Scenario for the New Year's performance for children "The Firebird and the Staff of Santa Claus." Scenario of the New Year's performance "Santa Claus's magic staff" Santa Claus's magic staff

Ved. - So we met together, it’s coming New Year.
Let the songs sound today, let the round dance dance.
Children - Let the blizzard knock on the window, let the blizzard howl and sweep.
The snow outside is sparkling, the New Year is approaching us!
New Year is coming. What will he bring to the children?
Will bring snowflakes - light fluffs,
For children it will also bring cheerful laughter for everyone.
Let children all over the entire planet celebrate the New Year.
Round dance
Soon, soon New Year -
The Christmas tree will shine!
The holiday will come to visit us,
Everyone knows about it!
The round dance begins:
Bunnies bears,
They love New Year very much
Everyone in the world is children!
We like the frosty, fluffy season,
The night sky is starry, sparkling silver!
And the tree lights up, and a round dance dances,
And just like it’s supposed to, the new year comes!
With a ringing laugh, good fairy tale,
The day has begun today!
Everyone put on masks together,
Don't be too lazy to dance and sing!
This holiday is the brightest
It only happens in winter.
Santa Claus brings gifts
Happy New Year, my kindergarten!
Ved opens the New Year's fairy doors.
Let anyone who believes in fairy tales come into this hall!
Let the one who is friends with the song come into this house!
And we’ll sing about the New Year, it couldn’t be more wonderful!
General dance
Children sit down
Ved. Today Christmas story will come to life and bring a lot of joy to the children!
(Music sounds, B. I and the Robber appear)
Baba Yaga I'm so tired of you!
You've eaten all my baldness!
Once. New Year is coming soon!
People will dress up!
Look, I'm dressing up,
I'm fit to be your groom!
Baba Yaga Oh, I'm dying of laughter now!
Oh look, this is fun!
I found a groom
Have you even washed your face this morning?
Once. Stop laughing at me!
Come on, stop laughing!
Or you’ll grab him in the forehead with a stick,
There will be a lesson for you!
Once. grabs the staff and swings at Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga Why did you swing? Better look at what he grabbed by the stick.
This is the magic staff of Santa Claus.
Once. Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me what I use to heat you up?
Baba Yaga What are you, your head is stupid! Yes, we can do such things with this staff
we can do a lot of things! And them!
One. Wow, you! Your truth, Yagusya. let's take Grandfather's staff
Frost, let's give him a New Year!
(Looks at the children)
Look, Yagusya, right here! You see - again, as always:
The people have gathered without us and are celebrating the New Year!
Baba Yaga And the kids, look, well, they haven’t grown up at all.
Christmas tree, look at how lopsided they are!
(depicts a Christmas tree)
Once. Why are they crowded under this green thorn, I ask?
A! New Year you want gifts! But in vain!
Baba Yaga After all, you, me, Baba Yaga and my friend the Robber, each
year from the tree of what? That's right, you kick him out.
Once. Oh Yagusya, let’s now check whether this staff is magical or not, we’ll conjure a spell so that here, right now, real artists will appear.
Children's dance "Zimushka winter"
B.Ya Oh, you stupid head, you can’t be trusted with anything... what kind of artists these are... these are these little guys..., give me the staff here.
They're leaving
Presenter: They've arrived. They made a noise, they want to ruin our holiday. Nothing
they won't succeed. Really, guys?
Children Yes!
Presenter Something Santa Claus is delayed, let's meet him
a cheerful song.
Song "Santa Claus" (name of frost)
Children sit on chairs, music sounds (exit D.M.)
D.M. comes out.
Santa Claus Hello, here I am! Happy New Year, friends!
I, cheerful Santa Claus, are your New Year's guest!
Don't hide your nose from me, I'm good today!
I remember exactly a year ago, I saw these guys!
The year flew by like an hour, I didn’t even notice
Here we are again among you, dear children!
Santa Claus looks at the Christmas tree.
Oh yes, the Christmas tree is just amazing,
How elegant, how beautiful!
I have been living in the world for many years,
And I've seen a lot
But such a wonderful Christmas tree,
I've never seen it!
Presenter Santa Claus, wait! Take a better look at the Christmas tree!
The Christmas tree is standing sad, for some reason it doesn’t shine?
Santa Claus, we will fix this problem,
Let's make all the lights burn
Let's say together "one, two, three"
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
Children repeat after D.M and the Christmas tree lights up
Presenter The Christmas tree glows with lights,
New Year is already underway!
All friends, all guests are with us,
Let's join a friendly round dance!
ROUND DANCE “You have come to visit us, Santa Claus”
Game "Mitten"
Santa Claus Christmas tree holiday
Best holiday winter days!
Let the poems sound today,
I'll listen to the children!
It's a wonderful holiday, New Year's Day.
The Christmas tree came to visit us today!
Children and adults! moms and dads!
Let's shake her green paws!
Hello Christmas tree, how glad we are,
Why have you come to us again!
And in green needles
I brought fresh pine needles!
There are toys on your branches,
And the lanterns hang
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads are on fire!
On cheerful children's Christmas trees
Miracles shine in needles
And under the New Year's tree,
Everyone will find something
You just need to do it in advance
Make a wish!

It took a long time to get the tree ready for the holiday,
We were all looking forward to it.
Then I quietly dressed up in the hall,
And here she is now in all her glory!
We are admiring the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a pine aroma.
And the best New Year's holiday,
Comes with her to kindergarten!

Father Frost
Oh! Where is my granddaughter, Snow Maiden? Something
she lingers in our magical forest. Guys, ah
let's call together...
All together Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!
The Snow Maiden comes out to the music (the entrance of the Snow Maiden).
Snow Maiden Hello, grandfather!
Hello kids, girls and boys!
Hello, dear guests!
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
I am happy to congratulate everyone!
Let them sound under this vault
Songs, music and laughter.
Guys, stand in a circle,
The Snow Maiden is calling you.
Hold hands together
Let's start the round dance!
Round dance "New Year's holiday"
After the round dance, the children sit down,
D.M. looks around, looking for something.
Snow Maiden Grandfather, what are you looking for?
Santa Claus Yes, my magic staff has disappeared somewhere. In his mansion
no, not here either. Guys, Snow Maiden, have you seen him?
Leading. Yes, Grandfather Frost, when you were not there, came to us
evil spirits, They had your magic staff. And further
they promised that the new year would not come without magic.
Father Frost. This will never happen! Left the magic staff unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I’ll find it myself,
Snow Maiden come with me.
D.M. and the Snow Maiden go behind the Christmas tree,
music sounds, B.Ya and the robber come out and cast magic over the bag
once... Baba Yaga, how will we divide the gifts?
Baba Yaga. Yes, keep quiet, equally, equally.
D.M. and Snow Maiden Father Frost come out from behind the Christmas tree. Oh, there you are, you decided to ruin our holiday! Enough
play around, give me the staff!
B.I and the Robber are blocking the bag. D.M. notices the bag.
Santa Claus Yes, you also grabbed my bag. Give everything back quickly.
Baba Yaga Why on earth should we give it away?
Use it, give it to others.
Santa Claus Give it back!
Robber. I wouldn't make so much noise if I were you, grandpa. And then, after all, we
we can get angry!
Baba Yaga We won't give you the staff!
You have fun here, a holiday.
Everyone was invited to the holiday,
And you forgot about us again.
We will not forgive insults
And we will not give up your staff!
Host Baba Yaga, don’t be offended by us, forgive us. Look how
Everything is beautiful all around, the children are so beautiful and cheerful.
B. I whisper with the Robber
Baba Yaga Okay, okay, let's return the magic staff to grandfather! But you must
make our three wishes come true!
Santa Claus Okay, Yaga, let's make your wishes.
Robber First wish! (knocks with staff)
Eriki Moriki Christmas tree spin pirates pirates appear here!
D.M. And they won’t do anything bad with you today?, today they are kind and obedient
Pirate dance
DELIVERY Second wish!
Baba Yaga New Year's holiday is coming! I want a song about the New Year! Yes,
so cheerful!
Santa Claus (addresses the children) Guys, help me Baba's wish
I can perform the yagi, because I’m already old and I don’t know how to sing.
Presenter Well, of course, Grandfather Frost, we will be happy to help you.
“The snowstorm swept my city”
Baba Yaga Wow, that's a good song. Just so cheerful and cheerful! So
I wanted to dance. Come on, grandpa, we are with you
Let's dance. And this will be my third wish!
Santa Claus Which dance is Russian or ancient?
Baba Yaga What, what... modern - New Year's! Will you...?
Santa Claus Come on.
General DANCE Both B.Ya and the break-up are dancing.
Santa Claus Wow, how hot it became in the hall!
Baba Yaga how we danced so well!
Santa Claus Snegurochka, call your friends, let the snowflakes dance,
to make it cooler. It's hot for Grandpa!
Snow Maiden Today in our spacious hall
To our merry carnival,
From grandma's snowstorm,
The snowflakes have arrived!
To come down to you from the sky,
I don't even need wings
Wouldn't be white without me
The path of the winter beauty!
I dance with the wind
I'm rushing to who knows where!
And in the rays of any light,
I shine like a star!
The wind sings a song
On the edge of the forest.
Calls me to dance
Round dance with your friends!
When the snowflakes are funny
Suddenly they will fly to the ground from heaven.
And they will hide the streets, paths,
They will cover a river, a field, a forest
I will say, standing at the window:
“Look, winter has come!”
DANCE "Snowflakes"
Santa Claus Well, Baba Yaga, the Robber, we have fulfilled all your wishes, goblin,
give me my magic staff and bag here, like us
Baba Yaga Oh, hilarious! And where did you, old man, see that with the unclean
Was it possible to reach an agreement by force?
Santa Claus What!!!
Baba Yaga. Okay, okay, I was joking, here, hold your staff. Give it back to the robber, we are good today
The robber gives away the staff.
RaZB. We enjoyed your visit so much... that today in honor of the New Year we want to give you gifts. Grandfather Frost Cast a spell with your magic staff
D.M. I'll knock three times, raised (knocking)
Where are the gifts for the guys?
For fun preschoolers!
B.Ya. and Razb bring out a chest with gifts
Give gifts

Presenter Dear guests, our holiday has come to an end
I wish you a Happy New Year
Fun as loud as ice,
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health is like frost in January.
May this year be a happy star,
Will enter your family comfort,
Hurry up with the old year, let the adversities all go away!

New Year's play for children



The stage is designed like a children's room. In the center there is a large decorated Christmas tree. Boy ANTON sits under the Christmas tree and reads aloud a fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen " The Snow Queen" His younger sister TANYA looks out the window.

ANTON. “The snow flakes kept growing and eventually turned into large white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the large sleigh stopped, and the man sitting in it stood up. She was tall, slender, dazzling white woman- The Snow Queen; both the fur coat and the hat she was wearing were made of snow.”
TANYA. Well, even in a fairy tale it snows, but we haven’t had a single snowflake...
ANTON (putting down the book). Yes, it’s a pity... Apparently, there will be a New Year without snow.
TANYA. Oh, Antosha! I came up with an idea!
ANTON. I wonder what you came up with?
TANYA. If only we could find Grandfather Frost and ask him for snow!
ANTON. What, little sister, do you still believe in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?
TANYA. Certainly! And you?
ANTON. These are all fairy tales! Only kids believe in Santa Claus, and you are no longer little, you will soon be six years old!
TANYA. No you are not right! The good wizard Grandfather Frost really exists!

Behind the stage, a wall clock and cuckoo can be heard chiming. The cuckoo crows twelve times. TANYA and ANTON join hands. The lights go out. Immediately the colored lights on the tree begin to flash. Cosmic music sounds. The scenery changes to “Forest Edge”. At the back of the stage you can see a hut on chicken legs. The lights come on, the main characters stand at the edge of the forest.

ANTON. Oh, where have we ended up?
TANYA. To a fairyland! Don't you know that in New Year's Eve do miracles happen?
ANTON. Previously, I would have said that I don’t believe in any miracles, but this is truly a miracle!

A white HARE runs onto the stage.

HARE. Help me! The Gray Wolf is chasing me!
ANTON. Wow, the Hare is talking!
TANYA. Hide behind us quickly, Bunny, we won’t let you offend!

The HARE is hiding. A GRAY WOLF runs onto the stage and sniffs.

GRAY WOLF. Hey kids! Didn't a hare run through here?
ANTON and TANYA (together). No, I didn’t!
GRAY WOLF. What fairy tale are you from? “Geese-swans” or what?
ANTON. No, Gray Wolf, we are not from a fairy tale. I'm Anton, and this is my sister Tanya.
GRAY WOLF. What should I do with you?
ANTON. I don't understand. How - what to do?
GRAY WOLF. Ugh, how stupid you are! If you were Ivan Tsarevich, I would help you, help you out of trouble. (To TANE.) If you, girl, were Little Red Riding Hood, I would eat you. What about Anton and Tanya?
ANTON. There is no need to eat us. Better show us where Santa Claus lives.
GRAY WOLF. Look what you want! And why do you need this Grandfather?
TANYA. We want to ask Santa Claus for snow.
GRAY WOLF. You are going in vain, Frost will not fulfill your request. You won't see snow like your ears!
ANTON. Can't be! Why?
GRAY WOLF. But I won’t tell you this. You will know a lot, you will soon grow old! Well, I have to go, I’ve been chatting here with you. Happy Stay!

The GRAY WOLF runs away.

HARE. Happy holiday, kids! Thank you very much, you helped me a lot! I changed my gray fur coat to a white one for winter, but there is no snow. That’s why the Gray Wolf immediately noticed me.
ANTON. And we just want to ask Santa Claus for snow.
TANYA. Dear little bunny, will you show us the way to him?

At this time, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the stage from the far wings.

HARE. Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter came to us themselves!
Happy New Year
All the children on earth
And with all my heart I wish
Happiness to them and their family!
Hello guys!
SNOW MAIDEN. Hello! Happy New Year!
ANTON, TANYA, HARE (together). Hello, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!
FATHER FROST. Anton, Tanyusha, did you come to me for snow?
TANYA. Yes. And you, Grandfather, how do you know?
FATHER FROST. I know everything about you. But I can’t give you snow. My staff disappeared; Koschey the Immortal himself stole it. And this staff is not simple, it has miraculous power. Without it, I cannot fulfill your request.
ANTON. How did this happen?
SNOW MAIDEN. It's all my fault. One day Grandfather went to inspect the forest in order to dress it up in a snow cap for winter, and forgot his magic staff at home. At this time, the Gray Wolf came running to me and said that Grandfather Frost had sent him for the staff. I believed and gave. It turned out that Koschey sent the Gray Wolf. If this staff is not taken from him, there will be no snow on the ground all winter.
TANYA. Grandfather, my brother and I will go to Koshchei!
FATHER FROST. And you won’t be afraid to go to the kingdom of Koshcheevo to return my magic staff to me?
ANTON. We are afraid, but what about winter without snow? The ground will freeze and there will be no harvest. And children will not be able to ride on sleds or play in the snow!
HARE. And I need snow so that the Wolf doesn’t notice me. Guys, can I go with you?
ANTON. Of course you can! The three of us will have more fun.

Santa Claus claps his hands, and a small package tied with a ribbon appears in his hands. He hands it to TANA.

TANYA. What is this?
FATHER FROST. This is Tanyusha, New Year's gift. Give it to Koschey if he does not want to return the staff to me. And Baba Yaga will show you the way to the kingdom of Koshcheevo. Bon voyage, my friends!

GRANDFATHER Frost and the Snow Maiden leave.

HARE (pointing to the hut). Here is Baba Yaga's hut. Maybe we won’t go to this harmful Yaga after all? I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the dinner treat!
ANTON. What, are you afraid?
HARE. Who? I'm afraid?! What more! Don't think that's what I said.

ANTON and TANYA approach the hut. The HARE runs away unnoticed and hides behind the tree.

ANTON. Hey, is anyone home?
TANYA. Have you forgotten how to address a hut on chicken legs?
ANTON. Yes, that's right! Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest and your front to me! (The hut creaks its door towards ANTON.) Wow, great! And now to the forest in front, to me behind! (The hut obeys.) Towards the forest with its back, towards me in front!

Just as the hut is about to turn around, the window opens and BABA YAGA looks out of it.

BABA YAGA. Well, stop it now! What, you ugly thing, are you being a hooligan?!
ANTON. Happy New Year, grandma! I thought you weren't at home.
BABA YAGA. He thought! You're lucky that today is a holiday, otherwise I would have put you, like Ivanushka, on a shovel - and straight into the oven!
TANYA. Don't be angry, grandma, we came to you for help.
BABA YAGA. Who will you be and what do you want from me?
TANYA. I'm Tanya, and this is Anton, my older brother. The New Year has come, it’s a pity there is no snow. This is because Koschey the Immortal stole Father Frost's magic staff. Now we need to take this staff from him and return it to Grandfather. Please help us find the way to Koshcheevo’s kingdom!
BABA YAGA. Listen, guys, I don’t advise you to go to him - it’s dangerous. I’ve known Koscheyushka since childhood. He's not to be trifled with.
ANTON. Yes, we ourselves know. But what would New Year be without snow?
BABA YAGA. And that's true! So be it, I will help you.

BABA YAGA is hiding in the window. Inside the hut there is a knock, a roar and the angry voice of BABA YAGA: “Where did I hit him?!” Finally the door opens and BABA YAGA comes out of the hut, holding a ball in her hands.

BABA YAGA. Here it is, my little ball, finally found. This ball is magical, it will lead you straight to Koshchei. I will give it to you on one condition. You understand, I live here alone in the wilderness, and I’m bored and sad. You will cheer up grandma by singing me a song about the New Year. If I like her, then so be it, get my ball. And if not, then get out of here as quickly as possible! Well, do you agree?
ANTON. Okay, Granny Yagulya, we will sing you a song that we ourselves invented, and the Hare will dance to it.
TANYA. Oh, where's the Bunny? Where did he go?
ANTON. So I knew it, I hid. Hey, Little Bunny, come out!
HARE (coming out from behind the tree). And I was collecting cones here...
BABA YAGA. Don't be afraid, scythe, I won't eat you!
TANYA. Bunny, we will sing, and you will dance!
ANTON and TANYA (singing).
The New Year is coming, it brings us happiness,
Open doors with a small key;
New Year will quietly knock on the window,
And the tree will light up with golden fire.
Let old year will take it with him
Our grievances and disobedience.
We can make a gift for our mother ourselves:
Let's give her love, care and attention!

BABA YAGA waves her handkerchief to the beat of the song, the HARE jumps.

BABA YAGA. Eh, good song! I haven't had this much fun in a long time! Here, hold the magic ball!
ANTON and TANYA (together). Thank you, Babushka Yaga!

ANTON throws a ball in front of him, all three go backstage. BABA YAGA waves a handkerchief after them. The lights go out, the scenery changes to “Koshcheevo Kingdom”. KOSCHEY Castle is visible at the back of the stage. In the foreground is a snow-covered garden. There are ice figurines of FOREST BEASTS in the garden. The lights come on, ANTON, TANYA and HARE come onto the stage.

ANTON. Wow, there's so much snow all around!
HARE. Friends, look at these animals!

TANYA approaches one of the ice figures, touches it and immediately withdraws her hand.

TANYA. Poor things, they are completely cold!

KOSHCHEY appears on stage. He's dressed in sports suit, he has a skull and crossbones painted on his suit. KOSCHEY hides a magic staff behind his back.

ANTON. Hello, uncle! Happy New Year! Do you happen to know how to find Koshchei the Immortal?
KOSHCHEY. I happen to know that it’s me, Koschey the Immortal!
ANTON. Wow! I imagined you a little differently! Are you really the real Koschey?
KOSHCHEY. Yes, it's real! Please call me Your Immortal Majesty. Who are you?
ANTON. My name is Anton, this is my sister Tanya, and this is our friend Zaichishka. We have come to you for Santa Claus's magic staff!
KOSHCHEY. What staff? Where? I didn't take anything!
ANTON. If you didn’t take it, then where did you get the snow?
TANYA. And why did the forest animals turn into ice?
KOSHCHEY. Why don't you like them so much? I think it's very original! Look how they sparkle!
TANYA. No, I feel very sorry for them, now they can neither run nor play!
HARE. Guys, Koshchei has a magic staff, he’s hiding it!
KOSCHEY (swinging his staff). Be quiet, Hare, or I'll freeze you in an instant!
ANTON. Your Immortal Majesty, why did you steal Santa Claus’ staff?
KOSHCHEY. I wanted only me to have snow! So that you can ski down the mountain alone and build snowmen!
KOSHCHEY (singing).

I will make everyone love me,
Now I own a magic staff!
No one can be scarier than me
And I will be able to conquer you with fear!


I have no enemies, because everyone is afraid of me.
I'll freeze everyone - get out of my way!
And I don’t care about everything, but I have to admit:
Who should I rule over, since everyone is running away?

I am a strong, formidable and immortal ruler!
Countless treasures have glorified me.
Is there anywhere else such a ruler -
After all, I can control even snow and blizzard!

TANYA. Grandfather Frost really asked for his staff to be returned to him!
KOSHCHEY. Okay, I'll give it to you if you guess my riddle. Agreed?
ANTON. Aren't you going to deceive us?
KOSHCHEY. I will not deceive you, I give my word to Koshchei the Immortal!
ANTON. We believe you. Riddle your riddle, Your Immortal Majesty!
KOSHCHEY. Listen. Ninety apples grew on a birch tree. A strong wind blew and ten apples fell. How much is left?
ANTON. Eighty!
KOSHCHEY. But no! If you don't guess correctly, you won't get the staff!
TANYA. Wait, I know the answer! Apples don't grow on birch trees.
KOSHCHEY. Right! But I will still have the magic staff. He's mine!
ANTON. You gave your word!
KOSHCHEY. So what of what he gave? My word, I want - I give, I want - I take!
ANTON. Well, Your Immortal Majesty, give us the staff, otherwise we will take it from you ourselves!
KOSHCHEY. Please tell me how strict he is! He'll take it!
TANYA. Your Immortal Majesty, Grandfather Frost ordered to give you this gift.

TANYA hands KOSHCHEY a package. KOSCHEY unfolds it and takes out an old teddy bear.

KOSHCHEY. That's great! This is my bear Tishka! I played with him back when kindergarten walked! Hey Santa Claus! Well done! It wouldn’t be a shame to give up a staff for such a gift! (Thoughtfully.) I, too, guys, was once as little as you... I remember how I rejoiced at the first snow as a child, and I want all the children on earth to be happy too!

KOSCHEY gives TANA the staff.

TANYA. Your Immortal Majesty, Uncle Koschey, please revive the forest animals!
KOSHCHEY. I cannot fulfill your request. I'm a bad wizard. To disenchant animals, you need a special spell, but I don’t know it. And anyway, I have to go.

KOSCHEY leaves.

HARE. And now what i can do? Will the poor things remain icy forever?
TANYA. We will turn to the good wizard for help! Let's all call Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden together!

Everyone calls in unison GRANDFATHER'S CLAUS and THE SNOW MAIDEN. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear from behind the scenes. Santa Claus carries a bag of gifts.

FATHER FROST. Friends, we are here.
TANYA. Grandfather Frost, here is your staff. Please help the forest animals, Koschey froze them!
FATHER FROST. Ay-yay-yay, how bad!

SANTA CLAUS hits the ground with his staff and casts a spell.


Come on, my magic staff,
Miraculous, healing!
Show your strength quickly
And bring all the animals to life!

FOREST BEASTS leave their places and surround GRANDFATHER CLAUS and THE SNOW MAIDEN.

SANTA CLAUS (untying the bag). Come on, granddaughter Snow Maiden, give gifts to everyone!

THE SNOW MAIDEN takes out all kinds of gifts from the bag and gives them to the FOREST ANIMALS. The HARE receives a large carrot, TANYA and ANTON receive a beautiful gingerbread house.

SNOW MAIDEN. To you, Tanyusha and Anton, Grandfather Frost and I give this gingerbread house. Thank you for returning the staff to us!

SANTA CLAUS hits the ground with his staff three times. Snowing. ANTON and TANYA laugh and shout: “Hurray! It is snowing!". A New Year's song is playing. All the characters are dancing. The song gradually fades away, the FOREST BEASTS run away from the stage.

FATHER FROST. Now it's time to say goodbye.
HARE. Guys, don’t forget our fairy-tale country even when you become adults.
SNOW MAIDEN. Goodbye, see you next year!
FATHER FROST. And now - let's go!

The lights go out. Cosmic music sounds. The scenery changes to "Children's room". The lights come on, the main characters are sleeping on the floor under the tree. Next to them lies an open book of fairy tales and a gingerbread house. ANTON and TANYA wake up and look around. TANYA runs to the window.

TANYA. Anton, look, it’s already morning and it’s snowing! A lot of snow!

ANTON picks up the gingerbread house.

ANTON. Tanyusha, look, a gift from Santa Claus!

TANYA approaches ANTON.

TANYA. This means that we didn’t dream all this and we really were in a fairyland!

A New Year's melody sounds and colored lights begin to flash on the tree. Children hold hands and spin.

Dedova Elena Petrovna

Music teacher, teacher of the first category

GBSOU boarding school in the village of Ilsky, Krasnodar Territory


Every year, in preparation for New Year's parties, I want to not only please children and parents, but also surprise them. I have accumulated a lot of material that may be useful to other teachers and cultural workers, especially if the number of artists is limited.

New Year's performance "Santa Claus's Magic Staff"



Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga


1 Picture

The curtain is closed.

The Crow flies out, playful, burring slightly.

Crow: Kar-kar-r! Bonjour! Orevoir! Guten Tag! Gut morning!

In short, hello, and if correct, then hello, guys!

I am the Black-sided Crow,
I love the dense forest
To everything in the blink of an eye
I'm showing interest!
And at the same time - a craftswoman
Spread rumors everywhere.
They say birds are talkative
You can't find it in the whole world.

(pause, Crow bows, expecting applause)
I love both heat and cold,
I am as light as the breeze
And besides, and besides
Forty are the most curious of all.
I won't yawn anywhere
I like to be on time everywhere,
And on New Year's Day
Be the first to arrive! Kar! Kar-r!

With blizzard, wind and frost
The winter holiday is coming to us.
And, of course, Santa Claus to us
He will bring gifts to everyone!
Tell me guys
What kind of holiday awaits us all?
Answer amicably, loudly,
We are celebrating... (all): New Year!

(ran down from the stage along the central steps to the tree)


Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
Like a beautiful maiden
In colorful toys,
What miracles!
I'll ask you guys
Can you give me the answer?
But think first
“Yes” answer or “No”.

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
And what about the painted balls and stars?
Perhaps oranges?
Funny and pink pigs?
Are the pillows down?
And honey gingerbread?
Are the galoshes shiny?
Are the candies real?

Well, guys! They said everything!
All the riddles have been solved!
I will reward you royally
I will give you a miracle fairy tale.

What? Don't believe me? Don't you know
That on New Year's Eve,
Whatever you want,
Everything will always happen
Does everything always come true?

The time has come for us to hit the road,
Take a peek into the fairy-tale world! Van, tu, fri!Carr!

The curtain opens.

(On the stage in one corner is the residence of Father Frost. There is a table, chairs, an imitation computer, a telephone, a fax machine, folders and papers are laid out.

In the other corner of the scene is Baba Yaga's refuge).

Sounds like “The Snow Maiden’s Song”

The Snow Maiden comes out singing (she is busy with gifts and toys).

Santa Claus comes out, fussing, running.

Father Frost :
On the threshold - New Year,
My head is spinning.
We have to be on time
Do everything, provide for it,
To celebrate this holiday
No worries and no hassle.
I'll use the old method:
I'll write an order for a year.
Hey! Snow Maiden, hurry up,
Stop entertaining the animals
We have a lot of things to do,
New Year is coming soon!
Snow Maiden:
Did you call, grandpa? What's happened?
Should I make some tea?
Father Frost:
Where have you gone?
I have no time to drink tea.
Get to work
I will dictate the order.
Don't idle around in the future,
My strict order to you!
Snow Maiden:
Don't grumble, because you're kind,
Tell me what you have in mind.

Father Frost:
What I say, write in detail.
Here, take a sheet of paper and a pen!
Snow Maiden:
Hey grandpa, I forgot that the courses
I walked with the computer
And I’ll tell you without force,
I passed everything with straight A's!

Father Frost:
My good girl, sit down,
And be patient
Listen, get to the heart of it all,
And write...
Snow Maiden:
Don't write, but type!
Father Frost:
Have it your way, go ahead!
Dial my order right away.

Father Frost dictates an order to the Snow Maiden, playing with his staff.
Father Frost:
1. All honest people must
Celebrate the New Year together.

Masks, dresses for carnival,
Make it super unprecedented
I will celebrate the holiday for everyone,
May the year be a success!
Everyone must want
Have fun dancing and singing
Smile and joke
Laugh, dance in circles.

2. All evil wickedness, terrible
I command with authority
Engage in education
That is, re-educate!
Become a decent people
Or for the New Year
I won't let anyone in
I'll freeze you, I won't forgive you!
My New Year's order
Print it out right away.
Call the Snowman
Let him prepare for the journey
My order is to spread it to everyone.

Snow Maiden:
Don't worry, grandfather, order
I'll fax it quickly.
And on the pager Snowman
I've been used to resetting for a long time
Your commands.
So you better get some rest
Watch TV.

The Snow Maiden leaves.

Santa Claus looks at his watch, yawns, and puts his staff next to him.

Santa Claus, looking behind the scenes:

How the clearing spreads out!
The snow lies like white fluff.
And it’s still early for the holiday,
And the bed beckons you to lie down like that.
Yes, I think I'll lie down
Let me take a nap for an hour or two,
But I'll set the alarm clock
Wake me up, my friend.

(Sets the alarm clock, leaves, yawning, forgetting the staff)

2 Picture
Crow: Car-r! Do you recognize me?
Here I fly through the forest,
I collect gossip everywhere.
More curious than a crow
Can't be found in the entire area.
I'll stick my beak everywhere
And I'm flying home soon.

I see Santa Claus lying
Lounged, fast asleep.
Threw away the staff and snores
So whole forest trembling!

Whoever you want, come
Take the magic staff.
We've waited! Someone is coming
He's having a strange conversation.
I’d rather hide behind a spruce tree,
Let me see what kind of animal it is.

The crow is hiding behind the Christmas tree. Baba Yaga and the Devil enter the clearing.

Baba Yaga: Damn, I'm tired of you!
You've eaten all my baldness.
What do you need a comb for?
It's like doing your hair!
Hair in three rows
And they are not always combed.

Crap: Soon it will be New Year,
People will dress up.
Look, I'm dressing up,
I'll be your groomsman.

Song of the Devil

Baba Yaga: Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!

Just look, what fun!
A groom has been found for me.
Have you even washed your face this morning?
I am beautiful, young,
I am Yagusya, no matter where!
This morning I went to the bathhouse,
I just twirled the curlers.

Crap: Stop laughing at me!
Come on, stop laughing!
Or you’ll grab him in the forehead with a stick,
There will be a lesson for you!

The devil grabs a magic staff and swings at Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Why did you wave? Better look at what he grabbed by the stick. This is the magic staff of Santa Claus.

Crap: Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me what I use to heat you up?

Baba Yaga: What are you, your head is stupid! Yes, with this staff we can do such things! And them!

Crap: Wow! Your truth, Yagusya. Now I’ll conjure myself something. You still won’t get any gifts from Grandfather. I'll do something nasty to him now. (waves staff)

Crow runs out (in a rag).

Baba Yaga: Well, I got home, Copperfield is unhappy. Focused!
Crap: Stop swearing, Yaga. Let's find out what kind of miracle came to us.
Hey you, Miracle Yudo! Who are you? What has come to our forest?
Crow: Hello! We've arrived. He himself waved a stick here, and now he’s still asking. I'm a crow in person (takes off the rag). Kar - r...

Baba Yaga (laughs): Here's your New Year's gift! The bride is a match for you, as unwashed and unkempt as you are.

Crow: But, but, be careful, Yaga, bone leg!
Baba Yaga: Is it me?
Crow: You.
Baba Yaga: There's something wrong with your eyes. Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I’m just a smart, beautiful, young Yaguska.

Song of Baba Yaga
At the end of the song, Baba Yaga coughed.

Crow: Yes, it’s high time for you, young Yaguska, to retire and warm your bones on the stove. (laughs)
Baba Yaga: Oh, Crow, I am the most enviable bride in our forest.
Crap: Girls, don't quarrel. Look, what a beauty! With a magic staff, we will arrange for ourselves the holiday we need. The real Zlydnin New Year!
Crow: What kind of Zlydnin New Year is this? I haven't heard of this.
Baba Yaga: Eh, young and green. This means that we will gather all the evil spirits and celebrate the New Year with close friends. It’s not a sin to dress up for this occasion!
“Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?”

(game moment with kids)
Together: People will have fun
It will be Zlydnin's New Year! (Go backstage)

The alarm clock is ringing.

Santa Claus comes out, stretches and groans.

Father Frost: Eh, I had a good rest. It's time to get ready for the holiday. The kids must have been waiting for grandpa. Oh, where is this my working tool, the magic staff? Snow Maiden! Granddaughter!

Crow flies out
: Kar! Kar! What? Did he quickly drop the people's property? The forest evil spirits have seized your staff! Kar! Shame!
Father Frost: (shaking head): Oh, I'm an old fool, with a hole in my head!
Left the magic staff unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I’ll find it myself. But where to look for him, where to go?

Crow: Santa Claus, don't be upset! Look how many friends we have! Guys, can you help us?
Come on, kids, help, show Santa Claus the way to the staff! I will ask you questions, and you will gesture, silently show! Kar!

Game - questions:-Who stole the staff?

D.frost: Hare? Bull? Spider-Man? What, did you run away?

How did you escape?

By ski? On a steam locomotive? By plane? On rollerskates?

Crow: I guessed wrong again! On foot!

Where did you run?

Father Frost: There? Right? To the left? Where, there?

Father Frost: Children, you are all great! But where should I go?

Crow: Eh, they can’t do anything without me. I know, I know…

Father Frost: What?

Crow: I know! I know, and that's all!

(Baba Yaga looks out from one of the scenes, waves her staff, manipulates the staff)

Father Frost: What do you know? Do not be silent!

Crow: I know how to find the staff!

Father Frost: Speak!

Crow: But you still never listen to me, and you never believe me... I won’t say.

(The Devil looks out from another wing and runs across the stage, riding a staff)

Father Frost: Well, Voronushka is our beauty, don’t you really want there to be a real holiday, for the Christmas tree to light up with bright lights?

(appeals to conscience)

Crow: Well, okay, what can you do? So be it, I’ll say it.

Father Frost: Well?!

Crow: Well, don’t you remember fairy tales? About this...about the cobblestone, on which it is always written where to go when you don’t know the way.

Father Frost: And what?

Crow: There, near the traffic light, lies a beautiful cobblestone, like a stone. So it says there: You will go to the right... Well, go, go...

Crow:… You won't find anything.

Santa Claus stops

Crow: You'll go left...Go, grandpa...

Santa Claus turns to go.

Crow: … You will be left without a hat...

Santa Claus stops and goes back.

Father Frost: So where should I go? You've completely confused me.

Crow: How to where? Straight, straight, without turning anywhere. There, on the cobblestones, it’s written just like that: if you go straight, you’ll find the staff.

Father Frost: So why didn’t you say so right away?

Crow: Because! Why didn’t you say so? Did you all hear? I said! Kar!

Father Frost: You guys, don’t be bored, and play with Vorona.

You, Vorona, don’t be naughty, but look after the children.

Santa Claus is leaving.

Crow: Kar! Did you hear what Santa Claus said? Stand in a circle, I will teach you how to dance the leg dance.

At the end of the verse, everyone raises their right leg, claps their hands under it and loudly shouts “Ham”!

"Dance of Hams"

Crow: Well done, you dance well! Oh, what's that glittering there? (runs away)

Baba Yaga and the Devil run out singing. She is with a sled, he is with a staff.

Game - “Repetition” with children.

Crap: Hey guys, don’t yawn, follow Baba Yaga’s steps!

Baba Yaga: How is this? Didn't understand!

Crap: And like this! Guys, repeat!

(The devil waves his staff, Baba Yaga shows the movements, the children repeat)

Crap: Eh, good! Funny!

Baba Yaga: Give me the staff here. My turn to do magic has come.
Let my old friend come
It will frighten everyone.
He will rattle his bones,
And all the people will be surprised.
Come here, Koschey,
My dear villain!
(Roar, noise)

Crow flies out.
Baba Yaga: I did not really understand. Ugh, damn it. What the heck?

Crap: I'm sorry, what?

Baba Yaga: I say: ugh, what's going on? Something happened to the staff.

Crap: A defective one was probably slipped in.

Baba Yaga: I called Koshcheya, and here again this... Crow.

Crow: I will ask you... I would ask you...

Baba Yaga: Yes, ask - don’t ask... No way. The staff doesn't work.

Crap: Probably defective.

Crow: You yourself are defective. Learn how to cast magic.

The crow knocks with his staff, Baba Yaga and the Devil fall.

Crow: Oh, not like that. Now!

He knocks again.

Baba Yaga and the Devil fall in the other direction.

Crow: In general, this is what I decided:
I won't give you the staff
Go home.
Baba Yaga: Look at her: there’s no one to call her, but there’s no one to command!
Why don't you call him at all? I'm a crow.
Crap: It can be seen. Give me the staff here and get out of here!
Crow: I won’t give it up, he knocks with his staff.

(the devil snatches the staff from Crow’s hands)

The Devil's phone is ringing.

Crap: Hello baby! Quiet. Kiki, is that you? Yes Yes. What? Worms in a tomato? Ball in the swamp? I? No, not busy. I’m always free for you... I’m already running. I won't miss this.

(Addressing Crow and Baba Yaga):

How's my congratulations look?

I'm beautiful from birth!

Baba Yaga straightens his clothes.

I ran to the swamp.

There new year carnival.(The devil leaves).

Crow: Come on, give me the staff! Kar! Kar!
Baba Yaga: I won’t let you, fly out of here, feathered one, before I turn you into a grilled chicken! (they snatch the staff from each other)

Santa Claus comes out:
Father Frost: Ah, there you are! So you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys and me? Will not work. Come on, stop fooling around. Give me the magic staff!
Baba Yaga: Why are we scared to give it away? Use it, give it to others. You are not the only one to create miracles.
Crow: You shouldn't make so much noise, grandpa. You have to deal with evil spirits in an amicable way.

Baba Yaga: Now, if you play with us and win against us...Then we’ll see.
Crow: Well, at my command Baba Yaga runs in this direction, and Santa Claus in the other. Whoever takes the chair the fastest is the winner!

Game "Take a Chair"

(one chair is placed, whoever takes the chair faster, Baba Yaga or Santa Claus)

Baba Yaga runs along with the chair.

Father Frost: So, lady, it seems to me that you are cheating.

Crow: Yes, that's not fair. I have a good, simply amazing game.

Look, you see these beautiful pots. I will put this item in one of them. Your task is to guess where he is! So.

Game “Twist and turn, I want to deceive”

(The crow turns over three pots, Santa Claus and the children must guess where the object is. The game is played three times).

Father Frost: I suspect something is wrong. It can’t be that you don’t guess right even once. Well, open the pots! Empty!

They open it, it’s empty.

Crow: Well, yes, it’s empty, yes, but what did you want?

Baba Yaga: Okay, enough frolicking, now let's play like adults!
Game "Locomotive"
(everyone clings to the train, closes the circle, the heroes are with them, the music stops - everyone crouches.)

Father Frost: Well done boys. But you are not very good. Come here.

(addresses Crow and Baba Yaga, goes to the stage, Crow with Baba Yaga behind him)

Father Frost: And now I will tell you three riddles. If you guess them, the staff is yours, and if not, then you give the staff to me. Agreed?
Baba Yaga: Agreed. But it’s a piece of cake for us to guess the riddles.
Crow: Be careful not to be left without a staff forever!
Baba Yaga: Make your own riddles. We'll crack them like nuts now!
Father Frost: The first riddle. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.
Baba Yaga:
Well, I made a wish! Who doesn't know this? There it is, Crow! She has put a bunch of rags on herself, but not a single one has buttons, because she is a slob and dirty.
Crow: But - but, take it easy...
Father Frost: But this is wrong. What is this, guys? Right! Cabbage.
Riddle two:
Eat-ate oak, oak.
Broke a tooth, tooth.
Crow: Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga. Yesterday she missed a good fellow, so she began to gnaw the oak tree out of hunger. Now she walks around toothless.

Baba Yaga slaps Crow on the head. The crow caws.
Father Frost: And you haven't solved this riddle. What is this, guys? Of course! It's a saw.
Baba Yaga: Give me the third riddle.
Father Frost: The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat. Whoever undresses him sheds tears.
Baba Yaga: So this is Santa Claus!
Crow: Why so?
Baba Yaga: Look at him. Is he a grandfather?
Crow: Well, grandfather.
Baba Yaga: Dressed in a fur coat in winter and summer?
Crow: Well, dressed.
Baba Yaga: It’s just passion to look at him in a fur coat, but when he takes it off, you’ll definitely cry – skin and bones, guess what?
Father Frost: Well, your answer?

Together: Father Frost!
Father Frost: No, that's not right. You haven't solved a single riddle. Our kids know the answer to this riddle! That's right, onion. So hand over the staff as agreed.
Baba Yaga: Oh, hilarious! And where did you, old man, see that it was possible to come to an agreement with evil spirits?

Father Frost: Well, we’ll have to use a trick. Guys, let's all create a blizzard together. Let's all blow hard on them. Three four!

Everybody blows (music), Crow and Baba Yaga fly off stage, the staff lies.

Father Frost:(raising the staff) It’s time to start the holiday, and call the Snow Maiden!

Well, let’s all call the Snow Maiden together! Three four!

All children call Snegurochka.

The Snow Maiden is led out by Raven and Baba Yaga.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Hello, grandpa.

Father Frost: Hello, Snow Maiden! (addresses the evil spirits). And what are you doing here?

Snow Maiden: Don’t scold them, grandfather, I lost my way, and they helped me find the way.

Baba Yaga and Crow: We read your decree and corrected ourselves “once”!

Father Frost: Well then, stay at the party and behave yourself.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, why isn’t this Christmas tree lit up with bright lights?

Father Frost: Let's shout together: “One, two, three,
Our Christmas tree, burn!!!” (Light up the Christmas tree).

Snow Maiden: We'll have a great New Year with you!

We invite everyone to a friendly round dance!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, haven’t you frozen anyone yet today?

Well, guys, get ready. Here is grandpa's mitten, quickly pass it on to each other. Whoever doesn't make it in time will be frozen by grandpa!

Game "I'll freeze"

Snow Maiden: How well done our guys are! Are you tired, grandpa? Sit down and relax. And you, beautiful girls, what will you please us with at this festive hour?

Baba Yaga: And we know how to dance, so that the pines will tremble.

Crow: Repeat after us the friendly dance “Tara - Bars”!

Crow and Baba Yaga play a game - dance (by show)

Snow Maiden: Well done! And now, guys, who prepared a poem or song for grandpa and me, come over.

Father Frost: Yes, guys, I've been waiting for our meeting all year!
Children read poetry.

Issuing gifts.

Father Frost: Good for you guys
But it's time for us to leave.
Snow Maiden: This holiday is New Year's
We will never forget.
Baba Yaga: Learn, grow,
And may the New Year
Together: Success and joy
It will bring it to you!

"Santa Claus's Magic Staff"

Characters:Snow Maiden, children, Father Frost, Crow, Baba Yaga, Leshy, Gypsy, Eastern guest.

/ Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the tree in two circles. /

Snow Maiden:

In the radiant New Year's

Holiday lights

We welcome today

All the gathered friends.


With blizzard, wind and frost

The winter holiday is coming to us.

And, of course, Santa Claus will bring us gifts!

Snow Maiden:

Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly,

We are meeting…

Children: New Year!

Song “Happy New Year” words and music by Elizarov

Children take turns:

1. And again, as nature tells everyone,

The past year is leaving the planet

The New Year is in a hurry to replace it,

And the New Year holiday opens.

2. The cheerful hall shines today,

Sparkling with many lights.

On a noisy New Year's holiday

Warmly invites guests.

3. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys.

4. Christmas tree, we've been waiting for you

Many, many days, nights.

We counted the minutes

To see quickly

5. How the needles sparkle

Winter miracle silver,

How I wrapped your branches

Grandfather Frost with a snowball.

6. Like an invisible hand

Someone decorated the Christmas tree

And, like Cinderella from a fairy tale,

Turned me into a queen.

7. Let's hold hands together,

Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let us smile at our dear guest,

Let's sing the song joyfully.

Song "Swept up by a blizzard" Music. and words by O. Pivovarova

Children sit on chairs

Snow Maiden:

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

Like a girl - beauty,

In colorful toys!

What miracles!

I'll ask you guys,

And you give me the answer!

But think first

Answer “Yes” or “No”.

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?

And what about the painted balls and stars?

Are the pillows down?

Honey gingerbread?

Orange oranges?

Pink pigs?

Are the galoshes shiny?

Are the candies real?

Well, guys! They said everything!

All the riddles have been solved.

I will reward you royally

I will give you a miracle fairy tale.

What? Don't believe me? Don't you know

That on New Year's Eve,

Whatever you want,

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

The time has come for us to hit the road,

Take a peek into the fairy-tale world.

Snow Maiden:

Soon, soon New Year,

But Santa Claus still doesn’t come.

Maybe he got lost

Maybe he lost his way?

I'll go look for him

You'll have to wait.

Music sounds, Santa Claus comes in, walks around the Christmas tree, admires it New Year's outfit. Looks at his watch.

D.M.: How beautifully the meadow spreads out!

The snow lies like white fluff.

It’s too early for me to go to kindergarten,

And the clearing beckons you to sleep.
I think I'll lie down here,

Let me take a nap for an hour or two,

But I'll set the alarm clock

Wake me up, my friend!

D.M. puts down the staff, sits down, falls asleep and snores loudly. A crow flies into the clearing.


Carrrr! Did you recognize the crow?

Here I fly through the forest,

I collect rumors everywhere.

More curious than a crow

Can't be found in the entire area.

I'll stick my beak everywhere

And I'm flying home soon!

Sees D.M. sleeping.

Look! Santa Claus lies
Stretched out, fast asleep
Threw away the staff and snores

So that the whole forest is shaking!

Whoever you want, come

Take your grandfather's staff!

(Listens)Well, we've waited! Someone's coming! I'd better hide behind

I’ll take a Christmas tree and see who brought it to our forest....)

He flies away, Baba Yaga and Leshy enter.

B.Ya.: How are you, Leshy is tired!

You've eaten all my baldness.

What do you need a comb for?

It's like getting your hair done!

Hair in three rows

And they are not always combed.


Soon it will be New Year,

People will dress up.

Here, sh

Look, I'll dress up,

I'll be your groomsman.


Oh! I'm dying of laughter now!

Crows, look, this is fun!

A groom has been found for me.

Have you even washed your face this morning?

I am beautiful, young,

I am Yagusya anywhere.


Stop laughing at me!

Come on, stop laughing!

He grabs the staff and swings at B.Ya.

B.Ya.: Why did you wave? Better look at what he grabbed by the stick. This is the magic staff of Santa Claus.

Leshy: Well, the staff. And what?

What difference does it make to me?

B.Ya. : What are you talking about, Leshenka? Yes, with this staff we can do such things!

And them!

Goblin: You're right, Yagusya. I'll do something bad for him now.

Let's conjure some magic so that real world-famous artists appear here.(Waves his staff) Shushara-mushara-scat!

Tynets "Sleigh".

B.Ya.: What are these folk artists? These are some little ones. Well, get out of here.

Now I will do magic. I'll do something like this for them, I'll ruin their holiday.

Leshy: Exactly, let's ruin everyone's holiday. Otherwise everyone is waiting for Father Frost and Snow Maiden. And we are never invited.

B.Ya.: Shushara - mushara - shoot!

A gypsy woman and girls come out to the music. (Gypsy dance)

Gypsy: Hello dear guests! Hello guys! Happy New Year! And I can tell who dreams of what gift(one by one looks at the children’s hand and guesses. Looks at the hand of the last child and says): Yes, you want to play.

Game: "Ice cream".

Goblin: We're done focusing! They wanted to ruin the holiday, but they were having more and more fun.

B.Ya.: Let's go into the forest with a staff and practice. We will arrange a holiday for them.

They leave. The alarm clock is ringing. D.M. He wakes up and looks for the staff. A crow flies out from behind the tree.

Crow: Kar! What? Did you miss the people's property? Your staff Leshy and B.Ya. They took it with them. Kar! Flies away.

D.M.: (Shaking his head)Oh, I'm old, my head has a hole. Left my staff unattended. A-i-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I’ll find it myself. Come on, Dwarves, hurry up and show Father Frost the way to the staff.

Dance of the Dwarves. ( At the end of the dance D.M. leaves after the gnomes, the gnomes sit on chairs).

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.

Snow Maiden: I walked around the entire forest, and D.M. nowhere, where did he go?

Oh someone's coming!

Leshy and Baba Yaga enter the clearing.

Goblin: Well, now we will arrange a holiday for you.

Shushara - mushara - scat,

Koschey, come here.

The Eastern guest enters with the girls

B.Ya. Something happened to the staff.

Goblin: Yes, he is defective.

East G.

He warms bones in Egypt

And it’s melting in the sun there.

He said hello to you

He sent me to you with a dance.

East Dance

B.Y: Yes, I can dance like that too. Just think, they were surprised. Did Koschey give you a New Year’s gift?

Vost.G.: Of course I did. ABOUT! Takes out felt boots

There is a pair of felt boots for you,

The speedboats are top class!

So that your feet don’t get cold, and run along the road.

Wear at least one of them

You'll be running all day.

Goblin: Let's try these felt boots on the children.

B.Ya.: Guys, do you want to run in our runners? Then listen.

You need to wear one felt boot,

Run around the Christmas tree.

And come back here quickly.

Does everyone understand the task?

Relay race with felt boots.

And another surprise for you,

Do you want it or don't you want it?

Overseas robbers are visiting.

Robbers' dance to the tune of "The Ataman's Song" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians" music. G. Gladkova

Goblin: Now it’s my turn to cast magic.

Pulling the staff in different directions

B.Ya.: I won’t give the staff to anyone, go home.

A crow arrives.

Crow: Here they are, my dears! They cannot share someone else's goods. Kar! Kar!

We're all caught, gentlemen.

Santa Claus is coming here.

He got angry with you

It will turn into ice floes now.

B.Ya.: Well, fly out of here, shoo!

Crow: Nightmare! Who do you have to deal with? Flies away.

Snow Maiden: Guys, I think it's time to call Santa Claus.

Let him come quickly and restore order here. Let's call him together. Father Frost!!!

The children call Santa Claus. His voice can be heard from afar.

D.M.: Oh-ho-ho! I'm coming, I'm coming, guys!

Leshy and B.Ya. are scared.

Goblin: Why are you upset? Have you forgotten that we have a magic staff?!

What we are afraid of, we want - and we ourselves will turn it into an ice floe.

B.Ya.: Exactly!

Santa Claus enters.

D.M . I am a gray-haired, ruddy grandfather,

Guys, I am many years old!

In January and February

I walk on the earth.

I'm just getting out of bed,

Snowstorms are rising.

How I shake my sleeve -

The sun will be covered with snow.

But now I'm very kind

And I'm friends with the guys,

I won't freeze anyone

I won't give anyone a cold.

Snow Maiden:

Happy New Year to everyone,

We wish you happiness, friends!

We will celebrate the holiday with a round dance,

Fun, undisguised joy.

Song “New Year at the Gate” lyrics and music by E. Luchnikov

/ The children sat down /

D.M.: Well done, you made Santa Claus happy. Only now a misfortune happened to me, Leshy, B.Ya. They stole my magic staff. Have you seen them by any chance?

Children answer, D.M. turns around, sees Leshy and B.Ya.

D.M.: Ah, there you are! So you decided to ruin the holiday for the guys and me?

Will not work. Come on, stop fooling around. Give me the magic staff.

B.Ya.: We won't give it up! Use it, give it to others. You are not the only one to create miracles.

D.M.: Give the staff back kindly.

Goblin: Okay, D.M., don’t make noise, it’s better to play with us. If you win, then we'll see.

Game "Take a Chair"

A chair is placed near the tree. Two people compete; on command they run around the tree. Kikimora and B.Ya. defeat D.M.

D.M.: It's not interesting to play with you, you're cheating.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's help Santa Claus return his magic staff. B.Ya., come on, compete with the guys.

D.M.: Well done, granddaughter, and I’ll sit on the chair and watch them so that they don’t cheat.

A game is being played with children. Children always win.

B.Ya.: Oh, I can’t, they run too fast.

Goblin: Well, who wants to measure strength with me?

D.M.: Well, we lost. Give me the staff.

B.Ya.: Oh, it's hilarious. Where have you seen that it was possible to come to an agreement with evil spirits?

They laugh and tease.

D.M.: So you don’t want to be honest. OK. Look, B.Ya., who is that flying in your mortar?

B.Ya.: Where? Who dared to climb into my mortar?

Turns around where D.M., D.M. points. takes the staff from her.

D.M.: Violent winds fly,

Catch the forest villains

Spin it, spin it,
Get away from here.

B.Ya. and Leshy circle and run away.

D.M.: They have nothing to do at our holiday. It's time for joy.

Dance of snowflakes.

Snow Maiden:

We came to the decorated Christmas tree,

We've been waiting so long to meet her.

Let's join hands

Let's start our holiday quickly.

Song " Colorful toys", music, lyrics. Unknown author, sample E. Filippova.


Oh my legs are tired

Well, I’ll sit down and sit.

I'll take a look at the guys.

Snow Maiden: No no no! It's not time to sleep

Time to play with us.

D.M.: Come on, kids, make friends,

Show me your hands.Children extend their hands.

Since they didn’t let me sleep, I’ll freeze you guys.

Game “I’ll Freeze” Music by M. Kartushina

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandfather, take a rest from the journey, and the children will tell you poems.

Children's poems.

Girls' song about the New Year.

They enter to the music. Leshy and B.Ya.

D.M.: Are you here again?

Goblin: Forgive us grandpa, we will improve, believe me...

D.M.: Well, shall we forgive them?

Children: Yes!

B.Ya. and Leshy: Let's not be bored, we'll have fun playing.

Snow Maiden:

Everyone knows on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift.

For someone in the morning Santa Claus

He brought them in a large basket.

But good luck here for you too

Santa Claus has gifts in store.

Santa Claus is looking for a bag.

D.M.: Can't be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden: How can you not find it? He was standing there under the Christmas tree!

D.M.: He stood there, but now he’s gone! (they go looking)

Snow Maiden:

No, the bag is not visible here.

Grandfather, what a shame!

Will the children really leave the holiday without gifts?

The goblin drags a big bag

D.M. unties the bag, Baba Yaga jumps out.

D.M.: What are you doing here, hooligan?

Yaga and Leshy: Well, we just wanted to joke.

Goblin: We also want a present, at least a tiny one. ( arms wide)

Yaga: Can I give out gifts?

Santa Claus: Well, help us.

Yaga: (takes it out of the bag)

Well, gifts, a feast for the eyes, it’s impossible to take your eyes off. Now I'll show them to you.(gets it)

1) Here is the dress. Almost new, I wore it in my youth when I was a beauty.

2) Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she has lost weight, but she is still good.

3) And here is a frying pan to fry the guys.(comes to his senses, waves his arms)No no. I wanted to say something else. Now, if you clean it, you can look like a mirror.

Do you like my gifts?

Children: No!

Father Frost: What kind of gifts are these? Where are they from?

Yaga: Once I wanted to be kind and didn’t please.

Father Frost: Okay, I'll help you. Step away from the bag. Guys, I will say magic words, and you will repeat them after me.

A miracle will happen in the New Year.

There will be a lot of gifts here

Wish everyone well on the holiday

Get our gift!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden handing out gifts

Father Frost:

We wish everyone success in the New Year,

More cheerful, loud laughter.

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

So that everyone around you laughs together.

All characters:

Happy New Year!

Characters: presenter, Father Frost, Leshy, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden - adults;

Entrance to the hall Dance “It’s cold, my hands are frozen”
In a shiny outfit, curvy and slender
The beautiful Christmas tree stands by the window.
Outside, a blizzard is sweeping snowdrifts,
The New Year is ruddy and frosty.

Children: 1. No better than a gift, more desirable and beautiful,
We admire you, the long-awaited one.
Beauty is our beloved Christmas tree,
Green tree of white winter.

2. The blizzard swept the hillocks,
Snow swirls at the gate.
A Christmas tree comes to every home -
New Year is coming.

3. This holiday is in the whole world
Adults and children love it.
Songs are heard everywhere,
People dance and laugh.

Round dance “New Year is knocking on the door”
The clock is striking twelve and it is dark outside.
Do you hear someone quietly knocking on the window?
The gate creaked - it's New Year!
He leads the story with him by the hand...

Baba Yaga and Leshy enter the hall accompanied by modern music
Baba Yaga hums and dances.

Goblin: You, Yaga, have been hanging out in front of the mirror for weeks, she’s getting ready for a beauty contest. I found a beauty, so did I! Where did I put my comb again?!

Yaga : Leave me alone, Leshy, I didn’t take your comb! And why do I need it?

Goblin: And I said, I took it, I saw you hiding something in your pocket. ( reaches into Yaga's pocket)

Yaga: What are you doing, what are you doing! Help, they're robbing!

Goblin: How can I give this snag now! ( grabs the staff)

Yaga: What?! Oh, what do you have?

Goblin: (examines himself) Where?

Yaga: Yes, in your hands? This is Santa Claus' staff. What is he doing here?

Goblin: Well, a staff, so what? Santa Claus is already old, he walks with a stick, but what good does he do to us?

Yaga: Wow! Don't you know that this staff is magical? He can fulfill any desire. Where do you think Santa Claus gets gifts for the kids? He waves his staff right and left, and they appear.

Goblin: YES?! Well, now I'll do some magic. You won't get a gift from Santa Claus. So, what should we do? I wish I could eat something, I haven’t eaten anything since last year.

Yaga: You just want to fill your belly. No, it's too simple. You need something like this for a real miracle to happen. It's kind of boring how we live.

Goblin: And I know. We need to bring some artists here.

Yaga: Come on, come on, do some magic, call the artists.
Leshy and Yaga cast a spell, waving their staffs, and the artists come out.

DANCE "Barbariki"
Goblin: Okay, how...

Yaga: Listen, we need to get out, otherwise Santa Claus will come soon and take the staff away from us, then we won’t be able to conjure anything.
Leshy and Baba Yaga run away with the staff.

Presenter: Heard it, guys. We need to help Santa Claus rescue his staff. What can we come up with? Let's call the Snow Maiden, she will advise us something. Let's shout together, Snow Maiden!
Music sounds, children clap, Snow Maiden enters the hall

Snow Maiden:
Winter is not a threat,
I'm not afraid of a blizzard!
Granddaughter of Santa Claus
I'm called Snegurochka!
Hello guys!
Which beautiful tree! But why doesn't it burn? Let's all say together, guys: “Come on, Christmas tree, buckle up! Come on, Christmas tree, smile!”
Children talk, the tree lights up

Presenter: Oh, yes, the Christmas tree is beautiful.

Snow Maiden: Guys, stand in a circle,
The music calls to the Christmas tree.
Hold your hands tighter.
Let's start the round dance!
Round dance “Fluffy Christmas tree”

Snow Maiden: Why did you call me, did something happen?
(children talk about Baba Yaga and Leshy)

Presenter (you can help the children if necessary): Baba Yaga and Leshiy found Father Frost’s staff and stole it. What to do now?

Snow Maiden: Here are the pranksters! We urgently need to call Grandfather Frost. But Santa Claus won't come just like that. This is the letter he wrote to you and passed on to me ( passes the letter to the presenter).

Presenter (is reading): “My dear children!
Girls and boys!
I'm on my way, I'm on my way,
There's only a little time left to come to you.
But there is only such an agreement,
So that adults: dads, moms, grandmothers - everyone at the threshold!
They don't believe that I exist in the world
And only small children love me!
See you my dear friends!
Children's favorite - Santa Claus - it's me!

Leading: Wow, what a strange letter. It turns out that moms and dads need to be taken out of the hall? Oh, how can we be here? Need to come up with something. Maybe we can hide them under the covers?

Snow Maiden: No, he will guess.

Leading: What to do?…

Snow Maiden: What if we dress them like little children? Tie bows, put on caps and masks...

Leading: Good idea! Let's turn our parents into children again! ( parents are given caps and bows, etc.)

Snow Maiden: In the meantime, our mothers and fathers are reincarnated, I want to sing and dance with you and wish you a Happy New Year!
With winter snowy weather,
Happy clear days
With skis, skates,
With a white blizzard,
With a New Year's tree.

SONG “Winter Picture” or “Winter Fun”

Snow Maiden: Now guess my winter riddles:
On the windows at night blue
Sparkles with patterns... (Frost)

There's a bucket on my head,
I have a carrot nose.
Stay in order all winter
I'm watching in the yard.
With ember eyes
I look around. (Snowman)

We take sticks, stand on boards,
We walk in the snow and don’t get tired. (Skis)

Racing along the river
In winter they run... (Skates)

They're crawling up after me,
They're taking me down. (Sled)

Along the winter path
Crumbs scattered:
White, crispy,
But not real ones. (Snow)

Leading: We know poems about winter,
We'll read them for you.

Children: It’s winter again, it’s white again, there are snowdrifts all around.
As if with white fur, the houses are covered with snow.

It's winter, frosty.
You can freeze your nose.

We are not afraid of frost
And we’re not angry about winter

If it's cold to walk,
Let's dance merrily.
Dance “Oh, they’re flying, snowflakes are flying”

Snow Maiden: Well, while we were singing and dancing, moms and dads are ready for the holiday! You can call Santa Claus too!

Children: Father Frost! Father Frost!

Santa Claus speaks from behind the door.
Father Frost: I hear you! I hear you! I hear you!
I'm going down to your roof!
Wait, little people!
Oops, I got into trouble here!
This is probably your kitchen.
There are pancakes and porridge!
And I see kvass in the can...
I’ll take a sip and you’ll have me!
(enters the hall)
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Like my friends I'm glad
What's on your holiday
I only met guys!
(Santa Claus notices that there are small children and older ones)

Leading: And our chefs cook so well that children grow up very quickly.

Father Frost: Stand up, guys.
Everyone is about to dance in a circle,
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you.
Round dance “We have been waiting for you for so long”

Father Frost: How much fun you have, well, let’s continue to have fun, sing songs, play games! Where's my staff? (Children tell)
Baba Yaga and Leshim enter the hall

Yaga: What did you conjure again!? Why do we need soft and fluffy bunnies?
(waves staff) Well, why are you so clumsy?

Goblin: Yes, I can do this... Give me the staff! ( are fighting)

Snow Maiden: (comes out from behind the tree) Here they are - darlings, they organized a circus, they won’t share other people’s goods.

Goblin: Who are you?

Yaga: What are you doing? ( pushes to the side) This is Snegurochka, the granddaughter of Father Frost and Father Frost himself.

Father Frost: Give me my staff quickly!

Goblin: What should we give you? No Santa Claus can work miracles. Use it, give it to others, now we have this...Democracy, equality means, here.

Father Frost : Aren’t you ashamed?!

Yaga: And not at all ashamed! I lost it myself - it’s my own fault! I should have taken better care of my stuff!

Presenter: Wait! We consulted with the guys and decided: let’s organize a competition. If you win, then the staff is yours, but if we win, then give it back.

Leshy and Yaga: (consult) We agree!

Snow Maiden: I have just now
There's one game for you.
On these winter days
Let's run a race.
Who doesn't tremble with fear?
Who will run with me?

Game "Who is faster" (In felt boots around the Christmas tree)
Baba Yaga and Leshiy lose.

Game "Catch a Snowball"
They play in pairs, one stands with a bucket, the second with snowballs,
whose pair will have more snowballs in the bucket.
Baba Yaga and Leshy play with the children -
they don't get a single snowball into the bucket.
Presenter: You lost again, give up the staff!

Yaga: Well, here's another! Let's have another competition...

Snow Maiden: Okay, we'll tell you three riddles, ready.

Goblin: Well, we can solve riddles in no time.

Yaga: Yes, tell your riddles.

1 child: A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. So, what is this?

Goblin: This is what I wished for, who doesn’t know this? This is disgusting. She has put a bunch of rags on herself, but not a single one has buttons, because she is a slob and dirty.

1 child: But no. This is cabbage.

Yaga: Okay, give me another riddle!

2nd child: She ate, ate oak, oak, broke a tooth, a tooth.

Goblin: Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga. Yesterday she missed the Good Fellow, so she started gnawing on the oak tree out of hunger, and now she walks around toothless.

2nd child: Did not guess! It's a saw!

Goblin: Let's have a third riddle!

3rd child: The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat, and whoever undresses him sheds tears.

Goblin: Is this Santa Claus or what?

Leading: Why?

Goblin: Ah, that’s the fur coat he has, try it, take it off, it’ll freeze him.
Leading: No, that's wrong. You haven't solved a single riddle. Give back the staff as agreed.

Yaga: And take it, we don’t need it at all.
They lower their heads, apologize, ask for forgiveness, ask to celebrate with the children.

Goblin: We will improve, believe me,
We will start a new life!
We will be kinder, better
Every hour, every day!

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's forgive them and take them to our holiday?

Yaga and Leshy: Let's dance together
And let's dance on New Year's Day.

“A comic dance-game to show off heroes”

Father Frost: And now I invite everyone to play, and the magic staff will help us.
Game "Snowballs and Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden:
Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve
Each of us is waiting for a gift!
Santa Claus for someone in the morning
He brought them in a large basket.
But good luck here for you too
Santa Claus has gifts in store!

Father Frost (looking for a bag): Can't be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden: How can you not find it? He was standing there under the Christmas tree!

Father Frost: He stood there, but now he’s gone! ( walk and search)

Snow Maiden:
No, the bag is not visible here.
Grandfather, what a shame!
Will the children really leave the holiday without gifts?
The goblin drags a big bag
D.M. unties the bag, Baba Yaga jumps out

Father Frost: What are you doing here, hooligan?

Yaga and Leshy: Well, we just wanted to joke.

Goblin: We also want a gift, well, at least a very tiny one ( arms wide)

Yaga: Can I give out gifts?

Father Frost: Well, help us.

Yaga: (takes it out of the bag)
Well, gifts, a feast for the eyes that you can’t take your eyes off. Now I'll show them to you ( enough)
1) Here is the dress. Almost new, I wore it in my youth when I was a beauty.
2) Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she has lost weight, but she is still good.
3) And here is a frying pan to fry the guys. (With grabs, waves his arms) No no. I wanted to say something else. Now, if you clean it, you can look like in a mirror.
Do you like my gifts?

Children: No!

Father Frost: What kind of gifts are these? Where are they from?

Yaga: Once I wanted to be kind and didn’t please.

Father Frost: Okay, I'll help you. Step away from the bag. Guys, you need to close your eyes, I will say magic words, and you will repeat them after me, and in the end we will blow like real wizards!
A miracle will happen on New Year's Day
There will be many gifts here.
Wish everyone well on the holiday
And sort out the gifts!
(at this time Baba Yaga and Leshy take out a bag of gifts and cover it with a large bag without a bottom. Children blow, open their eyes, Father Frost and Snow Maiden untie the big bag and hand out gifts

Father Frost:
We wish everyone success in the New Year,
More cheerful, loud laughter.
More cheerful friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together.
Happy New Year!
