abbreviation on a key chain, table flag, mug, lighter will remind you of those times when we all felt proud to live in such a powerful and beautiful country. If you decide to give it to your friends or loved ones with the inscription “Born in the USSR”, you thereby encourage them to be proud of their origin and their roots. A magnet, sticker, or towel with such an inscription can be an excellent gift for a friend and will appeal to relatives of any age.

Soviet souvenirs with the image of the coat of arms of the USSR

The hammer and sickle against the background of the globe symbolized the international solidarity of workers and peasants Soviet Union with the proletariat of the whole world. The inscription in the languages ​​of all the republics that make up the state read: “Workers of all countries, unite!” Ears of corn were associated with the prosperity of the republics, and the sun with the bright future of the state. Those who still regret the collapse of the “Unbreakable Union of Free Republics” will be pleased to have a mug with the image of the coat of arms of the USSR. with such an inscription will tell about the life position of the owner, emphasizing his decisive character and fortitude.

Flags with Soviet symbols

And it is absolutely impossible to imagine without flags.
Since 1924, the state flag of the USSR has become a symbol of the unity of workers and peasants, the “unbreakable union” of all nationalities in their pursuit of a common goal - a bright communist society. The golden inscription “Workers of all countries, unite!” gave the banner a special monumentality. Depending on the occasion and purpose, in the online store you can choose flags of various sizes, from small table flags to car flags.

Portraits of Lenin and Stalin in Soviet paraphernalia

Lenin and Stalin represented an entire era in the history of what was once the greatest state in the world. At one time, they led the country and the people, they were the leaders of the Communist Party and the entire working class. They were believed, they were admired, they were followed, they were prayed to as if they were gods. Their portraits hung in every home, in every office and were an indispensable attribute of all holidays and parades.

Carrying a flag with images at a demonstration was the honorable right of the leaders of production and shock workers of socialist labor. Now this tradition is honored only by those in whom the spirit of Soviet times is still alive. But Soviet souvenirs depicting the leaders of the proletariat are in constant demand. Banners, flags, lighters, mugs, and with portraits of Lenin and Stalin can serve as a pleasant present and a serious thematic gift for an appropriate occasion.

Commemoration of the Great Victory in Soviet souvenirs

The victory in the Great Patriotic War is recognized by the whole world as one of the most important historical achievements of the Soviet people. The memories of our grandfathers and grandmothers are permeated with suffering, pain, and regret for the dead loved ones and relatives. Many decades have passed, but still every family in the post-Soviet space honors the memory of relatives who died for the sake of freedom, a peaceful sky above their heads, and for the sake of life on Earth.

From the older generation you can hear stories about wartime and find photographs that are carefully stored in family albums. During that terrible period for the entire nation, people drew strength from faith in a bright future and loud calls “”, “For our Soviet Motherland”, “!”. Flags, keychains, stickers with these slogans will remind the older generation of the times of glory and military valor.

On the first day of May, Lieutenant Alexey Berest and sergeants Mikhail Egorov and Meliton Kantaria planted a field-made assault flag of the 150th Idritsa Division over the Reichstag. It was this banner that was later legally enshrined as the national symbol of Victory. It deserves special attention.

Copies of the banner in the form of flags and small flags are an integral attribute of parades, ceremonial meetings, meetings and processions dedicated to the end of the Great Patriotic War. On celebration days, such flags can often be seen in the hands of veterans, teenagers, and children. attached to cars, windows and balconies of houses.

Recently appeared good tradition on Victory Day, wear military caps and other elements of uniform of the armed forces of the USSR. You have a great opportunity to buy USSR souvenirs in the online store and make a wonderful and original gift to those who once served in the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union.

The people's memory is inexhaustible!

In memory of those great events, the people who fought for our lives, many poems and books were written, songs were composed and films were made. The inexhaustible gratitude of all subsequent generations for the valor and heroism that led the country to victory. Good words " !" have become a kind of motto of the current generation. Therefore, young people are happy to purchase stickers, keychains, lighters, and cups with this loud slogan in online stores. And it doesn’t matter that the state called the USSR has gone down in history.

The most important thing is that the feat of people who laid down their lives in the name of peace on Earth is not forgotten by subsequent generations. In memory of the great feat of the Soviet people, the online store offers high-quality copies of awards from the times of the Soviet Union. You can
restore your grandfather’s collection of orders or make an original gift.

Souvenirs about space as symbols of pride for the great Motherland

The Great Patriotic War died down, and the people with great enthusiasm began to restore and build the richest state in the world.
The USSR became the first country that was able to launch an artificial Earth satellite into low-Earth orbit. And Yuri Gagarin's flight marked the beginning of a new era in the history of space - manned astronautics.

Numerous photographs and documentary chronicles of those events reflect the nationwide jubilation and sincere pride of people for the achievements of their great Motherland. All this found its response in souvenirs and consumer goods. It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t remember a table lamp in the shape of a launched rocket. It is still customary in every home to have souvenirs of the USSR about space.

Perhaps Voentorg Voenpro can offer you something for every taste. Our extensive collection is equally available to both wholesale and retail customers. Delivery of Soviet souvenirs is carried out from a warehouse in Moscow not only throughout the city, but also to regions of the Russian Federation and countries former USSR and abroad.

A country can be considered great only when it remembers and honors its history, when the continuity of generations is preserved and young people respect the achievements of their fathers. You can awaken interest and instill respect for the past in children and adolescents, including with the help of souvenirs from the Soviet era. After all, without a past, no one, even the most prosperous state, has a future.