Comic riddles about professions. Interesting riddles about work and laziness, professions. Riddles about people in construction professions

It is not easy to choose the one and only profession from the sea of ​​professions. It seems that you are interested in everything: historical excavations and flights into space, scientific novelties and. And how much you love to fly in the clouds, and it's hard to describe!

I propose to unwind a little and solve children's riddles about professions. Perhaps some of them will inspire you to a grand opening in the chosen industry =)

Traffic rules
He knows without a doubt.
Instantly he starts the engine,
The car rushes ... DRIVER.

Dark night, clear day
He fights fire.
In a helmet, like a glorious warrior,
Hurrying to the fire... FIREMAN.

Teaches us politeness
Reads a story aloud.
Not a teacher, not a writer.
This is a nanny ... EDUCATIONAL.

He puts bricks in a row,
Building a garden for children
Not a miner and not a driver,
The house will be built for us... BUILDER.

In reality, not in a dream
He flies in the air.
Flying an airplane in the sky.
Who is he, tell me? PILOT.

Who sails on the ship
To an uncharted land?
He is funny and kind.
What is his name?.. SAILOR.

You are probably familiar with him.
He knows about all the laws.
Not a judge, not a journalist.
Gives advice to everyone... LAWYER.

Stands at his post
He keeps order.
Strict brave officer.
Who is he? POLICEMAN.

The cows have known her for a long time,
Always greeted with lowing
And for her hard work
All milk is given to her. MILKMAID.

He is away from all relatives
Leads ships to sea.
Seen many countries
Our brave... CAPTAIN.

Over the bridge so that the ambulance rushes,
He repairs at the bottom of the support.
All day long time after time
Deep dives... DIVER.

Who will prescribe vitamins?
Who will cure angina?
On vaccinations you do not cry -
He knows how to be treated... THE DOCTOR.

At his post he is in the snow and in the heat,
Keeps our peace.
A person who is faithful to the oath
It's called... MILITARY.

Performs stunts in films
Dives from height to bottom
Trained actor.
Fast, brave... stuntman.

In this clean bright room,
With a sense of joy always
The old walks and the small walks,
So I will go there too.
If I'm too overgrown,
I will sit boldly in a chair,
I need a haircut
The master will do it skillfully. HAIRDRESSER.

I hope you enjoyed my riddles for kids. On the website of the Pustunchik you will find.

Children's riddles about professions will help your kids make an entertaining journey into the world of work. In a simple and interesting way, they will learn the difference between a doctor and a cook, a salesman and a teacher. Find out what tools people use in different professions. The process of guessing riddles captivates the child so much that he will ask you to guess him again and again, so collect riddles in reserve.

We get up very early
After all, our concern is to take everyone to work in the morning.
Answer: ( Driver)

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he...
Answer: ( Artist)

Even on the set of a movie frame,
Though on the stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we...
Answer: ( actors)

I work in the theatre.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage - the queen,
That granny, then the fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
What in the theater I ...
Answer: ( Actress)

Brings a glass eye
Click once - and remember you.
Answer: ( Photographer)

This worker at least where!
He accompanies trains.
Answer: ( Conductor, Railwayman)

Chalk writes and draws,
And fights with mistakes
Teaches to think, reflect,
What's his guys name?
Answer: ( Teacher)

Will fly up into the sky like a swallow,
Dive into the lake as a fish.
Answer: ( Diver)

Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?
Answer: ( Cook)

I will find them in the restaurant -
These people in caps
They conjure over pots
With ladles in hand.
Answer ( Cook)

This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.
Answer: ( Hairdresser)

We must fight fire
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
Answer quickly, who are we?
Answer: ( firefighters)

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand
He himself is colorfully painted.
Answer: ( Painter)

I'll throw a stick, I won't kill a jackdaw,
I don't pluck feathers, I don't eat meat.
Answer: ( Fisherman)

We will rise when you sleep
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat up the oven
To bake bread in the morning.
Answer: ( Baker)

The horn sings, the horn sings!
We drive the herd to the meadow.
We graze cows all day
As soon as it becomes hot - we drive into the shade.
Answer: ( Shepherds)

Goats, cows calls, clicks,
He plays his twisted horn.
Answer: ( Shepherd)

Sharpens parts on the machine
This staff member...
Answer: ( Turner)

In the circus, he is the funniest of all.
He has great success.
It remains only to remember
The merry fellow, as he is called.
Answer: ( Clown)

He protects nature
Drives away poachers
And in winter at the feeders
The forest animals are waiting for a visit.
Answer: ( Forester)

He drives a great plane,
Safe flight with him
Real ace….
Answer: ( Pilot)

The earth awaits his work,
As soon as the dawn lights up the rays.
In the spring he combs the fields,
Autumn will come - shear.
Answer: ( Farmer)

He gives us the goods and the check
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual...
Answer: ( Salesman)

They put dexterous two hands
Heels on shoes.
And heel heels -
Also the work of these hands.
Answer: ( Shoemaker)

He pours grain into the mill.
You name him soon.
Answer: ( miller)

Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us of all
Answer: ( Doctor)

He, going on his round,
He puts on a medical gown,
He puts medicines in a bag,
Then he walks to the barnyard.
Answer: ( Vet)

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
And of course don't cry
It's just childish...
Answer: ( Doctor)

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call the doctor at home.
He will give us sick leave.
And who is he as an expert?
Answer: ( Therapist)

Hidden here is the question:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? remember
And give me a quick answer.
Answer: ( Surgeon)

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor? …!
Answer: ( Surgeon)

How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And meanwhile he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.
Answer: ( Radiologist)

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.
Answer: ( Optometrist)

The ship sails in the yellow sea.
Who is leading the ship on the sea?
Answer: ( Combiner)

In the book sea it is endless
The real captain.
Find any book
Help us quickly!
Answer: ( Librarian)

Among the clouds, on high,
We are building a new house together
So that in warmth and beauty
The people in it lived happily.
Answer: ( Builders)

silver needle
I led a thread in the sky.
Who is brave
white thread
He sewed the sky, but hurried:
Has the tail of the thread fluffed up?
Answer: ( Pilot)

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons are twisted behind the back,
Ribbons twist, and in the detachment
There are no girls.
Answer: ( Sailors)

fun work,
Enviable from the heart!
Whistle when the hunt
Yes, wave your wand!
Answer: ( Policeman)

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.
Answer: ( Police officer-regulator)

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,
To heat the house.
Answer: ( Miners)

He will pass along the wagon -
Find stowaways.
His friend is sitting in the workshop -
He takes care of the quality.
Answer: ( Controller)

Who, tell me, through the woods
Walks bowing to mushrooms?
Answer: ( Mushroomer)

Everyone is glad to see him
When there is a waterfall in the kitchen.
Answer: ( Plumber)

Pilot Borya has a friend
Paint all around.
Rain on the window
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Artist)

jumped down -
Hanging on a flower
Touched the earth
The flower has turned.
Answer: ( skydiver)

The artist has a sister
He can sing very loudly.
Birds sing along to Nastya,
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Singer)

IN kindergarten dinner,
The cook samples the dishes.
But my mother is not around
Who sets the table there?
Answer: ( Nanny, teacher assistant)

He worked in the sweet shop for a day,
The dessert result turned out -
Eclairs, cake, Napoleon.
Now think, who is he?
Answer: ( Confectioner)

Cooks with Valera in a quarrel,
He again argues about tastes.
He loves debate
So it will be...
Answer: ( MP)

He will show us the whole city,
It will tell you everything about him.
And we are waiting for questions
And he will find an answer to everything.
Answer: ( Guide)

The deputy is friends with Marina.
The one that dances forever,
After all, the beautiful Marina
Become a dream...
Answer: ( ballerina)

In the firm, he considers profit
Everyone gets paid.
And he is not too lazy to count
All taxes all day.
Answer: ( Accountant)

Children love to spend time in an extraordinary and colorful way. Each parent can easily turn any ordinary day into a whirlpool of emotions and impressions with the help of game training for their child. Interestingly conveyed riddles about professions will help organize fun leisure sure to please the kids different ages and even adults. Therefore, it is worth composing or making blanks of exciting and vivid riddles so that the child has fun from the heart.

Tasks with which children can game form put into action all their abilities, help to identify talents and interests. Riddles about professions for preschoolers, kids school age and adults can be turned into a real exciting game filled with laughter.

Thanks to such tasks, parents who host events will help children understand what profession they are interested in, what they would like to do. The most important thing is that riddles about professions require not only answers in words, but also have an interesting semantic load. With its help, children and adults will be able to fully feel like the heroes of the entertainment program.

How to translate the lesson into a game form?

Toddlers are bored and uninterested in simply answering their parents' questions. We must not forget that in the first place they are children who love to play, have fun and just have fun. To make the solution of problems about professions original and bright, you can organize the following event.

Prepare costumes or some of the accessories used by people of different professions. When the task is voiced, the child must put on the attire of the specialty that lies in, or pick up an accessory that a person of the craft being guessed uses. Only after that you need to voice the answer.

This game will be especially interesting if several children take part in it. In the second drawer you can put funny accessories: faces, wigs, masks. If the kid did not guess, then let him put on one of these accessories. Thus, the child will feel not offended, even if he did not guess correctly.

Simple riddles about professions for preschoolers

Of course, in the process of preparing riddles for the smallest, it should be understood that these should be easy, accessible puzzles for solving. Bright and exciting puzzles for children about professions will help to arrange a real holiday for the kids, even if it's an ordinary day. Here are some examples:

Yesterday the concert was very sonorous,

I played it as a girl.

And tomorrow, maybe I'll be the Snow Queen,

Or maybe even a timid Cinderella.

I have a fun and bright job.

What is my profession friends? (Actress)

Adults are taught to respect

Don't offend kids.

What is the name of the profession

Anyone answer here? (Teacher)

If you have a runny nose, sinusitis,

Or suddenly a stomach ache.

If the head is around

Where is it time to go?

Everyone knows this profession,

Who is this person, answer the children. (Doctor)

You leave your house in the morning

And the street is so beautiful

Clean and tidy yard.

Who made him so mean? (Street cleaner)

Smells good in kindergarten

Because there in the morning

Preparing meals for kids

Kind and smiling... (Cooks)

He has everything in the world:

Cucumbers, tomatoes, spaghetti.

And there are toys

Which parents buy for their children.

What profession is the one who gives it all,

Who will answer here, people? (Salesman)

He will put things in order on his head,

And will give you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy.

She will do her hair, braid her braids,

What is this profession, who will name it? (Hairdresser)

Such riddles about professions are simple and accessible for kids. Therefore, the process of playing learning will be fun and easy.

lower grades

Of course, in schools, children have much more skills that will help solve puzzles of increased complexity. Examples can be taken like this:

These people fix faucets

Help to fasten the batteries.

If the water suddenly broke through,

They are in a hurry to block it.

Who will answer me now? (Plumber)

They are strong and resilient

They lay brick by brick.

Concrete interfere, mixtures are different,

To build a tall house.

Who is this? Answer dear children. (Builder)

He deftly counts money

Knows mathematics very well.

Helps pay bills

And he knows how to save money.

What kind of profession, who will answer me,

Come on, kids, think about it. (Banker)

They have a difficult job

You need to get up early - not like us.

After all, their main task is

Take everyone to their places.

Sitting behind the wheel of a bus

He goes to the right places.

Do you know who it is? Come on, answer. (Driver)

The same doctor, but does not treat people.

But he can easily heal a dog's paw,

Heal a kitten from a cold,

It will help to understand that the hamster is in pain.

Who is this, answer me now, children. (Vet)

Both goats and cows are ready to listen to him.

He goes with them to the meadow,

And everyone calls him ... .. (Shepherd)

When parents are at work

This aunt comes to the house.

She helps to eat, walk

And he will take you to the circle to dance.

Who is this aunt, someone will tell me? (Nanny)

Such riddles about professions for schoolchildren will help to captivate the kids for a long time. And the process of solving is sure to please everyone.

Riddles for high school students

Of course, older children are very fond of riddles. And adults are not averse to thinking and scrolling through different logical chains in their heads. Therefore, children's riddles about professions and parents will be happy to click together with high school students at various home competitions.

Strand by strand is collected,

How to bring beauty, they know for sure.

High hairstyles will be erected for women,

And men can easily cut their hair. (Hairdresser)

He dresses in a tight suit,

He puts a mask on his face.

And sinks carelessly

In the sea, river or lake. (Diver)

If grief befell or trouble,

Or the fight in the street is loud.

We call, by all means 102,

And we call them here. (Police officer)

It will help you sort out

Who and what has the right to take.

All difficult questions will be solved.

Loudly banging with a hammer,

Discussions will complete

And he will pass judgment. (Judge)

Entering the bus or minibus,

It will definitely fit right away.

Smile, sometimes joke funny,

And he gives out a beautiful ticket. (Conductor)

He knows exactly whether the company is growing or dying.

All income, expenses counts

Calculates salaries for people

Debit with credit will reduce

Real accountant. (Accountant)

Best of all knows all the stars

Read horoscopes in the sky

Big and small dipper will show,

Before going to bed, she will tell a fairy tale about the light. (Astronomer)

It's hard to imagine a circus without these birds,

They fly under the dome without borders.

They do not know fear and sorrow.

They were greeted with loud applause. (Acrobats)

Interesting riddles about professions for adults

Of course, we are all children at heart. Therefore, we also take part in recreational activities with pleasure. Riddles about professions with answers for parents and grandparents will help you to have fun and have a good time.

His workplace consists of different colors:

From shadows, lipsticks, eyeliners for coloring grimaces.

From an ordinary face he will make a sage,

Clown and mime - all thanks to makeup. (make-up artist)

Equipment is his friend.

He sees beauty in everything around him.

Captures beautiful shots.

We are happy to see him at weddings, anniversaries. (Photographer)

Paint the walls, glue the wallpaper,

Ready to work at height.

Help to put the apartment in order,

And get a wonderful repair. (painters)

About professions in verse

Here are some more good riddles:

All kids love to eat.

Cakes and pastries.

And the person cooks them

In a cap, he looks like a cook. (Confectioner)

These people are running well.

The city is very well known.

They'll take you where you say

And you will pay them for it. (taxi drivers)

He knows exactly why it hurts in his side.

It will help cure sore throat, cough, sinusitis.

He will definitely prescribe vitamins and medicines.

And write a letter to the school. (Doctor)

Sausages, cheeses, sweets...

Everything that adults and children eat,

Everything is on the counter.

What is fresh, what is not, he tells us.

He will calculate us and give change,

Then he will work and hand over the cash register. (Salesman)

How useful are riddles about professions for kids?

For kids, solving riddles is not only an interesting activity, but also very useful. It helps:

  • Develop logic.
  • Understand what professions there are, what people in a particular specialty do.
  • Think big.
  • Achieve your goals.
  • Interact in a team.

Vivid emotions with knowledge

Even an ordinary weekday can turn into a real event. If parents carefully consider the program and invite the kids to participate in the game, then the evening will go off with a bang. Please your beloved daughters and sons, do not forget about yourself too. Let any event remain in memory as a bright event filled with emotions and memories. Be creative and your ideas will certainly be appreciated.

Riddles can become part of any event, such as a competition, a quiz, or class hour. In addition, they help develop intelligence and simply cheer up. Such entertainment will be interesting not only for kids, but also for teenagers. For example, for high school students, you can prepare riddles about professions. This will be a great addition to

Simple Options

First, you can offer the guys a few easy puzzles to warm up, which will not cause any difficulties, but will attract the attention of schoolchildren to the quiz. These can be comic short options:

He can sell housing, exchange, buy and rent. (Realtor)

Refreshes the face and body with the help of devices, creams. (Beautician)

He will bring us the menu and serve us food. (Waiter)

He controls his body well, knows how to move brightly. (Dancer)

He knows how to amuse everyone, cause a smile, laughter. (Clown)

Everyone is glad to see him when there is a waterfall in the kitchen (Plumber)

If he waved his wand, the music would play. (Conductor)

With a fiery needle, the tailor sews a steel suit for the ship. (Welder)

Bring a glass eye, click once, and remember you! (Photographer)

He knows everything about the artists, he announces them from the stage. (Entertainer)

He certainly knows a lot about sports, because he instructs athletes. (Trainer)

We are glad to defend everyone in court, our skillful ... (Lawyer)

Difficult riddles about professions for high school students

Later, you can complicate the task a little. Worth adding more long variants. It is necessary to prepare for high school students such riddles about professions, with the answers to which the guys may have some difficulties so that they have to think.

About working in the countryside. Many teenagers who grew up in the city are new to life outside of it. Therefore, there may be some problems with guessing the professions that are typical for the countryside. The guys will have to think, remember works of art, films, stories:

His work on the land in the village:

He sows, plows, raises cows.

Seeds buys always and everywhere.

Grow a good harvest is ready!


He studied science.

The earth seemed to be tamed.

He knows when to plant

Sow as well as harvest.

He knows everything in his native land,

And it is called ... (Agronomist)

He not only walks through the forest,

And protects trees and animals.

He fills the feeders in winter,

For the forest animals to survive.


He studied at the institute for a long time,

He studied plants with soil.

Now he understands well personally,

How to grow the biggest crop.


At night, at noon, at dawn,

She carries out the service in secret.

The cows have known her for a long time,

We greet you cheerfully with mooing,

And for her hard work,

All milk is given to her.


About creative professions. It is interesting to recall people whose life path is directly related to art:

He waves his wand gently

Because he is the leader in the orchestra.

He hears and knows every instrument.

In the orchestra, he is like the president of the country.


His task is to put on a performance,

Every actor should play their role correctly.

He is called to rule everyone on the stage.

For everyone who is on it, he is like a king.


He is both a wolf and Santa Claus,

And make the guys laugh,

Last time I was a teacher

Well, tomorrow - the driver,

He must know a lot

Because he ... (Artist)

Flying saucers?

The plates are flying!

And who among you knows

And who guesses

Who makes these saucers fly?


He doesn't play a part in the play.

He's watching the actor

Someone will hardly forget the role,

Suggest the right words.


About the construction professions. Boys of school age already know what construction is, they have heard about the equipment, materials that are used in the process. It will be interesting to remember the correct names of some specialties, which are indispensable in construction:

He sits in a cabin high above the ground,

He commands a long iron arm.

At the construction site, his work is noticeable to everyone:

He lifts tons of cement.

(crane operator)

He works with a brush and paint,

But he does not paint canvases at all.

At a height in the cradle and helmet,

He paints all the walls.


We build a house out of bricks

To laugh the sun in it,

To higher, to wider,

There were rooms in the apartment.


How to build a good house

Strengthen a doorway?

He knows exactly the law

How to build a balcony!


Here on the edge with caution

He paints iron with paint,

He has a bucket in his hand

He himself is painted colorfully.


Useful about each profession, which is a guess, pick up interesting information which will allow teenagers to broaden their horizons.

Parents strive to fully develop their child. They want their children to be not only inquisitive, but also hardworking. However, this is not so easy to do. After all, education is a very painstaking task that requires a lot of strength and patience.

The article presents riddles about labor with answers. With their help, children will also learn about entertaining professions that every person needs.

About riddles about laziness and labor

Every student should know the difference between work and laziness. In general terms, children begin to understand each profession. However, everything is not so simple. Many children are hard to get to do something, they need to be taught regularly not to be lazy, but to help their parents, teachers and other people around them. Therefore, riddles about labor for children are needed.

Some kids just want to play and do nothing else. That's when it is necessary to compare riddles about work and laziness, so that children understand the difference and know that one cannot refuse help. After such simple lessons, every child will think. And most importantly, the children will understand - work always wins laziness.

Riddles encourage the child to fantasy, imagination and logical thinking. With their help, kids learn correct behavior, good attitude to others, the development of speech, etc.

Riddles about laziness

Who is hardworking, he understands that being lazy is bad. However, sometimes you don’t feel like doing anything - just lie down and mess around. So that children do not get used to idleness, invite them to play riddles. After that, the child will understand a lot about laziness.

These interesting puzzles for children will help you think about the behavior of the characters, draw conclusions and reflect on your behavior. After all, it is very important to convey to the child with early age that work is very useful for both adults and children.

Riddles about labor

Thanks to them, children learn as much as possible about helping others. Children should be able to refuse laziness from early childhood. After all, what older child becomes, the more difficult it is to accustom him to industriousness. Read the riddles about work to the children. Let them think about how they help their loved ones and those around them.

  1. A girl in the morning at dawn, her sister braids two pigtails, helps to get dressed. The girl woke up her mother and fed her a delicious breakfast. Now it's time to have fun, that's enough for my daughter... ( work).
  2. The son will take the vacuum cleaner, he will clean his room. Make the bed, wipe off the dust, put things together. Put toys on the chest of drawers. The room is nice and very tidy. My son cleans here many times. He’s just not lazy, but wants to change and he will become a lot ... ( work).
  3. I’m not too lazy to clean up, I follow my mother like a shadow. What should I do? How so? I want to help her. But my mother doesn’t seem to hear me, is it really bad not to be lazy, but in an adult way ... ( work)?

Talk about the above riddles about work. Find out what conclusion the child made, what he learned useful for himself. Try to discuss what you read right away while the child has fresh thoughts and ideas.

Proverbs about labor

For the development of the child, you can play not only riddles. After all, in order for children to understand the difference between laziness and work, you also need to tell them proverbs:

  1. If there is no hunting, then there will be no work.
  2. There can be no rest without work.
  3. A person will work, he will have things and money.
  4. Each person feeds only on his own mind.
  5. Although the eyes are afraid, but the hands are working hard. This is how the work is completed.
  6. Thanks to someone else's work, you can't feed yourself.
  7. Simply do not walk, but know your business.
  8. Each work is valued in its measure.
  9. Any work is very important and necessary for the people.
  10. When you work for pleasure, then life becomes pleasure.

All of the above riddles and help children become more hardworking. The children think about the need to help not only their parents, but also the rest of those around them. After all, a person's well-being depends on work.

Riddles about professions

Every child should know that any profession is very important. It doesn't matter who you cite as an example. It can be a janitor, a painter, a foreman or a director. All people have their own direction in life. Riddles will help children learn better about different professions and figure out what they are for.

And every child should know about human labor. After all, it is from childhood that we introduce children to work. These riddles are suitable for children 8 years old. After all, it is at this age that the child begins to think about who he wants to become in the future.

Riddles about tools

They talk about what else a person needs for work, besides the profession. After all, a dressmaker without a needle cannot sew, a painter without a brush cannot paint, a hairdresser cannot cut a haircut without scissors. Riddles about tools are needed for children for general development.

Riddles about rural labor

There is a lot of work in the villages. There people wake up at dawn and go to bed late at night. To learn more about the work of people in the village, play riddles with children that will teach them to respect the work of farmers.

These riddles are suitable for children 8 years and older. Preschoolers still understand little about rural concerns.


The article discusses interesting puzzles for children that teach to respect the work of others. There are a lot of professions in the world that are important. New knowledge opens up for children. It is riddles and proverbs that help children understand the meaning of each profession.

Riddles about labor and the worker will teach you a lot. With their help, both young children and schoolchildren begin to respect the work of a person and think about who they want to be in the future in order to become useful to society. Teach children, develop them, and they will grow up to be smart, honest and hardworking people.