Scenario for congratulating birthday boys at school. Scenario for the holiday in elementary school "Birthday Day". “Dance with a lid”

Scenario for the holiday “Birthday Day” in grade 6A.

Prepared by: Kuznetsova O.N.

    Presenter. Good afternoon, friends and our guests!!!

Birthday is the most joyful and happiest holiday that you wait for many days, a whole year.

Today our holiday is dedicated to birthday people who celebrate their birthday in the summer!!! We are all waiting for a competition program, songs, games, we hope that this holiday will be remembered for a long time!!!

2. Presenter. What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Day of Boxing, Pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

1. Presenter. So let's all congratulate our summer birthday people Happy birthday! Congratulations!

Cl. supervisor: In past academic year we congratulated the guys on their birthday and presented the characteristics of their zodiac signs as souvenirs, this characteristic, I am sure, will help you get to know yourself, develop your positive traits, and think about the negative ones, how to eradicate them, i.e. become better, happier and luckier !

Now I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle called HOROSCOPE, we work in groups, group commanders will receive tasks!

Students are guessing the horoscope.

1. Synonym for the word “flame”. (Fire.)

2. The sky, open on all sides, is in the form of a dome. (firmament.)

3. A stream of water flowing in a stream. (Creek.)

4. Zodiac sign; a person born from January 21 to February 20 can proudly be called... (Aquarius).

5. An astronomical instrument designed for observing celestial bodies. (Telescope.)

6. Detail of the ladies' toilet. (Accessory.)

7. Heavenly body. (Sun.)

8. The smallest, coldest and most distant planet in the Galaxy. (Pluto.)

The winning team receives tokens.

Now let's see presentation about Zodiac Signs.

(When the summer signs appear, we invite the children who celebrated our holiday.)

Presenter. We ask the heroes of the holiday to prepare

So,We invite “Gemini” - this isLastochkin Kolya, Grigoryan Albert !

Cl. supervisor: Geminis are dual natures. On the one hand - fun, wit, on the other - cynicism and irritability. Charming, most of their life is spent studying. They benefit from everything they learn. Receptive to new things. Life for them is rarely boring and empty. Like air, they need variety; they cannot stand routine.

They have an amazing ability to change their views and behavior according to their desires or circumstances.

Gemini is a sign of Air, but changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On their way they act with intelligence and charm and in the same way, if necessary, evade. His motto is "I THINK"

Leading: We invite "Crayfish" - this is Badmaevs Ksenia and Kirill, Borkina Daria

Cl. supervisor: Cancers are loving, kind-hearted people. Usually they save emotions for those who are really dear to them: family, friends.

It takes a long time to really get to know them. Cancers are easily wounded and impressionable, they adhere to public opinion. They are cute and kind. People who need mutual understanding come to them. They always remain themselves, patient.

The mood of Cancers is controlled by the Moon, determining their ups and downs. Cancers are sensitive to the mood of others and provide help to people who need it.

Cancer - Water, or rather water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity - these are distinctive features this sign. His motto is "I FEEL"

Leading: We invite “Lviv” - this is Dmitry Zeibel, Nikita Kalantaev

Cl. supervisor: Leaders are usually born under this sign - generous, self-respecting, persistent.

At first impression, Leos are confident in themselves, but in reality they are characterized by doubts.

They are not very susceptible to the mood of others and often do not notice hints. Sometimes they lack tact and do not forgive insults, especially when they are rejected.

Leos have a poor understanding of people and are won over by flattery and praise.

Leo is a sign of Fire, symbolizing an even fire that burns evenly and steadily. They are less impulsive, more firm and consistent. But they have an explosive temperament; their lively warmth and ardor attract people. As a rule, Leos are lucky.

His motto is "I WANT"

Leading: We invite youTyuryuhanova Maxima . Maxim was born with the sign “Virgo”

(24 August - 23 September)

Cl. supervisor: The main character trait is to criticize and improve
Positive: calm, measured, efficient, attentive to details, practical, dedicated to work, with a developed sense of duty, loyal, intellectual.
Negative traits: unemotional, giving great importance little things, suspicious about his health, critical, restless, fussy.

Element – ​​earth. Even as a child, Virgo must certainly have some big goal in life, which she will stubbornly strive to achieve with all her might.

Virgo's motto is "I ANALYZE"

Cl. leader: And our Anton Bastanzhiev was born under the sign of Scorpio

The main character trait is to manage or inspect
Positive: purposeful, temperamental, reserved, independent, with developed intuition, able to penetrate into the essence of any phenomenon, firm, patient, decisive, responsible.

Negative: stubborn in achieving personal goals, headstrong, hidden.

Element – ​​water. Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity - these are the distinctive features of this sign.


You turned eleven or twelve -

The whole world lies at your feet

You better road find among all the roads.

Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate

And choose something that will give you happiness.

Find reliable friends, find your love.

Don’t be afraid of difficult paths, always go forward!

Cl. supervisor: You have become a year older, and we want to see if you have become smarter and more savvy. For our birthday people we will holdcompetition “Questions for intelligence”, you choose the answer - yes or no, as quickly as possible, silently approaching the table. For the correct answer you get a token. So let's begin, listen carefully! (leaders give out tokens)

Can bats receive radio signals?(No)

Owls can't roll their eyes?(Yes)

Are dolphins small whales?(Yes)

Was gunpowder invented in China?(Yes)

If a bee stings someone, will it die?(Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs?(Yes)

Do penguins fly north for the winter?(No, penguins can't fly)

Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before battle?(Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Can children hear higher pitched sounds than adults?(Yes)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread?(Yes)

Presenter. You are all just great - you tried so hard to guess the correct answer. Everyone passed this stage of the test - learning to navigate in different environments - with dignity.

    We congratulate all our friends,And with all our hearts we wish:Don't get sick, don't catch a cold,Temper yourself with us!

    Don't offend anyoneDon't upset moms and dads!

    Grow up as kind childrenTo behave!

    Congratulations to you guysAnd we give you gifts!

Cl. supervisor: reads congratulations.(presenters present gifts)

    Kolya, hello, happy birthday!
    Let's make you happy,
    And today with pleasure
    We congratulate you!

    More luck and joy,
    So that everything in life is OK,
    learn, dare, we believe in you,
    And don't forget your friends!

A gift is given.

    Let's not ask Albert,
    Where did he put his smile:
    She disappeared for a moment
    While he was putting on his sweater.

    And now he is in front of us
    Full of enthusiasm and fire,
    Shines on us with his smile
    It's almost half a day already!

    We wish you good health
    And happiness with joy always!

A gift is given.

    Ksyusha, on your birthday
    We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts,

You rejoice in the sun, be happy,
Good luck and success to you!
Forget about various doubts -
Problems are solved with laughter!
Let your life go
Carefree and calm,
Only brings joy -
You deserve good things!

A gift is given.

    We wish our Dasha together
    Smiles, sunshine in the morning,
    So that every day it becomes more and more beautiful,
    Healthy, happy, kind!

    May there be peace in your soul,
    We wish you long, long days,
    May there be more bright days in life,
    And there will be very, very few blacks!

A gift is given.

    Kirill, happy birthday to you and...
    We wish you health - it is so often lacking!
    We wish you fun - it never hurts!
    We wish you good luck - she doesn’t come often!
    And we just wish you great happiness!

Let your dreams come true
Both in winter and in summer!
Peace, happiness, kindness,
And warmth and light!

A gift is given.

    I want to congratulate Dmitry on his birthday,
    And wish you only joyful days!
    What should I add to the general congratulations?
    To become stronger and braver,

May you be lucky in everything in the world,
In studies, sports and business!
Let there be only a fair wind!
May your plans come true more than once!

A gift is given.

    We wish you, Nikita,
    So that everything in your life comes true,
    So that all the doors are open,
    So you don't have to worry,

    May happiness be limitless
    A smile is always sincere,
    And the mood is excellent,
    And never be sad!

A gift is given.

    What date is today?
    It's our Maxim's birthday!
    What do we wish for him?
    Health, success, good mood!

    Maxim, you are the best, we know it
    An exemplary son, a great friend,
    With which we congratulate you!
    We wish to become a billionaire, but what if!?

    Anton, happy birthday
    Good luck, have fun
    In life we ​​wish

    Let everything work out
    Good luck in your business!
    The way happiness will wake up
    Not only in dreams!

Presentation "Birthday"

Cl. supervisor: After presenting gifts and congratulations, we should move on to tea, right!? But, unfortunately, our table is not set yet...

Therefore, we are announcing the first competition “for the best table setting”, the competition is held between our creative groups, time 10 minutes.

So, let's start!

(children decorate and serve their half of the table, parents help them, music plays)

The results are summed up and the winners receive tokens.

Cl. supervisor: Guys, we can't start our tea party!

Children: Why?

Cl. supervisor: We had another treat prepared for you, but pirates stole a chest of candies, can you help us find it?!

Children: Of course!

Cl. leader: The pirates were in such a hurry that they lost the map, there is a mark on it where they hid the chest. You need to move along the route, completing tasks; the answers show the office number, near which there is a hint where to move next. You must mark the entire route on your map and find the chest!!! The winners receive two tokens.

Ready?! Captains, get a map and your first task! Let's hit the road! We wish you success!!!

The guys are looking for the chest.

Competition program continues:

Game "Fanta"

Presenter. You've all heard about the game Fanta. You need to complete the task given on the cards. Let's start the game with the birthday boys! With your eyes closed, take out the task card.


express without words that you want to go to school, but you can’t find your backpack;

tell the fairy tale “Turnip” on behalf of Repka;

remember three films that take place on a birthday;

recite a birthday poem (sing a song);

name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden;

depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift to a friend;

show a cat who is afraid of something, but is curious;

depict a car that just can’t start;

look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself, but don’t smile;

portray an adult who is afraid to ski down a hill.

Presenter. I think everyone deserves an award. Everyone gets a token.

Competition “We have all sung songs”

Key manager All people strive for happiness. How to achieve it? Our Chinese neighbors offer a very simple and wise answer: happy is the cat who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and sing a song cheerfully.

- Do you want to be happy?! Let's break into groups of three, hug, and with this composition we will participate in the next competition.

So, attention, let's start the competition.

I'm reading the definition to a children's song. The first one of you to guess it gets the winner token, and then everyone sings it.

A song about a part of the land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from constantly eating tropical fruits("Chungachanga") ;

song about a vehicle of heavenly color("Blue carriage") ;

a song about a shaggy creature performing a musical composition and sunbathing at the same time("I'm lying in the sun") ;

a song about a plant that grew up in the wild and was cut down by a peasant (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”);

a song about how fun it is to march with a group(“It’s fun to walk together”) ;

a song about a small insect whose color resembles a certain vegetable("In the grass Grasshopper sat") ;

a song about how bad weather conditions can't ruin a holiday(“We will survive this trouble”) .

Cl. hands We invite our girls to take the test: (hand out pieces of paper and pens)

So. Test for real princesses.

1 . A boy you don't really like takes a liking to you. Your actions?

A. You'll tell your friends everything for a laugh.
b. Complain to his parents.
V. Try to talk frankly with him.

2. It turns out that you and your classmate have the same blouses, so people often make fun of you. Your actions?

A. You'll get upset and throw away your favorite blouse.
b. By any means you can force your opponent to change her blouse.
V. You won’t be upset and answer that you are “Twin Sisters.”

3. The teacher gave you a bad grade because you didn’t prepare your lessons. What will you do?

A. You'll throw a tantrum at school about this.

b. You will take revenge on this teacher.

V. You will do everything correctly and prepare to retake this topic for the next lesson.

4. Choose the most beautiful color combination at your discretion:

A. Blue with green.
b. Red with pink.
V. White with gold.

5. For you, active recreation is...

A. Excessive consumption of sweets.
6. Watching sports programs.
V. Sports, walks, fitness.

Test results: a large number of answers under the letter “c” indicate that we see a real princess in front of us. which has everything you need and good manners, soft character and unsurpassed taste. But don’t forget that in order to achieve something in life you need to constantly work on yourself and constantly improve yourself.

Cl. hands And now, a competition for boys: “Our Wonderful Planet”

You need to inflate the balloon and populate it with people (draw as many people on it as possible). Time limited, 3 minutes. The one with the most densely populated planet wins! (tokens are awarded)

Pop Star Game

Details: clothes to create the image of a star: skirts, hats, tinted glasses, jewelry, shoes, etc.; CD with modern karaoke songs.

Girls can try themselves as both a pop star and a fashion stylist and create images of their favorite pop stars. You can also compete to see who can better portray your favorite performer.

Game "Glamour Portrait"

Props: pictures of people and clothes cut out from magazines, sheets of paper, glue stick.

The girls must make a portrait of the birthday girl, and the birthday girl herself chooses the winner.

Game "Princess and the Pea"

Details: chairs according to the number of girls present, many large buttons, sheets of paper according to the number of chairs.

Buttons in different quantities are placed on the chairs and covered with paper, the girls sit on the chairs. Their task is to determine the number of buttons without using their hands.
Competition "Artistic Competition"
Dramatize the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" if it:
1) comedy
2) melodrama
3) horror movie
Competition "Twins"
two people per team
Having clasped each other around the waist, with your free hands you must first untie and remove the lacing from the shoes, and then, on command, lace it up and tie a bow.

Presenter.Are you tired of active recreation - competitions and games? Let's count the number of tokens earned. We offer you a win-win comic lottery - on the board there is a prize number on each heart. Each of you takes a heart and calls a number, we will find out what prize you will get. The one with the most tokens starts.

Comic lottery

1. In life you have to hope for the best. Get glue if life doesn’t stick.(Glue)

2.You didn’t win a penny, but a real oneruler .

3. You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane.(Comb)

4. Why do you need a wallet? Put your money in a bag.( Plastic bag)

5. Get it, hurry up, a notebook for you, write poetry.(notebook)

6. To keep your hair in order, you will need a “pot holder”.( Scrunchy)

7. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it uppencil .

8. Do you understand the meaning of the gift? Life will be joyful and bright.(Marker)


You won't lose your keys. And you won’t forget about them.


Washing by hand is just disgraceful

It's a shame to rent a car.

Today we present to you

Machine "Vyatka-automatic".

11. We will have to live by the study of grief, Do not forget about the days of the calendar.(calendar)

12. And it won’t be bitter for you - it will be sweet, since you got a chocolate bar.

13 . You will walk around with a beautiful hairstyle,

Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane.(comb)

14. While your parent is “removing the shavings” from you, calmly brew a mug of tea.( tea leaves bag )

15. CANDLEMay your life be brighter from the gift of Prometheus.

16. LOLLIPOPOh, what a great fellow you are! Have a lollipop!

17. CANDYDear comrade, get some candy, but don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor.

18. BIG CARROT. If you want to be strong like Gin, get some vitamins, brother!

19. SOAP BOX. We give you a useful item and help you out in the pool.

20. CHOCOLATE. You don't need to spray yourself, here's a chocolate bar.

21. BRUSH. Even old man Koschey himself. This swept away the dust from my ears.

21. STAPLES. So that the wind doesn't blow your cap away. Here's a paper clip for you as a gift.

22. RULER. To know the size of any. Carry this prize with you.

23. CANDIES. Someone is eating shrimp. Well, go ahead and chew some candy.

24. THREAD. Needlewomen always

The threads will come in handy.

Art samples

Let them be born now.

Target: Create favorable conditions for the development of creative activity of students, ensure psychological comfort for all participants. Develop cognitive and communication skills. To instill in students respect for each other, a sense of camaraderie, to repeat studied works, to develop memory, attention, to remember fairy tales and heroes.

Lesson type: extracurricular activity (tea party).

Equipment: in the small room where the tea party is held, there are balloons with congratulations, two envelopes with mosaics, 2 scarves, yellow, blue and red cards, 2 felt-tip pens, 2 sheets of paper, 2 large bags, 2 chairs, a chamomile with tasks, a song “When my friends are with me!”, prizes (notepads, candies).

Work plan:

1. Teacher's introduction

2. Tea party

3. Game at the table

4. Say the word

5. Physical education minute

6. Tea party

7. Game at the table

8. Physical education minute


1. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Oh, it was necessary
This will happen:
Seven feathers on the way
Dropped by the firebird
And the wind found them
He whistled: “Where from?”
Who's lost here
Seven-colored miracle?
Collected, laid out
In the heights in a semicircle -
And a miracle broke out
Ivan and Andryusha.

Let's look at these beautiful, smart, kind faces. And let's all say “congratulations” to them. We wish you all good luck, good luck, excellent grades and more joyful days.

Well, like on any birthday, we invite you to the table.

2. Tea party.

3. Game at the table.

Let's remember the cartoons:
He conquered Jafar
And he fell in love with the princess
Jin helps him
Call a hero... (Aladdin)

Who defeated Megavolt?
Jokingly tamed the villains?
Zigzag friend, guardian of the law
Well, guessed it?... (Black cloak)

No escape from cats?
Everyone's calling the chipmunks
Fool the fat belly
And help the little ones
There are no braver heroes
Everyone calls them... (Chip and Dale)

He's familiar with cartoons
He's a cunning policeman.
You and I know it
Call the little lynx... (Crazy)

The evil goblin is defeated again
Duke Ikthorn is angry again.
Rush into the dungeon in a sleigh,
Who sits in them? (Gummy Bears)

4. Say a word about K.I.’s fairy tales. Chukovsky.

It's a long walk to the swamp,
It's not easy to walk to the swamp.
“Here is a stone lying by the road,
Let’s sit down and stretch our legs.”
And the frogs put a bundle on the stone:
“It would be nice to lie down on a stone...”. (An hour)

And now trousers, trousers
So they jumped into my arms.
And behind them is a pie:
“Come on, eat me...”. (Buddy)

I am the great washbasin
The famous Moidodyr.
Umyvalnikov chief
And washcloths... (Commander)

And behind it comes a sandwich:
He ran up and straight into... (Mouth)

And the rolling pin said:
“I feel sorry for Fedor.”
And the cup said:
“Oh, she...”. (Poor thing)

a) Who can complete the mosaic faster (children are divided into two teams).

Equipment: two envelopes with cut-out pictures.


We know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there's nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales

I name the first part of the fairy-tale subject, and you unanimously finish the second. Started:

Karabas…….. (Barabas)

Koschei the Deathless)

Sister...... (Alyonushka)

Brother……… (Ivanushka)

Horse………. (Humpbacked Little Humpback)

Baba………… (Yaga)

Boy……. (Finger)

Emelya……….. (Fool)

Carpet plane)

Sivka……… (Burka)

c) “Find out who this is?”

Equipment: scarf

Blindfolded, you can recognize several people by their clothes.

d) “Traffic light. Who wouldn’t make a mistake?”

Equipment: red, yellow and blue cards.

Children are divided into two teams, the teacher says what each color represents, then shows a card, the children must, corresponding to the color, perform the necessary exercises. Whose team made the fewest mistakes wins prizes.

Red - stand silently

Yellow - clap once

Blue – running in place

6. Tea party.

7. Game at the table.

Guess the name of the fairy tale:
What a miracle, what a miracle
Dishes are running across the fields.
Jumps over stumps and bumps.
And disappeared into the nearest forest
From whom are the dishes running?
Why did she feel bad? (Fedorino grief)

Once upon a time there lived a good doctor,
And he didn’t treat people,
He saved from certain death
Big and small animals.
He treated them for a sore throat,
Scarlet fever, cholera
Diphtheria, appendicitis.
Malaria and bronchitis
Now answer quickly: (this is Dr. Aibolit)

Along roads and fields
Round, plump and rosy
I'm rocking, rocking, rocking
I want to run away quickly.
I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather
Well, guess quickly
Who came to visit us? (Kolobok)

Even though he scratches the back of his head,
There's sawdust in his head
Nearby is the faithful Piglet,
Who is this fat guy? (Winnie the Pooh)

a) Game “Draw a snowman”.

Equipment: 2 markers, 2 sheets of paper, 2 scarves.

Children are divided into two teams.

TEACHER: There are many artists in our class. Now you will draw a snowman blindfolded, but first decide who will draw what detail.

b) “Jumping in bags.”

Equipment: 2 bags, 2 chairs.

Children are divided into two teams.

TEACHER: Guys, you are divided into two teams. Now you take turns jumping in the bags to the chair and back. Whose team completes the task faster will be the fastest and most athletic.

c) “Chamomile”.

Equipment: Chamomile with tasks.

TEACHER: We played with you? Did you have fun? and now look what I have, it's a flower. It will give you a little more fun. Everyone takes turns tearing off a petal with a task and completing it.

The song “When my friends are with me!” plays.

TEACHER: What wonderful words this song has! You guys already have good, reliable friends - these are your classmates.

Our holiday is coming to an end, let’s hold hands tightly, because it’s not without reason that they say: there is no one more friendly than our guys.

Once again, congratulations to our birthday celebrants. All together “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”


  1. Newspaper + photo + marker (write names and numbers)
  2. Pictures-emblems of the teams “Sun”, Tiger Cubs and Kittens
  3. Cards with the words: DOG, CAT, GOAT, RAM, ROOSTER, CHICKEN, CROW, DUCK, COW - 26 pcs.
  4. Three large beach balls (though beach balls are better for school)
  5. Picture with Eeyore + tail
  6. Newspaper postcard for summing up
  7. Balloons made of colored paper with tasks - 19 pcs.
  8. Letters and a sign where to attach them.
  9. Scotch tape (attach everything to the board)
  10. “Happy Birthday” cards, with an insert that means the names of the children and poems from the site “Sun”
  11. Bags with souvenirs - small boxes with puzzles and kinder surprises - 26 pcs. (one for each student). Note: it’s better to have a few in stock, we had the brother of one of the students present, and, of course, he was given a bag (it’s good that not all the guys were present that day, otherwise there would have been one disappointment)
  12. Pies (with meat, cabbage, apple), juice in separate bags, choco pie, etc. or just sweets in a bag with a souvenir.
  13. Balloons for classroom decoration
  14. Gifts from parent committee- children's encyclopedias.
  1. Filling out the newspaper
  2. Dividing the class into teams.
  3. Game "Congratulations"
  4. Game "Wishers"
  5. Game "Monkeys"
  6. Game “Say the Word”
  7. Noisy competition.
  8. Relay race “Bring the ball”.
  9. Game "Know"
  10. Accuracy task
  11. Game "Pass the Ball"
  12. Summarizing
  13. Give gifts. The first stage is for the heroes of the occasion, the second stage is for all classmates
  14. Tea party.


Design - in the central ball there is a photo of the children whose birthdays we are celebrating, small balls - the dates of the birthdays. We arrange the balls according to the seasons (pink - summer, orange - autumn, blue - winter, green - spring), the background color under the balls is appropriate. Introducing the children celebrating Summer days birth, tell what their names mean, write their names and dates of birth into small balls (the child chooses which ball to write in).

Children can be given cards with the meaning of their names. We explain that name day is a name holiday (there may be more than one day a year, Orthodox names and dates of celebration can be clarified in the Saints), which rarely coincides with a birthday. The birthday boy is a person whose name day is celebrated, so on a birthday you can say - a newborn, the hero of the occasion, but it is incorrect to call the birthday boy. After that - the traditional “Loaf”, we played it and set it to “bake” (we’ll return to it when we go to tea party)

Dividing the class into teams

We divide the children into 3 teams and move on to competitions. The mothers call each of the children Sunshine-Tiger Cubs - Kittens, so the teams will also be called the same. A representative from each row holds out the team logo without looking.

The board is divided into 3 parts; pictures with the names of the teams (“Kittens”, “Tiger Cubs”, “Suns”) are glued to each part. During the celebration, each team's scores for questions answered and tasks completed are marked on the board.

Game "Congratulations"

Each team says one word:

  1. team - congratulations!
  2. team - happy day!
  3. team - birth!

The leader gives a hand sign, and the team says their word, while the leader periodically confuses them.

Game "Wishers"

Help each other

Answer the questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Let me know your answer:

If "no" you say

Then knock your feet

If you say "Yes"

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is this true, children? ... (No - children knock their feet)

Does he take his grandson and granddaughter there?

Answer together... (Yes - clap your hands)

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

We will answer together... (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children... (Yes)

Is birthday a fun day? … (Yes)

Are there any games and jokes waiting for you? …(Yes)

Are you okay with humor? …(Yes)

Are we doing exercises now? …(No)

Shall we congratulate the birthday people? … (Yes)

Or will we send it to grandma? … (No)

Shall we give them chocolate? … (Yes)

A sweet-sweet kiss? … (Yes)

Happy birthday!

And, of course, we wish:

The boys need to grow up more... (Yes)

Be sure to be fatter! … (No)

Be healthy and smart! … (Yes)

And loud, pugnacious... (No)

So that parents love! … (Yes)

With a strap so they can hit you more often! … (No)

To be fed ice cream! … (Yes)

Maybe stop congratulating?

Should we play games? … (Yes)


To relieve some tension and move around (we don’t count points here). Children repeat everything that is said in the poem.

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Game “Say the Word”

I have a learned dog -

Round button nose.

If I'm wrong about something,

He barks loudly: ... (woof-woof)

Nice crow bird

She's not fit to be a singer.

How he opens his mouth is a nightmare -

All you can hear is: ... (caw-caw-crash)

Who is mustachioed, like a robber,

Jumped over the windowsill

Scared away the neighbor's chickens

And purrs: ... (purr-purr)

The goose is noisy, with a long nose.

The neck is like a question mark.

The goose goes for a walk in the meadows

And cackles: ... (ha-ha-ha)

Piglet washes himself in a puddle

And he's in a hurry for dinner.

I'll cook bran for her,

She will tell me: ... (oink-oink)

Ringing a bell,

She ran away from me.

The meadow melts in the evening darkness,

Where to look for her: ... (meh-meh)

Slowly walking from the river,

She feels warm in her fur coat, like in a stove,

She will come to the hut

And he calls me: ... (ba-ba)

Zorka walks through the meadows,

He brings us milk.

Zorka would like to live in a mansion,

And she’s in the barn: ... (moo-moo)

Waddling is important

They bravely jumped into the river

And, speaking of something,

Splashing noisily: ... (quack-quack)

The cherry blossoms have just blossomed

A bee flew into the garden.

I've been following her for a long time

She is looking for honey: ... (zhu-zhu)

Noisy competition

Let's see if you have learned to read and can you guess what animal is written on your classmate's piece of paper? You can say: " Foreign language“You haven’t studied it yet, but do you know the language of animals and birds?” First, you need to explain to the children that as soon as the 1st “dog” barks, all the other “dogs” should bark too. Who is better and more friendly?

We distribute pieces of paper to each child, with a request not to show it to a neighbor, on which it is written: DOG, CAT, GOAT, RAM, ROOSTER, CHICKEN, CROW, DUCK, COW. The hero of the occasion (anyone) is the first to voice his piece of paper. Which of the children has the same animal written down - repeat after him. The class guesses who it was.

Relay race “Bring the ball”

The child must carry the ball to the chair on a (disposable) plate, place it on the chair and return to his team. The next participant runs with an empty plate to a chair, takes the ball, puts it on the plate, runs back and passes it to another team member.

Game "Know"

The presenter announces the topic “Mom, Dad and Baby.” The adult names the baby animal, the child names mom and dad. In this case, you can throw balloon(inflatable ball) from hand to hand.

For example:

  • Duckling - father is a drake, mother is a duck
  • Kitten - cat and cat
  • Kid - goat and goat
  • Calf - bull and cow
  • Little fox - fox and fox
  • Foal - horse and horse
  • Puppy - dog and dog
  • Baby Elephant - Elephant and Mother Elephant
  • Chicken - rooster and hen
  • Lion cub - lion and lioness
  • Gosling - goose and goose
  • Lamb - ram and sheep
  • Bunny - hare and hare

We make sure that each team gets an equal number of tasks.

Accuracy task

On a piece of paper (attached to the board) is a picture of Eeyore. Children need to stick a tail to it while blindfolded. Which team will do it better?

Game "Pass the Ball"

Children stand one after another and pass the ball different ways. On top, on right side, on the left side, between the legs. The last player, having received the ball, passes it back. Which team is faster?

We count the points in chorus and sum up the results

Hang a newspaper in the classroom - a postcard summing up the results, and glue the emblems of each team. To say that friendship won!


And finally, the most interesting thing. The teacher gives birthday gifts from the class. Then you can announce that it is also customary to thank guests for their congratulations, so the parents and heroes of the occasion also prepared a surprise for them, but the children need to guess where it is.

To do this, balls cut out of colored paper are pasted on the board with questions and problems on them. Children take turns coming to the board, picking the ball they like, and the leader reads out the problem, which we solve as a whole class.

For the correct answer, children receive a letter with a number and attach it to a cell with the same number in a special table, which also hangs on the board. By collecting all the letters and composing a phrase, we will find out where the surprise is hidden.

The inscription was as follows: “Look for the teacher on the desk”

  • And - draw an elephant;
  • Shch - To dress your sons warmly, two socks are missing, how many sons are there in a family if there are six socks in the house? (4);
  • And - I have two toys, tomorrow I’ll give one to Vanya, it’s Vanya’s birthday, I’ll take him the horse, how many toys will I have at home tomorrow? (1);
  • T — Mom looks impatiently at the pages of the diary. Waiting for the coveted grade from his mischievous son. But again only fours. There is no beauty... (fives);
  • E - Seryozha has a pencil and Dasha has another one. How many pencils do kids have between them? (2);
  • N - jump on one leg six times;
  • A - I have two candies, I’ll give one to my sister Svetka. I'm not greedy, and my dad gave me two candies for that! And now there are even more candies than at first! (3);
  • S - Nadyusha has five notebooks, there are blots in them and a mess. Nadya needs a draft. Vasya, the first student, gave Nadya another notebook. How many notebooks does she have? (6);
  • T - runs around your row;
  • O - stomp twice, slam three times, jump once;
  • L - There were five boys in the class, Vasya also entered the class, and then Ilya and Misha. How many boys are there now? (8);
  • E - crow like a rooster;
  • U - I rocked my sister, I consoled Ksyusha, I put three dolls and a plush bunny with her. How many toys does my sister Ksyusha have? (4)
  • H - count from 5 to 1;
  • And - count from 5 to 10;
  • T - name all even numbers from 2 to 10;
  • E - I’m ready to make the whole world - a house, a car, two cats. Today I am the ruler - I have... (nilitsalp);
  • L - Glue together a ship, a soldier, a locomotive, a car, a sword. And the Multi-Colored One will help you guys...(agamub);
  • I am a figure who looks like a toy - a tumbler rattle. Don't hit it on the ground. Everyone understands - this is... (eight)

The guys all take out and hand out souvenirs to the kids. Then tea party.


Games-competitions “Grandfather planted a turnip”

(The hall is decorated with balloons, photographs of birthday children, flowers).

Presenter: How candy sweet,

Delicious like a cookie.

This holiday is bright.

Who is he? (children in chorus) BIRTHDAY!

(The birthday people come out to music and applause.)

As you know, it is customary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion and wish them all the best. Let us also congratulate our birthday people. Each student makes wishes.

And now it's time for a musical gift. Children are selected

sheets, the rest are chorus. The choir sings the song “Let them run clumsily...!”, and the soloists pretend to be in motion.

So that the name day is not sad, we will arrange fun party, and for this let’s remember ourselves when we were the smallest. What fairy tales did your parents and grandparents read and tell you?

(“Kolobok”, “Chicken Ryaba”, “Turnip”).

What words do the fairy tale “Turnip” begin with? (Grandfather planted a turnip...).

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).

Birthday people are participants in the game.

The second team is chosen by the leader using riddles.

1.Carlson’s favorite expression? (It's an everyday matter).

2. A fairy-tale beauty with an unusual appearance who loved everyone

whine? (Malvina).

3.Who ate the wrong sandwich? (Uncle Fedor).

4. When he twirls a colored umbrella, do children have colorful dreams? (Ole-Lukoie)

5.Name the musicians of the fairy-tale ensemble? (Cat, Donkey, Rooster, Dog - “Bremen-

Russian musicians").

6.Fairytale coachman with a long tail? (Rat).

7. A very true thing from a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin? (Mirror).

So, “Grandfather planted a turnip...”


Participants put hats on their heads, arms at their sides. On command, “sparrows” wave their arms, “crows” clap their hands, “starlings” take off their hats to greet guests, because These birds are helpers to the gardener.

COMPETITION 2. Grandmothers. Head scarves. They rewind the balls. Who is faster?

COMPETITION 3. Granddaughters. There are bows on their heads. Grandfather and grandmother love to drink tea.

The granddaughters inflate the samovar - they inflate the balloons to a count of 10. Whoever has the most wins!

COMPETITION 4. Bugs. Bugs, cats, and mice have hats on their heads depicting animals. The most important thing for a dog is its sense of smell. The bugs leave the room and are given handkerchiefs with different scents of cologne. And the same smell is applied to two participants. The bugs must smell who the handkerchief belongs to.

COMPETITION 5. Cats.“Hide it quickly.” Use your teeth to pick up and transfer candy from one plate to another. Who is faster?

COMPETITION 6. Mice. The mouse's tail is very clever! Participants must insert a pencil tied to the back on a string into the bottle without using their hands.

Presenter: The turnip has grown big, very big. “Turnip” is selected by number

"gardeners" with the help of vegetable riddles.

1 turnip.

1.Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (potato).

2. Above the ground there is grass, under the ground there is a scarlet head. (beet).

3. The child grew up - he did not know diapers, he became an old man - a hundred diapers on him. .(cabbage).

4. A woman is sitting in the beds, covered in patches; whoever tears off the patch will cry and leave. (onion).

5. Yegor lies over the boundary, covered with a green veil. (cucumber).

6. A green branch grows in the beds, and on it are red children. (tomatoes).

7. Round, but not the moon, with a tail, but not a mouse, red, but not a maiden. (carrot)

2 turnips.

1. He stands in clothes like a fire on a leg. Without clothes he will become a ball on a leg. (poppy).

2. At first it crawls, but it lives like a worm. Then it comes to life, like a bird flies.


3. Well, which of you will answer: it’s not a fire, but it burns painfully, it’s not a lantern, but it shines brightly, it’s not a baker, but it bakes. (Sun).

4. They often ask me, wait for me, and as soon as I appear they will start hiding. (rain).

5. White peas on a green stem. (lily of the valley).

6. The gardener Fedot lives with a long nose. As you bow, the rain will come. (watering can).

7. Looks like a wedge, unfold it like a damn. (umbrella).

-Tug of war “Pull-pull...”. Who is stronger? Gardeners or "Turnip".

-Relay game “Puss in Boots”, more precisely in felt boots. You need to transfer things and objects into the hoop, making a beautiful universal bow. The winners are greeted with meowing.

-Dance with balls. All children take part. They dance in pairs, holding balls with their foreheads. Whoever dances the longest gets a prize.

To the music, birthday people are given gifts, given a cake, invited to

"birthday cafe"

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 24 named after Hero Soviet Union A.V. Koryavina.”

Birthday 2nd grade B

Teacher: Nadezhda Dmitrievna Privalova.

Goals: - create a festive atmosphere for the child and guests; -contribute to the formation of ideas among students on how to spend a holiday in a meaningful and fun way.

Equipment: Decorate the classroom with multi-colored balloons on which guests can write wishes with felt-tip pens; prepare small prizes to be awarded during the games; recording songs, funny music; envelope with letter; children's drawings, crafts, cards; birthday gifts from the class. We will not leave summer birthday people unattended.
A recording of the song “It's Fun to Walk Together” is playing (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky)

Teacher Today we have gathered for a holiday dedicated to summer and autumn birthdays.

Suddenly today at dawn
The wind opened the window,
Over the expanses of the earth
The cranes flew by.
Didn't they drop it?
Gave it to you and me
On your birthday, on a wonderful day
Are those painted leaves?

(shows pieces of paper with children's names.)

Everything is according to the rules: our address,
The school number is here.
I wonder from whom
Does it contain a letter for us?

Come to us for a birthday party
Everyone wanted to get there so bad
But they had to linger -
We need to pick up games.

Birthday people, attention!
I am glad to inform you:
Now they want to congratulate you
Yours best friends!

Come up with any 14 adjectives. Now I will read out a congratulation, in which you need to insert them instead of blanks.

1st student:
To everyone who on a clear summer day

And with the autumn breeze
Celebrates birthday
Today we congratulate
Happy wonderful, joyful day!

2nd student:
Congratulations to you guys
And I wish you never
You are not familiar with diseases,
Always be healthy!

3rd student:
Don't hurt kids
Don't upset moms and dads!

4th student:
Grow up as good children,
To behave!

5th student:
Birthday is a wonderful day,
Joyful, cheerful!
We wish you "excellent"
You go to school!

To the music of Shainsky “Song of the crocodile Gena”
1st presenter:
Look at these guys:
How smartly everyone is dressed!
Look at these guys:
Over the past year we have grown and become stronger!

2nd presenter:
Come on, stand in a big circle,
Louder, music, play!
For your cheerful friends
We'll bake a loaf.
Children perform the round dance song “Loaf”.

Game “Relay of Wishes” Whose congratulation is more interesting will receive a prize.


What a birthday
If there's no fun?
Here's another game
You'll like her.
I want to ask you a question,
It's your job to answer.
If you agree with me,
Answer in unison, brothers:
“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”
If you don't agree,
Then remain silent in response.

I'll ask everyone now:
Who here loves song and laughter?

Answer in chorus instantly: “Who is the most mischievous here?
Who is used to our order,
Does he do exercises in the morning?

Tell me which one of you, brothers,
Forgets to wash your face?

And one more question:
Who doesn't wash their nose?

All the riddles have been answered,
Questions were answered.
All I have to do is find out:
Can you dance?
You, friends, are in a hurry,
Find yourself a mate
Starts with us
Merry dance.

The game is being played "Dance on the newspaper." 10 people are invited. We need to find a partner and dance on the newspaper. When the music stops, the newspaper folds in half and the dance continues (and so on several times). The winners (those who stay on the newspaper without stepping on the floor) receive prizes.

The game “We Sang a Song” is played: the first line of the song in the recording is given. Whoever continues first wins a prize.

Teacher: We danced and sang, we need to rest a little. How?

Game “Decorate the tree with leaves” ( 2 trees are drawn on the board. 2 blindfolded students decorate the tree, then the other 2)

Game “Harvest” (2 baskets, 6 apples each)

Game "Who's the odd one out?" (with chairs)

Game "Name the Pair".
Participants must quickly remember the name of the couple of the hero of the fairy tale:
Ruslan (Lyudmila)
Sister Alyonushka (brother Ivanushka)
Crocodile Gena (Cheburashka)
Kai (Gerda)
Stepashka (Piggy)
Baba Yaga (Koshey the Immortal)
Old woman Shapoklyak (rat Larisa)
Prince Guidon (Swan Princess)

Teacher: And now riddles for the birthday people. Whoever guesses correctly will receive a prize.
1.In our house under the window
An accordion has grown to the wall.
It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t play -
Warms the whole apartment. Battery.
House on legs
in the middle there is a window,
it will light up -
a movie will appear.
Invisible Man
Sitting in a box
He plays all the time
He sings and speaks.

"Win-win lottery"

    Thought Fixer (Pencil)

    Measuring device (Ruler)

    Remedy for talkativeness (Dummy)

    Spare parts for sneakers (Laces)

    Aircraft (Balloon)

    Small factory-made rug (Handkerchief)

Competition "Merry Artists" Blindfolded, draw a house, a bunny, a mushroom.

The game “Who will collect the bouquet faster?” Three pairs of children. Flowers are attached to children with clothespins. On command, with eyes closed, quickly remove flowers from children

Game "Firemen" Children take off their shoes and put them in the middle of the room. They themselves “sleep” on the rug. Quiet music is playing. And suddenly - the presenter: Fire! Who is the best fireman? Who gets ready faster?
And now we invite everyone to our finger-licking cafe.

If the blues suddenly set in,

Bad mood in the morning.

Dial your friends' phone numbers.

On your birthday, gather around the table.

They say you'll be lucky

If birthday comes to the house again.

This happens every year.

May it bring you a lot of happiness

Children sit at tables with tea and pastries.

6. Birthday is a special date,

This holiday cannot be compared with anything,

Someone kind once came up with an idea

Give joy to the birthday boy.

7. Birthday!


We congratulate everyone.

And may you have success!

8. Like a sunny day,

Like a wonderful fairy tale

Let your life be

Beautiful all the time!

9. We want on this day

We only wish you happiness!

Don't get sick, don't get bored

And get straight A's!